I'm not sure if I can see SS tonight, but I'll give it a shot.
D-Lucks: ARGH, I COINED JeriShow FIRST!!!!!!! DAMN YOU!!!!!
You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.
I'm not sure if I can see SS tonight, but I'll give it a shot.
D-Lucks: ARGH, I COINED JeriShow FIRST!!!!!!! DAMN YOU!!!!!
You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.
First things first.. Punk vs Taker is going to be AWESOME!!
And now, this.
Ring of Honor issued the following press release:
Bryan Danielson has agreed in principle to a contract with World Wrestling Entertainment.
Bryan has been an exemplary talent and a wonderful member of the Ring of Honor locker room and family since the inception of the company. We couldn't be happier for Bryan and all of his successes, many of which Ring of Honor has been proud to witness first hand.
We congratulate Bryan on the beginning of this next journey in his brilliant career, and wish him all the best as he progresses. Many Ring of Honor fans refer to Bryan as the "best in the world" and we look forward to looking on in earnest as he shows everyone watching the wrestling world's biggest stage just why that is.
Bryan will appear as scheduled at all of the September Ring of Honor events. Please join us in Philadelphia, Dayton, Chicago, Boston, and New York as we say thank you and farewell to a truly one-of-a-kind talent.
At 8/23/09 11:15 PM, pepeatumi wrote: First things first.. Punk vs Taker is going to be AWESOME!!
It really really is. But this to me seems like such a hot shot since I really felt like this could be a Mania level match. But I guess I understand the feeling of WWE that coming off such a strong angle and with the loss of Hardy they need Taker to pick that baton up quick and strong. What I also like here is Punk is being programmed with someone who will have absolutely no problem doing jobs for him or helping to build him up. Two of my favorites fighting it out? Haven't been this excited for a feud since Edge/Taker last year. We all remember how good that one was :)
Send him to SD! and this is going to be a gigantic pick up for WWE. Danielson is a tremendous talent in the vein of a William Regal or Chris Benoit, an excellent world traveled technician and someone who graduated from Shawn Michaels's short lived school, so that gives him a powerful potential ally within the company. A lot of you have no idea who Danielson is I'm sure, but you'll just have to trust me and Pep that this guy is a tremendous talent like Punk or Samoa Joe was for WWE and TNA. If given the chance, I really see him sliding into the role that Chris Benoit used to occupy and nobody has really been able to make their own since.
i almost had a clean sweep with this ppv (cept for the IC title match)..
ah man, at times like this.. i wish i could bet on matches...
i only caught the end of punk vs hardy... man that swanton off the ladder was crazy!
as soon as the lights flickered i knew taker was coming, i liked how they made the flicker look unintentional instead of being fake and overreacted.. if i did not read reports on how the light flickering meant taker's around, it could of fooled me.
also orton looks weird full out bald... he needs the 70s shaggy hair from 2002 again lol
The "fan" who did the run-in was none other than Brett DiBiase. Could he possibly be added to Legacy or was this a one shot deal? There are a few pics of him from wrestlezone.com right here.
So Punk's next challenge is The Undertaker? Sweet! I wonder if there will be some kind of send-off for Jeff or will that fued continue in some way?
I didn't actually see the PPV. How was it?
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 8/24/09 10:22 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I didn't actually see the PPV. How was it?
One of the top two WWE PPV's of the year (Wtih No Way Out being the other).
Ziggler vs Mysterio was much better than their match at NOC, and despite the loss, it was a star-making match for Dolph. There were actually some pretty loud "Let's go Ziggler" chants throughout the match. That's even more impressive when you remember that LA is basically Rey's backyard.
MVP vs Jack Swagger was a good match, but the fans just didn't care about it. You can blame that on the RAW "creative team" since they've given us no reason to care about either man.
The Unified Tag Title match was ok. Nothing really amazing, just a good solid match.
Kane vs Khali was about what one would expect.
DX vs Legacy was... F'N AWESOME! They were given a lot of time, and Legacy were made to look like a threat to DX. You knew DX was going to win the match, but I don't think anyone expected it to be as competitive as it was. Hell, its probably the best tag-team match that WWE has put on all year.
Christian vs Regal was 6 seconds long. It was about giving Christian a win, and showcasing Regal's new alliance with Zeke and Kozlov.
Orton vs Cena was different, to say the least. A lot of false finishes in this one, followed by Orton getting the actual win with the RKO. My guess is we'll get a rematch at Breaking Point.
Hardy vs Punk was the MOTN, and if not for Taker/HBK, people might be calling this the MOTY. Hardy put on one hell of a performance in what was probably his last PPV match (For the time being, anyways). Taker's return was just great and the fans went nuts for him (As expected).
All in all, a pretty damn good show.
At 8/24/09 10:22 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: The "fan" who did the run-in was none other than Brett DiBiase. Could he possibly be added to Legacy or was this a one shot deal? There are a few pics of him from wrestlezone.com right here.
It's an interesting question. I can see him joining Legacy and if the point is to turn Ted soon to promote his movie this could give him an interesting angle to fight with Orton: a duel for the soul of his brother.
So Punk's next challenge is The Undertaker? Sweet! I wonder if there will be some kind of send-off for Jeff or will that fued continue in some way?
Jeff is going to be at the tapings this week as that is his last date with the company. Whether he will work or not I don't know. I tend to think they probably should put him into a match with Punk and let Punk "run him out" to help build Punk more and put a definite period on that feud. Then we can move onwards to Undertaker. That would be how I would book this thing anyway. I think it would also put Punk and Hardy on even footing in terms of clean wins and loses to each other (unless there's a match with a clean finish I'm forgetting, it'd stick them at 2 apiece) and THAT can be used when Hardy hopefully comes back in a couple of months or so when he's ready to wrestle again.
I didn't actually see the PPV. How was it?
I didn't see it either but reactions I've heard range from absolute failure to pretty good. But I think the general agreement is this failed to be Wrestlemania-lite like WWE seemed to want.
At 8/24/09 03:36 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I didn't see it either but reactions I've heard range from absolute failure to pretty good. But I think the general agreement is this failed to be Wrestlemania-lite like WWE seemed to want.
In my opinion it was just as good, if not better, than this years Wrestlemania. Everything barring Khali/Kane was good, even if Cena/Orton was one of the weirdest finishes I've ever seen.
Police are investigating boxing champion Floyd Mayweather Jr. after a witness saw his Rolls Royce leaving the scene of a shooting last night in Las Vegas.
The shooting occurred at the Crystal Palace Skating Center. The Associated Press reports that according to Lt. Patrick Charoen, police obtained a warrant to search Mayweather's Rolls Royce after a witness spotted it leaving the skating center right after the shooting. Lt. Charoen says no one was hurt in the shooting, but a vehicle was hit with several bullets. Mayweather isn't named as a suspect, as witnesses only identified his vehicle.
TMZ.com spoke to Floyd Mayweather Sr. on Monday, who recalled a conversation he had with his son earlier today. According to Floyd Sr., Floyd Jr. claims police "ransacked" his home looking for a gun but didn't find anything. Floyd Jr. said he takes his kids to that skating rink often on Sundays and confirmed that police were talking to him because his car was seen there at the time of the shooting.
Mayweather is scheduled to guest host tonight's episode of Monday Night Raw and is unknown if he will be there or not because of this.
*sits and cries* OOOOOOOOooohhh!!! My grampa just downloaded SummerSlam, and...and....*sniffle*...
You know who I love the most.
I can't believe that snot nosed Punk beat Jeff! Oh well. At least the Undertaker rose again...*heh heh*...and destroyed Punk. Me thinks something fucking amazing is gonna happen. And, I really thought Cena was gonna win the title match...es. Also:
Okay, I guess you guys don't like to see me bitch about how Jeff shoulda won, and I gotta go to bed soon(second day of school), so bye. *sigh* I'm gonna, you know, try again.
I enjoyed that opening far more than I should have.
At 8/24/09 09:28 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: I enjoyed that opening far more than I should have.
Tonights raw? It was ok, nothing to special. I did like it and am looking forward to DX and Vince vs. the legacy.
Well, Jeff has one show left, and a rematch clause to invoke. So he could try to beat Punk on Smackdown! fail miserably, and then that'll lead to more in the Punk vs. Taker situation. Straight Edge means he's better then Jeff Hardy!
Also yet another round of Cena vs. Orton? *zzzzzzzzzzzz*. So much for anything fresh happening on RAW yes?
The opener was pretty funny up until dick johnson came out. Why that dude does that crap I'll never know...it really makes the creative team look so very stupid when it's members act like that. It also points out I think the fundamental problem with a lot of the use of DX anymore: It really is just a gag for older fans and Hunter and Shawn to just have party hour and if you understand the jokes you'll laugh and if you don't, you're in the dust. I hope they continue the idea of Legacy being a threat tonight and have them just flat out wreck Vince or something and don't get beat or let DX break them.
I'll talk more about RAW tomorrow; too tired.
At 8/24/09 09:36 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I hope they continue the idea of Legacy being a threat tonight and have them just flat out wreck Vince or something and don't get beat or let DX break them.
Sorry ya' didn't get your wish. >_<
You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.
At 8/25/09 12:55 AM, Assi9 wrote: Sorry ya' didn't get your wish. >_<
I didn't expect to. That's the thing about RAW these days. It's like watching a bad sports team: You know they're most likely going to lose but you're hoping tonight is one of those nights they'll pull one out.
Well, that was bad. The opening segment was awful: Just a masturbatory birthday segment, which went way too long. I'd like to say it was predictable, but if I'm honest, I predicted Mae Young coming out of the cake. And what's with Vince doing the DX lines? What is this, D-Corporation-X? Last I heard, DX were against authority, and they'd embarrassed Vince countless times before.
The Mayweather segment was so off too. He obviously makes a much, much, better heel. Why not swerve us and have him side with Show? Sure, it wouldn't make much sense, but nothing on Raw does, and it could maybe have made the segment slightly better.
But hey, why not let MVP choose a partner for tonight, and if they win, they get a title shot at Breaking Point. Hey, let's have that match tonight! What? That doesn't make any God damn sense. Floyd Mayweather sucks on the mic.
I didn't mind the opening too much. I totally saw "greased up fat guy" in the cake coming a mile away. I had wanted Legacy to get some good offense in but I guess Vince had to get a pinfall victory on his birthday. Hey I can understand wanting to have fun on your birthday but not at the expense of others... oh well.
As far as the matches go, Miz vs. Santino was fun and the tag match between Big Show/jericho vs. MVP/Mark Henry wasn't bad either.
Not the best show they've done but it was at least somewhat watchable.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
according to sources, people backstage say that abraham washington is not well liked backstage, and also saying that his on-screen character seems to match with his real life persona very well, apparently he's got a bit of an ego..
honestly.. it doesn't really come to a shock for me...
I know you're all speaking ill of RAW's opening, but hell, it's Vince's b-day - he has an excuse to screw things up this time. :P
MVP & Mark Henry...........this would be great for the both of them - y'know, two guys who'd benefit more from the UTT than the current holders? Which means they won't win them, sadly........... >:( But I can still hope.
Jericho's become pathetic. A great wrestler doesn't need to be made to look like a pathetic woos.
Is anyone else actually happy that Chavo said "Fuck it; I'm sick of this shit!"? Sorry, Horny, but I'd rather see him & Bourne feud.
At 8/25/09 08:53 AM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote: I'd like to say it was predictable, but if I'm honest, I predicted Mae Young coming out of the cake.
Me, too, actually. Would've been funnier - seriously, enough with the greased fat dude. >_<
And what's with Vince doing the DX lines? What is this, D-Corporation-X? Last I heard, DX were against authority, and they'd embarrassed Vince countless times before.
Family relation trumps authority, and they still had fun at Vince's expense beforehand.
But hey, why not let MVP choose a partner for tonight, and if they win, they get a title shot at Breaking Point. Hey, let's have that match tonight! What? That doesn't make any God damn sense. Floyd Mayweather sucks on the mic.
Yeah, he fucked that one up......
You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.
At 8/25/09 02:38 PM, Assi9 wrote: I know you're all speaking ill of RAW's opening, but hell, it's Vince's b-day - he has an excuse to screw things up this time. :P
He owns the company, he always has the excuse to fuck it up as bad as he wants. It doesn't mean he should have an hour long birthday segment to start of his flagship show. It was unfunny throughout, boring throughout, and had nothing to do with anything relevant in the WWE (other than the relatively minuscule Legacy attack part at the end).
I'd say Vince has lost it. He's lost touch of what made his company so great, and now all he cares about is his own enjoyment, rather than the fans', or making his top show a two hour advert for irrelevant, annoying "celebrities".
One thing I don't understand is why they make Jericho do so bad against Mark Henry. I understand t hat they might be trying to build Henry up some, but come on, Jericho gets dominated. I don't even like Jericho and I know he deserves better than that.
"Quotation is a serviceable substitute for wit. "
HBH, welcome to the party the rest of us have known of forever. Everything Vince does is done for his enjoyment, creative writes the shows for his enjoyment because if they don't they get yelled at and possibly fired. Vince believes he's a genius, all that crap that's ever been said positive about him and that he is a trend maker now. Where he is able to TELL the public what they want vs. trying to divine what they want and give it to them. It's ridiculous and totally defies common sense. Yes you can ride the lightning and all but most of WWE's successes, and certainly the attitude era was a case where Vince basically had to have the good sense to hop onto a train that was leaving the station and get behind the new direction of things.
Far as Chavo, you know what? I'd say he's pretty goddamn ruined, get him off TV, and get him off RAW and see if you can't rebuild him...you can't possibly take this guy seriously at all at this point.
Far as the guest host concept, look hate it all you want, but they are getting good numbers from it so as long as it's getting them good numbers and they're not having to spend money to do it, it'd be stupid NOT to keep doing it.
I don't think the guest host thing will last all that long before they get tired of the concept, but for now there is some use for it. They may as well play around with the concept until they find someone better to do the GM job.
Has anyone gotten the Rise and Fall of WCW yet?
ECW wasn't bad the other day. Regal and Christian seem to work well together. Shame they couldn't have that kind of match at SS. I would rather have them have time than give it to Khali and Kane.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
From WWE.com: In accordance with WWE's Wellness Program, effective Wednesday, September 2, Oscar Gutierrez (Rey Mysterio) is suspended for 30 days for a violation of the company's policy.
More like Rey Mysteriod >_>
At 8/27/09 07:59 PM, pepeatumi wrote: From WWE.com: In accordance with WWE's Wellness Program, effective Wednesday, September 2, Oscar Gutierrez (Rey Mysterio) is suspended for 30 days for a violation of the company's policy.
http://www.411mania.com/wrestling/news/1 14658/WWE-Suspends-Rey-Mysterio-For-Well ness-Policy-Violation.htm
More like Rey Mysteriod >_>
Wow, day one without Jeff Hardy.
Kind of fucks the IC title too. Now it'll just be Dolph in a midcard feud.
At 8/27/09 07:59 PM, pepeatumi wrote: From WWE.com: In accordance with WWE's Wellness Program, effective Wednesday, September 2, Oscar Gutierrez (Rey Mysterio) is suspended for 30 days for a violation of the company's policy.
More like Rey Mysteriod >_>
That will really hurt the smackdown brand, since he is one of the top stars on the brand. The undertaker will make up for his absence. Since rey was the Intercontinental Champion there going to have to do something with that, i don't mean putting it on Dolph Ziggler. Not going to work.
Oh, Jeff hardy is confirmed to leave the company this friday. Spoiler link is below if you want to see how.
http://www.sescoops.com/wwe/Breaking_New s_Jeff_Hardy_s_WWE_Future_Revleadd.shtml
The suspension takes effect when it does so that Rey can drop the belt (and since Ziggler is in line for a shot I'd look for him to take it and a hastily rushed match for him at Breaking Point to take place). Curious to see what Rey failed for but I could probably guess. A shame these guys continue to abuse themselves in this way and seem to think they won't be caught.
At 8/27/09 11:25 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: The suspension takes effect when it does so that Rey can drop the belt (and since Ziggler is in line for a shot I'd look for him to take it and a hastily rushed match for him at Breaking Point to take place). Curious to see what Rey failed for but I could probably guess. A shame these guys continue to abuse themselves in this way and seem to think they won't be caught.
Sounds about right. Dolph can come out and say he doesn't want to wait until Breaking Point, and they can have the match at next week's SD tapings.
I'm really hoping this wasn't roid-related. I'd like to think that a guy who was one of Eddie's best friends, and a friend of Benoit would know better than to use steroids.
In all honesty, Rey was one of the last guys I would have guessed to be caught witha wellness violation. The dude was close friends with Eddie and more importantly than that has a wife and young kids to be a role model for. The violation comes at a lousy time too. Guess Dolf will be getting that IC gold afterall. So much for a lenghty title run.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 8/27/09 11:29 PM, pepeatumi wrote: I'm really hoping this wasn't roid-related. I'd like to think that a guy who was one of Eddie's best friends, and a friend of Benoit would know better than to use steroids.
You'd think Eddie's nephew would know better then to use drugs also but he didn't. The biggest issue to me is that there is still that stigma I believe within WWE that if you're small, you don't get pushed. Yes, the guys are still making that active choice to do the wrong thing and they are responsible...but if they would push smaller guys and not send the message that they'd better look bigger if they want to go anywhere in the company maybe they'd see less violations in regards to roids, HGH, and other such drugs and supplements.