I would just like to take the time to congratulate TNA for being the winner of WrestleCrap's 2010 Gooker award for the whole "New" Monday Night Wars.
http://wrestlecrap.com/newinduction1.htm l
Incidentally, this weeks IMPACT was bullshit.
I would just like to take the time to congratulate TNA for being the winner of WrestleCrap's 2010 Gooker award for the whole "New" Monday Night Wars.
http://wrestlecrap.com/newinduction1.htm l
Incidentally, this weeks IMPACT was bullshit.
Wow, that SmackDown! was a shock. Nice impromptu Tag Team in the middle, but I believe Vicky has gone too far now with banning the Spear from Royal Rumble. Does Edge still have a chance?
Things are never meant to be easy. Everything is a challenge to someone.
At 1/28/11 01:11 PM, JonnyTheWinnar wrote: Wow, that SmackDown! was a shock. Nice impromptu Tag Team in the middle, but I believe Vicky has gone too far now with banning the Spear from Royal Rumble. Does Edge still have a chance?
Wait what? *waits for tonight*
At 1/28/11 01:11 PM, JonnyTheWinnar wrote: Wow, that SmackDown! was a shock. Nice impromptu Tag Team in the middle, but I believe Vicky has gone too far now with banning the Spear from Royal Rumble. Does Edge still have a chance?
Sure, either he'll do a super bad Edgecution, or they'll have him invent some other move. I just can't see them switching the belt to Ziggler in this one.
The tag match is kind of annoying to me because we were told Rey and Del Rio would be getting away from each other and yet it seems like what they should have said was it would be the final SINGLES match because they've crossed paths in two or three tag matches since.
At 1/29/11 12:19 AM, Tetris wrote: Also Michael Cole has a fucking titantron.
that is the shittest titantron ever.. it's only 1 goddamn clip looping
anyways, word has it that Stone Cold is hosting the comeback of Tough Enough
pretty cool, I'm pretty interested to watch since we didn't get Tough Enough in Australia around that time..
The Corre has the ugliest shirt design.....what was that? But I like how they are putting them through singles.
After thinking about it, I would actually love to see DiBiase win the Royal Rumble. It seems like they have been building him up for something triumphant and I would hate to see them waste a good wrestler.
Vickie says: NO SPEAR FOR YOU! So he gets all the Spearing out of his system ahead of time. THREE OF EM, outside the ring. Heh heh.
Lol, Cole, Josh Matthews carries YOU.
Great tag match; for once, Ricardo stayed out of it.
Btw, I know I've asked this before, but Ricardo's related to Alberto, ain't he? Same (real) last name.
At 1/29/11 12:19 AM, Tetris wrote: Also Michael Cole has a fucking titantron.
And he bitches about Daniel Bryan's choice in theme music?
At 1/29/11 01:44 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: anyways, word has it that Stone Cold is hosting the comeback of Tough Enough
pretty cool, I'm pretty interested to watch since we didn't get Tough Enough in Australia around that time..
That's one way to get people to watch. ^_^
At 1/29/11 11:17 AM, WooldoorSockbat wrote: The Corre has the ugliest shirt design.....what was that? But I like how they are putting them through singles.
Well, at the very least, it's nowhere near as good as the Nexus design - especially after adding Punk's shirt design to it.
After thinking about it, I would actually love to see DiBiase win the Royal Rumble. It seems like they have been building him up for something triumphant and I would hate to see them waste a good wrestler.
I agree. No son of The Million Dollar Man should be tossed aside like this, when we know he DOES have potential. Maybe he needs a shred of polish, but he should at least be taken halfway seriously, dammit.
*******SPOILER ALERT********
according to inside sources, 2 suprise entrants for the rumble are Booker T and Kevin Nash
very interesting seeing as they were both recently rumored to head back to TNA
dunno if they've signed back to WWE or if it's a one night thing but I'm actually interested in Booker returning.. I was never the biggest fan of his(specially when he had that King gimmick.. that sucked) but I have missed him in WWE
Nash however.. meh.
*******END OF SPOILER ALERT********
At 1/29/11 07:47 PM, Random-Her03 wrote:
Nash however.. meh.
Diesel or Straight Nash Homie?
At 1/29/11 07:47 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: (specially when he had that King gimmick.. that sucked)
Funny that we're being subjected to something similar right now. I really wish it was Christian returning but I think he's out for another month and a half.
lol @ inside sources.
The only person from TNA I want returning to the WWE is Kurt Angle. If that happens I mark out like never before.
At 1/29/11 07:52 PM, illuminate wrote: Diesel or Straight Nash Homie?
Well I just watched an interview with him in Boston airport.. so those rumors maybe true
he's dyed his hair dark brown (diesel style).. but I think he'll just be known as Kevin Nash
also interesting fact, a couple of years ago Nash was thinking about returning to WWE (I think he attended WM24.. or at least invited) and they said if Nash returned he'd have to dye his hair because they didn't like his grey hair look.. so that could be another clue with Nash returning to WWE.
As long as Booker never again dons a robe & crown, I'm all for his return.
Kevin Nash, though.........I didn't know he had the green light to come back. Interesting.
Yeah, it would be nice if Angle would return already; he's already said he wouldn't mind another run. Only thing is, he's one of the ONLY people holding up TNA's proverbial rafters, so I bet Dixie & co. are gonna cling to him for all he's worth (and that's a lot).
What I wanna see is, SOMEHOW, A.J. Styles ends up in the WWE. Why? Even though Vince doesn't like pushing former TNA-only employees *coughKavalcough*, he'd also know that NOT pushing him, if he were to hire him, would practically alienate a large portion of viewers due to the fact that, well, he's A.J. Fucking Styles. If Vince wanted to completely KILL AND MAIM TNA, that'd be the way to do it. And, thus, we'd see a sizeable rocket strapped to him. Maybe it's just wishful thinking.
At 1/29/11 09:34 PM, Shaun wrote: lol @ inside sources.
Is it still going to be lol when it actually happens? Because my sources say the same. They are definitely in the Rumble, and Nash definitely broke off talks with TNA in the last 24-48 hours.
At 1/30/11 01:35 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:At 1/29/11 09:34 PM, Shaun wrote: lol @ inside sources.Is it still going to be lol when it actually happens? Because my sources say the same. They are definitely in the Rumble, and Nash definitely broke off talks with TNA in the last 24-48 hours.
Nash joining the New Nexus
CM Punkass wins Rumble
At 1/30/11 01:35 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:At 1/29/11 09:34 PM, Shaun wrote: lol @ inside sources.Is it still going to be lol when it actually happens? Because my sources say the same. They are definitely in the Rumble, and Nash definitely broke off talks with TNA in the last 24-48 hours.
Yeah, it is on every wrestling rumour website.
You know what the sources are? That some guy saw them at the airport in the city of the event or similar.
Would I be surprised if they are entrants? No.
Will I care either way? No.
Booker T is way too overrated and Nash is way too old.
At 1/30/11 07:20 AM, Shaun wrote: Yeah, it is on every wrestling rumour website.
Who probably stole it from www.pwinsider.com
You know what the sources are? That some guy saw them at the airport in the city of the event or similar.
Or, it's actual sources within the company who know what they're talking about. Like the ones the aforementioned guys running PWInsider have. Sure there's a lot of "newz" sites out there, but there are also sites that actually act as real news organizations and give a damn about getting their shit straight.
Will I care either way? No.
They're here as a "surprise" for people who bought the show, period. They aren't winning, they most likely aren't working past this show, so it'll be a nice surprise for people that want to buy the PPV.
Booker T is way too overrated and Nash is way too old.
Like I say, I really tend to feel this is a one night deal, at least in the case of Nash. Booker they might have interest in, but I doubt either guy will want to be back full-time, and I just don't think WWE needs part time stars, especially part time stars with history like Nash has.
I would love to see the Royal Rumble on stream or something........but i'll know the results by tommorrow I guess.
At 1/30/11 04:36 PM, WooldoorSockbat wrote: I would love to see the Royal Rumble on stream or something........but i'll know the results by tommorrow I guess.
There are streams out there. I found one for TLC and it was excellent quality. Just gotta look.
At 1/30/11 08:16 PM, 36Holla wrote: Royal Rumble stream Quality is decent.
Latest News: Edge retains World Heavyweight Championship.
Things are never meant to be easy. Everything is a challenge to someone.
so royal rumble is on now
i'm gonna make my predictions, like last year
#1 entrant - Kofi Kingston
#2 entrant - Daniel Bryan
#40 entrant - CM Punk
winner - probably Cena..
At 1/30/11 08:37 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: so royal rumble is on now
i'm gonna make my predictions, like last year
#1 entrant - Kofi Kingston
#2 entrant - Daniel Bryan
#40 entrant - CM Punk
winner - probably Cena..
Slightly messy, but your confirmed order is:
01 !1 Del Rio, Alberto=
02 !2 R-Truth
03 !3 Mysterio, Rey
04 !4 Cena, John
05 !5 Punk, CM
06 !6 Otunga, David
07 !7 Harris, Husky
08 !8 McGillicutty, Michael
09 !9 Sheamus, King
10 !10 Bryan, Daniel
11 !11 Morrison, John
12 !12 DiBiase, Ted
13 !13 Henry, Mark
14 !14 Young, Darren
15 !15 Smith, David Hart
16 !16 Primo
17 !17 Kidd, Tyson
18 !18 Regal, William
19 !19 Tatsu, Yoshi
20 !20 Ryder, Zack
21 !21 Jackson, Ezekiel
22 !22 Slater, Heath
23 !23 Gabriel, Justin
24 !24 Barrett, Wade
25 !25 Ryan, Mason
26 !26 Swagger, JackJ
27 !27 McIntyre, Drew
28 !28 Masters, Chris
29 !29 JTG
30 !30 Kane
31 !31 Kingston, Kofi
32 !32 Big Show, The
33 !33 Marella, Santino
34 !34 Kozlov, Vladimir
That's it for the officially confirmed people, anyway.
Things are never meant to be easy. Everything is a challenge to someone.
Sorry for the double post, but The Miz retains the WWE Championship.
Things are never meant to be easy. Everything is a challenge to someone.
At 1/30/11 08:56 PM, JonnyTheWinnar wrote: orders
Disregard this, I suck cocks.
Things are never meant to be easy. Everything is a challenge to someone.
my jaw has dropped.. I didn't think ADR would win, but thank god it wasn't Cena!
good rumble overall
At 1/30/11 10:43 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: OH MY GOD...
my jaw has dropped.. I didn't think ADR would win, but thank god it wasn't Cena!
good rumble overall
Worst Rumble ever. What a joke.
Things are never meant to be easy. Everything is a challenge to someone.
I was low on Del Rio at first but I'm warming up to him. Now he just needs a good feud up to WM with someone that isn't Mysterio.
Also "at least Cena didn't win." repeated for emphasis.