At 9/17/10 02:13 AM, Random-Her03 wrote:
X-Pac was arrested for possesion of Marijuana...
Man, I was shocked.. he always seemed like such a good guy*
* = Sarcasm
I love the bit where he got robbed the day before...but thank God they didn't get the weed!!! Honestly, I think we should legalize it (and no, I do not smoke it), but until we do, don't be a dumbass sean...oh wait, fucked Chyna...well there goes that.
I've also read that WWE is looking to push the Tag Team division which I like, I've always been a fan of the Tag Team division.. They just don't really have many strong tag teams.. Hart Dynasty is probably the only strong tag team around right now. The Uso's could be good if given the chance.. also Santino and Kozlov seem to be on a roll since them to joined forces, I don't think they've lost once!
Santino and Koz are comedy. I highly doubt they'll give the tag division any strong push, it'd be nice though as with a dirth of big multiman stables or gangs, two guys united watching each others backs could really be a force to wreak some havoc, especially since the tag champions can be on both shows. Also it's a great chance for under pushed mid-carders to really break out (New Age Outlaws was a great example as that duo was put together as basically a rib, and they got it over). Not really focusing on having solid duos really hurts the WWE product as I think wrestling works best when it's working from a "circus" mentality of trying to have as many different things on a show as possible so as to better capture the imagination of the audience.
What I don't like however is that they're looking to put Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntrye together as a tag team... Why?.. Don't get me wrong, they would be a big threat to the titles but do they really need to be together? Both have showed that they can carry themselves in the singles game.. and I HATE how they always seem to chuck Cody into a tag team.. specially since this Dashing gimmick has actually worked out well for him and he's making it work, a gimmick like this would of normally gotten boring by now but people are getting behind it.
I think Drew has had his push curtailed because of the Tiffany might not be bad to get Drew into a tag team and if Cody were JUST coming to SD! after the horrible RAW run I would be all for this. But now? Yeah, I have got to agree, as much as the "Dashing" gimmick looked to be DOA Cody has proven the critics (myself included) wrong. He's gotten this over and shown the great talking skills he inherited from his old man. To me a team with Drew could certainly hold him back but if you look at it as it would be a chance for them to be a pushed commodity on both shows, then a tag team that leads into a title run is a great idea. We'll just have to see, but it looks like the WWE has seemingly put the tag belts back into hibernation.
Also whenever Cody is in a tag team he has a habit of being in the shadow of his partner.. hell, I only realised how good of a wrestler he was when he was drafted to SD! and on his own..
I think that was a combination of they felt the more upside was in Dibiase...but then they wound up squandering both those guys to push the fuck out of Randy and then the whole plan completely and utterly exploded and backfired when Randy wound up becoming a face. The whole Legacy thing hurt both Rhodes and Dibiase...and I'm praying Teddy winds up over on SD! when they look to pump that show back up in a few weeks.
and I have a feeling if these 2 get together, the same thing will happen to Cody.
I think Drew should be more concerned then Cody as Cody appears to be the more pushed commodity to me.