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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-22 01:27:45

At 7/20/10 06:43 PM, Vinstigator wrote: As much as I love everyone who has held the ECW Championship (CM Punk, Matt Hardy, Kane, Christian), it really isn't considered a world title to me. I mean, I consider it more of an "intercontinental type" championship. Even Michael Cole said "it's been over a decade since Kane's been a world champion". Basically he overlooked Kane's ECW title reign. Or it's not considered a "world title" in the WWE's eyes.

Cole sucks. My rule of thumb is whatever Michael Cole says I believe the opposite. Also can we please do away with the anonymous GM thing? I'm tired of the IM-Mails and even more tired of Michael Cole getting to act like he's actually important or matters to the show...I LIKE HAVING THE OPTION NOT TO PAY ATTENTION TO HIS OR LAWLER'S INANE SHIT WWE!!! STOP TAKING THAT AWAY FROM ME!!!

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-22 04:52:44

Hey, hey, now wait a minute - say whatever you want about Cole, but leave The King out of this.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-22 08:00:18

At 7/22/10 04:52 AM, Swackman wrote: Hey, hey, now wait a minute - say whatever you want about Cole, but leave The King out of this.

I don't hate King, but he's really past his prime with announcing, perhaps if they reunited him and JR again it'd possibly bring him back up.
But King now is a joke compared to King 10 years ago.

I mean, Matt Striker is pretty much a heel announcer, why can't they turn Lawler back into one?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-22 08:04:48

But I will say this.. I'd rather have the current King announcing than Don West anytime.. that guy has always been terrible..

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-22 11:28:09

Former TNA wrestler Consequences Creed has been signed by WWE.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-22 14:32:55

At 7/22/10 04:52 AM, Swackman wrote: Hey, hey, now wait a minute - say whatever you want about Cole, but leave The King out of this.

King sucks now. He does nothing to prepare, he just does whatever he's been told to do and he doesn't care. JR elevated him and made him better because he respected JR. Also King is pretty bad on PPV now because when the SD! matches come on King is pretty much lost because it's obvious as hell he doesn't watch Smackdown or do anything to familiarize himself with what's happening on that show. So to me? If Lawler doesn't care, let him go back to Memphis, run his promotion there, and give his spot to somebody who gives a damn like a Josh Matthews.

On the Consequences Creed signing: This could be huge if WWE gets behind this kid. Boatloads of raw talent there and TNA letting him go to me can be seen as equivalent to the stupidity of WWE letting The Pope D'Angelo Dinero (Elijah Burke) go. I really hope they don't blow it with this kid because if they really want to have more black superstars, this was a good guy to get.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-22 14:58:57

At 7/22/10 02:32 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: King sucks now. He does nothing to prepare, he just does whatever he's been told to do and he doesn't care. JR elevated him and made him better because he respected JR. Also King is pretty bad on PPV now because when the SD! matches come on King is pretty much lost because it's obvious as hell he doesn't watch Smackdown or do anything to familiarize himself with what's happening on that show. So to me? If Lawler doesn't care, let him go back to Memphis, run his promotion there, and give his spot to somebody who gives a damn like a Josh Matthews.

I'm callin' the Waaambulance.
He's a great commentator. He gets creepy with the Divas matches, but he's still awesome.
Michael Cole, though...

Also, why the fuck did you guys get into this argument anyway?
Wanna see Punk's Harry Potter scar?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-22 15:10:02

At 7/22/10 02:32 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: If Lawler doesn't care, let him go back to Memphis, run his promotion there, and give his spot to somebody who gives a damn like a Josh Matthews.

This is the thing that annoys me: They took JR off of our screens because they thought he was too old, and they wanted to go with the "future" of announcing, Michael Cole. Thing is, every single person in the world, except VInce, knows that JR is 1000000 times the commentator Cole is, and ever will be.

And then you have Lawler, who is much more definitively past his prime, and ancient, and we have someone like Striker in the company, who, whilst he can be annoying, does his homework, and provides a good heel perspective. Why not move Striker to Raw, have your young announce team there, and just put anyone on Smackdown. It's not like they give a fuck about Smackdown right now, why waste Striker there?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-22 21:02:56

At 7/22/10 02:58 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote: I'm callin' the Waaambulance.

I cut the brakes, their fucked. Bwahahahahaha!

He's a great commentator. He gets creepy with the Divas matches, but he's still awesome.

If it was 10 years ago. I'd agree, at this point? He doesn't care and it's embarrassing how far he's slipped down from where he was.

Michael Cole, though...

Sucks donkey cock. I know. :)

Also, why the fuck did you guys get into this argument anyway?

Because I have no tolerance for people making statements that are untrue or praising people that don't deserve it. The RAW announce team blows these days and it's pathetic and uncalled for. If that's the A show then put some fucking effort into it!!!

Wanna see Punk's Harry Potter scar?

I kind of do just to know what the fuck a Harry Potter Scar is.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-23 09:57:29

At 7/22/10 01:27 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 7/20/10 06:43 PM, Vinstigator wrote: As much as I love everyone who has held the ECW Championship (CM Punk, Matt Hardy, Kane, Christian), it really isn't considered a world title to me. I mean, I consider it more of an "intercontinental type" championship. Even Michael Cole said "it's been over a decade since Kane's been a world champion". Basically he overlooked Kane's ECW title reign. Or it's not considered a "world title" in the WWE's eyes.
Cole sucks. My rule of thumb is whatever Michael Cole says I believe the opposite. Also can we please do away with the anonymous GM thing? I'm tired of the IM-Mails and even more tired of Michael Cole getting to act like he's actually important or matters to the show...I LIKE HAVING THE OPTION NOT TO PAY ATTENTION TO HIS OR LAWLER'S INANE SHIT WWE!!! STOP TAKING THAT AWAY FROM ME!!!

Even though Michael Cole can be irritating at times, he's one of the better commentators out there. Especially when he gets all dramatic like good 'ol JR. My personal favorite announce team EVER is and always will be Jim Ross and Jerry the King Lawler. Lawler always made me laugh my ass off in the attitude era. Sadly they've toned King down since WWE went PG :(

At 7/22/10 02:32 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 7/22/10 04:52 AM, Swackman wrote: Hey, hey, now wait a minute - say whatever you want about Cole, but leave The King out of this.
King sucks now.

Sadly, I somewhat agree with you. King is my favorite announcer but lately he's been really lacking. I miss the King who always shouted "PUPPIES!" and used to go "Here Kitty kitty kitty!". Maybe when the WWE drops the PG bs King will get his edge back. God save the King...

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

I'm in the new Adam Sandler movie Sandy Wexler. I play a Prison Guard and a trainer for Terry Crews. To see what movies I'm in check out http://facebook.com/VinstigatorMusic

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-23 16:05:38

At 7/22/10 09:02 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I cut the brakes, their fucked. Bwahahahahaha!

Just like YOUR MOM.

If it was 10 years ago. I'd agree, at this point? He doesn't care and it's embarrassing how far he's slipped down from where he was.


Sucks donkey cock. I know. :)

Well, I was gonna say he eats monkey condoms, but what you said is good, too. I guess. <_<

Because I have no tolerance for people making statements that are untrue or praising people that don't deserve it. The RAW announce team blows these days and it's pathetic and uncalled for. If that's the A show then put some fucking effort into it!!!


I kind of do just to know what the fuck a Harry Potter Scar is.

Dammit. Just...go to this thread and look at the second picture. You'll see a lightning bolt-like scar on Punk's forehead.

You think Punk might be ditching the mask? I hope so. He'd seem less emo that way. Not totally...not emo, just a little less emo.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-24 01:28:25

To answer Maraquan's above question, yes, Punk has officially lost the mask...................as has ol' Joey Mercury, after SHow pulled off his & stuck it on himself (lol). Honestly, if we hadn't already known it was him beforehand, I wouldn't have recognized him bald.

When the hell are we finally going to see this Del Rio guy wrestle? Anyone find any background info on him yet?

I get the feeling Ziggles is set to receive the strap soon, which is a good thing. Kofi's already had two runs with it (or is it 1 with the IC & 1 with the US? I forget....), so it's time to put it on someone else good enough to carry it, which he's proven already.


Anyway, onto RAW:

There is some justification to both Khali & Bret: Bret's is somewhat obvious, despite the fact that he isn't SUPPOSED to be wrestling; however, he was still one of the early Nexus victims, so it stands to reason that he'd want a little revenge despite the risk. Now, Khali, I assume is only because WWE really doesn't give a shit about Mark Henry - who'd make far more sense in this case - anymore, but they still wanted a big guy for Nexus to face.

That match along may actually be enough for me to order SS this year.

I didn't really like Miz when he first started, but that Skull-Crushing Finale onto the briefcase was, indeed, AAAAAAAAAAAAAWESOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ME!!! I dare anyone to say it wasn't. Seriously.

I was right about the "Anonymous GM" - he's just using other wrestlers' tag lines to screw with everyone's heads, as I believe he used a Jesse Ventura line the week before. Could be wrong. Either way, this whole thing will most likely end with some Motorhead music playing.

Ok, why are guest hosts still being used when they have no power whatsoever? They're basically just guest stars now. There's nothing wrong with guests being there; just stop calling them hosts because they're not anymore.

@avie: Regarding Downfall, it's still airing because I saw it this week. I'd hate to see it gone so soon because it's a good enough game show, and Jericho makes a great host. However, I'd imagine that many companies would eventually get pissed at having their merchandise destroyed constantly due to stupid contestants. :P

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-24 12:14:37

Thank you Swackman. Now...here you go.
I think they're going to try to make that moron a face, but everyone will fucking hate him. Just you watch.
I cannot wait until Punk's arm heals. Im'ma make a Get Well Soon card for him. No, seriously.
Wasn't Joey Mercury in MNM? Because I think I've seen him before.
*disappointed sigh*
Well, I guess there's just no chance for them to make CM Punk masks now. <:'(

About Cena's "army"...it sucks. Nexus could totally kick all they're asses in real life. I wish they'd stop the Nexus angle. It really fucking sucks.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-24 13:22:28

Yes, Joey was the other 'M' in MNM.

Huh, whaddya' know; Mr. Rodriguez has quite the extensive background already. Now, all he has to do is not blow the gimmick, and he could end up being a top star.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-25 03:15:51

I hate the Del Rio gimmick already and am so glad I tend to watch SD! on tape, or Hulu, or whatever so I can fast forward through them. I know he's booked for the September house show loops (including MSG) so he should definitely be wrestling on the main roster by then.

I'm glad we've gotten the mask off Mercury so that now we can hopefully move on with him. I thought the masked man bit had run it's course anyway. But I really hope WWE starts next week to build the idea that with Punk having been embarrassed and the SES thrashed so soundly by Show that he's got a plan for revenge and that carries us into Summerslam. Seemed we were headed in that direction when Striker was bringing up how cunning and devious Punk is. Otherwise what the hell is the point? Punk and the SES can do way more for SD! at this point I think then Big Show really will and having Show just kill off the whole group seems a tremendous waste to me.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-25 04:31:57

apparently Del Rio isn't well liked backstage..
He used to be known as Dos Caras Jr. a masked wrestler, apparently he's been bitching about WWE ditching his mask to anyone who'll listen.

So Joey Mercury is finally revealed as the masked man.. to be honest, never really gave a shine to him, he was always in Morrison's (or Nitro back in the day) shadow, infact the only memory i have of him was when he was whacked in the face with a ladder in 06..

Yeah I hope Creed gets treated right in WWE, didn't see much of him from TNA but from what I remember he had good talent and has an interesting look, which WWE seem to go after.. ask Ricky Ortiz.. aka who?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-25 09:52:37

At 7/25/10 03:15 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: I hate the Del Rio gimmick already and am so glad I tend to watch SD! on tape, or Hulu, or whatever so I can fast forward through them. I know he's booked for the September house show loops (including MSG) so he should definitely be wrestling on the main roster by then.

Exactly what I was saying, dude. Nobody will fucking like him, they're going to try to push him as a face, people throw things at him, early termination. Let's hope that's what happens.

I'm glad we've gotten the mask off Mercury so that now we can hopefully move on with him. I thought the masked man bit had run it's course anyway.

I figured out it was Mercury on the third week of the bit.

But I really hope WWE starts next week to build the idea that with Punk having been embarrassed and the SES thrashed so soundly by Show that he's got a plan for revenge and that carries us into Summerslam. Seemed we were headed in that direction when Striker was bringing up how cunning and devious Punk is.

I hope so. I basically only watch SD! for Punk and 'Taker, and now that 'Taker is stuck at home washing the dishes...I mean, recovering...then Punk is SmackDown's only hope. I bet millions of people tune in just to see his shiny head. I know I do.

Otherwise what the hell is the point? Punk and the SES can do way more for SD! at this point I think then Big Show really will and having Show just kill off the whole group seems a tremendous waste to me.

They should make a storyline with CM Punk and Serena and, and, and...I JUST WANT TO SEE ONE THING. JUST ONE THING HAPPENING BETWEEN THEM.

Also, they changed Punk's picture on his profile.
Linky linky

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-25 11:17:08

It will be interesting to see what they do with Mercury now. Obviously there is no point in him being in hiding anymore so maybe we can see him in the ring more often. The SES has a chance to get its act together in terms of group strength.

I've been out of the WWE loop all week. I need to go and see what went down on Raw...

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-26 00:53:53

At 7/25/10 04:31 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: apparently Del Rio isn't well liked backstage..
He used to be known as Dos Caras Jr. a masked wrestler, apparently he's been bitching about WWE ditching his mask to anyone who'll listen.

OOOOOOH, ok. Now it makes a lot more sense why he's being pushed so hard and all that. He's a very big star in Mexico from I believe AAA that they signed up. I imagine he can't be happy losing the mask since the mask is very very important to mexican luchadors and having Rey on the roster sporting his for years has got to be more then a little irksome.

But on the flip side, Rey sells a shit ton of merchandise and came in as a bankable name at the national level. Del Rio is a bankable mexican name sure...but honestly, does the WWE audience really care about mexican wrestling for the most part? I'm going with no. So...like Carlito before him, Del Rio would be best suited to quickly decide if he'd rather go back to Mexico where he won't have these issues, or suck it up and make some WWE money and see if he can get himself into a more favorable position. Because we all know what's going to happen if he's choosing to complain about his lot but still think he's going to get pushed.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-26 05:27:28

I'll admit I don't know much about Del Rio (Caras Jr.) but I know he is a pretty big hit in Mexico.. let's just hope that it doesn't give Del Rio a big head like it did with Juventud years back.. Juventud was good talent, but unfortunately in some cases with good talent comes a big ego (just ask Teddy Hart).. and where is he now?

Also, how do you make Sheamus, a weird looking guy already look even weirder?
Ditch the facial hair and give him a Forrest Gump haircut!

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-26 05:39:29

Also it's interesting to note that all those wrestlers who were wiped out earlier this year (Mickie James, Shelton Benjamin, Jimmy Wang Yang, Funaki, Mike Knox etc.) are now cleared to sign to TNA.. Now I can't really see any of these people in TNA cept for Benjamin... or maybe Jimmy Wang Yang.. but to me he'd be more of a "last minute choice"..

It'll be interesting to see if Haas and Benjamin will make their way over to TNA as it has been talked about before.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-26 12:44:49

At 7/26/10 05:27 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: Also, how do you make Sheamus, a weird looking guy already look even weirder?
Ditch the facial hair and give him a Forrest Gump haircut!

WHY THE HELL ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME, MAN?! I choked on my fries when I saw that damn picture! Jesus...

Speaking of Jesus...oh...no new news on CM Punk right now. Sorry.

Hey, can people request a guest host for RAW? I wanna suggest someone. It would be perfect...

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-27 09:05:51

I'm almost afraid to ask who you would want as a guest host.

I could be wrong but I think last night was the first time Miz actually pinned Cena.

Team Raw isn't exactly getting along huh? Looks like they are going to have a tough time beting Nexus if they keep that up.

It's official. I'm annoyed by the mystery GM. Very annoyed.

PWInsider.com is reporting that although The Undertaker is being advertised for WWE's SummerSlam PPV, he is not expected to return to the company in a wrestling capacity until September's Night of Champions PPV.

Will the build-up for his return start soon?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-27 09:12:04

At 7/27/10 09:05 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I'm almost afraid to ask who you would want as a guest host.

i'm gonna say it loud and clear.. FUCK THE GUEST HOSTS!
you can tell that WWE are even getting tired of doing it..

I could be wrong but I think last night was the first time Miz actually pinned Cena.

yep, think so

Team Raw isn't exactly getting along huh? Looks like they are going to have a tough time beting Nexus if they keep that up.

we all know that by summerslam, they'll all come back together "stronger than ever" and most likely beat Nexus.. I like this storyline, but it is a tad bit predictable... however i hope i'm proven wrong.

It's official. I'm annoyed by the mystery GM. Very annoyed.

I don't even think WWE knows who the mystery GM is
I think WWE has pulled a 'Dixie Carter'

PWInsider.com is reporting that although The Undertaker is being advertised for WWE's SummerSlam PPV, he is not expected to return to the company in a wrestling capacity until September's Night of Champions PPV.

Night of Champions has been moved to September?.. that's news to me.

Will the build-up for his return start soon?

probably. I'm guessing around mid august.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-27 09:36:51

At 7/27/10 09:05 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I'm almost afraid to ask who you would want as a guest host.

I'll give you a hint. His album is coming out soon...and..oh, screw it, I'm horrible with suspense.
Hmmm....it just doesn't look right with that curse in it...
That's better.
It would probably be one hell of a night if he were guest star.
And people actually know who he is.
So, that's a win-win!
His song would be...I think I should save this shit for the Al Club.

Anyway, Sheamus' Gump haircut didn't show last night. :'(
Also, with the Orton/Uso matchup...either, they're losing faith in Orton or giving the Usos way too big of a push. Maybe a combination of the two?

And I was just sitting at my computer waiting to type, "MIZ IS THE WWE CHAMPION, BITCHES!!"
But t'was not to be. <:'(

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-27 14:33:38

I see Taker doing something like a "lights out, show up, lights out again, he's gone" kind of quick appearance to start the build as we get to the point where we get told Kane attacked him and that builds to a title match at night of champions.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-27 15:18:54

At 7/26/10 12:53 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 7/25/10 04:31 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: apparently Del Rio isn't well liked backstage..
He used to be known as Dos Caras Jr. a masked wrestler, apparently he's been bitching about WWE ditching his mask to anyone who'll listen.
OOOOOOH, ok. Now it makes a lot more sense why he's being pushed so hard and all that. He's a very big star in Mexico from I believe AAA that they signed up. I imagine he can't be happy losing the mask since the mask is very very important to mexican luchadors and having Rey on the roster sporting his for years has got to be more then a little irksome.

Yeah, unfortunately the business seems to only like having one 'official masked wrestler' on their roster. Shame, because this guy sounds like he could easily make it big. I have to wonder if WWE made him think he was going to get to keep the mask on when he signed up, which might explain why he's pissed. Regardless, now he has to make a choice.

At 7/26/10 05:27 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: Also, how do you make Sheamus, a weird looking guy already look even weirder?
Ditch the facial hair and give him a Forrest Gump haircut!


At 7/27/10 09:12 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: I don't even think WWE knows who the mystery GM is
I think WWE has pulled a 'Dixie Carter'

Both the Anonymous GM and The Nexus vs. WWE are rips off of TNA's own game plan. Only thing is, WWE might be doing it better than them.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-27 16:08:22

Regarding the mystery GM.

If it's somebody who sucks, then the reveal will only make this angle suck even more. "Hey, let's make them wait three months and then reveal that it's Dick Johnson/Hornswoggle/the angry ghost of the Gobbledy Gooker! They'll love it!".

If it's somebody awesome, then there's no reason to be dragging this crap out for so long and shoving more Michael Cole in our faces. Just let us enjoy the awesome person already.

There is very little chance of a good outcome, here.

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-27 16:39:56

I don't think Hornswoggle can form a coherent sentence(thus, it cannot be him). If it is the Gobbeldy Gooker, I will kill somebody.
If it's Trips, well...eh. IF IT'S MICHAELS...no...
Maybe it's...ah, who was the guy who went, "Damn!" at everything? Uh...what's his name? Something...Simmons? Maybe it's him...unless he died or is working for another company.

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-28 02:50:45

At 7/27/10 04:39 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote: Maybe it's...ah, who was the guy who went, "Damn!" at everything? Uh...what's his name? Something...Simmons? Maybe it's him...unless he died or is working for another company.

Ron Simmons.. and I doubt it.. he's not a huge draw so people would probably be disappointed
JBL as GM on the other hand...

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