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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-19 15:59:10

That rise and fall of WCW dvd looks good. I'm going to have to pick that up in the near future. I'm suprised Goldberg spoke to them about it since he had such an awful time with WWE.

I enjoyed ECW last night. I hadn't seen that talk show dude before and he seems to be good on the mic. Has he wrestled yet?

Main event was good too. It's good to be able to watch this show again.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-19 17:05:42

At 8/19/09 06:20 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: many of today's wrestlers were brought up in WCW.
Rey Mysterio,

Oh my god. And now he's the face of SmackDown...sort of.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-20 00:10:33

At 8/19/09 05:05 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote: Oh my god. And now he's the face of SmackDown...sort of.

Latino market loves that show man.

Also that list points out another problem within WCW when you consider the age and/or active status of some of those talents mentioned: WCW was really bad at developing young people and continued to push old stars past their prime. Now most of those old stars and Vince Russo work for TNA.

As far as Goldberg, fuck, what is Goldberg doing these days? Just sitting around with his fading celebrity and (hopefully he didn't blow it all and still has a good chunk) his millions he made for like 3 years of work. I think he probably showed up to make sure everybody knows that he was the biggest star in WCW near the end and to keep them from saying things like he was a flash in the pan or just a more monstrous version of Austin. Which would be fuckin true, but I can see why he wouldn't want that said :).

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-20 11:23:23

Goldberg has been doing TV and movie stuff for a while, but I read on the wiki for him that he does a lot of charity work as well. He's keepinng busy and doing well from the look of things. Good for him.

It's weird that you say that latino's love SD whern there is like what? Just Rey on there? Its a shame that the WWE didn't really do anything with guys like Super Crazy when they had them.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-20 17:06:41

At 8/20/09 11:23 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Its a shame that the WWE didn't really do anything with guys like Super Crazy when they had them.

Who is Super Crazy? Sorry if I sound like a noob, I just started watching wrestling like, 2 months ago.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-20 20:32:06

At 8/20/09 05:06 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote: Who is Super Crazy? Sorry if I sound like a noob, I just started watching wrestling like, 2 months ago.

this guy, he was pretty good but unfortunately he was released a little while ago.

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-20 20:39:07

At 8/20/09 08:32 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: this guy, he was pretty good but unfortunately he was released a little while ago.

...my God, that guy scares me more than Man Kind does...and that's saying something...
That reminds me, is Man Kind still wrestling? He was pretty cool. Weird, but cool.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-20 22:46:12

At 8/20/09 08:39 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote:
At 8/20/09 08:32 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: this guy, he was pretty good but unfortunately he was released a little while ago.
...my God, that guy scares me more than Man Kind does...and that's saying something...
That reminds me, is Man Kind still wrestling? He was pretty cool. Weird, but cool.

No, that was just one of mick foley's different persona's that he would play during the mid to late 90's. Since wwe owns that copyright he can no longer do that while he is in tna. I do think he is still wrestling for tna, i don't watch so i would not know.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-20 23:44:56

At 8/20/09 10:46 PM, idiot-buster wrote: No, that was just one of mick foley's different persona's that he would play during the mid to late 90's. Since wwe owns that copyright he can no longer do that while he is in tna. I do think he is still wrestling for tna, i don't watch so i would not know.

Yes, he is still wrestling in TNA, having a short run with their world title, and just completing a short run with their legends belt. That retirement really stuck, huh Mic? *eye roll*

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-21 07:57:27

I was amused by this article on wwe.com about the Hurricane. You can read it here.

I haven't seen TNA in a few years and I honestly don't keep up with it. I'm a bit suprised they had Mic have the belts. I've alsways been a fan and all but I can't imagine he's in the best of shape to be wrestling again. What is going on here?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-21 16:24:29

At 8/21/09 04:20 PM, JohnCena423 wrote: jeff hardy leaving the WWE after summerslam

No...no! No! NOOOO!!!! I DON'T WANT TO LIVE ANYMORE!! *jumps out window* NNNNOOOOOOOO!!!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-21 16:41:46

Well, turns out I jumped out of a 1 story window sooo...yeah. I have a few questions...
1. Who was the real Undertaker in the Undertaker vs. Undertaker match?
2. How'd Jeff Hardy get so popular?
3. Was wrestling real in the 60's? Or was it just great timing with the fake blood?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-21 17:27:52

I'm proud of Jeff leaving on his own this time rather than by violation.

Wonder who's replacing Lillian?

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-21 21:59:54

It took him three years, but he finally said it.

Straight edge means I'm better than you!

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-21 23:58:39

At 8/21/09 04:41 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote: Well, turns out I jumped out of a 1 story window sooo...yeah. I have a few questions...

Good, no one should die over Jeff Hardy. This is yet more proof CM Punk is right about what a bad role model Jeff is.

I also have some answers to your questions.

1. Who was the real Undertaker in the Undertaker vs. Undertaker match?

Paul Bearer's Undertaker, the one who wore the purple and black and won the match. That was the original and true Undertaker Mark Callaway. The Undertaker managed by Ted Dibiase (sometimes called the "Underfaker") was indy wrestler and ECW alum Brian Lee.

2. How'd Jeff Hardy get so popular?

Oh boy, loaded question. I'm not sure there's a single factor in it and I think different people will have different answers. Here's what I think did it:

1. Jeff is a pretty good looking guy, so that makes the girls swoon. I used to refer to he and his brother as the boy band of wrestling back in the day because I felt they had that sort of "pick a character style and run with it and people will flock to you" vibe to them.

2. Jeff takes a fuck load of risks and has been in some great great matches. A guy who damn near kills himself is always going to get over, but the teaming with his brother at probably the hottest time in WWE tag division history when the Hardys regularly got to work against teams like E & C and the Dudleys in crazy spotfests...well...he who does the craziest spots in a multi-man match is the guy who gets remembered and the most praise from the casual fan, even if all he really might have added was the crazy spot.

3. Jeff has adapted, he's improved by leaps and bounds as a worker over the years and he's able to hang with some of the unquestioned best in the business (like Triple H). That helps you with the smark audience as well.

I think those are the reasons Jeff Hardy is as popular as he is. Right guy, right place, right time, right skill set and right opponents. He had a perfect storm around him and he's got a really dedicated and loyal fan base that continue to support him and make him a star no matter what.

3. Was wrestling real in the 60's? Or was it just great timing with the fake blood?

No, pro-wrestling has always been a work, or has at least been a work since the turn of the century. The term "real" is misleading. EVERYTHING HURTS!!! BLOOD IS REAL!!!

This idea that you can land safely and not get hurt is shit. You DO learn how to take moves so bones don't break instantly (but can over time, or if the landing or set up is botched) but it still hurts. I remember Ted Dibiase once telling a roomful of us the worst thing by far for him in his training was learning to hit the ropes because if you don't know the muscles to hit with your putting pressure on your kidneys and other organs and even when you do learn you basically have to develop a callous on your sides so it doesn't really hurt so much to do it anymore. Blood is achieved by a process called "blading" or "gigging". When a wrestler needs to bleed (or in industry vernacular "get color") the most common way is to tape a piece of razor blade into your wrist tape and during the appropriate point in the match remove it and cut a straight line across your forehead and voila, instant gusher! There are of course cuts which are unplanned, these are called "hardway" cuts.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-22 07:13:39

Been busy lately so I've got last weeks Smackdown and this weeks Raw and Smackdown to catch up on before the PPV. However, since the conversation turned to the Jeff Hardy saga, I thought I'd add my two cents. Matt Hardy, a frequent Twitter user, has said that Jeff has re-signed via it. Take it for what you will, but I'd put more faith in the guys own brother than a bunch of wrestling websites.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-22 15:51:17

At 8/21/09 11:58 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Good, no one should die over Jeff Hardy. This is yet more proof CM Punk is right about what a bad role model Jeff is.

How dare you. Being straight edge will make the world...well, boring. Taking risks and jumping off 10 foot high ladders is always the way to go!

Paul Bearer's Undertaker, the one who wore the purple and black and won the match. That was the original and true Undertaker Mark Callaway.

I knew it, but no one would listen to me. Thanks for this!

Oh boy, loaded question. I'm not sure there's a single factor in it and I think different people will have different answers. Here's what I think did it:
1. Jeff is a pretty good looking guy, so that makes the girls swoon.

Damn, you figured me out.

2. Jeff takes a fuck load of risks and has been in some great great matches. A guy who damn near kills himself is always going to get over, blah blah...

Taking risks is better than being "straight edge", so I get this one.

3. Jeff has adapted, he's improved by leaps and bounds as a worker over the years and he's able to hang with some of the unquestioned best in the business (like Triple H). That helps you with the smark audience as well.

What does smark mean...? Whatever...wait, Jeff gets to hang out with Triple H? I envy him. Envy envy envy.

I think those are the reasons Jeff Hardy is as popular as he is. Right guy, right place, right time, right skill set and right opponents. He had a perfect storm around him and he's got a really dedicated and loyal fan base that continue to support him and make him a star no matter what.
No, pro-wrestling has always been a work, or has at least been a work since the turn of the century. The term "real" is misleading. EVERYTHING HURTS!!! BLOOD IS REAL!!!

...so do the refs really get hurt as well? If they do, there gos my second dream job.

You DO learn how to take moves so bones don't break instantly (but can over time, or if the landing or set up is botched) but it still hurts. I remember Ted Dibiase once telling a roomful of us the worst thing by far for him in his training was learning to hit the ropes because if you don't know the muscles to hit with your putting pressure on your kidneys and other organs and even when you do learn you basically have to develop a callous on your sides so it doesn't really hurt so much to do it anymore. Blood is achieved by a process called "blading" or "gigging". When a wrestler needs to bleed (or in industry vernacular "get color") blah blah...

I heard about that. *sigh* What will people NOT do for their jobs...? So they did that "get color" thing in the Cactus Jack vs. Triple H match? They pretend to bash each others head in with a chair, and they secretly cut themselves? I can understand that much, but how did they get blood in their mouths?

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-22 20:35:26

At 8/20/09 11:44 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Yes, he is still wrestling in TNA, having a short run with their world title, and just completing a short run with their legends belt. That retirement really stuck, huh Mic? *eye roll*

Oh god. He could barely move when he wrestled at wrestlemania 22, i though he was about to die right in the ring? I see why wwe let him go, Tna must be in need of bad talent to put a title on him. I guss he's good for the legend role for the company, like hbk is for the wwe. But shawn can still wrestle almost as good as he ever has. Mic is getting payed and that all he cares about, so good for him and TNA can suffer because of it.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-22 23:03:31

At 8/22/09 03:51 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote: I can understand that much, but how did they get blood in their mouths?

That depends. If its part of a storyline and they are trying to hype something up by saying that a wrestler has "internal injuries" then they use blood capsules. However this doesn't happen very often so the blood you see from their mouths usually occurs from getting hit. They could have bitten their lip or something from the impact of landing or a number of other things. That happens way more often and usually isn't planned.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-23 00:58:34

At 8/22/09 03:51 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote: How dare you. Being straight edge will make the world...well, boring. Taking risks and jumping off 10 foot high ladders is always the way to go!

I drink, but I see what Punk is saying. Mostly I just enjoy the man's work and we tend to like a lot of the same things away from wrestling. Punk is a guy who's performance I enjoy but also somebody I'd like to hang out with.

I knew it, but no one would listen to me. Thanks for this!

Whoever these people are, they are stupid heads. Why would you put a fake guy over the real thing? If they're trying to say "cause he doesn't quite look the same" well lets remember there's 10 years and a facial reconstruction surgery from a motorcycle accident in there.

Damn, you figured me out.

Well that proves I got at least one right :p

Taking risks is better than being "straight edge", so I get this one.

Being straight edge doesn't mean not taking risks. All straight edge means is abstaining from alcohol, hard drugs, and tobacco. Jeff Hardy has had a consistent problem avoiding the second of those three :)

What does smark mean...? Whatever...wait, Jeff gets to hang out with Triple H? I envy him. Envy envy envy.

Smark is an abbreviation for the term "smart mark" wrestling has it's own language among the boys. They call it "kayfabe" which is a set of terminology they used back when the business was still being portrayed as legitimate so they could convey important information without the wrong people realizing what was being said. You have to remember that for most of it's existence, professional wrestling at it's heart has been a con. It's the wrestlers (workers) conning (called 'working') the fans (called 'marks'. Because every con has a mark). Now of course we're in on it, so mark has become less a term for the average fan and more a derogatory term for those inside and/or outside the business who try to treat it like it's a shoot or more then person making the accusation believes it to be. A "smart mark" is someone like myself who knows the terminology and how the business works basically without having been in it. Wrestlers will often however use the term as an even MORE deragatory slam as they feel the smart marks because they believe they're so much smarter then average are so much easier to con.

Make sense? question answered?

As far as the last part, what I meant is that when Triple H and Jeff Hardy have a match and it's good, it's because the skill level of both as performers makes it good. Some people are talented enough that they're able to make a really bad wrestler look amazing because they understand what they need to do to make the fans believe in that individual. Just like a talented wrestler can destroy a guy and give him nothing and make a good talent look like a sack of shit. It's a partnership in there. I don't think Jeff and Trips hang out much outside the ring, in part because the SD! and RAW crews are separate touring companies at this point.

...so do the refs really get hurt as well? If they do, there gos my second dream job.

They can. I do have a friend who has and continues to work regularly as a referee. Basically you will have to learn how to take (called "bumping") and sell (make believable) a wrestlers offense on occasion, probably not very much as you're main job would be to make sure the match is going according to plan. You will be told the finish in the back, and it's your job to ensure that finish happens, or if it doesn't, it won't be because you fucked up. So you need to be very sure you don't see interference, or your counts are slow enough for a guy to kick out when he must, or roll back in. You also might have to relay to the guys when time is up in the match and tell the boys to "go home" (go to the preplanned ending). My friend has bumped for several different wrestlers (including ECW announcer Matt Stryker) and had the guys bump for him. His gimmick with Afa The Wild Samoan's promotion was in fact a referee who got abused quite a lot if he made a call the wrestlers didn't like. But he never sustained any serious injury and he said Matt Stryker especially was great to work with because Stryker would throw himself halfway across the ring and make my friend's punches look absolutely devastating for the fun of it. He also worked closely with Snitsky.

I heard about that. *sigh* What will people NOT do for their jobs...?

They say the biggest marks are the boys themselves.

So they did that "get color" thing in the Cactus Jack vs. Triple H match? They pretend to bash each others head in with a chair, and they secretly cut themselves? I can understand that much, but how did they get blood in their mouths?

They did that in the Cactus/H match. Pretend is the wrong word, since the chair is definitely hitting the skull. But the trick with something like that is to not swing full force. You hit just hard enough to get a nice contact and sound, but you don't want to take the guys head off. Though there are weapons one can "cheat" with. But that tends to be up to what individual wrestlers feel comfortable doing. The mouths could have been a situation where we had a "hard way" as I mentioned. I mean, surely you've bitten your lip by accident hard enough to have it bleed before right? Or it could have been a blood capsule (rarely, RARELY used, but sometimes employed). You'd probably have to get Triple H or Mick Foley to tell you the definitive answer though.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-23 01:20:04

I made to catch SD this time (seeing as I hadn't bothered with Hulu-ing the one from the week before), and I can't help but have a giant smile on my face over having both Hardys back together teaming up with Jon Morrison. C'mon, that was awesome. :P Glad Matt was the one to get the pin; I don't think it'd be quite the same if he didn't.

WTF are they doing with Mike Knox? He was ALREADY BIZARRE. And yet, I want to keep seeing where this goes. :P

They finally admitted Khali & however-you-spell-it (forgot) are related - which I already picked up on sometime back when I noticed his real last name was SINGH.......so duh. :P What this means? Little.

At 8/21/09 11:58 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Blood is achieved by a process called "blading" or "gigging". When a wrestler needs to bleed (or in industry vernacular "get color") the most common way is to tape a piece of razor blade into your wrist tape and during the appropriate point in the match remove it and cut a straight line across your forehead and voila, instant gusher! There are of course cuts which are unplanned, these are called "hardway" cuts.

I had heard about that some time ago.........so it's true? OUCH - I can barely stand paper cuts.... >.<a t 8/22/09 07:13 AM, DannyIsOnFire wrote:

Been busy lately so I've got last weeks Smackdown and this weeks Raw and Smackdown to catch up on before the PPV. However, since the conversation turned to the Jeff Hardy saga, I thought I'd add my two cents. Matt Hardy, a frequent Twitter user, has said that Jeff has re-signed via it. Take it for what you will, but I'd put more faith in the guys own brother than a bunch of wrestling websites.

Hm.........well, wait, lemme' rewrite some of that above part, then......

*goes & edits*

At 8/23/09 12:58 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: If they're trying to say "cause he doesn't quite look the same" well lets remember there's 10 years and a facial reconstruction surgery from a motorcycle accident in there.

o_O >_<

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-23 01:26:27

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-23 02:12:27

Hello, first time poster on this thread. But that doesn't matter now, there's an update on Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle says that there a video tape that recorded him leaving his home FIRST, and Rhaka Khan left second, proving that he wasn't following her as she stated. The police said the tape is real, and it supports Kurt's story 100%. Story is that she wanted to keep Kurt away from his kids and only to herself. Kurt apparently wanted to break up with her, and she snapped. She's apparently doing all she can to make Kurt miserable. The feeling backstage in TNA is most of the people believe Kurt is telling the truth. Rhaka Khan may be on the way out as they are trying to hire more women to build up the Knockout roster to possibly replace her. Unfortunately the HGH possession charge is valid, Kurt is claiming he's using it to heal up his neck that is well known to have been surgically repaired in the early 00's. He claims he has a legitimate perscription, but it is still unknown if it's true.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-23 05:57:46

I don't watch TNA but apparently there developing a set of womens tag team titles. PLEASE WWE, don't take any notice of this. It's bad enough you've got two belts for the females to fight over.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-23 08:31:29

As always the predictions seem right on to me. Especially the DX/Legacy one. No doubt in my mind that DX is going to win tonight.

I think there will be some interference in the TLC match. Matt Hardy could do a run in at any time since there is no DQ and Punk may get help from DH Smith and Kidd in the process. Or they could just be left alone. I'm sure that it will be a good match though.


Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-23 09:29:38

I'm really looking forward to the TLC match. If Hardy is on his way out, rumour has it there planning some crazy ass stunt to see him out with. I'm excited to see what they've got planned, as they don't usually disappoint with these type of things.

Still got Raw and Smackdown to catch up on from this week. Will have to give one of them a go after the football and the other tonight. Then I'll hopefully catch SummerSlam tomorrow morning/dinner time.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-23 09:30:03

I don't know, I get the feeling that WWE will have Hardy retain tonight. You know, in order to ZOMG SWERVE the IWC. They would then have Jeff drop the strap either on RAW or SD (I believe he's scheduled to be on both shows).

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-23 11:19:19

At 8/23/09 12:58 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: They did that in the Cactus/H match. Pretend is the wrong word, since the chair is definitely hitting the skull. But the trick with something like that is to not swing full force. You hit just hard enough to get a nice contact and sound, but you don't want to take the guys head off.

@_@ My god. *gulp* There gos my other dream job of changing my gender and becoming a wrestler...

Though there are weapons one can "cheat" with.

Like the barb wire wrapped around a 2x4?

But that tends to be up to what individual wrestlers feel comfortable doing. The mouths could have been a situation where we had a "hard way" as I mentioned. I mean, surely you've bitten your lip by accident hard enough to have it bleed before right?

Yes. I can't believe that they can bear the pain of the ropes, the chairs, those little thumb tacks, AND biting through their own lip. *shudder*

Or it could have been a blood capsule (rarely, RARELY used, but sometimes employed). You'd probably have to get Triple H or Mick Foley to tell you the definitive answer though.

I would probably go with the blood capsules...

Hi, I'm a teenager who draws. Call me Wocky.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-23 13:17:46

Jack Swagger vs MVP
I'm glad this feud was able to get on the card, because if it didn't.. it would of died. I think MVP will get the win after last week's "match"..

Kane vs The Great Khali w/ Runjin Singh
How can Kofi Kingston, the US champ get kept off the card for this match?... this feud is horrid and overdone.. poor Kane.. I'm gonna give him the win because hey, he deserves a little reward for taking part in this flop..

Rey Mysterio (c) vs Dolph Ziggler
IC Title match
Ziggler has actually became one of my favs in the business, i believe him, morrison & legacy will be the future of this company (unless any of them screw up like kendrick did..) but anyway to the point, apparently the only reason ziggler did not leave night of champions with the strap around his waist was because mysterio was promised a lengthily IC title run after the whole thing with him threatening to leave... i think mysterio has had it for long enough, time to push ziggler!

Jerishow (c) vs Cryme Tyme
Unified Tag Titles match
I hate how all cryme tyme do is just ride off of shaq's material every week and just call jericho 'christina' and big show 'fat boy'... fat boy?... cmon i know it's a PG show but goddamn they can do better.. none the less i do like cryme tyme, but i don't think this is their moment.. even though i think it's ridiculous that they haven't won the titles yet.. but against big show and jericho?... i don't think they'll get the win

DX (Triple H & Shawn Michaels) vs Legacy (Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase)
Like i wrote last week, legacy beating down dx was probably a way of wwe saying "ok you got your offense in, now it's time for dx to wipe the floor with you".. i do wish trips could have a heart and actually let legacy get the win... but don't count on it..

Christian (c) vs William Regal
William Regal is a good wrestler, and does deserve a title run down the line.. but now is too early for it.. I haven't really followed ECW much.. besides The Hurricane.

Randy Orton (c) vs John Cena
WWE Title match
I haven't really followed this feud either.. but Orton is the best guy on raw to have as champ.. if he jumped to smackdown, i would stop watching raw all together..

Jeff Hardy (c) vs CM Punk
World Heavyweight Title match
This one is just as painfully obvious as the dx match.. but what's going to happen? how is jeff going to be sent off?... will he go through a "career ending" spot at the end of the match? will matt hardy interfere and turn on his brother?.. i dunno.. but this match is bound to be awesome.. and hopefully one to remember in the future.. I'm gonna miss jeff..

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-23 14:43:19

At 8/23/09 01:17 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: Jack Swagger vs MVP
I'm glad this feud was able to get on the card, because if it didn't.. it would of died. I think MVP will get the win after last week's "match"..

I can't wait to see Swagger get MVP'd.

Kane vs The Great Khali w/ Runjin Singh
How can Kofi Kingston, the US champ get kept off the card for this match?... this feud is horrid and overdone.. poor Kane.. I'm gonna give him the win because hey, he deserves a little reward for taking part in this flop..

Kane was always better. He actually deserves to be a giant. He doesn't have feelings(other than resentment), and he's tough. Too bad Khali took the chair from him and...well, you know. *sniff*

Rey Mysterio (c) vs Dolph Ziggler
Ziggler has actually became one of my favs in the business, i believe him, morrison & legacy will be the future of this company (unless any of them screw up like kendrick did..) but anyway to the point, apparently the only reason ziggler did not leave night of champions with the strap around his waist was because mysterio was promised a lengthily IC title run after the whole thing with him threatening to leave... i think mysterio has had it for long enough, time to push ziggler!

How dare you! Rey will always be the face of SmackDown, and he will win! Man, that was cheesy, but that's how I feel.

Jerishow (c) vs Cryme Tyme
I hate how all cryme tyme do is just ride off of shaq's material every week and just call jericho 'christina' and big show 'fat boy'... fat boy?... cmon i know it's a PG show but goddamn they can do better...

Hehe, Jerishow...huh? Oh yeah. Actually, they didn't call Jericho "Christina" and Big Show "fat boy" for a while.

DX (Triple H & Shawn Michaels) vs Legacy (Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase)
Like i wrote last week, legacy beating down dx was probably a way of wwe saying "ok you got your offense in, now it's time for dx to wipe the floor with you".. i do wish trips could have a heart and actually let legacy get the win... but don't count on it..

I like Legacy, but I think DeGeneration X should win. C'mon, Legacy is cool and all, but DX is awesome.

Randy Orton (c) vs John Cena
I haven't really followed this feud either.. but Orton is the best guy on raw to have as champ.. if he jumped to smackdown, i would stop watching raw all together..

I hope Randy does The Punt to Cena. I haven't seen him do that in a while...

Jeff Hardy (c) vs CM Punk
This one is just as painfully obvious as the dx match.. but what's going to happen? how is jeff going to be sent off?... will he go through a "career ending" spot at the end of the match? will matt hardy interfere and turn on his brother?.. i dunno.. but this match is bound to be awesome.. and hopefully one to remember in the future.. I'm gonna miss jeff..

Everyone is going to miss Jeff. Especially me...but I hope that Jeff wins the match, so he won't leave in shame.

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