Yeah, they're in generation kicks fucking ass.
Also, Punk not getting head shaved, if they give that away on free TV they're insane.
Yeah, they're in generation kicks fucking ass.
Also, Punk not getting head shaved, if they give that away on free TV they're insane.
At 4/9/10 07:10 AM, MaraquanWocky wrote:
Speaking of which, I can't wait to watch Smackdown later today!
But seriously, why are you so eager? I wanna see CM Punk get baldeded.
I would love to see that happen. It happened with Kurt Angle and Vince McMahon and it now looks like CM Punk will be added to the list. It's gonna be pretty weird seeing him with a bald head. It took me a little while to get used to Angle being bald. Now when I see old videos of him with hair, it looks weird to me.
I'm in the new Adam Sandler movie Sandy Wexler. I play a Prison Guard and a trainer for Terry Crews. To see what movies I'm in check out
At 4/9/10 07:13 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Yeah, they're in generation kicks fucking ass.
Mine kicks more.
Also, Punk not getting head shaved, if they give that away on free TV they're insane.
At 4/9/10 08:14 PM, Vinstigator wrote: I would love to see that happen. It happened with Kurt Angle and Vince McMahon and it now looks like CM Punk will be added to the list. It's gonna be pretty weird seeing him with a bald head. It took me a little while to get used to Angle being bald. Now when I see old videos of him with hair, it looks weird to me.
I'm imagining what he would look like without any hair and just a beard...
He'll be mocked outside of the WWE.
Lita will refuse to go near him until his hair looks normal...or at least normal guy hair.
He might even wear a wig.
Reminiscent of Howard Finkel.
And what if he's one of those guys who have a lumpy head?
Or freckels on his head?
Or just has a wan scalp?
This might not be as awesome as I thought it would be.
If someone would care enough to photoshop a picture of Punk so he's bald...I would really appreciate that.
To get used to it...
Matt Striker was on a roll tonight. He pointed out that Swagger looks like Gary Busey and later asked if Todd had beaten anything in one night. Quickly following it with a "Uh...Nevermind."
Really good SD too. I think the opening match between Swagger and Morrison was well done as was the Drew vs. Matt match. The "Dude Busters" made me laugh. And of course the main event between Edge and Jericho was awesome. I'm sensing a triple threat in the future.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
I didn't notice the thing with Matt Striker.
All I was thinking about was the fact that Punk almost got his head shaved.
I know it was scripted, so don't scorn...
I really hope Mysterio wins.
Because I will laugh when Punk gets his head shaved.
And I will celebrate.
And possibly even make a comic about it.
I will celebrate by...telling my friend Matthew about it 1,000 times.
And Punk will be the good guy in the comic.
Because for some reason, things ALWAYS work out that way.
Oh, screw the usual, I'm going skydiving for the celebration.
While the actual diagnosis of Ezekiel Jackson's injury has yet to be revealed, the early belief is that Big Zeke tore his quadriceps muscle. If true, that would be a lengthy rehab, at least 6-8 months out of action.
Jackson was injured during a live event on one of the overseas shows this weekend.
I hope it isn't as serious as that. Either way I wish him a speedy recovery.
According to, Triple H is currently booked for television and pay-per view events only, and not house shows due to some neck problems he's going through. That would explain Triple H missing the overseas events this weekend.
HHH needs to be careful if his neck is messed up. I think its wise for him to take it easy for a bit and heal up.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 4/11/10 09:31 PM, Outlaw88 wrote:
HHH needs to be careful if his neck is messed up. I think its wise for him to take it easy for a bit and heal up.
Maybe Sheamus could "take him out" at Extreme Rules? Hunter gets rest, Sheamus looks tough and can continue destroying people while Hunter heals. Triple H has always struck me a work horse though and probably hates down time unless he absolutely needs it.
I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.
At 4/11/10 11:25 PM, boloneyman wrote: Maybe Sheamus could "take him out" at Extreme Rules? Hunter gets rest, Sheamus looks tough and can continue destroying people while Hunter heals. Triple H has always struck me a work horse though and probably hates down time unless he absolutely needs it.
I like it. With Shawn gone, Taker probably on his way out soon for at least some downtime, H is going to become a more and more valuable resource for them and all parties need to work to protect that resource.
As far as Big Zeke, what an absolute shame as I hear nothing but good things about this guy. They say he watches tapes constantly and is just really dedicated to his craft. It's an absolute shame to see a guy like that who has not really been utilized on TV suffer any sort of injury that might curb his ability to try and continue to develop into something.
At 4/12/10 12:20 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: As far as Big Zeke, what an absolute shame as I hear nothing but good things about this guy. They say he watches tapes constantly and is just really dedicated to his craft. It's an absolute shame to see a guy like that who has not really been utilized on TV suffer any sort of injury that might curb his ability to try and continue to develop into something.
Yeah I've been wondering about his whereabouts, i remember he arrived on smackdown and absolutely destroyed Jimmy Wang Yang.. then it's been kinda quiet.. I even heard he wasn't in attendance for WM26..
It's a shame, this guy was improving greatly.. his in-ring skills and he's even bumped up a few points in his mic skills.. sure he's not the best talker, but there are worse..
Hey haven't posted in a while. Just watching the Baywatch portion of Raw Can we PLEASE stop this Guest Host crap? And WWE can't seem to decide whether they want to be PG or not. I mean, when the Divas did the slow-mo run to the ring, boobs were flying everywhere (clearly intentional) so how is that PG? God I miss the good old days. This crap is getting unbearable.
Just read that SD! will move to SyFy in October. This is great news for SD! as they're on a moribund channel and it's hurt their ability to truly "matter" within WWE. Plus, way more people can get SyFy then MyNetwork TV and the financials look quite good on this also. A good deal.
NXT, we hardly knew ye.
As a follow up on Zeke, he's saying he'll be out 2 to 3 months.
Ugh, I hate David Hasselhoff, at least none of you graduated the same high school as him. I need to get on Raw some how just so he isn't the only one from my high school ever to be on WWE. Better start training.
Besides the standard shitfest that is the guest segments, I enjoyed Raw. Good amount of matches, they all lasted long enough, and were entertaining to watch. I guess if Triple H does get benched, Sheamus has a feud with Kofi lined up. If Kofi doesn't get repeatedly destroyed, that would be awesome.
Orton and Swagger seems really random to me, I suppose it is better than Orton beating him and there being no mention of it ever again. Time for WWE to make Jack look credible, but considering there track record of actually accomplishing that, I am a bit worried.
I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.
The match between Sheamus and Kofi Kinngston was really good. When Kofi hit "Trouble In Paradise" and went for the cover, I thought it was over! Well at least Kofi ended up winning the match.
Oh and the part that made me laugh was when Hoff said "Hey kit, how long you think it's gonna take John Cena to put this guy out of his misery?
I estimate 22 seconds"
I'm in the new Adam Sandler movie Sandy Wexler. I play a Prison Guard and a trainer for Terry Crews. To see what movies I'm in check out
I didn't care much for RAW this week
infact during the divas tag i stopped watching.. Bret Hart appearance was a nice surprise but besides that it was a bit of a snooze fest to me
also it seems that WWE is teasing Carlito going to smackdown... or maybe even releasing him?.. i doubt he's leaving as he's Michael Tarver's Pro on NXT.. but then again, NXT seems to be phasing out the pros more and more each week.
At 4/12/10 11:54 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Just read that SD! will move to SyFy in October.
This heavily depresses me, actually, but more so with SyFy than WWE...
NXT was actually pretty cool this week. I like how they're doing challenges every week... keeps things interesting. Out of all the rookies I think Daniel Bryan, David "The A-List" Otunga, Wade Barrett, and Justin Gabriel stand out the most. My personal favorite is The A-List. I predict he'll be the next big thing. I like his arrogant personality. I'm sure later down the road he will able to cut some awesome promos. Plus he's from Hollywood Californiag, where dreams come true. I liked the bit where he told Hasselhoff "I got a movie idea! You can play my adoptive father. Wait, make that my grandfather". The kid's just got so much damn potential.
Also I laughed when Darren Young said "toothpaste is something that a lot of people here don't use". Well at least he stayed on topic lol
I'm in the new Adam Sandler movie Sandy Wexler. I play a Prison Guard and a trainer for Terry Crews. To see what movies I'm in check out
Had this been a few years ago I would have been pissed at the news of SD going to syfi. There was a time when I didn't get that channel at all. Now I do so I'm not too worried about the station. I wonder if it will stay on Fridays or will they put it on a new day?
I'm glad that the expected down time for Big Zeke is less than what was expected. I hope this doesn't set him back too much.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
SD! will stay on Fridays at 8. What will also be good is that on SyFy they will no longer get pre-empted by local sports or anything like that. They'll have a solid home and it can become a reliable habit for folks again. Good news for my favorite wrestling show.
At 4/14/10 04:12 AM, Vinstigator wrote: NXT was actually pretty cool this week. I like how they're doing challenges every week... keeps things interesting. Out of all the rookies I think Daniel Bryan, David "The A-List" Otunga, Wade Barrett, and Justin Gabriel stand out the most. My personal favorite is The A-List. I predict he'll be the next big thing. I like his arrogant personality. I'm sure later down the road he will able to cut some awesome promos. Plus he's from Hollywood Californiag, where dreams come true. I liked the bit where he told Hasselhoff "I got a movie idea! You can play my adoptive father. Wait, make that my grandfather". The kid's just got so much damn potential.
Also I laughed when Darren Young said "toothpaste is something that a lot of people here don't use". Well at least he stayed on topic lol
The topics were horrible, nobody could work from those. Otunga, Barrett and Gabriel are good, I do not rate Danielson at all. I would put Darren 'Black Cena' Young ahead of him.
Apart from that I thought NXT was pretty solid, I was entertained, The Barrett/Christian match was good.
The Wrestling Observer is reporting that John Cena has been battling minor back and neck injuries since his match against Batista at WrestleMania. It is believed he will be working through the injuries.
Let's just hope he doesn't overdo it at Extreme Rules.
Matt Hardy was diagnosed with a deep bruise to his biceps muscle and it was in fact not a tear which he originally feared.
Also good to know. I'm glad he isn't hurt as badly as they thought.
WM gets all these guys banged up it seems. Obviously thats the event where they usually pull out all the stops so I can understand that.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
my pics show how i feel
The Wrestling Observer is reporting that WWE has reached out to golfer Tiger Woods, and is hoping he will agree to host the June 7th edition of Raw. The show is being taped in Miami, FL that night, however, most within WWE feel that Woods will not accept the offer
Yeah I don't think Tiger is going to want to do that. He's got enough press issues to deal with.
You know whats bad? The way they were talking about Swagger made it sound like there was no way for him to beat Orton. Not exactly the best way to promote your champion. I guess we'll see how it plays out.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 4/17/10 09:56 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: The Wrestling Observer is reporting that WWE has reached out to golfer Tiger Woods, and is hoping he will agree to host the June 7th edition of Raw. The show is being taped in Miami, FL that night, however, most within WWE feel that Woods will not accept the offer
This guest host thing gets more depressing week after week. As a brief gimmick, it would have been fine, or longer-term if they stuck to people in the wrestling business. But the mere thought of the mere POSSIBILITY of a golfer trying to host Raw, chosen only because the media's all crazy about who he's porked, makes me die a little inside. When I think of professions that might be able to relate to professional wrestling, golfer isn't exactly high on the list. At least Shaq knocked bitches down on occasion.
Does wrestling's quality come in cycles? I mean, will there ever be another "golden age"? While the stuff lately is better than, say, IC Champion Hornswoggle (barely), I'm still feeling more and more disconnected with wrestling lately. I tried watching TNA, but it just seemed like the same crap on a different channel (but with a lot of the same faces!!!). Bleh.
I think there's a possibility of it slash, but it takes a perfect storm really. It's going to take the right concept, the right performers and just a perfect storm of all the right elements coming together. But certainly they could improve the quality of the product, just look at something like Smackdown! which just chugs along and is usually a great dose of solid wrestling every week without too many convoluted or dopey storylines.
As far as Tiger? Don't see it. Tiger has been very very controlled about his media appearances lately and is trying to rebuild his brand. I don't think RAW would help him do that so I'd be very surprised if he got involved with it.
Speaking of RAW, could be a very weird show monday as there's a good chance the crew may get stranded in europe thanks to that eruption in Iceland. We could wind up with Smackdown! taking over RAW...and amazingly the show quality will improve a million percent.
The Wrestling Observer is reporting that due to the Raw crew being stranded in Europe, the current plan is to have the Smackdown crew carry the Raw show tomorrow night in East Rutherford, NJ. Should the Raw crew somehow make it back to the states in time, of course they will appear on the show, but as of right now that is looking impossible, so Raw will go on as planned, and it will feature the Smackdown crew which has landed back in the states.
Looks like you were right. It's going to be interesting to see how they do this.
It also looks like Miz has been busy. On a kids show. I don't know anything about this show since I'm in the states, but Miz appeared on "Blue Peter" in the UK. You can watch it here.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Again, really fucking late on posting. >_<
Deleted the one NXT episode I had taped, since it sounds like it's devolved as quickly as it came into being............what a fucking shame. Also deleted last week's RAW episode, since the concensus of opinion seems to suggest that Hoff didn't do very well.
If the SD crew takes over tonight, and the quality suddenly spikes, it'll be the solid proof to the WWE that their writers are better than RAW's...................or not, since they'll probably ignore it anyway.
Ok, what's this about Orlando Jordan's new gimmick? Hasn't EITHER COMPANY learned a lesson from the Vito situation? If a wrestler comes to you wanting to do a gimmick of that nature, either say no (the preferred option at this point), or you'd better be damn fucking sure that wrestler 100% knows what he/she is doing. This is one thing I'll give Rico back when he was around - he did it correctly. To the best of my knowledge, he never overdid it during the length of the gimmick, and because of that, it was usually good for a few laughs.
I don't get why others attempting similar gimmicks have to fuck it up so badly.....................
I think the Raw crew is going to be back in the states either tonight or tomorrow. I wonder if SD will feature the Raw guys? It would be interesting to see.
I've been missing Raw for a few weeks so I feel so behind in whats going on. At least I know the SD side of things. I have no clue whats been going on in NXT, but that show probably isn't going to stick around for too much longer so I'm not worried about it.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Hey, guys. Sorry I haven't posted in a while, had to finish homeowrk. >:(
I know you guys expected me to say this, so I will...
Seriously? It was just one of his bangs. Not that big of a deal.
And the shampoo joke was great. I love when Triple H makes fun of Punk.
But once I get used to Flash again, you might see Turban CM Punk in my sig.
For a little while.
If only Philllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllip were reading this...
From what I heard everything Monday was Punk's call and he actually PUSHED for it as originally Gallows was going to take the pin but Punk argued against it saying it wouldn't hurt him and the point is to try and rebuild Gallows post Festus.
That is a really class move and if only more headliners would follow Punk's example.
The following is an article from
2010 Supplemental Draft announced for April 28 at Noon ET
After the chaos of random draft picks on Raw Monday night, the 8th WWE Draft will conclude Wednesday, April 28 at Noon ET, with the 2010 WWE Supplemental Draft, held exclusively on and
Beginning at Noon ET, supplemental draft picks by Raw and SmackDown will be announced. The Supplemental Draft will be hosted by WWE Hall of Famer Howard Finkel.
Guess that will work for guys like Carlito who either get little to no ring/air time these days. I kinda hope that in his case a change in brand will give him something of a fresh start. Yeah despite all the jobbing and stuff, I still root for the dude.
Its fun to try and guess who will be shifted to what brand. I am interested to see who gets moved this time around.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks