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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-12 10:42:31

At 1/11/10 09:20 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I agree Edge should stay on SD! as there's still so much he can do there now with the changed landscape since he left. There's the Jericho feud, there's the interaction with Vickie he could have, there's also a program he could wind up working with CM Punk as there's history there that's never been truly explored. If you send him to RAW he'd most likely have programs with guys he's already had programs with and he wouldn't stand out the way he has on SD!

He'll most likely return as a babyface as his last segment on TV was implying so.. plus if he does, it could possibly bring up a short Edge and Christian stint.. I'd really love to see that (hey, if they can bring Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels together, why not E&C?) Also i always thought E&C vs The Hart Dynasty would be pretty cool to see. So show wise, yeah keep him on smackdown.. it's obvious that we'll see him and jericho go at it for a while which i'm not complaining about at all, then i'd like see him against Punk.. then maybe a little feud with Vickie Guerrero since it'd be interesting to see them feud with the roles switched around (well.. half of the roles anyway)
also i hope Edge is the funny kinda babyface when he comes back.. not the laughing stock kind of funny.. but sorta like HHH.. make a few jokes, then it's down to business when in the ring.. I'd probably be put off quickly if he became that serious babyface type like back in 2004

Meanwhile on RAW.. he'd be up against someone like Sheamus, which honestly.. i could see would have no chemistry... maybe a feud with Orton would be interesting.. but then what?
A feud with The Miz would be cool.. but Miz isn't up to that level yet or a feud with Big Show, but it was only done a little while before his injury, i'd rather have something fresh and new.. but then what.. a stupid babyface vs babyface fued with someone like Cena or HHH?.. they've been done way too many times

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-12 10:53:10

Also I only saw a little bit of RAW, but from what I saw it looked terrible..

Tyson seemed very awkward out there, specially at a part where they started chanting "YOU SCREWED SHAWN" and it took him a second for him to re-focus and then just said something along the lines of "WOOOO!" or "YEEEAH!"
It's a shame cause I really do like Tyson, and thanks to a little friend called medication he seems to control his anger and frustration quite well these days.. but then again, he has been retired for quite some time now.. maybe a lot of stress has been lifted off his back. Also when Tyson put a match between him and jericho vs DX it was painfully obvious that they were gonna "re-create history" and have him join DX's side again..
even though Tyson's punch was clearly fake.. it looked pretty awesome, it even looked like jericho flinched a bit before selling it lol

I saw The Miz/MVP segment.. that was actually quite good
You could tell The Miz's stories about his first experiences in the locker room were legit seeing as he brought up JBL in the story.. and it was quite obvious that JBL had absolutely no respect for Miz.. also MVP's part of the promo was really well done, it kinda gave some character back into him, if they keep going hopefully he'll be on the right track again.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-13 13:52:28

For anyone who cares Christian vs. Ezekiel Jackson for the ECW Championship will be at the Royal Rumble. I'm glad to have an ECW match on the card for when I go see it live. The closer we get to the rumble the more exicted I am getting. The RR was always a ppv I had wanted to see live and now I get the chance! :D

I have a feeling that they will somehow get Cena into the title match. WWE rarely goes the heel vs. heel route on ppv, though I would guess Orton would get cheered over "red & pale."

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-13 16:37:10

Haven't gotten to RAW yet, but I did hear a voice clip on the local radio show this morning of Tyson threatening Hornswaggle.........needless to say they loved it.

At 1/11/10 10:38 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: reports are saying that Edge could be switched to RAW upon his return..
I really hope that doesn't happen, I never saw him as a good fit on RAW.. he suites Smackdown waaay better..

also Smackdown need him more than RAW does..

Creative would be fucking morons to put him on RAW when the seeds of a SD feud with another top guy have been sown already. I doubt it'll happen.

At 1/12/10 10:53 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: It's a shame cause I really do like Tyson, and thanks to a little friend called medication he seems to control his anger and frustration quite well these days.. but then again, he has been retired for quite some time now.. maybe a lot of stress has been lifted off his back.

He's finally on meds now? About fucking time.

Also when Tyson put a match between him and jericho vs DX it was painfully obvious that they were gonna "re-create history" and have him join DX's side again..

Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-13 18:08:59

At 1/13/10 01:52 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: For anyone who cares Christian vs. Ezekiel Jackson for the ECW Championship will be at the Royal Rumble. I'm glad to have an ECW match on the card for when I go see it live. The closer we get to the rumble the more exicted I am getting. The RR was always a ppv I had wanted to see live and now I get the chance! :D

What really aggravates me is how well done I felt the whole Homecoming concept was. You had this tournament concept where all these guys from these different brands were coming in and wanted a shot at this belt. It makes the belt seem important. But what's going to happen when it gets to the PPV? It's going to be the 10 minute opener and 90% of the crowd won't know or care, except for maybe Christian. It's a shame and WWE in my mind has only themselves to blame for this because they conditioned people from the start to see the brand and the belt as something that was not on the level of the other 2 and therefore no one should care. Then they wonder why nobody watches and syfy is angry that they basically got sold a bill of goods? Fuck off.

I have a feeling that they will somehow get Cena into the title match. WWE rarely goes the heel vs. heel route on ppv, though I would guess Orton would get cheered over "red & pale."

I think they might go heel vs. heel and just put the belt on Orton again and have Cena win the RR so we can have another installment of that modern classic Orton/Cena at Wrestlemania Ridiculouspricetagforacardthatcan'tpossi blyliveuptotheprice 26! Lord help us if myself and PWInsider are right.

P.S. Miz was not "shooting" last night as a shoot implies it is real and it is not scripted or worked. They don't do shoots. It was a "working shoot" or a "shooting work" at best. This is when a talent takes real life issues, talks about them on TV, but all parties are aware of it and are using it to further an angle and make money. That being said though I found this to be very effective and the best part of the show.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-14 21:08:02

At 1/5/10 07:07 PM, Assi9 wrote: Well, I guess Maraquan just became a TNA fan by default. :P

Nope. Not really.

Jeff, if you screw this up, I swear, I'll find ya' & smack ya' in the back of the head with a copy of your DVD......

I just went on Wikipedia to see what you meant, and...OH, GOD I THOUGHT TNA WAS BORING AND I DIDN'T SEE JEFF BUT I HEARD HIS NAME BUT I DIDN'T WATCH THE TNA ON THE 4th AND...D'oh.

On to RAW last night: HOLY FUCKING SHIT, BRET & SHAWN HUGGED IN THE CENTER OF THE RING. And The Hart Dynasty was NOWHERE. The ONLY thing that DIDN'T surprise me was Vince kicking Bret in the nuts. Sorry for so many caps, but this RAW was WORTHY of them.

Best RAW in a long time. I agree. *snicker* Man hug.
Also, I can't believe so many people from WWF/E were traitors. *sniff* Even Jeff. <:(

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-14 22:02:41

At 1/14/10 09:08 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote: I just went on Wikipedia to see what you meant, and...OH, GOD I THOUGHT TNA WAS BORING AND I DIDN'T SEE JEFF BUT I HEARD HIS NAME BUT I DIDN'T WATCH THE TNA ON THE 4th AND...D'oh.

It was really quick and honestly was fairly stupid on the part of TNA since honestly? Jeff is the biggest acquisition they got Monday. So how do they introduce him? Well he was sitting in the crowd and he goes after Homicide and then leaves. What?! Really?! That's it? What a wasted moment. I get being cautious over his legal problems but maybe what they should have done then was keep the deal quiet until he had things taken care of.

Also, I can't believe so many people from WWF/E were traitors. *sniff* Even Jeff. <:(

Hold up, hold up. I can't believe I'm going to do this but...I'm going defend Jeff Hardy. How is Jeff Hardy or anybody else who signed with TNA a "traitor" to WWE? Did Jeff somehow violate his deal with WWE?

The answer is no. No he didn't. Jeff fulfilled his commitments contractually to WWE and put CM Punk over on his way out the door. Jeff did everything that was asked of him by WWE and he respectfully declined signing a new deal. Jeff Hardy had an opportunity to go to TNA and make some money. He was NOT going to be going back to WWE right now because of his legal problems, which understandably made Vince tremendously unhappy with Jeff on a personal level. It's certainly made me unhappy with Jeff on a personal level.

But does that mean Jeff Hardy should sit at home and do nothing? I don't think so. Does that mean Jeff Hardy has no right to make money in wrestling unless it's with Vince McMahon and at Vince's behest? Again, I don't think so. Jeff Hardy is an independent contractor. Vince loves to point that fact out, so hey, independent contractors get to take work where they can get it. I don't see where you can call Jeff a traitor, he took an opportunity, and he'll probably wind up back in WWE when all this stuff gets worked out.


Welcome back.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-14 23:14:45

At 1/14/10 09:08 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote: Also, I can't believe so many people from WWF/E were traitors. *sniff* Even Jeff. <:(

If this was years ago and Jeff had jumped ship to join WCW I would have been right there with ya. In fact that was the genreal feeling back then. Guys would let their contracts expire and go to the competition. But now... Yeah its different. I don't fault him for it and things can always change. Heck, there are guys that were let go from WWE that I was happy to see wind up in TNA and get some better respect and use.



Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-15 02:32:45

So I think I'm going to give the new era of TNA one more week to impress me. I think this week has to be graded somewhat on a curve because basically TNA had one night to book a PPV. So that probably did require all the talking and little wrestling to get the booking together. But that better not happen next week or I'm bailing once more.

So I guess we're supposed to believe The Nasty Boys spent the last 10 days holed up in The Dudleyz...er Team 3D's locker room? Really? Even for those slobs I find that idea hard as fuck to believe. I will give Team 3D credit for trying to make chicken salad out of chicken shit and for Bubba...er Brother Ray, saying exactly what the fans are thinking: Those two are only there because Knobbs kisses Hogan's ass and rides his coat tails. If TNA thinks for a second this is something like if you put the Road Warriors against Team 3D they're insane. I'm really hoping this is a one and done kind of feud that see's The former Dudleyz absolutely destroy Knobbs and Sags and sends their asses packing.

The Band? The Band? It's The Kliq minus Michaels and H. Screw they're combined weight how about a combined age, that'd be WAY more instructive. Kevin Nash looks like an evil seven foot tall Santa now...seriously, why the hell do they let him on TV with all that gray, it just sends a terrible message. Scott Hall? Pssh, whatever, inside of a month he'll blow this gig. Waltman? Well nice to see some things never change. Who's the first one leading the charge and getting his butt whomped on a bit till his big buddies come save his ass? Yep, good ol' Syxx-Pac. So they beat on Beer Money and Bischoff appears to be buddy buddy with the former wolfpack (these three were the original) again. Oh and Sting watched from the rafters. I swear to God I thought it was 1997 again, but then when I noticed how little I cared it reminded me that it was 2010 and the only leftover from '97 I care about even a little is the one being done in WWE. I sadly see Beer Money having their asses handed to them here and the Three Stooges getting to prove that they've learned nothing and the good times will roll for them in TNA till they just don't care anymore. Or the fans don't care...whichever comes first.

I did think it was funny how Eric Bischoff appeared like Hogan's secretary...but apparently he's running the company with Hogan? But then Jeff Jarrett barged in bitching that he founded it and built it and should run it...then Bischoff said Dixie runs it? I'm so confused and this is why this work shoot shit Russo is so obsessed with doesn't fucking work. Because you now have three people that are supposedly running TNA and you expect the average fan to keep that straight or even WANT to try and keep that straight? I'm a hardcore fan and I don't even want to do it. Convoluted stories just make people get pissed. So piss off with it. Oh, and can we please just fire Russo already? Kthx.

Wow, remember when Samoa Joe mattered? I mean, I know they wanted Desmond Wolfe ready for PPV with Dinero and all Sunday (by the way, that character seems massively annoying to me, I liked him better as straight up Elijah Burke), but Samoa Joe was the best opponent you could come up with? This is not a knock on Wolfe, he was a great pick up and TNA should be pushing him, no doubt, but Samoa Joe was also an incredible pick up that TNA has basically destroyed the value on with start stop pushes and never being consistent. I almost think Joe should just go to WWE and suffer through developmental or whatever they want him to do because they do tend to push Samoans and he has the right look to go far in the company as long as he learns to play the game like Punk did.

About the only thing I liked on this show is they tend to treat AJ like the face of TNA, he's the champion, he's got a world class challenger and they made their bout Sunday seem important.

So wow, in two hours I found only one really good thing to say about the show. Oh the women's match was pretty good and it was nice to see Lacey Von Erich knocked on her ass, she's hot but she sucks. Ditto Sean Morley trying to be Val Venis without the name, Daniels knocking him on his ass was a mercy.

So yeah, one week to recover from this dreck or I am out of here once more. I can't take that much stupid every week, I just can't. It'll hurt my brain far far too much. Also what the hell happened to pride in being a wrestling company Dixie? All the ad's put over Hogan as a man who "revolutionized sports entertainment" which by implication makes me believe you want to say you're sports entertainment too and playing Vince's game. It really does appear TNA will be WCW redux, complete with all the mistakes and problems.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-15 11:02:01

I don't know how legit this is but:

F4WOnline.com is reporting that John Cena may be suffering from a back injury at the moment, more specifically, several bulging discs which are said to be quite painful.

Back issues are never a good thing. I really hope that this is just a rumor and that Cena is fine. As I have said before, even if I'm not a fan of someone, I never ever wish injury on them.

I didn't watch TNA...I forgot it existed again. :P By the looks of things it was probably a good thing that I missed it.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-16 09:07:35

Hello, everybody!

New guy here, been a fan of pro wrest... "Sports entertaiment" for pretty much all my life.

Couldn't help but notice that one of the above posters talked about this week's Impact episode, but didn't mention the best thing on the show, the opening match between Generation ME (God, I hate that name) and the Guns.

It was only a 5 minute match, but it showed what the former Young Bucks can do.

I do have to agree that the majority of Impact feels like WCW circa 1997.

As for Smackdown, that was yet another solid show for the blue brand. CM Punk continues to be awesome as he's become the top heel in the company (Sorry, Jericho), though I'm worried about he and Gallows feuding with DX. It'll make for some good matches, but I expect DX to bury them verbally in the coming weeks. With that said, Punk is good enough on the mic where he'll probably be able to minimize the damage.

The steel cage match was good, (Batista pulling a Big Poppa Pump and doing push-ups in the middle of the match was funny) and I'm happy to see Rey v Taker instead of Batista vs Taker for the 174th time.

One last thing. The Undertaker should NEVER utter the phrase "WWE Universe" again!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-16 11:23:01

Punk and Gallows as the #1 contenders for the tag titles is an interesting idea. If they won Punk could further his straight edge preacher thing to both shows and reallly get some heat for it. I don't know what his chances of beting DX are though...

Cage match was good. I don't really mind Rey/Taker as much as I did Batista/Taker. I'm sure it will provide some cool spots during the bout.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-16 16:08:17

At 1/16/10 09:07 AM, soulpower wrote: New guy here, been a fan of pro wrest... "Sports entertaiment" for pretty much all my life.

I think we need a bit more of that good ol pro wrestling and less of the sports entertainment personally. :)

Couldn't help but notice that one of the above posters talked about this week's Impact episode, but didn't mention the best thing on the show, the opening match between Generation ME (God, I hate that name) and the Guns.

I did forget to mention that, but I can't exactly get behind it as the best thing on the show.

It was only a 5 minute match, but it showed what the former Young Bucks can do.

It did and it was a good little opener but my problem was the finish of having the Bucks lose in their debut. It was one thing back in the day when you'd take a guy when he was just breaking in, put him under a hood (mask) if a TV camera was on (That's how Taker's debut against Brody worked) or if the cameras aren't on. But these guys are not just breaking in, and I question having them get beat out of the gate because to me why should the fans then really care about these guys? It's like having a tag team on the ECW show when the tag champions DX will NEVER go to ECW. You'll be lucky if they go to Smackdown! every once in awhile for God's sake.

I do have to agree that the majority of Impact feels like WCW circa 1997.

Glad that wasn't just me. Look, at least they're copying the most successful period of WCW but come on...that's 13 years ago now, it's time to actually try and move forward and do something now. This should be old guy party hour, nor should they be jobbing to every young guy in sight. But the future is now and acts like The Band or whoever else need to be willing to lay down every now and again and not be the centerpiece of the shows and laying out guys that have proven themselves within TNA already.

As for Smackdown, that was yet another solid show for the blue brand. CM Punk continues to be awesome as he's become the top heel in the company (Sorry, Jericho), though I'm worried about he and Gallows feuding with DX. It'll make for some good matches, but I expect DX to bury them verbally in the coming weeks. With that said, Punk is good enough on the mic where he'll probably be able to minimize the damage.

I have to check out Smackdown! for this week (I think I set the VCR wrong) but a DX vs. SES (Straight Edge Society) feud interests yet scares me...one can only hope this is WWE's idea for moving DX apart as Michaels focuses on getting his Mania rematch with Taker...but yeah, my fear would be that this will be DX making Punk and Gallows look foolish since the biggest problem with DX anymore is it's just clearly an excuse for Hunter and Shawn to be goofy and have fun while doing basically nothing for anybody else. I do hope this is the exception.

The steel cage match was good, (Batista pulling a Big Poppa Pump and doing push-ups in the middle of the match was funny) and I'm happy to see Rey v Taker instead of Batista vs Taker for the 174th time.

So I guess either Taker loses at Elimination Chamber in the cage or in some other match...or he's taking it into Mania and defending against Michaels (which to me is a total waste). As a Taker fan it's nice to see him getting a good long run for what will probably be his last run...but again I have to question the top of your SD! card right now being two guys that are hurting (one is your champion no less) and one guy who's prone to injury. Seems to me we need some new blood back in there that's also healthy blood.

One last thing. The Undertaker should NEVER utter the phrase "WWE Universe" again!

Yeah...it's ridiculous but that's the thing you have to live with when you're part of WWE. Gotta push Vince's "branding" ideas!

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-17 07:52:46

I recently got SD vs. RAW 2010 for the DS two days ago; it's been very enjoyable so far. The graphics & fight system are a tad lackluster, but it makes sense compared to the consoles, and they're still good enough.

There's also not a lot of audio clips beyond the wrestlers' theme songs, either, but they did at least keep Kennedy's entrance audio. ^_^ I'll assume R-Truth's is there, too; I haven't checked yet.

I get a little sad every time I see Umaga in there........... :(

The only problem I'm having is with the Finishers - even with the Finisher Gauge at full, I'm hard-pressed to ever pull one off (only did it once out of dozens of times I've tried). Does it have something to do with the size of the wrestlers, or something? I've already checked GameFAQs, but since this version of the game is so new, there's only preliminary info available about it.

At 1/16/10 09:07 AM, soulpower wrote: Hello, everybody!

This has got to be the most intelligent first post I've ever seen on this site. I'm very fucking impressed.

I do have to agree that the majority of Impact feels like WCW circa 1997.

Here's hoping it doesn't stay that way for long......damn Russo.....

As for Smackdown, that was yet another solid show for the blue brand. CM Punk continues to be awesome as he's become the top heel in the company (Sorry, Jericho), though I'm worried about he and Gallows feuding with DX. It'll make for some good matches, but I expect DX to bury them verbally in the coming weeks. With that said, Punk is good enough on the mic where he'll probably be able to minimize the damage.

Since DX is supposedly not sticking around for too much longer, it'd make a lot of sense to give them the titles, thus sealing Punk's status as ME material (and taking Luke along for the ride).

The steel cage match was good, (Batista pulling a Big Poppa Pump and doing push-ups in the middle of the match was funny) and I'm happy to see Rey v Taker instead of Batista vs Taker for the 174th time.

It seems like everybody is now mimicking TNA wrestlers on purpose....first Jericho imitating Hogan, and now this - just as blatant, too. (Although it didn't hit me until you said it just now.)

One last thing. The Undertaker should NEVER utter the phrase "WWE Universe" again!

Heh, does seem a tad out of place for him, doesn't it?

At 1/16/10 11:23 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Cage match was good. I don't really mind Rey/Taker as much as I did Batista/Taker. I'm sure it will provide some cool spots during the bout.

Taker finally has a unique opponent in Rey; usually, it's just the same old thing with a different wrestler, which is never the case with Rey - which he's already proven in the first match. We just have to hope that Dave doesn't interfere again...

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-17 20:55:01

So.. TNA has now changed to a four-sided ring. The Impact Zone responded with "We Want Six Sides" chants as Hogan was cutting a promo to start the PPV (Yes, there's a TNA PPV tonight). Hogan's respone to the fans?


Awesome way to win over the fans, Hulkster... Yeah, its sarcasm.

Also, Brian Kendrick made his debut for TNA in a losing effort against Amazing Red, and Daniels jobbed to Sean Morley. Not that long ago, Daniels was main eventing a PPV, now he's jobbing to the former Val Venis.


Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-17 22:42:40

At 1/17/10 08:55 PM, soulpower wrote: Also, Brian Kendrick made his debut for TNA

Mr.Kennedy(ANDERSON) made his debut too against abyss and won

hello again


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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-18 00:05:32

In what is a suprise to no one: WWE has come to terms on the release of Smackdown superstar Eric Escobar as of Jan. 17, 2010. WWE wishes Eric all the best in his future endeavors.

Talk about a false start huh? They barely used the guy and gave him a crap gimmick and were somehow suprised when fans hated getting a new guy shoved in their face like that.

So TNA took away the one thing that was really unique to them.. Smart move TNA!!!

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-19 10:42:46

The Flame.... lol. Ok that was actually funny.

Decent Raw. Aside from the usual DX sillyness we got some serious stuff going on with HBK and Taker and Vince being called a coward.

Matches were ok too. I was suprised to see Masters on Raw and even more shocked to see him get some offense in. Best match was the Legacy vs. Cena/Kofi as that had the best pacing and back and forth action. I kinda wanted Legacy to win but on the other hand I do like Kofi so yeah..

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-19 15:25:15

RAW was pretty whatever for me. TNA is hilarious in how they seem to rapidly be imploding right now, I really wish I had caught the youtube video where they're head of production told the fans their "cast members" because they were very not happy that they didn't play ball with them in terms of reactions at the PPV. This looks like a complete train wreck and it only took about 2 weeks...wow, Hogan and Bisch did learn from WCW I guess...they learned how to kill a company even quicker...maybe all they needed was Vince Russo along for the ride.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-19 23:39:51

TNA has depressed me this week. I know they can do well, it was just before they announced the hogan stuff that I really started to marvel at how well TNA was doing. Now, I'm not sure, but I'm still hopeful. They really just need to push the right people. You know, Joe, Daniels, Abyss. Funny because those are the people that made me really start watching TNA. Also what was with that stuff with Mick? Was he just in a closet for 10 days or something. They could've come up with something better than, no one's seen him, like they're hiding him. I can see this unfold into something cool though, hopefully, if they don't screw it up. Fingers crossed cuz the WWE hasn't wowed me in forever.

"Quotation is a serviceable substitute for wit. "

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-20 02:30:22

Seems like Mic will do something with Hogan, unless they just wrote him off (and there seems to be a lot of people they're writing off). Honestly TNA is pretty scary to me right now because it seems like every time I hear something positive (they aren't relying on The Band to be a long term act) they do two or three things that are utterly dumb or harmful (the aforementioned crap with the fans, no Joe on the PPV, Daniels jobs to Morley). I hope it's just growing pains of a new regime but if the point here is going to be to get the Hulkamania tour guys over at the expense of the guys fans see as having built TNA and who if given time can give an audience something different from WWE...I think it's game over. Turning AJ heel apparently seems a real head scratcher and something to be put in the "dumb" category for me.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-21 12:10:53

Never mind about the problem I had in my previous post; I figured out what I was doing wrong.

Still a little saddening every time I see Umaga in the game. :( He has one hilarious moment in the Story Mode involving a soda machine........lololol.

I've already forgotten most of SD last week, but the finish to the Steel Cage Match was good. Even though there's bound to be several more Batista vs. Rey matches, so far they've all been done quite creatively.

At 1/14/10 11:14 PM, Outlaw88 wrote:
At 1/14/10 09:08 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote: Also, I can't believe so many people from WWF/E were traitors. *sniff* Even Jeff. <:(
If this was years ago and Jeff had jumped ship to join WCW I would have been right there with ya. In fact that was the genreal feeling back then. Guys would let their contracts expire and go to the competition. But now... Yeah its different. I don't fault him for it and things can always change.

Traitors? Nah. Fed up with bullshit after a while, or just needing new scenery? Yes.

Heck, there are guys that were let go from WWE that I was happy to see wind up in TNA and get some better respect and use.

Tomko & Matt Morgan being probably the two biggest examples that come to mind.

At 1/17/10 08:55 PM, soulpower wrote: So.. TNA has now changed to a four-sided ring. The Impact Zone responded with "We Want Six Sides" chants as Hogan was cutting a promo to start the PPV (Yes, there's a TNA PPV tonight). Hogan's respone to the fans?


Awesome way to win over the fans, Hulkster... Yeah, its sarcasm.

.........Wait, they changed the most unique part & major selling point of TNA? WHAT THE FUCK WERE ALL OF YOU SMOKING?

At 1/17/10 10:42 PM, Chiklay4 wrote: Mr.Kennedy(ANDERSON) made his debut too against abyss and won

YAY! Glad he was the one guy to avoid burial.

At 1/18/10 12:05 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: In what is a suprise to no one: WWE has come to terms on the release of Smackdown superstar Eric Escobar as of Jan. 17, 2010. WWE wishes Eric all the best in his future endeavors.

Meh. It might've worked had they given it some more time, but whatever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-22 02:31:51

Awesome Kong has announced that she has left TNA

i honestly saw this coming.. after the altercation between her and bubba, i knew one of them would be out of there.. but since bubba is tight with hogan it was inevitable that kong would be gone..

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-22 18:59:23

At 1/22/10 02:31 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: Awesome Kong has announced that she has left TNA

i honestly saw this coming.. after the altercation between her and bubba, i knew one of them would be out of there.. but since bubba is tight with hogan it was inevitable that kong would be gone..

Yep, you can't cross the boss's buddies. Anybody questioning the power of Hogan in TNA can stop now.

Granted on a personal level cause I think Bubba is scum it was funny but to be real about it? You don't punch out people you disagree with in the work place, it's not like TNA is unjustified really in letting Kong go. Funny as it is to the fans, it's not something the company can really afford to tolerate.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-22 20:42:52

I'm watchin' SmackDown!, and...the Punk intervention thing is just plain boring. And strange. And tonights was...creepy. He was taking extra time with the girl! *ahem*
So...it, uh, looked like he was enjoying the feel and smell of her hair, huh?
I'm, uh...just gonna go now.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-22 22:46:39

Matt Stryker is seriously starting to annoy me.....not quite to a JBL level, but enough to make me want to kick him in the balls.

Is this the first time I've actually been interested in a Divas square-off on STORYLINE? My god, hell froze over....

In speaking of that, I'm actually somewhat interested in this season of The Celerbrity Apprentice - just because Maria's in it. :P However, was that also Goldberg I saw?

At 1/22/10 08:42 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote: I'm watchin' SmackDown!, and...the Punk intervention thing is just plain boring. And strange. And tonights was...creepy. He was taking extra time with the girl! *ahem*
So...it, uh, looked like he was enjoying the feel and smell of her hair, huh?
I'm, uh...just gonna go now.

Agreed. >_> <_< I know he's trying to pretend to be Wrestling Jesus, here, but that was overdoing it..........almost into TV14 territory............

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-22 22:48:41

Crap, I forgot to copy-paste this part of the post in. Whoops.

At 1/22/10 06:59 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 1/22/10 02:31 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: Awesome Kong has announced that she has left TNA

i honestly saw this coming.. after the altercation between her and bubba, i knew one of them would be out of there.. but since bubba is tight with hogan it was inevitable that kong would be gone..
Yep, you can't cross the boss's buddies. Anybody questioning the power of Hogan in TNA can stop now.

Granted on a personal level cause I think Bubba is scum it was funny but to be real about it? You don't punch out people you disagree with in the work place, it's not like TNA is unjustified really in letting Kong go. Funny as it is to the fans, it's not something the company can really afford to tolerate.

If you're referring to the same Bubba I think you're referring to (there's only one I know of that's friends with Hogan), this is where we disagree. He, much like many a wrestler, PLAYS a scumbag - unless there's much I don't know. But the couple of times I've seen or heard him out-of-character, he seems like a stand-up guy.

This is all if we're talking about the same Bubba.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-22 23:31:03

At 1/22/10 10:48 PM, Swackman wrote: This is all if we're talking about the same Bubba.

Bubba the Love Sponge. Hulk Hogan's pet sycophant who has no business anywhere near professional wrestling. I think his comments about Haiti were stupid, especially when you consider he had no reason to say them and he knew TNA was donating to that charity. Bubba can feel however he wants to feel, but as long as he draws a paycheck from TNA he should refrain from making those kinds of comments I believe. There's riling people up and then there's just being a dick. I think this fell into the category of just being a dick. But at the same token it doesn't give Kong, or anyone the right to take their displeasure in his words out on him in a physical manner in the TNA locker room.

Also I think some wires have gotten crossed here, or reports are coming out prematurely since I've seen nothing about Kong officially being released from TNA. Are we absolutely sure that was Kong's actual twitter or whatever reporting this? Because people pretend to be wrestlers all the time. Her former manager was released though today.

As far as what my boy Punk is doing. Tonight is the start of phase 2 of The Straight Edge Society I'm told. Punk is indeed getting a stable or group together, that woman will be appearing as part of his entourage from here on out and this is absolutely a calculated plan by WWE to help start building Punk back up as a heel. Smackdown! got pre-empted for me so I've been unable to watch the show yet...but I do have a DVD from highspots chronicling the Jerry Lawler vs. Andy Kaufman feud. Highly recommended...and if you don't know what I'm talking about, well, get yo ass to the wikipedia and learn somethin.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-23 01:38:12

Since Avie hasn't seen SD yet I won't go into details... So I'll just vent on something I really hate that they are doing right now. Enough with the "Piggy James" thing. Having this kind of storyline is just plain stupid and low. Mikie is far from what any sane individual would call fat. Screw you WWE for pushing body shame. Yeah the heels are doing it and they will eventually get what's coming to them but it still sucks.

Punk is getting creepy, but damn is he a great heel.

I think the show was decent overall. I'm looking forward to when Morrison and Drew have that no DQ match. That should be awesome.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-23 03:19:13

At 1/23/10 01:38 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Since Avie hasn't seen SD yet I won't go into details... So I'll just vent on something I really hate that they are doing right now. Enough with the "Piggy James" thing. Having this kind of storyline is just plain stupid and low. Mikie is far from what any sane individual would call fat. Screw you WWE for pushing body shame. Yeah the heels are doing it and they will eventually get what's coming to them but it still sucks.

Yeah I've really disliked this from the start since even the move to Smackdown! was meant to send Mickie a message about not being perfect and up to the "WWE standard" which honestly they should change anyway if they continue to expect these girls to wrestle. These girls cannot be these perfect little china dolls and then be athletes besides...this is why you see people like Melina having all these injuries because these smaller girls just ain't built for friggin bumping. I've been hearing Mickie is looking to launch her music career and if that takes off for her then I think she'll be the one getting the last laugh on WWE.

Punk is getting creepy, but damn is he a great heel.

Punk needs to be like Raven methinks. Not a carbon copy, but just that guy that is abusing his charges somewhat and having that cult leader type effect. I caught most of the segment tonight (I was flipping between SD! and Conan and will probably catch the full show on Hulu or something tomorrow) and it seemed somewhat like that was happening here. The girl he's got is cute, and she seemed very into her role, I can see why WWE decided to incorporate her, I think it's a good call.

I think the show was decent overall. I'm looking forward to when Morrison and Drew have that no DQ match. That should be awesome.

They've had some good matches thus far and what's nice about something like The Rumble is you can add heat to these sorts of issues by having the guys interact in the Rumble but you get something like a month "off" from having to add it to a PPV or get the people to pay for it.

For those that care I've been getting into UFC a bit more lately at a buddy of mine's urging. I actually caught a couple of Brock Lesnar fights on unleashed today...oh my god is he not boring to watch. He runs his mouth like he's big and bad but based on what I've seen of him vs. a lot of other guys to me it seems like Brock fights likea pussy as he basically just tries to overpower an opponent and lock him down so he can just beat on him with punches and force a TKO (in UFC, if you have got the other fighter on his back and completely unable to defend himself the referee will stop the fight immediately and this can and will result in a title change, which is how Brock wound up defeating both Randy Couture and Frank Mir to become champion). Did see a potential opponent for him upcoming, guy is undefeated at 33-0 and has a knock out punch that is fucking devastating (dude knocked out one of the top heavyweights in the world with a short right that looked absolutely effortless). Hopefully that's the man to put Brocky bitch down and we'll see how he plays after that.

P.S. I've had a few, hence the rambling and bleeding into the non-wrestling type stuff. It's really a shame to me though when you get someone as talented as what Brock is and he just has such a poor attitude and a "I'm so great, I'm so entitled". Would it kill you to be a little humble? Reminds me of Michaels (and boy if that wasn't the old Shawn on Monday on that music miscue or what?)

Alright, got it back to wrestling in the end anyway.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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