At 12/28/10 09:45 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:
I'm curious to see what they end up doing with Barrett. Maybe they can send him to SD and give him a fresh start or something.
Personally, I like the Barrett and Cena having an uneasy alliance against Nexus storyline over this idea..
Barrett has been one of the strongest points for this storyline.. and for WWE just just be like "adios Barrett! enjoy Smackdown!" would be downright wrong.. they gotta do something with him, and even if they want Barrett to do his own thing, give him a reasonable sendoff.. he deserves it.
(Tyson Kidd situation)
yeah that pissed me off too.. i hate it when WWE pretty much pitches an idea for a feud, then just completely buries the idea.. this to me, pretty much seemed like WWE saying "you want this feud?.. STIFF SHIT! NOT HAPPENING!"
Not really complaining about the bodyguard guy though.. apparently he fits under the "big guy, little skills" catagory.. it's really become a cliche in the WWE huh?
I hate when they start a match during commercials. I really hate that crap.
Me too.. but we don't really see it often.. I guess what it really showed that WWE doesn't really give 2 shits about Zack Ryder... shame, Ryder has talent in the ring and even has Charisma (hey, he's kinda made this shitty gimmick work..) why not give him a bit of a push?..
Miz vs. Morrison in a Falls count anywhere sounds like a winner to me. I'm sure they will be able to put on a great match.
The fact that this match is next week really did generally catch me off gaurd.. I'm guessing Miz will intentionally do something to end the match early and Morrison will get another chance at the Rumble..
Also, according to some report, Brock Lesnar is fed up with UFC and wouldn't mind having a match at WM twenty-whatever numbers this year's is.. (It's late and I really lose track of WrestleManias..)
Anyways, not sure if I believe this source.. sounds too good to be true.. But I'd personally love to be proven wrong... Lesnar was an amazing wrestler in the WWE. To me, nobody ever rised as fast in the company as he did (even if they really are trying to push that accomplishment on Sheamus)... and also I'd really love him to have one more match at Mania since his last one flopped so hard
seriously youtube it if you havent seen it.. him and goldberg stare eachother down for like a solid 5 minutes before the match... actually, now that i think about it, don't waste your time..