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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-23 07:45:34

Lesnar's attitude, at least in UFC is all part of his plan to help sell tickets. Let's be honest, he worked for Vince McMahon, so he learned that people will pay to see him either win or get his ass kicked as long as he runs his mouth. Truth be told, the only guy I can see beating Lesnar isn't even with UFC, and that would be Mr.Fedor (Simply put the best Heavyweight in MMA) who's currently with Strikeforce.

I find the whole Mickie/McCool (And Layla) feud to be hilarious! Mostly because one of the ladies that's talking about Mickie's body looks like f'n SKELETOR!! Seriously, its a stupid feud, yet its the first time in a long time that a Women's title match has actually had some build-up around it.

With each passing week, I'm digging Batista's heel turn more and more. His new entrance with him pointing at himself (And then having the spotlight put on him) is just awesome, and he's actually looked better in the ring as of late.

The only good match on the show (And the only one that got some time) was Truth/Morrison v McIntyre/Jericho. Not a fan of Jericho getting pinned, but it protects McIntyre as heads into his title match with Morrison next week.

Rey v Taker at the Rumble will more than likely be a good match.. Still, I didn't care much for the promo between the two.

And last but not least, CM Jesu... Punk continues to be far and away the best thing on WWE TV. Everything from his promo, to his creepy facial expressions was great, and Serena did a great job of acting like someone who legitimately wanted to be "saved" (By the way, she's a damn good wrestler, and she a nice rack to boot, so she'll make a nice addition to the women's roster). I also dug Striker's line when he said that Punk had finally found his Mary Magdalane.

I'm hoping this all leads to some sort of gimmick match at WM where if Punk loses he gets his head shaved. If Rey is doing nothing, maybe do a Mask v Hair match. It gives both guys something to do, and it gives us a match with the potential to be great at Wrestlemania.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-23 09:59:48

At 1/22/10 11:31 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: but I do have a DVD from highspots chronicling the Jerry Lawler vs. Andy Kaufman feud. Highly recommended...and if you don't know what I'm talking about, well, get yo ass to the wikipedia and learn somethin.

i've been looking into that.
All i've seen is the segment on the letterman show.. also i watched Man on the Moon, it's not the same but it still shows details on the whole feud..

I watched smackdown.. it was pretty good
the whole CM Punk segment was ok.. but they did a bad job on making the woman jumping the guard rail look real.. i hate it when they do that.. try to make it look a bit real, like in 05 when hardy (who was "not with wwe at the time") did it and attacked edge.. but still, glad to see her being put into the stable.. dont know much about her, but i hear she's actually a wrestler and not just a model looking for work like 90% of the divas in WWE atm..

apparently Dolph Ziggler was in a match again Jimmy Wang Yang but it was cut from the show due to time constraints.. anyways Ziggler won with the sleeper hold.. dunno if i like this whole thing with Ziggler having the sleeper hold as his new finisher... he was a fine enough wrestler without it... well anyways i really hope he resurfaces and goes after the IC title again.. i've been behind him ever since the "handshaking gimmick".. he's good talent, really shouldn't go to waste

looks like the plans for the Haas and Knox tag team are back on track.. Haas has even grown a mini beard to fit the team.. though he looks weird with no hair..

That Lay-cool/Mickie and Maria segment was actually pretty good.. i got into that.. but Beth Phoenix's role is really starting to confuse me.. is she gonna turn babyface or is she gonna remain heel.. even though she helped team Lay-cool she still struggled at first for which team to help.. Also i'm really getting tired of the whole "piggie james" act.. McCool and Layla remind of the 2 girls who have to use the exact same insult everytime they tease someone.. literally the same insult.. LULZ SHE'S FAT!! SHE LOVES FOOD LOLOLOL!!!11.. seriously come up with some original ideas!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-23 15:10:06

At 1/23/10 07:45 AM, soulpower wrote: Lesnar's attitude, at least in UFC is all part of his plan to help sell tickets. Let's be honest, he worked for Vince McMahon, so he learned that people will pay to see him either win or get his ass kicked as long as he runs his mouth. Truth be told, the only guy I can see beating Lesnar isn't even with UFC, and that would be Mr.Fedor (Simply put the best Heavyweight in MMA) who's currently with Strikeforce.

I personally felt Lesnar looks pretty much like he plays it safe as sin in there after the Mir loss. He's not that interesting as a fighter so yeah, I get he runs his mouth to try and sell tickets but I do think it's also part of his personality given that whenever Brock isn't the "chosen one" at whatever he does he gets cranky and/or bails on it. I'm hoping somebody takes the title away from him sooner rather then later, I'm still scratching my head over why he got that shot in the first place. Hopefully his next opponent will knock him off.

I find the whole Mickie/McCool (And Layla) feud to be hilarious! Mostly because one of the ladies that's talking about Mickie's body looks like f'n SKELETOR!! Seriously, its a stupid feud, yet its the first time in a long time that a Women's title match has actually had some build-up around it.

That's a good point, but it's also a retarded build. The point is to sell tickets and PPV's, and make titles important...in this case I don't see where it's really selling tickets, and it's certainly not really about the title, I mean, Michelle didn't even bring the belt along with her when she came out last night that I saw.

With each passing week, I'm digging Batista's heel turn more and more. His new entrance with him pointing at himself (And then having the spotlight put on him) is just awesome, and he's actually looked better in the ring as of late.

Yeah, this has been a nice freshening up for him. But it looks more and more like Batista is looking to life after wrestling, so I have to wonder how much longer WWE will get the use of him and how much they can really do with him.

The only good match on the show (And the only one that got some time) was Truth/Morrison v McIntyre/Jericho. Not a fan of Jericho getting pinned, but it protects McIntyre as heads into his title match with Morrison next week.

Jericho doesn't really get hurt by losses since he can just run his mouth and get the heat back. McIntyre is still pretty new so I completely understand WWE wanting and needing to make him look strong when he's in there.

Rey v Taker at the Rumble will more than likely be a good match.. Still, I didn't care much for the promo between the two.

I have to wonder how well it'll come off since both of them are hurt at the moment. I'm hoping it can at least be good, but I wouldn't really expect fireworks here.

And last but not least, CM Jesu... Punk continues to be far and away the best thing on WWE TV. Everything from his promo, to his creepy facial expressions was great, and Serena did a great job of acting like someone who legitimately wanted to be "saved" (By the way, she's a damn good wrestler, and she a nice rack to boot, so she'll make a nice addition to the women's roster). I also dug Striker's line when he said that Punk had finally found his Mary Magdalane.

Yeah, she really is a great looking girl, I saw her come out and I was like "hey, can we make the head shaving bit something only the guys have to do? Pretty Please?" I thought just as a character so far she looks like she'll be an asset. If she can work besides much more the better.

I'm hoping this all leads to some sort of gimmick match at WM where if Punk loses he gets his head shaved. If Rey is doing nothing, maybe do a Mask v Hair match. It gives both guys something to do, and it gives us a match with the potential to be great at Wrestlemania.

I heard at one point that match was actually something they were moving towards but to be honest I'm not sure at this point...I'd imagine the Rumble match would start whatever program he'd enter into and then it would be further heated by the Elimination Chamber. I almost wonder if we might wind up with that tag title match on Mania even. With all the speculation about Taker's hip, it could be they set this up as sort of a "back up" idea for DX.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-24 00:58:54

Cheech and Chong are hosting RAW in a couple of months

I'm a huge fan of their stuff.. but since WWE has gone PG it's really gonna take alot fun outta there appearance.. coz let's face it, Cheech and Chong are known for one thing and one thing only.. if i have to remind you what it is.. get out of the rock your hiding under first then i'll tell you..

i just hope they don't do something cheesy like they did with Snoop Dogg.. boy, that was brutal..

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-24 10:02:30

The WWE has a list of those who are confirmed to be in the Rumble match. obviously things can change to add suprises and all 30 are not listed anyway. You can look at it here.

They also added a title match between Miki James and McCool. That will probably be the last match they include to give the rumble match as well as the other title matches some time.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-24 14:30:38

At 1/22/10 11:31 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 1/22/10 10:48 PM, Swackman wrote: This is all if we're talking about the same Bubba.
Bubba the Love Sponge. Hulk Hogan's pet sycophant who has no business anywhere near professional wrestling. I think his comments about Haiti were stupid, especially when you consider he had no reason to say them and he knew TNA was donating to that charity. Bubba can feel however he wants to feel, but as long as he draws a paycheck from TNA he should refrain from making those kinds of comments I believe. There's riling people up and then there's just being a dick. I think this fell into the category of just being a dick. But at the same token it doesn't give Kong, or anyone the right to take their displeasure in his words out on him in a physical manner in the TNA locker room.

Uh-oh........what did he say, exactly?

As far as what my boy Punk is doing. Tonight is the start of phase 2 of The Straight Edge Society I'm told. Punk is indeed getting a stable or group together, that woman will be appearing as part of his entourage from here on out and this is absolutely a calculated plan by WWE to help start building Punk back up as a heel. Smackdown! got pre-empted for me so I've been unable to watch the show yet...

Should've known it wasn't a one-shot situation......it'd be even CREEPIER if it was.

but I do have a DVD from highspots chronicling the Jerry Lawler vs. Andy Kaufman feud. Highly recommended...and if you don't know what I'm talking about, well, get yo ass to the wikipedia and learn somethin.

I know of it, but I haven't actually seen it yet.

At 1/23/10 03:19 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 1/23/10 01:38 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Since Avie hasn't seen SD yet I won't go into details... So I'll just vent on something I really hate that they are doing right now. Enough with the "Piggy James" thing. Having this kind of storyline is just plain stupid and low. Mikie is far from what any sane individual would call fat. Screw you WWE for pushing body shame. Yeah the heels are doing it and they will eventually get what's coming to them but it still sucks.
Yeah I've really disliked this from the start since even the move to Smackdown! was meant to send Mickie a message about not being perfect and up to the "WWE standard" which honestly they should change anyway if they continue to expect these girls to wrestle. These girls cannot be these perfect little china dolls and then be athletes besides...this is why you see people like Melina having all these injuries because these smaller girls just ain't built for friggin bumping.

Well, her own comments that night were in full agreement with you.........so why would Creative let her say that if that's their plan (except to maybe cover their own asses)?

At 1/23/10 07:45 AM, soulpower wrote: I find the whole Mickie/McCool (And Layla) feud to be hilarious! Mostly because one of the ladies that's talking about Mickie's body looks like f'n SKELETOR!!

While I wouldn't exactly go THAT far, I've been waiting for Maria (Mickie doesn't seem the type) to make a comment along those lines. Michelle's's a tad on the skinny side.....again, not at the level you're implying, but yeah.

(And pray that Taker never finds you were talking about his woman that way..........or you will REST........IN............PEEEEEEEEACE!!

Seriously, its a stupid feud, yet its the first time in a long time that a Women's title match has actually had some build-up around it.

Rare, isn't it?

With each passing week, I'm digging Batista's heel turn more and more. His new entrance with him pointing at himself (And then having the spotlight put on him) is just awesome, and he's actually looked better in the ring as of late.

More aggressive, at least.

And last but not least, CM Jesu... Punk continues to be far and away the best thing on WWE TV. Everything from his promo, to his creepy facial expressions was great, and Serena did a great job of acting like someone who legitimately wanted to be "saved" (By the way, she's a damn good wrestler, and she a nice rack to boot, so she'll make a nice addition to the women's roster). I also dug Striker's line when he said that Punk had finally found his Mary Magdalane.

Also should've guessed she was a wrestler. And agreed, nice rack. :P

At 1/23/10 09:59 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: looks like the plans for the Haas and Knox tag team are back on track.. Haas has even grown a mini beard to fit the team.. though he looks weird with no hair..

Poor Haas can't get anywhere w/o ending up in a Tag Team, can he? :(

At 1/23/10 03:10 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I have to wonder how well it'll come off since both of them are hurt at the moment. I'm hoping it can at least be good, but I wouldn't really expect fireworks here.
Yeah, she really is a great looking girl, I saw her come out and I was like "hey, can we make the head shaving bit something only the guys have to do? Pretty Please?"

I think we ALL were thinking that. But, alas, out come the clippers.....

At 1/24/10 12:58 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: Cheech and Chong are hosting RAW in a couple of months


I'm a huge fan of their stuff.. but since WWE has gone PG it's really gonna take alot fun outta there appearance.. coz let's face it, Cheech and Chong are known for one thing and one thing only.. if i have to remind you what it is.. get out of the rock your hiding under first then i'll tell you..

Yeah, that is a BIG problem.... >_<

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-24 19:10:56

At 1/22/10 11:31 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Punk is indeed getting a stable or group together,

oh noez teh wlord iz goin to endz

that woman will be appearing as part of his entourage from here on out

*wolf whistle*
I kind of want to see something heppen between those two, just to know that Lita will make him suffer in real life. I know. I'm sick and twisted.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-26 10:49:34

James Roday missed Raw due to an appendectomy he had over the weekend. Speaking from experience, that is something that really takes a lot out of you.

I didn't see Raw due to my work changing my hours on me at the last minute. They also put me on for tonight and Friday so I'm going to miss it all week. Oh well, I'm still going to the PPV.

I did read the results though. DX made it clear that it was every man for himself in the Rumble and there was some tension. I'm glad they have this as it makes perfect sense. It kinda sucks that they had MVP lose to Big Show so quick, but with Miz losing too that keeps them on a somewhat equal playing field.

It's tough to judge the quality of the show by reading the results. How was it?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-26 19:02:54

At 1/26/10 10:49 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:
It's tough to judge the quality of the show by reading the results. How was it?

There has been worse. I think that Cena vs Sheamus was the best part of the show. Dule was an okay host as well. I didn't really understand Carlito's segment of the show. Or I should say, I don't really understand what WWE is doing with Carlito right now.

I am actually excited for William Shatner to host next week. He has just the right personality to do pretty much anything.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-26 19:45:29

At 1/26/10 07:02 PM, boloneyman wrote: I am actually excited for William Shatner to host next week. He has just the right personality to do pretty much anything.

There's very little that Shatner can't get away with. :P

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-26 20:36:53

That finish last night was TERRIBLE!

Orton v Sheamus are both in the ring, and despite them being the WWE Champion and the Number One Contender, the show ends with JOHN CENA standing over both of them.

Way to sell that title match, Vince!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-27 01:36:59

But John Cena is the most important thing in the company!

He'll probably wind up winning the Rumble and beating Sheamus at Mania, or winning the RAW chamber and beating Shaemus at Mania (if it's used for a Number 1 contenders match.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-27 13:41:51

There is two ways they can handle the HBK/Taker situation. The first is the obvious bit where HBK wins the Rumble. I think this is the least effective method since their match and rivalry would overshadow the title since it would be all about the winning streak. The second option is to have HBK cost Taker the title sometime after the Rumble and cause enough damage to let Taker be off TV to rest up and get ready for WM. This is the best way I think they could handle it.

I really hope Cena isn't the Rumble winner...

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-27 16:12:00

At 1/27/10 01:41 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: There is two ways they can handle the HBK/Taker situation. The first is the obvious bit where HBK wins the Rumble. I think this is the least effective method since their match and rivalry would overshadow the title since it would be all about the winning streak. The second option is to have HBK cost Taker the title sometime after the Rumble and cause enough damage to let Taker be off TV to rest up and get ready for WM. This is the best way I think they could handle it.

Taker is hurting bad still. It's a possibility his hip might not make it. So to me WWE has to make sure Shawn doesn't win the Rumble, and Taker isn't champion by Mania just to protect themselves. I think the smart thing to do is have DX wind up costing each other the match with some kind of miscue, or based on the "every man for himself" gimmick so they have that in their back pocket for Mania if need be, or they can use it later on. I like the idea of HBK costing Taker the title, or I think it might not even be a bad idea to incorporate Taker and Michaels into the Bret Hart Vince McMahon situation. Either with them as tag partners for the other two (Taker is actually the one who told Vince he needed to go to Bret's locker room after the screw job and apologize, and Vince consequently got socked. Even though it was Vince's refusal to leave that did it, it would fit with the Mr. McMahon character to try and blame Taker and make it his fault). The tag titles also need to come off DX and I really hope WWE is willing to get them on TSES (The Straight Edge Society) as the easiest way to really elevate Punk is to let him get on all the shows and terrorize every team that they come across.

It's going to be interesting to see where things go, but I hope Shawn and Taker can tangle again, especially if this ends up being the last ride for the Undertaker, I'd like him to be able to go out with a strong last match, and certainly Michaels can give that to him.

I really hope Cena isn't the Rumble winner...

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-28 12:06:53

TMZ.com is reporting that WWE stars Chris Jericho and Gregory "The Hurricane" Helms were arrested yesterday morning at around 5am at a gas station in Kentucky for "alcohol intoxication in a public place." The report notes that both wrestlers were released on $120 bond.

Well...thats not good. Maybe they need to be saved by the Straight Edge Society.. lol.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-28 21:23:35

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-28 23:36:11

So does Helms.

I don't think Jericho will suffer too much from this, but I think Helms might be in trouble. He is the one that has been accused of hitting a woman, and even though he hasn't yet been charged with anything the WWE might punish and or fire him for it. Bad publicity and all that isn't good for the company.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-29 10:23:45

By the way, word going around is that their bail was posted by Christian and.. CM PUNK!

For some reason, I have this in my head of Punk lecturing Jericho and Helms in the car while both of them hold their heads in shame.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-29 11:19:05

The 2009 Gooker award has been decided. Hornswaggle vs. Chavo was voted the worst of the worst for last year. You can read all about it here.

You just know that Helms and Jericho are probably going to hear something from WWE. I'm sure they can't be happy with this sort of thing. I do find it ironic that CM Punk was one of the guys who posted bail. I'm sure he was all like, "You know, if you didn't drink you wouldn't be in this situation."

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-29 20:45:49

At 1/29/10 10:23 AM, soulpower wrote: By the way, word going around is that their bail was posted by Christian and.. CM PUNK!

CM Punk. Of course. *sigh*

For some reason, I have this in my head of Punk lecturing Jericho and Helms in the car while both of them hold their heads in shame.

"If you would have been more straight edge and responisble, you guys wouldn't be in this situation! You owe me $20!! And if you were getting drunk in a private place, that's bad enough, but getting drunk in a PUBLIC PLACE!!!?!"
"Hey, Phil, not to interrupt but...you're about to drive into a truck."

Triple H is epic. I'm glad that CM Punk is straight, too. At least...I hope he's straight. Well, he did kiss what's-her-face on the cheek...but he hugged AND kissed Luke Gallows...but, he does have a girlfriend...but what if Lita isn't really a girl...? @_@ I'm gonna go sit on the top of a mountain and contemplate this...

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-30 00:46:49

Hey, Punk in real life hangs out with hardcore partyers all the time. He tells some awesome stories about stupid shit Low ki and Homicide did to Samoa Joe's house one night. Punk is the friend you need to be in really good with I think since because he's sober, he knows all the shit that happens on a bender night.

I enjoyed the opening match between the two. I'm glad Punk didn't do a clean job and the Straight Edgers got to whoomp on H a bit. I still firmly believe DX should drop the belts to them and I think the lateness of Michaels's run in can be used later to help throw fuel onto a DX break up.

The rest of SD! was pretty good and did a decent job of promoting the Rumble...please God let the Piggy James stupidness end sunday though...I'm well past disgusted with this storyline.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-30 07:18:27

Well it looks like Hurricane has been punished for his drunken actions
Him and Santino Marella have been removed from the rumble match. The reason for Marella is that he was possibly injured this past RAW when Swagger took him out..

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-30 07:30:30

watching TNA for the first time in ages..
man D-von sure is catching up to Bubba (sorry but i refuse to call them by their TNA names) weight wise.. but what from i hear they can still get the job done well so good on them.. always been a fan of the dudleys

also i've never had the opportunity to see Lacey Von Erich on tv until now


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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-30 08:36:52

Has there been any word on Edge's rehab? I'd like to see him in the Rumble as a surprise entrant.

Except for the Divas segment (SURPRISE!!) everything on SD was great.

Usually don't like the whole bait and switch thing, but we got two very good matches out of it, and now they can actually build towards a showdown between DX and the SES.

I liked the opening segment. We had the usual jokes by Hunter (Which weren't as bad as they usually are), and we had Shawn Michaels being an ass to Rey which is usually when Shawn is at his best on the mic.

I'll be honest, I expected Punk to get squashed by HHH. Instead, he went toe to toe with Hunter, didn't get pinned, and managed to get out the ring without gettng his ass kicked. Hell, I would say that Punk was actually protected with the DQ loss.. AGAINST HHH, no less! Could it be that someone has FINALLY realized that they have a great thing going with CM Punk?

Truth v Jericho was there to build the Rumble (And tie up a loose end from Superstars), and Jericho did what he usually does which is make his opponent look good. Don't mind Jericho taking the loss since he's been pretty treading water these past couple of weeks.

Batista's promo was decent, though his attire was atrocious. That is all.

McIntyre v Morrison was Drew's best match in his young career, and Morrison's best match in a while (Not to mention his pre-match promo was good too). The Hip-Toss into the steel steps was flat-out nasty, as was the finish with Drew hitting the Future Shock on the belt.

Dear, McRibs. EAT A F'N SANDWICH! Either that or go away.. In fact, do both!

Rey v Shawn was what you would expect. An awesome match between two of the best in-ring performers in the company. They brought back the Springboard to SCM spot from the Shelton/Shawn match a couple of years back, and once again, the finish made sense in the grand scheme of things. We got a great match, and build for the Rumble with the post-match happenings.

By the way, if HHH wins the Rumble.. I'm pulling a Snitsky and I'm punting a baby!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-30 09:08:17

At 1/30/10 08:36 AM, soulpower wrote: Dear, McRibs. EAT A F'N SANDWICH! Either that or go away.. In fact, do both!

I find it funny that Candice Michelle got released because of how injury prone she was, which was mostly thanks to the fact she was like skeletor and couldn't fall over without snapping something.

Never mind the fact that Mickie James looks great and always has. How obvious is it that WWE don't care about the female demographic? They're either going to be convincing girls that they should become bulimic so they be a pretty girl and not get made fun of, or just plain alienate all the girls that aren't anorexic. It'd be alot better for business if they presented respectable role models for girls to look up to.

By the way, if HHH wins the Rumble.. I'm pulling a Snitsky and I'm punting a baby!

I wouldn't mind if HHH was a heel. His face persona is so boring and unfunny, whereas his cerebral assassin evil heel persona is awesome. I know he doesn't want to turn because of merchandise and because people cheer him, but I really can't understand who would do either of those things. Who are the Triple H fans?

I mean, Trips makes references to the business that only people who are grown up and smart to the business, but all his jokes are about on the level of a 4 year old.

At the very least they should disband DX and give Trips some purpose other than babysitter to a 23 year old dwarf.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-30 09:21:33

Forgot to make my picks for the Royal Rumble (Picks in bold)

Mickie James vs Michelle McCool (For the Butterfly Title)

*Sigh* The logical choice is to go with Mickie James, but this is WWE so you can never be sure about what they're going to do. Mickie wins to FINALLY get some revenge and put an end to this horrible feud (Probably with some help from Beth). Michelle feuds with Beth, Mickie can feud with Serena.

Christian v Ezekiel Jackson (ECW Championship Match)

For some reason, I like big Zeke. I think he's pretty good on mic, and he's been slowly (but surely) improving in the ring as of late. With that said, I don't him getting title yet. Christian will retain the title and will continue to be the champ until the Elimination Chamber PPV, This frees up Christian to compete in (AND WIN!) the MITB match at Wrestlemania so he can FINALLY go to another show.

Sheamus vs Randy Orton (WWE Title Match)

Can Orton carry Sheamus to a good match? Of course, he can't! Orton sucks! Sheamus wins after some botched interference by Legacy, and we get the start of the build-up towards Ted v Orton at Mania.

The Undertaker vs Rey Mysterio (World Heavyweight Championship Match)

Rey's not winning. Besides, we all know who Taker is facing at Wrestlemania.. Or do we?

And now, time for my pick to win the Royal Rumble, as well as what I think will happen at Wrestlemania.

Most fans expect Shawn Michaels to face The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. I'm not expecting that. Shawn won't win the Rumble, neither will HHH (GASP!). Instead, one will eliminate the other to build up some more tension between the two. They'll drop the tag title to the SES and that will be the day that DX break-up (With Shawn actually turning heel!). HHH wins the WWE title at the Elimination Chamber PPV (Sorry, Sheamus.. You ain't main-eventing WM), and we get Shawn v HHH for the WWE Title at Wrestlemania.

Who will The Undertaker face? I'm still not saying.

IF Edge returns (Big if, thus the reason that IF is written in Caps), he won't win. He'll throw out Jericho and they will just brawl all the way to the back (Jericho v Edge would happen at Wrestlemania). Neither Miz nor MVP will win since they're feuding with one another, same goes for Drew and Morrison. Legacy won't win because.. Well, because its Rhodes and Dibiase! Besides, Ted is headed for a show-down with Orton at Mania.

Kofi and Punk are the two dark horses and will be among the iron-men in the Rumble, but neither will win it (Though I'm rooting for Punk to win it). Batista will make it to the top two where he will be eliminated by the eventual winner, who just happens to be the same man that Batista eliminated to win the 2005 Royal Rumble (You know what that means).

That leaves one man standing after the Rumble ends, and that one man will face The Undertaker at Wrestlemania in what will be the biggest match in terms of atmosphere and spectacle that WWE has given us since Hogan v The Rock.

My pick to win the Royal Rumble is... JOHN CENA

We get Cena v Taker (Streak v Superman), HHH v HBK (On the biggest stage of them all), Jericho v Edge, Orton v Dibiase. Batista will be in the MITB match to add some starpower.

In the end, we get what should be an incredibly stacked Wrestlemania... And I didn't even mention Bret Hart!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-30 11:13:38

This was a little late, but I live in Cincinnati, and I was at the bar where Jericho got arrested. I feel important.

SirKillington is your new god.

Mongo just pawn... in game of life.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-30 12:03:56

My predictions

ECW Title
Christian (c) vs Ezekiel Jackson

Moving Big Zeke to ECW was a good move from WWE, If he were still on Smackdown I would honestly think he'd be gone by now.. Christian has had the strap for a while now, had the title for the majority of 2009. I think it's time for Christian to move on to better things.. hopefully get drafted to another brand (preferably Smackdown) this year. Give the title to Zeke, then maybe have Regal turn on him somewhere down the line.. not straight away, but maybe in about March or April.. it can lead up to a title match between the 2 at WM. Also it seemed they were trying to turn Ezekiel into a babyface about a month back but since nixed it.. so maybe the turn can happen just before WM.
My Pick: Ezekiel Jackson

Womens Title
Michelle McCool (c) vs Mickie James

This 'Piggie James' storyline reminds me of that whole thing with Molly Holly back in 2002, cept Molly was a heel therefor everyone had no problem with calling her fat, also they didn't go overboard with the whole fat thing with the Trish/Molly feud.. but there's one thing both those storylines had in common.. the targeted victims weren't actually fat.. Anyways I see Mickie walking out of this one with the belt, that way Mickie will get her revenge and this awful storyline can end..
My Pick: Mickie James

WWE Title
Sheamus (c) vs Randy Orton

I can't remember the last time they had a heel vs heel title match at a ppv.. This match is a confusing one indeed.. I'm pretty confident that there are no plans on turning Orton face, and the crowd is definately not gonna get behind Sheamus.. Also I have a feeling that these two aren't going to have good chemistry together.. I could be wrong though since I've never seen them in a match together. Thanks to Mr. McMahon-Helmsley, this one has an obvious outcome
My Pick: Sheamus

World Heavyweight Title
Rey Mysterio vs The Undertaker (c)

Like Sheamus and Orton, I don't think these 2 have very good chemistry together.. They're both just too different.. I don't expect much from this match since Taker is too banged up and probably wants to save his stuff for WM.. But yeah also like Sheamus vs Orton, doesn't take a genius to know whose leaving as champ in this one.
My Pick: Taker

The 30 Man Royal Rumble Match
Winner goes to WM to face one of the major champs.. you know the score. I love the rumble match, If I'm ever bored at home on a rainy day I'll just choose a random one and watch it. Anyway your top picks are Triple H, Shawn Michaels and of course, John Cena. I don't Cena winning at all, rumor has it that he's facing Batista at WM, that's a good plan.. keep out of the title scene at this year's WM.. I think he's had enough. That just leaves HHH and HBK.. Now I think the best choice is HBK, his promo with Taker a couple of weeks back actually kinda make me mark out, I actually wanted Shawn to win the rumble so he could face Taker.. and let's face it.. If HHH didn't win a rumble, you know for sure that he was still gonna be in a title match at WM.. I bet even marks knew that too. Also If Shawn won he'd be tied with Austin for most Rumble matches won.. Even though Hunter will probably get his way as he always does, it'd make more sense for Michaels to win.
My Pick: HBK

I hope the Rumble match actually seems "Random" this year.. Take 2000 for example, the first 2 wrestlers to start off were D'Lo Brown and Grandmaster Sexay.. two guys that have nothing in common and have barely faced eachother.. now take 2008.. the final 2 from 2007 (HBK and Taker) are the first 2 entrants.. and the sad part is that they still try to convince us it's random, the announcers say shit like "OMG!! WHAT ARE THE ODDS IN THAT?!!!?!" but the same shit has been happening every year for a while now.. at least last year they tried to do it randomly with having Morrison and Mysterio starting off.. but one thing that pisses me off, the number 30 entrant is always someone thats a top choice to win.. take 2000 again for example, number 30 was X-Pac.. not that much of a big threat.. 2003: Taker, 2004: Goldberg, 2005: Flair.. which was ok i guess.. 2006: Orton, 2007: Taker again, 2008: Cena, 2009: The Big Show. And just like the first 2 entrants, the announcer bust out the old "what are the odds?!" thing.. I dunno if it bothers anyone else but it just gets on my nerves..

Also one more thing.. bring back those segments where throughout the night different wrestlers come and pick their number.. they were pretty cool, specially in 2005 with classic segments such as Eddie Guerrero stealing Ric Flair's entry number, Christian trying to out-rap Cena (which in my mind he did) also with that perfect line "Tomko, give me a beat" "No..."

Finally I got a few more predictions about the actual rumble match itself
First Two Entrants: The Miz and R-Truth
The 3rd Entrant (aka the guy who gets fed to the 1st two entrants): Zack Ryder
The 30th Entrant: (If he's in, Edge, if he's not, CM Punk)
Who lasts the shortest: It's a toss up between Swagger or Bourne
The Final 4: HHH, HBK, Cena & Batista

Other Predictions
* Ted DiBiase will eliminate Cody Rhodes (or vice versa, either way Legacy will crumble)
* Final 2 will be Shawn Michaels and Triple H
* Even though Mark Henry and Kane are 2 "big threats" to the rumble, they probably won't last over 10 minutes.
* If Edge is a surprise entrant, he'll eliminate Jericho and Himself and brawl to the back (kinda like Foley/Orton in 04)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-31 00:08:19

At 1/29/10 08:45 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote:
At 1/29/10 10:23 AM, soulpower wrote: For some reason, I have this in my head of Punk lecturing Jericho and Helms in the car while both of them hold their heads in shame.
"If you would have been more straight edge and responisble, you guys wouldn't be in this situation! You owe me $20!! And if you were getting drunk in a private place, that's bad enough, but getting drunk in a PUBLIC PLACE!!!?!"
"Hey, Phil, not to interrupt but...you're about to drive into a truck."


Triple H is epic. I'm glad that CM Punk is straight, too. At least...I hope he's straight.

For once, somebody insulted the SES WITHOUT accidentally condoning drugs/alcohol/smoking. He said what I've been thinking for the longest time - even though Punk doesn't do any of that, he looks like he does.

At 1/30/10 12:46 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: Hey, Punk in real life hangs out with hardcore partyers all the time. He tells some awesome stories about stupid shit Low ki and Homicide did to Samoa Joe's house one night. Punk is the friend you need to be in really good with I think since because he's sober, he knows all the shit that happens on a bender night.

Sounds like me, to a slightly lesser extent. (I'm often relied on for a similar role.)

At 1/30/10 07:18 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: Well it looks like Hurricane has been punished for his drunken actions

And, of course, not Jericho...... >:(

Yes, I know Creative doesn't want to fuck up Jericho vs. Edge, but come on, do SOMETHING..... (Losing to R-Truth doesn't quite count..........although I'm not sure what else they could possibly do.......it's just unfair.)

At 1/30/10 08:36 AM, soulpower wrote: Has there been any word on Edge's rehab? I'd like to see him in the Rumble as a surprise entrant.

It's been around 6 months - which is the estimated time (last I checked) he was to be out for. Wouldn't surprise me.

McIntyre v Morrison was Drew's best match in his young career, and Morrison's best match in a while (Not to mention his pre-match promo was good too). The Hip-Toss into the steel steps was flat-out nasty, as was the finish with Drew hitting the Future Shock on the belt.

It could've been slightly better, IMO (a few more weapon shots couldn't have hurt), but it was still quite good. Don't know where this puts Morrison, though.

Rey v Shawn was what you would expect. An awesome match between two of the best in-ring performers in the company. They brought back the Springboard to SCM spot from the Shelton/Shawn match a couple of years back, and once again, the finish made sense in the grand scheme of things. We got a great match, and build for the Rumble with the post-match happenings.

Agreed. 100% worth the match switch.

At 1/30/10 09:08 AM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote: I find it funny that Candice Michelle got released because of how injury prone she was, which was mostly thanks to the fact she was like skeletor and couldn't fall over without snapping something.

Awww, she wasn't THAT skinny....

Never mind the fact that Mickie James looks great and always has. How obvious is it that WWE don't care about the female demographic? They're either going to be convincing girls that they should become bulimic so they be a pretty girl and not get made fun of, or just plain alienate all the girls that aren't anorexic. It'd be alot better for business if they presented respectable role models for girls to look up to.

Agreed. Mickie is in NO WAY WHATSOEVER fat, and Creative needs to be doing what they should already be doing when they're trying to cater to kids.

Last night's bit was by far the stupidest yet. A friend of mine has a major crush on Mickie, and I can only imagine how pissed he is right now (assuming he's been watching as of late).

At 1/30/10 11:13 AM, newgroundskeeperjim wrote: This was a little late, but I live in Cincinnati, and I was at the bar where Jericho got arrested. I feel important.

Did you see anything worth sharing?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2010-01-31 11:26:22

I am totally pumped about the Rumble. I can't wait to go and see it live.

I think it would be a shocker is Rey won the belt. I say this because everyone thinks Taker is going to WM as champ and it all ride on winning the RR for HBK. It will be interesting to see which way they choose to go with this situation. I do feel that if they are going to have Taker in a big match at Mania, they need to give him some time to heal. A title loss with HBK getting involved could be the answer for this.

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