At 10/7/09 05:38 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote:
I cried my eyes out over this little piece of news. He got charged for trafficking, not for possession, even when they have no proof(that I know of)that he was selling the drugs! But still, that's a LOT of the happy pills...
Which is the issue. From what I understand of this it's a case where Hardy has run afoul of the trafficking laws because they're written in such a way that if a person has a certain quantity of something they assume it's intended to be sold. Hardy needs to provide scrips (valid scrips) for everything he has and this charge might be beaten. He IS however being charged with felony possession of cocaine, something that is as illegal as the day is long. That one he'll have to try and plead on.
He went...what is it...2, 3, 4...13 months sober, right? At least he made an effort. But seriously, those drugs are probably really addictive, and you know how the body gets sick if you stop. Smaller doses, Jeff. Smaller doses.
Or was he just not tested? That's the question really, and something WWE may at some point be called on to address. Their screenings are random, but we have no known time table as to when talents are tested. There also appear to be loopholes in the policy that would allow a talent to test positive for substances banned under the policy but if they can provide a prescription they will get off. This would account for Benoit passing yet being found with ridiculous amounts of roids after his death. Some of those do appear to be addictive, and one can get sick if they simply stop, and because they're addictive it is next to impossible to stop on their own. This is why people (myself included) have been saying for years that Jeff should enter rehab and get his substance abuse issues under control instead of this "healing myself" crap he keeps spouting, and keeps being proven false when he gets busted.
Oh yeah, I forgot to check on that. What happened in court? Anyone know?
It's still early days, he will be tried in front of the grand jury though as what he had there was only the most preliminary of hearings
*Felony possession of cocaine.
There's no fighting that.
*Felony drug trafficking of opium
Unless they get solid evidence supporting that he was planning to sell it, I will not believe it.
I'm also in the camp that thinks he wasn't planning to sell, that that was his stash for his personal use. He will need to prove that though.
*Felony possession with intent to redistribute a Schedule III drug (two counts).
Look up.
I suggest doing the same for my statement.
*Maintaining a dwelling for drug use and/or distribution.
*sniff* No fighting that.
Actually there might be. As I pointed out to a friend or two when this section of the charges came up, is this Jeff's primary residence? Is this the residence he's used since his home burned down? Unless I misread the charge, it sounds like their trying to say that he only had that residence for the illegal activity charged with...I'm no lawyer, but it seems to me that if he can prove it wasn't solely for that purpose he could maybe get that dropped. Maybe?
"Drug paraphernalia" is...what? Sorry, I just don't know what that is.
In this case I would speculate it would probably be paraphenalia associated with the cocaine. Perhaps things to cut it with, or a bong or heating device to turn the cocaine into crack. Please note that I am speculating and do not know if this is indeed what is being defined as drug paraphenalia. Nor do I have any knowledge of Jeff Hardy as someone who smokes crack. I just want to be clear on that because that's how rumors start.
But by paraphenalia, they mean anything which might be used by someone to take drugs.
I hope Jeffy boy got the judge/police/press to believe him.
If he's got valid scrips, they should.
What was his statement?
NOTHING. Jeff is being smart as hell right now in that he's shutting his fucking piehole and not saying anything to anybody, except maybe his lawyer.
Okay, that's all I'm gonna do for now.
tl;dr I'm back and wanted to say some of my opinions.
Fine for me. I understand it sucks to have your favorite wrestler turn out to not be the nicest or most honest of people, it's happened to me so friggin often, but there are the guys out there that are worth the respect and the time of the fans. Seems though they are getting harder and harder to find.