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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-04-30 16:57:10

Finally got around to watching the draft last night. SD seemingly got raped again, but SD should be about giving others a chance to shine anyway, so moving the vets there isn't as big a deal to me. I AM pissed about them moving Zeke to RAW, though - he was just about to hit the jackpot, and they robbed him blind, dammit!!!!!

Getting Christian on the A-brand is a nice consolation prize, though. Sadly, that's most like the ONLY reason Edge (and by default, Jericho) is on RAW now; as Random-Her03 pretty much said, Creative is seemingly hellbent on keeping the two of them separate. Regardless, WWE NEEDS to finally push him, because he's proved on TNA that he can & WILL carry a major title well, and I'm sure WWE DOES pay attention to what goes on over there in some capacity. C'mon, Vince, he's the best friend of one of your top guys - cut him some slack finally.

Getting Kofi doesn't hurt, either. Hopefully they can go back to pushing him again. They were so ready to for a while, and like usual they just dropped the fucking ball for no reason....... Same goes for MVP.

Not sure about Masters.........he's got to do a hell of a lot more than pec-dancing to get anywhere.

Chavo........if there's anyone who needs a new lease on their career, it's him. We all know he CAN do it, but he's been reduced to a laughing stock. Eddie would've never allowed this, and Vickie should give more of a damn about where he's headed - or maybe she does, and maybe this is why he's on SD again. Let's hope so.

If The Mystery SES Guy is Joey Mercury, then this is his chance to do the same as Morrison & reinvent himself. Hey, any guy willing to fuck up his face for the sake of the business definitely deserves one more shot.

In speaking of Morrison (and Truth), I'm worried that RAW will fuck both of their careers over. It's a shame when they've both won over the crowd, and now who the fuck knows what'll happen to them......

Anyone notice how Ted directly mentioned Carlito being stuck 'behind the scenes'?

As to why Edge cost Orton that match...................beats the fuck outta me.

At 4/26/10 12:46 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 4/25/10 06:27 PM, Swackman wrote: I doubt it was being on SD itself that she was lashing out at, but rather WWE's retarded reasoning behind it - y'know, 'Only SKINNY GIRLS are allowed on our flagship show!!!!!!!'.
All I heard was she was bitching and I know Maria did the same. I'm not saying it gives the company license to do the stuff they were doing, it doesn't. But what I am saying is to me this looks like a situation where both parties were having a bit of mutual combat and it's probably in the best interest of both that they parted ways.


I would've let Henry deck his stupid ass, then proceeded to laugh & point.
Yeah but then the pussy probably files charges. That's my only real problem with assault laws in most places honestly, don't get me wrong, I'm fine with the idea of prosecuting if some guy jumps somebody else from behind and hurts him or some shit. But if somebody wants to pick a fight and then it's on? No, that to me is mutual combat and as long as there's no collateral damage like to uninvolved people or property, I say let it sort itself out.

Can't argue with that logic.

At 4/27/10 08:32 AM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote:
At 4/27/10 01:30 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: Kelly Kelly? Well, she's shown flashes of decency before, she's very hot, barely been used lately...I still wanted Gail Kim...I gotta say this is a disappointing pick up for me for the A show.
I'm not opposed to having her on Friday nights, she is lovely.

Me, neither. :P

Eugh, I hate Edge's face persona. I'll be glad if he is turning. I don't know whether it's just a case of "Fuck the Faces, Huzzah for Heels", but Edge annoys me. All that talking about spears, it's lame.



At 4/28/10 11:33 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: FWOnline.com is reporting that TNA star Shark Boy's contract is set to expire soon, and it's doubtful that the company will re-sign him. While Shark Boy does regularly appear at house show events and there has been talk within creative about having him return to TV as an unmasked announcer, it seems highly unlikely that TNA will offer him a new deal.

As unlikely as it is, I'd like to see Shark Boy in WWE. He's got a fun character

It'd be entirely dependent on how much The Rattlesnake likes sharks. :P I'm sure Austin has a good enough sense of humor about something like that, but I doubt Vince does, though.

The Wrestling Observer is reporting that the latest round of WWE talent cuts was not because of budget reasons but was because with the influx of new talent and talent coming into Raw and Smackdown from NXT, WWE needed to clear some room on the main roster.

My ass.

At 4/29/10 07:44 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: For the news about Carlito, word has been going around that WWE might reform the Colon Bros. to feud with The Hart Dynasty for the Tag Titles.

Now I'm all for that as they never should of broken up, but the question is do you think they're gonna turn Carlito back to a babyface, or turn Primo heel?

Despite Carlito's well-documented hatred towards being a face, he does it well; I doubt Primo would be the one to turn.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-04-30 19:56:17

WWE has come to terms on the release of WWE Superstar Tony Atlas as of today April 30, 2010. We wish Tony the best in all future endeavors.

He was one of those whose name was removed from the profile page this week. There are a few more that are in the same boat. i wonder if most of them will be released or will they just be in the developmental roster for a while?

Time for SD. I hope its a good show. We get to see how the roster change will effect (or is it affect? I can never remember...) the way they do things. Obviously there will be fueds and storylines that will get dropped, like Morrison getting the upper hand against Swagger.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-04-30 21:05:28

My eyes bleed from the awesomeness.

That is all.

*coughEdgecoughChristiancoughfeudcoughaw esomecough*

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-01 00:31:06

At 4/30/10 04:57 PM, Swackman wrote: Finally got around to watching the draft last night. SD seemingly got raped again, but SD should be about giving others a chance to shine anyway, so moving the vets there isn't as big a deal to me. I AM pissed about them moving Zeke to RAW, though - he was just about to hit the jackpot, and they robbed him blind, dammit!!!!!

Agreed on Zeke. Especially with Shaemus there what is Zeke's role going to be? A monster babyface for Shaemus maybe? I just think he was better off with more room on Fridays.

I will not agree about what you said about SD! because it sounds like you're saying it should be a "B" type show and I've never felt that. To me both shows should be even, and I'm hoping with the move to SyFy WWE is going to realize that finally. It's sort of like you sell ice cream, and you sell vanilla and chocolate. Well you sell two different flavors because you want some variety and that probably will get you new customers (so to be clear I am for the idea of RAW and SD! being themed differently, and offering different products) but you don't ever really want to pick one flavor over the other. Why put more effort into chocolate then vanilla? Sure, maybe chocolate sells better, but Vanilla is priced the same, vanilla is costing you the same amounts to bring in, so why not present both as equally valid and hope your customers will want both? Why not make BOTH shows equal, distribute the vets more equally so you can then build up the new talents and have people feel like they have to watch both. Why make one a training ground for the other? To me it's just counterproductive.

Getting Christian on the A-brand is a nice consolation prize, though.

Oh, agreed, especially when you consider they'll build the show back up come October, and hopefully by then some new people will have broken out with the opportunity they'll have.

Sadly, that's most like the ONLY reason Edge (and by default, Jericho) is on RAW now; as Random-Her03 pretty much said, Creative is seemingly hellbent on keeping the two of them separate.

Nah, they're there because SD! is a lame duck on a lame duck network right now. They look at it as "fuck it, we don't need to help them, so let's help our flagship that we're getting the good checks for and it's a relationship we need to keep". I do think Vince is not as impressed with Christian as most of us are though.

Regardless, WWE NEEDS to finally push him, because he's proved on TNA that he can & WILL carry a major title well, and I'm sure WWE DOES pay attention to what goes on over there in some capacity. C'mon, Vince, he's the best friend of one of your top guys - cut him some slack finally.

I think in a lot of ways it's now or never. I think the opportunity is going to be there for him, but I feel like it's also a question of how well and how long it takes for Swagger to get over, since he's obviously the project right now. But I feel like he's got some good momentum now, that three way was great, and the clean win at Extreme Rules also came from a very good and even matchup.

Getting Kofi doesn't hurt, either. Hopefully they can go back to pushing him again. They were so ready to for a while, and like usual they just dropped the fucking ball for no reason....... Same goes for MVP.

I think with Kofi there's a lot of talk he ran afoul of a certain top RAW star and that's what killed him...you really have to watch those snakes in the grass so you do....

Not sure about Masters.........he's got to do a hell of a lot more than pec-dancing to get anywhere.

Fuck Masters, Masters has shown nothing. Cut him already.

Chavo........if there's anyone who needs a new lease on their career, it's him. We all know he CAN do it, but he's been reduced to a laughing stock. Eddie would've never allowed this, and Vickie should give more of a damn about where he's headed - or maybe she does, and maybe this is why he's on SD again. Let's hope so.

I have to question how much power Vickie really has. Just because she's prominent doesn't mean she can actually call any shots. I think she's just doing what she's told mostly for the kids. Far as Chavo, yeah, he can do it, but he's not Eddie. He's only ever going to go so far. But he can be a solid mid card vet, use him as such.

If The Mystery SES Guy is Joey Mercury, then this is his chance to do the same as Morrison & reinvent himself. Hey, any guy willing to fuck up his face for the sake of the business definitely deserves one more shot.

I know he was under the hood at Extreme Rules. But that doesn't necessarily mean he'll be the guy that winds up under it when it comes off. I think it's the perfect way to bring him back as his real life issues can be used as a way to ingratiate him to that group, then later in a babyface run. Plus it gives the SES something more like a credible name beyond Punk, and as I've said, the best groups are the ones that are capable of capturing all the titles in the company they're in (or in this case, the show they're assigned to) so Mercury would definitely help accomplish that. I badly want WWE to pull the trigger on that, but I'd say it's not official till it's official.

In speaking of Morrison (and Truth), I'm worried that RAW will fuck both of their careers over. It's a shame when they've both won over the crowd, and now who the fuck knows what'll happen to them......

Truth I think has gone as far as he'll go. I don't think they want to push him, he has no momentum, I think basically he's Road Dogg now.

Morrison I think is going to be mid-level, I think he'll be tagging with Truth or feuding with Miz. I don't see him as a main eventer during his time on RAW. I see him having to go back to SD! for that.

Anyone notice how Ted directly mentioned Carlito being stuck 'behind the scenes'?

Yeah, that's one of those WWE being funny with the truth things I guess. Yawn.

As to why Edge cost Orton that match...................beats the fuck outta me.

I wonder if it isn't the beginning of an Edge heel turn. Or they're just trying to keep him from being a total face. They could either have him come up with some malicious reason, or just have him play "nothing personal, but I want a WWE title shot, so I jumped a contender"

I'm not opposed to having her on Friday nights, she is lovely.

She is, I just hope we continue to have a somewhat serious Women's Division on fridays.

As unlikely as it is, I'd like to see Shark Boy in WWE. He's got a fun character

I think he could be useful as he'd be very good for the kids and they could sell Shark Boy masks, but Shark I think has been good with his merch sales on the indies as well and I really wonder how willing he'd be to cut WWE in on his business, and how willing WWE would be to bring in a trademark they wouldn't own.

Despite Carlito's well-documented hatred towards being a face, he does it well; I doubt Primo would be the one to turn.

Seems to me they're already starting to do that, and it's pretty much a lock they'll eliminate Tarver first from NXT, which would completely free up Carlito for the repackage

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-01 01:45:44

SD surprised me tonight. Instead of what I thought they were doing in regards to Edge & Christian, they create an even MORE potentially awesome feud between the two. I nearly squeed (a word I have NEVER USED IN MY LIFE until now.......) when Christian's music started playing.

Show, NEVER turn heel again. Pleez. I've said it before, and I'll say it again - you just do the monster face role too well. It didn't take the audience more than 5 seconds to get behind him, just like every other time he's done it. Him vs. Swagger should be one hell of a bout.

I'm sure you're all "Huzzah for Heels!" towards Ziggy right now, but he still comes off as pretty sickening. I wonder if Finlay will return seeking revenge.

Shame, MVP, you're promoting booze. *waves finger* You can party without it, y'know. Not sure about his new finisher (homage to Rey?); I'd have to see it again. The Playmaker, despite being Tekken-inspired, which makes it awesome by association, was getting a little old anyway. I do miss The V.I.P. Lounge for some reason; not sure why.

Well, once again, Chavo isn't off to a good start............but at least it was less embarrassing than getting pwned by Bob Barker or losing to a leprechaun.

Ah, Kelly Kelly......... ^_^ Sorry, Mr Calloway, but Jeremy Piven and Mr. Lawler have better taste in women. She's hot, but she's still built at the same time. Not overly, but just right. Sorry, Michelle, but standing next to her, you DO look like a stick figure.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-01 02:43:48

At 5/1/10 01:45 AM, Swackman wrote: SD surprised me tonight. Instead of what I thought they were doing in regards to Edge & Christian, they create an even MORE potentially awesome feud between the two. I nearly squeed (a word I have NEVER USED IN MY LIFE until now.......) when Christian's music started playing.

Yeah I'm kinda kicking myself that I read the spoilers beforhand, would of been a good surprise to me, the promo was very strong.. I'm sad to see that Edge is a heel again, there was nothing wrong with his face run, he was still over and entertaining... get ready to see yet ANOTHER chapter in the Cena/Edge rivalry... hoo...ray..

Show, NEVER turn heel again. Pleez. I've said it before, and I'll say it again - you just do the monster face role too well. It didn't take the audience more than 5 seconds to get behind him, just like every other time he's done it. Him vs. Swagger should be one hell of a bout.

Yeah I've always prefered Show as a face aswell, when he's a heel he's too bland and boring.. "im the mean giant" act gets very old, but despite that, he seems to have alot more success when he is a heel.. WWE title in 2002, ECW title in 2006, Unified Tag Titles twice.. he got them all when he was a heel.. but yeah, all for the big show face turn.

I'm sure you're all "Huzzah for Heels!" towards Ziggy right now, but he still comes off as pretty sickening. I wonder if Finlay will return seeking revenge.

Hornswoggle is out of action because of him... ALL HAIL ZIGGLER!

Well, once again, Chavo isn't off to a good start............but at least it was less embarrassing than getting pwned by Bob Barker or losing to a leprechaun.

Chavo will always be the laughing stock no matter what brand he's on.. sadly, none of us wanna hear that but in the words of R-Truth: Sometimes the truth hurts.

Ah, Kelly Kelly......... ^_^ Sorry, Mr Calloway, but Jeremy Piven and Mr. Lawler have better taste in women. She's hot, but she's still built at the same time. Not overly, but just right. Sorry, Michelle, but standing next to her, you DO look like a stick figure.

I never really found McCool that attractive..
Kelly Kelly is good looking, but I think Eve's currently the best looking diva in the WWE.

Also who agrees on giving Cody Rhodes a push?... I gotta admit, the guy never really opened my eyes when he was in legacy.. or on RAW for that matter, but after his match with Morrison on Smackdown.. he seems very capable of a main event status.. I think sending him to SD was a very good choice.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-01 10:48:46

Haven't posted in a while, so I'll only cover the most necessary things.

At 4/25/10 05:54 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: Funaki, one of the best dodgers of releases finally gets caught.. shame, Funaki always did get a chuckle out of me when he was Smackdown's #1 announcer, and i did like his reign as cruiserweight champion. He will truly be missed.

It's a good thing I still have his theme song on my MP3 Player. And didn't he sing Shawn's theme song with Yoshi on the 10th Anniversary of SD!?

According to his little message he says "I hear florida is a nice place to visit" implying that he's interested in TNA.. I could see him there, seeing as the guy has been everywhere.. but if he was in TNA i could see him getting lost in the shuffle there aswell.

It would be nice to have the Asian Cowboy down here in Florida, where I can meet him anytime I want.

Michael Hayes tried, Michael Hayes failed.

Heh heh heh...eeeehhhhh.....

Anybody hear that story about Mark Henry getting arrested while the RAW crew were in Ireland? Dunno how it started but Henry was about to deck some guy until Cena and Orton stopped it from happening, according to the victim Chavo Guerrero was stirring shit, trying to get Henry to fight.. Do you think Mark Henry will face a punishment from this, perhaps even a release? It can happen, just ask The Hurricane.

Mark Henry getting released wouldn't be bad for the company, seeing as he's barely on TV anymore...but I think the one who should be released is Chavo, since he started it.

At 4/25/10 11:13 PM, boloneyman wrote: Not that bad of a PPV. I think my favorite part was when a little kid yelled "I hate you Batista!" and Batista yelled "I HATE YOU TOO!"

You gotta love Batista, smashing little kiddies' dreams. I love how he holds out his hand for a little kid and just pulls it away before the kids can high-five him.

Punk and Mysterio was my favorite match of the night, I wonder who the masked stranger is going to end up being.

Maybe Punk's brother? He's probably the guy. I mean, he did used to be a wrestler.

That Divas match was probably the lowest women's division has gotten. Fighting with beauty products and ironing boards. May as well start having sandwich making matches.

That match made me sick to my stomach. I mean, really. Why would WWE ever do that? Teaching little girls to be obsessed with make-up and teaching little boys that girls are just their bitch? What. The. FUCK.

At 4/30/10 07:56 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: WWE has come to terms on the release of WWE Superstar Tony Atlas as of today April 30, 2010. We wish Tony the best in all future endeavors.

Im'ma miss ya, man.

He was one of those whose name was removed from the profile page this week. There are a few more that are in the same boat. i wonder if most of them will be released or will they just be in the developmental roster for a while?

Who else had their name removed?

It's too bad Punk didn't get his head shaved. Oh well.

He'll have to get a haircut one day...

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-01 11:20:42

After seeing Sd last night, I too am all for a Big Show face run. I couldn't help but laugh when he knocked out Jericho, Edge and Swagger all in the same night. Obviously the fans seemed to like it too as they were instantly behind the dude. Big Show is good at playing both the heel and face so its nice to see the change.

Chavo... Yeah at least it didn't end in a tadpole splash. In an interesting note I was watching the supplemental draft and Howard "The Fink" asked the fans if they remembered Pepe. That toy horse he had in WCW. I say bring it back. If anything can save his career it would be a Pepe revisit! Maybe not.

I heard Matt Hardy is going to take some time off, probably for storyline purposes so we'll have to see what happens with his fued with Drew. I know JTG made a promo last night saying he wants to go for a title, so we might get a JTG/Drew filler type fued.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-02 00:58:33

I guess I was right about Edge turning heel. This past monday on Raw, I saw it in his eyes. Also when Christian came out, I just had to stand up out of my seat! Little did I know tht they would be starting a much anticipated fued. I think Edge will put Chrisitain over if and when they do finally face off against each other. I'm telling you, it's Christian's time! I'll put money that he'll become champ before this year is over!

I'm in the new Adam Sandler movie Sandy Wexler. I play a Prison Guard and a trainer for Terry Crews. To see what movies I'm in check out http://facebook.com/VinstigatorMusic

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-02 09:35:45

At 5/2/10 12:58 AM, Vinstigator wrote: I guess I was right about Edge turning heel. This past monday on Raw, I saw it in his eyes.

Me too. Sort of. But when he said those words, I couldn't help but stand up out of my seat and scream, "EDGE IS BACK!! EDGE IS BACK!!!!" Because heels are just freakin' epic.

Also when Christian came out, I just had to stand up out of my seat! Little did I know tht they would be starting a much anticipated fued. I think Edge will put Chrisitain over if and when they do finally face off against each other. I'm telling you, it's Christian's time! I'll put money that he'll become champ before this year is over!

Oh, of course he will. He's Christian. The fans love him. Hell, him winning a championship could get the company boatloads of money from people just wanting to see him.
But I still don't understand why Mickey and Benjamin were let go...Vince is a fucking billionaire.
Also, I've got a question. Did Punk ever have a serious injury(broken bone, torn muscles, explody-ed Achilles tendon)? I know that he had a huge gash on the top of his head(I saw the video), and I know that he either broke his nose or had to get stitches, but was there anything else?
Also, on SmackDown!, I saw something green behind his ear. WHAT. THE HELL. IS THAT?

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-02 23:11:14

At 5/2/10 09:35 AM, MaraquanWocky wrote:
At 5/2/10 12:58 AM, Vinstigator wrote:
But I still don't understand why Mickey and Benjamin were let go...Vince is a fucking billionaire.

I believe it was because she was showing up late and WWE got tired of it. As far as why Shelton was let go, I'm not sure. I think they really didn't know how to use him so they just let him go. But this could be a good thing because we all know he'll end up in TNA (his 2 best friends are there) and he'll most likely get a good push over there.

Also, I've got a question. Did Punk ever have a serious injury(broken bone, torn muscles, explody-ed Achilles tendon)? I know that he had a huge gash on the top of his head(I saw the video), and I know that he either broke his nose or had to get stitches, but was there anything else?
Also, on SmackDown!, I saw something green behind his ear. WHAT. THE HELL. IS THAT?

I don't think he's ever been seriously injured. I could be wrong though but I don't recall him suffering an injury that kept him out of action.

I'm in the new Adam Sandler movie Sandy Wexler. I play a Prison Guard and a trainer for Terry Crews. To see what movies I'm in check out http://facebook.com/VinstigatorMusic

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-03 02:01:58

In WWE? No.

On the indies? Absolutely yes. Punk fractured his skull at one point and that kept him out of action for awhile, though he still gutted it out to work the Ted Petty Invitational tournament, I believe this was 2004 but I'd have to watch the shoot interview again to confirm it. Other then that Punk has been real good with the injury bug.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-03 14:16:25

TNA has fired Bubba the Love Sponge. And to show how mature he is, Bubba has taken to hurling insults at both TNA and the fans. Class move from the guy huh? I'll be honest here in admitting that I have never heard or seen Bubba, but I've heard enough about him to wonder why TNA had him in the company for so damn long. I mean I knew he was an asshole, but wasn't he also racist too? Either way, good move from TNA to ditch the guy.

I didn't notice any green thing behind Punk's ear. Maybe its the back on an earring or something?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-03 23:41:23

At 5/3/10 02:16 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: TNA has fired Bubba the Love Sponge. And to show how mature he is, Bubba has taken to hurling insults at both TNA and the fans. Class move from the guy huh? I'll be honest here in admitting that I have never heard or seen Bubba, but I've heard enough about him to wonder why TNA had him in the company for so damn long. I mean I knew he was an asshole, but wasn't he also racist too? Either way, good move from TNA to ditch the guy.

I believe the only reason he was in TNA was because he was/is good buddies with Hogan. He's been walking on thin ice for a while now. I remember he made a comment about Haiti and said something to the effect of "who gives a fuck". He got so much heat for that, that he actually had to publically apoligize. I'm glad he's gone, he did nothing but hurt the company.

Oh and after reading this, I'm glad this worthless fuck is gone

Good riddance...

I'm in the new Adam Sandler movie Sandy Wexler. I play a Prison Guard and a trainer for Terry Crews. To see what movies I'm in check out http://facebook.com/VinstigatorMusic

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-04 03:59:09

You know how to spot a mark?

They usually tend to be the ones that are screaming everybody else is a mark.

Every time somebody pays attention to Bubba, he wins, because that's his job. He makes money by getting negative attention for his idiotic jackass schtick. Buh bye, good riddance, may I never hear from him again...makes me wonder if we'll see Hogan on his show before he and Bischoff exit TNA.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-04 20:31:27

At 5/3/10 11:41 PM, Vinstigator wrote:
At 5/3/10 02:16 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: TNA has fired Bubba the Love Sponge. And to show how mature he is, Bubba has taken to hurling insults at both TNA and the fans. Class move from the guy huh? I'll be honest here in admitting that I have never heard or seen Bubba, but I've heard enough about him to wonder why TNA had him in the company for so damn long. I mean I knew he was an asshole, but wasn't he also racist too? Either way, good move from TNA to ditch the guy.
I believe the only reason he was in TNA was because he was/is good buddies with Hogan. He's been walking on thin ice for a while now. I remember he made a comment about Haiti and said something to the effect of "who gives a fuck". He got so much heat for that, that he actually had to publically apoligize. I'm glad he's gone, he did nothing but hurt the company.

Oh and after reading this, I'm glad this worthless fuck is gone

Good riddance...

Oh fuck...........I didn't know the exact size of the situation. Assaulting him wasn't the best idea, but Bubba shouldn't have said what he said, either.........including the phone call afterwards.

I honestly thought he had more class than that in real life. Then again, I thought the same about Leno, and I was disappointed.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-05 22:39:35

From wrestlezone.com:
The WWE RAW brand will be on the road this weekend doing a tour of Mexico. According to a report on PWInsider.com, the WWE RAW talent was instructed to stay in their hotels as much as they can and not to travel alone due to fear of kidnappings.

Is this a problem that they have delt with before or has crime gone up in in Mexico? I guess its better safe than sorry.

I guess Edge and Orton will be having a match at the next PPV. They announced it not too long ago. WWE has taken to using twitter to announce stuff these days. I don't use twitter so I am out of the loop on that one I guess.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-05 22:46:30

hey how do i join this cool club

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-06 06:19:36

At 5/3/10 02:16 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: I'll be honest here in admitting that I have never heard or seen Bubba,

It's hard to find him since he's hidden up Hulk Hogan's ass
Anybody seen the clip from The Howard Stern Show with both Bubba and The Iron Sheik? You can probably find it on youtube, Sheik absolutely tears into Bubba about kissing Hulk Hogan's ass, even though it's hard to understand what Sheik says sometimes it was friggin gold!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-06 10:03:51

You two new guys are welcome to join in on the fun. I think you may have to pick a new favorite team though Kermit. Shad and JTG aren't a team anymore.

I'll have to look that interview up. Sheik is a funny guy from what I've heard and he says some weird crap.

At WWE.com they have an article that lists what they consider the top 25 strangest matches. I'm curious to see what they think is #1. I'm going to give that a read now.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-06 18:39:06

Oh god..........Flavor Flav hosts RAW next week.............he's one weird son-of-a-bitch.

At 5/6/10 10:03 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: At WWE.com they have an article that lists what they consider the top 25 strangest matches. I'm curious to see what they think is #1. I'm going to give that a read now.

Wow..........I actually remember some of these matches. :P

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-08 07:25:47

At 5/3/10 02:16 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: TNA has fired Bubba the Love Sponge. And to show how mature he is, Bubba has taken to hurling insults at both TNA and the fans. Class move from the guy huh? I'll be honest here in admitting that I have never heard or seen Bubba, but I've heard enough about him to wonder why TNA had him in the company for so damn long. I mean I knew he was an asshole, but wasn't he also racist too? Either way, good move from TNA to ditch the guy.

I heard about Bubba The Love Sponge on my classic rock radio station...you think it's the same dude?

I didn't notice any green thing behind Punk's ear. Maybe its the back on an earring or something?

No, it looked like a tattoo. But Wikipedia doesn't have anything on it...

At 5/3/10 02:01 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: In WWE? No.

Okay. I don't really want to see his leg snapped in two...

On the indies? Absolutely yes. Punk fractured his skull at one point and that kept him out of action for awhile, though he still gutted it out to work the Ted Petty Invitational tournament, I believe this was 2004 but I'd have to watch the shoot interview again to confirm it. Other then that Punk has been real good with the injury bug.

Huh. Okay.


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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-08 07:43:40

At 5/6/10 10:03 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: At WWE.com they have an article that lists what they consider the top 25 strangest matches. I'm curious to see what they think is #1. I'm going to give that a read now.

can't find the article, anyone able to provide a link?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-08 10:45:54

At 5/8/10 07:43 AM, Random-Her03 wrote:
can't find the article, anyone able to provide a link?

Sure thing: http://www.wwe.com/inside/top25/

Interesting turn for Drew last night. Because of his actions he was not only stripped of the IC title but fired from SD. I wonder if he will be put on Raw or will there be retrobution from Vince and Drew. Either way we got some really great matches last night with Kofi/Ziggler, and Cody/Christian. Interesting that they went with a face vs face match for the IC title next week.

Big Show on commentary was funny as hell. He's easy to like when he does these face runs.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-09 07:08:35

At 5/8/10 10:45 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Sure thing: http://www.wwe.com/inside/top25/

thanks man, wow.. i didn't think they'd feature Jeff Jarrett in the list..

Interesting turn for Drew last night. Because of his actions he was not only stripped of the IC title but fired from SD. I wonder if he will be put on Raw or will there be retrobution from Vince and Drew. Either way we got some really great matches last night with Kofi/Ziggler, and Cody/Christian. Interesting that they went with a face vs face match for the IC title next week.

I think McIntyre was "fired" because he recently married WWE Diva, Tiffany.. I think he was taken off TV to go on his honeymoon, so i probably wouldn't expect Tiffany to be on TV anytime soon aswell.
Don't know what'll happen when he gets back but I hope his feud with Hardy keeps going. Even though it's one sided to get McIntyre over, I've found it interesting.

Big Show on commentary was funny as hell. He's easy to like when he does these face runs.

Yeah I enjoy face Big Show waaay more than heel Big Show, it's real easy for him to get people on his side when he's a face. I also like how they brought up the incident where he broke the ring when he came off the top rope in 2003..

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-09 07:15:23

It seems since their little promo last week, WWE has shed no light on Edge and Christian's fight..
Does anybody else think WWE was pretty much giving us the middle finger, and showing their way of saying "you won't see these 2 together in a long, long time!"?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-09 20:35:38

Speaking of promo's I think the one Rey and Punk did was very well done. I like the fact that Rey highlighted the fact that the core of the straight edge lifestyle is something that is good. I am happy that they made sure to remind people of this as Punk is so damn good at being a heel. So good on them for Rey taking this kind of stance.

Yeah, it is weird that they never mentioned the Christian/Edge confrontation at all. Maybe one day they'll get back to it.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-10 00:20:05

Some quick thoughts:

I really enjoyed the Rey Punk promo as well. Both guys are so good in their roles, hell Punk actually got slapped by an elderly fan at a house show. Who says heels can't generate legit heat anymore?

As far as Drew, I think if what Random heard is true (and it sounds good to me) then I think we're looking at Drew coming back with some kind of Vince sanction to basically do whatever he wants on SD!. A move to RAW right now wouldn't help him I think, and the Friday show right now is obviously the best place for WWE to really start making new stars right now. I'd look for Drew to return there.

I think Edge and Christian on TV isn't happening, and there's some good reasons for it right now. But if WWE doesn't do a "super show" match or two on the house show circuit with these guys they're nuts. If you want people to come to non-televised shows when the product isn't hot, you need to give them something they don't regularly get. An E vs. C match could work as that hook, and hopefully that's what that promo will lead to, or maybe it was just to establish Christian as a fiery babyface on the rise.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-11 13:38:57

Miz seems to be headed in a tag team direction a bit too much these days. I think him and Jericho together is a decent enough idea, but he is being made to look like he can't win on his own. I really hope he is able to retain next week. As much as I like Bret Hart, I really don't think he should be holding a title again.

Oh no... Vicki as the GM of Raw? Why?!?!?! Are they so out of ideas that they have to re-do this storyline with her and Edge? And they aren't dropping the guest host thing either. It makes me kinda glad I haven't seen an episode of Raw in over two months.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-05-11 18:35:43

Hey Batista, Perry Saturn called, he wants his submission move back..

He also said that that porcupines like ice cream because it makes them jump higher.... you're welcome.

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