Lesnar's attitude, at least in UFC is all part of his plan to help sell tickets. Let's be honest, he worked for Vince McMahon, so he learned that people will pay to see him either win or get his ass kicked as long as he runs his mouth. Truth be told, the only guy I can see beating Lesnar isn't even with UFC, and that would be Mr.Fedor (Simply put the best Heavyweight in MMA) who's currently with Strikeforce.
I find the whole Mickie/McCool (And Layla) feud to be hilarious! Mostly because one of the ladies that's talking about Mickie's body looks like f'n SKELETOR!! Seriously, its a stupid feud, yet its the first time in a long time that a Women's title match has actually had some build-up around it.
With each passing week, I'm digging Batista's heel turn more and more. His new entrance with him pointing at himself (And then having the spotlight put on him) is just awesome, and he's actually looked better in the ring as of late.
The only good match on the show (And the only one that got some time) was Truth/Morrison v McIntyre/Jericho. Not a fan of Jericho getting pinned, but it protects McIntyre as heads into his title match with Morrison next week.
Rey v Taker at the Rumble will more than likely be a good match.. Still, I didn't care much for the promo between the two.
And last but not least, CM Jesu... Punk continues to be far and away the best thing on WWE TV. Everything from his promo, to his creepy facial expressions was great, and Serena did a great job of acting like someone who legitimately wanted to be "saved" (By the way, she's a damn good wrestler, and she a nice rack to boot, so she'll make a nice addition to the women's roster). I also dug Striker's line when he said that Punk had finally found his Mary Magdalane.
I'm hoping this all leads to some sort of gimmick match at WM where if Punk loses he gets his head shaved. If Rey is doing nothing, maybe do a Mask v Hair match. It gives both guys something to do, and it gives us a match with the potential to be great at Wrestlemania.