At 9/7/09 02:03 AM, Shaun wrote:
This is the WWE, at the end of the day there is one man with the final say on everything that happens.
Uh huh, but it's been pretty well proven the only show he truly cares about is RAW. RAW is the show he demands massive and seemingly infinite rewrites for even up to just before show time. The other two he tends to leave alone. So that's where I feel confident in treating SD!, ECW, and RAW like almost seperate entities.
I am biased because I don't like punk, like you are biased because you are a punk mark.
It's not just me being a Punk mark, it's me being a mark for the business in general and wanting to see what I believe to be good wrestling and a strong and healthy business. Doing matches from 10 years ago with performers that are now 10 years older doesn't make for a healthy business. Casual fans want something new, not a retread of 10 years ago, and I think a lot of the hardcores do as well. Retreads aren't going to help anything and it just wastes time and degrades the careers of the young guys whose time is truly now. I'm over nostalgia, I'm still a mark for guys like Taker, but that doesn't mean I want him at the top of the card if it doesn't really serve any purpose.
I really like both shows but the divas storyline on smackdown revolving around ziggler just makes me wonder how people can be so high about absolutely everything on smackdown and so low anything that happens on raw.
I'm not high on absolutely everything on SD! I agree the divas storyline is pretty well crap, and I think that is absolutely a concession they make to Vince's style of storytelling. I at first thought this might be something where Maria and Ziggler would be like Savage and Liz back when Savage was a heel in the early 80's in how he basically would mistreat Liz and she would take it with class and the fans would root for her to finally get sick of it and leave him. But in this case you wouldn't even know Ziggler and Maria are dating except for the fact that Melina keeps bringing it up all the friggin time. It's a bad storyline without question, I also don't like Khali/Kane because it's too big stiffs I tend not to care about feuding. There's better uses for Kane then this.
But you know, I only have like 2 things to complain about on SD!, where I have a world champion that is entertaining and having great feuds with established veterans to help him approve and cement his status. I have good undercard feuds and matches for the IC title and just over personal issues. RAW is unfunny DX skits, boring Orton promos and matches. John Cena continuing to try and be the new Hulk Hogan and failing miserably. The US title not pushed, and a lot of matches that just seem to be out there to fill time...oh and the completely hit or miss guest host gimmick.
I grant it's about what one likes and what one doesn't, to me and many others Smackdown! is what we want in a wrestling show and RAW just absolutely isn't.