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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-02 03:56:02

I don't get it, why can't aview tell you guys why Wade Barrett and Drew McIntyre wrestle?

http://prwrestling.com/noticiasprw2/2120 .php

http://prwrestling.com/noticiasprw2/2128 .php

And yes, those guys steal from PWInsider too, but at least it's in Spanish. If you really want to know, you can always get a translator.

Oh, and apparently Ricky Steamboat suffered a brain aneurysm on Wednesday... Here's hoping he doesn't bite the dust yet. Would be kinda awkward seeing as his DVD collection just released. Oh, and you know, death being bad.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-02 19:25:09

Jim Ross has actually said it was NOT an aneyurism and Ricky is in stable condition but things are still quite serious.

Why won't I say it? Because I respect the terms of my PWInsider subscription and I firmly believe if you really are a hardcore diehard fan it's absolutely worth it beyond just the first run news to go and get an account and there's great interviews and audio shows to enjoy.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-02 19:41:43


Crowd: "..."

Or something along those lines. :D

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-02 21:14:00

This is now my image of CM Punk.
What DID she do that was so horrible, anyway?
And he looks like a bald man, I can say that for sure.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-02 21:26:40

At 7/2/10 09:14 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote: What DID she do that was so horrible, anyway?

She was in a bar drinking, thus violating the Straight Edge Pledge. Thus in Punk's mind spitting in the face of what he's about and making the SES look weak and or foolish. In short: He ain't going babyface anytime soon...but Serena might be.

And he looks like a bald man, I can say that for sure.

I watched the match, they definitely were shaving his head, and I imagine he's had it either bicked, or cut down to about the level Serena's hair is at for if/when that mask comes off and he is to be embarrassed in front of the world.

Also, I'm pissed that it won't be Punk feuding with Taker when he gets back. I thought they're feud last year was pretty good but sadly horribly rushed and Punk really got some, if not, all of the momentum he got from the Jeff Hardy program stopped dead in it's tracks.

Just adds to the original surmise of most of us that it'll be a "swerve" where Kane was the one behind it...because nothing helps that character more then all those fairly illogical face/heel turns he's always doing...*eye roll* prove me wrong WWE.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-02 22:44:30

CM Punk bald.

It was, uh...interesting, to say the least.
I was also expecting him to do a pimp slap on Serena...because ever since Serena came along, I have been thinking of him as a pimp. I called him CM Pimp. I even drew a picture.

Get your mind out of the gutter boy, I didn't draw it like that

Poor Serena.

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-02 23:01:37

So it looks like it's somewhere between Serena and the completely shaved look Gallows sports. Doesn't look all that bad or goofy, but I think having the mask to hide it is a genius touch to the character.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-03 01:26:50

I'm disappointed that Punk won't be in the MITB match, but hey, that's the business. At least he won't be out for that long. They should at least put Gallows in the match in his place. I like Christian and Matt's promo for MITB, I think everyone in the match should do one. Also, Mysterio's Iron Man tights were awesome.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-03 05:37:31

At 7/3/10 01:26 AM, boloneyman wrote: I'm disappointed that Punk won't be in the MITB match, but hey, that's the business. At least he won't be out for that long. They should at least put Gallows in the match in his place. I like Christian and Matt's promo for MITB, I think everyone in the match should do one. Also, Mysterio's Iron Man tights were awesome.

Yeah, I really liked that Christian/Hardy promo
I wish Matt wasn't so out of shape these days, he could do so much more if he were more fit.
CHRISTIAN HAS TO WIN THIS! please WWE, stop fucking around with this guy!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-03 09:10:57

I missed SD but read the results. I'm good with who is in the MITB match as it involves a good bumch to carry the match. I wonder if this is going to get Kane into the title hunt? If he ends up being champ by the time Taker comes back I'm sure that will end up being a part of their fued if Kane is the attacker.

Interesting turn for the SES. While it clears Punk of any involvment with Taker, it does make it seem like the group will be down one member.

Seems weird that the Ziggler and Vicki storyline seems to be breaking down. I thought it would go on a bit longer.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-03 20:47:10

Interesting way to deal with Punk's injury; at least he won't be out (of action) for long, and I get the feeling he'll still hang around while he recovers. Wonder where this leaves the SES - while I doubt they'll be broken up over one member's relapse, it's hard to say whether or not Punk will just throw Serena out, as she did 'sacrifice' herself to save Punk, although she, in Punk's eyes, made the Society look pathetic.

Btw, Punk doesn't look that bad bald. But the mask is still good for the sake of the plot, of course.

Now the question is: Who will Kane go after next? I almost get the feeling Nexus is behind it. While it's very likely it'll be Kane all along, while I was for it at first, I'm starting to hope it'll be someone other than himself - again, like Nexus, which would be an intelligent move on Creative's part, I think.

In speaking of Nexus, whatever the situation with Barrett is (thank god it ain't drugs!), WWE is screwing themselves, here. Frankly, I'm still pissed over the Danielson situation, even more so now. Why? They fired him for 'reminding the fans of Benoit', and yet, they just cut a WWE Classics commercial for Lex Luger. Y'know, who killed his wife, too, if I'm not mistaken? Yeah, that guy. Granted, the difference is that he's still alive to possibly atone for what he did, but still, that's pure bullshit. Or is there something about Luger that I'm missing, as I'm not too clear on what exactly happened?

Sorry, but I absolutely had to get that off my chest. If WWE actually, TRULY wants to move on from the Benoit tragedy, they should REINSTATE Danielson.

I think Swagger might actually have pulled off the Ankle Lock BETTER than Kurt Angle - and that says a lot, since Angle made that move (in)famous to begin with.

I sincerely hope either Matt Hardy or Christian wins it; do you hear how loud the fans cheer for either one of them? C'mon, Creative can't possibly be that tone-deaf OR ignorant.

At 6/30/10 09:32 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: The Wrestling Observer is reporting that WWE stars Michelle McCool and The Undertaker were married this past weekend. As previously reported here on the site, the two had been dating for several years.

Congrats to the happy couple, although the only way I can picture them together in my mind is Taker as Biker Taker, of course - Dead Man Taker is too bizarre. o_o But, obviously, I'm sure that's the way it actually is in real life, as I'm fairly certain Taker actually IS a biker. (Uh, right?) Come to think of it, that would explain why Michelle was paired up with Chuck Palumbo during his biker run.

At 6/30/10 02:44 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I think Kaval certainly has the skills based on what I've seen of his work over the years. The other guys I don't really know but Alex Riley is certainly a good promo.

From the very little that I saw of him on TNA, he's definitely not a slouch.

At 7/1/10 03:50 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 6/30/10 06:55 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote: Also, 14 year difference between Taker and McCool. *sigh* Now she really is McTaker. *SHUDDER* Aw god, damn thoughts of a honeymoon...*twitch* OH JESUS...
My parents are 10 years apart. One of my best friends and her husband are 9 years apart. It's actually pretty common and both of them are adults, there's no issue to me here like Taker robbing the cradle or something of that nature. If they make each other happy then I wish them all the luck in the world.

My parents are 8 years apart. However, FOURTEEN is quite a bit. But hey, love is blind.

At 7/1/10 04:13 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
At 6/30/10 06:55 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote: Also, 14 year difference between Taker and McCool. *sigh* Now she really is McTaker. *SHUDDER* Aw god, damn thoughts of a honeymoon...*twitch* OH JESUS...
Imagine if they got busy in-character. She'd get bored during his five-minute entrance.

HAHA, double entendre


At 7/2/10 07:25 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Jim Ross has actually said it was NOT an aneyurism and Ricky is in stable condition but things are still quite serious.

Uh-oh.............please tell me it wasn't accidentally caused by the Nexus bit?

At 7/3/10 09:10 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Seems weird that the Ziggler and Vicki storyline seems to be breaking down. I thought it would go on a bit longer.

I have this feeling that the new guy cutting those promos becomes Vickie's new love interest, starting a new guy/Ziggler feud.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-06 09:54:00

Another decent Raw. While it is good to see that they got the visa issue resolved I agree that it is time to see the NXT group in matches. Beating people up in an attack is one thing but if they really want to show how tough they are they need to gets some ring time.

It's also an interesting turn for the heels of the show to allow the NXT group to go on. The reason makes sense since they majority of them don't like Cena. The promo between Anderson and Sgemus sounded like a prediction of things to come. This has been a really good storyline thus far.

I wonder why they pulled R-Truth from MITB? Who do you think will get that open spot? How about the opening on the SD side?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-06 11:15:25

Oh, so the thing with Barrett was a Visa issue? Lol, Drew'w Visa expires in the storyline, and his expires irl? Ah, I love irony.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-06 20:37:11

Looks like the visa issues of both have been resolved. Interested to see how WWE chooses to bring Drew back to TV here, also they really dodged a bullet with Barrett only missing a week of TV.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-08 09:27:53

At 7/6/10 08:37 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Looks like the visa issues of both have been resolved. Interested to see how WWE chooses to bring Drew back to TV here, also they really dodged a bullet with Barrett only missing a week of TV.

I wonder if Drew will be added to the MITB match.

Why did this visa issue come up in the first place?

I'm guessing that bit from the mystery GM was either the worlds easiest hint, or a swerve. "Gimme a hell yeah!" isn't exactly hard to guess. Stone Cold has been in power before so this isn't a stretch but I somehoe doubt they will make it this easy for us to figure out.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-09 15:32:54

"And that's the bottom line, because the GM said so!"

Guess he can't stand to be anonymous. :P I'm only 5-10 minutes into watching RAW, but I had to stop & respond to this. Guess that explains Vince's comment to him on the phone about not liking surprises directed at him.

Wait, Drew's Visa issue was actually legit?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-09 20:44:32

The visa issue was legit. Not sure how it happened but I imagine it was either somebody in talent relations dropping the ball or some kind of governmental slip up. They're lucky they only lost them for a week and not longer.

I do NOT believe Austin will be the GM. I believe that was a bullshit bit of bait and switch to get people talking (and it seems to be working, but it's still dishonest to create that idea and know damn well you won't deliver).

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-09 22:05:12

FUCK..............I somehow temporarily forgot SD was on, and I only caught the last 30 fucking minutes..... >_<

So, what happened with the SES situation?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-10 00:14:51

At 7/9/10 10:05 PM, Swackman wrote: So, what happened with the SES situation?

Gallows wanted Serena kicked out but Punk forgave her and Gallows stalked off. Everybody stays a heel it seems, but the tease is of course is Gallows becoming something of an island unto himself.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-10 22:42:29

I'm straight edge too. I WANT A HUG.
I feel left out. He doesn't like underage girls?


That sounded creepy.
Erm...he doesn't like...straight edge...kids? Yeah.

Oh, also, I got back home safely.

Thought you'd like to know.

Glad that both of their visa issues were straightened out.

THE EDGES WERE...naw, too easy.

In Salem, I found a street...a very epic street...the name of that street was...Hardy Street. HELL YEAH!!

My mommy also got me mah first WWE action figures. :3
Edge and Big Show.


I'm on a sugar high as I type, so my post may be a bit hyper.
I drew a picture of what would happen if I met CM Punk. :D

I'd be pissed that he actually does have hair. >:(

But seriously, in Salem...I saw four clouds. They were in X's. I swear to god, I am certain that it was CM Punk in a Blue Angels plane on a Pepsi high. CERTAIN WITH A CAPITAL CER. AND AN EVEN MORE CAPITAL TAIN.

But on a more serious note, I thought that something would happen with Serena and Punk in the ring.
A little less than I expected, espiecially with Serena's...love speech...*shudder*

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-10 23:32:14

Awwww, I knew some lovey-dovey thing would happen with Punk & Serena eventually - to some degree, anyway.

I almost forgot to ask: Did Drew come back yet?

Something else I forgot to say last week: Edge, sorry, but your old theme song is more fitting; so if you & Rob really are at odds irl (although I doubt it), break it up - that song suits you better. I like the song you have now, but the old one is a little more "Rated R", so to speak.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-10 23:58:15

Drew is back and in the MITB match, which when looking at who else is in it I'd have to say Drew would be the favorite to take the case and have a long "hold" period till cashing in for the title match.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-11 10:52:31

At 7/10/10 11:32 PM, Swackman wrote: Awwww, I knew some lovey-dovey thing would happen with Punk & Serena eventually - to some degree, anyway.

IS SO CUUUUTE!! ^_______^
But Serena is confusing me...it's like, is he your whole world in a cult way, or in a...horny way? *SHUUUDEERRR*
Anyway, they should do a love storyline...I haven't seen one in a while...FROM WIKIPEDIA
The following week, however, Serena was forgiven by Punk for her actions, as they embraced, but Gallows did not approve.
Heheheheh, embraced. Such a dirty word. >:P
Wikipedia makes Luke seem like their dad or something. LUKE DOES NOT APPROVE

The Drew thing was hilarious. He almost sounded like a woman, though...

Why doesn't WWE put CM Punk masks up for sale? They'd get more money, and it's better than those stupid...OH MY GOD THEY'RE SELLING JR BBQ SAUCE OMG OMG OMG!!! Anyway, the mask would probably sell better than those stupid lanyards.

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-11 12:28:00

At 7/10/10 11:58 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Drew is back and in the MITB match, which when looking at who else is in it I'd have to say Drew would be the favorite to take the case and have a long "hold" period till cashing in for the title match.

And people still won't care about him!

As for the RAW GM, it couldn't be any more obvious that it WON'T be Austin. Hell, I expect the anonymous GM to continue using "famous" catchphrases in the following weeks. Of course, it'll probably end up being someone like Michael Cole or something just as underwhelming.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-11 13:58:02

At 7/11/10 12:28 PM, pepeatumi wrote: As for the RAW GM, it couldn't be any more obvious that it WON'T be Austin. Hell, I expect the anonymous GM to continue using "famous" catchphrases in the following weeks.

Yeah, I was thinking about that last night.

More specifically, the anonymous GM continues to confuse the hell out of everyone else for a while, then reveals himself as Trips. He can say he hired Nexus to take out his father-in-law because he refused to retire or something.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-11 20:51:07

Petition? To make CM Punk masks?
Fine, I made one myself.
Sign it, please. And e-mail it to your friends that like wrestling. PLEASE DO IT.
OK, so you're not easily persuaded? Fine, if you sign the petition and spread it to your friends, I'll buy you some JR BBQ SAUCE!

Also, I think I made that petition on a "serious" petition site. Oopsie. :D

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-11 22:28:39

Alright, I signed. YOU HAPPY!?

:P Nah, seriously, I'd like to see those masks, myself. Given WWE is a collective merchandising whore, it's surprising that it hasn't been done yet.

Anyway, I now have a copy of the latest WWE Magazine issue - the special one with the 1,001 answers to the most asked questions; so far, a good read, and I'm only under 10 pages into it. Also came with a little mini-booklet of "The 100 Most Downloaded Divas Ever", containing the most dl'ed images of them from WWE.com. It's reminded me just hot Melina is........

In speaking of Ms. Melina, where the hell is she? She's clearly still on the payroll, and I'm sure her injury's healed by this point - I don't think it was THAT serious, was it?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-11 23:39:15

At 7/11/10 10:28 PM, Swackman wrote: In speaking of Ms. Melina, where the hell is she? She's clearly still on the payroll, and I'm sure her injury's healed by this point - I don't think it was THAT serious, was it?

I have heard she's healed, and that right now she's spending some time in FCW trying to get the ring rust off and they're probably trying to decide how exactly to bring her back in as well.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-12 10:52:48

I'm a bit late with this but I just wnted to say that the match between Drew and Kofi kicked ass. It really makes me look forward to seeing how well tey do in the ladder match at the PPV. There is enough talent involved to make those matches work.

I'll go ahead and sign the petition too. I'm all for CM Punk masks.

It's good to know Melina is training for a return. Gotta love that enterance she does.

Cena is going to get one hell of a beating tonight, unless he has a backup plan or something. I'm guessing the Nexus will have to tag in, rather than them all being in the ring at once.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-07-12 13:31:21

At 7/12/10 10:52 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Cena is going to get one hell of a beating tonight, unless he has a backup plan or something. I'm guessing the Nexus will have to tag in, rather than them all being in the ring at once.

I have this horrible feeling that they'll let superman win...or that it'll be a situation where he's kicking their ass for most of it and then they just get lucky or cheat and then beat him...I do NOT have a good feeling about how this will be booked. Honestly they should be able to destroy him and basically leave him for dead if nobody else is allowed to interfere.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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