Hey, cool, a WWE club here, I'll join :)
I watch WWE Raw on MBC Action, since I'm in the Middle East.
Anyways, nexus are LOSERS!
They invaded Raw with no rights.
Rey Mysterio's the man, he kicked Jack Swagger out to the water :-)
Hey, cool, a WWE club here, I'll join :)
I watch WWE Raw on MBC Action, since I'm in the Middle East.
Anyways, nexus are LOSERS!
They invaded Raw with no rights.
Rey Mysterio's the man, he kicked Jack Swagger out to the water :-)
At 8/2/10 09:13 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: Goldberg
I absolutely see Goldberg inducted unless he turns it down. I imagine if they DO go with the WCW theme next year, Goldberg is going to be the guy they want to get as their headliner. I don't think he deserves it in any way shape or form though. Yes, I know it's not really a real Hall of Fame, it's highly political and it's all about who Vince thinks will make him money that year and/or who he's getting along with but Goldberg should be in no one's HOF. He was a flash in the pan who was hot for a little while and was then the top guy in a dying company and left the business contributing really nothing and with a higher opinion of himself then was anywhere near warranted. He will get in I think, but it's just more proof this is a sham enterprise that he does.
Trish Stratus
Trish is someone that has to go in if you ever want this to seem legit. That said I don't see it further down the line as it feels to me she's still trying to establish and continue that path outside of wrestling. Trish is an amazing story of someone who came in, didn't know shit, EASILY could have just gone the route of "ah fuck it, I'm hot, I don't have to learn anything" and built herself into maybe the best (and certainly most recognizable) female star since Moolah. I think Trish MUST go in at some point.
Chris Jericho
Jericho is a no-brainer and a potential headliner for a future class. Jericho has worked his ass off and absolutely reinvented himself, shattering the perception of his critics that he's a 1A guy an not a 1 all by himself. He's also gotten himself into that rare position where WWE needs him a hell of a lot more then he really needs them. The only way he doesn't get in is if Vince has some petulant shit fit about him pursuing outside work, or Jericho does something to burn the bridge. I don't really see either thing happening so I would put Jericho down as a guy who deserves to get in, who will get in.
Dean Malenko
I think Malenko absolutely gets in since he's a well liked agent and his career warrants it. I think he's a guy that probably opens an HOF class though for WWE. But I could see him also inducted into other, more legit (as legit as a wrestling hall of fame can get anyway) halls of fame as well. Deserves it and will get it.
The Hardyz
Absolutely. I don't see Jeff in TNA forever and I don't believe WWE will look at the TNA situation as too big of a betrayal that they won't do business with him. Plus, Matt doesn't get in without Jeff, the Hardyz as a team were innovative risk takers and daredevils and hung with two other great teams in E & C and The Dudleyz during an era where WWE had such an embarrassment of riches. I think they deserve it, and will get in at some point.
Only gets in if it's a WCW themed class. I respect Page's efforts to improve. He was solid, but never should have been pushed as hard as he was in WCW and never would have been without the Eric Bischoff connection. I feel like he's not all that deserving to be in a Hall of Fame unless it's a hall of fame dedicated to WCW, and even then it's a close thing. A bit overrated.
Don't feel he's a hall of famer but there are guys in there that were acts either on the level of Rikishi or they didn't even attempt to push to the level they pushed Rikishi (yes the Austin thing was bad and abortive, but they at least THOUGHT he could get there). I think he finds his way in some year as an opener.
Ted Dibiase Jr.
Too early to tell. The tools are there, the guy has all the potential in the world to be a star but the booking of him is terrible. They put Maryse with him to help get him over and he's actually brought her down with the terrible way he's been booked. Right now, no. In the future? Could be if the booking ever improves.
The Miz
I think he might have the potential now, he's made massive massive strides and improved tremendously. I think if he is booked strong and takes a long time with the MITB like Edge did so he can be built and elevated into a main event level heel he could get there and stay there. Right now? No. But in the future? Potential is there, stay healthy, be booked strong, it's got a great chance of happening.
John Morrison
Right now again I say no. I say potentially it's definitely there. He's a strong as hell worker, his promos have improved amazingly (remember when Jeff made that crack about watching paint dry was more interesting then a John Morrison promo?). If this was last year I'd be a lot more sold on it because he was on his way to being a world champion on SD!. On RAW he's been lost in the shuffle and leapfrogged by Miz and guys like R-Truth or Kofi Kingston. I really hope he goes back to Smackdown! in the fall and that push towards the main events resumes for him. The tools are all there for this guy to be a top star and maybe be something of a Shawn Michaels replacement but WWE has to decide to put those skills to use.
Brock Lesnar
For wrestling? No. I think Brock was there too short an amount of time and I think he was very immature at the time he was there. He certainly COULD have, and probably WOULD have been a hall of famer if he stuck around longer. I feel this is like Goldberg, huge push early, a lot was accomplished, then he walked away and disrespected the entire business repeatedly and I don't think they should reward that. Also I see him turning down any attempt at induction because I'm sure he see's himself as a UFC fighter at this point and not so much a former wrestler.
You know? I would. I think part of a WWE Hall of Fame is they have the right, and should reward guys that really mattered and were solid for the company. There's a LOT of bad that can be said about JBL, but he was a tenured performer, he was a throwback guy in the business, and he did accomplish a good bit and if you discount that he was shoved down our throats at certain points in the main events, he had a solid run and certainly deserves a spot in the hall for what he contributed.
Yes, I would put Kane in. Kane has worked hard, been a fantastic soldier, and took what could have been a totally one note gimmick long ago over and has made a career out of it. If you really haven't followed the progression of Taker's career first hand I think it's difficult for you to truly grasp how phenomenal it was that guys like Mic Foley or Kane were able to parlay what seemed a "cameo" role as a Taker opponent into long careers and that speaks to talent level and work ethic. Put Kane in no doubt.
William Regal
Regal deserves it. Solid vet, been a well tenured performer who's been very good for the company. He gets in, and he should.
The Rock
A no brainer. He's in. He's in whenever he agrees. It's totally in his court as to when it happens.
Hm, interesting comments and point of views, but I really miss the older days where some other superstars where in..
Ultimo Dragon
That man is a cruiserweight, who won his popularity by himself. I actually liked him for publicizing the Asai Moonsault (Springboard moonsault to any opponent outside the ring), and also, his appearances in WCW were the best. I like his style of wrestling, although I hate his powerbombs, they are not really his style, to be honest.
Billy Kidman
Wow, that dude got some light buddies, I mean, seriously, does he have bones in his back? I like his suicide dives and all these cruiserweight moves, he's one of the best. Although, I think that in WCW, his wrestling style was more outgoing than in WWE, but, anyways.
Rey Mysterio
That dude is like the young Ultimo Dragon - his high-flying moves are so cool. His 619 (Tiger feint kick) needs agility and a well-trained body, I can't imagine WWE without him, especially after some people leaving WWE, like Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart.
The "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels
That guy used to be a heel dude, I know, but after becoming a fan favorite, he became the best. He was a little ignorant though, and made a big deal about defeating The Undertaker, and that what he gets, ending his career by himself. I really like that man's wrestling style, but as long as he's not stronger than Undertaker, then why to bother fighting him? That man ruined WWE by leaving it, really.
Bret "The Hitman" Hart
Man, that dude didn't lose any matches in his life, maybe except one? The really match I felt that he lost was the Montreal's Screwjob, and I don't really count it as a loss, since Vince McMahon planned that all out, using the refree. Anyways, seeing him in WWE, even if not as a wrestler, is surely a pleasure.
There's still Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock, who I haven't been talking about, but surely, they were icons on that time.
Also, The Miz? Seriously? Man, that guy sucks as hell, he barely wins in a legal way...
He runs his mouth a lot, and in the end, he hits R-Truth using the mic - this is not wrestling, this is trolling.
At 8/4/10 08:54 AM, Hickenbottom wrote:
Also, The Miz? Seriously? Man, that guy sucks as hell, he barely wins in a legal way...
He runs his mouth a lot, and in the end, he hits R-Truth using the mic - this is not wrestling, this is trolling.
That's called being a heel and getting heat. The Miz has improved miles since he has debuted and has great mic and in ring skills. The fact that you hate him means he is doing a great job.
I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.
At 8/4/10 11:49 AM, boloneyman wrote: That's called being a heel and getting heat. The Miz has improved miles since he has debuted and has great mic and in ring skills. The fact that you hate him means he is doing a great job.
I think the problem is he's either not "smart" to the business...or it's a situation where he enjoys being "worked" and would rather talk about the storylines and all that...it's that whole thing where it seems like "we are here...and he is somewhere over there"
Here is a little TNA news:
PWInsider.com is reporting that TNA star Samoa Joe has been suspended by the company. According to the report, the suspension stems from Joe blowing up backstage after his Impact bout against Jeff Hardy, when he was upset about the match finish.
Joe blew up backstage following the bout as he felt that the 30 second countdown during his bout against Hardy gave away the match finish. It's being reported that Joe was suspended by the company because he went into the production truck following the bout to complain, and that's considered to be a big no-no in TNA. Although it has not been confirmed, the feeling is that Joe's suspension will last about a month.
I doubt Joe would leave TNA over this but if he did do you think the WWE would hire him?
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 8/5/10 11:31 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I doubt Joe would leave TNA over this but if he did do you think the WWE would hire him?
Maybe.. seeing as he's pretty good friends with CM Punk, he would probably push WWE into hiring him.
But i agree with you.. can't see him leaving TNA.
Apparently, for TNA's supershow thing or whatever, Jeff Hardy's making an open challenge
and it's said that a former WWE wrestler who was fired this year will be accepting the challenge
My guess is Gregory Helms, I remember hearing ages back that he pretty much made a verbal agreement with TNA, plus Jeff Hardy is one of his good friends so I imagine them working together..
If it is him, I just hope they don't give him a cheap plagerized Hurricane gimmick and call him something like 'The Blizzard' or something terrible like that..
At 8/5/10 10:13 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: Apparently, for TNA's supershow thing or whatever, Jeff Hardy's making an open challenge
and it's said that a former WWE wrestler who was fired this year will be accepting the challenge
This is a pretty stupid move by TNA to me because it's pretty obvious they're hoping that people will think this will bring Danielson or someone big like that in. I agree it will most likely be Helms, and I enjoy Helms's work but he's not a "big" name. To me there's no real reason to do this unless you have a name.
As far as Joe. First we have AJ giving a pretty pissed off interview, then this? It really seems to me TNA has a problem. I'm hearing that morale absolutely stinks right now and with WWE having a terrible quarter and probably going to look for more talents to help bolster the roster. I really think TNA has to pay attention to this because yes, guys like Styles and Joe didn't want to do the developmental route but they could probably easily go do that, make the jump to the main roster, or maybe skip it altogether. If TNA continues to be the land where only former stars at other companies get pushed, I could certainly see the younger guys looking for an out to WWE on the theory that they could always be background players there for better money. Or this could be a situation where we end up seeing some new company or an existing company perhaps ending up with these guys because they're hungry to be utilized better. But I think it's more likely WWE will get them because at some point I think guys who've become full time in the business either look for more money, or get out. Can't see them wanting to go backwards to a part time situation.
.............This Nexus plotline is starting to get too out of whack...........
So, Edgicho is back together (I guess), and now there's two (or 3, depending on what Khali does) slots on Team RAW open? WTF? It should be even - I'm sick of seeing the 'good side' getting routinely squashed like this - even Sup.............Aquaman isn't immune.
Regarding that last line, I guess Cena finally got sick of being called 'Superman'.
Melina's back, and as flexible as ever. :P Notice how she PURPOSELY stayed in the splits for a good half a minute, lololol. That's just awesome. However, I forgot just how loud she can scream..... >_< Geez, woman, tone it down a tad.
As far as the TNA situation: You know something's fucked up when the two guys who practically got the business off the ground in the first place (A.J. & Joe) are now sick of the company. Why the hell does Dixie Carter allow this shit? Is she dumber than Vince?
I'll respond to Random's 700th post thingy later; it's getting a tad late. Just wanted my two cents out of the way.
At 8/4/10 11:22 PM, Machop90 wrote:There's also the guys who like to watch the actual matches.
By the by, just some interesting information to those who might want it, but don't already know, Bryan Danielson at this moment is working in Puerto Rico, and is actually the IWA Heavyweight Champion. He'll be working here for a while, apparently, and I can't blame him. We fucking love him down here. He was actually surprised that we knew who he was... And not just from his time over in WWE. I wish I could show you guys the promo (kind of shoot) he did where he was knocking WWE. He basically said that they fired him because he was "too violent". He also mentioned the spitting in John Cena's face and tie choke incident. Great stuff.
Down here we have 2 big wrestling promotions: The IWA and the WWC (which is the granddaddy promotion which has been around since forever... And who's wrestlers and personalities were responsible for the murder and cover up of Bruiser Brody.) The WWC Universal Champion, by the way? Shelton Benjamin.
We're getting some good stuff down here these days. Good stuff indeed. I only wish they would release some of their stuff on DVD. =\
Edge and Jericho aren't "just thrown together" they are former Undisputed Tag Champs together and I thought the team had tons of potential till Edge unfortunately got hurt. I love the idea of them back together and would love it even more if they get drafted back to SD!
Jericho and Edge do great work together so I'm looking forward to seeing what they end up doing in this storyline. That and if they go after the tag team gold again to rule over both Raw and SD.
Do those PWI lists actually mean anything?
At 8/6/10 05:46 AM, Kraidle wrote:At 8/4/10 11:22 PM, Machop90 wrote:Yo.There's also the guys who like to watch the actual matches.
By the by, just some interesting information to those who might want it, but don't already know, Bryan Danielson at this moment is working in Puerto Rico, and is actually the IWA Heavyweight Champion. He'll be working here for a while, apparently, and I can't blame him. We fucking love him down here. He was actually surprised that we knew who he was... And not just from his time over in WWE. I wish I could show you guys the promo (kind of shoot) he did where he was knocking WWE. He basically said that they fired him because he was "too violent". He also mentioned the spitting in John Cena's face and tie choke incident. Great stuff.
That's pretty cool. I really need to find a local place to watch some of that kind of thing. I do remember that there was a fairly big one in Atlanta. I'll get back to you guys on that.
Down here we have 2 big wrestling promotions: The IWA and the WWC (which is the granddaddy promotion which has been around since forever... And who's wrestlers and personalities were responsible for the murder and cover up of Bruiser Brody.) The WWC Universal Champion, by the way? Shelton Benjamin.
Very cool indeed.
We're getting some good stuff down here these days. Good stuff indeed. I only wish they would release some of their stuff on DVD. =\
Yeah that's always a drawback. Sometimes you see some really cool stuff but it's on the indy scene and you can't always get it.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Haven't really tuned into anything this week
It was my bday on this past tuesday so i've been pretty busy.. so Jericho and Edge are off the team for good? I don't believe that.. I really hope they come back in
But you know what would be pretty cool? If Bryan Danielson was one of the guys to fill a spot on Team WWE
Remember how he got written off with Barrett explaining that they kicked Bryan out of Nexus because he showed remorse for his actions? It would be pretty cool to see Bryan come back and get revenge.
Melina's back huh? well I guess I'm gonna have to get used to all the screeching again.. but then again i have missed the splits entrance.
I was watching NXT but I turned it off as soon as I heard that entrance music for that fat cow all the guys had to kiss.. when that music plays, you know you're about to see something dreadful.. Also from what I heard, Alex Riley had such a boner for the fat bird.. it's nice to be different.
Haven't watched Smackdown, but I heard Ziggler won the IC title
took him a year but he's finally got the strap.. good on him!
I'm excited to see what is next for Kofi. As much as I would like a rematch, I think it would be a good idea to have the rematch blocked by Vicki or something. Kofi's new angry angle gets more angry.
I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.
I was actually hoping it would be Drew, but unfortunately, when the guys at ringside suggest it, that usually means it won't happen...... But, like Rey said, we all know Kane's nuts, and overall, it'll probably be best for it go go this route anyway, predictable or not.
Does this mean that Kofi IS turning heel like previously rumored? I hope not. But frankly, at least he went off on deserving people.
Swagger is nowhere to be seen...........odd.
Oh what the fuck...........THE REMAINING WOMEN'S TITLE SPLITS IN HALF!?!??!? GAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! *bangs head on computer desk several times*
watched smackdown
looks like matt hardy has shed off a few kilos.. good for him.. looks like matts getting slimmer and jeffs getting fatter
what's with cody's "grooming tips" vignettes? i lol'd because i can imagine how many people will try that shit after watching it
I gotta admit, I'm liking CM Punk more and more each week.. I didn't really like him first because his babyface role really bored the shit out of me but heel Punk is quite entertaining and i gotta say Punk actually suits that short buzzcut look.. though if he didn't have the beard he'd look pretty whitetrash.. the beard and shaved head makes him look like a psycho.. and it suits him.
Ziggler is finally a champ.. I know he is a former tag champ, but they'll never bring that up.. you know how WWE likes to forget everything that is past 6 months ago.. but Ziggler with the title is awesome, looks like Vickie's building him up.. I really hope he can become something big in the company someday.. he just has this old school vibe comin from him which makes me a fan.
also, anybody watch the Hardcore Justice PPV? I heard it was actually pretty good, but not as good as One Night Stand.. then again, ECW isn't ECW without Heyman or Styles.. Joey Styles, not AJ..
At 8/8/10 11:29 PM, Machop90 wrote: Yep. Deserving people get their asses kicked. Basically the equivalent of the unused TNA locker room. Or guys from ROH. Or people that John Cena, Rey Rey(my nickname for Mysterio), and Trips don't like. i.e. Dolph Ziggler.
I meant deserving in kayfabe, not real life. I didn't realize Ziggy wasn't well liked backstage (or at least with certain people backstage).
can i join
i am big wrestling fan
my fav wrestler is John Cena
I have an answer to why the other guys in the Nexus stable don't wrestle: Because they aren't that good. The downside to the whole Nexus deal, and this may hurt it long term is how green most of these guys are. They're basically in a situation where it's on the job training. This is why firing Bryan Danielson was such a bad idea since even if you didn't think the guy was the second coming, the fact was he's a fantastic worker and he and Barrett easily could have carried the load work wise. But with Bryan gone, it means Barrett has to do all the heavy lifting and I imagine that "sameness" is already starting to grate on a lot of the fans.
At 8/9/10 11:45 PM, nikeCC wrote: can i join
i am big wrestling fan
my fav wrestler is John Cena
Sure thing. Welcome!
I really can't say Raw was great considering there was like only two and a half matches. The diva bikini thing doesn't count. Story wise it was working well with Bret, Edge, and Jericho going at each other over team Raw. There is still time for a double cross by one of them at the PPV. Miz telling them he would give them an answer at the PPV itself, after he made both of them ask, was a cool moment.
Speaking of Miz, I've noticed something. Ever since he wont MITB the announcers, Cole in particular, have been really pushing the idea of him winning the WWE title hard. Cole went from hating him to being a huge fan. I guess this is their methiod of trying to let people know he is in fact legit.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Metal Threshing mad.
At 8/10/10 09:37 AM, Machop90 wrote: Well, I guess they're giving the greenhorns finishers, but the only original one seems to be Darren Young's. The IWC seems to believe that Bryan Danielson will sign with the WWE right after his 90-day no compete clause is up. If it were a shorter period, than he could probably get involved in the match at Summerslam, but likely on the Team RAW.
Great news. I actually want to see what this guy has.
At 8/10/10 10:58 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Speaking of Miz, I've noticed something. Ever since he wont MITB the announcers, Cole in particular, have been really pushing the idea of him winning the WWE title hard. Cole went from hating him to being a huge fan. I guess this is their methiod of trying to let people know he is in fact legit.
That actually dates back to, in speaking of Bryan, NXT1. Bryan got 'eliminated', he whined, Cole finally grew a pair & got pissed, and Bryan assaulted him. Later, Bryan was 'given a one-night contract' & went against Miz, all the while Cole slinging insults (despite him sucking in the insult department; guess he's not used to insulting others) towards Bryan. The fight went out of the ring, and Miz actually demanded Bryan apologize to Cole, and thus now Cole is showing his appreciation for another wrestler - despite a heel one - actually giving a damn about him.
At 8/10/10 11:18 AM, Machop90 wrote: I thought JBL was the one that hated Miz. That was when he started out actually wrestling, right? It's amazing how far the guy has come in just a few years.
I've gotten the impression that the hate wasn't kayfabe, either.
At 8/10/10 01:35 PM, kamakenny wrote: WWE SUCKS TNA!!!!!!!!
And you're insane.
I definitely see Danielson back...the question is when, and if Linda getting the nod might make WWE want to wait a little longer now because with her campaign now in full swing WWE is going to be under even MORE scrutiny then they were before.
Didn't Linda win? I was fairly sure I saw an article about it... Oh wait, now I remember, she just won the primary. She still has to run for the actual position now.
Interesting idea to add Bryan to the match but so far it looks like Edge and Jericho are back on the team so they don't really need Miz or anyone right? Or are they still off the team?
I don't think there is a doubt that AJ Styles is great in the ring, the problem is the booking is so horrible that it makes you forget that fact.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
So who saw TNA's Whole Effing Show last night? I have to say it was really great. All of the matches were really excellent. Well except for the knockouts match, but is it ever good anymore? It was like an apology for the whole ECW thing and the past few weeks which were bad, really just bad. Also Beer Money v Guns, that was one of the best matches I've seen in a while.
"Quotation is a serviceable substitute for wit. "
I'm back. It has been very booooring here. Lemme fix that! :D
So tonight, Punk is gonna cut a promo on Show. I gotta admit, I became a fangirl of his. Not one of those crazy ones that wants to fuck him, though...that'd be scary.
Speaking of scary, Punk is number three in the PWI top 500. I'd say that'd pretty goddamn impressive.
Who else thinks that John Cena is just...he...he sucks. His Five Knuckle Shuffle is just a slap to the face. His Attitude Adjustment probably only hurts as bad as bumping your knee. His only good move is the STF, and he hasn't been using that lately. I actually kind of hope he gets seriously injured. >:(
At 8/13/10 04:02 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Lance Cade dead at 29.
Damn, I always hoped that we would get to see him again in the WWE. Less than a year after Umaga too. I'll never stop being sick of seeing these guys die before they reach 40.
I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.
I feel for the two daughters he's leaving behind. WWE issued a statement saying it was apparent heart failure...yeah, at 29...gee, wonder how that happens.
Guys really have to stop playing russian roulette with their lives this way, especially when they have more important goddamn things in their life and other responsibilities to look after.