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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-23 11:04:46

Hey, I was right about Kofi being the last guy to qualify for MITB. I honestly think it's a toss up between him and Drew for winning the thing. It should be an awseome match since they have some talented workers in it.

Wait, TNA is constantly mentioning the competition? Why? That doesn't make much sense to me. WCW tried that too and they ended up screwing themselves on a few occasions.

And if Avie is right in saying RVD is just one of the guys now, then TNA has already messed up. It's like how WWE screwed up their use of Goldberg. You don't bring in a person of high value only to make them not stand out.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-23 16:42:10

At 3/23/10 11:04 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Hey, I was right about Kofi being the last guy to qualify for MITB. I honestly think it's a toss up between him and Drew for winning the thing. It should be an awseome match since they have some talented workers in it.

I think if anybody but Drew wins the thing, the chances are high this is the first time an mitb winner loses.

Wait, TNA is constantly mentioning the competition? Why? That doesn't make much sense to me. WCW tried that too and they ended up screwing themselves on a few occasions.

But think about it, TNA is basically run now by the guys who built WCW up only to completely kill it and screw it up.

And if Avie is right in saying RVD is just one of the guys now, then TNA has already messed up. It's like how WWE screwed up their use of Goldberg. You don't bring in a person of high value only to make them not stand out.

I always felt Goldberg was a flash in the pan anyway, WWE could have gotten better use from him, but could not be the long term player a guy like RVD can be. My problem is everything looks secondary to people like Hogan, Bischoff, and Flair...oh, and Sting too. I mean, it looks like any sort of one on one feud between RVD and Sting will be on hold for at least a month and I don't think that helps Rob at all.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-23 17:50:00

Now I step in with my thoughts.

At 3/22/10 08:53 PM, aviewaskwed wrote:
At 3/20/10 12:06 AM, PantyWipe wrote: JESUS. Theyre banning everything but Cena's shitty wrestling ability. I'm not so mad at the chair shot ban as I am them chipping away at EVERYTHING... cursing, blood, now chair shots... theyre gonna keep shaving the red meat off til all thats left is a bland BONE. By the time WWE is done, itll be awful, AWFUL TVG kiddie crap. THANK CHRIST for TNA... where guys over the age of ELEVEN have a product aimed at them, not their KIDS.
And the combined age of it's top stars is somewhere around 200!!!

that and the main event being 1 of 3 things:

Cena VS Guy that loses
Batista is a guy that loses all the time?

Triple HHH VS Guy that loses
Shaemus loses all the time? Wait...did I dream that WWE Title run guys?

Triple HHH VS Cena.
Not a feud we're currently seeing...they probably will go back to it.

WWE has had some boring rematches. Even after Shaemus won the title I still didn't see him as that great. He was pushed wrong. The Batista feud , it's ok I guess.

I wouldve laughed in yer face if youdve told me Id be supporting TNA over WWE 5 years ago. Idve followed WWE to the ends of the earth, even back when WCW had the more popular program. But now that theyre picking the 5 year olds over the people that kept them afloat for years when they REALLY NEEDED IT?
5 year olds will help keep them afloat because five year olds have to drag mom and dad to the shows as well. I don't blame them for wanting to make a more "all ages" product, but "all ages" does not have to mean stupid illogical booking that turns off the older audience. TNA is just as bad since they constantly mention WWE, build whole storylines around WWE. Use washed up old guys that like to talk about their felonies like "wasn't it assume when I did..." on COMPANY OWNED FUCKING OUTLETS!!! (Go listen to Scott Hall's latest Last Call).

...Fuck Em.
That was kind of how I feel about TNA.

WWE is getting too "for kids" TNA makes plenty of dumb decisions I wish they hadn't. I'd rather no company be fucked.

Oh well. TNA is getting bigger and WAAAY better, and WWE can keep fucking up, chipping away at the hard stuff that makes you wanna tune in and keep the same 5 guys at the top because one of em is busting nuts in yer kid. It wouldnt be the first time they XFL'ed themselves when they had the upper hand.
Wouldn't be, but TNA isn't growing their audience, they're just maintaining the Thursday audience, I don't know where you're getting the idea of growth from, because TNA isn't showing it. Until they get off this ridiculous idea of running head to head with no replay against RAW (especially during Mania season) with the same old guys people have seen for 20 years in increasingly ridiculous and flat angles that are also retread, they will just sink and eventually piss off the current base. In 5 years, TNA will either be out of business or be a WCW in 2001 like non-entity. They need to run the ship smarter if they actually want to grow and make money.

I think it's pretty stupid that TNA is going up against WWE. I think they should cut their losses and go back to Thursdays. TNA also has its share of dumb angles, but they also have plenty of good ones, as well as some quality wrestling. As for the old guys , I like them. Veterans have been a part of TNA since the beginning and as long as they're staying away from hurting the young guys(which they are) I won't mind if they stay. I've enjoyed a lot of the veteran story lines.

with the chair shot ban its just one more straw on the camels back for me to continue my boycott until they pull their heads outta their asses and make a BETTER PRODUCT. Meanwhile Ill get my fix with the RVDs, the Samoa Joes, the WOMENS DIVISION THAT CAN ACTUALLY WRESTLE AND LOOKS TAKE A BACKSEAT TO TALENT, the X division, and the hungry young guys with WRESTLING ABILITY getting a push because they EARNED IT.
Yeah, RVD who got destroyed in one week and turned into just another guy...Samoa who? I seem to remember a guy by that name...but he's been off TV so long...hey, I'm glad you found something you like, but I just have a problem with you sitting here and being the cheering section for the TNA product with half-truths or blatant distortions of the facts.

Yeah, he should cool it. Don't turn wrestling into politics. RVD got beaten up because Sting was injured. Last night RVD had a pretty good match and I think they're going to start pushing him. I have no idea what' going on with Joe, whatever he's doing I hope he's enjoying his break and that they give him something when he gets back.

Overall I think TNA is still too small. WWE still puts out good stuff, even though they can do better. I just hope in the end of this TNA doesn't die because like the brand or not, if TNA dies, there's plenty of wrestlers that you'll never see again, and others that will get nowhere in the WWE.

"Quotation is a serviceable substitute for wit. "

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-25 00:00:35

I'm a little late again...... :(

I really want to see WM this year, but a personal situation might get in the way of that.........some things can't be helped (esp. in this case). I'll try anyway, though.

Punk is shaping up to easily be the next JBL - someone playing such of a scum-of-the-earth character that you just want to run him over with a monster truck in real life because of it. However, unlike JBL, he sounds like a cool guy in real life, so I wouldn't want to on that account. But damn, he plays a scumbag so well, doesn't he?

Bob Uecker's being inducted? Awesome; he's one of the funniest guys around. Wait, is he still alive? Haven't heard anything about him in quite a few years.

At 3/17/10 01:39 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I just noticed we have irish icons. Very cool. :)

Unfortunately, I missed em. :(

At 3/18/10 12:57 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: WWE.com is reporting that the following has officially been added to WWE's Wellness Policy:

"WWE has eliminated using folding metal chairs to 'strike' an opponent in the head. The WWE penalizes through fine and/or suspension the following: The intentional use of a folding chair to 'strike an opponent in the head. Any blow to the head that is deemed an intentional act."

This works in a couple of ways. It allows them to give a reason as to why a person isn't aiming for the others head, it helps keep injuries down, and it can be an easy way to get a wrestler off tv for storyline reasons if need be. I have no problems with WWE not wanting to have their workers be hit in the head and am glad this is going to be put into place.

JR finally got his wish. I also expect he was influential in this decision. Can't blame them, though; it's not like it'll affect match quality by much, either.

At 3/19/10 07:01 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote: Oh yeah...I wanna take a poll. Just to see if I'm right or not.

Meh, like avie said, I guess I'll bite.

1. Do you buy WWE Magazine?


2. Do you own at least three different copies of a Smackdown Vs RAW videogame?

No, just the 2010 port for the DS - and it wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

3. Do you buy MMA magazines or the Inside Wrestling magazines?


4. Do you Wiki certain wrestlers for fun?

I have a few times out of curiosity.

5. Favorite WWE wrestler? Favorite TNA wrestler? Favorite RoH/Chikara/former WCW/ECW/NWA/New Japan Pro Wrestling/FCW/other wrestler?(if you have one?)

I dunno.........haven't really decided on one yet. Can't say anything for TNA at all since it's been a while since I saw it last.

Reply and get a prize!*

Gimme' cookie now.

At 3/20/10 12:06 AM, PantyWipe wrote: But now that theyre picking the 5 year olds over the people that kept them afloat for years when they REALLY NEEDED IT?

I think a lot of us agree with that part.

Oh well. TNA is getting bigger and WAAAY better

This part, however, is debatable.

the WOMENS DIVISION THAT CAN ACTUALLY WRESTLE AND LOOKS TAKE A BACKSEAT TO TALENT, the X division, and the hungry young guys with WRESTLING ABILITY getting a push because they EARNED IT.

I definitely agree with those parts, too, esp. that first line (which you all know by now how I feel on that). There ARE some things TNA definitely has over WWE, but as far as being better overall, they just don't seem to be there yet, and by what I hear, it's still not looking too good.

I mean, for shit's sake, TNA got rid of the 6-sided ring - their DEFINING FEATURE! Yes, I'm still pissed about that.

At 3/23/10 11:04 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Wait, TNA is constantly mentioning the competition? Why? That doesn't make much sense to me. WCW tried that too and they ended up screwing themselves on a few occasions.

Haven't they been doing that from the beginning?

And if Avie is right in saying RVD is just one of the guys now, then TNA has already messed up. It's like how WWE screwed up their use of Goldberg. You don't bring in a person of high value only to make them not stand out.

Definitely. A guy like RVD, who has earned a fuckton of respect over his career, NEEDS to be treated like a top dog, or don't hire him.

However, Sting WAS injured, so give them the benefit of the doubt on that one.

At 3/23/10 05:50 PM, Odinman wrote: WWE is getting too "for kids" TNA makes plenty of dumb decisions I wish they hadn't. I'd rather no company be fucked.

Now this is more where I stand. I'd much rather see BOTH products.......or AT LEAST ONE OF THEM.......do things intelligently.

I think it's pretty stupid that TNA is going up against WWE. I think they should cut their losses and go back to Thursdays.

I agree; it seems that they're still not ready.

TNA also has its share of dumb angles, but they also have plenty of good ones, as well as some quality wrestling.

So does WWE; it's just a matter of whose stupid angles are more stupid, and right now it's still TNA.

As for the old guys , I like them. Veterans have been a part of TNA since the beginning and as long as they're staying away from hurting the young guys(which they are) I won't mind if they stay. I've enjoyed a lot of the veteran story lines.

I don't have that much of a problem with the vets being there, either. I actually liked the idea of The Main Event Mafia vs. The Front Line.

Overall I think TNA is still too small. WWE still puts out good stuff, even though they can do better. I just hope in the end of this TNA doesn't die because like the brand or not, if TNA dies, there's plenty of wrestlers that you'll never see again, and others that will get nowhere in the WWE.

That's one thing you have to give TNA: Without it, guys like Tomko & Matt Morgan would most likely be nowhere.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-25 03:17:05

I can't wait to watch Wrestlemania this Sunday, I've already ordered it in HD! I truly believe this could be one of the greatest Wrestlemanias ever if executed properly. Anyway, here are my predictions.

Money In The Bank: I really want to see Christian or Kofi Kingston win this one! I know a lot of people think Drew McIntyre might win because he was hand picked by McMahon and always gets his wins expunged, but I don't think Vince can help him out in the actual match. I mean look what happened when he went up against the Undertaker! He didn't even last 5 minutes! But anyway if I had to choose just one, it would have to be Christian. He's got a lot of charisma and I would love to see a feud between him and Edge.

Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon: I think we all know who's going to win this match. This is a chance for Vince to re-write history and make up for the "Montreal Screwjob" that happened back in 97. Although I'm a big Vinny Mac fan, I think it's only right for him to lose to "make... things... right". I am still looking forward to this match as I know both of these men will put on one hell of a show.

Triple H vs. Sheamus: I've been a HHH fan for over a decade now. When I attended Wrestlemania 2000 at the Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim, all my friends said The Rock was going to walk out as the champion. Even though the odds were stacked against Triple H, I still said he would win. And sure enough, he did (although most of the crowd was REALLY pissed off). Hell I think I was one out of like 10 people cheering when he won! Anyway the point is, I'm always behind Triple H no matter what (I was pulling for him at this year's Royal Rumble and was upset he was eliminated so early). So my prediction for this match is pretty obvious: Triple H.

Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk: This match should be very interesting. I love Rey Mysterio's high flying skills, they're some of the best in the WWE. And CM Punk is one of the better heels I've seen in a while (plus his GTS move is bad-ass). I really think CM Punk is going to win this match. Reason being it would be interesting to see Mysterio as a "heel" when he joins the Straight Edge Society. It's something Rey's never done before in the WWE and would definitely be a breath of fresh air. Can't wait to see if it'll play out like this.

Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase: I really don't see the point of this match. Legacy is already over and Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase have already had multiple matches against Orton this year. The only thing I can see coming out of this is having Cody and Ted turn against each other and start a feud with one another. But then, where does that leave Orton? Are all 3 of them going to be at each other's throat all year? Anyway I predict Ted DiBiase will win this match. I think his skills far surpass Cody's. Plus he has more charisma in my opinion. He already defeated Orton at the Elimination Chamber PPV so if he did it again, he will have cemented his "Legacy".

Edge vs. Chris Jericho: A lot of people expect Edge to win this match. I am one of the few who thinks he will lose. Jericho is known to overcome the odds. I mean, he's the man who beat Stone Cold and The Rock in the same night to be the first ever Undisputed Champ! How many people can say that? Mark my words, Jericho has a plan. He's the best in the world at what he does and after Wrestlemania, he will still be the WWE Champion.

Actually I got another scenario for this one. After a hellacious match Edge ends up beating Jericho with a desperation spear and becomes the new champion! But just as he's celebration we hear this music! The crowd goes crazy and the look on Edge's face would be PRICELESS! Edge tries to fight back but is too weak due to the match he just had against Jericho so Christian takes advantage and hits the Kill Switch to become the new World Heavyweight Champion! Not only did he give Edge a taste of his own medicine but it would be the first time any MITB winner cashed in at Wrestlemania. Plus that would set up the feud between Edge and Christian (I'd prefer Christian to stay face and Edge to turn heel). Either scenario works for me!

Batista vs. John Cena: Next to Triple H, John Cena is among my favorites. He just has so much damn charisma and really knows how to pump up a crowd! You don't have to like him, but you have to respect what he does. Anyway I'm really looking forward to this match. I remember their match back in Summerslam 2008 and thinking to myself "why didn't they save this as a Wrestlemania main event? They've never faced off against each other and people would love to see them fight each other for the first time on the grandest stage of them all".

But now I know why they did that. It was a build-up for this match! This is Cena's chance to finally beat Batista! I love how Batista brags about beating Cena and even "breaking his neck". It really adds to the build up of this match. Well I believe Cena will win this one. It would be cool if Vince came out and try to make Cena lose. While he's getting jumped by Batista and Vince, Bret Hart comes out and saves his friend! Not only does he kick McMahon's ass for the 2nd time in the same night, he he also helps Cena win the title! It might not happen like that but you never know!

The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels: I've saved the best for last! I believe this will be the best match at Wrestlemania. I'm looking forward to it as much as the Bret vs. Vince match! There is so much on the line. And after this past week I truly believe that HBK can beat the Undertaker! Can he beat him? Yes. Will he beat him? No. As much as I like HBK, I believe this will be his last match. Undertaker's streak is something that should never be broken. It's one of the most unique things the WWE has ever done. And if he loses, it'll just fuck up what they've been building for over 20 years. When The Undertaker goes into the hall of fame he will be known as the only man to never be defeated at Wrestlemania. As Triple H said, it's a feat that'll never be duplicated.

Anyway those are my predictions. No matter what happens, this is going to be a Wrestlemania we will always remember. Only 3 more days until history is made... I can't wait.

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

I'm in the new Adam Sandler movie Sandy Wexler. I play a Prison Guard and a trainer for Terry Crews. To see what movies I'm in check out http://facebook.com/VinstigatorMusic

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-25 10:48:10

You missed a match. ShowMiz vs. Morrison and R-Truth for the Undisputed Tag Titles. I think this match could go either way, but I have a hunch that the challengers will win.

As far as your predictions go, it would be interesting to see the MITB winner cash in that night. I agree that the top three to win it would be Drew, Christian, and Kofi. I think its a tough call on who will actually win it though.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-25 11:03:45

At 3/25/10 10:48 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: You missed a match. ShowMiz vs. Morrison and R-Truth for the Undisputed Tag Titles. I think this match could go either way, but I have a hunch that the challengers will win.

Ah I just noticed that. And the thing is, I'm really looking forward to this match! It's just that there's so many matches on this card that I guess I was just bound to miss one lol. As far as this match goes, I agree with you. I would love to see Truth and Morrison win the titles at Wrestlemania. That way we'll be able to see them on both shows! Truth is also one of my favorites.

I've been a fan of his since he debuted with Road Dogg on an episode of "Sunday Night Heat" under the name K-Kwik. I remember him and Road Dogg performing their entrance song "Gettin' Rowdy" in front of the crowd... it was awesome! And everyday I'm becoming more supportive of Morrison. His move arsenal impresses me. Plus he's from Los Angeles, California so that's a bonus ;). Anyway I'm pulling for the team of Rock'n Rap!

As far as your predictions go, it would be interesting to see the MITB winner cash in that night. I agree that the top three to win it would be Drew, Christian, and Kofi. I think its a tough call on who will actually win it though.

Indeed it would be awesome if the MITB winner cashed in that night. It would be one of those "title changes hands twice in one night" deal. We haven't had one of those at Wrestlemania in a while and it would be nice to see it again. And yeah it's definitely gonna be Drew, Christian, or Kofi. I would love to see them give Kofi a title run in the near future, he deserves it. Who knows, it might happen sooner than we think.

I'm in the new Adam Sandler movie Sandy Wexler. I play a Prison Guard and a trainer for Terry Crews. To see what movies I'm in check out http://facebook.com/VinstigatorMusic

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-25 11:06:30

I'll keep it simple, but here are my predictions for wrestlemania.. I honestly think that almost every match could go either way but I'll give it a shot and see how many I get right.

Chris Jericho (c) vs. Edge

The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

Batista (c) vs. John Cena

Christian vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Kane vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Jack Swagger vs. Montel Vontavious Porter vs. Matt Hardy vs. Evan Bourne vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Kofi Kingston

Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon

ShowMiz (c) vs. MorriTruth

Triple H vs. Sheamus

Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase

Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-25 16:37:57

here are my WM Predictions

Chris Jericho (c) vs. Edge

The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

Batista (c) vs. John Cena (he probably wont, but this is what i want to happen)

Christian vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Kane vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Jack Swagger vs. Montel Vontavious Porter vs. Matt Hardy vs. Evan Bourne vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Kofi Kingston (Just like last match, christian probably won't win but i feel he's most deserving... but i also have a strange feeling that whoever wins this match will lose their cashed in title match)

Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon

ShowMiz (c) vs. John Morrison & R-Truth

Triple H vs. Sheamus

Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase

Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk (like i said, probably wont happen but i want it to)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-26 00:38:59

I'll be watching Mania live this year and cannot wait...yeah, you read that right, I can't wait for a PPV! Damn it's been awhile...going to use Shaun's list.

Chris Jericho (c) vs. Edge

Edge goes over. Jericho has never been a guy they've long term liked as champion, and babyfaces tend to go over in title matches at Mania. I know the temptation would be to leave it on Jericho to keep the feud hot, but I think it'll be a nice cap for the Edge comeback and they're obviously going to need to build SD! around him coming up. Since this won't close the show in my mind, it'd be easy to then have Jericho jump Edge after, or do something horrible to him on SD! to keep the feud going.

The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

Taker is going over. But I give WWE a shit load of credit for the fact that I actually have more of a glimmer of doubt then that first sentence belies...they've done a good job making the people believe that this year could really and truly be the year. But with both guys taking time off after Mania (or that's the scuttlebutt anyway) I just don't see a logical reason to end the streak here. This could be match of the night and an easy match of the year candidate, as well as Edge Jericho.

Batista (c) vs. John Cena

I expect Cena to go over here since it's Mania, since this will close, since Cena is Superman. Plus it makes sense as then they have the flexibility to build to a third match down the line (I'm really hoping they don't burn this thing out with endless rematches over the next few months) where it can either be a still heel Batista wanting to drop Cena, or both of them as faces doing the Rocky 3 "I just gotta know" kind of situation. so Cena takes it in a (hopefully) very good match.

Christian vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Kane vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Jack Swagger vs. Montel Vontavious Porter vs. Matt Hardy vs. Evan Bourne vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Kofi Kingston

If Drew doesn't win, then this is the year MITB doesn't net a title shot. Nobody else in this match is being pushed right now except for Drew, but I'm not sure I want to give him that briefcase just yet, if I do, he's going to be on the long build program, potentially being the first guy to go all the way to the next year's Mania. I think Drew is going to take it and they'll save the cash in failure for the winner of the MITB PPV.

Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon

Bret is beating Vince. Nothing else would make logical sense, this is supposed to be about ending Montreal and you can't do that unless Bret wins, plus I see Bret is advertising he's doing at least one or 2 more shots after, so I can't see him doing that if he was going to lose. I think this should be a very good, very fun brawl and I'm looking forward to the culmination of this one. The match we never thought we'd see.

ShowMiz (c) vs. MorriTruth

I am real curious with this one, since I don't think ShowMiz needs to keep the belt as an imperative, MorriTruth don't have singles programs on the horizon that make you think they can't or won't win. I gut feel though ShowMiz will hang onto it though since I don't really see where WWE would have much of anything planned for MorriTruth after. But really? MorriTruth should probably win since the only real alternative for ShowMiz after this is another makeshift team.

Triple H vs. Sheamus

I want Sheamus to go over, Sheamus needs to go over, I think he will because H likes him. This is THE moment for Sheamus, he needs to have a good match here, and this is the one that has the most variables to it that could go wrong. The company needs Sheamus to look good and convincing here and to pass this test, they've invested too much in him for him to drop the ball now.

Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase

Considering how shitty this storyline is and how little this matters? Orton beats them, Orton beats them easily, turns full on babyface, and moves on to something else. It's criminal how the same company that booked Taker/Michaels could also be responsible for booking something that matters as little as this match does.

Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk

Punk should go over here and I think he can. Rey is walking wounded right now, and Punk is a heel that is going to be insanely important to SD! going forward (we're talking Edge as a heel level important) and he should get the win here to keep the feud going. My personal opinion is the finish here should involve a Joey Mercury run in that helps Punk win and reveals he's the newest member of The SES. The SES needs at least one more member to be a true group (to my mind you aren't a real group until you have four members, because four members allows you to compete for any title available on the brand), and Mercury would be perfect because with his history with Morrison it would allow Punk and his group to more easily become the central figures of SD! and have the brand built around them and their schtick, which I think is what needs to be done going forward. I give it to Punk here.

There's a divas match that will be announced on SD! too but...meh, who cares?

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-26 21:06:52

At 3/25/10 03:17 AM, Vinstigator wrote: I can't wait to watch Wrestlemania this Sunday, I've already ordered it in HD! I truly believe this could be one of the greatest Wrestlemanias ever if executed properly. Anyway, here are my predictions.

Oh god, I'm tryin' to get my grampa to order it, 'cuz it's mah first WM.

Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk: This match should be very interesting. I love Rey Mysterio's high flying skills, they're some of the best in the WWE. And CM Punk is one of the better heels I've seen in a while (plus his GTS move is bad-ass).

Welcome To Chicago Motherf*cker is better.

I really think CM Punk is going to win this match. Reason being it would be interesting to see Mysterio as a "heel" when he joins the Straight Edge Society. It's something Rey's never done before in the WWE and would definitely be a breath of fresh air. Can't wait to see if it'll play out like this.
It would be awesome. Too bad Punk is really not creeping me out anymore. HE IS SCARING ME. Although it is fun to imagine what it would be like for Rey Rey to be in the SES...*shudder* Um, yeah, nevermind. Punk has a sort of habit of, oh, I dunno...kissing guys with no hair on the head.
The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels: I've saved the best for last! There is so much on the line. And after this past week I truly believe that HBK can beat the Undertaker! Can he beat him? Yes. Will he beat him? No.

*sigh* This really depresses me. A 25 year career is going to end on Sunday(or probably Monday for me.). OR, MAYBE....nah, it ain't gonna happen. *siiiiiiiiigghhhh*

As much as I like HBK, I believe this will be his last match. Undertaker's streak is something that should never be broken. It's one of the most unique things the WWE has ever done. And if he loses, it'll just fuck up what they've been building for over 20 years. When The Undertaker goes into the hall of fame he will be known as the only man to never be defeated at Wrestlemania.

I know this isn't exactly the awesomest time to say this, ya know how most(read: all) of the people inducted into the Hall of Fame act REALLY happy? I wonder how 'Taker will act...Iwonder if he'll have his crow/thing.

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-26 23:12:41

At 3/26/10 09:06 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote: Oh god, I'm tryin' to get my grampa to order it, 'cuz it's mah first WM.

Mine was Wrestlemania 10, a good show. The next year was WM 11...yeah...

Welcome To Chicago Motherf*cker is better.

He still busts that one out, they just dropped the "Motherfucker" part.

It would be awesome. Too bad Punk is really not creeping me out anymore. HE IS SCARING ME. Although it is fun to imagine what it would be like for Rey Rey to be in the SES...*shudder* Um, yeah, nevermind. Punk has a sort of habit of, oh, I dunno...kissing guys with no hair on the head.

I think putting Rey in the group would be similar to when he was forced into the LWO in WCW, or when Saturn quit The Flock and tried to "liberate" them from Raven. The idea that he's an unwilling part of the group the fans root for to break free and get his revenge on his tormentor, could be a fantastic storyline.

*sigh* This really depresses me. A 25 year career is going to end on Sunday(or probably Monday for me.). OR, MAYBE....nah, it ain't gonna happen. *siiiiiiiiigghhhh*

Michaels ain't retiring...you're young, trust this old wrestling fan, these kinds of things DO NOT STICK. Look at Ric Flair, he's the rule not the exception. Guys the caliber of a Shawn Michaels rarely ever retire, they just curb and curtail their activity until it's down to nothing at all...or they get injured so badly they can't keep going.

I know this isn't exactly the awesomest time to say this, ya know how most(read: all) of the people inducted into the Hall of Fame act REALLY happy? I wonder how 'Taker will act...Iwonder if he'll have his crow/thing.

I tend to think when Taker goes in it'll be well after the gimmick is done, and that you'll probably see him being more "Mark Calloway" like he was when he was doing the biker gimmick. That said I don't see it being a very revelatory speech and I don't ever see a Taker book or anything. The guy is very protective of both his gimmick and his privacy. I respect that, but it's a shame at the same time since he's been through the lowest of lows and the highest of highs within the WWE and has been a consistent headliner there longer then anyone on the current roster.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-27 03:40:27

well, i wasn't planning on watching WM this year.. but a friend of mine told me that he's ordering it and i'm more than welcome to come and watch..


My deviantART page | My Youtube page (It got terminated)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-27 08:14:40

Triple HHH

Heh, that would make him HHHHHHHHH, if I'm not mistaken >_>

I'll be honest, I haven't been this excited for a PPV since... I can't remember :(

Just a loaded card from top to bottom. QUICK PICKS!

Punk v Rey (Punk wins)
ShoMiz v Palace of Truth (ShoMiz win)
Money In The Bank (Christian wins.. Wouldn't surprise me to see him cash it in at WM against either Edge or Jericho. With the MITB PPV later this year, I don't think WWE will want two briefcases floating around).
Orton v Rhodes v Dibiase (Orton wins)
HHH v Sheamus (Sheamus wins)
Bret Hart v Vince McMahon (Bret wins via Sharpshooter)
Edge v Chris Jericho (Edge wins)
Cena v Batista (BATISTA wins)
Taker v Shawn (Taker wins, and Shawn retires... for a couple of months)

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-27 10:59:36

At 3/26/10 11:12 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Mine was Wrestlemania 10, a good show. The next year was WM 11...yeah...

No offense, but...YOU'RE OLD. To a kid.

He still busts that one out, they just dropped the "Motherfucker" part.

Wait, so he doesn't yell, "Motherfucker!!" anymore? Well, that's no fun.

I think putting Rey in the group would be similar to when he was forced into the LWO in WCW, or when Saturn quit The Flock and tried to "liberate" them from Raven. The idea that he's an unwilling part of the group the fans root for to break free and get his revenge on his tormentor, could be a fantastic storyline.

Did you like, miss where I said he scares me? Anyway, yeah, that would be an AWESOME storyline. It would seem like one of WWE's "realler" storylines. It would seem even more real if his family(or at least Alea)could get involved somehow. Aw man, it would be so awesome if she could punch Punk right in the jaw. But that probably won't happen. *ahem*

Michaels ain't retiring...you're young, trust this old wrestling fan, these kinds of things DO NOT STICK. Look at Ric Flair, he's the rule not the exception. Guys the caliber of a Shawn Michaels rarely ever retire, they just curb and curtail their activity until it's down to nothing at all...or they get injured so badly they can't keep going.

Yeah, I guess. But it would just break my heart(heh heh heh, eeehhh) to see Michaels go to TNA...that really would ruin his career...because TNA is where the WWE has-beens(and Jeff Hardy)go. I mean, a fat old Razor Ramon? Has been. A fat old Ric Flair? Sorry, but has-been. A chubby Hulk Hogan? Oh forgive me, brutha, but...has-been. And I can just feel the earth tremble as he slowly makes his way to my house(he lives pretty close to me actually)...

I tend to think when Taker goes in it'll be well after the gimmick is done, and that you'll probably see him being more "Mark Calloway" like he was when he was doing the biker gimmick. That said I don't see it being a very revelatory speech and I don't ever see a Taker book or anything. The guy is very protective of both his gimmick and his privacy. I respect that, but it's a shame at the same time since he's been through the lowest of lows and the highest of highs within the WWE and has been a consistent headliner there longer then anyone on the current roster.

About 'Taker's real name...I can imagine a kid with a backstage pass going up to him and asking, "What's you real name?" with a real innocent voice, and Taker doin' his signature pose, and saying real menacingly, "My name is Mark....William...CALLAWAY." *boom, crash* @_@
I would like to see a Taker biography, but like you said, I guess it ain't gonna happen. I love how you like build my happiness and confidence up, and you make it all crash down to the ground the next minute. :P

I have one more question that I forgot to add to the poll.
Are you addicted to music that was in a WWE PPV or a wrestler's theme song?
I'm addicted to Monster(from Hell in a Cell) and now I can't stop listening to Skillet songs. And I'm addicted to Kane's old theme song(the one with a guitar), Lita's theme song, and Voices. Now I'm addicted to Rev Theory. And Jeff Hardy's theme song which I forgot the name(wrestling nostalgia is awesome), Ladies and Gentlemen(WM23), and the WM 17and WM 22 themes. Oh, yeah, and Hero. From that...pay-per-view...that had...the people...and...yeah, you know, that one.

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-27 11:39:45

If we're talking about which WM we saw first.. My first was WM 2000. Yeah a bit late in the game but that was the point when I was both really into wrestling and I was able to pay my parents back for ordering the PPVs. However there were times when my Dad would watch it with me so we each put in money for it. I also had friends who would come over to watch as well and they also pitched a few bucks our way.

Anyway I will always remember how much fun it was watching that WM with friends and family. A high point came during that Hardcore Title match where it was on a timer. We were all guessing who was going to last the longest and got a few laughs out of what was going on. Good times.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-27 12:00:00

The first Wrestlemania I can recall watching was WM XI. Bam Bam v Lawrence Taylor was the main event (And what was better than expected, but it should NOT have closed the show).

It really was a forgettable Wrestlemania. Shawn v Diesel was decent as was Jarrett v Razor. The rest of the card sucked! Even Bret v Backlund was underwhelming.

Are you addicted to music that was in a WWE PPV or a wrestler's theme song?

Right now, I have Drew McIntryre's theme stuck in my head, Its probably the only thing about him I like.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-28 00:02:49

At 3/27/10 10:59 AM, MaraquanWocky wrote: No offense, but...YOU'RE OLD. To a kid.

Yeah, I know. Sometimes I feel old even to me...don't get a job if you don't have to.

Wait, so he doesn't yell, "Motherfucker!!" anymore? Well, that's no fun.

TV PG and actually being on TV vs. being in Ring Of Honor and only appearing on DVD. Some things you just aren't allowed to do.

Did you like, miss where I said he scares me?

I didn't, but to me that just means he's doing his job. He's supposed to be a scary wacked out cult leader guy now. So to me the fact that he scares you just proves the man is doing the job I always believed he could in WWE.

Anyway, yeah, that would be an AWESOME storyline. It would seem like one of WWE's "realler" storylines. It would seem even more real if his family(or at least Alea)could get involved somehow. Aw man, it would be so awesome if she could punch Punk right in the jaw. But that probably won't happen. *ahem*

I kind of doubt it. I know most people seem to think Rey is going to win this but I personally really want to see the opposite. I am looking forward to this match a lot tomorrow, could be a show stealer.

Yeah, I guess. But it would just break my heart(heh heh heh, eeehhh) to see Michaels go to TNA...that really would ruin his career...because TNA is where the WWE has-beens(and Jeff Hardy)go. I mean, a fat old Razor Ramon? Has been. A fat old Ric Flair? Sorry, but has-been. A chubby Hulk Hogan? Oh forgive me, brutha, but...has-been. And I can just feel the earth tremble as he slowly makes his way to my house(he lives pretty close to me actually)...

Michaels will be WWE forever. Of that you can be assured. Trust me, he can "retire" and they'll just find a storyline excuse to bring him back in a couple months or so. That's what always happens. No way does Shawn Michaels go to TNA, and no way do they let him go there.

About 'Taker's real name...I can imagine a kid with a backstage pass going up to him and asking, "What's you real name?" with a real innocent voice, and Taker doin' his signature pose, and saying real menacingly, "My name is Mark....William...CALLAWAY." *boom, crash* @_@

I'm not sure if Taker would ever do that. I know he only signs autographs for kids, so I'd wonder. But the man is very protective of the character, when Barry Blaustein filmed Beyond The Mat Taker was very upfront that he did not want to be appearing on camera.

I would like to see a Taker biography, but like you said, I guess it ain't gonna happen. I love how you like build my happiness and confidence up, and you make it all crash down to the ground the next minute. :P

The truth sucks that way sometimes :p

Are you addicted to music that was in a WWE PPV or a wrestler's theme song?

Depends, I really like Drew McIntyre's current theme, and Miseria Contare (that Punk used in ROH) may be the single best wrestling entrance theme ever.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-28 13:33:43

At 3/28/10 12:02 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: Yeah, I know. Sometimes I feel old even to me...don't get a job if you don't have to.

I don't plan on living in my grandparents' house when I grow up, so, yeah. I probably will have to get a job. And feel old. And have to work, and, and...you depress me.

TV PG and actually being on TV vs. being in Ring Of Honor and only appearing on DVD. Some things you just aren't allowed to do.

Oh yeah. I don't like TV PG. I wish they would just go back to being TV 14. *siiiiiiiigh*

I didn't, but to me that just means he's doing his job. He's supposed to be a scary wacked out cult leader guy now. So to me the fact that he scares you just proves the man is doing the job I always believed he could in WWE.

"scary wacked out cult leader guy"
"wacked out cult leader guy"
"wacked out guy"
That's what went through my mind when I read this.

I kind of doubt it. I know most people seem to think Rey is going to win this but I personally really want to see the opposite. I am looking forward to this match a lot tomorrow, could be a show stealer.

I don't want Rey Rey to win. I wanna see how the storyline'll turn out.

Michaels will be WWE forever. Of that you can be assured. Trust me, he can "retire" and they'll just find a storyline excuse to bring him back in a couple months or so.

You mean like the cook, I mean chef, DX reunion storyline? But hopefully better?

That's what always happens. No way does Shawn Michaels go to TNA, and no way do they let him go there.

But it would be cool to have another chance to see him down here in Florida...

I'm not sure if Taker would ever do that. I know he only signs autographs for kids, so I'd wonder. But the man is very protective of the character, when Barry Blaustein filmed Beyond The Mat Taker was very upfront that he did not want to be appearing on camera.

Probably not. That was just a thing me and my friend made up. And I can understand why 'Taker doesn't wanna be on camera. Sort of. I think. No, not really. Uh, he doesn't want people to see him out of character...?

The truth sucks that way sometimes :p


Depends, I really like Drew McIntyre's current theme, and Miseria Contare (that Punk used in ROH) may be the single best wrestling entrance theme ever.

Why does everyone love Im'agettinmarriedsoonMcIntyre's new theme? It sounds emo. And not in the good music way. I mean in the emo way. And Lita's was the best. >:(
UPDATE: My grampa is being all mysterious about him ordering WrestleMania. So I don't know if I'll be one of the millions(possibly billions)of people watching at home. *sigh*
Also, this message goes to anyone in the WWE that may possibly be reading this thread...
Thank you for listening, er, reading.

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-28 15:28:40

fter some arduous work, the engine was online once more. A rumble vibrated throughout the ship as the R-701 docked. "Ah, I'm beat. Let's go take a nap." Said Regus. After another walk through the ship, they found themselves at the Biostasis chambers. As the door opened, their eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room, lit only by the dim green glow of the gel immersion pods. The pods were cylindrical, with three smaller containers on each of its sunken sides. They were filled with a green, gel like substance.

this is a fanfic i wrote about restling
They took off their jackets and suits, throwing them on the ground, and hit a button on the tank. The clear casing slid open from either side, and they stepped in. A sensor noticed their weight, the tank closed, and it sunk into the floor, negating the effect of them rising as the gel filled the tank. It was an odd and somewhat frightening experience, and the fact that they could breathe confused them. They quickly fell asleep, suspended in the warm fluid, but one tank was glowing brighter than the other...

The Marines rose off the surface of the moon, the smoking crater with the tank now visible. It was simply a gun on wheels, covered in thick armour, now strewn about in the blackened hole they sat in. "Shit, looks pretty bad down there..." said Boris, looking out the window worriedly. "I hope Ocelots still okay." After a short flight, they were back at Midnight Sun. After they got off the dark ship, the bright light of the Midnight Sun seemed unwelcome and harsh. One by one, they entered the decompression chamber. Their suits depressurized, and floated upwards in a reversed gravity lift. The second the suits detached, the wearer felt tired, and weak. The walk to the bridge seemed endless, the white light blinding them. "Ugh," Boris groaned as he walked through the last door. "What the hells happening to us?" moaned Charlotte. "Er," Started Trivia, standing up. "Your suits are all integrated with a life support system, fed directly with a saline and glucose supplement. You were also functioning with oxidative phosphorylation, making you far more efficient than originally. You'll need a good meal, go see Fragment. Tangent has some sort of sleeping pod thing, too."

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-28 18:01:28

At 3/27/10 11:39 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: If we're talking about which WM we saw first.. My first was WM 2000.

That was the Wrestlemania I attended with my uncle. I was only 16 at the time but I remember it so vividly. It is definitely an experience that I have not, and will not forget. The next time they bring Wrestlemania to Los angeles or the Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim, I will definitely be there.

Anyway there is literally 1 more hour left before the biggest event of the year starts!

I'm in the new Adam Sandler movie Sandy Wexler. I play a Prison Guard and a trainer for Terry Crews. To see what movies I'm in check out http://facebook.com/VinstigatorMusic

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-28 18:32:23

Ok, guys, Imma' watchin' it tonight. ^_^ Like I'd miss potentially one of the most awesome WM's of recent years. :P

Also just finished watching the HOF thing, which my mom also watched. She used to watch George all the time as a kid; so when I told her he was getting inducted, she said "Wait, shouldn't he have been inducted a long time ago?". I had to think about that for a second, considering he really SHOULD have if he was that influential and it was that long ago. But it ain't my place to say.

Well, most of you already know which one my first WM was........damn, can't remember the number.......whichever one that had the Michaels vs. Flair match.

Meh, I'll post more later, after the show's over.....

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-28 22:58:57

Shawn lost..... his carrer is finally over..... I have nothing more to say. He was my favorite wrestler and will remain my favorite. I may have lost interest for the wwe.....

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-28 23:14:36

At 3/28/10 10:58 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Shawn lost..... his carrer is finally over..... I have nothing more to say. He was my favorite wrestler and will remain my favorite. I may have lost interest for the wwe.....

Ever heard of Kayfabe? He'll be back in two or three months when everyone's forgotten this.

Also, did anyone catch what HBK said on the ramp about three weeks?

SirKillington is your new god.

Mongo just pawn... in game of life.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-28 23:32:49

At 3/28/10 10:58 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Shawn lost..... his carrer is finally over..... I have nothing more to say. He was my favorite wrestler and will remain my favorite. I may have lost interest for the wwe.....

I saw it too. *sigh* Fought back some tears...not that sad from wrestling since Jeff Hardy left. Ngh. I love Taker, I really do, but all he would've lost was his streak. The thing that really made me sad was the fact that he was crying. AND THE SAD MUSIC IS BACK IN MY HEAD AGAIN, THAT EXACT SAME MUSIC I HEARD AT THE ROYAL RUMBLE GAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!!!! And the fact that they were advertising porno movies after WM didn't help all that much either. *siiiigh*
Now, for the better part of my post.
Punk: Have fun not havin' kids.
What R-Truth heard before he lost: OK, now I'm not really gonna bash your head against the post...*crash*
Kelly Kelly: OH GOD! OW, OW, OW, OW, OW, OWWWWWW, OH GOD, GET OFF ME YOU FAT **(#&$(@^$(!!
John Cena: Ow, my neck that Batista didn't really break! MY NECK THAT I BROKE!!!
Randy Orton: Ow, my wrist! Ow, my knee! Ow, my ankle! Ow, my shoulder! Ow, my elbow! Ow, my place where my femur and my pelvis meet!
Vince McMahon: I shouldn't have paid them that mon-eeeEEEAAAGGHH!!
Edge: Spear, spear, spear, spear, spear, spear, spear, spear, spear, sp--(Jericho)CODEBREAKER!!!
Yoshi Tatsu: %u30EC%u30C3%u30B9%u30EB%u30DE%u30CB%u30 A226!!
Sheamus: Oh no! They didn't tell me that the roof was gonna be open! GAAAAAAGH I CAN'T GET A TAN!!1!
Undertaker: NO! STAY DOWN! *bitch-slapped* D:< DIE! *five minutes later* Geddup. *handshake* *hugged* IT BURNS!!!!11!!1!on!!e1

R.I.P. Shawn Michaels' career. For now. Happy WrestleMania day, everybody. Now Im'a go to bed.

Seriously? Porno movies?

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-28 23:40:51

At 3/28/10 11:14 PM, newgroundskeeperjim wrote:
At 3/28/10 10:58 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Shawn lost..... his carrer is finally over..... I have nothing more to say. He was my favorite wrestler and will remain my favorite. I may have lost interest for the wwe.....
Ever heard of Kayfabe? He'll be back in two or three months when everyone's forgotten this.
Also, did anyone catch what HBK said on the ramp about three weeks?

I've been getting info from reliable sources, i'm pretty sure it's the real deal this time. I heard something about his kids? I'm not 100% though.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-29 01:00:25

At 3/28/10 11:14 PM, newgroundskeeperjim wrote:
Also, did anyone catch what HBK said on the ramp about three weeks?

I believe he said something like "I'm going to drive my kids crazy in 3 weeks". Meaning now that he's retired, he's gonna be with his kids 24-7. At least that's what I heard when he was walking up the ramp. That was definitely the best match of the night.

Anyway I got 5 out of 9 matches right... not bad! I was very disappointed that Christian didn't win. He was SO close and then he got clocked in the head with the Briefcase. And now, Bret Hart finally got his revenge after 12 years! Although it wasn't the best match, it was still pretty awesome to see Bret apply the Sharpshooter to Vince. I'm also glad that Triple H won his match! He proved to the world and to Sheamus that he is the game and he is that damn GOOD!

The Jericho vs Edge match was AWESOME! What did I tell you guys? I told you that Jericho had a plan. He proved to everyone that he is the best in the world at what he does. I am so glad to see this match unfold the same way I had predicted. I seriously thought Jack Swagger was going to cash in his MITB contract after Edge speared him through the barricade. It would have been funny if he cashed in and lost.

John Cena vs. Batista was a pretty damn good match as well! I had a feeling that Cena was gonna beat Batista. But when Batista caught Cena in the Batista bomb like he did at Summerslam, I got a little worried. Also the Air Force intro for Cena was pretty damn cool... awesome stuff. As for the Unified Tag Team Title match, I was a little disappointed. It went by way too fast. Hell me and my brother were talking to each other during the match and BAM, it's over. We had to rewind it to see what the hell happened! We were like "lol wtf?!".

HBK vs. The Undertaker. This one lived up to my expectations. It was just an awesome match all around! I loved how HBK backflipped off the top rope and through the table. There were just so many incredible spots in this match... it was simply amazing. When HBK hit Sweet Chin Music for the 2nd time, I thought Taker's sreak was over! This match just had me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end. The highlight of this match would have to be when Taker and HBK hugged and then Taker left the ring so HBK could have his final moment with the crowd... it was just so damn emotional. And the fireworks at the end were amazing... what a way to end a Wrestlemania!

I was a little disappointed in a few of the matches but overall, it wasn't a bad Wrestlemania. I think the HBK vs. Taker match is alone worth the price of admission. Awesome PPV... can't wait to see what happens on Raw!

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

I'm in the new Adam Sandler movie Sandy Wexler. I play a Prison Guard and a trainer for Terry Crews. To see what movies I'm in check out http://facebook.com/VinstigatorMusic

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-29 01:01:30

Swagger? Really? Huh... Well I'll hand it to you WWE. I sure as hell didn't see that one coming. The real question is are they actually going to give the guy a push or will he cash in fast and be the first to lose? If they are serious with this choice then they should wait a while and build him up. Considering this was the guy losing to Santino, he needs it.

How was the Taker/HBK match? Was it just as good as last year's?

So Cena is champ....again... yawn. Pretty cool that Jericho won though.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-29 01:21:38

At 3/29/10 01:01 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Swagger? Really? Huh... Well I'll hand it to you WWE. I sure as hell didn't see that one coming.

Yeah that seriously caught me off guard. When he was struggling to undo the MITB briefcase I was hoping somebody would come in and knock him off.

The real question is are they actually going to give the guy a push or will he cash in fast and be the first to lose? If they are serious with this choice then they should wait a while and build him up. Considering this was the guy losing to Santino, he needs it.

He will most likely be the first MITB winner to not be able to capitalize. Either he's going to cash it in and lose, or they're gonna pull a Mr. Kennedy/Edge scenario. Remember when Mr. Kennedy won the MITB contract and he lost it to Edge on Monday Night Raw? That might happen with Swagger.

How was the Taker/HBK match? Was it just as good as last year's?

I felt it lived up to the hype. Read my previous post to see what I thought of it :)

So Cena is champ....again... yawn. Pretty cool that Jericho won though.

Yup. I knew Jericho was gonna win! Loved how he caught Edge in the Codebreaker to get the 1,2,3! He's proved to everyone that he's the best in the world at what he does...

I'm in the new Adam Sandler movie Sandy Wexler. I play a Prison Guard and a trainer for Terry Crews. To see what movies I'm in check out http://facebook.com/VinstigatorMusic

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-03-29 02:13:57

Just getting back and I have to say Mania was a very good show this year.


Tag title match: very surprised they opened with this and not the tradition that has evolved with MITB opening up. Solid match, but I felt a missed opportunity by not having Daniel Bryan involve himself in this somehow. ShowMiz pick up the win and I guess it's on to the next makeshift team, or maybe the Hart Dynasty (they are babyfaces now right?)

Legacy Triple Threat of Noonegivesafuckaboutthisshit: I was even more surprised this went on second as I felt sure they'd use matches like this and the tag title bouts as "cool downs" between the bigger bouts so as not to burn the crowd out. For what it was? It was good, the finish was obvious and they put Randy over his bitches, I can only hope this is a one and down and that Legacy is totally and completely split now and Rhodes and Dibiase can either start feuding with each other to try and rebuild their credibility, or they get switched in the draft (I think Dibiase especially could use a move to SD! and SERIOUS rehab after a year of being a lackey).

MITB: This was a good stunt show match, Kofi's hair was ridiculous. I was watching it with my buddy and he was like "the fuck was he going for there? He should turn right around and go beat the crap out of whoever his stylist was! He looks like a rooster!" "Yes, Kofi's new gimmick shall be The Black Rooster". This had a lot of good spots and I liked they continued early on the "everybody hates Drew" setup from last week. Kofi's stilts thing was interesting, but for me made him look dumb from a logic standpoint since it's not like that was the only ladder or even the only ladder handy really. The veterans of this match looked good, the newbies didn't really do much. Swagger winning pretty much screams that he'll be the one to cash in and lose unless they plan to switch the briefcase (but with a second MITB match scheduled, what's the point really?). Very good match, finish seemed like a means to an end (breaking the 100% success rate). Also yeah, that was totally ridiculous it took Swagger so long to unhook it and this is why people need to be allowed to call audibles when shit gets botched like that for the sake of realism. Somebody should have been at least TRYING to knock Swagger off instead of, as Maraquan accurately pointed out, laying around for like 5 minutes while Swagger tried to figure out how the hook worked.

Triple H vs. Shaemus: I was again shocked at placement here, as I figured this would easily go before Punk/Rey. I liked the work here and they had a really solid match, I didn't like the idea of Triple H going over, but I did like that the finish was basically a situation where Shaemus simply got caught with a rookie mistake and the crafty veteran took advantage. There's a lot of H/Cena matches booked on house shows so I guess this was designed to show that H is a contender again, but I would have rather the Celtic Warrior got the duke here en route to some title rematches with Cena. The time to really cement the guy is now.

CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio, if Rey loses, he joins the SES: Rey's costume sucked, I couldn't even figure out what the hell it was supposed to be until Michael Cole pointed it out...Michael Cole made me look stupid...fuck you Rey Mysterio, fuck you. Good solid work here, I didn't like that they seemed to have changed it from no holds barred without telling us (or maybe I just missed the announcement?) so that disoriented me a little at first. I also wasn't personally a big fan of Rey winning, but the point I guess is that the feud is new and to keep Rey out of the SES. Also didn't like that it ruined Punk's 2-0 Mania streak. One of those matches where Mania is acting as the beginning of a feud rather then the culmination of one.

Bret vs. Vince: I liked the opening with Vince saying he'd paid off the Harts to be his lumberjacks and Bruce to be special referee, only to have Bret reveal they took Vince's money and now he was screwed. Bret then proceeded to beat the hell out of him with copious amounts of help from the Hart Dynasty. This was what people have wanted to see and it's about what one could expect given Bret's limitations. Funny comments made during the match from our side was "could someone please get some medical attention for that chair!" "Oh won't someone please think of the furniture!!!" Bret wins with a sharpshooter he holds for a good 30 seconds to a minute longer then necessary and stands tall in the end. Hopefully this ends Montreal once and for all and people can go back to remembering Bret Hart for the fantastic career he had and what he achieved, and not one night and one incident.

Jericho vs. Edge: These guys again had a very good to great bout. Good false finishes, they really made it look like anybody's ball game. I liked that Jericho basically caught Edge with a "lucky shot" but would have preferred to have Edge take the victory here. I did think it was tremendous to have Edge spear Jericho through the barricade from the table after the match to get his heat back though. Can't wait to see Edge capture his 10th title.

Diva tag match: This thing sucked. You knew it was going to suck and be a bath room break, and that's exactly what you got. Vickie winning was so ridiculously stupid to me there aren't words, Beth Phoenix is moving towards a woman's title match so why the hell not use this as a way for her to get a victory over McCool and put her in contention? Oh right, cause we don't care about the women's division and as long as we're not caring why not just leave the belt safely on "Lady Taker" right? Dreck.

John Cena vs. Batista: Absolutely shocked this did not close. Everybody expected a title change and that therefore this would close. Cena gets a ridiculous entrance again (oh, they thought because they used a marine honor guard or some such that somehow people would be shamed into not crapping on it? Fat chance, it sucked). It's dumb shit like this that helps ensure Cena will never get over with anybody other then those he's already over with. I thought the match itself was good, I really liked the "yay" "boo" thing as they traded punches. Had us laughing our asses off and I love how the crowd continues to show WWE how much they don't like Cena. Batista got a lot of cheers because of who he was facing. At one point I really believed Batista had beaten him and everybody in the room enjoyed me being near tears when Cena made him tap. I did enjoy that as Cena celebrated post match in the front row he happened to be in a section with at least one guy who vocally hated him and said he sucked and thumbs downed him into the camera. There was also a segment that had done letters signs that spelled out "Cena Sucks" way to go getting that past security guys!! So yeah, hate the finish, RAW once again will become the most boring main event picture on earth...casa ra sara

Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels, Career vs. Streak: FANTASTIC match! It did not surpass last year to be sure, but it was still a great bout and easily match of the night. Taker's leg was a factor here but they addressed it very quickly by having him hit old school and blameing all subsequent limping and slowness on that. Michaels hit a sick moonsault on Taker on the outside through the announce table. Taker splatted Michaels with a tombstone outside. There were at least one or two times where I legitimately feared Michaels was going to get the upset. The finish was spectacular as Shawn is down and pulling on Taker to try and get back up and Taker screams "Stay Down!" and Michaels does the throat cut and then slaps Taker, leading to Taker grabbing him and hitting a leaping Tombstone to put an end to the match and Shawn Michaels's career (for now).

Overall a very good show, if you ordered it, you're happy with your purchase, if you didn't and can spare the cash? I say get the replay, or pick up the DVD.

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