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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-28 09:35:12

At 7/28/10 02:50 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: Ron Simmons.. and I doubt it.. he's not a huge draw so people would probably be disappointed
JBL as GM on the other hand...

I thought people loved Ron.
And JBL as GM would be boring...and stupid. He quit, so why would WWE want him back? And besides, he's working for Vyper Fight League now.

Seriously, I want to see him wrestle.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-28 21:13:45

Yeah, I thought Ron was a fan favorite. However, I doubt it'd be him. JBL.......he WOULD be the type (character-wise) to plot a hostile takeover, wouldn't he? But, if he's involved elsewhere (which is where I prefer him), then nah.

Mark my words: Trips..............or possibly Steph. One of the two.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-28 23:54:37

I hope it's a way to re-introduce Danielson personally. It seems to me anything other then that is a missed opportunity.

As for our Straight Edge Savior: When he went down I was told 4-6 weeks I believe. That puts him as being potentially ready to go for Summerslam. I believe that's ultimately where we'll be headed with all this Big Show stuff. To a Punk vs. Show match up at SS that hopefully Punk will get the better of and with that rub the SES will FINALLY be treated as a force to be taken seriously on SD!. I may be a mark for Punk, but I look at top to bottom at least the male talent in the group (can't judge Serena's in ring work because I haven't seen it, but her character work has been very good) it's insane to me not to do more with it.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-29 01:41:36

At 7/27/10 04:08 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Regarding the mystery GM.

I know it's a long shot but i would really love to have a Shane Mcmahon sighting for great justice.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-29 06:14:21

At 7/28/10 11:54 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I hope it's a way to re-introduce Danielson personally. It seems to me anything other then that is a missed opportunity.

Hey, that's not a bad idea!

and yeah Ron Simmons was a fan fav.. but not a "OMG IT'S RON SIMMONS!!!" kind of fan fav
let's put it this way, if he were GM, i wouldn't really go out of my way to watch straight away..

I think JBL would suit it because 1. he's too out of shape to wrestle and 2. the guy can cut some memorable promos.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-29 09:33:28

At 7/29/10 06:14 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: Hey, that's not a bad idea!

It's a fucking horrible idea.

and yeah Ron Simmons was a fan fav.. but not a "OMG IT'S RON SIMMONS!!!" kind of fan fav
let's put it this way, if he were GM, i wouldn't really go out of my way to watch straight away..

Yeah...it's still possible, though.

I think JBL would suit it because 1. he's too out of shape to wrestle and 2. the guy can cut some memorable promos.

HE IS WORKING FOR...oh, fuck it.

I hope we do get to see Punk wrestle at SS...call me a fangirl, but I want to see him wrestle. NAO.
Also, that Mustache shirt that Eli Cottonwood was wearing...I wish he could've stayed, so they could start selling 'em.

Goddamn, a flea got on me...speaking of fleas...I hope they get Mysterio and El Rio into some sort of fued that ends with a loser leaves town match that El Rio loses. Just sayin'.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-30 11:42:50

At 7/29/10 09:33 AM, MaraquanWocky wrote: It's a fucking horrible idea. (Daniel Bryan storyline)

I don't give a shit if he emerges from a toilet bowl, as long as he's back in WWE.. I'm happy.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-30 12:13:01

i'll join

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-30 12:25:32

I know JBL is working for something else
but I bet they'd contact him before they contact Simmons.. Simmons hasn't really had many accomplishments, JBL pretty much carried him for the end of his career and we know that because when they split in 2002 he went nowhere... although neither did JBL.. hmmm ah who cares, let's just put the whole JBL/Simmons debate out of the way..

anyway who gives a shit, it's gonna be someone disappointing anyway.. it'll probably be Abraham Washington or some shit like that.. (who was rumored to be GM before Hart filled the spot) it would be cool if it were a legend like Roddy Piper.. although they've already "teased" piper as GM so he's out of the equasion..

anyway who gives a shit who it is, it'll always be better than TNA
man TNA.. they got good talent but they're doing fuck all with them
"hey we got Samoa Joe, Desmond Wolfe, Douglas Williams, Generation ME & Homicide.... but NO, let's give all the camera time to Hulk Hogan instead! yeah, everybody loves Hulk Hogan! oh and a bunch of ECW wrestlers waaay past their prime! hey, let's steal WWE's idea of an ECW reunion show too!"
but seriously i was shocked when i saw Raven.. the dude looks like he's about 60 now.. look at him in ECW (and even WWF) and look at him now.. the past years have not been Raven's friend.

anyway more TNA bashing
"let's hire paul heyman.. ok! HEY EVERYONE, WE GOT A HUGE SURPRISE THAT WILL CHANGE TNA FOREVER!! oh what's that? heyman turned it down?........ ummmmmm......."
god, i hope they're bankrupt by 2015.. i really do

sorry if i went a bit overboard, i've had a few to drink and i had to let my frustration out... carry on.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-30 14:13:57

At 7/30/10 12:25 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: I know JBL is working for something else


but I bet they'd contact him before they contact Simmons.. Simmons hasn't really had many accomplishments, JBL pretty much carried him for the end of his career and we know that because when they split in 2002 he went nowhere... although neither did JBL.. hmmm ah who cares, let's just put the whole JBL/Simmons debate out of the way..

Ron Simmons will ALWAYS be better than you.

anyway who gives a shit, it's gonna be someone disappointing anyway.. it'll probably be Abraham Washington or some shit like that.. (who was rumored to be GM before Hart filled the spot) it would be cool if it were a legend like Roddy Piper.. although they've already "teased" piper as GM so he's out of the equasion..

Imagine if it were Andre the Giant.
Andre: Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiinnnnsssss....
Interpretor: OK, so a match with Randy Orton and John Cena?
Andre: Uuuuughhhbraaaaaaaaiiins...
Interpretor: And Hornswoggle? OK, done, and...done!

anyway who gives a shit who it is, it'll always be better than TNA


man TNA.. they got good talent but they're doing fuck all with them
"hey we got Samoa Joe, Desmond Wolfe, Douglas Williams, Generation ME & Homicide.... but NO, let's give all the camera time to Hulk Hogan instead! yeah, everybody loves Hulk Hogan! oh and a bunch of ECW wrestlers waaay past their prime! hey, let's steal WWE's idea of an ECW reunion show too!"
but seriously i was shocked when i saw Raven.. the dude looks like he's about 60 now.. look at him in ECW (and even WWF) and look at him now.. the past years have not been Raven's friend.

I totally agree.

anyway more TNA bashing
"let's hire paul heyman.. ok! HEY EVERYONE, WE GOT A HUGE SURPRISE THAT WILL CHANGE TNA FOREVER!! oh what's that? heyman turned it down?........ ummmmmm......."
god, i hope they're bankrupt by 2015.. i really do

I whole-fucking-heartedly agree.

sorry if i went a bit overboard, i've had a few to drink and i had to let my frustration out... carry on.

Straight Edge means I'm better than you.

I read that Punk will do something very creepy to Serena.

Do you think WWE would die if John Cena left? I'm just curious. Just imagine that something happened that made John quit or get fired. Would WWE die?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-30 18:07:05

Swagger gets thrown in the gulf of mexico.

lol epic

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-30 20:14:13

At 7/30/10 02:13 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote: Do you think WWE would die if John Cena left? I'm just curious. Just imagine that something happened that made John quit or get fired. Would WWE die?

Absolutely NOT. WWE has lost major pushed talent before and carried on. They lost Hogan, they carried on. They lost Steve Austin AND the Rock, they carried on. Cena is nowhere near the level of those other three (though lordy knows they've tried to get him there). They are bigger then any one talent. If WWE dies, it's going to be because they refuse to change and/or Vince, Linda, whoever blow all the money in some huge way. Trust me, WWE is nowhere near the land of death or bankruptcy like they were during the Attitude era, they made more money during that then most of us even know about I'm sure (I remember seeing a meeting between Vince and other executives in Beyond The Mat where they were saying WWE was second only to South Park in terms of overall merchandising sales and brand awareness and fund generation...that's mad fucking bucks).

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-30 20:59:14

OK, okay. Don't start raging, man. :D

But man...
"Let me smell your breath! LET ME SMELL YOUR BREATH!!!1!!1"
If I were Serena, I'd...probably let him smell my breath. He was fucking RAGING.
And I can't wait for his hair to grow back. It'll look like my hair(just a mess of a mop) at one point, but I can deal with that.


Man, Punk looks angry...ooh, shit...
It's starting to look like Luke is gonna leave...oh, and Punk attacks Show. Heheheh, kick, kick, kick, loses his balance, kick. Hahahahaha! Really? The stairs? Stomp stomp stomp. Serena stomp stomp stomp. Oh, and Punk takes off the sling. He looks more badass without it. That was...cool.

So, I guess his arm is all healed up...?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-30 21:13:53

At 7/30/10 08:59 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote: But man...
"Let me smell your breath! LET ME SMELL YOUR BREATH!!!1!!1"
If I were Serena, I'd...probably let him smell my breath. He was fucking RAGING.

That is why SD! is so much better then RAW. That is ABSOLUTELY how Punk should be feeling after last week, and really, the last few weeks since the arm broke. He and the SES have been getting beaten up and played for suckers and chumps by the babyfaces, so he should absolutely be pissed and wanting to get back to a strong position and to re-energize the troops. In some ways it reminded me of one of Punk's mentors in Raven. Uh, Raven in the good way...not all the bad ways someone can be reminded of Raven (heh heh, I'm a genius, I have an IQ of like 125...heh heh)

It's starting to look like Luke is gonna leave...oh, and Punk attacks Show. Heheheh, kick, kick, kick, loses his balance, kick. Hahahahaha! Really? The stairs? Stomp stomp stomp. Serena stomp stomp stomp. Oh, and Punk takes off the sling. He looks more badass without it. That was...cool.

So, I guess his arm is all healed up...?

It sure looks that way. Again, this is exactly what needed to be done with the SES because like I say, they've been made to look so weak and now with the masks off and all that, it's time to sort of push the idea of the SES going into another more vicious gear. This was a great move towards that and sets up a Punk vs. Show, or Show vs. The SES match for Summerslam. I really liked what I saw tonight and I liked that the logically focused on the arm trying to take away Show's biggest weapon.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-30 22:02:32

At 7/30/10 09:13 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: That is why SD! is so much better then RAW. That is ABSOLUTELY how Punk should be feeling after last week, and really, the last few weeks since the arm broke. He and the SES have been getting beaten up and played for suckers and chumps by the babyfaces, so he should absolutely be pissed and wanting to get back to a strong position and to re-energize the troops. In some ways it reminded me of one of Punk's mentors in Raven. Uh, Raven in the good way...not all the bad ways someone can be reminded of Raven (heh heh, I'm a genius, I have an IQ of like 125...heh heh)

If they have Weird Al as a host, then maybe, for a day, RAW will be better than SD!. Possibly. AND I HAVE AN IQ OF 136! UGH!

It sure looks that way. Again, this is exactly what needed to be done with the SES because like I say, they've been made to look so weak and now with the masks off and all that, it's time to sort of push the idea of the SES going into another more vicious gear. This was a great move towards that and sets up a Punk vs. Show, or Show vs. The SES match for Summerslam. I really liked what I saw tonight and I liked that the logically focused on the arm trying to take away Show's biggest weapon.

Damn, I hope Punk competes in SS.
And...is it just me, or does anyone else want Punk's hair to look like a mess of a mop? It make him look emo--AH...like a TRUE punk rock fan. *cough*FAG*cough*
HOLY HELL ARE THEY TRYING TO MAKE SERENA LOOK SMEXY?! Because all they achieved is making her look like a BDSM addict.

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-31 00:41:46

The best way to sum up SD tonight: Lots of really, really pissed people.

Even Kofi went apeshit. See, Vickie? You keep pissing off the other wrestlers, and eventually one's gonna snap - including the ones you'd least expect. I imagine Ziggy's gonna give Vickie an earful next week.

Somehow, I can't EVER see Rey turning heel..........it's just impossible at this point. I get the feeling Kane misinterpreted what Taker was supposedly telling him, as it'd be completely unbuyable for an established face like Rey to have done that. There's undoubtedly more to it.

Finally, the SES is building up steam again. I was starting to get a tad worried.

Joey Mercury is now........Joseph Mercury. Much more fitting for him to have it more religious-sounding.

Tiffany once again proves there's more reason to keep her than just being married to Drew irl. Seriously, I think that they could really do well if they strap a rocket onto her. Well, her and Serena - if they'd just stick the latter in an actual fucking match already, as she clearly has talent also.

Lololol, Swagger can't swim.........hilarious.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-31 02:06:19

At 7/31/10 12:41 AM, Swackman wrote: Somehow, I can't EVER see Rey turning heel..........it's just impossible at this point. I get the feeling Kane misinterpreted what Taker was supposedly telling him, as it'd be completely unbuyable for an established face like Rey to have done that. There's undoubtedly more to it.

Yeah Rey-Rey has a Bruno Sammartino vibe to me.. it's a safe bet that he'll be a babyface for the rest of his career.

Joey Mercury is now........Joseph Mercury. Much more fitting for him to have it more religious-sounding.

man, i never realised how much of a big head Mercury has... well, at least he ditched the evan karagias look.. he looked ridiculous with those braids.

Tiffany once again proves there's more reason to keep her than just being married to Drew irl. Seriously, I think that they could really do well if they strap a rocket onto her. Well, her and Serena - if they'd just stick the latter in an actual fucking match already, as she clearly has talent also.

Yeah Tiffany has been a pleasant surprise in the ring, i really thought she'd be terrible
i hope she gets a push for the title.. so many good divas are being held down as of late.. Gail Kim has barely been seen, Natalya is starting to get a bit of a push but it doesn't seem like she's considered for Diva's champ.. meanwhile, we see Alicia Fox, who don't get me wrong has improved.. but her finisher is so sloppy, it really looks like she could injure someone with it, Eve who is good enough in the ring.. but personality wise matches a loaf of bread and Rosa Mendes who is absolutely gorgeous.. but please.. just keep her on the jump rope and out of the ring.

AAAND last but not least.. The Bella Twins... please, just fire them man..
the only thing they have going for them is that they're twins.. if there was only one of them, do you think WWE would of ever considered hiring her?

Lololol, Swagger can't swim.........hilarious.

Must of forgot to learn.. probably too busy planning out 'The Swaggy' lol

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-31 09:15:23

At 7/31/10 12:41 AM, Swackman wrote: Finally, the SES is building up steam again. I was starting to get a tad worried.


Joey Mercury is now........Joseph Mercury. Much more fitting for him to have it more religious-sounding.

"And as for you, JOSEPH...!!!!" God, Punk is so fucking epic. And I'm not being sarcastic at all.

Lololol, Swagger can't swim.........hilarious.

Ahahahaha, he could've drowned on national TV, ahahaha, *wipes eye* woo hoo hoo!

Who else thought that Punk sounded like a pissed off mother? 'Cause I know my gramma would be all like, "Let me smell your breath1!!!1!!!" if she suspected I was drunk. And then be all like, "JOSEPH!!!" if my name were Joseph.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-31 11:30:44

Punk was intense last night. Scary too. I liked how the SES finally came together and kicked some ass. Those stomps on Big Show's hand looked brutal, especially from those big heels Serina was wearing.

Drew vs. Christian was awesome. Ziggler vs. Kofi was really well done too. One of the reasons I like SD so much is that it rarely fails to show some great in ring work. Raw has lacked more than once but SD usually comes through in this department.

Rey took out Taker? Yeah right. I don't believe that for a second. Which is probably most people's reaction.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-08-01 14:30:15

At 7/31/10 11:30 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Punk was intense last night. Scary too. I liked how the SES finally came together and kicked some ass. Those stomps on Big Show's hand looked brutal, especially from those big heels Serina was wearing.

Scary Punk is awesome Punk. End of story.
Also, I read about Mercury, and I guess him being in the SES might've been related to his drug problems...? He OD'd three times, and he wrecked ten fucking cars. Holy shit.

Also, I guess Jericho is a face now.

Triple H is gonna be back in late 2010 or early 2011. So I guess he's not the GM.

Damn, Randy Orton was originally gonna be in the Marine 2 movie. AS THE LEADING LADY

Can't wait till we have something NEW to talk about...

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-08-02 00:51:04

At 8/1/10 02:30 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote: Scary Punk is awesome Punk. End of story.

Agreed 100%. Punk can do scary intense promos better then almost anyone in the business right now and it's a big reason I've said for years I can see him eclipsing Edge as a top heel if they're on opposite brands or when Edge retires.

Also, I read about Mercury, and I guess him being in the SES might've been related to his drug problems...? He OD'd three times, and he wrecked ten fucking cars. Holy shit.

It's that but it's also because he and Punk are legitimate friends. Punk pushed very hard for WWE to give Mercury another chance and really tried to work with him to help him kick the habit. It speaks very well for the kind of person CM Punk is away from the ring.

Also, I guess Jericho is a face now.

I'm doubting it. I see this team as some sort of marriage of convenience and all the dissention could wind up being an excuse to let The Nexus get a win over the biggest names on RAW at a major PPV.

Triple H is gonna be back in late 2010 or early 2011. So I guess he's not the GM.

I don't see H coming back in any capacity other then a wrestling capacity at this point and when it does get to where he physically cannot go any more I tend to believe he'll retreat behind the scenes vs. being in front of the camera. He strikes me as a guy that won't want to be on TV unless he can be on TV as an active wrestler.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-08-02 09:13:59

OK folks, for my 700th post I'm gonna post a couple of wrestler's names.. past and present
and if you want I want your opinions on whether or not they'll be inducted into the Hall of Fame in the future.
These wrestlers are random, so it doesn't exactly mean I think they should all be inducted.. I just want your opinions

Trish Stratus
Chris Jericho
Dean Malenko
The Hardyz
Ted Dibiase Jr.
The Miz
John Morrison
Brock Lesnar
William Regal
The Rock

just simple yes or no answers will do, but if you feel you have a reason why to a certain answer.. you're more than welcome to explain.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-08-02 09:52:35

At 8/2/10 09:13 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: OK folks, for my 700th post I'm gonna post a couple of wrestler's names.. past and present
and if you want I want your opinions on whether or not they'll be inducted into the Hall of Fame in the future.

Psssh, I'm already at my...one thousand something'th post...

These wrestlers are random, so it doesn't exactly mean I think they should all be inducted.. I just want your opinions




Trish Stratus


Chris Jericho


Dean Malenko


The Hardyz

Jeff. Matt is a douche.


Who the fucking hell...



Ted Dibiase Jr.

Oh, hell no!

The Miz


John Morrison


Brock Lesnar






William Regal


The Rock


Awww, how cute. Punk is friends with Joey. He's also friends with Jeff Hardy.
He must love being around druggies.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-08-02 10:21:37

At 8/2/10 09:13 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: OK folks, for my 700th post I'm gonna post a couple of wrestler's names.. past and present
and if you want I want your opinions on whether or not they'll be inducted into the Hall of Fame in the future.
These wrestlers are random, so it doesn't exactly mean I think they should all be inducted.. I just want your opinions


He was quite a big name, so I could see it happening, especially if it were a special WCW Hall of Fame class.

Trish Stratus

She should definitely be inducted. One of the best.

Chris Jericho

Definitely, as long as he doesn't go to TNA or anything silly like that.

Dean Malenko

I dunno. They probably will, but not as the main name being inducted.

The Hardyz

With Jeff being the trainwreck he is, and Matt never really breaking through to the top level, I'm not totally sure they will be.




I don't think he did enough to be inducted.

Ted Dibiase Jr.

It's too early to say. If he becomes the ME'er he should be, then yes. He has the family lineage and everything.

The Miz

Maybe, if he manages to break out.

John Morrison

Again, if he ever breaks out into the Main Event, I would hope so. He is exciting to watch, so I hope he does become a big star.

Brock Lesnar

I'm not sure they can after how he basically betrayed them.


He should be. Maybe not solely because of his wrestling, but because of his part in creating the Tribute to the Troops.


I could see it, especially if they did it at the same time as Taker.

William Regal

Maybe as part of an English themed HOF...

The Rock


Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-08-02 10:33:16

Will you guys be here in, say...eight years? I just wanna know.

Also, double derp.

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-08-02 13:33:26

I don't know if I have the power to say this, but, sure Machop. You can join.

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-08-02 19:21:33

At 8/2/10 09:52 AM, MaraquanWocky wrote: Psssh, I'm already at my...one thousand something'th post...

used to be hooked to this site like 2 years ago.. nowdays i only come here to talk on this board
i don't care, really cause i hate those smug people who think they're better because they've been here longer or have more comments... fuck em

Dean Malenko

Malenko was a wrestler thats been in ECW, WCW and WWE (of WWF back then), he was best friends with Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit.. infact he came into WWF with both of them and Perry Saturn.. He works as a backstage agent nowdays, you might recognize him from that recent bit with Ricky Steamboat and The Nexus

Who the fucking hell...

DDP is Diamond Dallas Page, he was pretty big in WCW but was underrated in WWE in the early 2000s
if they are having a WCW themed HOF next year like i've heard I reckon he should be in.. he's one of the first guys I think of when I think of WCW

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-08-02 19:36:45

what i think


It's possible... but I don't care less.. I think he's a bit of a douche..

Trish Stratus


Chris Jericho

If he doesn't pull a Chris Benoit.. then definately.

Dean Malenko

I think it's possible, since he's still with WWE and he was good friends with Guerrero.. (but Benoit too) it's a maybe for me.

The Hardyz

I think so.. they made the tag team scene watchable.. and Matt has been pretty loyal to WWE even if he kinda is in Jeff's shadow


Like I wrote.. if it's a WCW themed HOF next year then it's possible.. if not, then i dunno..


Probably not, but if he is he'll probably be one of those 'last minute inductions' you know, if a wrestler backs out or something..

Ted Dibiase Jr.

Not quite sure.. If he's able to break out (which i think he can) than sure.. plus he's a 2nd generation wrestler so that might bump his chances up a bit..

The Miz

Yep.. if they're serious about pushing him (which they seem like they are)

John Morrison

50/50.. if he can make it to the top

Brock Lesnar

Difficult... I think WWE are over the whole Lesnar feud.. the dude made an impact in WWE so it shouldn't go unnoticed


Seems possible


At first I would of said no.. but now that he's finally getting a push, i think it will happen

William Regal

He should, but sadly, he probably won't.. his situation seems the same as Rikishi.. if someone backs out or declines.. they should chuck Regal in.

The Rock

Definately, if 'Dwayne Johnson' is coming back to terms with being a former wrestler.. I think he is

i might post up some more names in the future.. when i think of more

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-08-02 23:55:13

At 8/2/10 09:13 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: OK folks, for my 700th post I'm gonna post a couple of wrestler's names.. past and present
and if you want I want your opinions on whether or not they'll be inducted into the Hall of Fame in the future.

Sounds fun.

These wrestlers are random, so it doesn't exactly mean I think they should all be inducted.. I just want your opinions


Of course. I think he's going to be nominated for the next one. I remember reading that they wanted to do a WCW themed one.

Trish Stratus

No doubt in my mind. She was one of the best diva's they ever had.

Chris Jericho

No question about this one. Unless he does something really really bad, he is a show in for making the list.

Dean Malenko

I think so. He may wind up in the WCW induction as he had a better run there than in the WWE.

The Hardyz

Time will tell for Jeff. If he stays clean and eventually comes back to the WWE I think he'll make it in. Matt has a better chance since he has spent the majority of his career in the WWE and has been a part of many memorable things.


Good choice for the WCW induction. Not so good if just based on what he did on the WWE.


I think he has a good chance.

Ted Dibiase Jr.

Time will tell. Far too early to guess since he hasn't done a while lot yet and this is really just the start of his career.

The Miz

See last entry.

John Morrison

See last two entries.

Brock Lesnar

Probably not. He left on bad terms if I'm not mistaken.




Kane will make it in. He has been such a memorable character that it would be insane to not have him in.

William Regal

Possibly. He has been one of the more notable English wrestlers to be in the WWE.

The Rock

No doubt. Rock is a natural shoe in for the HOF.

That combo move Miz did.. That double neck breaker thing. That kicked ass. That got my attention in a big bad way.

So Jericho and Edge are a team again. So what the hell does this mean for the overall team Raw?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-08-03 01:48:49

Raw has been depressing the last two weeks or so. So many Cena fans... So little support for heel... God, what kind of hellhole is Texas?

Anyone else seeing the "GIT NEXUS OUTTA TEXUS" shit lately? Pisses me off to no end. Wait, we're allowed to curse here right? right? ah fuck it I'm not erasing this.

SirKillington is your new god.

Mongo just pawn... in game of life.

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