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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-31 00:31:53

At 7/30/09 03:10 PM, Shaun wrote: World Wrestling Entertainment has come to terms on the release of Raw Superstar Brian Kendrick as of today, July 30, 2009. WWE wishes Brian the best in all future endeavors.

huh...I got my request. Hope he does better elsewhere.

Chavo next?

For his sake I hope so. Then again maybe he doesn't really care as long as the pay is good. How much do you think the WWE is giving him to do these silly things?

There is no shame in admitting you like Orton. I don't have any problems with the guy other than I think his promos can be boring. Opinion helps add to the conversation so don't feel afraid to let it be known.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-31 07:28:06

Brian Kendrick released?.... aw man... GAY!!

i hope he still makes it in SD vs RAW 2010 though.. they normally turn a blind eye on some of the wrestlers that have been released (ie: Mark Jindrak in SVR 2006, Super Crazy in SVR 2009)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-31 09:45:31

At 7/31/09 07:28 AM, Random-Her03 wrote:

i hope he still makes it in SD vs RAW 2010 though.. they normally turn a blind eye on some of the wrestlers that have been released (ie: Mark Jindrak


I'm looking forward to SD tonight. I want to see Punk's reaction and to find out where this story will go. It's funny how into this main event story I'm into and how much I could care less about the Raw side of things. Raw is supposed to be the flagship show but I find I like the secondary show a whole lot more.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-31 22:05:41

Caught the last half hour of Smackdown and loved it. Morrison and Hardy put on one hell of a show. I was expecting Punk to come during the match, and I wished he did because then Morrison could have been involved. I'm sure he'll find his way back in the picture though.

Punk's turn was great. He came off as fierce and methodical, everything a heel should be. I also loved that there was a guy cheering for him in the front row.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-31 22:12:53

SD kicked ass! The matches they had were great from start to finish. I was even able to pay attention to the Diva's match which is no small feat. The main event was the best match of the night but I enjoyed the tag matches that were featured. We'll be seeing Cryme Time take on Jericho and Show at Summer Slam which should be a decent match.

Guess this is the night Punk is no longer a tweener huh?

It really is night and day when you compare Raw and SD these days.

I was on WWE.com and saw a pic of Swagger and it hit me. Swagger looks like Gary Busey. Take a look at some pic of Busey.

That should be his tag line. Jack Swagger, the Gary Busey of the WWE! lol

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-01 02:31:38

At 7/31/09 10:05 PM, boloneyman wrote: Caught the last half hour of Smackdown and loved it. Morrison and Hardy put on one hell of a show. I was expecting Punk to come during the match, and I wished he did because then Morrison could have been involved. I'm sure he'll find his way back in the picture though.

He absolutely can because at some point he gets to cash in that return match clause. Which I would really like to see him use it at SS and be in line for that more then I want to see Morrison and Hardy right now.

Haven't gotten to see the show yet but I'm very much looking forward to it from what I had heard prior to it, and what you guys are saying now.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-01 04:22:26

At 7/31/09 10:12 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: I was on WWE.com and saw a pic of Swagger and it hit me. Swagger looks like Gary Busey. Take a look at some pic of Busey.

dude i thought i was the only one who thought that! lol

SD! was pretty good
Cryme Tyme are a good team, and they do deserve this push.. but man.. why is WWE making Hart Dynasty job so much?! where supposed to be pushing these guys.. they have legendary backgrounds! and even when they do win, they make it seem like it was a fluke.

I gotta admit, I'm coming around to liking Mike Knox, not just because of that Wicked Beard he sports, but for a huge guy he's very agile, that cross body he hit on Mysterio was gold, such speed.
Also those reports saying that McMahon must be high on R-Truth's 'Pretty Ricky' character must be full of shit because i haven't seen one of those promos since a month ago when the first one was played.

Goddamn it.. they couldn't even give Charlie Haas the win via countout could they?.. damn it Haas is talent and now he's nothing more as a jobber... They should of moved him to ECW instead of Benjamin.. It would of helped him alot.

The main event was pretty damn awesome.. though Morrison's promo before the match was just painful to watch.. it looked like he was reading it off of some cue cards. Great match as i expected i remember these 2 battling it out for the IC title when Morrison was 'Johnny Nitro', especially in that one ladder match... that was the match that gave Morrison my respect.

not a bad SD! this week, now RAW's got Piven this week... I'm calling it right now that Santino and Piven will "hug it out".

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-01 05:29:33

At 8/1/09 04:22 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: why is WWE making Hart Dynasty job so much?! where supposed to be pushing these guys.. they have legendary backgrounds! and even when they do win, they make it seem like it was a fluke.

It's disgraceful, it would have been better leaving them on ECW rather than treating the dynasty like this.
We get it, the WWE has no idea how to handle stables any more. They have no idea how to handle teams of any sort and if you happen to be heels then it's just going to be downright miserable.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-01 09:21:41

At 7/31/09 09:45 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Who?


He wrestled between like 2003 - 2005, he breifly teamed with Lance Cade and even became Kurt Angle's protoge. He was a good enough wrestler and had an amazing dropkick aswell as a great left hook.. but he had no personality and never seemed to get a reaction from the crowd, which is why his singles run failed so much after he left Kurt Angle's group.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-01 09:48:14

Theres nobody who can compare WWE now and WWE in 90s.There have changed many things.Now it s more fake.Even the little kids realize that it s fake.There arent wrestlers like the old ones.I think that AAA is the best of this kind of wrestling.If I want to watch real wrestling,I watch MMA,UFC.Strikeforce and Pride.

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-02 01:22:50

At 8/1/09 10:54 PM, Twilight wrote: I tried to watch SD last night but I was bored out of my brains.

Are you sure you didn't watch Impact by mistake?

I always wondered why I liked Raw more than SmackDown.

Brain damage? :-p

At first I really didn't like the idea of Punk cashing in his rematch next week. But the more I think about it the more I think this could actually be a really good idea. It's very obvious the Hardy/Punk issue is alive, and with John Morrison getting clean pinned, it seems they're sending a clear message of "you're time will come...but it is not now grasshopper". So to me the easy option here is to do this match to a non-finish so we can get them at SS, and maybe throw in Morrison for funzies. Punk pretty desperately needs to get a really good match with Hardy, since I have not read of any of their prior 2 bouts really being what you'd expect. If they want to truly establish Punk, he needs to look like he can hang with Hardy and to have a memorable bout with him (wouldn't hurt if he goes over in the end also). More people will check out the TV then they will the PPV's now (certainly a scary trend for WWE) so Punk will need to put his working boots on and hopefully Hardy will as well, especially if he has any plans in his head still to perhaps take a break down the line.

Next week's SD! may well be a make or break night for the career of CM Punk.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-02 03:45:23

At 8/2/09 01:22 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: Next week's SD! may well be a make or break night for the career of CM Punk.

I can't see the Summerslam match being another straight punk vs hardy match.. it either has to have some sort of stipulation.. other than ladder as hardy has done that a few times lately OR it has to have another wrestler involved.
I'd rather the first option I think, having morrison involved would be like having kozlov involved when it was HHH vs Hardy in that he isn't going to win so there really isn't a point to it.

There will surely be some sort of screwy finish that costs CM Punk the win next week on smackdown but what they will do I have no idea. That's why it's so interesting.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-02 16:21:48

Just caught Smackdown and really enjoyed the show. Hardy/Morrison work well together and I'm looking forward to next week to see what they do with the title situation. I think a break from Hardy/Punk singles matches would be good, since they've had them at the last two or three PPV's now. Either adding a stip (TLC please) or throwing Morrison into the mix will keep it fresh.

Also, shame about TBK getting released. I saw potential in him since his singles run on Smackdown and it's a shame he ended up in the position he's in. Still, maybe he can further he career in TNA, RoH or one of the smaller indy promotions.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-02 18:54:13

It's only a matter of time before Morrison has the belt, so you guys must know how pleased I am. :P Once again, an awesome match with him, and both him & Jeff came out looking like winners.

I'm a tad surprised Punk made the complete turn; I was expecting him to stay tweener.

Cryme Time put on a solid match........too bad the guys that really SHOULD be put over by default of lineage lost.

At 8/1/09 10:54 PM, Twilight wrote: I tried to watch SD last night but I was bored out of my brains.

I always wondered why I liked Raw more than SmackDown.

Whatever you're smoking, I think we'd all like some. :P

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-02 19:33:04

At 8/2/09 06:54 PM, Assi9 wrote: It's only a matter of time before Morrison has the belt, so you guys must know how pleased I am. :P Once again, an awesome match with him, and both him & Jeff came out looking like winners.

I think so too. With the solid performances Morrison has been putting on and the fact that he has kept healthy and unhurt for so long I think he is ready for a shot at the big time. His involvment with Punk and Hardy will keep things interesting and I really do think he deserves to be there.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-02 22:27:48

I was reading about the meny reasons why Brian was fired from wwe according to the report, Kendrick's release can largely be attributed to his backstage attitude and motivation as a performer. The internal feeling was that while Kendrick did what he was told, he carried a negative attitude and gave the impression that he did not deeply care about being there. WWE thus saw little potential for Kendrick to breakout as a valuable member of the roster and opted to sever its ties with the wrestler.

It remains to be seen if Kendrick's release is a compounded consequence of his behavior or if a specific incident brought WWE officials' concerns to a boil.

Sources are also quick to mention reports that Kendrick was one of WWE's most frequently-fined Superstars for marijuana use, although it is unclear if that played any role in his release--under the Wellness Policy, there is no punishment, beyond the fine, for using the drug.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-03 07:33:32

I've got the mental image stuck in my head of Kendrick and Big Zeke getting stoned backstage; hilarious in it's own right for Zeke's abrupt change in attitude and expression :D

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-03 11:11:00

At 8/3/09 07:33 AM, DannyIsOnFire wrote: I've got the mental image stuck in my head of Kendrick and Big Zeke getting stoned backstage; hilarious in it's own right for Zeke's abrupt change in attitude and expression :D

Has he been on ECW? I haven't watched in the longest time. What has he been doing?

I'm not so sure about Raw tonight. Its good that we know know the title situation, though we have seen this matchup a lot before. I'm also not real familiar with the guest host so it's hard to get excited about that.

Maybe I'll be wrong and they will suprise me with a really great show. I can hope right?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-03 13:05:32

At 8/3/09 11:11 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:
At 8/3/09 07:33 AM, DannyIsOnFire wrote: I've got the mental image stuck in my head of Kendrick and Big Zeke getting stoned backstage; hilarious in it's own right for Zeke's abrupt change in attitude and expression :D
Has he been on ECW? I haven't watched in the longest time. What has he been doing?

Yeah, he's been squashing jobbers for a few weeks now. His mic and wrestling skills (even if we've only seen about five minutes of each) are shaping up to be pretty decent. There putting him in a program with Kozlov it would seem, but I haven't seen this weeks ECW so I don't know where it's heading yet.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-03 14:39:25

At 8/3/09 01:40 PM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote: On the subject of Zeke, I'd just like to say that his theme is awesome, even if it is just the Brawl For All theme with lyrics.

Could not agree more. Its one of the two reasons why I love the guy.. The other being the fact that it ALWAYS looks like he's going to kill whoever he's wrestling.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-03 14:43:06

At 8/3/09 01:40 PM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote: On the subject of Zeke, I'd just like to say that his theme is awesome, even if it is just the Brawl For All theme with lyrics.

Zeke? i'm sorry to say i have no idea who he is....is he on the ecw brand? That could be the reason i don't know him; since i nevr watch that show.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-03 20:58:39

At 8/3/09 02:43 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Zeke? i'm sorry to say i have no idea who he is....is he on the ecw brand? That could be the reason i don't know him; since i nevr watch that show.

Ezekiel Jackson, he debuted on SD! as Kendrick's bodyguard and occasional tag team partner, though he was recently drafted to ECW during the supplemental draft.

anyway i knew i heard his theme somewhere! lol

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-03 21:26:43

I like the idea behind Miz's match, because I think it means there's a good chance he's going to beat Cena.

Just thought I'd put my thoughts here before the match happens (and the Miz probably loses).

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-03 22:26:58

"Maybe I just make one phone call..."


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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-03 22:40:21

At 8/3/09 10:26 PM, Zornkatzu wrote: "Maybe I just make one phone call..."


OMG... i forgot about raw.... Did he come back.....please say he did!

If you are messing with me; i will come after you with something big sharp and possibly on fire!

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-03 22:55:12

At 8/3/09 10:40 PM, idiot-buster wrote: OMG... i forgot about raw.... Did he come back.....please say he did!

If you are messing with me; i will come after you with something big sharp and possibly on fire!

I almost forgot about RAW too. Not exactly memorable of late...

So far no return. But after Triple H lost to Legacy, he said that he should "bring back a gang" and after dismissing the idea of bringing back Evolution, he said that maybe he should just "make one phone call" and that "if you're not down with that, I got two words for ya!"

So yeah, VERY good chance of seeing HBK next week.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-03 23:11:18

OH COME ON! They can't let Miz win once?! And on top of that they are getting him off of Raw?! WHY?! Look, I understand that a lot of you guys don't like Miz and thats fine but the guy is a solid performer who has done everything he has been asked to do by WWE and how do they reward him? By kicking him off Raw and keeping him off PPV? I just hope he gets to go to SD and is used better.

Raw was...meh. I was genuinly suprised to see HHH lose tonight. I can't remember the last time a face lost in a handicap match. I guess this means there is a good chance for DX vs. Legacy at SS.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-03 23:21:16

At 8/3/09 11:11 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: OH COME ON! They can't let Miz win once?! And on top of that they are getting him off of Raw?! WHY?! Look, I understand that a lot of you guys don't like Miz and thats fine but the guy is a solid performer who has done everything he has been asked to do by WWE and how do they reward him? By kicking him off Raw and keeping him off PPV? I just hope he gets to go to SD and is used better.

Completely agreed. I'm also sick of all this "Cena-wins-against-the-odds" crap. Almost EVERY heel on Raw was out there and on The Miz's side, and he STILL can't win? That's just a load of crap. I just hope that with Edge out on Smackdown, The Miz can shine there as a solid heel.

Raw was...meh. I was genuinly suprised to see HHH lose tonight. I can't remember the last time a face lost in a handicap match. I guess this means there is a good chance for DX vs. Legacy at SS.

About damn time. I was kind of hoping that after Michaels hung up on Triple H he would appear behind him, but oh well. I suppose we'll see him next week. As big a fan as I am of Michaels, does anyone else find it kind of sad that we need a 44 year old man to come back in order to save Raw?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-04 00:42:53

At 8/3/09 11:11 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: Raw was...meh. I was genuinly suprised to see HHH lose tonight. I can't remember the last time a face lost in a handicap match. I guess this means there is a good chance for DX vs. Legacy at SS.

It seems to me they are trying to make it as incredibly obvious that it is a HBK DX come back thing just to possibly swerve us?
Who else has HHH teamed up with who could come back?

I really dont want to see DX together, we saw all that not very long ago.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-08-04 01:03:51

Geez, what a complete burial of Miz they've done. Did he park in somebody's space or something?

As far as the H thing, yeah, we've known about a DX reunion for a couple weeks, it'll pop some peeps and sell some shirts I guess. But it'll just bury Legacy further since DX doesn't job. Though I think this might be the best possible team to flip the tag titles too right now if they're willing to actually help get other acts over, since as much as a some people think DX is stale and whatever but they could mean a slight shot in the arm to the ratings of the other shows and with the way the tag belts are structured these days that's probably the sort of guys you're going to see as champions from now on: an act that can help draw ratings across at least the big two brands.

Also what the hell was the dig at Flair about? I'm sure it was something to pop dad and all but...fuck the guy is supposed to be your friend, and certainly H has enough power to just go "I don't want to say that" and not have to.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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