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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-03 05:49:49

At 12/2/10 11:17 PM, Shaun wrote: I can't believe they are wasting Tyson Kidd vs DH Smith on Superstars, the WWE really messed up with these two. This should have been a PPV quality feud and should have been held off for along time yet.

Why aren't they still together? Such a waste.

Because the tag-team division in the WWE is a complete and udder joke, cemented by the fact the titles themselves look like pennies and are currently on a decent wrestler and a shit wrestler. WWE knows the tag division sucks and the fact that Santino and Kozlov had a chance to compete for the titles shows just how much they care about the division. Also, there is not a single tag team with a name anymore save for the Usos who look like they're not working and I guess the Nexus but that's pushing it.

Basically it's the only thing TNA has over WWE is their tag division doesn't suck... their booking is horrendous and they do not give midcarders any respect or much TV time. You know, like WCW.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-03 10:06:01

If anyone has an hour to burn, Bill Simmons from ESPN interviews Miz. Pretty good stuff.

http://espn.go.com/espnradio/player?rd=1 #/podcenter/?autoplay=1&callsign=ESPNRAD IO&id=5875033

Sig by THEJamoke Contributor to PONIES: The Anthology 2 and Anthology 3 Go watch them now!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-03 10:33:30

At 12/2/10 12:32 PM, boloneyman wrote:
At 12/2/10 12:00 PM, WooldoorSockbat wrote: It looks like they are finally trying to put Ted Debiase in the right direction, seems like he's going to get rid of that woman for good. Though if this was perfect, they would have him back with Cody Rhodes.
It also looks like he is growing out his facial hair. I like it, new look, new focus, but can we please get him some new music? I don't remember the last time I have hated a wrestler's theme so much.

Yeah, hopefully they are giving him a huge change (including the music). Speaking of facial hair, a good number of wrestlers seem to be having theirs grow. It looks good on them, I like this trend.

MVP quit? he was a good wrestler, that sucks.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-03 10:43:09

At 12/3/10 10:33 AM, WooldoorSockbat wrote: Speaking of facial hair, a good number of wrestlers seem to be having theirs grow. It looks good on them, I like this trend.

Normally means they are turning heel, except for Morrison.. he is too useless to be a heel.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-03 21:39:20

I give MVP credit from walking away from what I'm sure was a decent living because he is passionate about what he does. I've heard Japan has been a goal for him and I hope he makes it over there. You never know, he might even be back in WWE when this is over refreshed and able to get himself into a better position when it's all said and done. Good for MVP I say.

I have heard also WWE is absolutely very high on Punk and a lot of his shots at Reily and others are ad-libs that the back must be loving it. My only (and it's a small one) fear here is that they'll like his work so much he'll get "Tazzed" where they'll just want to leave him in the booth. I doubt it since unlike a Tazz or a Stryker, Punk is someone they obviously see money with in the ring, and I believe he would absolutely lobby to stay as an in-ring competitor. We shall see.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-04 08:10:37

At 12/3/10 10:08 PM, Tetros wrote: I'm kinda hoping for Punk to sort of rotate, like, sometimes be on commentary, sometimes be in the ring.

Would be cool, but It might slow down his in ring career a bit.. or perhaps even end it.. Tazz can tell us all about that. When Punk is cleared to wrestle again, they should replace him with William Regal on commentry.. If the guy is serious about retirement (which I don't know as he wrestled on Superstars this week).


Yeah.. they had good matches, but I would rather see Dolph/Kaval again...
What I reckon they should do is put a hold on his singles career as I feel they've rushed it a bit, he's already won the US and IC title and have had him in a lot of feuds.. they should find him a tag partner and have them go for the tag titles.. but give him a partner that'll work.

Some random tag teams worked (JeriShow, Rated RKO, Miz and Morrison, Eddie Guerrero and Tajiri, Matt Hardy and MVP.. hell even Regal and Eugene were a good mix)
and some didn't (Mark Henry and MVP, Rhodes and McIntyre, Mark Henry and Evan Bourne)..
They need someone who can work well with Kofi in the ring and out.. perhaps grab someone from FCW? have them be a strong tag team for a while then break them up and make Kofi's singles push more important this time around.

Also, what was with the absence of Dashing and Big Show?

Rhodes was on the show man.. he won against Masters. Was a short match though so I can see how you missed it.
Show's doing the Iraq tour with Kelly Kelly and Eve.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-04 12:23:30

At 12/3/10 09:39 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: My only (and it's a small one) fear here is that they'll like his work so much he'll get "Tazzed" where they'll just want to leave him in the booth.

Pretty sure Taz didn't have the option to get back in the ring due to serious neck injuries.

I don't really like CM Punk that much on commentary, it sort of ruins his character. He does say a few entertaining things but I don't think its worth it. Since he has lost the SES and how he is on commentary its almost like he will have no choice but to be a face when he does get back in the ring. That isn't a good situation for Punk.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-04 12:57:45

At 12/4/10 12:36 PM, Tetros wrote: It's Punk. They could get him back as a heel in half a heartbeat.

Yeah, but still.

So Dashing was on the show last night? Eh, I was off getting a snack during a commercial break. Dammit, I can't believe I missed him winning a match clean.

Everything he does is clean. Fresh, clean and dashing.

But still, why was Big Show out? The only explanation I can think of is that he's injured, which would suck.

He was in IRAQ. You know, another country with like a war going on. Couldn't be on the show.

And why did Layla win a match, even if it's against Smackdown's resident jobber Diva, Rosa Mendez?

Because she is smoking hot. So very hot.

I'm asking too many questions.


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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-04 17:12:26

If he's a face:
On one hand, he'd have much more fans, and the WWE would get more money out of him...
On the other, more rational hand, if they turn him into a face, it'll only be a matter of time until he's a babyface. AND YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I FUCKING HATE BABYFACES.

Also, original Punk fans wouldn't be unique anymore. And that would suck.

If he's a heel:
Everything will be fine. He'll be booed, endless possibilities, and he'll keep his current theme. Hopefully.

If he's a tweener:
I shall forever ponder this shit.

At 12/4/10 03:05 PM, Jow279 wrote: wwe is fake. go watch ufc. end.

If you hate wrestling so much, why the fuck did you even click on this club.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-04 18:28:03

If one has started to forget just how valuable Kofi is to the business, last night you've gotten a great reminder. Granted, it leads to yet another Kofi vs Ziggler match, but it was worth it.

Alright, Edge, just how long do you plan on keeping that a-hole captive in that wheelchair? It's going to get boring soon.

I have to wonder what's going to happen with Cole on Monday......maybe Mr. Anonymous will finally get pissed at him & 'suspend' him, since I can't see him & Lawler working together right now w/o Cole getting knocked out halfway through the night EVERY NIGHT from this point forward.

At 12/2/10 09:16 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: Breaking News: MVP released

Well, not so much fired.. more along the lines of MVP quits. It's no secret that he's been unsatisfied with his run in WWE for the past few months so I guess he finally had enough. Would he go to TNA? I honestly don't think he'd fit in very well there.

That means he lost on his last night? FUCK.

Can't blame him; they've ignored his talent for long enough. Hopefully they'll realize their mistake by the time he decides (IF he does) to return.

Frankly, if he went to TNA, his talent would probably get wasted there, too.

If he's a face:
On one hand, he'd have much more fans, and the WWE would get more money out of him...
On the other, more rational hand, if they turn him into a face, it'll only be a matter of time until he's a babyface. AND YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I FUCKING HATE BABYFACES.
Also, original Punk fans wouldn't be unique anymore. And that would suck.

Much like Edge & Orton, at this point in his career, he could NEVER BE A FULL FACE AGAIN. It'd be too unbelievable if they ever tried.

No need to worry.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-04 22:27:16

So, I watched this weeks iMPACT and Smackdown. Guess which one sucked? Yep, iMPACT. I mean this was one of the better shows, it starts off with Motor City Machine Guns vs Generation Me vs Ink Inc. vs Beer Money, by all accounts good match, Beer Money starts fucking with the referee and Shannon Moore gets a pin on one of the guys from Beer money, fast count. Then both babyface teams abandon the referee because? Not their business? THIS IS THE SHIT I HATE ABOUT THIS STUPID INCARNATION OF THE NWO. THE MIDCARDERS ARE DON'T RISE UP AT ALL! Good match nonetheless. Let's see, there was the bad promos, and... oh my fucking god... A Fist Pump contest between Robbie E and Jay Lethal. Jay, Jay, Jay, you're a great wrestler, but the look on your face looked genuine. You know this is stupid, you know that. Really get yourself a WWE contract, you're a lot better than this man. Jay punches the son of a bitch Cristy Hemme fucks Cookie up and all is right with the world. If Robbie E is supposed to be a joke character, he's giving Santino a run for his money... only Santino can actually entertain and wrestle... Rhyno vs Matt Morgan. the story with Rhyno is he's pretty much the John Cena and Immortal is the Nexus. TNA RIPPING OFF WWE UNPOSSIBLE! It's not very good. Jeff Hardy comes out and tries to be well, Jeff Hardy, as in a complete fucking moron. Then Mr. Anderson comes out to fuck him up. My favourite match of the night, Douglas Williams vs Kazarian, because both guys are great wrestlers. THe main event was Pope and Samoa Joe vs Abyss and Jeff Jarrett. Jeff Jarrett because he's being a douchebag grabs a guitar and Joe breaks it, grabs it and... the referree gives the win to Jarrett because Joe was holding the guitar. Eddie Guerrero any one?

Kurt Angle comes out and kicks Abyss' ass and chases off Jarrett.

Smackdown was a lot better because there was wrestling. I found it funny how Dolph and McIntyre got a jobber entrance yet they won. Okay, the main event was better than what happened at survivor Series. But yeah. I kind of wanted to see Kane win just so we could have an Inferno Match. But hey, it's TLC, not Hell in a Cell or what have you. Kofi does not need another Intercontinental Championship opportunity, just saying. PUSH KAVAL VS ZIGGLER FOR THE LOVE OF CRAP!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-05 00:26:01

At 12/4/10 12:23 PM, Shaun wrote: Pretty sure Taz didn't have the option to get back in the ring due to serious neck injuries.

I think Taz absolutely did. It's just that it became a situation where the neck was never going to get better (he wrestled on it after the break for a good 5 years or so) and he realized he was never going to get an in-ring push, so why not just take the broadcast deal and be an announcer and get an employee contract with benefits? I don't blame the guy at all when given that choice to decide which was better. Lance Storm did much the same thing when his back went to shit. I don't blame those guys, but Punk is healthy and still has lots to contribute. Not the same situation at all.

I don't really like CM Punk that much on commentary, it sort of ruins his character. He does say a few entertaining things but I don't think its worth it. Since he has lost the SES and how he is on commentary its almost like he will have no choice but to be a face when he does get back in the ring. That isn't a good situation for Punk.

It's possible he'll be a face, or he could wind up a tweener. WWE will certainly need to find a direction for him when he gets back as the SES break up wasn't really planned. It was basically forced on them. I think at some point Punk would have to turn face again any way since any truly great heel eventually turns the fans to where they want to cheer him because they just respect him. Maybe we're at that point in Punk's cycle again where that will happen, maybe he can tween. I've always felt that's a character that could easily tween, same as Edge. Especially considering in both cases neither guy is truly comfortable or as interesting as a face.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-05 04:11:24

At 12/4/10 12:57 PM, Shaun wrote:
And why did Layla win a match, even if it's against Smackdown's resident jobber Diva, Rosa Mendez?
Because she is smoking hot. So very hot.

I prefer Rosa honestly, but not sure if I'm digging the brunette look.. I liked her with black hair but not this red/brown hair.

Plus Layla is close with 'McTaker'... enough said.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-05 09:59:17

Does anybody check out the Wrestling Observer Newsletter Awards?..
If you don't, basically they have different catagories to vote on (eg: Best Wrestler, Worst Wrestler, Best Finishing move, Most Underrated, Most Overrated etc.) and every year they hold a vote involving wrestlers or events during this past year. It's a pretty interesting read.

So what I thought I'd do is post a couple of these catagories and if you feel like answering them, you're more than welcome. Also this applies to every wrestling company.. not just WWE.

my answers

Lou Thesz/Ric Flair Award (Wrestler of the Year)
Chris Jericho

Most Outstanding Wrestler
Bryan Danielson

Feud of the Year
CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio

Tag Team of the Year
Motor City Machine Guns

Most Improved
Dolph Ziggler or Cody Rhodes

Best on Interviews
The Miz

Best Technical Wrestler
Bryan Danielson

Best Flying Wrestler
Tyler Black

Most Overrated
David Otunga

Most Underrated
John Morrison or Christian

Rookie of the Year
Daniel Bryan

Best Non-Wrestler
Paul Bearer

Best Television Announcer
CM Punk

Worst Television Announcer
Michael Cole

Worst Wrestling Storyline
Guest Hosts on RAW

Worst Wrestling Show
TNA or NXT Season 3

Worst Worked Match of the Year
Kaitlyn vs Maxine

Best Feud of the Year
Daniel Bryan vs The Miz and Michael Cole

Worst Feud of the Year
Hornswoggle vs The Swagger Soaring Eagle

Best Gimmick
Edge - Stupid Moment Eliminator or Cody Rhodes - Smug Narcissist

Worst Gimmick
Michael Cole - Miz Cheerleader

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-05 10:00:51

sorry.. i was meant to delete that CM Punk/Rey Mysterio feud one.. I'm sticking with Bryan/Miz feud

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-05 23:53:49

At 12/5/10 10:10 PM, Tetros wrote: I'm watching TNA Final Resolution via stream... The Pope vs Abyss casket match was boring as fuck.

Casket matches in general don't tend to be very good. Even when Taker was doing them they tended to be bad, but if they're shortish they can be ok. I think that's why WWE switched to Buried Alive.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-06 20:00:53

I've heard 2012 she'll be gunning for Lieberman. I'd personally love to see Lieberman out because he's so far to the right on so many issues that are important to me...but not with someone as ignorant as Linda Mac. Hoping for either a strong Democratic challenger or another independent that'd be better then Lieberman (who runs independent).

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-06 21:06:14

At 12/6/10 08:34 PM, Tetros wrote: Nice one, Helms.

The highlight of his career was being called the Hamburgler.

Sig by THEJamoke Contributor to PONIES: The Anthology 2 and Anthology 3 Go watch them now!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-06 21:21:24

Beaten by Tetros........AGAIN........

No need to unwrap this present, folks. :P

"Orton Gives Cole A Lump For X-Mas"

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-06 21:46:08

At 12/6/10 09:18 PM, Tetros wrote: Randy just RKO'd Michael Cole.


It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.


Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-06 22:12:12

I hope this is a tryout for Josh Matthews in the big chair to see how he does. He's wasted on NXT and has such talent. I think when Punk transitions back to the ring Matthews could be exactly what we need in the booth...I'm sure WWE has to be starting to think about how much longer they want Uncle Jerry in the booth because they want "young" announcers.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-06 22:15:15

Guess who just won the Tag Titles? Well, thanks to Cena continuing to make Nexus as miserable as humanly possible, but still.

As soon as it was down to those two, I had a feeling they'd finally win - and I was right. Let's see just how long (and how believable) they can hold those titles........until Santino does something stupid to lose them again......

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-06 23:15:31


For the first time, Wade looked ready to shit himself. :P See, Wade? THIS IS WHY YOU DON'T PISS OFF YOUR HIRED HELP.

Who was that guy Kidd was with? He looks like a cross between Masters & Matt Morgan, but with Khali's height (as indicated by his walking over the ropes).

Orton's been taking lessons from, Batista, looks like. Maybe Hornswaggle recommended it. *shot*

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-06 23:17:40

The moments between John and Punk at the end of Raw were priceless. I missed most of the show, but enjoyed what I saw for the most part.


The Wrestling (WWE) Club

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-06 23:24:34

My recap of TNA's Final Resolution, Match-For-Match:

Beer money vs Ink Inc - Good match, two really good teams kicking ass and it's the best way to open the show up. I guess they've taking the cues from the Dolph vs Daniel Bryan matches to know that it's a great way to open up the show. But it kind of spoiled the MCMG's vs Gen Me match because if the face team won, Generation Me were getting the titles. Beer Money won so naturally the titles stay with the Guns.

Robbie E vs Jay Lethal. Fuuck this company. Fuck it hard. You knew that the only way to keep this title on this talentless fuckhead was to do a damn DQ. Thank christ for Shark Boy and that Stone Cold Stunner on Cookie.

Mickie James vs Tara (I pronounce it Tah-Rah because I am not a fucking idiot). Hey, better than the Robbie E, Rhino and Jarrett matches easily... only it wasn't a match, it's a street fight. "Falls Count Anywhere" is a pseudonym for "Street Fight." It was good, but it's the same thing we've seen for the last few weeks on impact and I don't know, I'd kind of would like an actual RESOLUTION TO THIS FEUD! Maybe, where Tara can turn face? Abandon Madison and maybe we could get a decent wrestler with the belt? Doesn't matter if it's Mickie James or Tara but dammit. Also, where the fuck are Hamada and Taylor Wilde, aren't they you know, better wrestlers than pretty much every other woman's talent?

Rhino vs RVD in a First Blood (Part 1) Match. Meh, there's nothing to talk about, except for the hilarity that was Rhino blading himself on camera. Shades of Ric Flair there.

Douglas Williams vs AJ Styles for the Television Title: This was probably my second favourite match of the night because Doulas Williams and AJ Styles are great. Though the audience are fucking idiots or smarks... I say the former because of the chants of "USA! USA! USA!" I say fuck the USA, fuck it hard because it doesn't matter where talent comes from as long as it is awesome! Also I'm Canadian and hate Patriotism with a passion. Douglas Williams, in fairness was acting heelish but then again AJ Styles for the longest time hasn't done anything impactful since having the TV Title. So a change was needed. I am not bitching about Williams using the Styles Clash because I have seen faces use heel finishers on heel wrestlers. Really a good match.

Pope vs Abyss in a Casket Match. Pope loses. Abyss wins clean, Pope. Future Endeavors, this is the 4th time in a row you lost to Abyss. WWE could probably use you right now. Just saying.


Holy fuck, these guys are so good, they need to tone it down, chair shots to the head, bodies through tables, people wedged between ladders. Damn this match was brutal and the cherry on top was the Highlander esque chair battle between Sabin and I think Max Buck. Sabin knocks the chair out of Max Buck, Max falls into a table and Sabin grabs the belts. the fucker bleed like a maniac, Jesus, too many shots to the head are BADDDD. Get that looked at Sabin, really. Best match of the night, probably of the year.

Jeff Jarrett vs Samoa Joe. JARRETT IS CHEATING UNPOSSIBAL!!! Yeah, fuck this noise. Jarrett makes Joe tap via the Ankle Lock, no Kurt Angle.

Jeff Hard vs Matt Morgan. Hey they spent about 18000 doollars on a piece of shit title, better keep it until Jeff goes to jail. And then when that happen we are rid of such a boring fucking talent. I hate Jeff Hardy, I really do. He's boring, he's a douche bag. he's a complete fucking idiot. I am glad that he actually got boos, I guess the smarks heard the retardation he said on camera about CM Punk. Yeah, way to try to bury a wrestler who is infinitely better and smarter than you. Fuck Jeff Hardy. Really. I hated the Hardy Boyz and I sure as shit do not give a fuck about Jeff Hardy on his own. But yeah, you saw this finish coming. See you next pay per view Jeff, you fucking cunt.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-07 02:25:00

Actually TNA got that belt for free from a friend of Jeff's.

The tag titles don't matter. That's what tonight taught us.

I'm going to have to look into who Kidd's muscle was tonight...the guy looks vaguely familiar but I can't quite place him...

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-07 02:30:59

Okay, fuck all the Cole Haters. Michael Cole is great at playing the villain, fuck you guys for ring his ass about his obsession of the Miz, he's a great heel and he's such a weasel. I love it. It's hysterical

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-07 02:38:38

He's a good weasel and all but here's my fundamental question and problem:

Where's it going? What the end game?

I have no clue, and by all indications it seems like they don't really have much of a clue either or a real plan for it. If this ends with him out of the booth and in some on air character role like Coach screwing with babyfaces, ok. But if all it's supposed to be is a weasel heel announcer? Fuck it, not all that interested.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-07 05:16:34

At 12/7/10 02:38 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: He's a good weasel and all but here's my fundamental question and problem:

Where's it going? What the end game?

I have no clue, and by all indications it seems like they don't really have much of a clue either or a real plan for it. If this ends with him out of the booth and in some on air character role like Coach screwing with babyfaces, ok. But if all it's supposed to be is a weasel heel announcer? Fuck it, not all that interested.

I think the idea was to really put over Cole as the full-fledged heel commentator. I guess fans weren't buying it because of the whole thing with the Miz and making fun of Daniel Bryan Danielson (CM Punk almost said it tonight, :P). That was kind of the reason he was portrayed as an unintelligible douchebag when JR did a guest spot. So, yeah, it's just what you think it will end up being more than likely, but hey, Cole being funny is not a bad thing. At least in my book.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-12-07 09:10:45

Raw had it's ups and downs last night. On the plus side Cole got RKO'ed, CM Punk on commentary is really fun to hear, Nexus ditches Wade, and Santino and Kozlov won the tag titles.

On the down side, most of the show was boring as hell, and Santino and Kozlov won the tag titles.

Maybe it was just me but with a few exceptions most of the content on Raw just wasn't captivating enough. Sure I liked the opening moment with Cole, Lawler and Orton but it was followed by so-so stuff. The tag match was ok and I always find amusment in Santino but like Avie said it just goes to prove that the tag titles mean nothing.

The Last match of the night was well done though as was the segment with Cena and Wade. It does make me wonder if this is it for Nexus. Odd timing if it is since it looks like they just got a new t-shirt. Can't sell Nexus shirts if there is no Nexus right?

Via wrestlezone.com:
The new talent's name is Jackson Andrews, who has been training down in FCW. Andrews has competed in a few Raw dark matches over the past couple weeks, picking up victories over Goldust.

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