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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-05 10:18:07

Debating whether to watch Raw for the first time in months. Depending on what I get up to tonight/tomorrow I may give it a bash. Also, does anyone know when TNA airs in the UK? It's usually shown on Bravo a few times a week but because I'm not a regular viewer I have no idea if it's the newest episode airing or something from weeks ago.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-05 10:53:44

At 1/5/10 10:18 AM, DannyIsOnFire wrote: Debating whether to watch Raw for the first time in months. Depending on what I get up to tonight/tomorrow I may give it a bash. Also, does anyone know when TNA airs in the UK? It's usually shown on Bravo a few times a week but because I'm not a regular viewer I have no idea if it's the newest episode airing or something from weeks ago.

There'll be a 2 hour edited version of it this Saturday. Looking through Sky, there are two TNA shows on Bravo, one at 9AM, and one at 9PM. If I had to guess, I'd say it was the evening one which will be the most recent. Apparently, they were trying to get the full show up on TNA's video section, but I can't see it.

I'm hearing good things about Raw, but I thought it was pretty below average. I just wasn't feeling the Bret thing, for some reason, and there's a difference between not trivialising the Montreal Screwjob with stupid storylines, and just doing anything interesting with Bret. I would've liked to see more than just three segments, two of them addressing past issues. He could've at least got involved in the show in some other way. But I guess that's just me.

Match-wise, you had a shitty women's match, a fatal four way, with four people who don't matter, to determine number one contender for a title which doesn't matter, which is held by a person who doesn't matter. I like that they have Miz saying he cherishes the belt, but just saying something is important doesn't make it so (something which WWE have shown time and time again they don't understand). To make the belt important, you'd have to have it held by some important, or contended by someone important. To get the Miz over, you have to have him go over the Cenas and Triple H's of the world. No one gives a fuck if he can beat MVP. Everyone can. Same goes the other way for MVP.

Having DX go over Jerishow made no sense to me, and Hornswoggle is just awful. Triple H is an amazing performer when he is an intense, serious character (especially as a heel), so what do you do? You have him treating an adult midget like a child/dog, or course. DX have massively overstayed their welcome, and with Shawn hopefully going into some storyline involving Bret, Vince and/or Taker, DX needs to go away. I wonder Jericho is going to keep trying to get back on to Raw, or whether they're giving up with that now.

Of course, we also had Orton beating Kofi, again. What purpose did this serve for Kofi? He really looked secondary to this Legacy storyline that is brewing, and soon he'll probably sink back down the card to reclaim the title which is rightfully his, the US title. The finish baffled me: So all anyone needs to do to kill any chance Kofi has of winning any match, is to put their hands up to their face? And that stops the entire momentum of the kick! Genius! That made no sense whatsoever.

Also, not forgetting Evan Bourne and Sheamus' encounter. What was the point of this? right now, I really don't think there is any sort of main event level on Raw. You have the greenest champion we've ever had, accepting a challenge from the designated Raw jobber for a number one contenders match. Obviously, Bourne was never going to win, so no problem there, but there was no reason to book this at all. Someone on such a low level should never get near the World Champion, allegedly the best wrestler on the whole show. Why not just have Sheamus not appear at all, like they've done in the past few weeks anyway. If Sheamus isn't going to have altercations with main event stars, then there is no point doing anything with him at this point. It's not going to build him at all if he beats a jobber.

Ah, whatever, I know I'm probably in the minority of people who didn't like the show, but I felt I needed to say it. I don't feel like anything has changed on this side of the wrestling business. WWE still book like idiots, even when they have a potential challenger in TNA.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-05 13:06:01

At 1/5/10 01:03 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: Hardy's return was very surprising to say at the least.. but do i see him there for a long time?... i dunno doesn't seem likely

Also with the dust settling I have to ask this question: What happens if the hearing goes bad? What is TNA's exit strategy should Hardy be forced to do time? Does HE have a plan in place with this?

There's a lot of questions here and you want to believe TNA has thought all this out but...given their track record...I do think he'll ultimately wind up back in WWE at some point, but honestly getting Hogan WILL make TNA more attractive to guys who are on the fringes or who've "blown it" with WWE but have name value with TNA. It's a better schedule and depending on the ratings and direction going forward, TNA really could at least become a viable "number 2" in the business, and not just "number 2 by default" which they've been for years now.

besides that nothing else really caught my attention.. i mean don't get me wrong i do like val venis, orlando jordan and shannon moore... but they're not exactly what you'd call "huge surprises"

No, but solid hands and you can always use a few more of those, especially because TNA needs to become more of a work based company, although considering some of the names that came in last night and what that closing shot was I fear it may in fact be WCW all over again.

its cool to see hall back but cmon.. could you honestly see him pulling off an awesome match?

I would be shocked if he can stay clean and not fuck up for a whole month. If he can do that it'll be his most successful run in years.

never really cared for x-pac like edge once said "1998 called, and they're sick and tired of you"

Yeah, that does nothing for me as well. X-Pac is such like that cartoon with the two dogs...the Looney Tunes one? Where you have the big rough dog, and there's that little yappy one following him talking him up? That's what X-Pac is, the little yappy dog who gets rub off his more famous friends. The problem is at least the yappy dog seemed to realize he was second fiddle, I think Pac actually thinks he's a "star" all by himself. Despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

i didn't see it but i hear angle vs aj was a really good match.. have to definitely take a look later

From the bits I saw channel surfing and what I read, it looked good. I also like that they didn't do anything screwy or stupid with the finish. They put the champ over clean and that was important last night for them to get across that AJ is THE guy. They should focus on "one of their own" vs. letting somebody established, or in league with Hogan run everything.

RAWs opening was a great moment in WWE

Absolutely, I marked super hard for Shawn and Bret and I really hope that something similar to that took place in the back as well. I understand why Bret is upset, but I have to agree with Shawn that on that night, for Bret disrespecting him and not doing what he was supposed to do...He deserved it. He didn't deserve to have it constantly gloated over for years after, but he stoked that fire as well. So I think there's a lot of mutual combat there, but I really do hope this is in fact the end. That both sides will walk out of this on better terms and that bitterness will finally be over. I've waited 12 years for that.

Hart got a pop like no one has ever gotten in the past couple of years.. though it kind of pissed me off that they only used him for the opening segment, the closing segment and a little segment with Jericho.. they really should of used him more.. ah well he did great in every one of those segments glad to see the hitman again

He's signed through April, so this was just the beginning really. Plus I understand he shouldn't be the focus of the whole freakin show ya know? You still have other things and talents to bury. What aggravated me is they had this really spectacular chance to do something really new and different and instead we basically got the same old RAW just with Bret Hart.

I'm also glad MVP's finally getting a decent push.. dunno who he really pissed off to become a jobber but hopefully that's all over now..

Let's see him win the US Title and not get forgotten or buried. Because look at who he beat, he beat three other guys they aren't doing fuck all with. So how is that really "a push"?

also I'm really like The Miz's new theme.. I had a feeling that they'd change it soon.. it also looks like they're re-sparking the Miz/Maryse storyline again.

But forgetting the past where now it seems to be that Miz nailed her and now it's going to be where she's chasing him...or am I missing something there?

That DX segment with Hornswoggle was pretty weak.. not even Santino could save this one. How many were surprised that HHH barely made any acknowledgment of Hart's return?..

Not me at all. I think most people don't realize H was in that phone call to screw Bret (unless you read Shawn's book), and to be honest? What is there really for Triple H to need to acknowledge Bret over? It's not what the "common fan" really cares to see.

The Sheamus/Bourne segment was kind of a middle finger to everyone who was watching.. here I was seeing Bourne actually cut a promo against the WWE champ and actually get a #1 contenders match, thinking that theres a chance he could be getting pushed.. ah well.. silly me for acting like a mark..

Bourne isn't getting pushed...like, ever. I have heard this from people who'd know who spoke to people who'd know. Enjoy Bourne for what he is, but abandon all hope for him to ever be more.

Legacy turned it around pulled the same stipulation on Orton this time.. Orton wins. if you missed it, no biggie just watch last weeks.. same thing happened.

Yeah, an absolute and idiotic shame. They wonder why people tune out? This is why! You find a guy people are willing to get behind and get into, and you beat him down and train people that it was stupid to care.

The Vince/Bret segment was OK.. not as good as the Bret/HBK segment, the crowd seemed to be getting tired or something because the 2nd time Bret came out there was barely a reaction, though It picked up a bit later. Vince was talking a bit harsh at first but then started to put Bret over then offers his hand in apology, Bret shakes and they celebrate together.. I honestly thought that was gonna be it, but then suddenly Vince (crappily) kicks Hart in the stomach and leaves.. Something good better build out of this.

I hope so myself, to be honest I think what probably happened is that crowd probably thought they were in for something great after the top of the show, and then they got the same old dreck till the end.

If there were no Bret Hart it probably would of been the same ol' RAW show.. oh cept without Cena

Yep, only difference was you got Bret Hart.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-05 18:57:46

I sadly missed everything yesterday, I've been looking, but couldn't find it anywhere. SO does anyone know where I can watch the tna online. It's not up on the website yet and I'm an impatient person, so a link would be greatly appreciated.

"Quotation is a serviceable substitute for wit. "

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-05 19:07:19

Well, I guess Maraquan just became a TNA fan by default. :P Jeff, if you screw this up, I swear, I'll find ya' & smack ya' in the back of the head with a copy of your DVD......

Haven't seen it yet, but I've taped it; geez, Jordan, Kendrick, Val, Shannon...........it's a who's-who of WWE guys that didn't make it big trying to get a 2nd shot...... -_- But, it did work for Tomko & Matt Morgan, so it's not like it's impossible. I feel Shannon got the shit end of the stick during his career anyway, so I'm glad he's getting another chance.

On to RAW last night: HOLY FUCKING SHIT, BRET & SHAWN HUGGED IN THE CENTER OF THE RING. And The Hart Dynasty was NOWHERE. The ONLY thing that DIDN'T surprise me was Vince kicking Bret in the nuts. Sorry for so many caps, but this RAW was WORTHY of them.

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One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-05 19:14:42

I heard the Dynasty was there, but mostly just because Bret knew no one in the the RAW locker room. So it was done to give him a comfort zone and people he trusted around him.

Jeff by the way will have his case headed to the grand jury. Like I said before, I hope TNA and Jeff have some sort of plan or understanding about how that will be handled or this was really not a good mood for TNA. Seems like Jeff has more reasons to cop a plea and throw himself on the mercy of the court then ever before.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-05 19:30:54

I used to watch wrestling in the good old days of Mankind vs. The Rock and Triple H vs. Stone Cold. I miss that. I feel wrestling isn't the same it used to be.

Nowadays I barely get time to watch it anymore, better things out there I think personally.

Anybody else watch wrestling back then? I don't know if most of you are even old enough lol.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-05 20:30:35

At 1/5/10 02:54 PM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote:
At 1/5/10 01:03 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: like the time The Miz shot a t-shirt into his crotch. I remember someone converted that clip into an Animated GIF.. if anybody has it, please post it here.. That was hilarious!
Hi there.

hahahaha legend.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-05 20:41:59

At 1/5/10 07:30 PM, SpiffyMasta wrote: Anybody else watch wrestling back then? I don't know if most of you are even old enough lol.

Brother I remember when Taker used to wear the black and grey, and wrestlers always called each other brother, brother!

Yeah, those were indeed good times, it's a shame WWE has done nothing to reclaim it, but considering the preliminary numbers for TNA, if they can hang onto that audience, we might have some competition again. TNA out performed all the expectations people had for that number going in. Hogan still draws I guess.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-06 00:09:30

It will be interesting to see how each show did against each other.

Raw was good. I really enjoyed the Bret Hart segments. Damn it was good to see him again. Him hugging Shawn was one of the last things I thought I would see. It was good that they brought a sense of closure to their past. Course that didn't happen with Vince as he sets up what will undoubtably be a WM match.

One thing that I felt was lacking was the amount of matches thay had and the quality of those they did. I can understand that they had to vacate the diva title, but couldn't they have waited for that crap match to give room to something that could compete with TNA? The fatal four way was decent enough and it was good to see MVP get a win and the tag title match was solid. I too must be sick in the head since I thought Jericho kicking Hornswaggle in the head was awesome.

Orton vs. Kofi was great but the wrong guy won. Kofi should have been the guy to get the rub since that could have gotten the Legacy split underway.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-06 01:36:51

At 1/5/10 08:41 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
Brother I remember when Taker used to wear the black and grey, and wrestlers always called each other brother, brother!

I remember, I had watched Taker put Mankind through the roof of the steel cage and didn't he also go through and break the ring? Also taking him out on the announcer table, that was classic.

Yeah, those were indeed good times, it's a shame WWE has done nothing to reclaim it, but considering the preliminary numbers for TNA, if they can hang onto that audience, we might have some competition again. TNA out performed all the expectations people had for that number going in. Hogan still draws I guess.

I've been reading up on the TNA, I like the idea of having the classic wrestlers (at least the ones I used to watch) in this new wrestling organization. People always like the underdogs I think, and I really don't like how big the WWE has gotten. They stopped trying to bring quality, and seem to be more aimed at pushing their stuff onto people.

I might be wrong, but that's just my opinion I guess.


Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-06 02:25:39

At 1/5/10 07:30 PM, SpiffyMasta wrote: Anybody else watch wrestling back then? I don't know if most of you are even old enough lol.

I started watching wrestling during 97 , when the attitude era started , stopped watching sometime in 2003.

My little brother watches wrestling(wwe) all the time and told me about how tna has hulk hogan now and how tna wants to start war with raw.

Is this actually true? it's been a while since I watched wrestling and this sounds interesting.


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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-06 06:51:18

This is Assi9. After another Newgrounder in another crew made a new account, I got inspired to trash my old one (which I wanted to do before, but didn't figure out what I had to do to start a new one). So here I am, back to Square One & a plunger. :P

One thing I forgot to mention last post: Did anyone else notice Jericho BLATANTLY mocking Hulk Hogan at one point in the match?

At 1/5/10 01:03 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: also I'm really like The Miz's new theme.. I had a feeling that they'd change it soon..

At least it's better than his old one...

At 1/5/10 01:06 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 1/5/10 01:03 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: never really cared for x-pac like edge once said "1998 called, and they're sick and tired of you"
Yeah, that does nothing for me as well. X-Pac is such like that cartoon with the two dogs...the Looney Tunes one? Where you have the big rough dog, and there's that little yappy one following him talking him up? That's what X-Pac is, the little yappy dog who gets rub off his more famous friends. The problem is at least the yappy dog seemed to realize he was second fiddle, I think Pac actually thinks he's a "star" all by himself. Despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

I kinda' feel a little sorry for the guy, actually, after hearing a bit about his getting the "Cena Treatment" (horrible booking & angles to the point where the fans hate him instead of the writers). Or am I wrong on that?

The Sheamus/Bourne segment was kind of a middle finger to everyone who was watching.. here I was seeing Bourne actually cut a promo against the WWE champ and actually get a #1 contenders match, thinking that theres a chance he could be getting pushed.. ah well.. silly me for acting like a mark..
Bourne isn't getting pushed...like, ever. I have heard this from people who'd know who spoke to people who'd know. Enjoy Bourne for what he is, but abandon all hope for him to ever be more.

Why the fuck isn't he? He has more than enough talent, and the fans seem to be behind him, so what's the problem?

At 1/5/10 07:14 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I heard the Dynasty was there, but mostly just because Bret knew no one in the the RAW locker room. So it was done to give him a comfort zone and people he trusted around him.

That, and them suddenly turning face would seem weird, hence why they weren't actually on-air.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-06 14:24:43

At 1/6/10 01:36 AM, SpiffyMasta wrote: I remember, I had watched Taker put Mankind through the roof of the steel cage and didn't he also go through and break the ring? Also taking him out on the announcer table, that was classic.

Nope, he went through the ring in a planned spot in his "retirement" cell match with Triple H. In the Taker one the spot your referring to occurred after he had been thrown off the top. As Foley put it he thought he'd be ok to start on top of the cage because Taker and Michael's original Cell seemed to have been spectacularly reinforced and he figured this one would be too, but early on it seemed to be breaking. Apparently what happened is either Taker and he figured it was just the one part, or adrenaline and lack of memory took over as when Taker choke slammed him he did it right on the part that had broken earlier. Foley also had a chair riding down with him and the chair smacked him in the mouth when he landed knocking out 1 and a half teeth. WWE was transitioning to a "softer" ring at this point in time, but WWE for some reason used the harder ring with this match that had basically no give. So as Foley described it, it was like falling fifteen feet and slamming into a brick wall when you got to the bottom, making the the spot that really hurt him worse then the more spectacular opening spot.

I've been reading up on the TNA, I like the idea of having the classic wrestlers (at least the ones I used to watch) in this new wrestling organization. People always like the underdogs I think, and I really don't like how big the WWE has gotten. They stopped trying to bring quality, and seem to be more aimed at pushing their stuff onto people.

Vince is on the record as saying he knows what the people want better then they do. Certainly they've been coasting and I think Vince has convinced himself that his idea of wrestling is the "correct" one since he outlasted everyone he competed with. I think TNA has tremendous potential but my fear is that based on the past histories of the people in charge over there now...well, it doesn't look great, and certainly there were some "bad Nitro" moments monday. But they did something like a 1.9 which is easily TNA's best rating ever. So if they can keep that audience, it could be the start of something.

I might be wrong, but that's just my opinion I guess.


You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-06 14:50:38

At 1/6/10 02:24 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Nope, he went through the ring in a planned spot in his "retirement" cell match with Triple H.

Ah yes, that's right, now I recall, reversed the pile driver through the cage, through the ring. You have really good memory.

So as Foley described it, it was like falling fifteen feet and slamming into a brick wall when you got to the bottom, making the the spot that really hurt him worse then the more spectacular opening spot.

Yea, Foley definitely had a knack for putting his body through a lot of pain, especially that match. Not only did he fall through the cell on that one, but he also got thrown off the top into the table. I think that's also the one where he got slammed into some tacks, although I'm sure at that point, he couldn't be feeling much of anything.

Vince is on the record as saying he knows what the people want better then they do. Certainly they've been coasting and I think Vince has convinced himself that his idea of wrestling is the "correct" one since he outlasted everyone he competed with.

If it ain't broke don't fix it, right? Vince is pretty cocky, although I don't know how much that's the actual him, or the "actor" Vince.

I agree with you though that they've been coasting, and that's sort of what happens when there's a monopoly in place. Even if TNA doesn't take over, I think it might force the WWE to up it's quality a bit.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-06 14:54:23

I just got smackdown vs raw 2009 for my psp!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-07 00:59:13

At 1/6/10 02:50 PM, SpiffyMasta wrote: Ah yes, that's right, now I recall, reversed the pile driver through the cage, through the ring. You have really good memory.

It helped that I watched WWE's Hell in a Cell dvd a week or so back :)

Yea, Foley definitely had a knack for putting his body through a lot of pain, especially that match. Not only did he fall through the cell on that one, but he also got thrown off the top into the table. I think that's also the one where he got slammed into some tacks, although I'm sure at that point, he couldn't be feeling much of anything.

Yeah, he did, and he was still feeling it but he had a pretty severe concussion on top of a seperated shoulder and some cracked ribs. Even after the match with tacks sticking in him he was not aware he had even USED the tacks. There's a message he left on Barry Blaustein's answering machine that made it into Beyond The Mat right after the match that was truly disturbing to listen to as Foley is rambling and incoherent.

If it ain't broke don't fix it, right? Vince is pretty cocky, although I don't know how much that's the actual him, or the "actor" Vince.

The man himself has admitted "Mr. McMahon" the character isn't too far removed from reality. Certainly though the product is broken since they couldn't even do a 4 for Bret Hart. Fans don't care about what WWE gives them these days and that is a huge huge issue. If Vince isn't willing to go forward, he needs to step aside.

I agree with you though that they've been coasting, and that's sort of what happens when there's a monopoly in place. Even if TNA doesn't take over, I think it might force the WWE to up it's quality a bit.

That's what we're all hoping for. It's not good for the business to only have one place to really ply your trade. It breeds stagnation and a lack of opportunity, a strong TNA that can at least be a solid number 2 is good for business, and good for fans.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-07 01:53:12

Still haven't watched TNA yet.......sorry.

At 1/6/10 02:24 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 1/6/10 01:36 AM, SpiffyMasta wrote: I've been reading up on the TNA, I like the idea of having the classic wrestlers (at least the ones I used to watch) in this new wrestling organization. People always like the underdogs I think, and I really don't like how big the WWE has gotten. They stopped trying to bring quality, and seem to be more aimed at pushing their stuff onto people.
Vince is on the record as saying he knows what the people want better then they do. Certainly they've been coasting and I think Vince has convinced himself that his idea of wrestling is the "correct" one since he outlasted everyone he competed with. I think TNA has tremendous potential but my fear is that based on the past histories of the people in charge over there now...well, it doesn't look great, and certainly there were some "bad Nitro" moments monday. But they did something like a 1.9 which is easily TNA's best rating ever. So if they can keep that audience, it could be the start of something.

Isn't a 1.9 still pretty fucking low for ANY show? o_O Geez, I figured they'd be at least with a 2.something.

.......Wait, RAW didn't even hit a 4 this week, either!? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS SHIT!?

At 1/6/10 02:50 PM, SpiffyMasta wrote: If it ain't broke don't fix it, right? Vince is pretty cocky, although I don't know how much that's the actual him, or the "actor" Vince.

Thing is, it IS somewhat broke; Vince is just really, really fucking ignorant.

At 1/7/10 12:59 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 1/6/10 02:50 PM, SpiffyMasta wrote: I agree with you though that they've been coasting, and that's sort of what happens when there's a monopoly in place. Even if TNA doesn't take over, I think it might force the WWE to up it's quality a bit.
That's what we're all hoping for. It's not good for the business to only have one place to really ply your trade. It breeds stagnation and a lack of opportunity, a strong TNA that can at least be a solid number 2 is good for business, and good for fans.

With Russo still writing, though, that could be REALLY difficult for TNA to do.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-07 13:26:55

At 1/7/10 01:53 AM, Swackman wrote: Isn't a 1.9 still pretty fucking low for ANY show? o_O Geez, I figured they'd be at least with a 2.something.

It came out to a 1.5 in the end. It's actually pretty good for non-wrestling programming, UFC is a PPV juggernaut but it's ratings for Unleashed tend to be in the low 1's. A 1 or 1.anything on cable is actually good. People are just used to looking at wrestling ratings for things like RAW, which hasn't been below a 3 in years. That's the kind of rating that makes RAW number 1 on cable.

Also consider most people predicted TNA might not even break a 1 on Monday and the company is ecstatic with that rating. You have to remember for a lot of people Monday was probably the first time they watched TNA. There's room to grow here but the ratings going forward are going to be interesting and tell the real story.

.......Wait, RAW didn't even hit a 4 this week, either!? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS SHIT!?

I think people have just been burned by the business so much and there's really no buzz. Look, when the Monday Night Wars started you weren't setting records and burning the house down immediately. Nitro and RAW didn't get hot until Bischoff brought in the NWO, and then Vince countered with Austin and Attitude post Montreal.

I guess people seeing the end of a 12 year old issue wasn't really a draw for them.

That's what we're all hoping for. It's not good for the business to only have one place to really ply your trade. It breeds stagnation and a lack of opportunity, a strong TNA that can at least be a solid number 2 is good for business, and good for fans.
With Russo still writing, though, that could be REALLY difficult for TNA to do.

Yeah, and Hogan and Bischoff do NOT have a great track record with truly turning companies around and making them healthy long term. You have to hope the lesson was learned, but already he's getting cronies like the Nasty Boys in there for angles with established veterans. We'll see, I think we all want to see a winner, but it's way too soon to tell anything. You can only hope going forward TNA will make whatever changes they need to, and everybody is ready to turn this company into a winner.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-07 23:41:12

Still, competiton is good for wrestling in general. It forces them to try and one up each other and adds motivation to be creative in their writing and matches.

I didn't watch TNA but if they can come up with something I'd be interested in, I'd be willing to give it another try. I attempted getting into watching TNA a while back but just couldn't connect. Though I did end up getting a couple DVD's that had some stuff I did like, fofr example the Best of Raven and the best of the X division #1.

I wonder if there will be any suprise entries for the Rumble this year? Thats always a fun thing to try and guess who will come out next.

I really hope Edge is well by WM. A match between him and Jericho would kick ass.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-08 11:36:42

At 1/7/10 11:41 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: I wonder if there will be any suprise entries for the Rumble this year? Thats always a fun thing to try and guess who will come out next.

Yeah I always love surprise entrants.. last year was RVD and that honestly surprised the crap outta me. Cena's was quite shocking too considering that he wasn't supposed to be "cleared to wrestle" at the time.

But then there's surprise entrants that no one's interested in.. like that year Tatanka came back.. seriously, did anyone actually care about that?..

There were rumors about Booker T being a surprise entrant but he has since denied that.. Also sources are speculating that RVD could make another surprise appearance at RR
hey, if he didn't end up doing TNA's gig then it could be possible.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-08 12:08:27

The folks who run wrestlecrap have opened the polls to vote on the worst angle/gimick of 2009. The Gooker Award as they call it. I voted for Chavo/Hornswaggle. You can visit their site and participate in the voting here.

I hope Jericho can have a fresh start tonight now that he can focus on just SD. I would imagine he would start to bash Edge more to keep the groundwork for that fued going.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-09 02:42:48

Another week and still no number 1 contender...I smell a three way match...honestly I could care less about these guys challenging Taker and SD!'s main event picture is sadly beginning to resemble RAW's as it's the same three people on top all the time. At least unlike RAW there's things on the undercard happening I like and am interested in, but the top mix could do with some freshening up and hopefully we'll be getting that soon.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-09 10:28:08

PWInsider.com is reporting that WWE has released former ECW star Steve "DJ Gabriel" Lewington. Gabriel debuted on the ECW brand and worked a short stint with Alicia Fox until he was sent back down to developmental.

Meh. Never really cared for the guy.

The Wrestling Observer is reporting that Ricky Steamboat Jr, son of Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, recently signed a developmental deal with WWE and has reported to FCW. Steamboat has been wrestling around the world for over a year in hopes of getting signed by WWE. He will begin working FCW events shortly.

Very cool. I'd be interested to see how good he is.

As far as the SD main event, I'm sure it will be getting a change soon. Once Taker drops the belt I think there will be some new guys going after the title and hopefully another shot at the top for guys like CM Punk and Jericho.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-10 00:34:47

At 1/9/10 10:28 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: PWInsider.com is reporting that WWE has released former ECW star Steve "DJ Gabriel" Lewington. Gabriel debuted on the ECW brand and worked a short stint with Alicia Fox until he was sent back down to developmental.

Meh. Never really cared for the guy.

To me he was a case of you give him a character guaranteed to fail and not get over, and then you wonder why it doesn't get over and then bust him down and let him go. I'm not saying the guy was going to be anything truly and totally special but you know? Maybe he would have been. I don't feel like we got enough time to truly make a determination there, it's yet another example of how ineffective the WWE system is.

The Wrestling Observer is reporting that Ricky Steamboat Jr, son of Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, recently signed a developmental deal with WWE and has reported to FCW. Steamboat has been wrestling around the world for over a year in hopes of getting signed by WWE. He will begin working FCW events shortly.

Very cool. I'd be interested to see how good he is.

From what I understand it was a situation where he probably could have been brought in awhile back but The Dragon decided to hold off and have him trained by Harley Race and get experience in Japan and all over so that when he got the WWE call he'd be ready. Ricky senior isn't an idiot, he knows if his son really wanted to succeed he needs to get a fundamental base away from WWE and then come in and learn "their way"

As far as the SD main event, I'm sure it will be getting a change soon. Once Taker drops the belt I think there will be some new guys going after the title and hopefully another shot at the top for guys like CM Punk and Jericho.

You pretty much have to because look at your three top guys here:

Undertaker: Busted hip, lots of talk swirling months back retirement could be imminent, as soon as Mania, or maybe till Edge gets back, or maybe he's learned to live with it. If he doesn't retire, he'll probably need time off again after Mania.

Rey Mysterio: Knees are shot AGAIN, he's only working through Mania for the pay day and then he'll be back out for surgery.

Batista: Only a matter of time before the "annual injury" nails Big Dave and puts him on the shelf again. How long can he honestly keep going as brittle as he seems to be?

You have three guys, two hurt, and one who gets hurt all the time, and unless they introduce some sort of major swerve before Mania these are your main level guys heading into the biggest show of the year. It's just not good to me and it screams out that WWE absolutely should be using this years show to try to bring at least one new talent up to the main event level on SD!. Hopefully RAW will keep Shamus in that position for the big one, but I doubt it.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-11 10:38:28

reports are saying that Edge could be switched to RAW upon his return..
I really hope that doesn't happen, I never saw him as a good fit on RAW.. he suites Smackdown waaay better..

also Smackdown need him more than RAW does..

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-11 11:04:16

At 1/11/10 10:38 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: reports are saying that Edge could be switched to RAW upon his return..
I really hope that doesn't happen, I never saw him as a good fit on RAW.. he suites Smackdown waaay better..

also Smackdown need him more than RAW does..

I dunno, if he's going to be in the Main Event, then that probably means feuding with Undertaker again. Really, it depends where Jericho will be when Edge gets back, but I wouldn't mind Edge on Raw. It would be different.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-11 12:00:52

At 1/11/10 11:04 AM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote:
At 1/11/10 10:38 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: reports are saying that Edge could be switched to RAW upon his return..
I really hope that doesn't happen, I never saw him as a good fit on RAW.. he suites Smackdown waaay better..

also Smackdown need him more than RAW does..

Yeah I agree. SD was his show and he did really well on it. While it is true he could work some good programs with HHH and HBK, his fued with Cena was so long and drawn out that it would be inevitable to have them face off again, and Edge always seemed to get the short end of the stick in that fued.

I dunno, if he's going to be in the Main Event, then that probably means feuding with Undertaker again. Really, it depends where Jericho will be when Edge gets back, but I wouldn't mind Edge on Raw. It would be different.

I would take Edge/Taker over Edge/cena any day. Plus Jericho is on SD which is the ready made fued for his return. I think there is plenty for him to do on SD still, since he could have a face run to deal with his ex viki since she is in power again. The cool thing about Edge is that while he's an awesome heel, his face persona isn't bad either.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-11 21:20:51

I agree Edge should stay on SD! as there's still so much he can do there now with the changed landscape since he left. There's the Jericho feud, there's the interaction with Vickie he could have, there's also a program he could wind up working with CM Punk as there's history there that's never been truly explored. If you send him to RAW he'd most likely have programs with guys he's already had programs with and he wouldn't stand out the way he has on SD!

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-11 23:24:44

Raw was ok tonight. There were things that I liked and a few things I didn't. Sooo lets start off with some positives:

For the most part the matches were good. I liked the triple threat and was glad it wasn't Cena. However I really didn't want Kofi to get pinned as this really kills the momentum he had going. The Santino/Swagger bit was amusing, though it shows what WWE thinks of Swagger right now. One of the best parts of the show I feel was the Miz/MVP segment. Miz had one hell of a promo going and MVP reminded us that he can be a badass. Really great work by those two and it makes me look forward to their match.

Cons: I saw the ending two miles away. As soon as the match was announced I knew that would happen. Why must Katie Lee suffer so? Where is Paul? I really don't like the continued burial of Bourne. Send him back to ECW where he at least won a match from time to time. I am starting to get tired of the guest host thing but at least they are trying to get people of note.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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