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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-11 09:21:44

lol. You crazy, girl.

The Wrestling Observer is reporting that "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase underwent emergency neck surgery this past Monday to relieve a disc pressing against a nerve that was causing him pain in his right shoulder and arm. A past neck operation forced DiBiase into retirement back in 1993, when he had two discs removed. He is hopeful to make a scheduled fan appearance in Philadelphia this weekend.

I hope he recovers quickly. I wonder what he did to aggrivate his neck to require sergery? I always wondered why he retired when he did.

I'm looking forward to SD. I'm working until 8 so I'll probably miss the first half hour.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-11 17:07:19

At 6/11/10 09:21 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: lol. You crazy, girl.

Yes I AM!

The Wrestling Observer is reporting that "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase underwent emergency neck surgery this past Monday to relieve a disc pressing against a nerve that was causing him pain in his right shoulder and arm. A past neck operation forced DiBiase into retirement back in 1993, when he had two discs removed. He is hopeful to make a scheduled fan appearance in Philadelphia this weekend.


I hope he recovers quickly. I wonder what he did to aggrivate his neck to require sergery? I always wondered why he retired when he did.


I'm looking forward to SD. I'm working until 8 so I'll probably miss the first half hour.

ME TOO. I'm looking forward to SD! as well. But I don't work. So, yeah.

Do you guys think that when Punk's hair grows to..say, normal guy hair length, will he take the mask off? Somehow, I miss his face. And the banner on cmpunk.com is starting to scare me a bit.
Will they start selling CM Punk masks on WWEshop.com?
Will they change Punk's shirt yet again, but give him either a mask or a bald head?

until SmackDown

In The Wrestling Observer or The Wrestler or PWInsider or whatever the thing is called, there's this Wrestler Report Cards thing. And there was one for CM Punk. I could post the picture if I find...nope. Stupid cmpunk.com, only having WWE Magazine photos...*grumble* *mumble*

Hey, I'm making these comics that are comixed versions of Simpsons episodes, except with me, my friend, Punk, and Lita. And I can finally use the quote from Mr. Burns(Vince McMahon).

"Philip, you're fat, bald, and stupid. I'm docking you a day's pay!"

Punk is Homer. I can finally make bad things happen to Punk in a comic. Like have him be struck by lightning on a Japanese game show.
Woah...I think DX possessed me for a minute there...shameless self-plug. Huh.



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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-11 20:57:22

At 6/11/10 08:12 PM, Ultor wrote: In your honest opinions

if Regal stayed GM back in 09

where would the storyline of went?

Many matches would be blacked out before the viewers at home would be able to see the ending.

</obscure reference>

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-12 00:15:29

BREAKING NEWS: Daniel Bryan Released!.... or is he?

WWE.com has announced the release of Daniel Bryan. However, reports are saying that this is a fake release to build up Bryan Danielson, reports have also been saying that WWE are trying to go for more "real angles" now, and this might be step 1 of WWE going forward with this.

Now, if this is a fake firing (which seems to be the case) then this could possibly be one of the most clever storylines that WWE have ever done.. HOWEVER, if this happens to actually be a real release (which i doubt) this is the most stupidest thing WWE has ever done! PERIOD!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-12 02:27:55

I would have to think this release is just part of the angle unless Danielson did something incredibly stupid within the last 5 days (and I mean ANYTHING when I say incredibly stupid, because when it looks like your about to get a major push in WWE and you blow it...it's pretty stupid).

Also Dixie Carter is hyping some kind of game changer for TNA. No clue what it is, but she is denying any and all rumors that are currently floating around online about it. We'll see.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-12 08:15:59

Well, as the reports have kept flowing in, it seems that the Daniel Bryan firing is legit
apparently some people backstage didn't like the fact that he choked Justin Roberts with his tie on RAW

i don't want to believe it.. it just seems like such a stupid reason to fire someone
hopefully we'll get more details soon

fuck you WWE, you really have no idea what you've just done..

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-12 10:54:04

They fired him over a tie choke? Man, I sure hope that this is an angle and not legit. What a dumb thing to fire someone for.

I enjoyed SD. Kane going and beating up Swagger, Rey, Big Show and Punk (who got away) made perfect sense. It will be interesting to see just where this goes. My first thought is that Kane is the one who did it and is just making a cover for himself. However, if it isn't Kane, then who could have done it?

Drew continues to ruin Teddy's life. Now he has to have a match with him next week.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-12 15:31:26

At 6/12/10 10:54 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: They fired him over a tie choke? Man, I sure hope that this is an angle and not legit. What a dumb thing to fire someone for.

Well, choking someone who is not a wrestler and probably could die from it(or get seriously injured), is pretty bad. It's like choking a fan with a tie.

I enjoyed SD. Kane going and beating up Swagger, Rey, Big Show and Punk (who got away) made perfect sense. It will be interesting to see just where this goes. My first thought is that Kane is the one who did it and is just making a cover for himself. However, if it isn't Kane, then who could have done it?

I think the NXT people did it(season 1).

Drew continues to ruin Teddy's life. Now he has to have a match with him next week.


Let's have a widdle game, shall we, gentle...menboys?
Imagine you are a rookie wrestler. First, choose what company you're gonna be in. Imagine the boss finds a lot of potential in you. You have a contract for two years. Now, will you be a solo wrestler or tag team wrestler? Heel, tweener, or face? What will your entrance music be? What moves would you use? Who would be your friend(if you had any)? Who would be your enemy? What would be your major achievement in your first year(be realistic)? What would be your mistakes(BE REALISTIC)? Now it's your second year. People know who you are and boo/cheer you. Will you try to change your persona? Your music? Add new moves to your moveset?
Basically, map out the first two years of your(fictional) wrestling career. CHECK MAH USERPAGE TO SEE MAH CAREER, IF Y'ALL DARE.

But guys, will Punk take his mask off when he grows normal dude hair? I'm trying to imagine him in a few weeks.

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-12 23:39:37

At 6/12/10 03:31 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote: Well, choking someone who is not a wrestler and probably could die from it(or get seriously injured), is pretty bad. It's like choking a fan with a tie.

True, but it's a pretty pathetic excuse to fire someone over.. they thought it was promoting violence to kids.. news flash WWE: YOU'RE PROMOTING VIOLENCE EVERY WEEK! But, despite the release they're saying that they hope to rehire Bryan once the whole situation blows over.

I want to believe that this firing is fake and WWE is going forward with their "real storyline" plan.. Some wrestlers still think that the firing is fake, and also Cole tweeted about Bryan's release saying he's glad he's been released, something's telling me that it could be part of an act.

Let's have a widdle game, shall we, gentle...menboys?

Ok, I'll play along

Imagine you are a rookie wrestler. First, choose what company you're gonna be in.

Smackdown, definately Smackdown.

Imagine the boss finds a lot of potential in you. You have a contract for two years. Now, will you be a solo wrestler or tag team wrestler?


Heel, tweener, or face?


What will your entrance music be?

Something good, like a rock tune with some lyrics

What moves would you use?

I would be a High Flying and Technical type of wrestler, like Eddie Guerrero or Chris Jericho

Who would be your friend(if you had any)?

I'd always want to tag with Christian or Matt Hardy, someone whose a tag team legend

Who would be your enemy?

I'd love to be in a fued with Jericho, CM Punk or Dolph Ziggler

What would be your major achievement in your first year(be realistic)?

I'd like to be in that list of wrestlers that won a title on their debut.. maybe get the IC title on my first night.

What would be your mistakes(BE REALISTIC)?

Well being a high flying guy would probably make me become injury prone.

Now it's your second year. People know who you are and boo/cheer you. Will you try to change your persona? Your music? Add new moves to your moveset?

I'd definately want to become a heel, the cocky/arrogant but still funny heel like Y2J or Christian back in the day. When becoming a heel I'd probably change my look.

Basically, map out the first two years of your(fictional) wrestling career.

* arrive as an unknown babyface, win title on my first night
* lose title eventually, perhaps form a tag team
* eventually turn on my partner and become a heel
* change my whole persona/look when i become a heel

But guys, will Punk take his mask off when he grows normal dude hair? I'm trying to imagine him in a few weeks.

He probably already has hair under there.. it's been almost a month now... unless he shaves it regularly.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-13 00:03:26

I understand some wrestlers believe it's a work, and I also understand the reason the edict is in place is because of the Benoit tragedy (but apparently it was cool for Heath Slater to attempt to choke Cena with the ropes). I echo what everyone else has said, it's absolutely mind blowingly stupid if this isn't an angle (and signs point to it probably not being one) that they've released the best wrestler, and the guy who would have carried this angle over something so ridiculously stupid with absolutely no warning or guidance as to why he should never do that again. Christ it's like my job.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-13 11:28:12

Imagine you are a rookie wrestler. First, choose what company you're gonna be in.

WWE, start in NxT with CM Puk as my pro.

Imagine the boss finds a lot of potential in you. You have a contract for two years. Now, will you be a solo wrestler or tag team wrestler?


Heel, tweener, or face?

Tweener, I would abuse Puk(who would be a fan favorite), but do it in a way that is humorous that the fans would LOVE.

What will your entrance music be?

NXT: CM Punk's theme
Whatever brand I go to next: Kashmir by Led Zeppelin

What moves would you use?

A few submission moves, a few high flying moves, and my finishing move(I think I could probably pull it off) would be a sort of back breaker. EXCEPT. I would, like, sort of swing around their torso(like grab on and just wing it), and bring my knees up and let gravity do the rest. BANG. Effective finisher.

Who would be your friend(if you had any)?

CM Punk and Chris Jericho(and Jeff Hardy if he's there). It's good to have a friend that can make people tap out AND uses words nobody but the three of us can understand.

Who would be your enemy?

Everybody would have to be on their guard.

What would be your major achievement in your first year(be realistic)?

I would be the Tenth Wonder of the World, like a second Chyna. I would be in the Royal Rumble, and later I would win the IC Championship or the US Championship. Maybe win the Tag Team titles with CM Punk. Then turn on him. Maybe hit him over the head with a coconut.

What would be your mistakes(BE REALISTIC)?

Making one stupid mistake and losing my IC/US Title.

Now it's your second year. People know who you are and boo/cheer you. Will you try to change your persona? Your music? Add new moves to your moveset?

I would become a heel full time. Me and Punk will get in a huge feud ending with a match at WrestleMania. I would become more of a mat wrestler. II would keep my Kashmir music. I would wear more red and black clothes...or green and black. Maybe get in a tag team with Randy Orton and get myself a nickname like Cobra or something.

Basically, map out the first two years of your(fictional) wrestling career.

First year: Begin as a tweener on NXT with CM Punk as my pro, win a bunch of matches, win NXT. Win a few matches, lose a few matches. Eligible for the IC/US Championship. Win. REIGN OF TERROR <MJBDKUBDKLJ
Lose it after five months. Feud with John Cena. Have match at Survivor Series. Probably get injured. Lose. Out of action until January. Make unexpected comeback. Go to Royal Rumble. Be first woman(as far as I know) to win the World Heavyweight Championship. Defend against 'Taker. Obviously lose(GODDAMMIT). Have a quiet year after that. Maybe attack Vince McMahon a couple times.

He probably already has hair under there.. it's been almost a month now... unless he shaves it regularly.

I actually want to see him with normal dude hair.

Hey, how is Jeff Hardy doing in TNA?

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-14 00:57:28

If this is a legit firing, here is what I don't get: if WWE is sooooo concerned about the PG rating, then why did they feature a group of guys come out an pummel one person to a point where he had to be carried out via stretcher? Doesn't that have more of an impact on kids than Daniel Bryan putting a choke on somebody?

And is the WWE really coming down on violence? That's what they are built on! When you boil it down to the basics you have dudes trying to beat the other person up. It's not like they removed all the punches and slaps that they use and went back to chain wrestling. They have high powered kickes on each brand. So obviously that kind of stuff is still ok.

And the thing is, wouldn't all the staff around the ring be made aware that they were going to be attacked? There was a camera right there to capture what Daniel Bryan did and they didn't cut away that fast. So obviously they knew some stuff was going to go down. Maybe not the exact plan but they should have been prepared to go with whatever they dished out.

To me the PG thing limits them. Am I upset that they are getting rid of blood? I can deal with it. Am I pissed that the language has been toned down? Not at all. Do I think its a bad idea for them to make the show available to a broader audience? Of course not. The problem is that they are setting themselves up for trouble. Despite the fact that things have been toned down, they are still based on physical violence. Call it competition all you like but it doesn't change it. There are going to be times when things get out of hand or there is going to be a spot that won't go well. Think back to when Joey Mercury got his nose broken so horrifically. They didn't plan for that, and someone could be hurt in a imilar fashion in the furute. They aren't going to be able to keep it totally clean forever. Raw is especially tricky considering it's live TV.

But let's go back to last week a bit. What would bother a kid more? The fact that there was a brief shot of a guy getting choked with a tie, or the fac that Kane was doing a promo with a casket in the room. Doesn't that imagry frighten kids more? They are used to choke holds. They see sleepers and chin locks and all that crap on every show. But caskets, cemeteries, and all that dark stuff? Nightmare fuel. Ok maybe that's reading too far into it, but here is a legit gripe. A choke hold on an announcer is bad, but a dude doing a more violent choke on a person less than helf his size is ok? It wasn't that long ago when Dolf Ziggler put the sleeper on Hornswaggle, and they still replay that.

And if the WWE was really serious about getting a cleaner rating they would stop having the divas dress like sluts. Oh wait they can't do that because they would lose their real demographic. Chokes and blood = Bad but half naked people = ok apparently.

So if they really want to be PG, let the girls wear some actual ring gear and give the guys some clothes too. One of these days people are going to realize "Hey, those guys are wearing short shorts and underoos." Except for Zach Ryder who is wearing half a pair of pants. He's funny looking so he's ok.

Sorry bout the long rant. Just had to speak my mind on this one.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-14 01:29:31

Honestly it's all about Linda. They're trying to sanitize the company so Linda won't lose her election because her opponents can use what her husband does to maintain their fortune against her. Never mind the idiot answers she gives to questions about things like steroids...never mind that she's trailing by a good margin to her democratic challenger and the republican she ran against is actually GAINING on her despite not campaigning and having dropped out.

I also find it very interesting John Cena is publicly twittering that he wants Daniel Bryan back and seems to be doing so in character because he talks about "wanting to have a match with him to settle the issue straight up" or whatever. I'm starting to wonder if the whole thing isn't an elaborate work to try and pull a "working shoot" or "shooting work" on the internet and really see if they can't blitz the rating this week headed into fatal four way. We'll see.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-16 13:47:18

So while road tripping to Boston yesterday for a very small meetup my buddy and I actually drove right past WWE HQ. We marked out, but it didn't quite look as big in person (although we were coming down I-90 so we weren't at absolute ground level) made us wonder if they do some tricks with the camera on TV to make it seem so much bigger. Still was a pretty cool moment.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-16 18:51:35

Just caught RAW, but the last part was cut off by taping. I set it to go an extra 10 minutes, but apparently that wasn't even quite enough. It stopped right as they were pulling Bret back out of the limo. So, did I miss anything important after that?

Regarding the Daniel Bryan thing, between Wade Barrett's comment, and the Twitter comments, I refuse to believe that WWE legitimately fired the guy. After Wade's comment, I expect him to return, then apologize to the WWE & Cole and turn face.

I think Cena might actually BE Superman - he actually made WWE push a smaller guy. o_O Evan, if you screw this up, I WILL FIND YOU & TAKE A PAIR OF PLIERS TO YOUR.........well, just don't screw this up, ok?

For once, a good RAW overall. Chuckled when Mark Whats-his-face-stein did The Worm. :P

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-16 19:38:12

You can say what you want about Cena, but it is good what he's saying about Bryan Danielson. Danielson has started taking bookings again, so this is obviously not an angle, so for Cena to come out basically defending Bryan is pretty cool.

I don't see any way in which Vince and the WWE could be particularly happy with Cena's comments. It's nice to see him not just brown nosing now he's in such a good position within the company.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-16 21:00:03

At 6/16/10 06:51 PM, Swackman wrote: Just caught RAW, but the last part was cut off by taping. I set it to go an extra 10 minutes, but apparently that wasn't even quite enough. It stopped right as they were pulling Bret back out of the limo. So, did I miss anything important after that?

Not really, the limo drove around and backed into other cars going really fast. At the end they pulled Bret out demanding their jobs back and that they want an answer by Sunday. I'm interested in seeing what role the rookies will play at the PPV. There are only four matches so far, so I'd imagine that they will attack the Raw four way.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-17 00:52:03

At 6/16/10 07:38 PM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote: I don't see any way in which Vince and the WWE could be particularly happy with Cena's comments. It's nice to see him not just brown nosing now he's in such a good position within the company.

I actually think he IS brown nosing though to some degree. My thought right now is that Cena is probably saying all this to try and put a happy face on this for the company and push the idea that Danielson could come back at some point, which I fully expect to happen once either Linda's senate run ends in defeat or they find that nobody is getting on their ass about the tie choke. Even if you aren't a fan of Bryan Danielson I think you have to admit a guy shouldn't get fired over such a raw deal. But in the end this could be good for him a I imagine it's going to endear him even more to the really hardcore internet base and in the process and make him seem even more attractive to WWE as a performer.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-18 12:36:09

At 6/17/10 12:52 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 6/16/10 07:38 PM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote: I don't see any way in which Vince and the WWE could be particularly happy with Cena's comments. It's nice to see him not just brown nosing now he's in such a good position within the company.
I actually think he IS brown nosing though to some degree. My thought right now is that Cena is probably saying all this to try and put a happy face on this for the company and push the idea that Danielson could come back at some point, which I fully expect to happen once either Linda's senate run ends in defeat or they find that nobody is getting on their ass about the tie choke. Even if you aren't a fan of Bryan Danielson I think you have to admit a guy shouldn't get fired over such a raw deal. But in the end this could be good for him a I imagine it's going to endear him even more to the really hardcore internet base and in the process and make him seem even more attractive to WWE as a performer.

I wasn't a Bryan fan, I'm happy he was fired regardless of the reason. I just wish everyone would stop talking about him. I can't stand posting on my usual wrestling forum because everything is about him.

I would much rather see Evan Bourne succeed, that guy is crazy. How many abs does he have? like 50 pack.

Also, how funny was the CM Punk/Luke Gallows/Undertaker skit on smackdown. Almost as good as when he dressed up as Hardy.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-18 20:10:07

At 6/18/10 12:36 PM, Shaun wrote: I wasn't a Bryan fan, I'm happy he was fired regardless of the reason. I just wish everyone would stop talking about him. I can't stand posting on my usual wrestling forum because everything is about him.

I HATED him! He sucked. I don't care what he did in the Indies, it doesn't matter. If he couldn't do it in NXT, where it really mattered, he couldn't have made it in Raw or SmackDown!. Oh, and what's your usual wrestling forum? I WANNA TRY IT

I would much rather see Evan Bourne succeed, that guy is crazy. How many abs does he have? like 50 pack.

He's being overused as a jobber, but I do like the idea of a push.

Also, how funny was the CM Punk/Luke Gallows/Undertaker skit on smackdown. Almost as good as when he dressed up as Hardy.

How'd you see that before us? YouTube?
First time I've seen those two act like normal boy friends(no pun intended). High-fivin'...laughing...rabbi-ing...?
Why was Punk a masked rabbi?

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-18 21:55:48

At 6/18/10 08:10 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote:
At 6/18/10 12:36 PM, Shaun wrote: I wasn't a Bryan fan, I'm happy he was fired regardless of the reason. I just wish everyone would stop talking about him. I can't stand posting on my usual wrestling forum because everything is about him.

Yeah, thats pretty much it aye.
I've seen the youtube videos of him in the indies and he really isn't anything special.
Out of the NXT crew Barret and Gabriel are far more interesting and entertaining.

I HATED him! He sucked. I don't care what he did in the Indies, it doesn't matter. If he couldn't do it in NXT, where it really mattered, he couldn't have made it in Raw or SmackDown!. Oh, and what's your usual wrestling forum? I WANNA TRY IT


I would much rather see Evan Bourne succeed, that guy is crazy. How many abs does he have? like 50 pack.
He's being overused as a jobber, but I do like the idea of a push.
Also, how funny was the CM Punk/Luke Gallows/Undertaker skit on smackdown. Almost as good as when he dressed up as Hardy.
How'd you see that before us? YouTube?

I'm in Australia, we get Smackdown before the US

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-19 10:36:27

Kane was kicking ass at the end though he took one hell of a beating at the start of the show. It will be interesting to see how he gets involved on Sunday.

Maybe it's just me but Vickie is creeping me out. It's been a while since we've seen Masters. I wonder if this was one of those "here is a match for you on a show before we fire you" type deals.

If they thought Drew was having trouble getting heat before then they can stop that line of thinking. His bit with Teddy, Hardy and Kofi really made him look like a guy that people should hate.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-19 11:06:21

At 6/19/10 10:36 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Kane was kicking ass at the end though he took one hell of a beating at the start of the show. It will be interesting to see how he gets involved on Sunday.

The main events are no DQ, if he cleans house in the smackdown match it may see swagger pick up a sneaky victory. Probably the only way I can see him retaining.
I am more interested in the masked SES member and when we will find out who he is.

Maybe it's just me but Vickie is creeping me out.

She is the same as always.

It's been a while since we've seen Masters. I wonder if this was one of those "here is a match for you on a show before we fire you" type deals.

He's been on superstars a few times lately. He isn't really getting over as a face. He was better as a heel and much better when he was on roids.

If they thought Drew was having trouble getting heat before then they can stop that line of thinking. His bit with Teddy, Hardy and Kofi really made him look like a guy that people should hate.

Drew has the best entrance music in so long.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-20 01:56:56

Fatal 4-Way prediction time.

Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Drew McIntyre

The Miz (c) vs. R-Truth

Eve (c) vs. Gail Kim vs. Maryse vs. Alicia Fox

Jack Swagger (c) vs. Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk vs. The Big Show

John Cena (c) vs. Randy Orton vs. Edge vs. Sheamus

Overall, a pretty lame PPV card and I won't be watching it. At least not live.
The most interesting things will be the continuation of the NXT storyline and Kane's involvement, which could all result in a huge clusterfuck of a PPV but at least it could be interesting.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-20 07:47:53

At 6/20/10 01:56 AM, Shaun wrote: Fatal 4-Way prediction time.

My thoughts

Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Drew McIntyre

The Miz (c) vs. R-Truth

Eve (c) vs. Gail Kim vs. Maryse vs. Alicia Fox

Jack Swagger (c) vs. Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk vs. The Big Show

John Cena (c) vs. Randy Orton vs. Edge vs. Sheamus

Overall, a pretty lame PPV card and I won't be watching it. At least not live.
The most interesting things will be the continuation of the NXT storyline and Kane's involvement, which could all result in a huge clusterfuck of a PPV but at least it could be interesting.

Agreed, 100%.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-20 23:58:25

At 6/20/10 01:56 AM, Shaun wrote: Fatal 4-Way prediction time.

Very short PPV even with 2 more matches added, lots of title changes though.. if that's what your into.

Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Drew McIntyre

Kofi won, 0-1 for me. shit.

The Miz (c) vs. R-Truth

Mix won! 1-1.

Eve (c) vs. Gail Kim vs. Maryse vs. Alicia Fox

Fox won, I was going to pick her. oops. 1-2

Jack Swagger (c) vs. Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk vs. The Big Show

Mysterio won after being a late entrant, who would pick that? Guess I should have known, WWE loves those sort of swerves. 1-3

John Cena (c) vs. Randy Orton vs. Edge vs. Sheamus

Sheamus is your new champion! 2-3.

Overall, a pretty lame PPV card and I won't be watching it. At least not live.
The most interesting things will be the continuation of the NXT storyline and Kane's involvement, which could all result in a huge clusterfuck of a PPV but at least it could be interesting.

They also added the hart dynasty vs. the Usos where Natalya pinned the Uso lady.. and Bourne d. Jericho in a predictable but entertaining match.

Kane's involvement was disapointing and annoying, I don't want to end up seeing another CM PUnk vs Undertaker feud.

The NXT involvement was also pretty lame, they cut to people in the back watching the match you pretty much know they are going to be attacked. Why not cut to the back midattack.. even TNA gets that right.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-21 23:09:22


The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-22 00:03:36

At 6/21/10 11:09 PM, Molotov wrote: pwned


My internet connection is real crappy right now so there is a slight chance I might either not be able to post at all or inadvertently double post. Sorry if either happens.

Raw was decent tonight. No guest host, a behind the scene GM that is a mystery, and a few newfueds that are brewing.

Those NXT guys are a real force. I wouldn't call them radicals though. When I hear that term I always think back to when Benoit, Eddie, Malinko and Staurn showed up. And since WWE is trying to make us forget Benoit they should probably rethink that term.

The main event was ok the since the NXT guys are the main story I predicted the outcome. However I didn't predict what they did to Vince.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-22 01:14:10

At 6/22/10 12:03 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Raw was decent tonight. No guest host, a behind the scene GM that is a mystery, and a few newfueds that are brewing.

Overall I thought it was a nice follow up to the PPV and I was glad there was no guest host. The concept has jumped the shark and now that they don't have any real power what's the point?

Those NXT guys are a real force. I wouldn't call them radicals though. When I hear that term I always think back to when Benoit, Eddie, Malinko and Staurn showed up. And since WWE is trying to make us forget Benoit they should probably rethink that term.

Absolutely, especially if you're going to fire a guy for "reminding people of Benoit". I know they trademarked a new term that looks absolutely like it'd be the name of this group. Start using that asap. I'd also like to see a move to "stage 2" as of next week please. These guys should not eternally be running in and beating people down, let's have them wrestling some matches and working towards titles and such please.

The main event was ok the since the NXT guys are the main story I predicted the outcome. However I didn't predict what they did to Vince.

I didn't either, at first I cringed because it looked like the whole thing was going to be another "Mr. McMahon fucking with the babyfaces and yadda" thing. That would be a wrong turn as the NXT guys should be out there on their own trying to make a statement with the focus completely on them.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-06-22 01:41:21

At 6/22/10 01:14 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: I'd also like to see a move to "stage 2" as of next week please. These guys should not eternally be running in and beating people down, let's have them wrestling some matches and working towards titles and such please.

I just can't see how it's going to work, Cena is going to destroy them one by one. Making them look weak and ruin any credibility of Barrett if he does somehow steal a title match win. It's also going to be pretty silly if after money in the bank they have 3 people running around with title matches that they can cash in at any time. Ugh.

It was a good Raw though.

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