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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-25 13:53:35

Shaun is allowed to have his opinion. It's not a requirment that we all like and dislike the same things. To be honest I wasn't sold on Bryan the first time i saw the dude, but I'm a fan now.

Kaval's release sucks. Not because he was let go since he obviously felt he wasn't going to be used for more than being a jobber, but because the WWE didn't seem to want to use him for anything. Even after his show stealing bout with Ziggler they had not intention of pushing him. So if Kaval wanted to leave to be put to a better use somewhere else then I'm all for it.

Merry Whatever!

(Merry Christmas!)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-25 16:46:37

At 12/25/10 03:52 AM, MattTheParanoidKat wrote: You're an idiot and deserve your fucking head kicked in.

I agree with Shaun.
He's just not fun to watch in the ring.

And why'd they stop calling the Cattle Mutilation? That was pretty much the only move I liked from him.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-27 14:07:05

Well, the saga has ended:

Jeff Hardy to plead guilty next month

Figured we were out of stalling tactics here. Now the question is what kind of plea bargain has he gotten in exchange? I have a hard time seeing where he's not going to do jail time. There's no way he gets off on the cocaine, or the steroid possession. I think he can pretty easily get distribution tossed, and will probably try to have jail commuted to rehab, but I think that depends on how bad the prosecutor wants to make an example of him. This was a big amount of drugs, and there's no question they were here for recreational abuse.

The other question is how TNA deals with this. It seems to me the title has to come off no matter what. If he dodges jail, I can't see where his rehab won't be in patient, making it impossible for him to make TNA dates. So does TNA do the right thing and take the title off of him by having him lose to someone they then want to build around? Do they do the wrong thing and just strip him? Or do they do the almost suicidal thing of leaving the belt on him and saying "oh, we can wait, we'll just make an interim champion or something"?

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-27 15:29:52

At 12/25/10 04:46 PM, JabberWocky wrote:
At 12/25/10 03:52 AM, MattTheParanoidKat wrote: You're an idiot and deserve your fucking head kicked in.
I agree with Shaun.
He's just not fun to watch in the ring.

I enjoy being reminded of Chris Benoit in the ring every time I see the Crippler Cro...eh I mean Labelle Lock. I just wish they'd start up a rivalry between him and a contender for the US Championship to make his character more interesting.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-28 00:22:11

Tonight was about one thing, and one thing only:

CM Punk becomes the new leader of Nexus.

This was a great move as the group needed a fresh coat of paint and putting a hard working veteran who loves the business like Punk in there with guys who range from "good" to "need a little more work" is a great, smart idea. It also firmly puts Punk back in the top mix.

I am loving this and think this is the best thing I've seen on RAW since the initial Nexus attack. The only downside is it seems this leaves Wade Barrett in the cold without a storyline, but in the end he was the guy most ready to be spun off.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-28 00:43:42

At 12/28/10 12:22 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: CM Punk becomes the new leader of Nexus.

Glad to see CM Punk as the new leader of Nexus. Happy New Year!


Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-28 02:46:34

First of all I hope you all had a Merry Xmas.

Second, to the people that are saying that Bryan is overrated or whatever.. if anything right now, he's underrated.. this guy has all the potential to be the apart of future of WWE, he's got everything.. good punches, good kicks, submission, high flying, technical and has improved on his mic skills and personality since arriving in the WWE.. and yes he reminds me alot of Benoit too.

So Punk's the new leader of Nexus huh? Are we supposed to remember that Punk was one of the first guys to be attacked by Nexus?.. Oh I forgot, this is WWE.. were not allowed to remember shit that happened over 3 months ago..

Also, what about Barrett? I hope this doesn't push him down to the mid-card level.. It pisses me off enough that Otunga is involved in the main event scene over Daniel Bryan.. but if he overtakes Barrett too it'll just absolutely fuck shit up.

Happy New Year people!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-28 07:28:26

I was wondering why Nexus hadn't had any coverage for most of the show and then I got my answer. So...we get to do the same thing that happened for the last few months, but Punk's the leader now? I wonder how this will be different and what they'll do with Barrett now, because they never said he was kicked out of Nexus, just that there was a new leader. Assuming Barrett will hate this new development, I actually picture an unlikely alliance between him and Cena against Nexus if they wanted to go in depth on that storyline. Otherwise, I guess he goes on to do his own thing.

Sig by THEJamoke Contributor to PONIES: The Anthology 2 and Anthology 3 Go watch them now!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-28 09:45:54

I'm curious to see what they end up doing with Barrett. Maybe they can send him to SD and give him a fresh start or something.

Punk being the leader of Nexus seems like a great idea to me. Maybe this time a stable run by him won't fall apart due to wrestlers being released. While there is potential here it does run the risk of doing the exact same thing they did before. We'll have to see what they do in the next show to see what makes it different.

Tyson Kidd: "I'm going to beat Mark Henry!"


Kidd: I have the best bodyguard ever!


Kidd: ......Damn.......

I hate when they start a match during commercials. I really hate that crap.

Miz vs. Morrison in a Falls count anywhere sounds like a winner to me. I'm sure they will be able to put on a great match.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-28 10:09:57

At 12/28/10 09:45 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I'm curious to see what they end up doing with Barrett. Maybe they can send him to SD and give him a fresh start or something.

Personally, I like the Barrett and Cena having an uneasy alliance against Nexus storyline over this idea..
Barrett has been one of the strongest points for this storyline.. and for WWE just just be like "adios Barrett! enjoy Smackdown!" would be downright wrong.. they gotta do something with him, and even if they want Barrett to do his own thing, give him a reasonable sendoff.. he deserves it.

(Tyson Kidd situation)

yeah that pissed me off too.. i hate it when WWE pretty much pitches an idea for a feud, then just completely buries the idea.. this to me, pretty much seemed like WWE saying "you want this feud?.. STIFF SHIT! NOT HAPPENING!"

Not really complaining about the bodyguard guy though.. apparently he fits under the "big guy, little skills" catagory.. it's really become a cliche in the WWE huh?

I hate when they start a match during commercials. I really hate that crap.

Me too.. but we don't really see it often.. I guess what it really showed that WWE doesn't really give 2 shits about Zack Ryder... shame, Ryder has talent in the ring and even has Charisma (hey, he's kinda made this shitty gimmick work..) why not give him a bit of a push?..

Miz vs. Morrison in a Falls count anywhere sounds like a winner to me. I'm sure they will be able to put on a great match.

The fact that this match is next week really did generally catch me off gaurd.. I'm guessing Miz will intentionally do something to end the match early and Morrison will get another chance at the Rumble..

Also, according to some report, Brock Lesnar is fed up with UFC and wouldn't mind having a match at WM twenty-whatever numbers this year's is.. (It's late and I really lose track of WrestleManias..)
Anyways, not sure if I believe this source.. sounds too good to be true.. But I'd personally love to be proven wrong... Lesnar was an amazing wrestler in the WWE. To me, nobody ever rised as fast in the company as he did (even if they really are trying to push that accomplishment on Sheamus)... and also I'd really love him to have one more match at Mania since his last one flopped so hard
seriously youtube it if you havent seen it.. him and goldberg stare eachother down for like a solid 5 minutes before the match... actually, now that i think about it, don't waste your time..

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-28 16:05:33


As soon as Nexus came out before Punk, I thought this would happen.........but not Punk LEADING Nexus. Guess Otunga doesn't mind not leading as long as he's not shat on by the one in charge.

This had better take Shocker of the Year at next year's Slammys.

Give it up, Cole; Josh Matthews is the voice of the WWE, and it's HIS show. There, I said it.

Well, Jeff, whether it's rehab or jail time, I think your career's over now.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-28 23:03:50

At 12/28/10 04:05 PM, Swackman wrote: As soon as Nexus came out before Punk, I thought this would happen.........but not Punk LEADING Nexus. Guess Otunga doesn't mind not leading as long as he's not shat on by the one in charge.

Plus if Otunga is leader you may as well just pull the plug already.

This had better take Shocker of the Year at next year's Slammys.

I don't think anything from 2010 is eligible...plus you have no idea what they'll do next year...because they don't either!

Give it up, Cole; Josh Matthews is the voice of the WWE, and it's HIS show. There, I said it.

I think Matthews is doing really good with the opportunity he's being given. Justifying people like myself who have always felt he deserved a legit shot at calling one of the main shows.

Well, Jeff, whether it's rehab or jail time, I think your career's over now.

Oh please, no way is his career over. TNA hired and retained Scott Hall for God's sake! I can't see where he doesn't lose the belt and in a RESPONSIBLE company he would be down pushed until he is proven to be clean...but this is TNA.

Career isn't over I don't think at all. But it's becoming increasingly clear he's headed towards being one of those tragic tales of the business.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-30 05:40:35

Cena apparently got injured during a house show and won't be wrestling for a few weeks. Still might appear to cut a promo at some point during that time since they say it's a hip pointer which isn't considered too serious of an injury.

And hopefully this means a bigger push for Morrison.

Sig by THEJamoke Contributor to PONIES: The Anthology 2 and Anthology 3 Go watch them now!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-30 09:42:46

Woah woah woah. I miss a couple of RAWs and next thing I know, Punk is leader of Nexus. The hell?!

Can someone please explain how this happened?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-30 14:42:45

Punk joining the Nexus was the dumbest thing I've seen yet, there just trying to give people another reason to hate him. First making Straight Edge seem bad, now this. I'm a long time Punk fan, but I'm not sure I wanna pull for him if he's with Nexus. Him and Nexus just doesn't mix well to me.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-30 18:00:20

At 12/28/10 11:03 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 12/28/10 04:05 PM, Swackman wrote: This had better take Shocker of the Year at next year's Slammys.
I don't think anything from 2010 is eligible...plus you have no idea what they'll do next year...because they don't either!

I dunno how they go about deciding what is & isn't eligible; I'm merely hoping.

Well, Jeff, whether it's rehab or jail time, I think your career's over now.
Oh please, no way is his career over. TNA hired and retained Scott Hall for God's sake!

Well, yeah, there is that.....

At 12/30/10 02:42 PM, gracik wrote: Punk joining the Nexus was the dumbest thing I've seen yet, there just trying to give people another reason to hate him. First making Straight Edge seem bad, now this. I'm a long time Punk fan, but I'm not sure I wanna pull for him if he's with Nexus. Him and Nexus just doesn't mix well to me.

I don't think there's much of anything Punk can't make work.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-30 19:11:07

So apparently, WWE has signed Awesome Kong
If this is true then I'm pretty psyched about it.. Phoenix vs Kong would be awesome, Gail Kim vs Kong would be memorable.. even seeing Kong beat up Lay-Cool would be fun to watch..

don't screw this up WWE..

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-30 23:27:43

At 12/30/10 02:42 PM, gracik wrote: Punk joining the Nexus was the dumbest thing I've seen yet, there just trying to give people another reason to hate him. First making Straight Edge seem bad, now this. I'm a long time Punk fan, but I'm not sure I wanna pull for him if he's with Nexus. Him and Nexus just doesn't mix well to me.
I don't think there's much of anything Punk can't make work.

Your absolutely right there. (watch I end up quoting your post wrong)

And when did WWE sign Kong? That's news to me. And yeah Kong vs Beth would be pretty epic.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-31 00:03:16

Anyone know what hints she dropped on her twitter?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-31 00:57:28

At 12/30/10 11:32 PM, Tetris wrote: I don't think it's been confirmed Kong signed with WWE, but she hinted at it on Twitter.

There's a lot of fire to that smoke I understand.

As far as Punk and Nexus...honestly, they haven't really done anything to give us the "why" yet, so why don't we at least give them till this week's raw before we decide whether or not this is something that's going to work or not?

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-31 06:24:06

At 12/31/10 12:57 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 12/30/10 11:32 PM, Tetris wrote: I don't think it's been confirmed Kong signed with WWE, but she hinted at it on Twitter.
There's a lot of fire to that smoke I understand.

As far as Punk and Nexus...honestly, they haven't really done anything to give us the "why" yet, so why don't we at least give them till this week's raw before we decide whether or not this is something that's going to work or not?

Don't look for logic. Why would the Nexus go to punk for leadership?
Look at how well the straight edge society worked out.
Look at how well him leading Daniel Bryan on NXT worked out, first eliminated was he?
I say we just take it at face value and try and enjoy it.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-31 06:27:40

At 12/30/10 11:32 PM, Tetris wrote: I don't think it's been confirmed Kong signed with WWE, but she hinted at it on Twitter.

Thats awesome.
Not only because of the possible matches with Beth and Natalya but also because there is no female wrestler better at putter over talent then Kong.

Kong created Taylor Wilde.

If she could reproduce the same sort of thing in WWE we could have our next Trish Stratus.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-01 01:51:19

At 12/31/10 12:57 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
As far as Punk and Nexus...honestly, they haven't really done anything to give us the "why" yet, so why don't we at least give them till this week's raw before we decide whether or not this is something that's going to work or not?

As much as I hate to admit it, you have a point. I know I may hate the whole concept of Punk joining Nexus, but like you said. Let's see how it plays out. They could end up changing my opinion of Nexus.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-01 12:57:09

At 12/31/10 06:24 AM, Shaun wrote:
Don't look for logic. Why would the Nexus go to punk for leadership?

Because CM Punk is being the only sane person and is trying to create an army of heels to take out Cena and the more numbers the better. Basically, Batman vs Superman.

Look at how well the straight edge society worked out.

Blame that on the WWE and their ridiculous policies especially with people new to the WWE. Serena would have been awesome, but nooo, fucking not actually living according to kayfabe.

Look at how well him leading Daniel Bryan on NXT worked out, first eliminated was he?

First, it was Darren Young and Daniel Bryan elimanated himself and yet he's had the most success out of any rookie from Season One.

I say we just take it at face value and try and enjoy it.

Quite. I still think CM Punk is the face in all this.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-01 13:03:47

At 12/30/10 01:15 PM, Tetris wrote: Punk hits Cena with chair on Raw, he does so again the next night on SmackDown.

OK, starts off very well...

On the next Raw, Nexus comes out and beats Cena up,

How original. OK, go on...

of course minus one WOID BARRAH.

What happened to him?

Then Punk comes out and hits him with the GTS, and puts on a Nexus armband that was in the ring.

...well, they took him in a Charles Manson direction...watch him turn the Nexus into a type of Nazi regime.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-01 14:25:07

Last night was pretty uneventful, except for another New Year's party going down the shitter & Trent Baretta trying to kill himself.

At 12/30/10 07:11 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: So apparently, WWE has signed Awesome Kong
If this is true then I'm pretty psyched about it.. Phoenix vs Kong would be awesome, Gail Kim vs Kong would be memorable.. even seeing Kong beat up Lay-Cool would be fun to watch..

don't screw this up WWE..

What? WWE going against their 'You must be this slim to enter' policy? Just how many times did hell freeze over in succession?

Either way, this is great if it's true.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-02 03:21:53

At 12/31/10 06:24 AM, Shaun wrote: Don't look for logic. Why would the Nexus go to punk for leadership?

Maybe Punk approached them. Punk has been portrayed as an almost Manson like cult leader. Maybe he sold Nexus on the idea that he can help them end Cena and get to that next level based on his resume.

Look at how well the straight edge society worked out.

Serena and the unfortunate injury to Joey Mercury fucked that over and Vince decided the group ended. That's way different then Punk somehow "failing".

Look at how well him leading Daniel Bryan on NXT worked out, first eliminated was he?

Miz was Daniel Bryan's pro. Punk was Darren Young's pro, and Punk was pretty clear early on he was not enjoying his time with Young.

I say we just take it at face value and try and enjoy it.

Look, as I said, to judge it off the ending of RAW whice was almost like the "teaser trailer", and not this week's installment where this will obviously be explained is the wrong way to go to me. Let's see how they explain this before we condemn this.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-02 07:05:45

So let's set up an IC rematch and then not have anything interesting happen in the end. The fact that Ziggler still has that title baffles me.

And poor Mr. Baretta. Suicide dive aside, a few of his moves in the ring looked sloppy and I'll be surprised if we see him again any time soon.

Sig by THEJamoke Contributor to PONIES: The Anthology 2 and Anthology 3 Go watch them now!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-02 17:45:55

At 1/2/11 07:05 AM, 36Holla wrote: And poor Mr. Baretta. Suicide dive aside, a few of his moves in the ring looked sloppy and I'll be surprised if we see him again any time soon.

He's been in showing up at FCW more often lately. Maybe they're gonna send him back...

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-01-03 07:49:49

Found this and I crack up every time I look at it because Punk's face is the same one I had when I was watching and realizing how stupid that phrase is.

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

Sig by THEJamoke Contributor to PONIES: The Anthology 2 and Anthology 3 Go watch them now!

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