So I decided I'd do something a little different tonight and bring back "The Report Card" as this club has kind of been missing those "features" lately.
What is The Report Card, it's simply me watching a wrestling show and putting letter grades with short explanations. Used to do it for the early ECW on Sci-Fi shows. Remember these are just opinions (but if you disagree, that means that you are wrong :p). So, on to Smackdown:
Opening video for Show/Barrett, A: This was a great way to address the issue I had with the segment last week. Barrett should be treated as a major pick up and this video reminded us that he's wrestled all the top guys on RAW and we should see him as a player. It gave the forthcoming match a "big fight" feel and that is certainly what WWE should be looking at here since Barrett is going to be one of those guys they seem to be relying on going forward.
Opening segment/tag match, A: Good promos to start the show leading into a nice long tag match that was well worked. Note to RAW Creative: THIS is how you get guys over. Also there's no need for long talking segments when guys can just get the message across and then settle matters in the ring. Great show so far.
Wade Barrett promo, A: Nice, short promo, Barrett is a great talker in my mind at this point, he knows how to get his point across very succinctly and he's a great dick heel. Continued that nice build to the Big Show match.
Ezekiel Jackson video, A: The advantage of these videos over say, the Alberto Del Rio promos (which I hated) is that you have match footage to use to help enhance the character and create anticipation. Say what you want about Kevin Dunn, but he and the production guys know their job.
Drew McIntyre vs. Trent Baretta, B+: This is a weird one to me. Here we have what was basically a squash of Baretta and then McIntyre gets fluke beat by Baretta. I'm not sure where we're going with this idea but it feels like one of those "you can't really piss on it until you see what the next chapter is" kind of deals.
Drew/Kelly segment, F: So Drew beats up Baretta...Kelly sees it....Kelly says she doesn't want to be around people that take pleasure in beating up others (why the FUCK are you in Wrestling then honey?) Drew grovels, gets nowhere. Here's a story about this segment: No. Hopefully Barrett/Big Show will rebound us a bit.
Wade Barrett vs. Big Show, A-: I don't like Barrett's new music. Seems to generic. Show and Barrett had a nice little match going and then Slater and Gabriel show up to show we have a bit of an "old" Nexus reunion working here on SD. I also like that Jackson has been added to this group and I'd love to see them find a way to bring this group in against Nexus as both continue to get established. The only points off for me here is that this was more of an angle then a match, and this is pretty much a repetitive situation that we've seen so many times with just one new face added...also, can Justin Gabriel please stop with the damn hesitation on the 450? Please?
*missed the next couple segments, ordered CM Punk merch in penance...and cause it's CM Punk merch*
Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston, A: I was tempted to just grade this an A the minute it was announced. This has just been so so good and I'm loving that they've brought the IC Belt back to the level that I first knew it where it was basically the "worker's championship", where the best workers were competing for the belt. Your typical fantastic bout between the two and I hope we continue this kind of action deep into 2011.
Cutting Edge, B-: This was a fun segment. Edge and Vicki were married a "long long time ago", really? Two years ago is a long long time? Oh right...WWE, of course it is. While the segment was fun I have to grade it so low because this seems like once again an Edge feud going in the wrong direction. Instead of this being about Edge and Dolph Ziggler it seems to be more about Edge and Vicki and they're ancient history and what not...In some ways I'm thinking Dolph is "outgrowing" Vicki and now she's starting to hold him back and do him some real damage. I mean, the damn segment ended with Edge attempting to spearVicki...Edge, attempting spearing, Vicki, and Dolph the guy he's actually going to fight being laid out and an after thought until the very end. I don't give a flying fuck that the World Title match will do basically zero to sell Rumble buys, but this to me is just not doing all that much to help me get interest in the match. Let Ziggler start getting his own damn heat. This was a weak ending to a good show to me.
Overall grade for this week: Great matches, good segments except for our closing and the Drew stuff. I'd call this an A- effort by SD! this week. Not perfect, but still well worth your time to go watch if you missed it.