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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-29 08:58:31

I'm glad I recorded it. ^_^ Awesomeness on all levels (except for Vickie's match, but more on that in a second).

Who thought SWAGGER would win MiTB? Nobody. Guess they're gonna build the guy back up again. Kinda pathetic that he spent at least 10 MINUTES trying to unhook the briefcase, though. :( But hey, everyone else fucked each other up so bad that he could've spent a week on it, lol.

SICKEST. SPEAR. EVER. If you didn't find that awesome, FUCK YOU. Seriously, fuck you. I wouldn't be surprised if Jericho wasn't legitimately hurt (on accident, mind you) on that one.

Meh, Cena won again. Even though it wasn't as good as the Bragging Rights Cena/Orton match, at least it was good enough. But the Superman thing is finally starting to get to me.......at least Shawn had to be helped back up. Cena's just like "Hey, look at me; all better now! THE TITLE HAS MAGICAL HEALING POWERS!". When you're trying to look like you're getting your ass kicked, no one's gonna buy it if you magically just shake it off like that afterwards. Y'know, this didn't used to bother me as much as the rest of you, but on this occasion, it's finally done it just a tad.

Vince had his nads stomped on. A lot. Fun was had by all. FINALLY The Dynasty got into it, and even landed several noteworthy shots on Vinny.........did Stryker just make a 'future endeavors' reference towards Natalya, or was that just me? Anyway, again, if you didn't enjoy this match, then FUCK YOU. (Boy, I'm sayin' this a lot, but it's true.)

Avie, you said that Taker is very protective of his gimmick, but even he broke out-of-character on this occasion in a Crowning Moment of Awesome. It was one hell of a match, and that moment just goes to show ya just how much Shawn's respected. A great ending. Seriously, if you didn't get moved by that, then......you get it by now. Shawn went out in a blaze of glory, and it'll be a shame to not see him wrestling again - which I do feel is the case, or else the ending would mean very little. Even if he does come back, it'll be in another capacity, I bet.

(Freaky, one of the signs in the stands said "There Goes My Hero" in reference to Shawn, and the Foo Fighters song started playing in my head...........and it just started playing on my radio behind me............)

Overall, if you didn't enjoy this year's WM, then, well, FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. The only moment that even remotely sucked was the Divas Tag match.........but Vickie makes anything suck easily. Sorry, Eddie, but she shouldn't be allowed to imitate you under any circumstances...... >.< Poor Kelly.......why must the hottest one always be the jobber of that division?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-29 11:29:34

Ah, people will be talkin' 'bout my first WrestleMania for an entire week. :D
But seriously, WWE, you're doin' pretty damn good so far. WM was much better than anyone expected. Maybe Swagger will get a nice push...probably not, though. I mean, come on, it's Jack Thwagger. WHat thid he do tho detherve that kind of puth?
Heehee. Man hug with 'Taker.
And guys, THIS is what Shawn said. "I'll be on my kids' necks in three weeks!"
*snicker* Man hug with Taker.

The Undertaker, THE FRIGGIN' UNDERTAKER, seemed freaked out for once. And the faces he made near the end of the match were funny. It almost took my mind off of...*whimper* <:'(

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-29 21:03:52

Oh YouTube, the joys you bring to me.
I wanted to see Chris Jericho singin' on RAW(I'm now a fan of Fozzy :3), and I found this. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO HIM?! He used to be everything I dreamed for him to be; cocky, funny, he had white teeth, he wore gay-but-awesome clothes, he loved the audience, and for the love of god, HE EVEN FREAKIN' RHYMED.
And he was clean shaven. And he didn't look like a drunken deadbeat with his red 'ol eyes and wrinkles. And did I mention that he rhymed?
I mean, he was a lovable character in my book already(by book is very messed up), but...D:
And made fun of Randy Orton.
*snicker* Blue Ball Magazine. Child-bearing hips. "Robotic, monotonous Randy Orton voice."


Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-29 23:31:44

You should go looking for Jericho promos on Stephanie...no, seriously, go find them, they are awesomeness. Especially if you really hate Steph.

Wow guys, I might actually have been wrong, seems there's talk that Shawn is telling people Mania really was it...oh boy, here comes the Taker (yeah I'm watching RAW as I type this). At most he'll be taking a break, and really I hope that's all it is because they really do need Shawn and he's just got too much left in the tank to hang it up. Class move by Taker there with the hat tip.

I won't be writing out a long farewell here because honestly, retirements in wrestling tend not to stick, so I'll make this deal with you, if Shawn Michaels can stay retired for one full year, you can then tap me on the shoulder and ask me to write that glowing HBK tribute, the one where I talk about how a nerdy kid with very little self-confidence reinvented himself by watching the charasmatic and cocky Shawn Michaels, about my memories of the WM 10 ladder match with Razor, about watching Shawn live, about what his comeback meant to me. I'll talk about all of that...but only if Shawn stays away for 365, only if Shawn can prove this isn't just a very elaborate angle, only if he can prove this is real and legit.

Until then, so long Shawn, until we meet again. Thank you for everything over the last (for me) 16 years.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-30 11:10:10

At 3/29/10 11:31 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: You should go looking for Jericho promos on Stephanie...no, seriously, go find them, they are awesomeness. Especially if you really hate Steph.

B-but...I wuv Stephanie. She, like, married Triple H just to irk her father. And I think I found out why I love the old Jericho...he was sorta like Jeff Hardy. Except without the drugs. And yes, this DOES mean that I think that Jeffro dresses up in...flamboyant...yeah, that'll work...clothing.

Wow guys, I might actually have been wrong, seems there's talk that Shawn is telling people Mania really was it...oh boy, here comes the Taker (yeah I'm watching RAW as I type this).

I expected for Taker to do something bad...

At most he'll be taking a break, and really I hope that's all it is because they really do need Shawn and he's just got too much left in the tank to hang it up. Class move by Taker there with the hat tip.

I hope that Shawn'll be back like you're saying. And yeah, class move. AND A TOTAL WASTE OF SMOKE AND GASOLINE TO MAKE THE FIRES. GAWD

I won't be writing out a long farewell here because honestly, retirements in wrestling tend not to stick, so I'll make this deal with you, if Shawn Michaels can stay retired for one full year, you can then tap me on the shoulder and ask me to write that glowing HBK tribute, the one where I talk about how a nerdy kid with very little self-confidence reinvented himself by watching the charasmatic and cocky Shawn Michaels, about my memories of the WM 10 ladder match with Razor, about watching Shawn live, about what his comeback meant to me. I'll talk about all of that...but only if Shawn stays away for 365, only if Shawn can prove this isn't just a very elaborate angle, only if he can prove this is real and legit.

I listened to Shawn's theme 25 times last night. It nearly drove me mad, but, yeah. IT'S SHAWN FRIGGIN' MIACHAELS.

Until then, so long Shawn, until we meet again. Thank you for everything over the last (for me) 16 years.

Thanks for everything over the last (for me)...2, 3, 4,5...six or seven months. <:D

I wanna say something. I am totally desensitized to man hugs. In fact, whenever I see one, I yell out, "MAN HUG HECK YEAH". But...man...kisses? There seem to be a lot of those lately. The first one I saw? Why, no other than the Punk-Gallows man kiss. When Serena came along, I thought the exact same thing as Triple H: "While I'm glad that you're straight..." And even before that, it was pretty damn close when John Cena, like, rubbed his head against Randy Orton's. But the creepiest one was the Shawn-HHH one. I freakin' mean it. Shawn actually kissed HHH when he came out and...hugged him from behind. And then...Picture 20. That really was weird, but I wouldn't have been as creeped out if Triple H hadn't said, "And Shawn, there's one thing I want to say to you, in front of all these people...OOF!!" *sigh* Ah, well. A little gay. Who cares anymore?
Also, anyone else see the guy that Batista did the loser sign to? Yeah? Well, did anyone see that the guy flicked Batista off? On TV? ON LIVE TELEVISION WITH MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WATCHING?! He had guts.

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-30 13:26:24

At 3/30/10 11:10 AM, MaraquanWocky wrote:
stuff about man hugs

lol. you always find a way to make me laugh. Don't think too deep into this kind of thing. It's makes life simpler that way.

It's good that they are finally using the Hary Dynasty. They should have been used much sooner than this but at least they are getting some air time. Miz and Show are funny.

I don't think WWE is serious about Swagger. I guess we'll find out soon enough though.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-30 15:08:55

At 3/30/10 01:26 PM, Outlaw88 wrote:
It's good that they are finally using the Hary Dynasty. They should have been used much sooner than this but at least they are getting some air time. Miz and Show are funny.

I agree with both these statements. I think the Hart Dynasty are the only real tag team that should have the titles. Them or the SES. When Show walked Miz out, it reminded me of a dad trying to cheer up their child after they just blew a game for their whole team by taking him out for ice cream.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-30 15:10:34

We used to challenge wrestlers to come get some in ECW, the Dudleys (Team-3D) called fans out routinely in ECW. Just flipping a wrestler the bird? Psssh, that was just a warm up for us in the land of extreme. :)

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-30 23:05:38

At 3/30/10 01:26 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: lol. you always find a way to make me laugh. Don't think too deep into this kind of thing. It's makes life simpler that way.

I try my best to make you guys laugh. BECAUSE IT'S THE LITTLE KIDDIES' JOB TO MAKE PEOPLE LIKE YOU LAUGH. But seriously...just...that's a new meaning of the word "bromance".

It's good that they are finally using the Hary Dynasty. They should have been used much sooner than this but at least they are getting some air time. Miz and Show are funny.

Who's the Hary Dynasty?

Also, I was on YouTube again!
It went like this...wwe injuries, funniest wwe moments, owen hart death, funniest wwe moments(sickos...), undertaker owns michael cole, taker on the jimmy kimmel show(or whatever its called), REAL WWE COUPLES.
I went, "Ooh, seems interesting...heh heh heh..." All I have to say is...
It's good to be Mr. DiBiase. It's good to be Mr. Rhodes. It's good to be Mr. Levesque. It's good to be Mr. Orton. It's good to be Mr. Taker. It's good to be Mr. Brooks(yes, I just said it. AND I AM PROUD. >:( It's good to be Mr. Hardy(Jeff, of course. Matt went back to living in the basement.). It's good to be Mr. Cena. It's good to be Ms. James(Mickie). It's good to be Mr. Edge. It's good to be Mr. Rey Rey. It's good to be Mr. Christian. It's good to be Mr. Hickenbottom. *snicker* Hickenbo-- What? Too soon? It's good to be Mr. Kidd. That lucky bastard. But it's not all that good to be Mr. McMahon. *shudder*
*ahem* Oh yeah, and it's good to be Mr. Jericho. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE OLD JERICHO?!?!?!
And there's one more thing...were Taker and McCool REALLY a couple...? @_@ Ugh...I just got a bad taste in my mouth.

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-31 00:44:40

The old Jericho had to go in order for fans to hate him. When he had those fun characteristics as a heel, there was still something there for fans to cheer for. He was a comical heel in terms of his insults were funny and he had a ton of personality. This new Jericho is cold and emotionless. This makes him easy to hate and makes him mroe of a serious heel. There is still comedy and stuff that he does but its handled differently. This transition is one of teh reasons Jericho is so awesome. He changed how his character acts and has made it work wonders for him.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-31 04:13:59

I'm not gonna spoil anything.. but trust me, you guys don't wanna miss smackdown this week!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-31 12:45:27

At 3/31/10 12:44 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: The old Jericho had to go in order for fans to hate him. When he had those fun characteristics as a heel, there was still something there for fans to cheer for. He was a comical heel in terms of his insults were funny and he had a ton of personality.

Comical heels are cool, though. Oh wait...but...I'm the one that loves the villain when no one else does...*sigh* I hate you.

This new Jericho is cold and emotionless.

Emotionless? EMOTIONLESS?! EMOTIONLESS?!?! How can you even say that?
That akward scene between Show and Jericho where Show dumped him.
Everything in between.

This makes him easy to hate and makes him mroe of a serious heel. There is still comedy and stuff that he does but its handled differently. This transition is one of teh reasons Jericho is so awesome. He changed how his character acts and has made it work wonders for him.

I guess so...but once you get a look at the old Jericho...you can never go back...

Ona completely separate note...this is here for your entertainment. Just turn the volume down.

It's my dream come true! Jeff Hardy...in a suit...dancing...good! XD
And Punk can...sort of fancy-dance. FANCY-DANCE!!!
And Mizzy is a wannabe gangster. >_<

Wait a minute...there's a Weird Al Club?! WHY DIDN"T YOU TELL ME SOONER OUTLAW?!

Back to business. Some videos you may enjoy are as follows...
Randy Gets Freaked Out By 'Taker
He nearly got hit by very realistic looking lightning. WATCH IT, FOR IT IS FUNNY.
Top 20 Taker Mind Games: 1/5
Part 2
"Holy shit*beep*" A little late on the censoring...
Part 5 got deleted. It was Taker's WM20 entrance.
Boogeyman Weirds Out JBL
Boogeyman Weirds Out John Cena
Wrestling Is Serious Shit For Refs
If these links are too many to bear, I DON'T CARE. JUST GO TO THEM, OR DIE.

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-31 23:49:51

At 3/31/10 04:13 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: I'm not gonna spoil anything.. but trust me, you guys don't wanna miss smackdown this week!

Yeah...I just read the spoilers and this is either going to be really good, or completely nuts. It certainly throws a monkey wrench into what we thought were post-WM SD! plans, but in a good way I think.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-04-01 09:56:12

At 3/31/10 12:45 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote: Wait a minute...there's a Weird Al Club?! WHY DIDN"T YOU TELL ME SOONER OUTLAW?!

Kevin Bacon reviels no secrets. Secrets so secret that it was on my sig for years... :P

I'm looking forward to SD. I bave heard from a lot of different sites that something big is going to happen, and I am not going to read any spoilers. This kind of thing makes my imagination run wild though. I could speculate but I might actually get it right with one of them.

The following has been posted over at JRsBarBQ.com:

"I sincerely appreciated Shawn's shout out to me on Raw which was, symbolically, a fitting end to my own Wrestlemania tenure.

Too many people seemingly love to look at a half full glass and the rampant speculation about when "HBK will come out of retirement" is already a tired subject. Let's enjoy what Shawn gave us not only this past Sunday and Monday night but what he has provided us for decades with show stopping and jaw dropping performances.

As for me, life is good and I am healthy and happy. For those that have erroneously written or assumed that the reason that I did not announce at WM26 was because of health concerns, that assumption is incorrect, I'm happy to say.

Broadcasting wrestling in WWE is likely history for me but there are many other areas to which I can contribute in WWE and those options, among others, will be weighed over the next month."

We're going to miss you JR.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-04-02 00:40:33

2010 is shaping up to be a sad year thus far for me in wrestling. Shawn is telling people he's done (although I think if he had the right match at the right figure come up, he'd be back, but full-time? I could definitely see him having decided that is no longer interesting to him). JR is talking about being done with broadcasting (though I think using him on "big" PPV's or shows you really want to push as important might be smart) but I am gladdened that he's talking about potentially being placed in a talent scouting role. This is PHENEMONAL news as JR has a great eye for talent as evidenced by just this very short list of names he's responsible for bringing in:

Steve Austin
Mic Foley
Brock Lesnar
Kurt Angle
Jack Swagger

That's a pretty impressive list of champions and name talent when you really think about it, and he was doing all that while splitting time as a broadcaster. Imagine what he could do if he was in that role full time?

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-04-02 04:33:32

At 3/31/10 11:49 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 3/31/10 04:13 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: I'm not gonna spoil anything.. but trust me, you guys don't wanna miss smackdown this week!
Yeah...I just read the spoilers and this is either going to be really good, or completely nuts. It certainly throws a monkey wrench into what we thought were post-WM SD! plans, but in a good way I think.

I happen to stumble upon that same spoiler on accident. I don't like to read Smackdown spoilers because I like to be surprised. I used to read spoilers all the time but if I read spoilers and felt it wasn't an interesting show, I wouldn't watch it. Anyway I was reading an article on Wikipedia and it said something that caught my attention. At first I thought it was a typo but no, it's the real deal. Wow I am seriously shocked. Anyway, everyone be sure to watch Smackdown this Friday. We'll have a lot to talk about...

I'm in the new Adam Sandler movie Sandy Wexler. I play a Prison Guard and a trainer for Terry Crews. To see what movies I'm in check out http://facebook.com/VinstigatorMusic

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-04-02 11:58:15

At 4/2/10 04:33 AM, Vinstigator wrote: At first I thought it was a typo but no, it's the real deal. Wow I am seriously shocked. Anyway, everyone be sure to watch Smackdown this Friday. We'll have a lot to talk about...

Oh man, I hope the auction I have to go to ends quickly!! I's GOTTA SEE THIS SMACKDOWN!!
Can you PM me one tiny little spoiler...? I just wanna see if it's gonna be worth deleting ten of my Simpsons episodes from my DVR...wait a minute...DVR...RVD...Rob Van Dam! Any news on him? My friend loves him, and he wants to know what's going on.

Who else is getting tired of the RAW guest host thing? I mean, it was awesome when the Hall of Famers(like Sgt. Slaughter or Bret Hart) or people your parents could tell you about(Bob Barker or ZZ Top) or just famous people, like Shaq or Ozzy, hosted RAW. But now they're just using people that nobody even knows who they are, or people that nobody even cares about them. OR THEIR MOVIE. Seriously, who's Rob Corddry? Who's Clark Duke? Nobody even cared for that RAW. Surprisingly, they didn't even care about the Diva hot tub thing. There were, what, three matches? With all the guest host crap going on, there's barely any more wrestling. Add on the fact that the shows are just big, two hour long ads, and that makes it even worse. Man, I wish a guy from the WWE were reading this.

And while I'm in Seemingly Meaningless Rant Mode...where is Primo? What has he done to make you pretty much ignore his presence in the company? He's lucky to even be a jobber in matches anymore. Same thing with Jimmy Wang Yang. And what about Kung Fu Naki? I'm pretty sure the last time he was on TV was when the 10th Anniversary of SmackDown! was on. He hasn't been on TV in months. What the hell? The guys who used to have huge storylines revolving around them are now nothing. I'm sure if you'd just give those guys a chance, people will love(or hate, whatever floats your boat) them again. Or, if you're really that tight on cash, why do you even bother paying 'em if you don't plan on using them? If you don't plan on using the lucky-if-they-even-get-a-jobber-job people, it would probably be better for them and you to just let them go.

If Primo, J.W.Y. or Funaki are somehow reading this, remember...always spay and n-- If they aren't giving you a good job or aren't giving you a job at all, move to TNA or RoH. Or get Botox, pump some iron, maybe even some plastic surgery and go to NXT under a new name. They'll never recognize you...oh yeah, and try to be interesting. And try to WIN.

Rant over.

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-04-02 11:59:04

At 4/2/10 04:33 AM, Vinstigator wrote: I happen to stumble upon that same spoiler on accident. I don't like to read Smackdown spoilers because I like to be surprised. I used to read spoilers all the time but if I read spoilers and felt it wasn't an interesting show, I wouldn't watch it. Anyway I was reading an article on Wikipedia and it said something that caught my attention. At first I thought it was a typo but no, it's the real deal. Wow I am seriously shocked. Anyway, everyone be sure to watch Smackdown this Friday. We'll have a lot to talk about...

I haven't found wrestling interesting in a good while now...I barely watch it, mostly listening to it with my back turned as I do other things...but damn, with all this mysterious talk, now I'm curious. I guess I'm actually gonna pay attention tonight.

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-04-02 18:58:15

At 4/2/10 11:58 AM, MaraquanWocky wrote:
At 4/2/10 04:33 AM, Vinstigator wrote: At first I thought it was a typo but no, it's the real deal. Wow I am seriously shocked. Anyway, everyone be sure to watch Smackdown this Friday. We'll have a lot to talk about...
Oh man, I hope the auction I have to go to ends quickly!! I's GOTTA SEE THIS SMACKDOWN!!
Can you PM me one tiny little spoiler...?

Alright, just sent you the PM.

I just wanna see if it's gonna be worth deleting ten of my Simpsons episodes from my DVR...wait a minute...DVR...RVD...Rob Van Dam! Any news on him? My friend loves him, and he wants to know what's going on.

Actually RVD debuted on TNA a few weeks ago I believe. In fact I was watching impact this past monday night and it was Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and X-Pac vs Some guy I don't really care for, Jeff Hardy, and Rob... Van... Dam! It was a pretty awesome match! Jeff Hardy did the Swanton Bomb the same time RVD hit the five star frog splash! So if you want to watch Mr. Monday night, you'll have to watch or record TNA.

Who else is getting tired of the RAW guest host thing? I mean, it was awesome when the Hall of Famers(like Sgt. Slaughter or Bret Hart) or people your parents could tell you about(Bob Barker or ZZ Top) or just famous people, like Shaq or Ozzy, hosted RAW. But now they're just using people that nobody even knows who they are, or people that nobody even cares about them. OR THEIR MOVIE. Seriously, who's Rob Corddry? Who's Clark Duke? Nobody even cared for that RAW.

I agree with that. There's times when I look forward to the guest hosts on Raw (like when Stone Cold was going to host) but then there's times when I am not (Jewel? Seriously?). But all in all, I like the concept. Hopefully we will get some more kick ass celebrities in there soon. I'd love to see Adam Sandler guest host at least one time before they get rid of it. He's a huge Wrestling fan and even attended Wrestlemania 21 in Hollywood California! As far as Rob Corddry though... well... I didn't know who he was. But then I watched Hot Tub Time Machine over the weekend and found out he was the funniest fuckin' character in the movie!

At 4/2/10 11:59 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
I haven't found wrestling interesting in a good while now...I barely watch it, mostly listening to it with my back turned as I do other things...but damn, with all this mysterious talk, now I'm curious. I guess I'm actually gonna pay attention tonight.

Hopefully this will get you interested again. It's definitely something new ;)

I'm in the new Adam Sandler movie Sandy Wexler. I play a Prison Guard and a trainer for Terry Crews. To see what movies I'm in check out http://facebook.com/VinstigatorMusic

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-04-02 20:33:23

Really interesting SD! so far as we have a new champion, a tag team breaking up. What the hell else are we going to see tonight? This is a nice way to kick shit off post-Mania and perhaps start to "reset" some people before the draft. Oh good, some Drew McIntyre on my TV screen up coming, I like this kid.

I'm trying to avoid any spoilers or anything for those of you on the west coast but this is shaping up to be a big time SD! and I think we're going to have a lot to talk about coming out of this. Kudos to WWE, who's booking has been on fire lately.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-04-02 23:21:57

At 4/2/10 08:33 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Really interesting SD! so far as we have a new champion, a tag team breaking up. What the hell else are we going to see tonight? This is a nice way to kick shit off post-Mania and perhaps start to "reset" some people before the draft. Oh good, some Drew McIntyre on my TV screen up coming, I like this kid.


I'm trying to avoid any spoilers or anything for those of you on the west coast but this is shaping up to be a big time SD! and I think we're going to have a lot to talk about coming out of this. Kudos to WWE, who's booking has been on fire lately.

Yes. Yes they have.

Well. You know why I have butterflies for next week. Don't you? You don't? Hm. *snicker* Well, you obviously don't know where SD! is gonna be next week. Oh god, is this gonna be epic.
Hint: It's where my auntie and uncle live.
Hint: You probably wouldn't get that last hint. BUT! Windy City?
Hint: It starts with C and ends with hicago?
The awesomest city ever. Only seconded by Boston. Also it is CM Punk's home town. And hell, he may even get his head shaved there, too.
Also...best quote ever from the bald la-- Serena.
"...like he did me...and Luke Gallows."
Punk did Serena AND Luke Gallows? Holy crap, I was right! HE IS A PIMP!!

/inside joke

If he does lose to Rey Rey...if he does get his head shaved...I bet he would cry. Not the crying when he couldn't pin Taker. Not the crying when he got a trash can to the stomach from R-Truth. But REAL crying. IN FRONT OF HIS ENTIRE HOME TOWN. How sweet would that be??!!?!
And SmackDown! lived up to expectations. Woo.

SD!'s goin' to Chicago, SD!'s goin' to Chicago...

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-04-03 05:56:30

All I was talking about was Shad turning heel!... lol nah im kidding.. but still It's about time Cryme Tyme broke up, they were going nowhere in the tag team division.. Though I always played it out that JTG would be the heel, it seems WWE might be lookin at Shad more. Also is it just me, or is Shad losing more hair each week?.. he's got a bald spot now.

Swagger as champ... could it be too soon?, I mean I like Swagger and I'm glad he's finally getting the recognition he deserves, but he's still simply remembered as the guy who was jobbing to Santino Marella, RAW's laughing stock.. Right now it seems their's only 2 paths Swagger can take.. Instant Fame or Spiraling Failure, I hope WWE makes the right decision on this... does this also mean Swagger's apart of Smackdown now? Coz Edge is still currently on Smackdown because of the fact (while on RAW) cashed in his MITB briefcase on Smackdown. I remember hearing that they were planning to have Swagger drafter to Smackdown this year, perhaps this was their way of doing it?

His profile is currently on both the RAW and Smackdown roster on WWE.com

Khali's taking some time off to "find himself" in India... anybody else shudder when Singh said that Khali would be World Champion again?.. I mean I know it's not gonna happen, but it's not nice when they say that.. Also they're really putting over Dolph Ziggler's sleeper hold aren't they?... well, whatever gets him pushed is fine by me.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-04-03 09:52:50

A stunning way to start SD to be sure. My gut feeling is that its just too soon for Swagger as champ. WWE needs to let him be dominant to really establish him as a credible champion. This really does shake things up on the SD side.

Cryme Time is done and over with and Shad is the heel. Of the two I wonder who will get the more consistent push, as JTG is the more talented of the two. We also know that Morrison and R-Truth have another shot at the tag titles.

Do you think Drew and Hardy are going to be fueding over the IC title? It would make sense since he beat Matt up before the match.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-04-03 11:48:55

<quote baldlady>"...like he did me...and Luke Gallows."</quote baldlady>

Nobody else heard that? Really?
Really guys?

But does anyone else wanna see Punk get his head shaved? I'm actually gonna start rooting for Rey Rey again, just to see if I luck out. Oh god, butterflies are back again.

Oh yeah, and I'm pretty sure that 'CM' stands for Charles Manson now.
It used to stand for cookie monster(yes, I know what cookie monster is...).

I'm pretty sure that Punk doesn't listen to punk anymore. Punk is tired of punk. In fact, when Punk listens to music, it's not gonna be punk. It's gonna be something slightly older...something slightly more...60's.

On a topic that's not about Punk or punk or the Beatles...yes, shocking, I know...Swagger winning the World Heavyweight Championship. He didn't look exactly...happy. Not even nonchalant. He seemed angry that he won the title. AND HE FRIGGIN' KISSED PIGGY GUERRERO.


And State of the Championship addresses? What is he, seven years old?
And, about the roster thing...
They're obsessed with sending RAW guys to SD! and SD! guys to RAW. First Batista wins the WWE Championship. And started staying on RAW. Not making any appearances on SD!, where he belongs. Same thing with Swagger, except I dunno if he's gonna be on RAW at all. Yet. Can't they save it for the draft?


Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-04-03 20:41:45

Former WCW and WWE Wrestler, Chris Kanyon was found dead. They have suspected that he took his own life as their were pill bottles next to his body, he also had a past of depression and occasionally contemplated suicide. He was 40.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-04-04 00:12:43

A shame about Kanyon, a guy that never really did much and really had lots of problems the last few years.

I don't see Punk losing next week, Rey won match one, this to me feels like where Punk picks up the win and that moves us onto Extreme Rules and the rubber match. Shad turning heel? Could be good, might not be so much, I know he was playing a heel when he was in OVW thinking everyone was racist against him and swearing a lot.

Drew and Hardy? Maybe, at least it'd be another "name" for Drew to beat down.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-04-04 09:41:54

At 4/4/10 12:12 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: A shame about Kanyon, a guy that never really did much and really had lots of problems the last few years.

RIP, guy I don't know who the hell you are.

I don't see Punk losing next week, Rey won match one, this to me feels like where Punk picks up the win and that moves us onto Extreme Rules and the rubber match.

But seriously, Charles Manson Punk WILL shave his head.
Whether he loses the match or not.

Shad turning heel? Could be good, might not be so much, I know he was playing a heel when he was in OVW thinking everyone was racist against him and swearing a lot.


Drew and Hardy? Maybe, at least it'd be another "name" for Drew to beat down.

Without Jeff, Matt is turning into a jobber. He really is. AND HE IS LAAAAAAAAAAAAAME.

I gots me a RAW T-shirt today. :)
That has Shawn Michaels on it...!
Oh yeah, one more thing...
Mr. Practically-unreadable-username, you posted the same thing twice.

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-04-04 10:38:14

At 4/4/10 09:41 AM, MaraquanWocky wrote: RIP, guy I don't know who the hell you are.

He used to wrestle in WCW and a little bit in WWE.. he was mainly a jobber, he was released around late 2004... I remember hearing a story about him jumping the barricade at a house show a few years back holding up a sign saying something along the lines of 'WWE hates Homosexuals' (he was openly gay).. which caused HHH to say "who invited Kanyon?"

but since then, I've barely heard anything about him... he was a good enough wrestler.. and he was US Champ and Tag Team champ (with DDP) during the Invasion storyline..

"who better than kanyon?"

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-04-04 20:25:03

At 4/4/10 10:38 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: He used to wrestle in WCW and a little bit in WWE.. he was mainly a jobber, he was released around late 2004... I remember hearing a story about him jumping the barricade at a house show a few years back holding up a sign saying something along the lines of 'WWE hates Homosexuals' (he was openly gay).. which caused HHH to say "who invited Kanyon?"

Well, that makes me have a little bit more respect for him...

but since then, I've barely heard anything about him... he was a good enough wrestler.. and he was US Champ and Tag Team champ (with DDP) during the Invasion storyline..


"who better than kanyon?"

Ya think they'll have a tribute? 'Cuz they didn't have one for Umaga...

Hey, I think I have a bad effect on wrestlers...seriously, just hear me out...
I was a huge fan-girl of Jeff Hardy. You all know that.

Heh heh heh, eeeeh...

And what happened to him?
He gets arrested. HE GETS ARRESTED.
I dress up as Shawn Michaels for Halloween.
I get interested in Umaga?
The next thing you know, 'Taker and his wife are divorced and he's dating Michelle McCool.
Or Chris Jericho turns Satanist.

The worst thing is...I'm planning on dressing up as either CM Punk or Edge for Halloween.
Does the fact that I was born on October 13th have anything to do with it?

Yes, the day that DX got it's name...and the 235th anniversary of the United States Navy.

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-04-04 21:05:02

At 4/4/10 10:38 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: "who better than kanyon?"

I LOOOVED Kanyon. And I seriously feel guilty as hell for going


Out loud just now. He was the only openly gay wrestler, wasnt he?

The Wrestling (WWE) Club