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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-14 12:52:21

At 7/14/09 08:37 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Next week's guest is ZZ Top. Thats out of nowhere isn't it?

So was Seth Green lol

I just read reports that WWE have re-signed Nick Dinsmore (or better known as Eugene), though they've signed him only to be a trainer to the younger talent, not to wrestle or appear on tv.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-14 17:34:53

........And the new World Heavyweight Champion........Dakota Fanning!

I really have to start actually watching that show. *gets shot by every other crew member*

The part at the end when Trips hoisted Seth on his shoulders was awesome. ^_^

On the other hand, Chavo's career going down Shit Creek wasn't. The fact that he hasn't gone to TNA yet surprises me. Why the fuck does he allow this on himself?

Mark Henry's face transition seems to be working far better than his heel days ever did - and it's only been about a month in. Jericho also broke the usual formula again by actually getting into the ring & not chickening out (albeit after reconsidering it several times).

The MVP/Swagger feud is officially underway, and it looks to be a promising setup.

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One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-15 00:32:30

At 7/14/09 08:37 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Raw was pretty good last night. They actually did a decent job with Seth Green who the crowd seemed to really like. We now know that the tag titles will be defended with a partner of Jericho's choosing.

I really liked too that they're going with my suggestion of using this as an excuse to turn Edge face and give him a readied made program when he comes back. Jericho even used a lot of the verbiage I suggested in the way he slammed Edge, and the announcers did a good job putting over the severity of his surgery and creating the seeds of a "hero's journey" for Edge.

Speaking of crowd response, the way they reacted to Mark Henry was cool to watch.

If you haven't watched ECW, you've really missed the great development that Henry has been making. He may turn out to be the star that Vince had hoped he would be when he signed him back in 96. It's certainly an excellent case for taking your time with some guys and really making an investment in developing them until they're absolutely ready.

Poor Chavo.... It seems every time I see the guy on TV I'm compelled to write that. When your doing the job for Hornswaggle on a nightly basis it's time to hang it up and leave.

I guess the money must be good that he doesn't take off for TNA and puts up with it. Or maybe he's hoping that he'll get traded back to Smackdown! or ECW at some point and then maybe he can actually get a little bit of a push.

Next week's guest is ZZ Top. Thats out of nowhere isn't it?

I think that's the point though, to keep it crazy random and unpredictable.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-15 16:08:37

I hope they do more with Santion other than have him take up space in the GM's office soon. The dude is too funny to be left off the show.

While ZZ Top is a random choice it doesn't suprise me. The have been in the stands at WWE events for years. Not a year goes by without seeing them at ringside at least once. I just wonder if they will subject us to a live song.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-15 22:18:53

WWE Hall of Famer Superstar Billy Graham is selling his WWE Hall of Fame ring on eBay. The item description reads, Former WWF Champion and WWE Hall of Fame class of 2004 inductee is offering this rare opportunity to own his 2004 Hall of Fame Ring. The ring was presented to Billy last year by Vince McMahon and comes with the original letter signed by Vince McMahon. Imagine owning, even wearing the same ring that the legends of wrestling recieve, and what I consider to be one of the best of his generation.Now you can help Superstar out and bid on this extremly rare piece of History. As of this writing, the ring currently has 37 bids and is going for $10,000+ and the auction was just put up earlier today. Now heres the link so you can see for youself.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-17 00:34:55

At 7/15/09 10:18 PM, idiot-buster wrote: WWE Hall of Famer Superstar Billy Graham is selling his WWE Hall of Fame ring on eBay.

That's just so sad to me. Really really sad

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-17 08:25:01

http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/spo rt/wrestling/2536396/Superstar-Billy-Gra ham-sells-his-WWE-Hall-of-Fame-ring-on-e Bay.html

It appears to be more of an angry gesture than an attempt to get a quick cash fix. I mean, he had a job with WWE until recently, so he can't be too short on cash, can he? He doesn't have three ex-wives like Flair...

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-17 15:47:40

At 7/17/09 12:34 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: That's just so sad to me. Really really sad

I was thinking the same thing.

I am eager to see what the situation between CM Punk and Jeff Hardy is going to be like tonight. I am really enjoying their program together.

I also want to see if Jericho will announce who his partner is or will he leave it a suprise for NOC.

I hope R-Truth is back to normal...

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-17 19:09:43

At 7/17/09 03:47 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: I also want to see if Jericho will announce who his partner is or will he leave it a suprise for NOC.

Honestly I think they should leave it a surprise. Really build it up, have Jericho approach people, people approach Jericho, or just have Jericho be like "I picked the partner, he's super awesome, but I'm not telling you parasites because now we have the advantage because Legacy can't anticipate us since they can only watch tapes of me". Use the psychological and logical reasoning of keeping it a mystery so Jericho and the mystery man have the competitive edge.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-17 20:16:12

Holy crap! Heel Punk promo's are awesome! Avie was right. I think I'll like this change. Punk cut deep too. SD is off to a great start.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-17 22:58:17

At 7/17/09 08:16 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: Holy crap! Heel Punk promo's are awesome! Avie was right. I think I'll like this change. Punk cut deep too. SD is off to a great start.

Took you long enough! When people talk about how great Punk was during his indy days, its not an exaggeration.

I will say this, I'd like to see Punk win a match every once in a while since he's THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! Here's hoping he can get a decisive victory over Jeff at Night of Champions.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-18 02:05:41

Don't you just want to kick Ricky Ortiz in the balls?

At 7/17/09 03:47 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: I hope R-Truth is back to normal...

It appears he's just doing 'the other gimmick' on the side for shits & giggles.

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-18 07:36:29

At 7/18/09 02:05 AM, Assi9 wrote:
At 7/17/09 03:47 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: I hope R-Truth is back to normal...
It appears he's just doing 'the other gimmick' on the side for shits & giggles.

As bad as the gimmick is, I really don't blame him for trying to do something different. If this can help him differentiate him from all the other midcarders, then I'd consider it successful. Not sure if I could handle this gimmick at a main event level though...

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-18 11:29:51

At 7/18/09 07:36 AM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote: As bad as the gimmick is, I really don't blame him for trying to do something different. If this can help him differentiate him from all the other midcarders, then I'd consider it successful. Not sure if I could handle this gimmick at a main event level though...

I cought some of smackdown for the first time in almost a year and it did seem very good to say the least. The oppening segment was ok and could have been worked on much more, just the basic stuff. If Edge ever returns i see a possible great feud of Jerico vs. Edge now in JR's blog a few days before this he hinted at this happing at wrestlemania 26. This could be a potential feud of the year if they give both men full creative control over the feud otherwise i can see it being one of thoes Cena/show battles that they keep pushing, but no one cares about.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-18 12:03:10

SD put on a solid show last night. Punk and Morrison are always good in the ring together and the promos that were done by Punk and Jericho was great.

Was it me or did Layla look...well...ugly? Maybe it was her makeup or something but when the camera got in close I was just like..eh...

At least they are doing something with Ortiz. An annoying heel works better than an annoying face.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-19 04:45:34

Who do you think will be Jerichos partner come NOC?
I don't want to see the straps on the trainwreck that is legacy, I really don't think it would help them at this stage. I can see them splitting sometime between or during NOC and the next PPV.

As for Jerichos partner..
the heels on smackdown seem out, ziggler and punk already have title matches.
on raw.. miz wouldn't be out of place but to contradict myself I dont think he is at that level and at the same time it would be a step backwards.

A returning Chris Masters is seeming like the best foreseeable option but how many people will remember him and will it get much of a reaction?

I am hoping that it is someone not on the current roster, someone from the past who will get that crowd reaction and hopefully have a run till summerslam.
Really though, no idea who, any ideas?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-19 08:05:09

At 7/19/09 04:45 AM, Shaun wrote: Who do you think will be Jerichos partner come NOC?

Right now, Chris Masters returning as Jericho's partner seems to make the most sense for me.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-19 08:57:18

At 7/19/09 04:45 AM, Shaun wrote: Who do you think will be Jerichos partner come NOC?

I think Ted will turn on Cody and Orton and join Jericho. Eh, not very likely but it could happen. I didn't even relize that Masters was officially back with the WWE. Some might remember him though not enough to get a big reaction.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-19 10:24:50

I'm hoping for Christian to be Jericho's partner.

Have Christian vs Dreamer open the show, Dreamer retains the ECW title and Christian snaps after the match (Thus turning heel). Once the tag match comes around, Christian is introduced as Jericho's partner (They've teamed up in the past so it wouldn't be new), and they retain the tag titles. This of course would mean that once Edge returns (As a face), he would feud with Jericho and Christian.

It turns Christian heel, and it gives him something else to do instead of just being on ECW, and it furthers the Edge/Jericho feud due to the history between all three men.

With that said, there's like a 0% chance of this happening.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-19 17:05:17

If Masters is officially back in, then I say if it isn't Ziggy, it'll be him.

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One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-19 18:06:55

At 7/19/09 10:24 AM, pepeatumi wrote: I'm hoping for Christian to be Jericho's partner.

Have Christian vs Dreamer open the show, Dreamer retains the ECW title and Christian snaps after the match (Thus turning heel). Once the tag match comes around, Christian is introduced as Jericho's partner (They've teamed up in the past so it wouldn't be new), and they retain the tag titles. This of course would mean that once Edge returns (As a face), he would feud with Jericho and Christian.

It turns Christian heel, and it gives him something else to do instead of just being on ECW, and it furthers the Edge/Jericho feud due to the history between all three men.

With that said, there's like a 0% chance of this happening.

As awesome as your scenario is, this is the part of your post I agree with the most. Unfortunately. Plus, with Christian gone, you'd have approximately Dreamer and Shelton as established talent.

I don't think Masters was ever good enough, or over enough, to be considered in the same class as Y2J, unless he actually has gotten better.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-19 20:18:53

I didn't have a big problem with Punk losing Friday like I do with other champs losing. In the case of Punk, it's to set up John Morrison as the next logical contender for the belt since he seems to "have Punk's number". So I'm totally fine with that, especially if Punk can convincingly, or somewhat convincingly put Jeff away at NOC.

Also, is Punk REALLY a heel right now? I don't think so. Look, Punk on friday talked about how he felt Jeff wasn't a good role model for kids because of his substance abuse problems. That's a valid argument don't you think? Considering Jeff basically boasted about his problems and how he never went to rehab. Later, Jeff totally threw Jericho into Punk. I grant you that he's turning, but I think it's more the stuff he's doing to Morrison then the stuff he's doing with Jeff since frankly, if it WASN'T Jeff Hardy, Punk would be the face in this situation :)

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-20 06:29:29

As far as who Jericho's partner will be, I'm hoping for one of two people.

a) Christian who a lot of people here seem to like. It'll hopefully get him off ECW and onto from Smackdown (which I watch a lot more regularly) and help fuel the Jericho/Edge feud. Plus there's always the chance of a E&C reunion further down the line.


b) Randy Orton. I think this would be great in the eventually breakup of Legacy. Have Orton cut a promo stating how Ted and Cody weren't good enough to beat him, that's why he's the champ, the leader, etc. Plus it'd be interesting to have one champ on Raw the other on SD and I like the idea of RKO and Jericho together. Again it could also play into Edge's past, Rated RKO. The only problem is would Randy want to work Tuesdays as well as Mondays?

This angle is one of the few good things to come out of Edge's injury. I'm pretty excited to see who Jericho's partner will be.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-20 14:50:32

I honestly can't see WWE sticking a main eventer in there with Jericho here unless they're hoping to have one of the shortest tag title bouts in history. Because do you really want people to work a full match twice? I wouldn't. The only way I see this situation working out where you put another top level guy with Jericho that's already a champion is if they basically don't tag in, or they run out after a couple minutes, grab a tag, and then the belts are retained. I don't really see Legacy picking the belts up because I think Dibiase will be broken away from the other two sooner rather then later. But if it's a midcard guy, it's certainly to me seeming like slim pickings. I don't see them really picking somebody off the SD! brand though unless they're willing to relax the mixing up of the brands rules they want in place.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-20 23:21:07

Good god, that was terrible. There's just no other way to say it.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-21 03:52:15

At 7/20/09 11:21 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Good god, that was terrible. There's just no other way to say it.

Yeah...that was just another two hours of "what's wrong with WWE"

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-21 08:18:51

Man.. Raw was dull last night. Full of unfunny segments, the obligitory Chavo humiliation, and the super predicatable main event. I had zero doubt that HHH and Cena would win and the match itself was..not their best work to say the least.

I wonder if King has it in his contract that he gets to wrestle at least once a year? It figures that when we finally see TBK for the first time in weeks he gets squashed by King.

Best match of the night was the one that feautred everyone involved with the U.S. Title match.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-21 09:20:17

Hated it. Hated it. Hated it. The only good parts involved Y2J, and he's not even on Raw.
I started watching it last night, but stopped until this morning, just to see if I was tired and couldn't appreciate it, but no. It was awful.

Apparently, the World title is less important than HHH's malice towards Orton... but not really. And Big show goes on to squash the entire midcard division (he must've had enough of the cruisers).

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-21 14:42:03

At 7/21/09 08:18 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Man.. Raw was dull last night. Full of unfunny segments, the obligitory Chavo humiliation, and the super predicatable main event. I had zero doubt that HHH and Cena would win and the match itself was..not their best work to say the least.

Not to mention we saw this last week.

I wonder if King has it in his contract that he gets to wrestle at least once a year? It figures that when we finally see TBK for the first time in weeks he gets squashed by King.

Honestly, I think Kendrick should look into going back to ROH, or hitting up TNA at this point. WWE just doesn't seem to have anything for him to do. Getting beat by Lawler? Yeah, you're just screwed at that point. Is the guy a headliner? No, I don't think so, but the waste of talent that this kind of crap is, is just astoundingly stupid.

Best match of the night was the one that feautred everyone involved with the U.S. Title match.

Which how sad is that? A match that is essentially an excuse for Show to kill everybody, over a title that doesn't matter whatsoever.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-07-21 15:00:11

I thought the ZZ Top segments were funny, actually.

The Shaqman next week, eh? Looks like they're inviting all of the major celebrity fans to have first shot.

At 7/21/09 08:18 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I wonder if King has it in his contract that he gets to wrestle at least once a year? It figures that when we finally see TBK for the first time in weeks he gets squashed by King.

Figures he'd show up for a tag team offer.

Best match of the night was the one that feautred everyone involved with the U.S. Title match.

The Jericho/Henry rematch wasn't bad, either.

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.