Er...SD! moving to SyFy?
Who didn't know that?
I...I only see Beth Phoenix. I read the entire goddamn thing five times, and I only saw Beth Phoenix.
At 9/4/10 02:56 PM, Tetros wrote: Okay, SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS (maybe, this could be me overanalyzing, though.)
Nah, I don't think you're capable of finding something in a list of...
OK. So I guess you are capable.
Wasting my time with fanon shit *grumble grumble*...
I don't think it exactly means that he'll win the title (though i hope he does)
remember how edge and jericho walked out on that tag match against nexus? I reckon that was a way of them jumping ship to SD!
jericho will lose, maybe take some time off cause i hear he has a tour with fozzy soon, then when the times right, he'll return to smackdown... i seriously hope he goes back to smackdown, i really preferred both him and edge on that show.. they got more opportunity.
At 9/4/10 11:52 AM, MaraquanWocky wrote:
God, I hate Del Rio. I also hate Christian.
Del Rio: Because he is Juan Bradshaw Layfield. *shudder*
Christian: Oh, here we go. Let's see...unfunny, over-rated, weak, orange, ugly, stupid...etc. etc.
.............. you're joking right? no, you know what? i don't care..
So family reunion today, met my cousin from Germany, Benedict. Big wrestling fan, likes him some proper wrestlers like CM Punk and Edge. He also is a fan of longer matches and less gaga. He's 14...this should put him on the outer rim of the target WWE audience.
At 9/5/10 12:27 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: So family reunion today, met my cousin from Germany, Benedict. Big wrestling fan, likes him some proper wrestlers like CM Punk and Edge. He also is a fan of longer matches and less gaga. He's 14...this should put him on the outer rim of the target WWE audience.
Awwwwwwww, how cute.
Does anyone have a picture of Punk flipping out of the ring?
Because I need it for my Wallpaper of Godly Moments.
I'm not sure the SES is quite done yet. However, a feud between Punk & Gallows would be awesome. We've already seen Luke question Punk before, and maybe this is where he finally says 'enough', and Twelve Step's Punk through something next week. It'd be great for both Luke AND the WWE, since they'd have a face to promote Straightedge living, which would be an excellent move for a now-PG franchise hoping to get over with the youth audience. I wouldn't be surprised if Punk already had this idea in mind, either.
At 9/3/10 08:57 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: so it seems the super huge diva will not be in the new NXT... I don't think they've released her
it seems they're doing a storyline saying vickie guerrero fired her as her rookie and will have a new rookie for the show..
Huh. Not sure what to make of that. I hope this means she jumped straight to the active roster............but I'm doubting it.
At 9/3/10 10:21 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote:At 9/3/10 08:57 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: awesome kongAhahahahahahano.
Hey, shaddap. She puts on great matches.
And of course, she clocked Bubba. :P
At 9/4/10 08:33 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: and i found it funny that christian actually compared del rio to jbl... looks like the wwe does listen to internet wrestling fans at times..
Is it possible they could be ditching the hornswoggle gimmick and trying to turn him normal?... would be a nice change but i still don't like this storyline involving him and teddy long.
The funny thing is, HE'S SPOKEN BEFORE. Why, WWE, must you pretend like certain storylines never existed?
At 9/5/10 04:21 PM, Swackman wrote: I'm not sure the SES is quite done yet. However, a feud between Punk & Gallows would be awesome. We've already seen Luke question Punk before, and maybe this is where he finally says 'enough', and Twelve Step's Punk through something next week. It'd be great for both Luke AND the WWE, since they'd have a face to promote Straightedge living, which would be an excellent move for a now-PG franchise hoping to get over with the youth audience. I wouldn't be surprised if Punk already had this idea in mind, either.
It wouldn't be bad to see that, but I dunno if Gallows will be good enough to be on his own
he is a good worker, but i think he seems more of a tag team guy... oh well, whatever gets him pushed up.. just please god, don't turn him back into Festus...
At 9/3/10 08:57 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: so it seems the super huge diva will not be in the new NXT... I don't think they've released herHuh. Not sure what to make of that. I hope this means she jumped straight to the active roster............but I'm doubting it.
it seems they're doing a storyline saying vickie guerrero fired her as her rookie and will have a new rookie for the show..
Yeah, as I read on it seems that she seemed far too green to be put on tv yet... it's a shame, I really didn't wanna see her in that "big guy, limited skills" catagory..
At 9/3/10 10:21 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote:Hey, shaddap. She puts on great matches.At 9/3/10 08:57 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: awesome kongAhahahahahahano.
And of course, she clocked Bubba. :P
yeah! bubba's an idiot...
Is it possible they could be ditching the hornswoggle gimmick and trying to turn him normal?... would be a nice change but i still don't like this storyline involving him and teddy long.The funny thing is, HE'S SPOKEN BEFORE. Why, WWE, must you pretend like certain storylines never existed?
I know ay? WWE seems to hate living in the past.. I don't think that's a good thing..
Also, from reports I've read, Triple H has officially become a member of the creative team..
I don't really much care for the idea of Gallows on his own at present. Not as any kind of shot at Luke's abilities but because I fear it's too early. It'd be the inverse of what WWE did with Ted Dibiase.
Remember how it got to where the fans BADLY wanted Dibiase to turn on Orton? How they seemed to practically salivate for it? We are nowhere NEAR that with Gallows. I think the only way to do something like this is you have to have more tension built, you have to create sympathy for the guy and slow burn the idea that he's getting sick of Punk, but he feels like he can't raise a hand to him because Punk got him sober and clean. People will identify with that plight and when the time is right, Gallows can just explode and people will go nuts for it and him.
Think Perry Saturn leaving Raven's flock in WCW, or the attempt by ECW to create a similar idea between Tommy Dreamer and Terry Funk in 1999. It's just too early I think for the fans to really WANT a babyface Luke Gallows and if the fans don't want it, I fear this new opportunity he's been afforded will fizzle out. The guy has shown potential and deserves a chance to reach it.
I thought HHH had a hand in the creative process before.. As long as he can be inpartial when it comes to who to push then I think its a good idea. He's been through enough crap to know what the fans will go for.
WWE Smackdown star Matt Hardy posted the following on his Twitter account: "After 8 months of having irregular digestion because of my intestinal issues, it's been a uphill battle to find out what works for my body. It's been frustrating cuz I train hard & haven't gotten the same results I used to. But I think I've finally got my "new" body figured out. Without going into long, boring details.. I think I know what "healthy" foods I can't eat cuz my body & intestines can't break them down. It's been a tough, annoying, aggravating gig-esp when ur on TV every week & have my work ethic-but it's finally working
I had remembered hearing he was having problems. I hope he is able to keep himself healthy.
Former WWE tag team champion Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart was arrested today on multiple charges including grand theft and possession of controlled substances. The Hillsborough County Sheriff's office has released the arrest report, which notes that Neidhart is being held without bond in a Tampa, FL jail. He was charged with possession of 95 Oxycontin pills, 28 Methadone pills, two counts of possession of controlled substances with intent to distribute, two counts of trafficking illegal drugs, one count of burglary of an unoccupied dwelling and one count of grand theft third degree.
I think "The Anvil" isn't going to get out of this one. Those are a lot of charges... And you know what? Put him away if he really was intending to sell drugs.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 9/6/10 10:54 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I thought HHH had a hand in the creative process before.. As long as he can be inpartial when it comes to who to push then I think its a good idea. He's been through enough crap to know what the fans will go for.
Oh, he absolutely has say so on creative. It's never been "official" but it's pretty much common knowledge that he (and Shawn when he was there) were people who would have input into the storylines and Vince would solicit their opinions on stuff.
WWE Smackdown star Matt Hardy posted the following on his Twitter account: "After 8 months of having irregular digestion because of my intestinal issues, it's been a uphill battle to find out what works for my body. It's been frustrating cuz I train hard & haven't gotten the same results I used to. But I think I've finally got my "new" body figured out. Without going into long, boring details.. I think I know what "healthy" foods I can't eat cuz my body & intestines can't break them down. It's been a tough, annoying, aggravating gig-esp when ur on TV every week & have my work ethic-but it's finally working
I had remembered hearing he was having problems. I hope he is able to keep himself healthy.
Yeah, but then again with Matt who knows? The guy mixes so much working of the internet into his twitter and what not it just makes me wonder if this is the "excuse" for getting so heavy lately.
I think "The Anvil" isn't going to get out of this one. Those are a lot of charges... And you know what? Put him away if he really was intending to sell drugs.
I don't know that he was intending to sell them personally. I think what happened here is that law that says "if you have over x amount of pills, we charge you with intent to sell". I think this is more like what happened with Jeff being arrested, he was caught with pills he intended to use personally and because of the "intent to sell" statutes he's getting charged with that. The theft bit there's no defense for or pleading down I'd imagine and I've heard bail is at six figures. To me, yeah, I think he probably needs to be locked up and put into a treatment program because it's pretty obvious he's got some serious issues.
Sweet Jesus...I missed a lot when I was on vacation. OK, lemme see here...
Jim gets no sympathy from me. There is no excuse for burglary, there is no excuse for grand theft,
though the games are fucking AWESOME
and unless he had an issue with drugs before, like Jeff, then I can't believe he would be carrying around drugs. For god's sake man, don't do that to your body. I just lost a lot of respect for the guy...
As for the Luke/Punk storyline, I would like to see it happen. Sure, they'd have to build Gallows up a little more, but that probably won't be too hard, considering Punk's...being an ass all the time. But it's kind of hard to imagine, mostly because of how Punk acted like he wanted to...*ahem*...with Gallows in the beginning.
Couple bits of news I'm waiting to get out to the "mainstream" before I discuss.
The fate of SES has been decided by Vince himself.
Triple H got a MAJOR promotion within the company, way bigger then what's been reported so far.
At 9/6/10 07:21 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Couple bits of news I'm waiting to get out to the "mainstream" before I discuss.
The fate of SES has been decided by Vince himself.
It's not gonna be a gay romance thing, is it?
Triple H got a MAJOR promotion within the company, way bigger then what's been reported so far.
YAYZi miss Trips.
Hey Tetros, fuck you, Jericho lost!
He looks so sad...
At 9/6/10 07:24 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote: It's not gonna be a gay romance thing, is it?
No, not at all.
YAYZi miss Trips.
I'm really curious how this will effect his in-ring career to be honest. I could see this potentially cutting it short or effectively having ended it. Perhaps he'll be revealed as the mystery GM and Sheamus really will get credit for ending the H's career.
Tonight is a sad night for Edgeheads everywhere:
Our awesome hero, had the opportunity achieve God-like status. He could have ensured himself instant Hall of Fame level induction. He could have risen to a level that no WWE performer has ever reached.
But he didn't.
He could have smashed that goddamn computer and ended the pain. But no, no, he didn't do that. As I sat, and I watched, as I implored him for at least a minute "break it, break it, break it. Dammit break it...BREAK IT!!" He didn't.
But at least he outsmarted Kha...oh that fucking IM shit!!!! OH THIS IS UNFAIR HORSE SHIT!!!! HOW CAN EDGE POSSIBLY WIN THIS?!
This gimmick just gets worse and worse...
It looks official, Jericho seems to be preparing to jump ship to SD!
Also, I found it funny how Edge was talking about how Zack Ryder sucks, when at one time Ryder was Edge's protoge..
and EPIC segment with Miz and Bryan.. can't wait to see their match at NoC
Didn't come in until the very end of Morrison and Jericho but it seemed like a good match. The rest of the night was pretty awesome. Edge and Morrison back stage were great. Miz cuts yet another awesome promo, and Bryan was great also. They didn't have Cena totally destroy Gabriel, the AA from top rope made it look like he needed to go the extra mile to beat him. Orton burying everyone didn't bug me since I still think it is fresh to see a new superman. So I missed the stipulations of the match, but is Morrison in NOC now?
I do have some complaints. First, Alicia totally screwed up her line. What is an undefying champion? I wanted Edge to hit Khali with the labtop, but this match is a good reason of why I don't like Khali. He should have went between the ropes, King did an OK job covering it, but I'm sure everyone in the crowd was confused as hell. People always eliminate themselves from these kind of matches, by climbing over the top rope, so I'm not unfounded with Khali screwing that up.
So yeah, good Raw from what I saw.
I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.
Hulk Hogan was hospitalized yesterday for serious back pain. No comment yet as to what happened.
Dammit Hulk, first you almost shoot yourself, then this? God...
At 9/7/10 06:41 AM, MaraquanWocky wrote: BREAKING NEWS
Hulk Hogan was hospitalized yesterday for serious back pain. No comment yet as to what happened.
He's old, it happens..
Also, awesome sig. QUOTED
I found the GIF!
*fangirl SQUEEEEAL*
But it's too big too post on here. :\
So, I'll make a website JUST for these types of wrestling pictures!
Also, I just wanna hug Jericho and Edge.
I hope he didn't break his tooth again...he has to sing for the Fozzy tour...
Isn't it interesting how the Hulkster has been having all these back problems as TNA's ratings go down and it's been coming out that Dixie was very seriously pursuing Paul Heyman at one point?
I mean, I'm sure it's just a's not like Hulk is someone who's pulled these types of shenanigans before or is in any way dishonest...
At 9/7/10 05:27 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote:Also, awesome sig. QUOTED
At 9/7/10 09:26 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I mean, I'm sure it's just a's not like Hulk is someone who's pulled these types of shenanigans before or is in any way dishonest...
hehe.. my first thought on the subject
Also some new light on the Alousia getting kicked off NXT situation
apparently her being too green might not be the case... there were erotic photos of her found on the internet which could be why the decided to give her the boot..
I took a look at the pictures, but they're not that raunchy.. it's mostly just her in lingerie
but there is one photo of her bareass... that might of done it..
I see you frank use of this site is almost like your own:))
So, Cena Extra Crispy returns to screw over Barrett, so my original theory is null & void. I guess I should know better, since a guy with hair like that is probably intent on keeping it that way, heh.
Good god, please, Mark, put over Bryan & give him the fucking strap. You're gonna get the World Title soon, so you may as well put the US Title on him. It should be interesting to see how Riley's involvement in this works out.
The only thing that would be more awesome (pun not intended) is if, after Bryan wins it, he goes over to Cole & whacks him over the head with it. :P
The look Jericho gave Morrison in that segment after the match nearly caused me to fall off the couch in laughter. :P :P :P
Any word on which brand Kaval's gonna be on yet?
At 9/6/10 10:54 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I thought HHH had a hand in the creative process before.. As long as he can be inpartial when it comes to who to push then I think its a good idea. He's been through enough crap to know what the fans will go for.
I've been given the notion that he'll be very good for the company in that aspect.
WWE Smackdown star Matt Hardy posted the following on his Twitter account: "After 8 months of having irregular digestion because of my intestinal issues, it's been a uphill battle to find out what works for my body. It's been frustrating cuz I train hard & haven't gotten the same results I used to. But I think I've finally got my "new" body figured out. Without going into long, boring details.. I think I know what "healthy" foods I can't eat cuz my body & intestines can't break them down. It's been a tough, annoying, aggravating gig-esp when ur on TV every week & have my work ethic-but it's finally working
That would explain the flip-flopping weight. Didn't know he had that kind of trouble. Is this related to his appendix removal?
Former WWE tag team champion Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart was arrested today on multiple charges including grand theft and possession of controlled substances. The Hillsborough County Sheriff's office has released the arrest report, which notes that Neidhart is being held without bond in a Tampa, FL jail. He was charged with possession of 95 Oxycontin pills, 28 Methadone pills, two counts of possession of controlled substances with intent to distribute, two counts of trafficking illegal drugs, one count of burglary of an unoccupied dwelling and one count of grand theft third degree.
Natalya must be so fucking embarrassed right now. :/
I HATE that Oxycontin crap; let's just say it's caused me some family strife. If he WAS intending to distribute, then I have no respect for him; however, it just sounds like the Jeff Hardy situation where it's just a technicality, in which I hope to hell he gets on the road to recovery QUICK because that shit is as bad as it gets. Regardless, it sounds like he's going away for quite a while.
I'm surprised I haven't heard anything on the local news about it yet.
At 9/6/10 07:21 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: The fate of SES has been decided by Vince himself.
Should I be afraid of this?
At 9/6/10 10:12 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I'm really curious how this will effect his in-ring career to be honest. I could see this potentially cutting it short or effectively having ended it. Perhaps he'll be revealed as the mystery GM and Sheamus really will get credit for ending the H's career.
At 9/6/10 10:49 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: Also, I found it funny how Edge was talking about how Zack Ryder sucks, when at one time Ryder was Edge's protoge..
I actually feel stupid for forgetting that during the segment.
At 9/7/10 09:52 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: Also some new light on the Alousia getting kicked off NXT situation
apparently her being too green might not be the case... there were erotic photos of her found on the internet which could be why the decided to give her the boot..
Oh dear.......
At 9/8/10 04:42 AM, Tetros wrote: Although we all have to admit, Michael Cole stole the entire fucking show during the dance competition. Which, frankly wasn't that PG.
Michael Cole is a whole new type of lame... he tries too hard to be funny. When it comes to comedy, trying too hard instantly leads to failure... look at Dane Cook..
Cole reminds me of the nerdy kid in school that picks on the other nerdy kids to try and impress the jocks.. but to no avail..
At 9/8/10 01:53 AM, Swackman wrote: Any word on which brand Kaval's gonna be on yet?
He's officially on Smackdown.