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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-27 09:31:57

At 7/27/09 06:11 AM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote: Message sent to kids by Jeff beating Punk: Do drugs, win titles.

Goddamnit, WWE.

For real.

I guess this means Jeff is staying. Either that or they will have a loser leaves WWE type match down the road. If Jeff does stick around he could fued with his brother over the title assuming he still has the belt by the time Matt has recovered.

Christian wins the ECW title which is fine with me, Dreamer had a good run but I think they do need to concentrate on building Christian as a top guy.

I'm glad Kofi didn't lose in the 6 pac challenge thing. This way there is a chance for a better singles match for the title between him and Swagger or Miz.

Orton won..Meh. As we have discusses the Raw lineup is getting stale and boring. They really need some fresh opponents for Orton.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-27 11:39:35

So Jericho's partner turned out to be Big Show, not a bad choice... but still.. was it really worth the hype? but anyway the 2 had quite good chemistry for a team, it's no Jericho and Edge but it'll certainly do, also i like the whole RAW wreslter/SD! wrestler combination as the champs. Big Show seems to have refreshed his look aswell, wearing blue and shaving his moustache part of his goatee.. lol yeah i notice these things a lot. For some reason i have a feeling that this tag title run will turn Big Show back to a babyface.. Jericho will most likely go sour on him down the line, and i think Show will retaliate. I hope so, i like the babyface Big Show.. even though the Happy Giant gimmick is currently filled (Khali).

I'm not a CM Punk fan, and i'm not afraid to express it, but i've come around to liking this gimmick, he actually is right about a lot of things that he expresses in his promos.. but he's just such a smug asshole about it.. its great, kinda reminds me of Muhammad Hussan's promos.. he would say hateful things, but he had a point about some.

Christian winning the ECW seems about right, Dreamer did have a lengthily reign.. but man they better start having wrestlers like Regal, Benjamin and Kozlov go for the title... coz Christian vs Dreamer is starting to become the next HHH vs Orton.

Kofi Kingston is a talented wrestler, no doubt.. but he's one of the weakest US Champs WWE's had in a while.. they're making him job week after week.. then suddenly he just wins a 6 man match?.. Personally i would of loved to have seen Swagger or MVP take the title to give their feud a little bit of flavour.

Womens title match.. who cares.. WWE title match.. same old thing..

Normally i find Miz annoying, but i liked his backstage segment with Maryse.. see maybe if he toned down a little, he'd be more tolerated.

Maryse lost the title to Mickie, so now Mickie joins McCool in the "divas to win both the Divas title and Womens title" catagory.. yay!

I was disappointed to see Mysterio retain during the IC match, i was also expecting Maria to turn heel and attack Mysterio.. I was disappointed that it didn't happen. Well i guess were seeing that empty headed Maria going for the wrong guys storyline again... wait.. again?... *cough santino cough* ah yes again.

Jeff wins the title.. i dunno, i don't buy it... i don't think that this win is implying that he's staying, although if it was the case i'd be happy. Apparently after the match Punk and Hardy shook hands.. wait what? Punk has been ridiculing Hardy for months, and even did so earlier in the PPV! and now he's shaking hands with the guy?.. that sucks... i hope its going somewhere. Like I said before, I hate CM Punk.. but i love the gimmick.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-27 14:16:42

At 7/27/09 11:39 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: So Jericho's partner turned out to be Big Show, not a bad choice... but still.. was it really worth the hype? but anyway the 2 had quite good chemistry for a team, it's no Jericho and Edge but it'll certainly do, also i like the whole RAW wreslter/SD! wrestler combination as the champs. Big Show seems to have refreshed his look aswell, wearing blue and shaving his moustache part of his goatee.. lol yeah i notice these things a lot. For some reason i have a feeling that this tag title run will turn Big Show back to a babyface.. Jericho will most likely go sour on him down the line, and i think Show will retaliate. I hope so, i like the babyface Big Show.. even though the Happy Giant gimmick is currently filled (Khali).

It didn't get over, it didn't live up to the hype. In fact, I heard Vince hated the opener and slammed down his headset. Something tells me this team may not last too long.

I'm not a CM Punk fan, and i'm not afraid to express it, but i've come around to liking this gimmick, he actually is right about a lot of things that he expresses in his promos.. but he's just such a smug asshole about it.. its great, kinda reminds me of Muhammad Hussan's promos.. he would say hateful things, but he had a point about some.

Like I say, it's like a more mature version of his indy gimmick.

Christian winning the ECW seems about right, Dreamer did have a lengthily reign.. but man they better start having wrestlers like Regal, Benjamin and Kozlov go for the title... coz Christian vs Dreamer is starting to become the next HHH vs Orton.

I think Tommy should at least get a rematch (though maybe a TV one), have him get screwed by outside interference and let that be his next feud. Dreamer has some renewed credibility now to help someone new break out. That's not to say job him back into oblivion, keep him strong, but Tommy is an asset in that he's a veteran guy who can help new talent improve a bit.

Kofi Kingston is a talented wrestler, no doubt.. but he's one of the weakest US Champs WWE's had in a while.. they're making him job week after week.. then suddenly he just wins a 6 man match?.. Personally i would of loved to have seen Swagger or MVP take the title to give their feud a little bit of flavour.

You can't blame Kofi for how he's booked. That title is worthless and it's all because RAW has chosen to book it as worthless. Put it on whoever you want but it won't change a damn thing unless WWE remembers that if someone is a champion they should be booked like one.

Womens title match.. who cares.. WWE title match.. same old thing..

Agreed on both counts. Very sad that I have to.

Normally i find Miz annoying, but i liked his backstage segment with Maryse.. see maybe if he toned down a little, he'd be more tolerated.

I wonder if that's the start of a face turn?

Maryse lost the title to Mickie, so now Mickie joins McCool in the "divas to win both the Divas title and Womens title" catagory.. yay!

So now Lady Taker has to adjust her promos just to make it clear that she was first. Maryse is a terrible worker, so let's use this an excuse to keep her out of the ring.

I was disappointed to see Mysterio retain during the IC match, i was also expecting Maria to turn heel and attack Mysterio.. I was disappointed that it didn't happen. Well i guess were seeing that empty headed Maria going for the wrong guys storyline again... wait.. again?... *cough santino cough* ah yes again.

This was a real head scratcher for me because they've done so much to build Ziggler up and his first title match he loses clean? I was actually surprised at the amount of clean finishes on this show. This was one where a DQ or something probably wouldn't be out of the question.

Jeff wins the title.. i dunno, i don't buy it... i don't think that this win is implying that he's staying, although if it was the case i'd be happy. Apparently after the match Punk and Hardy shook hands.. wait what? Punk has been ridiculing Hardy for months, and even did so earlier in the PPV! and now he's shaking hands with the guy?.. that sucks... i hope its going somewhere. Like I said before, I hate CM Punk.. but i love the gimmick.

I heard the rumor is he's there through at least SummerSlam now. Also I think the Punk thing makes sense because Punk's whole character and point right now is to prove he's better then Jeff Hardy. He can point out that even though he disagrees with Jeff Hardy's lifestyle, but he's man enough to respect him as a competitor. This was something Punk would even do in ROH where he was inarguably at the height of his heel infamy. Unless it was Raven where they would suspend the Code of Honor handshake deal and the other components, Punk always followed the Code of Honor and would bag on or feud with other heels if they didn't (I believe that was the impetus for The Second City Saints vs. The Prophecy feud). So again this fits into what Punk has done currently and in the past in my mind. I think they still want Punk to be a tweener, and not an outright hypocrite heel like Jericho.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-27 18:01:15

Sounds like a pretty mediocre show all around. At least tonight we'll see how the WWE manages to book RKO vs. HHH 5000

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-27 18:45:59

At 7/27/09 06:01 PM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote: Sounds like a pretty mediocre show all around. At least tonight we'll see how the WWE manages to book RKO vs. HHH 5000

I really hope not...it was a good fued at the very begining if i remember correctly. This is getting really old, i just can't stand to see them fight like theres something to care about. I will give it to orton that he has gotten to the point were he is almost untouchable and needs to fued with someone who will take him to his highest level.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-27 18:53:29

At 7/27/09 06:45 PM, idiot-buster wrote: I really hope not...it was a good fued at the very begining if i remember correctly. This is getting really old, i just can't stand to see them fight like theres something to care about. I will give it to orton that he has gotten to the point were he is almost untouchable and needs to fued with someone who will take him to his highest level.

I am PRAYING that Michaels returns tonight to challenge Orton for the title at SummerSlam. Then we get someone new to face off with him. Have John Cena vs Triple H be a middle-card feud, then have DX reunite to battle Orton and Legacy post-SummerSlam.

Oh wait, that would be enjoyable. Creative can't have that now, can they? :)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-27 20:20:17

At 7/27/09 06:53 PM, Zornkatzu wrote: I am PRAYING that Michaels returns tonight to challenge Orton for the title at SummerSlam. Then we get someone new to face off with him. Have John Cena vs Triple H be a middle-card feud, then have DX reunite to battle Orton and Legacy post-SummerSlam.

Oh, shit, I forgot about the DX reunion. Even when we move away from HHH we still won't move away from him. And even better is the thought that Cena will probably be feuding with HHH so we can have a fatal four way for the title.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-27 20:23:09

At 7/27/09 08:20 PM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote: Oh, shit, I forgot about the DX reunion. Even when we move away from HHH we still won't move away from him. And even better is the thought that Cena will probably be feuding with HHH so we can have a fatal four way for the title.

Ugh. The sad thing is, you're probably right on the money...lousy Creative...

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-27 23:34:59

Masters is back, and he looks less "jacked up" which is a good sign. Also did anybody hear Cole shout "BOOM SHAKA LAKA!!!" when Shaq attacked Big Show.. i can already see millions of videos on youtube with michael cole remixed with some dance music.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-27 23:36:47

*Sigh* Cena vs Orton....yay....

The only good news is that next week is Triple H for DiBiase & Rhodes. I smell a DX reunion!!

Please don't let me down again Creative :(

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-27 23:45:10

JeriShow.......makes for one hell of a team-up..........just not tonight. :P Shaq did a far better job than ZZ Top did last week, and unlike Seth Green, he was able to back up his words. Damn, he's larger than I thought. o_O

Back to JeriShow: This is a blessing in disguise. Why? CHRISTIAN IS STILL AVAILABLE, which means a potential Edge/Christian reunion - which the fans have already gotten behind. Add to that the history Edge has with Show already, and we could see Edge/Christian as the new Unified Tag Champs sometime next year.

I was expecting MVP to fight Swagger (until I realized how the matches were being set up), and then ol' Mr. Muscles returns. Looking better than he did last time, though.

I was looking forward to Henry facing Orton, but I SHOULD KNOW BETTER BY NOW - if it's not one, it's the other.........at least until Shawn returns. >_<a t 7/27/09 06:11 AM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote:

Message sent to kids by Jeff beating Punk: Do drugs, win titles.

Goddamnit, WWE.

A bad side effect to a good storyline. >_<

At 7/27/09 11:39 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: I was disappointed to see Mysterio retain during the IC match, i was also expecting Maria to turn heel and attack Mysterio.. I was disappointed that it didn't happen. Well i guess were seeing that empty headed Maria going for the wrong guys storyline again... wait.. again?... *cough santino cough* ah yes again.

Please don't compare Ziggy to Santino.

At 7/27/09 02:16 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I heard the rumor is he's there through at least SummerSlam now. Also I think the Punk thing makes sense because Punk's whole character and point right now is to prove he's better then Jeff Hardy. He can point out that even though he disagrees with Jeff Hardy's lifestyle, but he's man enough to respect him as a competitor. This was something Punk would even do in ROH where he was inarguably at the height of his heel infamy. Unless it was Raven where they would suspend the Code of Honor handshake deal and the other components, Punk always followed the Code of Honor and would bag on or feud with other heels if they didn't (I believe that was the impetus for The Second City Saints vs. The Prophecy feud). So again this fits into what Punk has done currently and in the past in my mind. I think they still want Punk to be a tweener, and not an outright hypocrite heel like Jericho.

He's definitely not a full-blown heel yet; a bit of a douche, but one with a point.

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-28 03:47:59

Random drunken thoughts (shut up, you like 'em):

Wow, they were right, Big Show's new look is pretty freakin terrible. Also this partnership with Jericho really does nothing for me. The problem though is look at what the unified tag belts are right now: It's a card to send any two guys to any show you want. If we consider this week a fluke on the "hard split" (and I'm willing to give them that one week does not mean 'omg the walls are tumblin down!!!!') then the tag belts are probably never going to get put on anyone but the most "marketable" guys that can be sent across the boards. No team I can think of, other then a super team like the BOD (Kane and Taker) would fit the bill right now, so I guess I'm living with Jericho and Show for now. It's sad though because in my acknowledging that this is how the tag belts are important, I must also acknowledge that tag team wrestling as I knew it, is dead. Dead and gone. First match I ever saw was a tag match. Damn you Bischoff and Mcmahon.

Wow, RAW is pretty obviously now on the crutch of whatever celebrity is running it for that current week aren't they? Fuck there was little of interest on this show. Chavo and Swaggle again? Whatever...end this fucking shit!!! It's like they don't even try now "Oh, we have a new celebrity this week, that'll make it new and better" Really? REALLY? Just close up shop if that's what you truly believe guys.

I did like that they decided to do a beat the clock sprint tonight. I like the concept in general, but I still think they fucked it up simply because when they announced participants it's like "ok, so this guy won't win, this guy won't win.." and it only comes down to Cena and H as viable. Oh, they tried to swerve us with Henry, but we can't do that can we? THAT'D BE NEW!!!! The only explanation for this that would even be CLOSE to working is for them to say they had to do this because they want to pitch Summerslam like Mania. Where city's bid, so they need to put their best foot forward. Which I would totally understand...for about 5 minutes. Because then I'd look at SD! and go "what's the likely title match there? Hardy and Punk again right? Maybe a three way with Morrison involved?" THAT'S TWO GUYS YOU'VE BUILT UP OVER THE LAST THREE YEARS AND ONE GUY THE CIVILIANS KNOW FUCKERS!!! That's you're SD! main event!!! Is it bad? Fuck no!!! It's been a great story. But my point is that you built something DIFFERENT that is now worthy of being on what is inarguably your second biggest show of the year. This is what pisses me off. It's like they can always find an excuse not to try moving people up on RAW...but everywhere else it's fine.

I had a friend ask me in mid-2001 just after ECW closed the doors (and by this point, WCW is a month dead, so again, eat my dick that ECW never effected you Bischoff) why a WWE monopoly was gonna be bad. At the time I had only vague arguments...now I'm living it and christ I'm scared and I'm sad. Look, I live in New Jersey, bout 20 minutes from the PA border. There's a town about 30 minutes up the road called Bethlehem and an arena on the college campus called Stabler (I'm sure some of you have seen RAW broadcast from there). I have seen shows from all three major companies in that building, I went to my first WWF show there when I was around 9 or 10, a marathon show back in the day where they gave you a house show card and taped like two weeks of tv. I begged to stay for every match. Today? They still run stabler pretty often but I've felt no urge to go. I've missed like 5 shows that have run that building in the last two or three years. I can't imagine in this day and age having the enthusiasm for the product as that little kid did. I can't imagine having the enthusiasm I did for a simple ECW house show in that building as I did in merely 9 years ago. That is sad as shit to me because this business used to mean just about everything to me. We all got our passions, and wrestling was one of mine...it still is...but it seems with every year that passes I find a little less to like about it. Christ that sucks. I WANT IT BACK GODDAMMIT!!! I used to think maybe being there for ECW (the real shit) ruined me...but I don't think so. I think WWE has ruined it for me. They're determined to make me go away...and maybe one day they'll actually do it...I don't like that thought. I don't like the thought of not being a wrestling fan anymore.

I watched shawn michaels turn heel at a raw taping!!!! I watched Summerslam 97 the night before!!! I watched Attitude get born and couldn't imagine not loving this business and these performers for the rest of my life...and what have all these mother fuckers done since? THEY'VE BROKEN MY FUCKING HEART THAT'S WHAT!!!! I used to think of Mick Foley as a personal hero...now he's a whore and shill...I used to think Chris Benoit was everything the business should be...now he's rotting in hell for being a murdering scumbag and why the hell am I still here? Why the hell am I still doing this? Because there's still people I believe in...and they'll probably disappoint me too won't they? Maybe I'm not at the crossroads yet...maybe I looked at that in 07 when I had just about everything I hold dear on the line because of the Benoit Tragedy (I damn near lost my modship for it, and there's probably no way I can justify how dear to me my ability to be a moderator for you guys is to me) and I kept on walking that road as a fan, even though just about every day I had to say "why? This thing seems so sick and twisted". I kept finding a reason to believe...but it's like they don't want us to believe anymore. It's like they don't want us to care, and I hate them for it. I hate them so much for that. How dare you shit on my decision to care you bastards? How dare you shit on that kid that hung around for a five hour show when his dad and brother didn't wanna? But they did it out of love and shit for that kid? How dare you try to invalidate that?

GET IT TOGETHER GODDAMN YOU!!!! Get it together and make your shit better!!!!

Thanks for reading through all that if you did...if you ignored it, hey, I get it. It's a lot of crazy crap from a drunken old school fan. The guy at the comic shop today...he said his version of storytelling in comics is gone...haha, I get it now...my version of wrestling is gone isn't it? I've become a dinosaur in only 10 years haven't I? I'm looking for a product that no longer exists now aren't I? So I guess I can keep trying to find something to cling to, or get off the bus...I guess we all gotta.

Thanks for all you do in this topic guys. It seriously helps keep me following this crazy bullshit.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-28 08:58:22

Lets see if I can articulate my Raw thoughts....

Excuse the language, but I'm sure you must agree. Pretty much the best part of Raw will be replaced with Jeremy Piven next week.

First off, the Beat the Clock challenge is a stupid idea. Can anyone tell me why John Cena would deserve a title shot more than Evan Bourne? John Cena took 4 minutes to beat a jabroni, whereas Evan Bourne managed to beat a potential main eventer in Jack Swagger in 3 minutes.

They almost made me believe, too. I almost thought that they'd give Henry the title shot. I almost thought that Miz would finally get one over on Cena in a match situation. It would've solved everything. The Miz could've maybe feuded with Cena with a chance of going over, and we'd have had Henry in the ME picture, as opposed to Cena. But no.

So we're gonna have Trips vs. Legacy next week, which is more depressing considering they're building to have HBK involved in this too. We're gonna have DX vs. Spirit Squad 2.0. Does anyone see Legacy getting anything on DX? And HBK will go from an excellent feud, and the match of the year, to making cock jokes and squashing the future of the company.

I also like to take this opportunity to wish The Brian Kendrick the best in all his future endeavours.


Fuck you Michael Cole.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-28 10:30:47

I can't believe that's how they bring back Chris Masters..
Obviously not going to be anything big in his come back.

If he was coming back, should have been Jerichos partner. It's a waste.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-28 11:22:31

Haven't caught Raw yet but from what I've been reading I hear it's a tremendous show offering a lot of fresh feuds going into SummerSlam, not to mention the clever pushing of Brian Kendrick. Excellent.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-28 11:42:28

I think Avie needs a round of applause for summing up (in a drunken angry manner) how many of us have been feeling about the product of today. I totally feel a connection to what he was saying; I became a fan during the attitude era and just got hooked with it and had a lot of fun watching it. Now? It's not as fun as it used to be. In fact some of the things we have to sit through are painful and uncomfortable to watch. It just begs the question: How much more are we going to take?

That being said, I did enjoy some of the matches on Raw last night. Despite Raw using the celebs as a crutch, Shaq was fun to watch. His segment with Jericho at the opening was pretty funny.

I guess Kendrick is the new whipping boy huh?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-28 11:58:56

At 7/28/09 11:42 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I guess Kendrick is the new whipping boy huh?

To be fair, Kendrick was never anything much more than a whipping boy.

With the tag titles now being used as an excuse to have big stars be able to go on all 3 shows I hope it brings with it better matches and feuds.
With them being able to go on all brands maybe we will some multiteam matches on PPV
jerishow vs. cryme tyme vs. legacy vs. Harts
I'd like to see that.

They are liking the multiman matches to start the PPV with the ecw or US titles and I know I'd much rather it be for the tag-titles.

Use the ecw and US to build singles feuds so wrestlers such as MVP/Swagger can continue to push towards the main event.

While on PPV, I would like to see them changed.
Bring back brand specific PPVs, one for each brand each year.
Then just the 4 major PPVS with all 3 brands. 7 or 8 PPVS a year.
We get the same people on PPV every 3-4 weeks and it is the reason why no new stars are making it to the main event.
If you only have 3 weeks between PPVs its so much easier to continue a stale feud then start a new one.
With this set up more of the roster would get to appear on PPV, better built more interesting matches and feuds.
With brand specific PPVs

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-28 12:54:25

To Avie... There are other wrestling companies out there. Hell, you're from Jersey, Jersey All Pro Wrestling tends to put on good show, if you can get to Philly, you can catch some CHIKARA shows, the ROH on HDNet tapings, or one of the Dragon Gate USA shows. There are other options out there to get your wrestling fix without all of the BS that WWE usually offers.

On to RAW! I'm just going to list what I liked and didn't like.


Everything that involved Shaq. I was expecting him to be the best out of the guest hosts so far, and I was right. We got the obligatory show-down between he and Show, and it was fun, if nothing else. Once he retires from the NBA, I'd like to see him make a couple more appearances for the E.

The Masterpiece's return. For some reason, I always liked him and while I don't expect him to win the WWE title, I can see him being a nice addition to the RAW mid-card.

Cody Rhodes vs HHH. Cody wasn't totally squashed (HUZZAH!), and HHH didn't win, so we won't get HHH v Orton 200193 at Summerslam (Instead, we get Cena vs Orton 100295 >_>). Add in the fact that all this seems to lead to an HBK return, and I'm all for it.... Until DX squashes Ted and Cody, that is.

Evan Bourne vs Jack Swagger. Bourne has new music, and a new shirt, and although this was a short match it was pretty damn good. The fact that Bourne won his match faster than anyone else should mean that he's in line for a title shot, but this is WWE, and Bourne gets nothing :(

The Miz vs Cena. We all knew Cena was winning, and although its been done before, Cena vs Orton usually deliver when they're in the ring against one another, and it gives WWE a WM-like main event for Summerslam. No complaints here.


Pretty much everything else.

Mark Henry has been easily beating down the likes of Orton and Jericho in recent weeks, yet CARLITO of all people gives him trouble? That made absolutely no sense.

Chavo vs Hornswoggle. It was never that funny, let it end!

The Women's match. I liked a bit of a tease for a Gail Kim heel turn, but the actual match was terrible.

Kofi Kingston vs The Brian Kendrick. No, just no. We get it, Kendrick smokes pot and WWE feels the need to humiliate him week in and week out. Its still a waste of time (I'm aware the match only lasted about 10 seconds).

By the way, did HHH really say that cutting off a dog's tail causes it to die? Are we sure Kendrick is the only guy that's been smoking pot?

All in all, a good show. They set up the RAW main event for Summerslam, and now have 4 weeks for the build-up. Shaq did his thing, and judging by the fact that's its been mentioned on ESPN already, bringing him in did the job as far as getting WWE some mainstream publicity.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-28 13:17:44

Shaq certainly did his job, you would have to think the ratings would be high for RAW this week.
Both WWE and Shaq were trending topics on twitter.
Mostly people twittering about how much the WWE has changed since when they watched it back in the day, but surely some of those people will continue to watch.
The reaction to Shaqs participation on Raw all seemed positive.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-28 13:51:41

At 7/27/09 11:45 PM, Assi9 wrote: Please don't compare Ziggy to Santino.

lol nah man, comparing storylines.. not the wrestlers, Ziggler's the man.

At 7/28/09 11:58 AM, Shaun wrote: To be fair, Kendrick was never anything much more than a whipping boy.

Dude.. Kendrick is one half of the longest reigning WWE Tag Champions, and it's not like he's a shitty wrestler, the guy is fucking talented.. i was so glad when he was getting that push last year.. but i got my hopes up and now he's in the gutters of the WWE..

I think it might be a little more than pot for the reason of his push being stopped.. they can't hold a grudge for that long.. i don't think he has an attitude problem backstage.. from what i've heard and seen he's a pretty decent guy outside the ring. I dunno.. maybe just on the wrong side of someone with high power.

At 7/28/09 12:54 PM, pepeatumi wrote: The Masterpiece's return. For some reason, I always liked him and while I don't expect him to win the WWE title, I can see him being a nice addition to the RAW mid-card.

I've always liked him too, ever since he clobbered Steven Richards nose to the left side of his face in his debut lol. But the guy needs a haircut, that hairstyle he's sporting looks very faggy (like i wrote before.. i notice the little things lol)

Evan Bourne vs Jack Swagger. Bourne has new music, and a new shirt, and although this was a short match it was pretty damn good. The fact that Bourne won his match faster than anyone else should mean that he's in line for a title shot, but this is WWE, and Bourne gets nothing :(

He wouldn't let us forget that he has a new shirt, he was pointing at the damn thing though his whole entrance.. It's cool that Bourne got a victory over Swagger, but I didn't like it how they buried Swagger like that.. WWE's been booking him very weirdly ever since he came to RAW.

The Miz vs Cena. We all knew Cena was winning, and although its been done before, Cena vs Orton usually deliver when they're in the ring against one another, and it gives WWE a WM-like main event for Summerslam. No complaints here.

Cena's in the last beat the clock match... not only that, but Orton, the WWE Champion comes to ringside before the match.. as soon as that happened i changed the channel as i already knew the outcome.. Cena would either get a clean win fairly quickly.. OR.. Cena would win with just 1 whole second to spare.. you know that whole "what are the odds?!" kinda thing..

Chavo vs Hornswoggle. It was never that funny, let it end!

agreed.. poor chavo... fuck i hate it every week, i even called it this week that he would be blindfolded.. and whats worse is that we have to hear that stupid fake laugh from Michael Cole every time these two meet in the ring.. I hope soon we get a heel special guest host and make hornswoggle blindfolded or something.. but knowing WWE he'd still probably beat chavo as he's a fucking 4 foot superman.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-28 17:02:01

Guys, they don't push Kendrick because he's small and they see nothing in him. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM SMOKING POT!!! Orton has smoked pot, RVD is public about his smoking. Both are pushed!!! YOU ONLY GET FINED FOR POT!!! Stop this silly rumor already. If Kendrick was the size of Chris Masters or somebody he'd get pushed. But he's a small little heel therefore making him a jobber in WWE land.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-28 22:05:49

Even though I didn't watch during the old-school days (had a lot of memorabilia as a little kid, though), I agree with everything Avie said on the account that RAW couldn't have ALWAYS been this bad. Thing is, though, these newer-school fans LOVE this bullshit way of doing it, which means Vince caters to them first.

At 7/28/09 11:42 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I think Avie needs a round of applause for summing up (in a drunken angry manner)

Kinda' like Lewis Black - but slightly more serious.

At 7/28/09 12:54 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Mark Henry has been easily beating down the likes of Orton and Jericho in recent weeks, yet CARLITO of all people gives him trouble? That made absolutely no sense.

I think it was supposed to be that Henry was not taking Carlito as a serious threat & toying with him too much, only for it to bite him in the ass - hence SUPPOSING to make it believable.

By the way, did HHH really say that cutting off a dog's tail causes it to die? Are we sure Kendrick is the only guy that's been smoking pot?


At 7/28/09 01:51 PM, Random-Her03 wrote:
At 7/27/09 11:45 PM, Assi9 wrote: Please don't compare Ziggy to Santino.
lol nah man, comparing storylines.. not the wrestlers, Ziggler's the man.

Just checkin'. :P For a heel, I like Ziggy for some reason - similar to how I like Kennedy even as a heel.

I hope soon we get a heel special guest host and make hornswoggle blindfolded or something.. but knowing WWE he'd still probably beat chavo as he's a fucking 4 foot superman.

.......or a 4-foot John Cena? :P

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One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-29 05:39:11

At 7/27/09 11:45 PM, Assi9 wrote:
Just checkin'. :P For a heel, I like Ziggy for some reason - similar to how I like Kennedy even as a heel.

same, right now him, jericho and kendrick are my fav heels in the business

.......or a 4-foot John Cena? :P

good point lol

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-29 17:45:59

They should just cut kendrick. If they are just going to have him be beaten in short order that doesn't help anyone. The whole point of having someone like him be a person to beat is that they can provide ways to make their opponents look good and if they are doing their job right, themselves as well. You don't get that by getting kicked in the head and pinned, or jobbing to the King.

We haven't seen Noble in a while either so he could be let go too. At least they could go to ROH or other promotions where they will get a better chance.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-30 15:10:36

World Wrestling Entertainment has come to terms on the release of Raw Superstar Brian Kendrick as of today, July 30, 2009. WWE wishes Brian the best in all future endeavors.

It was only a matter of time.

Chavo next?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-30 15:22:16

Here's hoping that Kendrick decides to re-join ROH. I think he would make for a good addition.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-30 16:40:29

At 4/14/03 01:23 PM, Frank wrote: this is the wrestling club! Talk about anything that has to do with wrestling (preferably the wwe).


Please don't hit me.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-30 16:59:08

At 7/30/09 04:40 PM, MaraquanWocky wrote:
At 4/14/03 01:23 PM, Frank wrote: this is the wrestling club! Talk about anything that has to do with wrestling (preferably the wwe).

Please don't hit me.

I notice your thread in general that was locked, it at least had some point to it.
Now I'm sure no one here has a problem with you liking Randy Orton and certainly no one is going to hit you..
However you could expand on why you like him and try to contribute to the conversation.

I also notice that you said you dislike Chris Jericho, any reason as to why?
I would personally rate Jericho as not only the top heel in the company at the moment but probably the best sports entertainer there is in the WWE at the moment.
Why is he.. silly?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-30 17:40:43

At 7/30/09 03:10 PM, Shaun wrote: World Wrestling Entertainment has come to terms on the release of Raw Superstar Brian Kendrick as of today, July 30, 2009. WWE wishes Brian the best in all future endeavors.

I'm really not shocked at this one, he has not been on tv in weeks :::or has not done anything to catch my attention::: well he tried to step up his game and wwe would not give him the chance to reach his true potential.

Chavo next?

I may have to disagree with you there. The only reason why they were keeping vicky around was to give her a job since Eddie died and this could be the same thing. I would not think wwe would let go Chavo unless he broke the wellness policy rule on the 3rd time. Anyone else thinking the same thing?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-30 21:57:03

At 7/30/09 03:22 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Here's hoping that Kendrick decides to re-join ROH. I think he would make for a good addition.

If TNA doesn't want him, I can see him definitely back in ROH and other promotions. Unless he signs one of those ROH contracts which looks like a butt fucking to the talent right now.

As far as Chavo, can I see him getting released? Yes. I don't believe the Guerrero name holds any value for them anymore and I wonder if there might be some bitter feeling over Vickie choosing to leave. Chavo is a non-entity right now and the smartest thing he could do is see if he can get moved to SD! and maybe taken off TV for a good month so people will forget the Hornswoggle losses. Chavo has more value on the Friday show from not just a performance standpoint, but from a demographic standpoint as SD! draws a very good number with hispanic audiences.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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