No, just a bit more than usual have been showing up lately.
At 9/8/10 01:53 AM, Swackman wrote: So, Cena Extra Crispy returns to screw over Barrett, so my original theory is null & void. I guess I should know better, since a guy with hair like that is probably intent on keeping it that way, heh.
I wasn't terribly unhappy with the way RAW went down as it related to Nexus. I thought they protected them pretty well in the losses (but I think at this point having them get some more high profile wins over the tippity top wouldn't hurt. It's not like Cena or Orton will be seen as losers if they job once or twice for these guys, all it's going to do is help people take Nexus more seriously)
Good god, please, Mark, put over Bryan & give him the fucking strap. You're gonna get the World Title soon, so you may as well put the US Title on him. It should be interesting to see how Riley's involvement in this works out.
I absolutely see Bryan winding up with the strap and Miz moving on maybe after a rematch or two. I could see Riley being the guy Miz turns around and says "ok, I have better things to do...Alex Riley will get my revenge for me on Daniel Bryan". I think that's a perfect way to do this as it elevates Bryan, moves Miz onward to something else, and gives Riley a high profile program with a phenomenal veteran who can only help him get better. So I'm almost positive they won't do this...but I'd be very happy to eat my words on this occasion.
The only thing that would be more awesome (pun not intended) is if, after Bryan wins it, he goes over to Cole & whacks him over the head with it. :P
I want him to put Cole in the old Cattle Mutilation and break his fucking arms off...that'd be the most awesome thing ever :)
The look Jericho gave Morrison in that segment after the match nearly caused me to fall off the couch in laughter. :P :P :P
That was such a great segment, the only problem I had with it was saying to myself "why the hell did it take this long for them to realize what a strong performer Morrison is?" if Jericho is going out on another hiatus, he deserves all the credit in the world for being completely unselfish in making other guys look good and putting them over on the way out. Jericho is a prime example of a guy who is over enough that the occasional loss doesn't hurt him because he's good enough and over enough to get that heat back on his next go around.
I've been given the notion that he'll be very good for the company in that aspect.
That's not the only aspect he's going to be involved with...I am very very interested to see some of the things that we'll be seeing going forward as H settles into his new job.
Should I be afraid of this?
Depends how you feel about SES.
At 9/8/10 08:22 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote: No, just a bit more than usual have been showing up lately.
We were all newbs once
At 9/8/10 09:53 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I wasn't terribly unhappy with the way RAW went down as it related to Nexus. I thought they protected them pretty well in the losses (but I think at this point having them get some more high profile wins over the tippity top wouldn't hurt. It's not like Cena or Orton will be seen as losers if they job once or twice for these guys, all it's going to do is help people take Nexus more seriously)
They made it easy to see why Justin had the FCW strap. He may have lost to Cena, but he didn't job, either.
I've been given the notion that he'll be very good for the company in that aspect.That's not the only aspect he's going to be involved with...I am very very interested to see some of the things that we'll be seeing going forward as H settles into his new job.
...............Wait, is he.............REPLACING VINCE!?
Should I be afraid of this?Depends how you feel about SES.
At 9/9/10 03:39 AM, Swackman wrote: ...............Wait, is he.............REPLACING VINCE!?
Eventually. :3
Guys, go to Wrestlegasm. It's fucking awesome.
Oh wow. I haven't watched wrestling in quite a few weeks, but that "mystery GM" thing is STILL going on? Are you fucking serious? It was a shitty idea when it first started and it's an even shittier idea when it's gone on this long.
Goddamn it, WWE. This is not making me want to care about you again.
Edge really should've smashed the goddamn computer. But NOOOOO, he had to get all PG on our asses. C'MON, RATED R SUPERSTAR, YOU CAN SMASH AN APPLE COMPUTER! JUST THINK OF THEIR FANBASE AND IT SHOULD COME NATURALLY TO YOU!
I saw the match listings for the new High Flyers dvd thats coming out
looks pretty good as I've always been a huge fan of the high flyers... it pretty much covers everyone from Ricky Steamboat to Shelton Benjamin to Brian Pillman to Jeff Hardy.
It might be a dvd I'd consider buying..
here's the whole list to anyone that's interested.
At 9/9/10 03:39 AM, Swackman wrote:
No one is replacing Vince until Vince either dies, or physically cannot be on the road anymore.
PWInsider elite accounts, I'm telling you guys, it's worth every penny and they report all the news that all these other sites then run off and copy. Or twist around to act like they "broke" something.
I always felt like CM Punk's ROH entrance was epic and the kind of thing that more wrestlers should be aspiring to have because it just screams out "this guy is special, this guy is important, PAY ATTENTION TO THIS GUY!!!!"
I also liked his run as champion when he used "Cult of Personality"
At 9/9/10 10:25 PM, Tetros wrote: My man Bryan isn't that great on the mic... BUT HE'S DAMNED GOOD IN THE RING! It appears the WWE has abandoned his classic Cattle Mutilation move and replaced it with a Omoplata Crossface, more commonly known as the LeBell Lock.
Yeah Cattle Mutilation is fuckin badass.. and an awesome name for it too
I'm hoping he will eventually bring that in with him in WWE.
That's also a main reason some guys go to TNA, they're willing to take the pay cut in exchange for no travel.
Right up Jeff Hardy's alley lol
At 9/9/10 10:25 PM, Tetros wrote: Also, today I found that this was CM Punk's ROH theme. GOD, is it creepy.
Dude. AFI is fucking awesome.
Also, take a look at the picture of CM Punk in that video, and then take a look at CM Punk now. HE'S STRESSED. The man is 31, and he's got stress marks. I can actually see that, the WWE's travel schedule is apparently brutal.
Well, of course he's stressed. He's a heel who has to wrestle Big Show, one of his friends was fired...if I were him, I would've had a few breakdowns by then.
That's also a main reason some guys go to TNA, they're willing to take the pay cut in exchange for no travel.
No travel in exchange for being in a shitty company...hmmm, doesn't seem worth it.
At 9/10/10 05:02 PM, Tetros wrote: So it's the RAW Roulette this Monday... I noticed in the twenty-three second long commercial for this particular RAW that on the Roulette there was a slot for the "Bra and Panties" Match. Now, will this match EVER happen in the WWE again? Probably not. Well, as long as Linda isn't on the run for senator.
"Bra and Panties" match? Oh, HELL no. This makes my Feminazi side raaaage. I had to resist the urge to scream into my pillow. :(
Now, I'd like to see this match. Not for the stripping down of a hot woman on TV, but just to see something out of the ordinary in the company for once.
Atta boy!
Okay, a little for the stripping part.
BUT STILL! I haven't seen a ladder match in forever! They're exclusive to the TLC PPV now, I suppose?! I wouldn't be surprised, really! Back in the Attitude Era, these were common! Now, they're Pay Per View exclusive! But whatever, I hate comparing the current WWE to the Attitude Era. I won't do it again.
Naw, do it some more.
Also, CM Punk marks his wrist tape with a red X now. I think it's awesome.
At 9/10/10 07:01 PM, Tetros wrote: Yeah, I hope he does it a different color weekly now. Like next week blue, and such...
I hope you're joking. Because that is just fucking retarded.
At 9/10/10 07:40 PM, Tetros wrote: Yeah... just kidding...
Awww...there there. I'm sorry, Tetros.
Dammit, now I feel bad.
Damnit, I kinda wanted to see the X in pink.
Yeah...Paint sucks.
"You will *cough cough*" -- 'Taker
I'm really getting scared for his health. I don't want you to die, 'Taker...stay healthy for me, please. Please.
*sniffle* *sob sob*
At 9/10/10 09:02 PM, Tetros wrote: I'm just as concerned with Taker as I am with Matt Hardy. Both of those guys have been injured more times than I have fingers and toes.
Matt Hardy, hell, I could care less. I would be more worried for Jeff if Matt died or got sick.
And Christian is officially feuding with ADR.
Who fucking cares.
Also, I just noticed. A few months ago, I absolutely despised CM Punk. I missed Jeff so much even though I was only a fan for like...three weeks. I would've laughed if Punk got injured...
though I would've felt sorry for Philip Brooks
And now I really do not like Jeff, and I can't go one post without one mention of Punk. Huh. Weird how much things can change in a year.
Has Jeff lost any...nah. I should be asking if he gained any more weight, heheh.
At 9/10/10 09:02 PM, Tetros wrote: I'm just as concerned with Taker as I am with Matt Hardy. Both of those guys have been injured more times than I have fingers and toes.
Taker won't die... but he should really consider hangin up his boots
Also to me, it looks like hardy's getting in shape.. look at him earlier this year he had a huge gut then... now it's kinda smaller, good for him.
meanwhile jeff is packing on the weight... that's what TNA will do to you kids...
And Christian is officially feuding with ADR.
I hope this is good for both of them and not just for Del Rio, I believe they could have a great feud if it were even.
oh and hey guys guess what?
TNA has got a HUGE SURPRISE coming......... again!
HOW THE FUCK.............did Kaval do that!? I honestly haven't seen anything like that in the WWE. Please, strap the largest rocket you can find to this guy, because people WILL buy tickets to see that in a main event match.
That was one of the best matches I've seen Matt Hardy put on in a while. He didn't 'job' like he's been doing; he actually put Alberto over quite well.
I agree with pretty much everyone here in that, unless that's REALLY good acting, ol' Mark's sounding terrible. Geez, forget the streak, and save your own ass; no one will hate you for it.
At 9/10/10 09:28 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: oh and hey guys guess what?
TNA has got a HUGE SURPRISE coming......... again!
Lemme guess, something including Jeff?
badum, TISH
*crickets* I hate you all. >:(
And that crotch landing that 'Taker took...eeeeeeeeeugh...I hope that doesn't hurt his marriage...
I really begin to wonder if this whole "weakening" for the Taker isn't perhaps the first steps in WWE launching a "farewell" kind of tour for the Taker. Certainly this is a story that has never been done with the dead man before and holy fuck he got GTSed!!!
If Punk beats him on TV...oh, no, there it is, Hell's Gate. Very good match there. Good SD! overall this week and a complete 180 from a pretty bad showing last time out. Again, I wonder if this is something that will resolve itself with the convlusion of the Kane feud, or are we going forward to the idea of Taker becoming "mortal" only to culminate in his final farewell at this years wrestlemania? We'll have to wait and watch, but as I've said before, once Taker goes, it changes the entire complexion of the company and it's the single biggest reason I began watching wrestling gone forever.
While he isn't going at 100%, Taker still puts on a great match. He just needs to have the right person to work with in order to keep himself from overdoing it and getting hurt agiain. This may in fact be one of the final runs he has since he is showing signs of his age and his body doesn't seem to be able to take teh abuse it did a few years ago. I just hope he realizes so he doesn't cause an injury that will have him hurting in the long term. Taker has been a favorite of mine for as long as I can remember so I'd like his retirement years to be good ones with as little amount of pain as possible.
I missed SD due to work so I need to see if I can find that Kaval/Drew match.
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McIntyre/Kaval match was great... didn't really agree with McIntyre going over, but I get it you know..
even though we all know Kaval has a lot of experiance and has been in the bizz for over a decade.. but when you first arrive in WWE, ESPECIALLY IN NXT you're "inexperianced" and have to build your way to the top..
also the height thing might play a big factor too, speaking of which.. I bet there's a sign like this in Vince McMahon's office..
At 9/11/10 12:47 PM, Tetros wrote: And PRE-ORDER SMACKDOWN VS RAW 2011 AT BEST BUY IF YOU'RE GOING TO GET IT. If you pre-order it at Best Buys, the game will come with Bret Hart as a playable character.
Eh, I can probably just get it somewhere like Craigslist with Hart already in it.
Mysterio is the one massive exception though. There is no other short guy that got a major push in that company that didn't have a powerful political connection (that's to stop all you fucks who were gonna try to sneak X-Pac in there, X-Pac had H and the Kliq to make sure he got a consistent push).
I disagree with having Kaval lose in his debut because it sends out the wrong message, strong match but I just don't think guys should be losing their debut, he definitely needs a win next time out.
At 9/11/10 11:42 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Mysterio is the one massive exception though. There is no other short guy that got a major push in that company that didn't have a powerful political connection (that's to stop all you fucks who were gonna try to sneak X-Pac in there, X-Pac had H and the Kliq to make sure he got a consistent push).
I knew everybody would be talking about Mysterio... also Jericho is a pretty short guy (anybody seen him in person? I have.. HE'S TINY!)
despite having friends in high places, Xpac never really had THAT big of a successful run in WWE.. he won titles and all but he wasn't someone that everyone would pay to see.. least in my view..
speaking of Xpac.. I watched WM17 the other day.. after having that dvd for about 7 years now I just realised there was a sunday night heat match in the special features... Steve Blackman and GrandMaster Sexay (random team much?) vs X-Factor (Xpac, Albert & Justin Credible)
Now is it just me, or did it seem that they just picked 3 random names out of a hat to make that stable?
Credible and Pac made sense because people forget but Credible was kind of like a junior member of the Kliq.
Albert I think was there to just be the "muscle" for that group...insofar as they thought anything about it...I mean, you think Legacy was booked bad? Geez, X-Factor was like irrelevant 10 seconds after it formed.