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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-12 00:19:39

Haven't watched RAW for the last two weeks. How did Wayne Brady do? It's hard for that guy to not pull something off - except, like he stated himself, a daytime talk show. :P Don't really give a shit about Flav; he's just too bizarre to understand.

......Wait, so now there's a GM AND a guest host!? AGH! MY BRAIN HURTS!!!!! Oh well, at least this keeps Vickie the fuck away from SD...........doesn't it? Hopefully this'll get LayCool off of there, too.........they're starting to disgust me.

I'm a little shocked - Cody Rhodes has impressed me these last two weeks on SD. I was especially happy when he pulled out the Alabama Slam the first week, for homage reasons. He's shown some actual potential, here.

At 5/9/10 07:08 AM, Random-Her03 wrote:
At 5/8/10 10:45 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:
I think McIntyre was "fired" because he recently married WWE Diva, Tiffany.. I think he was taken off TV to go on his honeymoon, so i probably wouldn't expect Tiffany to be on TV anytime soon aswell.

Heh, almost forgot about that. One hell of a couple, aren't they?

Big Show on commentary was funny as hell. He's easy to like when he does these face runs.
Yeah I enjoy face Big Show waaay more than heel Big Show, it's real easy for him to get people on his side when he's a face. I also like how they brought up the incident where he broke the ring when he came off the top rope in 2003..


I chuckled remembering how either Taz or Cole - not sure which - got bleeped when it happened. Then again, I'd be swearing, too, if I was that close to the nastiest Superplex ever witnessed.

At 5/9/10 08:35 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: Speaking of promo's I think the one Rey and Punk did was very well done. I like the fact that Rey highlighted the fact that the core of the straight edge lifestyle is something that is good. I am happy that they made sure to remind people of this as Punk is so damn good at being a heel. So good on them for Rey taking this kind of stance.

Yeah, somebody had to remind the fans that Straightedge is great, and it's just Punk that isn't. No one wants to lose a great message to be sending to the youth audience (who they've been focusing on) just because the messenger is an asshole.

A very class move here, WWE - it's not always often I say that.

At 5/10/10 12:20 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: Some quick thoughts:

I really enjoyed the Rey Punk promo as well. Both guys are so good in their roles, hell Punk actually got slapped by an elderly fan at a house show. Who says heels can't generate legit heat anymore?

Wow, so it's NOT just Maraquan...... :P

As far as Drew, I think if what Random heard is true (and it sounds good to me) then I think we're looking at Drew coming back with some kind of Vince sanction to basically do whatever he wants on SD!.

Makes sense. I wonder if Teddy will try to start some sort of a mutiny. First Vickie, now this - I'd be pissed, too, if everyone else kept 'going over my head'.

I think Edge and Christian on TV isn't happening, and there's some good reasons for it right now. But if WWE doesn't do a "super show" match or two on the house show circuit with these guys they're nuts. If you want people to come to non-televised shows when the product isn't hot, you need to give them something they don't regularly get. An E vs. C match could work as that hook, and hopefully that's what that promo will lead to, or maybe it was just to establish Christian as a fiery babyface on the rise.

Oh, the E & C feud will happen, I'm sure; it's just that there's all of these other angles in the way atm. When the opportunity (unintentional pun) comes up, it'll happen - they'd be fucking insane not to.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-13 14:46:51

At 5/11/10 06:35 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: Hey Batista, Perry Saturn called, he wants his submission move back..

He also said that that porcupines like ice cream because it makes them jump higher.... you're welcome.

lol. I remember that. I know it was bad for a guy like Saturn to be in that crap but he said such funny stuff. I remember he was at a resturant and he ordered crayons and said "The blue one's are for fiber! You're welcome." I wonder what happened to Perry Saturn?

I'm eager to see who will be the next IC champion. Both Christian and Kofi are former champs too.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-13 18:53:38

At 5/12/10 12:19 AM, Swackman wrote:
At 5/10/10 12:20 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: I really enjoyed the Rey Punk promo as well. Both guys are so good in their roles, hell Punk actually got slapped by an elderly fan at a house show. Who says heels can't generate legit heat anymore?


Wow, so it's NOT just Maraquan...... :P

I guess not.

I was watching GhostHuters yesterday, and they made a reference to how Punk was in TAPS for one episode. Man, Punk's real voice is a little...scary.
And I just saw a Prince of Persia commercial...goddamn, that guy is like Punk's doppleganger or SOMETHING!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-13 23:12:42

At 5/13/10 02:46 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: lol. I remember that. I know it was bad for a guy like Saturn to be in that crap but he said such funny stuff. I remember he was at a resturant and he ordered crayons and said "The blue one's are for fiber! You're welcome." I wonder what happened to Perry Saturn?

I used to love that gimmick, then again i was about 12.. but still he said some funny shit.. I remember Spike Dudley and Molly Holly were trying to kiss eachother and Saturn jumped in between, then he's like "monkey's learn sign language to tell dolphins they love them... you're welcome." I recently found that clip on youtube and I was still laughing. But as silly as that gimmick was, it really did get Perry over. Still to this day Saturn's up there in my list of favourite wrestlers.. very underrated guy.

As for what he's doing, he was missing for a bit, even his family and friends thought he might of been dead. But he's alive and well, he's also got a mike tyson like tattoo on his face.

I'm eager to see who will be the next IC champion. Both Christian and Kofi are former champs too.

I know who it is but I won't say anything..

But speaking of Kofi, rumor is they're planning to turn either him or MVP heel soon.. while a heel Kofi would be interesting to see, I loved heel MVP.. specially during his feud with Matt Hardy.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-13 23:15:11

At 5/13/10 06:53 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote: I was watching GhostHuters yesterday, and they made a reference to how Punk was in TAPS for one episode. Man, Punk's real voice is a little...scary.

Remember when Elijah Burke (or as he's currently known as in TNA 'The Pope') was on that show and he bolted screaming like a little girl? lol that was priceless.

And I just saw a Prince of Persia commercial...goddamn, that guy is like Punk's doppleganger or SOMETHING!

Too bad Gyllenhaul can't act like Punk...

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-14 03:35:09

I would love to see MVP as a heel again, he was much more credible. As a heel he was the US champ for about a year. He has hardly done anything amazing as a face. He is much more entertaining as his cocky heel persona. I am curious to see how Kofi would play a heel though.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-14 18:31:14

Beth Phoenix suffered some type of knee injury during a match against Rosa Mendes which was taped for Superstars last week. F4WOnline.com is now reporting that the injury is indeed a torn ACL, and that Phoenix is expected to be out of action indefinitely. The Women's Title situation will be addressed tomorrow night on Smackdown.

That really sucks. I hope she is able to fully recover from this. A torn ACL is a nasty injury.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-14 21:20:02


An awesome starting match, ruined by Drew ALREADY. Yeah, Teddy's gotta be fuming. I still say Teddy's going to plot a mutiny at some point; there's only so much bullshit someone can take.

At 5/13/10 11:12 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: But speaking of Kofi, rumor is they're planning to turn either him or MVP heel soon.. while a heel Kofi would be interesting to see, I loved heel MVP.. specially during his feud with Matt Hardy.

I expect the one to turn to be MVP, as I don't see Kofi turning anytime soon......or ever.

At 5/13/10 11:15 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: Remember when Elijah Burke (or as he's currently known as in TNA 'The Pope') was on that show and he bolted screaming like a little girl? lol that was priceless.

............He's going under "The POPE"!? THE FUCK!?

At 5/14/10 06:31 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: Beth Phoenix suffered some type of knee injury during a match against Rosa Mendes which was taped for Superstars last week. F4WOnline.com is now reporting that the injury is indeed a torn ACL, and that Phoenix is expected to be out of action indefinitely. The Women's Title situation will be addressed tomorrow night on Smackdown.

That really sucks. I hope she is able to fully recover from this. A torn ACL is a nasty injury.

That does suck. She was just getting on a roll, dammit. :/

Hang on........she's on right this second........apparently in her hometown..........ahhhhhhhh, ok, so that's how they're getting it off her.......aww, IN HER HOMETOWN? Blargh.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-15 01:02:13

Didn't get a chance to watch Smackdown! yet but it sounds like it's going to be a very interesting show for me to watch as we get three title changes (The women's title match makes me a bit sad because I was really digging the concept of LayCool and it also points out how screwed the Diva division has become when one going down to injury throws things off so much...Thanks McTaker!)

I'll probably have more thoughts when I actually get a chance to sit down and watch it. TNA has a PPV this weekend (anybody care?) and that's about it since anything else I could talk about I'm not allowed to talk about, lol.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-17 10:52:31

Speaking of TNA, they got moved back to Thursdays. I guess they just couldn't go head to head with Raw. Bit of a shame that they wree unable to provide real competition to them. That would be the best way to improve the overall product, in my opinion.

Don't forget that Raw is going to be commercial free tonight.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-17 11:08:35

At 5/17/10 10:52 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Speaking of TNA, they got moved back to Thursdays. I guess they just couldn't go head to head with Raw. Bit of a shame that they wree unable to provide real competition to them. That would be the best way to improve the overall product, in my opinion.

I think it's better that they retreat with their tails between their legs, rather than have too much pride and stay on Mondays even though it would kill TNA altogether.

I don't get to watch too much wrestling nowadays, are TNA still booking horribly? I see matches like RVD vs/ AJ Styles, and Ken Anderson vs/ Jeff Hardy, and it makes me think they still have the better wrestling product. It's just hard to gather how good anything about a company is from text recaps.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-17 18:33:53

Ok, I watched the repeat of RAW on Sunday (I didn't realize they DID repeats of it; it was about 1:00 AM, and I heard the theme music.........and I was like 'WTF?'), and I'm confused.....

Could someone please explain why Flavor Flav was MIA, and why Creative was reduced to a horrible skit with MEAT LOAF? That was embarrassing, for both Meat Loaf himself and for RAW in general. However, it was partially understandable being a last-minute fill-in.

And, if Vickie "RESIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGN!!!!!!!!"-ed that same night, why did she say she was still GM last Friday?

At 5/17/10 11:08 AM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote:
At 5/17/10 10:52 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Speaking of TNA, they got moved back to Thursdays. I guess they just couldn't go head to head with Raw. Bit of a shame that they wree unable to provide real competition to them. That would be the best way to improve the overall product, in my opinion.
I think it's better that they retreat with their tails between their legs, rather than have too much pride and stay on Mondays even though it would kill TNA altogether.

Agreed. Now all they have to do is bring back the hexagonal ring, and we can forget all this ever happened.

I don't get to watch too much wrestling nowadays, are TNA still booking horribly? I see matches like RVD vs/ AJ Styles, and Ken Anderson vs/ Jeff Hardy, and it makes me think they still have the better wrestling product. It's just hard to gather how good anything about a company is from text recaps.

Oh, they have a solid enough lineup of wrestlers there; it's just that they're stuck with Russo's shitty plotlines.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-17 22:20:42

It's not all Russo though Swack. If you don't think Hogan and Bischoff are in there making a lot of these decisions and dictating the general tone and direction of the company you just don't know how those gentlemen work good sir.

Was pleased to see LayCool come out with double women's belts because that act is too good to break up right now. Also Bret as US Champ? On the night he's supposed to be finishing up? I'm guessing next week he forfeits and we get a tournament so we can move on with the Miz/Bryan Danielson issue.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-19 01:00:19

That Edge vs. Christian match was AWESOME! I really thought Christian was going to win. He came pretty damn close though. Glad he got some revenge when he threw Edge in so the undertaker could chokeslam him to hell! Also Bret Hart winning the United States title is just amazing! I'm glad they're giving him a title run. I wonder when Vince McMahon comes back, will he challenge Bret in a rematch for the US title? Don't forget, Vince is known to win titles (World Heavyweight Championship and the ECW World Title come to mind). Anyway, that was one hell of a Monday Night Raw! The Hart legacy lives on...

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-19 02:59:37

At 5/19/10 01:00 AM, Vinstigator wrote: That Edge vs. Christian match was AWESOME! I really thought Christian was going to win. He came pretty damn close though.

Glad he got some revenge when he threw Edge in so the undertaker could chokeslam him to hell!

It was one of the best matches I've seen on RAW in ages!
It's a shame we won't be seeing an edge/christian feud for a long time, what i suggest.. this year push christian into the main event scene, maybe give him a world title reign, then next year's draft put them both on the same show (preferably edge to SD) and watch the greatness!

Also Bret Hart winning the United States title is just amazing! I'm glad they're giving him a title run. I wonder when Vince McMahon comes back, will he challenge Bret in a rematch for the US title? Don't forget, Vince is known to win titles (World Heavyweight Championship and the ECW World Title come to mind). Anyway, that was one hell of a Monday Night Raw! The Hart legacy lives on...

I doubt it, that was supposed to be Bret's final appearance in WWE.. although, maybe they've extended his run.. Hart himself mentioned that if WWE ever needed him now, he'd be more than willing to help... I like that, you can truly tell both sides have put the montreal screwjob behind them.

also anyone catch NXT? or should i ask, did anybody see Bryan Danielson's promo?... man, NXT is really gonna lose alot of ratings with Bryan out of the picture.. hopefully this elimination brings Bryan to RAW.. It probably won't be right away seeing as it'll pretty much ruin the concept of the NXT competition, but Bryan right now is a goldmine; and WWE shouldn't be stupid enough to chuck it.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-19 10:24:37

Bret being U.S. Champ is good in terms of a feel good type of moment, but realistically this isn't that good for the title. Bret is unable to wrestle and was going to be leaving soon anyway, so this confuses me here. They should have just let Miz win to keep heat on him. Yeah Miz is good at making people hate him, but beating Bret in Canada would have cemented him as a bad guy. Not sure how they will get the title off him.

When Cole gets beat up, everyone wins.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-19 16:33:53

I see Bret doing a forfeiture this Monday, or WWE finding some excuse to say he willingly forfeits it or something along those lines. I imagine we'll wind up with a tournament or the belt being awarded back to The Miz and then we wind up with Bryan Danielson debuting soon to challenge Miz and get into that whole situation.

Because any sort of "reign" with Bret is just a waste and a bad idea since Bret absolutely cannot do anything even close to working so the sooner they get the title off him and "back in play" as it were, the better. Not like the US title has really mattered much of late anyway.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-21 05:48:30

I'm going to be traveling all day today so there is a good chance I'll miss SD. Unless I get to the hotel in time and they have the channel of course. I'm going to hold off on reading teh results until tomorrow just in case.

The girl Golddust was with was Cherry Bomb. She ended up working a tryout match on Monday as well.

While I don't think Big Show is going to win at the PPV, his fued with Swagger is really entertaining. Show is a funny dude.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-21 16:22:35

I'm watching this week's RAW finally; unfortunately, it's gonna be a while due to some neighbors stopping by.......good thing I can just pause it.

In speaking of pausing, I had to pause it, ironically, right when Christian's music started playing - the look on Edge's face right where I paused it was priceless.........but not as priceless as when Taker stopped by. :P I tell ya what, Christian needs a major title already; he put on one hell of a close match.

What, is Mark Henry now The World's Strongest Bitch? Come on, he's better than that - he's actually gotten over with the fans as a face, so why is he being reduced to this?

Hee hee, Vickie got escorted out....... ^_^ That explains why she still claimed to be GM. The lesson: THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK.

As for the replacement........hmmmm.....Bret? That would be interesting. Hell, it could even be Trips - now THAT would be the shit. Or SHAWN. Not sure who else they could get.

In speaking of that whole mess last week, seriously, does anyone know why Flav was a no-show? They wouldn't have done such a retarded fill-in situation (no offense to Meat Loaf, but I'm sure he even realizes he made an embarrassment out of himself) if it weren't for him not being there. Not that I really like Flav at all, but his absence threw a giant monkey wrench in Creative's plans, and I'd like an answer as to why.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-21 19:39:21

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-21 21:04:35

At 5/21/10 07:39 PM, LordKooler wrote: WWE has just released Carlito.

It's a shame, he was good talent.
But I really would of been surprised if he lasted in the company for the rest of the year.. he really had that "I don't give a shit" mentality..

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-21 23:52:08

Carlito got a million chances and never did anything with them and always thought he was worth more then he was...still it's surprising they did this when they were devoting time to getting he and Primo back together.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-21 23:59:32

Alright, I've read a bit more on the subject and there's a bunch I can't say but I can tell you the reason, Carlito failed a Wellness test and was released. This was a first offense but WWE opted to release him. I sincerely hope Carlito takes care of his issues because I do not want to see another family have to lose a loved one because that loved one chooses to be goddamn selfish.

I can't go into detail any more then that.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-22 15:15:26

What the hell? I WATCHED that episode of RAW, but now that I've looked it up, Flav DID show up............now I'm confused. I didn't see him anywhere, and he was never mentioned (although I'm not quite done with last week's RAW yet) afterward, but yet he did a skit with R-Truth & Regal, apparently.

What am I missing.........and why didn't someone say anything instead of letting me look stupid?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-22 16:09:45

Who do guys think is better? Matt Hardy or Jeff Hardy

Practice makes proficient, because in my opinion, there is no such thing as perfect and 100%. They are terms for bratty females that hate feel guilty.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-22 20:18:27

At 5/22/10 04:09 PM, toughmanX wrote: Who do guys think is better? Matt Hardy or Jeff Hardy

I always liked jeff better, but he was (and still is) awful on the mic... Matt was better with mic skills. Still, jeff isn't as good today as he was 10 years ago..

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-23 09:30:20

It really sucks that Carlito got let go. I can understand if they were to suspend him over the wellness violation, but to fire him seems a bit extreme. I wonder if Primo will be released as well?

While Jeff has always been the flashier wrestler, Matt has always had a solid style that I liked. I've rooted for Matt over Jeff for a while. That and Jeff has had drug problems which is no good.

I was unaware of Flav doing anything worth mentioning, so don't feel bad that you overlooked it dude.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-23 10:26:39

At 5/22/10 08:18 PM, Random-Her03 wrote:
At 5/22/10 04:09 PM, toughmanX wrote: Who do guys think is better? Matt Hardy or Jeff Hardy
I always liked jeff better, but he was (and still is) awful on the mic... Matt was better with mic skills. Still, jeff isn't as good today as he was 10 years ago..

Jeff is WAY MORE Xtreme than Matt hardy. If only Lita dated Jeff. Hardy Boyz 4 ever

Practice makes proficient, because in my opinion, there is no such thing as perfect and 100%. They are terms for bratty females that hate feel guilty.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-23 12:17:06

Contrary to probably popular belief, I will still be posting.
I just failed at trying to look important
If/when Punk gets his head shaved, tell me, and take a video of it, and post it on YouTube, and FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS PASTAFARIAN, TELL ME.

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-23 19:30:01

I see Punk taking the win like this:

Rey is about to beat Punk, masked man tries to interfere, Rey gets tied up with him, yanks his mask off, turns around and Punk wacks GTS and pins him and then Rey is part of the SES. Teh Edn.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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