At 4/5/10 05:06 AM, Random-Her03 wrote:
He {Kanyon} was the only openly gay wrestler, wasnt he?
I dunno, Pat Patterson is openly gay.. dunno if he was around the time of his active run, but he is now.
Define "openly" though? I mean, it's true Pat has never gone out of his way to hide it or anything. But it's never something Pat broadcast during any of his runs with the company, and the only time I can recall it being actual public knowledge outside that reprehensible (and completely untrue) accusation Billy Graham made on Donahue that Patterson molested young males on the ring crew in the 80's.
I dunno, I thought he was built pretty strongly.. considering they pretty much did in just 2 hrs.. I hope he finally makes it in the big leagues, and stays there.
The kid's got the goods, the only thing he needs to work on I think is the lisp, that could really hold him back. Sure Dusty Rhodes got over with one...but that was Dusty Rhodes, the man had unbelievable charisma and ability to communicate, Swagger is not Big Dust.
I'm worried about what's going to happen to JTG; we all know about what happens to the smaller guys over there.... >_< Well, at least they could have the two of them feud against each other for a while - although that didn't work out for Primo, did it?
I really do think this will end with JTG as "The Janetty" through no fault of his own. WWE doesn't care about tag teams these days, and in general the rule with teams is it's very rare once they split that both can get pushed (Miz and Morrison are the exception). Usually the company splits them because they're really behind one member, and not the other. I think this will be the beginning of the end of JTG in WWE.
I dunno.. if they repackage JTG then maybe he might get a bit of recognition.. if not, enjoy you're stay at Jobville JTG.. cause you'll probably be there for the rest of your career.
I dunno if WWE is really going to wind up hanging onto him, maybe they could try bringing Slam Master J back into the mix now but honestly? I think this is the beginning of JTG headed towards a release, and then trying to rebuild himself on the indies.
Good way to keep Khali off the air for a while to focus on everyone else. I guess they still want to keep him around, considering he's so over with the fans (whether you like it or not).
I think it's more he's really good for the Indian market vs. being all that over with American fans. I think they could easily drop Khali and most of the world wouldn't care, but since WWE continues to think globally, it's worth having him around as they try to expand into India.
At least this move can put a rest to that very weird tag team of Khali and Matt Hardy... seriously, who thought of putting those 2 together?.. the most random tag team i've seen in years.. whose next, Evan Bourne and Vladamir Kozlov?..
If they just need to slap a team together to challenge the champs at some point? It could happen. WWE doesn't really care all that much about tag team wrestling in case you haven't noticed.
I always saw him as Dave Grohl with that look.. but Charles Manson is actually a good one. I always said Grohl cause TNA have Brian Kendrick, who is almost a clone of Kurt Cobain lol
Yeah, I think Punk is probably channeling Manson and Raven (who was himself really channeling Manson) for this current character. I really like it and I like that he's working Rey Rey as after this feud ends it can easily put him right back into the SD! main event picture and hopefully by that point they will have established Swagger firmly in that role and we can have a really good main event picture on SD! (I'm going to assume none of these guys get traded in the draft).
Just heard TNA released Christopher Daniels...yeah, declining ratings, Hulk and Bischoff not really working...and they let Christopher Daniels go? Really? Note to WWE: SNAP HIM UP! Especially if you're going to have a season 2 of NXT. Putting Kaval and Daniels on the Tuesday show where they can just have 20 minute matches to "prove themselves" sounds like good TV to me!