At 2/23/11 07:12 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: 36Holla was caught spooning John Cena the other night...
I would never sir!
I'm a Morrison type of man.
At 2/23/11 07:12 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: 36Holla was caught spooning John Cena the other night...
I would never sir!
I'm a Morrison type of man.
At 2/23/11 09:41 PM, 36Holla wrote:I'm a Morrison type of man.
Let's face it, if you're going gay for anyone on that roster...yeah, Morrison would be a good pick.
At 2/24/11 09:51 PM, Tetris wrote: Naturally, he's the high flying type, and he's young and ready to go. Here's a sample of his work I found.
I really wonder if he's going to keep his mask? Judging by the name I'm thinking he will...
Why do I feel like Rey should be taking a message from all this?
At 2/25/11 12:09 AM, Tetris wrote: Also blatant shot at the 2/21/11 promos.
Oh yeah, the boys and I at the Dark Match (which you can view here) just got done riffing on that. I got hit with the stroke. In my brain.
I tried to sit through NXT and TNA yesterday, it didn't end well.
At 2/25/11 11:40 AM, WooldoorSockbat wrote: I tried to sit through NXT and TNA yesterday, it didn't end well.
NXT I wonder why they even tried this time around...TNA...hey, has anyone heard what the "big surprise" was at the TV taping last night? Cause I did, and no way was that the "most shocking surprise of the year" and it just further points out to me why TNA is really never going to get itself past a certain level. What a shame, especially when there's talk Spike is no longer happy with the rating...
At 2/25/11 01:59 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:At 2/25/11 11:40 AM, WooldoorSockbat wrote: I tried to sit through NXT and TNA yesterday, it didn't end well.NXT I wonder why they even tried this time around...
Because Derrick Bateman is the greatest NXT rookie ever.
TNA...hey, has anyone heard what the "big surprise" was at the TV taping last night? Cause I did, and no way was that the "most shocking surprise of the year" and it just further points out to me why TNA is really never going to get itself past a certain level. What a shame, especially when there's talk Spike is no longer happy with the rating...
Did I mention how much I hate Jeff Jarrett and Vince Russo? Well, I fucking hate them.
At 2/25/11 05:55 PM, MattTheParanoidKat wrote:At 2/25/11 01:59 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:Because Derrick Bateman is the greatest NXT rookie ever.At 2/25/11 11:40 AM, WooldoorSockbat wrote: I tried to sit through NXT and TNA yesterday, it didn't end well.NXT I wonder why they even tried this time around...
He's the only reason I watched.
NFL Player Bart Scott to appear during a TNA Wrestling Match.
Have any of you guys heard about this? How do you feel about a Jets NFL Player getting in the ring with "Pro Wrestlers"?
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I smell a Lay-Cool breakup... about time too, the act got really stale with me..
Looks like they might be turning Layla into a face and McCool remaining a heel... If they are splitting, expect it to happen at WM.
Seriously, when was the last time Dusty was a heel? It just doesn't feel right to me..
Also Chavo's a face now?...
I don't get what they did with Swagger.. they gave him the old 'jobber entrance' yet he won the match.. It just seems like WWE have just lost Swagger so bad, at times it's even weird to remember that he's a former World Heavyweight Champ..
Booker's reaction to Vickie's firing was pretty funny, just laughing right in her face then winding Cole up by saying he feels sorry for her...
So what's happening with this? Are Dolph and Vickie going to RAW? or are they just gonna show up on SD in like 2 weeks time and make us forget that the whole firing ever happened?.. My guess is the latter.. Dolph and Vickie both seem to suit SD better than RAW in my opinion.
Anyone else really like Cody's return? good build up to something big.
At 4/14/03 02:46 PM, HarryFeltersnach wrote:At 4/14/03 01:23 PM, residentevilfan wrote: this is the wrestling club! Talk about anything that has to do with wrestling (preferably the wwe).wwe? fuck that shit. iam old school. its all about the wwf back in the 90s and 80s and shit. with wrestlers like macho man randy savage, the ultimate warrior, hulk hogan(the original), andre the giant, you kno.
I residentevilfan shall be member #1
I get how You feel dude . . these days wrestling is going down >; \ . It needs to make a comeback before it just falls apart
| Is it okay to be this awesome ? Q_q |
At 2/24/11 04:56 AM, MudkipsPiano wrote:At 2/20/11 11:05 PM, 36Holla wrote: GODDAMN YOU WWE! YOU COULD HAVE MADE IT MORRISON VS MIZ AND YOU BLEW IT!That's what I was thinking. Unfortunately, he's not big enough of a name for them to put in the main event. It's all money and marketing for them. Cena does it perfectly.
At least they're still pushing him with what they had him do. Also yay Christian's back.
Man, had I known that Miz was definite to beat Jerry Lawler, even though I predicted it, I would have predicted Cena to win the Elimination Chamber match like he did. He's a big name and he's a face, and we wouldn't be having two heels in the Wrestlemania main event, unless we added a face in.
Also, I loved the Smackdown Elimination Chamber match. That was the highlight of the night. True epicness in all aspects. I love Kane, Mysterio, Drew Mcintyre and of course, Edge, and all of them put up one hell of a fight. I loved it. Especially the fact that, the man, Edge, won. :D
I thought RAW was great but the main event was a little predictable. Although it would have been pretty contradicting having the two Wrestlemania main event opponents stay as WWE Tag Team Champions, which would have hyped Wrestlemania a lot, we need a storyline for the Corre and other tag teams, which would suck without the Tag Team Championships. Overall it was a good idea for the Miz to backstab Cena in the tag team rematch, that way it would increase tensions between the two superstars and allow the Tag Team Championships to stay with a team that will make great tag team storylines for Wrestlemania. I liked it.
And the best part about RAW was, undoubtedly The Undertaker and Triple H's staredown. I think it's clear to any non-idiot that the Undertaker and Triple H are going to be having a match at Wrestlemania. You know, every Wrestlemania seems to have that one epic match on the match card that hypes up the event like crazy, and this is clearly one of them. Two legends battling it out, one-on-one at the grandest wrestling stage of them all. I love both Triple H and Undertaker, although I like Undertaker a lot more that Triple H. Triple H is awesome, but The Undertaker is one of my favorite WWE superstars of all time. He is awesome. So dark, I love it! :D
By the way, I want to fuck Sheamus' brains out so bad it is unreal
Couldn't have said it any better myself minus the fucking sheamus part . (lol) . but yeah . raw's elimination chamber was too easy to see who would win . everyone with a brain could see that it wou'dn't be orton or punk because they're already feuding . Sheamus . no . Morrison, although he was the MAN TO WATCH in that chamber it wouldn't be him either . only cena fits the picture . as for smackdown . that one had me guessing . it could of been either edge or mysterio fighting del rio . and for the vacant pod I really thought it would be chrisitian filling it . but ehh . the match was still exciting (=
| Is it okay to be this awesome ? Q_q |
At 2/26/11 12:16 PM, WooldoorSockbat wrote: Anyone else really like Cody's return? good build up to something big.
Ahh . It was actually good .
But everytime I see Dusty . He's doing something a heel would do -.- ; I don't like that fat bastard .
I'm really hoping to see someone dial up the 619 area code and kick his ass r_r
| Is it okay to be this awesome ? Q_q |
At 1/29/11 09:34 PM, Shaun wrote: The only person from TNA I want returning to the WWE is Kurt Angle. If that happens I mark out like never before.
That's the only person left on the TNA roster I'm sure that the WWE will welcome back with open arms .
The rest are got damn dildos -.-
The Hardyz. Bischoff. Flair. Hogan . = 10 tons of lesbian shit .
| Is it okay to be this awesome ? Q_q |
As far as the TNA thing, it'll get them a sports center mention...not much else. I know people tend to point that out as a good thing because it gets them press but...does it really get them eyeballs? History seems to say no.
If you're going to bring celebrities in, you've also got to have a product that is compelling so that when the audience for that celebrity tunes in saying "ok, I'll only watch because so and so is on..." they'll sit and watch the show and by the end go "holy hell! That was good! I can't wait to watch next week!" Otherwise what is the point?
At 2/26/11 07:37 PM, Tetris wrote: Also the lack of Christian on SmackDown gave me murderous desires.
Cockteases. Where was he at the end of the show when Edge was getting assaulted by Del Rio? He could have saved the day, and then Edge and Christian could have reunited and they could have worn funny hats, and played kazoos, and talked like they're from California and fulfilled one of those unfullfillable fantasies I have.
I would rather hear Edge sing "Ding Dong, The Witch Is Dead" for that particular occasion, but it was still a happy moment. :P Although now, I get the feeling that she'll cling onto Del Rio like she did with.....uh, what's his name...........oh yeah, Eric Escobar; only in this case, the guy she's with has plenty of job security. As to why Christian didn't show up to help Edge, yeah, that was definitely a missed opportunity.
For whatever reason, Booker seemed to have a case of male mood swings regarding Vickie's departure.....
Mysterio vs. rhodes is shaping up to be a great feud; I just don't like seeing Dusty attempt to be a heel - it feels horribly, horribly wrong.
Glad they let Dolph go elsewhere while they figure out how to bring him back on; letting one of their top stars get rusty only serves to screw the company over.
I'm sure they will put Ziggler on Raw and give him a good program. After the series of great matches he had with Edge and and all he did leading up to it they must know by now that they have a very good worker they can use.
From what I've read it looks like Mistico will be keeping his mask. I'm really looking forward to seeing this guy. He's going to be called Sin Cara so I'll need to get used to that instead of the other name.
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Ok, wait a minute, here......
They're gonna let this guy keep his mask, after telling Alberto he couldn't? IS THERE ANYTHING I'M MISSING HERE THAT WOULD MAKE THIS FAIR!?
At 2/28/11 07:48 PM, Tetris wrote:At 2/28/11 07:29 PM, Swackman wrote: They're gonna let this guy keep his mask, after telling Alberto he couldn't? IS THERE ANYTHING I'M MISSING HERE THAT WOULD MAKE THIS FAIR!?Mask = Lucha face.
Actually a Technico is a face and a Rudo is a heel. They both can have masks, I think this will spice up the feud. Plus, Alberto has accepted the lack of a mask... mostly because he's been pushed like a madman and rarely loses clean.
At 2/26/11 07:37 PM, Tetris wrote:
Helpful hint: You can simply quote a post by pressing the "reply and quote" button to a post, then copying the post, going back, and pasting it in another post that you want to quote.
thanks . I'll remember that .
| Is it okay to be this awesome ? Q_q |
Mmm hmm, that and correct me if I'm wrong but...isn't Mystico a bigger name in Mexico then Del Rio (as Dos Caras jr) was? But I think this is also clearly a game of "We brought one in as a heel...the other is being brought in as a younger Rey to replace him as he gets older and breaks down more."
Finally the rock has come back.. To his lounge room.
Well, therewasnt alot of wrestling yesterday. Um.....yay Evan Bourne is back?
At 3/1/11 05:05 PM, illuminate wrote: Gotta love Troll Cole
*Jack Swagger comes in*
Problem Jerry?
NXT winner is..... Johnny Curtis!
he was my pick from the start so i'm happy he won
good talent and has personality.. here's hoping they use him well... though so far only 1 NXT winner has been used well.. but still fingers crossed, no word if they're having another one but rumors have stated there is.
At 3/1/11 08:26 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: NXT winner is..... Johnny Curtis!
There is really nothing all that special about him, Brodus or Bateman would have been better winners.
Worst thing about this, R-Truth gets a title shot.
I'd actually forgotten what Evan's theme music sounded like, so when it started playing, I couldn't figure it out right away. Glad to see him back. He hot one hell of a pop out of the audience, that's for sure; hope WWE heard it as well as I did, now that they actually seem to care about pushing smaller guys again.
Poor Sheamus......yet another night he was thrown under the bus. It was necessary regarding Trips (and it WAS awesome!), but they could've had Evan go against someone else or something.
Wasn't expecting Swagger to be involved with the King/Cole match; it's somewhat out of the blue. Now that Riley's been "fired" from his appointed position, I expect him to be the guest ref, as I doubt Miz will be involved. Dunno who else it would be, but again, given Swagger's sudden involvement, who knows?
At 2/28/11 10:03 PM, MattTheParanoidKat wrote:At 2/28/11 07:48 PM, Tetris wrote:Actually a Technico is a face and a Rudo is a heel. They both can have masks, I think this will spice up the feud. Plus, Alberto has accepted the lack of a mask... mostly because he's been pushed like a madman and rarely loses clean.At 2/28/11 07:29 PM, Swackman wrote: They're gonna let this guy keep his mask, after telling Alberto he couldn't? IS THERE ANYTHING I'M MISSING HERE THAT WOULD MAKE THIS FAIR!?Mask = Lucha face.
At 3/1/11 12:10 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: Mmm hmm, that and correct me if I'm wrong but...isn't Mystico a bigger name in Mexico then Del Rio (as Dos Caras jr) was? But I think this is also clearly a game of "We brought one in as a heel...the other is being brought in as a younger Rey to replace him as he gets older and breaks down more."
Hm, I long as Alberto's ok with it. I just remember how pissed he supposedly was in the beginning, so I was worried that there'd be potential backlash.