At 8/22/09 03:51 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote:
How dare you. Being straight edge will make the world...well, boring. Taking risks and jumping off 10 foot high ladders is always the way to go!
I drink, but I see what Punk is saying. Mostly I just enjoy the man's work and we tend to like a lot of the same things away from wrestling. Punk is a guy who's performance I enjoy but also somebody I'd like to hang out with.
I knew it, but no one would listen to me. Thanks for this!
Whoever these people are, they are stupid heads. Why would you put a fake guy over the real thing? If they're trying to say "cause he doesn't quite look the same" well lets remember there's 10 years and a facial reconstruction surgery from a motorcycle accident in there.
Damn, you figured me out.
Well that proves I got at least one right :p
Taking risks is better than being "straight edge", so I get this one.
Being straight edge doesn't mean not taking risks. All straight edge means is abstaining from alcohol, hard drugs, and tobacco. Jeff Hardy has had a consistent problem avoiding the second of those three :)
What does smark mean...? Whatever...wait, Jeff gets to hang out with Triple H? I envy him. Envy envy envy.
Smark is an abbreviation for the term "smart mark" wrestling has it's own language among the boys. They call it "kayfabe" which is a set of terminology they used back when the business was still being portrayed as legitimate so they could convey important information without the wrong people realizing what was being said. You have to remember that for most of it's existence, professional wrestling at it's heart has been a con. It's the wrestlers (workers) conning (called 'working') the fans (called 'marks'. Because every con has a mark). Now of course we're in on it, so mark has become less a term for the average fan and more a derogatory term for those inside and/or outside the business who try to treat it like it's a shoot or more then person making the accusation believes it to be. A "smart mark" is someone like myself who knows the terminology and how the business works basically without having been in it. Wrestlers will often however use the term as an even MORE deragatory slam as they feel the smart marks because they believe they're so much smarter then average are so much easier to con.
Make sense? question answered?
As far as the last part, what I meant is that when Triple H and Jeff Hardy have a match and it's good, it's because the skill level of both as performers makes it good. Some people are talented enough that they're able to make a really bad wrestler look amazing because they understand what they need to do to make the fans believe in that individual. Just like a talented wrestler can destroy a guy and give him nothing and make a good talent look like a sack of shit. It's a partnership in there. I don't think Jeff and Trips hang out much outside the ring, in part because the SD! and RAW crews are separate touring companies at this point. do the refs really get hurt as well? If they do, there gos my second dream job.
They can. I do have a friend who has and continues to work regularly as a referee. Basically you will have to learn how to take (called "bumping") and sell (make believable) a wrestlers offense on occasion, probably not very much as you're main job would be to make sure the match is going according to plan. You will be told the finish in the back, and it's your job to ensure that finish happens, or if it doesn't, it won't be because you fucked up. So you need to be very sure you don't see interference, or your counts are slow enough for a guy to kick out when he must, or roll back in. You also might have to relay to the guys when time is up in the match and tell the boys to "go home" (go to the preplanned ending). My friend has bumped for several different wrestlers (including ECW announcer Matt Stryker) and had the guys bump for him. His gimmick with Afa The Wild Samoan's promotion was in fact a referee who got abused quite a lot if he made a call the wrestlers didn't like. But he never sustained any serious injury and he said Matt Stryker especially was great to work with because Stryker would throw himself halfway across the ring and make my friend's punches look absolutely devastating for the fun of it. He also worked closely with Snitsky.
I heard about that. *sigh* What will people NOT do for their jobs...?
They say the biggest marks are the boys themselves.
So they did that "get color" thing in the Cactus Jack vs. Triple H match? They pretend to bash each others head in with a chair, and they secretly cut themselves? I can understand that much, but how did they get blood in their mouths?
They did that in the Cactus/H match. Pretend is the wrong word, since the chair is definitely hitting the skull. But the trick with something like that is to not swing full force. You hit just hard enough to get a nice contact and sound, but you don't want to take the guys head off. Though there are weapons one can "cheat" with. But that tends to be up to what individual wrestlers feel comfortable doing. The mouths could have been a situation where we had a "hard way" as I mentioned. I mean, surely you've bitten your lip by accident hard enough to have it bleed before right? Or it could have been a blood capsule (rarely, RARELY used, but sometimes employed). You'd probably have to get Triple H or Mick Foley to tell you the definitive answer though.