At 5/2/09 03:26 PM, idiot-buster wrote:
The 2009 WWE Annual Shareholders Meeting was held this morning (May 1st). Here are some of the newsworthy items from the meeting that i though were interesting some were cut out.
Oh god this should be good. I've been waiting for this one actually.
* Vince McMahon said that he is not interested in running an MMA promotion.
Can't blame him, Vince learned with the XFL he doesn't understand actual sport, and for him the biggest problem he'd face immediately is spending lots of time and money building a guy, and then if he loses in his first real fight there's nothing you can do. I think he'd fall into the trap of EliteXC when Kimbo Slice was exposed, or he'd be screwed because he'd be too tempted to at least work the outcomes if not the actual fights. Maybe this is something Shane can play with down the line, but with finances down, it makes no sense to get into a sport or a business they don't really understand. Smartest thing I've heard him say in awhile.
* Vince McMahon said that WWE is looking into creating a Wednesday night TV program. He feels that it would not be overexposure due to the huge number of TV stations available & that being on TV every weeknight would make it easier for the fans to follow along with the storylines or catch up if they miss any of the TV shows.
You better have the creative teams split even fucking further then, unless this is a recap show. You guys cannot keep adding on programming when you don't have a product people want to watch. It's money, it's time, it's resources that you're putting out that could probably be better used elsewhere. Unless this is on a network giving them great exposure, why? Don't see the need.
* A shareholder requested the creation of a WWE affinity program. Vince McMahon agreed to look into possibly doing that.
What exactly would such a program do? I'm vague on what exactly was asked of Vince here, is this supposed to be like a discount thing? Because as long as shit is down, guarantee you'll never see that. They have to milk those diehards so they can NOT have to change anything they're doing too much.
* Donna Goldsmith said that WWE has major marketing plans for Summerslam 2009, including a huge party leading into the event. Vince McMahon predicted that Summerslam 2009 will sell out.
Birds go tweet, I believe it will sell out too. It's a big 4 show, usually one of their strongest cards of the year, so I do think they'll get the sell out, and if they don't? They'll paper the arena and claim it was a sell out. :)
* Vince McMahon said that Playboy wanted to work with WWE again this year, but Vince turned down the offer because of WWE's new "PG environment".
That is indeed a shoot. Can't say you're marketing to kids and have your women appear naked. Even though Playboy is pretty classy pornography, it's still pornography.
* Vince McMahon said that WWE was planning a tour of China, but ran into some problems. He feels that China will be a big part of WWE's future.
It does seem a pretty untapped market for them, but I wonder if the problems were of a governmental nature. That is a great market for them though I think if they can successfully break into it.
* Vince McMahon said that WWE is considering canceling it's tour of Mexico in late May due to the swine flu outbreak. He also announced a Mexican tour for October of 2009.
Can't blame him for erring on the side of caution. The last thing they need is for guys to become sick and they can't work TV.
* Vince McMahon partially blamed the decline of pay-per-view buys on more fans choosing to watch pay-per-views with each other rather than individually ordering the pay-per-views.
OH SHUT UP!!! I've been doing that since 1999 or 2000, AND THE PRODUCT WAS STILL GOOD AND YOU MADE ASS LOADS OF MONEY!!! Buy rates are down because you're audience SHRUNK, pure and simple. You're audience shrunk because they don't like what you give them, until you address that, you will never increase buy rates. People had friends they could watch the shows with during the Attitude Era too, that's not a new phenomenon. Once again they'd rather make an excuse then deal with the root cause. Typical. Stupidest statement so far.
* A shareholder asked if "Mr. McMahon" could be the person who ends the Undertaker's WrestleMania undefeated streak. Vince McMahon said that him ending the streak would probably anger a lot of people, so it's unlikely to happen.
No way should it EVER happen!!! He does that and his audience will shrink to probably around nill. The over pushing of himself and his family long past the shelf life of their characters has been a major factor in audience attrition I feel, and this would just destroy any credibility they have left. Taker should never lose at Mania, but if he does, I'd rather it be the Brooklyn Brawler then Vince McMahon.
* Vince McMahon said that both him & his wife will be participating in all of the upcoming earnings conference calls.
So it'll be double the bullshit and disinformation? Christ this'll be fun...
* Vince McMahon said that him appearing in a movie would be a bad idea due to his lack of patience & time.
Not to mention he'd have to be the director, because if he wasn't, the thing would never get done because he'd be screaming at the guy every take. If Vince isn't in complete control of that sort of thing, he has no interest in it. If he isn't "The Boss" there's just no point.
* Vince McMahon said that holding WrestleMania overseas would be difficult because it would have to air live in North America. He mentioned that Summerslam 1992 from London, England aired in North America on a tape delay & it ended up being a bad business decision.
I'd like a little more info there, because I thought they did really well with that show, certainly it's fondly remembered. But for Mania? Yeah, I can't see it happening because like he says, it needs to air live in the US or else the internet will be covering and spoiling the show which will most likely cost them buys. They cannot tape delay to the states in this day and age. That's where the bulk of the money is anyway, North American buys, overseas buys are slightly less cash.