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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-03 08:08:00

Sig by THEJamoke Contributor to PONIES: The Anthology 2 and Anthology 3 Go watch them now!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-03 10:39:02

It will be interesting to see what they do with Awesome Kong. I wonder if they will keep that name or will they change it?

The first Raw of 2011 may provide us some answers for Punk and Nexus being together. I'm just glad they are still using the team and giving them a chance to improve their skills. I just hope it isn't more of the same, just with a different leader.

I'm a few days late, but Happy New Year!

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-04 00:30:05

And with that, Wade Barrett was officially dethroned by CM Punk. The thick plottens even plotter.

I was hoping Morison would win the title.......oh well. He put on a match worthy of 2 PPV's.

Ron's looking much better. Next time, if you get sick like that, TAKE SOME FUCKING TIME OFF! Geez, it's great you have such a good work ethic, but we don't want another tragedy, here.

No Daniel Bryan tonight......huh.

At 1/3/11 08:08 AM, 36Holla wrote: Also this...this so much.

Wow, that's got to be the most epic mashup I've ever heard. If that's really the new theme, I expect the next WWE album to fly off the shelves like crazy. I'LL EVEN BUY IT - and I normally don't buy those albums.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-04 09:26:22

I found it quite funny that the first WWE RAW match of 2011 was actually better than any match from RAW in 2010.. seriously 5 star match right there.. I hope it really opened WWE's eyes and really go for a full Morrison push now.. I'd honestly seriously love to see Morrison win the Rumble.. why can't they ever have someone whose not in the main event picture win the Rumble? (the only 2 i can think of that weren't full 'main event wrestlers' at the time are Benoit and Mysterio AND WERE NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO REMEMBER ONE OF THEM).. Have someone like Morrison or Ziggler win to give them a main event spot at Mania because goddamn it they deserve it.. course it won't happen, but hey, a man can dream..

Barrett out, Punk in
I'm guessing we all saw Punk screwing Barrett over a mile away but at least they gave Barrett a proper sendoff from Nexus instead of just chuckin him on SD without any explanation.. but now the question is, what's next for Barrett? Is he gonna get put on Smackdown or will he go ahead with Nexus, maybe even form an un-easy alliance with Cena?.. I really would like to see that, even though it wouldn't make much sense.. but here's how I would plan it..

* Barrett gets kicked out of Nexus
* Barrett offers to help Cena taken down Nexus, Cena blasts the idea
* Week by week Barrett tries to help but with Cena not approving
* Barrett saves Cena when he really needed it
* Cena finally trusts Barrett
* Nexus is taken down by the 2
* Barrett turns on Cena
* Barrett jumps to SD in a strategic yet cowardly act

and from there they work on Barrett's singles run.. what do you guys think?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-04 16:04:36

At 1/4/11 09:26 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: and from there they work on Barrett's singles run.. what do you guys think?

It's plausible, but I'd like to think it wouldn't be so predictable as that. Wade's a guy who doesn't look right unless he's bossing around other people so what I could see happening is the return of Michael Tarver and Skip Sheffield coming back to join Wade and form what would essentially be WolfPack Nexus to fight NexSES. Meanwhile Cena is relegated to selling diet sodas around the arena and...yeah we basically leave him doing that for a few years.

Sig by THEJamoke Contributor to PONIES: The Anthology 2 and Anthology 3 Go watch them now!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-04 19:48:16

Something occurred to me that actually makes NexSES make sense w/o resorting to 'You're required to forget what happened previously from 6 months onward.":

Punk hates Cena. Nexus hates Cena. Punk could see that the rest of Nexus, esp. Otunga, were getting sick of Wade. Punk saw an opportunity to team up with a group that had a common enemy. As far as that assault on him from before, well, Wade instructed it. So, get rid of Wade, and he no longer has any issue with them.

It's not that big a stretch.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-04 21:46:03

Time for a change of pace with a pleasant article for once. And wouldn't you know, it involves John Cena. Seems he has earned frequent flyer miles through Delta and is donating it to Make-A-Wish
He even surpassed his original goal. Say what you want about Cena but his commitment to charity is commendable.

Heh.. NexSES... I like it.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-05 02:00:38


Dolph Ziggler lost the IC title... but he's now the #1 contender for the World title!.. maybe it's the same deal as what Miz got on RAW, anyways I like where this is goin!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-05 02:08:14

This is a potential spoiler so, I'll be nice and say:



Still reading? KK, Wade Barrett appears on SD! this week, and you can expect him to appear on SD! here on out as last night was his write off from RAW. Honestly not sure if there was really that much of a good way to get him moved. I mean, he isn't a babyface to me, it would make no sense to work with Cena...and he can't be allowed to beat the guy and the gang who will most likely be working Cena at Mania. So I guess the only thing to do was clearly remove him from Nexus and send him to SD! and hopefully they'll give him a strong initial program to undo any damage his removal caused.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-05 16:24:50

I like Wade Berret, seeing him going solo could be good.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-06 05:55:09

Sig by THEJamoke Contributor to PONIES: The Anthology 2 and Anthology 3 Go watch them now!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-07 00:37:03

It's that time again. Time to start voting for the WrestleCrap Gooker Award! I just got finished looking over the list of things being voted on and man, they really are bad. The TNA stuff I had no idea was going on but I'm glad I missed it. You can vote for what you think was the worst thing in wrestling by going here.

I'm having a tough time deciding on what exactly was the worst thing... What do you guys think?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-07 01:55:16

As soon as I saw earlier that Ziggler lost the IC Title, I thought to myself "....Come on, let it be someone other than Kofi again.". Unfortunately, it was Kofi. Look, take nothing away from him, as he's easily one of the best the WWE has right now; I just wish there would be more of a gap between his title runs. Jack only has one remotely unsuccessful World Title run under his belt, and he needed this far more. I guess they're trying to establish a record with Kofi or something. Well, here's hoping they let Jack have the strap next.

Ziggler has earned this opportunity, no question. Even more so than Miz. Debate me if you want, but Ziggler has gone from being booked as a complete joke TWICE when he started to being, like Kofi, one of the best they have. He's already proven that he & Edge can tear the fucking house down, and I expect the same here. Although, sadly, we can then expect Vickie to get even MORE annoying...... >.<

As far as Wade moving to SD, I'm not sure this was the best choice, but I guess we'll see.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-07 01:59:19

Sorry for doubling, here, but I can't get on Wrestlecrap at all for some reason.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-07 06:44:49

At 1/7/11 01:55 AM, Swackman wrote: As soon as I saw earlier that Ziggler lost the IC Title, I thought to myself "....Come on, let it be someone other than Kofi again.". Unfortunately, it was Kofi. Look, take nothing away from him, as he's easily one of the best the WWE has right now; I just wish there would be more of a gap between his title runs.

agreed 100%.
I don't hate Kofi.. but I'm over it..
Kofi is starting to become yesterday's flavour to me, I'm sick of him being in the IC title hunt.. I say find him a worthy tag partner (even if it means turning Kofi heel) and have him hunt in the Tag title picture. Or if there's nobody for him to team with, just put him in a regular non title feud and have a few grudge matches.. I say this because I doubt that he'd really be a profitable World Heavyweight Champion right now.. He has potential to be, but not at this moment.

Jack only has one remotely unsuccessful World Title run under his belt, and he needed this far more. I guess they're trying to establish a record with Kofi or something. Well, here's hoping they let Jack have the strap next.

amen to that.. Swagger deserves it.

Ziggler has earned this opportunity, no question. Even more so than Miz. Debate me if you want, but Ziggler has gone from being booked as a complete joke TWICE when he started to being, like Kofi, one of the best they have. He's already proven that he & Edge can tear the fucking house down, and I expect the same here. Although, sadly, we can then expect Vickie to get even MORE annoying...... >.<

I think it's interesting that Vickies in the picture as we all remember her history with Edge (I hope they actually touch on that subject). Ziggler has definately earned this push.. I dunno if more so than The Miz, becuase Miz has been working his ass off for WWE (not saying that Ziggler hasn't) but Miz is helping WWE by promoting them on radio, interview shows, advertisements, internet interviews etc... on his own time too apparently. I dunno.. I really can't decide though.

As far as Wade moving to SD, I'm not sure this was the best choice, but I guess we'll see.

agreed.. fingers crossed that Wade becomes even more successful on the blue brand.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-07 08:27:10

Best Smackdown in a long time, 3 legit PPV quality matches.

I seriously suggest that you don't miss it.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-07 10:21:55

I voted for the Monday night Wars on Gooker, that lasted shorter then....

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-07 14:10:08

Ok, Wrestlecrap's working again, so I'm looking right now. Don't agree with some of the entries being on there at all, but whatever. Voting for Little People's Court; they should have just left the idea ditched when they ditched it the first time.

Yes, I'm voting for that OVER any of the TNA entries.........although I'm glad I don't watch it anymore, as it sounds like Orlando Jordan needs to be shot in the nuts at point-blank range.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-08 00:37:35

At 1/7/11 10:46 PM, MudkipsPiano wrote: FUCK I can't believe I missed Kane vs. Edge FUCK

I'm a total Edge fan right here btw, since 2009.

Also, I want to go to a live event 10 minutes from my house on February 1st for 70 bucks. I found a great seat for this amount of money and I really want to go watch a live event of Smackdown, maybe it will get me to start watching frequently again. I have to encourage my grandma or my parents or something though.

You can probably rewatch it tomorrow. It's a must-see.
Also, I have the same problem sort of with the live event. There's a PPV in May 2 hours away I just have to buy tickets but I'm debating about spending my money.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-08 05:40:12

Vicky Guerrero - "The female version of Rosie O Donnell."

I laughed and laughed and laughed.

Sig by THEJamoke Contributor to PONIES: The Anthology 2 and Anthology 3 Go watch them now!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-08 06:37:42

Oh and that Smackdown was the best I've seen in a long time.

Sig by THEJamoke Contributor to PONIES: The Anthology 2 and Anthology 3 Go watch them now!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-08 13:31:40

Shaun was right - the 3 matches of the night were indeed of PPV quality.

I accidentally slept through the first 10 minutes, but luckily that's juuuuust when the Edge/Kane match started to get good. Won in classic Edge fashion. Awesome use of Striker.

Despite Kofi winning again, it was pretty cool seeing him win AND successfully defend in a row like that.

A good move by WWE to feud Wade with Big Show; it forces people to still take Wade seriously.

Don't piss off the little guy. Alberto may have won, but Ricardo was thoroughly pwned.

In speaking of his 'personal ring announcer', I realized something: Seeing as Alberto's real last name is the same as his, are they brothers? Wouldn't be the first time a wrestler brought his brother along for the ride.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-08 13:39:01

I missed the first hour.....i'll catch it somehow. Good stuff.

Ziggler is a great wrestler but I found the end of the Fatal 4 way to be a cop out, I personally wanted to see Cody win. Drew is too obvious and Big Show has had enough chances. Ziggler also needs to lose Vicky, the story has been drawn out long enough and it is really putting a damper on his character.

Anyone else tired of Rey Mysterio? sort of a one note guy. Alberto still has room to become more varied and has great potential.

In internet years i'm dead. *click sig to zoom zoom*

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-09 08:19:09

At 1/8/11 01:31 PM, Swackman wrote: Shaun was right - the 3 matches of the night were indeed of PPV quality.

of course i was right.

A good move by WWE to feud Wade with Big Show; it forces people to still take Wade seriously.

I disagree. Wade getting squashed by big show is nothing but a MASSIVE step backwards for him.

Don't piss off the little guy. Alberto may have won, but Ricardo was thoroughly pwned.

I didn't like this part, it was such a heel move by Rey but the crowd cheered regardless.
Rey should have asked for a match against Ricardo not kicked the shit out of him.

At 1/8/11 01:39 PM, WooldoorSockbat wrote: Ziggler is a great wrestler but I found the end of the Fatal 4 way to be a cop out, I personally wanted to see Cody win. Drew is too obvious and Big Show has had enough chances. Ziggler also needs to lose Vicky, the story has been drawn out long enough and it is really putting a damper on his character.

How is Drew too obvious? He has never had a world title shot. What a crazy thing to say.
Ziggler was the obvious choice to win, WWE always does that. lose midcard title move straight up to #1 contender in same show. It works.

Anyone else tired of Rey Mysterio? sort of a one note guy. Alberto still has room to become more varied and has great potential.

No, of course Im not tired of mysterio. He is awesome. He puts on great matches week in and week out.
Alberto is awesome, I couldnt be more of a fan. He is great.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-09 19:28:56

Midlife Crisis anyone?

oh and he's apparently debuting in TNA tonight..

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-09 21:09:02

At 1/9/11 09:06 PM, Tetris wrote: It'll be a heel vs heel feud.

Let's bring that bet up to sixty.

Also, it worries me that you have so many pictures of Chris Jericho.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-09 21:20:11

At 1/9/11 09:16 PM, Tetris wrote: totally not absurd amount of wrestler pictures.

And I only have 122 of CM Punk,

I'm not even fucking lying

22 of Cody Rhodes, 34 of Randy Orton, seven of Chris Jericho, one of Shawn Michaels, two of the Undertaker, one of Goldust, eight of the Dudebusters, and countless FCW pictures.

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-10 10:11:43

At 1/9/11 07:28 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: Midlife Crisis anyone?
oh and he's apparently debuting in TNA tonight..

Dear god is that Matt Hardy?

I said i'm tired of Rey Mysterio because he alwaysseems to fight the same people. There is no doubt that he is a good wrestler but I would like to see him in different situations. Drew Macyntire has been built up to be a champion which is why I said he was too obvious, though in retrospect I like him too much to care about that.

Anyway, hope today's RAW is good. If anyone can sell a "new" Nexus it is CM Punk.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-10 14:47:55

I'll bet he'll say that's "Matthew" or a third personality...good luck with this dink TNA. If you heard a loud thud last night, from what I understand that was Matt Hardy once again dropping that ball that TNA gave him in that match with RVD.

Finally got a chance to watch SD! and it was definitely a phenemonal show but I have a couple minor complaints:

I really enjoyed the Last Man Standing match once it got going and the finish was brilliant to giving Edge the victory, while still keeping Kane strong and showing that it takes extraordinary measures to beat him down (we may be stuck with him and Taker at WM if Taker can't get back before February or so, so it makes sense to keep Kane strong). But I hated the placement on this. Maybe I'm showing my age and my old school ways but to me a world title match should NEVER open a show like this. It's one thing if it's a PPV and there's like three different world title matches or something, but not on an episode of SD!. I get they wanted a hot opener but to me the way to go would have been the IC title switch. World title matches should close the shows, or this should have been second to Rey/Del Rio (because I know Del Rio is in pencil for a HUGE bout at WM).

I absolutely HATED how Wade Barrett was used on this show. I'm not against him coming in to take out the biggest dog in the yard, that makes a lot of sense. But he DIDN'T take Show out. He Pearl Harbored him, whipped him with several moves, and then Show got up and continued his match. Yes, I can understand they didn't want Ziggler to get a tainted win and I agree. But you're telling me Show couldn't have been taken out and Cody or Drew eaten a pin? Really? Wade is coming off getting made to look stupid coming off the John Cena feud and what Punk did. Barrett got his stable taken, outsmarted, and he's run off to another brand...he needed to come in strong this week and that really didn't happen. I'm hoping they really have something good up their sleeve for him next week. Because if Barrett eats a chokeslam and loses, may as well put him in the "what might have been" file.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-10 22:39:53

hey cool i signed up to twitter and got a reply from AJ
I saw her from an ep of Smackdown from 2001 meeting Lita I asked her about it and she confirmed it

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