At 9/27/09 04:57 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: though they have put in some really awful moments in the list (the Al Wilson storyline for example..)
speaking of awful moments, #63 on the countdown..
Heidenreich rapes Michael Cole
At 9/27/09 04:57 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: though they have put in some really awful moments in the list (the Al Wilson storyline for example..)
speaking of awful moments, #63 on the countdown..
Heidenreich rapes Michael Cole
At 9/27/09 06:20 AM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote:At 9/27/09 05:32 AM, Random-Her03 wrote:Bullshit.At 9/27/09 04:57 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: though they have put in some really awful moments in the list (the Al Wilson storyline for example..)speaking of awful moments, #63 on the countdown..
Heidenreich rapes Michael Cole
That should have been Number 1.
up to #10.. tribute to the troops
suprisingly not so many taker moments.. alot of eddie guerrero moments and also alot of kurt angle moments.. but theres only been a couple of taker moments.. and they're mostly new stuff too.. only 1 american badass clip so far..
Tomorrow, Al Sharpton, of all people, gets to guest host RAW.........anyone else as worried as I am? >.<
Anybody else also expect something major to happen between Punk, Teddy, and McMahon on the special? That, and Slam Master Jesse getting put through a meat grinder? Teddy must still be pissed......
At 9/27/09 06:20 AM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote:At 9/27/09 05:32 AM, Random-Her03 wrote:Bullshit.At 9/27/09 04:57 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: though they have put in some really awful moments in the list (the Al Wilson storyline for example..)speaking of awful moments, #63 on the countdown..
Heidenreich rapes Michael Cole
That should have been Number 1.
That one scene alone seems to have put that guy in the history books forever - it seems like whenever there's a shot at mentioning it, WWE takes it. (eg.: When Jericho & Shawn were feuding, and Jericho was mentioning 'the best acting moments in WWE history'.)
You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.
At 9/27/09 09:41 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: suprisingly not so many taker moments.. alot of eddie guerrero moments and also alot of kurt angle moments.. but theres only been a couple of taker moments.. and they're mostly new stuff too.. only 1 american badass clip so far..
If I had to guess, this is what I would boil it down to:
1. Taker has been injured very often for long stretches during SD's existence. Meaning he has way less matches, segments, and "moments" to pull from then the other guys you've mentioned or made it onto the dvd.
2. While there were some very good and career important moments to happen during the "biker Taker" run (that's what I call it anyway...or maybe somebody else called it that and I stole it, who knows?) like the Undisputed Title win and run, the stuff with Ric Flair, the Mania match with H (I believe Taker's single best Mania performance as he and H were at the top of their game at that point), and the forgotten Hardcore title run that I think was cool insofar as it just let Taker be an absolute beast on people for a little while (plus he invented that sick chair move); what do people really remember Taker as? What he does now, and what he did for 10 years prior to the Biker gimmick. They remember the Michael Myers-esque unkillable movie monster type character. That's the bread and butter, that's what's going in the hall of fame, that's what the marks want to see. The biker version honestly I've only ever seen be loved by girls that thought he was hot.
3. The best Taker matches are PPV matches, also look at the plethora of DVD's and VHS that has Taker stuff on it. Basically every bout he's famous for is already out on DVD, especially with that three-disc Tombstone set. Not to mention just like Flair I'm positive when he does retire they'll issue another set (hopefully they'll use some of that rare or never before seen World Class and WCW footage of his earliest days, I've only seen SOME of the Mean Mark stuff as part of the "This is My Yard) DVD.
So in short, I don't think they were trying to short shrift an important part of Smackdown, it's just that because of the turns his career has taken over the last 10 years that Smackdown! has been in existence, and the fact that they probably actually have pulled the best stuff. But yeah, there sure is some shit on here that makes me figure this is a list that Vince at least had some kind of a hand in when you consider crap like the Al Wilson storyline, or Heidenreich is on here. I'm also shocked at how much Kurt Angle is on this, but in reality, he was a focal point of that show for a lot of years, probably the top active guy on it from the brand extension in 02 until he was drafted to ECW and then left the company in 06. It's worth your time and cash me thinks.
The Wrestling Observer is reporting that Jeff Hardy's current legal issues have put WWE creative in a situation where they are now questioning what to do with his brother Matt. Since Jeff's arrest, there have been several meetings backstage within WWE to decide what to do with Matt on TV. As seen recently, Matt was not used on 2 Smackdown shows, one on 9/15 and this past week's show. Although he has worked a Superstars taping and several house show events against CM Punk, it seems as if Jeff Hardy's arrest is definitely having an effect on Matt's current WWE status.
If this is true...Then its not fair at all. Jeff is an adult who made his choice, Matt had nothing to do with any of that. What his brother does should not factor in what happens to him. I honestly hope this is more of a rumor than fact.
Strange guest choice tonight. I never would have guessed Sharpton paid any attention to wrestling, let alone watch a show. But to host? Weird.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 9/28/09 10:11 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: If this is true...Then its not fair at all. Jeff is an adult who made his choice, Matt had nothing to do with any of that. What his brother does should not factor in what happens to him. I honestly hope this is more of a rumor than fact.
There's a couple problems here. Mostly due to WWE needing to distance itself from Hardy and anything that could hurt Linda in her bid for Senate (although there's a plethora of dirt from the distant and recent past that can be used against Linda by any opponent should they choose to. There's also the fact that Matt, as you would expect, is supporting his brother publicly. So I think it sucks, but I can understand why WWE isn't going to be enamored with the idea of pushing any one named "Hardy" very hard right now.
Strange guest choice tonight. I never would have guessed Sharpton paid any attention to wrestling, let alone watch a show. But to host? Weird.
I tend to think this is more a part of the Al Sharpton never ending quest for publicity. I think I might end up skipping RAW tonight because Al Sharpton to me is a pretty repugnant figure.
Dear creative: We can't take the person you are trying to pass as your top heel if you make him look like a little bitch. That is all.
The only parts of Raw I enjoyed was Jerishow vs MVP & Henry and Swagger vs Bourne. Although the latter was too short, the reversal at the end was fantastic.
I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.
I'm so glad I chose to finish that Best of Smackdown! DVD and watch classic memphis wrestling which included Takers very first world title win instead.
If you haven't been to and looked at some of the Classic Memphis series, you are really doing yourself a disservice, there's some great stuff there/
At 9/29/09 02:48 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: I'm so glad I chose to finish that Best of Smackdown! DVD and watch classic memphis wrestling which included Takers very first world title win instead.
I don't know, the SD DVD felt like it was lacking something. There's some good stuff in there like the Rey/Eddie Cage Match (Which I hadn't seen before), Taker vs Orton (In a match much better than their overrated WM encounter) Carlito's debut vs Cena (Which was better than I remembered it being, and it had Cena looking very good in the ring), Taz v HHH which wasn't much of a match, but it was a big deal at the time.
Unfortunately, there's also a lot of filler on the DVD. Was the Friendly Tap segment, or The Boogeyman really that big a part of SD's history?
Granted, there's still some stuff I haven't seen, but I don't think there's going to be enough to make this DVD great.
Raw wasn;t nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I agree that the best stuff was the opening tag match and the match/segment with Jack Swagger.
I was suprised that the Al Sharpton segments were actually kinda watchable. The Chavo/Hornswaggle thing was...baffling. If my career was being ruined by some small dude, I'd want him to get beat up too.
The main event was ok up until a point. Cena took one hell of a beating, yet he was able to come back like he hadn't been hurt at all. That just doesn't seem to make sense to me. It was like the efforts of the tag champs was for nothing since the didn't have kryptonite handy.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Have Jerishow in two matches made sense for cena to face orton semifresh.. but it got a bit silly after that.
Also WWE is so racist. So very racist.
At 9/29/09 03:31 PM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote:At 9/28/09 11:11 PM, boloneyman wrote: Dear creative: We can't take the person you are trying to pass as your top heel if you make him look like a little bitch. That is all.
I really don't know what the the creative is doing is thinking or what sort of logic they are using. Well...because it's just not working al all. I really think they should just push cena as a heal and have it end at that. Randy did a very good job at being the top heal, i just don't think they know how to take a guy who they have been pushing as a babyface for so long and to a point becoming "untuchable" Similar to hbk in 1994-1997. But "supper cena" is just not working.
At 9/29/09 03:31 PM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote: Q: How much merchandise does Cena sell?
A: Trick question, Cena doesn't sell at all.
I may be a little/very drunk, but that is FUCKING AWESOME.
Even though Sharpton managed to do okay as a guest host, that's the first time I've seen a guest host get booed almost IMMEDIATELY. (Initial silence, THEN booing - not one ounce of cheering EXCEPT for that opening match announcement, then right back to booing.) Creative may as well have gave the ok for Spencer Pratt or Kanye West, for shit's sake.
I have no idea why, given how ridiculous it is for someone to get pummeled for 95% of the match(es) and then somehow become Superman in a matter of seconds, but I can't stay annoyed at Cena for some reason....... *gets whacked with steel chairs by the other crew members*
You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.
At 9/29/09 10:10 PM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote:At 9/29/09 03:31 PM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote: Q: How much merchandise does Cena sell?I may be a little/very drunk, but that is FUCKING AWESOME.
A: Trick question, Cena doesn't sell at all.
You're right. You are a little/very drunk...nah, I agree. That joke is damn funny.
Who do you guys think would be the better U.S. champ? Miz or Swagger? Both would benifit by being a champion even if the belt isn't as good as some of the others and both seem to be doing decent in the mid-card.
As much as I think Miz deserves a singles title run, Swagger's gimmick would go great with being the U.S champion. Sort of like Kurt angle in his early days when he really took off with the IC and European belts.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
I think Swagger needs to really start being built by WWE. So I think I probably put the belt on him and get him into a three way feud with Miz and Kofi to try and rebuild the belt, and build all the talents involved. Similar to what was done with E & C, The Hardyz, and The Dudleyz, back in the day...but with less TLC and what not. But same principal.
At 10/1/09 12:25 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: I think Swagger needs to really start being built by WWE. So I think I probably put the belt on him and get him into a three way feud with Miz and Kofi to try and rebuild the belt, and build all the talents involved. Similar to what was done with E & C, The Hardyz, and The Dudleyz, back in the day...but with less TLC and what not. But same principal.
agreed, I really hope he takes the strap at HIAC. Kofi's US title run is getting uninteresting to me now.. time for a change
it looks like smackdown has a new intro and theme song
it sounds ok.. its way better than the theme they had before.
I'm all for a new theme. Never really cared for the old one. I'm looking forward to hearing what it is.
I know I've said it before but I can't get over the fact that I'm so pumped and into the storylines on SD and apathetic when it comes to Raw. Punk vs Taker never fails to grab my attention, the work of Morrison and Ziggler are fun to watch and even the lower card stuff with Finley, Knox, and the tag stuff with the Hart Dynasty and Cryme Time entertain me.
On the Raw side of things...Cena and Orton bore me, I hate the Hornswaggle bits, and the guest host segments range from being ok to a waste of time. The only saving grace is that I like the mid card guys of Swagger, Miz, Kofi, Bourne and MVP. The current tag champs are also an interesting part of things so I can handle that too, but the rest of it? meh.
Any of you guys feel the same way or am I way off in this? Why is it so hard to book both shows with quality? There are some good workers on Raw so its not like they have pure crap over there. Whats going wrong?
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Anyone who hasn't seen Smackdown yet, make sure to look out for the look Taker gives HBK just before the 8 man tag starts. It made me wonder for a minute if there is any real heat between them. Those two are just pros, and it shows you that we don't have to forget everything that happened a few months ago.
Overall, I thought it was a pretty solid show, but it really made me long for the old days. If anything, the Eddie video made me miss him more than I did when he'd just died. He was such a superstar. Great in the ring, and one of the biggest personalities too. I think I need to buy an Eddie DVD to get a fix.
The Rock bit was awesome too, but again it makes me wish he was still around. You can say what you want about him being a successful film star, but he went from being the biggest name in Wrestling, to star in mediocre films. Maybe I'm just bitter, but I find it almost insulting that being a massive superstar in the wrestling business is apparently on an equal level to being a star of awful Disney movies. The Rock is never going to win any Oscars, but he'd win WWE titles up the wazoo.
At 10/2/09 04:21 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: *rant on brand quality*
Nah, I think we're all in unanimous agreement on that sentiment. I'll let someone else explain why one sucks & the other doesn't.
At 10/2/09 07:04 PM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote: The Rock bit was awesome too, but again it makes me wish he was still around. You can say what you want about him being a successful film star, but he went from being the biggest name in Wrestling, to star in mediocre films. Maybe I'm just bitter, but I find it almost insulting that being a massive superstar in the wrestling business is apparently on an equal level to being a star of awful Disney movies. The Rock is never going to win any Oscars, but he'd win WWE titles up the wazoo.
Really sad, ain't it? >.<
You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.
The 8-Man Tag Match was awesomenesssssssssssss. ^_^
I have to give Cole some credit - he knows how to make fun of himself (how many times he can say "VINTAGE!!!!" in one sitting). In speaking of him, that JeriShow moment almost had me falling out of my chair. :P
Oh dear god, Vickie's back again........... I have respect for her having to deal with being a single mother of several kids & all, but AW FUCK, GO AWAY.
Great, Morrison loses on Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? & gets outdone by Miz 'dropping out' early, and then he loses in a Tag Match against a team with Miz..........AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!! >:(
You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.
Whoops, I actually forgot to comment on The Rock's segment - pleez, RAW could use the boost. He's officially said that he's game for it, so COME ON, VINNY.
You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.
If Rock is really game, it'll happen. It's just a question of when, as apparently they have quite a list going for that.
Haven't finished the show yet, but so far it's been good. The Eddie tribute was a beautiful way to remember a fantastic, one of a kind performer.
Guess it's good to be Lady uh....Michelle McCool ain't it? That still ain't your move honey, any time you wanna stop being a bitch about that would be good.
That Taker promo was very good. Overall SD! shows RAW how to effectively balance a specialty show with the very real need to get people to want to part with their 40 bucks on Sunday (I don't think they're going to sway anybody obviously, but give them credit for constantly plugging the PPV and making sure that just about every match gave them an ability to plug it, or would have implications for it).
I'm cool with Vickie being back, she's a heat machine. My only hope is that this new guy is worth putting someone who can perfectly do what you want a hell manager to do with. If he sucks in the ring, then man what a waste of Vickie that is.
Well you knew somebody was gonna ruin that cake. There can never be a party and a cake, and that cake not get ruined. Least it was slightly different then the usual food fight thing.
So uh...they actually told Justin Roberts to announce this as the biggest 8 man tag match in Smackdown history? Really? Maybe you guys are gonna call me an asshole (and you might not be wrong) but doesn't something like that make you say, just for a second "no offense to anybody, but I kind of hope they pull off a stinker to teach WWE a lesson about that sort of stupidity?" no? Maybe I'm just a bad person. Again, no offense to the folks involved, it's just that it seems so crazy stupid to me.
Anybody else wonder if they edited the boos for Cena off the audience track? I mean, ok, it was his hometown and all but...still, I'm just curious. Ugh, another segment on Ol' Blingie...I hate that title, I wish somebody would throw that thing in a damn river, or run over it with a steam roller. It just defies all logic to me that somebody other then Cena would want to win that thing, or if they did that they wouldn't immediately go "ok, get rid of this piece of shit and go make me a real world title".
Folks, I can honestly tell you having been witness to it many times (including his wwf title loss to Bret Hart at Summerslam 97) The Undertaker's entrance is truly a happening, it is absolutely the best entrance in the business and it is something every fan should experience.
So Legacy I guess no longer includes Randy Orton? To be honest, I liked it better when Rhodes and Dibiase were called "Priceless" when they weren't working as Orton's henchies. Way better name. That might just be me though. Gotta say it's a little surreal to see Punk teaming with those guys. Not from any "I can't believe Punk is such a meanie heel!!" perspective, but just that Punk is being considered as on that level. Not bad for a guy the McMahons originally saw nothing in. There's the bell, let's see who starts.
Looks like Cody for the heels, and Cena for the faces...let's see if Cody gets killed. Looks like Superman has been soaking up them yellow rays, Cody can't touch him. Poor Cody. Oh, now Triple H will kill him for a little bit...nope, tag to Teddy. Well I'm pretty sure Ted will get some offense right? Right?....or not. Christ H is just mauling him, oh wait there's a reversal...which gets reversed. Nice hangman there...come on Grisham, can't we learn some hold names? I personally love hold names myself. This really isn't a good night to be Legacy so far. Oh, well now Shawn is in...isn't it funny to think of Shawn Michaels as the top face who actually will sell and job for people these days? Nice call back there with Michaels and Taker, admit it, you thought for half a second that punch was going right in Shawn's, Taker did Old School there, that's gotta be seen as a good sign. I find it very curious they've have him on TV two weeks in a row. Maybe Taker is trying to send a message that he isn't as hurt as first reported? Dunno...lot of comic book references in this one. The callback to the DX "Hulk" promo, Punk's usual "It's Clobberin' Time!" in the entrance (Marvel's The Thing has used that as a catchphrase since his inception)....uh, why would Randy Orton hesitate to punch Cena? Orton really takes this "slow and methodical" viper crap too far a lot of the time...Now THAT is some vintage Taker! Man can still get them explosions of offense out. Dunno if I mentioned it before, but it's pretty interesting to watch early Taker in Memphis, the Biker character looks to have been simply patterned after his "Master of Pain" character there. How appropriate is it that Taker got the pin in this one? Very good match all around, and a great way to promote all the different stories heading into the PPV.
Overall, really good show, here's another decade of great Smackdown action!!!
SD was really good last night. It was able to balance the silly celebration stuff in the back and the action in the ring.
It was interesting to see Miz and Morrison on the opposite sides of the tag match. There is a fued that never got a chance to happen that I think would have been great.
I'll be honest. That Eddie tribute made me choke up a little. Damn I miss him.
On the flip-slide of things seeing Rock back in character was awesome! he's still funny as hell and knows exactly what to say. I miss him in wrestling too.
Ugh. I know she's good at getting heat but I really really didn't want Vickie back.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Not sure if it was supposed to happen, but I liked how Punk was pretty much kept apart from HHH/HBK/Cena during the tag match. I guess WWE wants to save Punk v any of those three guys for a singles match.
I'm looking forward to the PPV tomorrow night if only for Punk vs Taker. I don't see Taker winning the title, so I want to see if he does a clean job, or if we get another screwjob finish. Hell, they ripped off the Screwjob on the last PPV, maybe they'll relive Kane's debut during the World Title Match >_>
I have to admit, the Eddie thing had me nearly choking up, too.....esp. when they cut to the bell-ringing part.
You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.
At 10/3/09 12:17 PM, pepeatumi wrote: I'm looking forward to the PPV tomorrow night if only for Punk vs Taker. I don't see Taker winning the title, so I want to see if he does a clean job, or if we get another screwjob finish. Hell, they ripped off the Screwjob on the last PPV, maybe they'll relive Kane's debut during the World Title Match >_>
Hi pepeatumi. Can you please reply to the unread private messages that I recently sent you?
Where's D-Lucks & his usual PPV predictions? He's running a smidge late.
LK: Nice sig. ^_^
You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.
Urg, maybe it's best no one predicted anything for this. Now, I'm not watching, so I guess I can't truly judge, but opening the show with Taker and Punk? And having Punk pinned clean in 11 minutes?
Again, I haven't seen it, so I can't say that it is terrible booking and Punk has been fucked, but I'm struggling to see how the actions in the match could force a different conclusion.