Austin didnt just leave cause he had no story he also cant wrestle anymore so.... bye austin we shalt miss you. OH and that MIdian guy or w/e looks like they are giving taker somthin to fight
Austin didnt just leave cause he had no story he also cant wrestle anymore so.... bye austin we shalt miss you. OH and that MIdian guy or w/e looks like they are giving taker somthin to fight
It also looks like Austin and Goldberg are going to have a match of some kind in Japan. I'm not kidding, thats whats going aroud.
Well as i said, taker wants Midion back, probably has his deciple again.
ok since Backlash is just around the corner...Introducing: Outlaw88's Ric Flair Drinking Game!
Now since most of you are under 21, soda or water can be used..see I threw a caution in there, now you can't sue me if you get piss drunk and someone catches you! I just made this up, but there is a good chance there is somwthing like this, so yeah...
Take 1 drink if: Flair does a chop-(boy are you gonna have to piss later)
Take 1 drink if: Someone chops flair
Take 2 drinks if: Whoo is heard, and yes the crowd counts.
take 2 drinks if: a backdrop is used
take 3 drinks if: Flair bleeds
take 1 drink if: a thumb to the eye is used
take 4 drinks if: flair plays coward/scared and his opponent falls for it
Take 2 drinks if: St any time :Dirtiest player in the game" is mentioned
Take 1 drink if: Evolution runs in
take 3 drinks if: the Figure four is used
Take 5 drinks if: It's reversed
Chug the rest if: Flair makes them tap
Chug the rest/kill yourself if: Flair wins without cheating/gets a clean pin (Don't really kill yourself ya fool)
you can add to this however you want..have fun!
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
this can be applied to raw if you want, hell i'm going to miss backlash due to work, so I'm gonna try it monday. happy drinking!
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 4/17/04 02:57 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: this can be applied to raw if you want, hell i'm going to miss backlash due to work, so I'm gonna try it monday. happy drinking!
lol that will work so ill do it on monday to
At 4/14/04 05:43 PM, Outlaw88 wrote:At 4/14/04 03:00 PM, -DeathVirus- wrote:i don't add to the list unless they say they want in..How bout you?
ShadowMancer's Real Name is Hari sethi. I'm sure he would join, if he ever sees your post.
me join a wrestling club? umm no I seriously doubt that. If it was real maybe, maybe.
what do you mean by real? this isn't a matrix thing is it?
Isn't this club real enough?
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
That looks like fun. flair drinking game add 2 more. drink 3 if flair walks groggy and just drops to the ground face first. drink 2 if you hear flair swear after he is backdropped.
John cena was his clotheslines looking crappy. MJ and Thed. Long huggin and buggin but I like his finisher if it is orginal he should have a name like jindrak bomb. Show beating up torries car was funny I wonder how he flip the car the engine must of been taken out. What happen to fifi he was better white now crappy grey colour. maybe fifi will attack duprees oppent in the ring sometime. oh no kurts dead and I (dont) bet torrie was thrown of the ledge when the camera went off. (I may have said this before but I see SD on Saturday midnight it suckes).
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
I don;t think I could watch wrestling at midnight..I'd fall asleep
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Time for my predictions:
The Final Encounter
Triple Threat Match
World Heavyweight Title
Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Benoit
I think Benoit will win but I'd like HBK to win.
Street Fight
Intercontinental Title
Mick Foley vs. Randy Orton
Foley, Foley, Foley!
Handicap Match
Chris Jericho vs. Christian & Trish Stratus
Jericho will either make trish tap, or trish will turn on christian
Edge vs. Kane
Womens Championship
Lita vs. Victoria
Does anyone really care? Victoria!
Shelton Benjamin vs. Ric Flair
Benjamin should win here--Don't forget to try tthe drinking game!
Tajiri vs. Jonathan Coachman
Does anyone think Coach has a chance?
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
i wouldent be suprised if the engine was still in the car....lets face it the guy is 7 feet tall and 500lbs some of that has to be muscle
Stone Cold is gone, and all is right with the universe once more. He could have given us his final match at WM, then retired, but no, he wanted to ride his mario cart like a retard and then walk again. He won't be missed.
Benoit makes Shawn Michaels tap to the crossface, setting up an HBK heel turn and a one on one feud, while Triple H will go on to feud with Evolution, who will turn on him.
Orton will go over Foley. With the rocket ride to the top Orton's recieved, I doubt even Cactus Jack can pull off the win (even if it wasn't scripted)
Seriously, Flair's sole purpose in WWE is to put over young talent, but it won't end there. Benjamin will feud with Orton for the IC Title, with Triple H acting as his manager after Orton takes control of Evolution
Kane's monster image is in a compromised situation of late. Kane NEEDS to decimate Edge. I also see Johnny Nitro doing the ref thing again and costing Edge the match.
I see Victoria officially turning heel again in this one, with Stevie aiding her in picking up the pinfall.
Jericho will make Trish tap to the Walls of Jericho, but who cares? Jericho sucks now, Trish always sucked, and they're both holding Christian down with this boring storyline.
Ummm, Right....
Tajiri vs Coach....Tajiri will win, even if there is any kind of interference.
I hope edge DOES NOT win... kane needs to keep his career going. somethin is gonna happen between torrie and SHow cause they both are doing nuthin. And i thought the same about the handicap match. I thought either jericho will make trish tap or trish and jericho will get bac together or jericho and christian will screw over trish
Wow...I leave for 2 days and you guys right 3 pages without me...assholes(j/k).
First off happy 1 year to the club!
Austin's gone...that makes me feel sad but not as sad as it was the first time he left...this time he left when he was'nt doing anything.
I like Edge being back. Him and Christian are on the same program. HMMMMMMMMMM....
I hope Benoit kills HBK. dont get me wrong, i like HBK but he is getting to be a nusence to watch.
Rico needs a gimmik. One that does'nt involve kissing Charlie Haas.
There's a rumor going around that Shawn Michaels is set to turn heel. Whether the turn will take place at Backlash, the following night on RAW, or even happens at all remains to be seen.
yeah an HBK heel turn would be really overdue
that would be cool, havent seena really good HBK heel turn since the NWO failure.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Iscrulz Backlash summary ok I was at the bar watching it damn my ass was sore.
Shelton v. Flair ok I didnt play the drinking game didnt have a drink yet.( man u would have been pissin there was lots of chops and woos.) ok flair attacked sheltons leg. Hmm oh shelton won by his cross body againist the ropes then a flying clothesline.
Coach v. tajiri whoa coach had some offense. it happened when tajiri kicked the post. coach attacked the leg. later tajiri hit his karate rush then garrison cade distracts him coach gets the rolll up damn it.
Jericho v. CLB and Trish. ok interesting things trish was clothesined and spanked. jericho kicked out of the unprettier but trish pinned him. Man that was a wierd bulldog christian got. ok near the end christian was slingshot hit trish then jericho hits the running engirlity( cant spell it) jericho wins.
Lita v. Victoria ok lame match but there was some good camera shots of victorias...ok victria won by a cradle roll up then molly with her blonde wig attackes them both also gail kim is back with molly. During the commerical time Eugene went in the womens locker room and molly was wigless and gail where in there.
Cactus Jack v. Randy Orton. Hell yes best match of 2004 ok heres some weapons used barby, trash can, cookie sheet, a crappy barby, a bed of barb wire and a bag of loose tacks. it start out foley swung barby and missed alot then foley was on a roll he pours gas on barby right when he was about to light bischoff comes out hey mick if you light that the fire marshall will cancel the whole show. Son of bitch that would have been sweet if it was on fire. some good things that happened randy got his face trashed by barby also his pen0r was bruised. Foley was thrown twice on the bed of bared wire. then the tacks were out rko time no mick blocks it and randy lands on his back right on the tacks the bar cheered for that. Later on well I will sum it up rko on barby orton wins.
Hurricane and s.h.i.t. v. la restinace time filler hurriance wins eugene got in the ring running against the ropes. piontless
Edge v. Kane ok the end ref bump edge hits lowblow hits with the cast and spear edge wins crap I was disappionted.
the triple threat final encouter it was a good match shawn elbow dropped the spanish announce table alone. Um I forget the detials Hey shawn didnt blade himself. ok the end benoit puts shawn micheals in the sharpshooter hhh cant help him. micheals tapped out. dang I didnt want it to end that way (HBK turning heel good hhh will be filming and hbk win be mad cause he tapped out to beniot sharpshooter.)
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
FUCK!!!!!! i cant belive benoit won he should of lost in his home town.. FUK!!!!!.... randy ortin winning that sok, we all know foley aint staying around much longer. Benjamin he is kool so it dont matter. the two stupidest matches were tajiri and coach and La resitanc vs hurrincan and s.h.i.t., i wanted kane to win... jericho good, Victoria good dam u all that got to watch that match.
They didn't even announce that tag match..can we say "Filler?"
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 4/19/04 12:11 AM, -FadeToBlack- wrote:
Victoria good dam u all that got to watch that match.
why because of teh great camera shots of her, lol. As for the rest it was a average womens match
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
Brock Lesnar was in a motorcycle accedent, but he's ok.
Test is suffering from a neck injury but it is not yet know how severe it is.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
well i am old school wwf... or maple leaf wrestling, the seventies maple leaf was the best until it was change wwf... but even that wwf of 80's and 90's rock..... but nowadays it just sucks.....
At 4/19/04 04:11 PM, Mysterio-619 wrote: I made this owned pic its pretty cool.
lol pretty funny stuff
At 4/19/04 05:37 PM, -78- wrote:At 4/19/04 04:11 PM, Mysterio-619 wrote: I made this owned pic its pretty pretty funny stuff
Heh thanks. Guys I dont know if you know but there is a wrestlemania rematch jericho vs christian! Here I made another one. I got alot more.
At 4/19/04 02:18 PM, Apemn wrote: well i am old school wwf... or maple leaf wrestling, the seventies maple leaf was the best until it was change wwf... but even that wwf of 80's and 90's rock..... but nowadays it just sucks.....
Not all of it sucks..Then again the era you are talking about had the gooker, the barber, bastian booger, repo man, and so on..Want to join anyway?
I like those owned pics, the one with the tacks are good...Make more. Maybe one in a nasty submission hold, right before a slam, or more classic hardcore pics!
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
I liked the Foley match.... he should have won though...