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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-28 09:59:33

all i saw from backlash was the end of the ECW title match, Edge and Christian going face to face backstage and the beginning of Jericho vs Steamboat

but from what i've heard, backlash was pretty good.. i actually kinda wanna check it out
and i'm not normally like that, if i miss a ppv i'll normally just wait until it comes out on dvd to watch it
but this one actually seems worthy of watching

also i heard christian and edge had a bit of a stare down when he came to check up on cena after the Last Man Standing match.. i like what i'm seeing

also i only saw the first half of raw but it was actually pretty decent, MVP's promo was pretty good, he definately had the crowd behind him in that segment, i reckon they should build him as permanent babyface type now, kinda like what they did with The Rock.. Rocky's push pretty much started with him as a heel but he then turned face for pretty much the rest of his career (besides his short heel run in early 03).

It's nice to see that they're actually using The Brian Kendrick on RAW, i was expecting him to be banished from television after this draft, also he was vsing Kofi Kingston in a good fast paced match.. now probably most of us doubted that Kendrick was going to walk away victorious, but it was nice to see that they let him put up a fight, instead of just jobbing like he has been lately.. i really hope WWE can look past his marijuana usage and give him another push again... many other wrestlers have done more worse things than Kendrick.. cmon seriously

Ok what was with Matt Hardy's promo?.. why did they have him talk with a whiny "i'm about to burst into tears" voice.. i didn't get it, just like last night when he pussed out to jeff.. way to put him over wwe... anyway he vs'd Goldust, it's always nice to have the Gold man in the ring, but of course we knew he was only there for one reason.. to job.
Yeah this kind of bothers me, don't get me wrong.. matt hardy deserves the push and all, but why are they taking all these guys from the attitude era and making them job to everyone? (Val Venis, Hardcore Holly, DLo Brown, Funaki etc) these guys helped make WWE what it is today and what do they get in return? 2 minutes of jobbing time.. and even getting released! inface all of those guys i mentioned besides Funaki have been given the boot.. it's a real shame.

also now seeing jamie noble with his new inmate haircut teaming up with Chavo Guerrero, it seems he's become one of those "i'm not important enough to have an actual role" wrestlers (ie: Mark Jindrak 2005)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-28 13:54:33

At 4/28/09 09:59 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: It's nice to see that they're actually using The Brian Kendrick on RAW, i was expecting him to be banished from television after this draft, also he was vsing Kofi Kingston in a good fast paced match.. now probably most of us doubted that Kendrick was going to walk away victorious, but it was nice to see that they let him put up a fight, instead of just jobbing like he has been lately.. i really hope WWE can look past his marijuana usage and give him another push again... many other wrestlers have done more worse things than Kendrick.. cmon seriously

It's not because he used weed, RVD used weed ALL THE TIME his usage was PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE. Kendrick isn't pushed because he doesn't DRAW like RVD does, he doesn't get pushed because he's a small guy and they never really push small guys past a certain level. Kendrick is a solid guy no doubt, they could use him better then an enhancement guy, but let's be real about why they don't do that, it's not because of pot, it's because of his size.

Ok what was with Matt Hardy's promo?.. why did they have him talk with a whiny "i'm about to burst into tears" voice.. i didn't get it, just like last night when he pussed out to jeff.. way to put him over wwe... anyway he vs'd Goldust, it's always nice to have the Gold man in the ring, but of course we knew he was only there for one reason.. to job.

And again I say, what is Goldust worth in 2009? The guy's gimmick worked in 95 because it was new and it was unlike anything they were doing at that time. Once the attitude era came in he was devalued because what he was doing seemed very tame by comparison and Dustin Runnels is just not that great of a worker to begin with.

Yeah this kind of bothers me, don't get me wrong.. matt hardy deserves the push and all, but why are they taking all these guys from the attitude era and making them job to everyone? (Val Venis, Hardcore Holly, DLo Brown, Funaki etc) these guys helped make WWE what it is today and what do they get in return? 2 minutes of jobbing time.. and even getting released! inface all of those guys i mentioned besides Funaki have been given the boot.. it's a real shame.

Dude...seriously. Do you HONESTLY believe any of these names you mentioned actually helped MAKE the WWE during the Attitude era? Do you think a single person bought a ticket BECAUSE these guys were on the show? All pretty good workers, but totally mid-card attractions that got about as far as they were going to get. The guys who were able to be headliners then were made into headliners. Simple as that, I think more could be gotten out of a guy like Dlo, more could have been done with Val in the last few years sure. Holly was a bastard with a chip on his shoulder so it's probably best he isn't around anymore, and Funaki has ALWAYS been comedy and the fact that they've kept him around this long to only sporadically do anything with him actually says something pretty nice about WWE I think.

This is what is wrong with internet smarks and attitude era marks sometimes I'm sorry to say. Some of you don't understand reality and you get mad when guys YOU like don't get a bigger push or get better featured, you make up ridiculous claims like "they helped build the WWE's most successful period" uh sorry, no they didn't. The headliners built that up, the depth of talent they had then that could be used as headliners and main eventers keeping things from stale built that up. The mid-carders were important in their time to help keep people from changing the channel, but let's not make more of those guys then what they really were.

also now seeing jamie noble with his new inmate haircut teaming up with Chavo Guerrero, it seems he's become one of those "i'm not important enough to have an actual role" wrestlers (ie: Mark Jindrak 2005)

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-28 19:00:51

At 4/27/09 09:25 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Looks like H and Cena may be on a little hiatus as they appear to be moving Batista now into the position of carrying the brand with H vs. Orton in pencil for SS. Which to me is not really the best idea I think, since Batista/Orton is a totally fresh match and I think would drive more Summerslam buys, but H probably does need a break

Looks like Raw is now will be missing 3 of its top stars. I've heard that hhh may be takeing some time off to spend with this 2 kids and cena is going to be making a movie for the next few months and then HBK will be out until after judgement day to rest his knees up. So it looks like Batista and Orton will carry the brand and set up for some fresh matches a good thing if you really think about it.

HHH looks to retun around summerslam for a final HHH vs. orton match and HBK will be back around that time so it will be interesting to see where he will be at that time and if he continues to work with the undertaker. I know it would just be a good match and that thy probaly will give HBK the win like they did with cena a few years back.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-28 19:14:29

At 4/28/09 01:54 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: It's not because he used weed, RVD used weed ALL THE TIME his usage was PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE. Kendrick isn't pushed because he doesn't DRAW like RVD does, he doesn't get pushed because he's a small guy and they never really push small guys past a certain level. Kendrick is a solid guy no doubt, they could use him better then an enhancement guy, but let's be real about why they don't do that, it's not because of pot, it's because of his size.

I don't think they're that biased, guys like Mysterio, Bourne & even goddamn Hornswoggle (who btw is probably getting pushed because of that very reason) i think there has to be more of a reason than "he's too small.."

And again I say, what is Goldust worth in 2009? The guy's gimmick worked in 95 because it was new and it was unlike anything they were doing at that time. Once the attitude era came in he was devalued because what he was doing seemed very tame by comparison and Dustin Runnels is just not that great of a worker to begin with.

Goldust isn't that bad, sure he might be very gimmicked but there are worse, also the guy is pretty damn good in promos, he's had some good ones. I know it would seem impossible to do, but if they gave him a character makeover, it would definately get him more tv time

Dude...seriously. Do you HONESTLY believe any of these names you mentioned actually helped MAKE the WWE during the Attitude era?

I definately know Funaki would never be anything higher than cruiserweight champion, also i knew after Holly's failed push attempt with Brock Lesnar, it would be over for him, i did however like Val's push, specially when he was Bischoff's lackey, and it did give him the tag titles im pretty sure.. and yes they really could of done something with DLo.. well, much more than they did this time around anyway.. he was definately worthy of a long length IC title reign or something.

This is what is wrong with internet smarks and attitude era marks sometimes I'm sorry to say. Some of you don't understand reality and you get mad when guys YOU like don't get a bigger push or get better featured, you make up ridiculous claims like "they helped build the WWE's most successful period" uh sorry, no they didn't. The headliners built that up, the depth of talent they had then that could be used as headliners and main eventers keeping things from stale built that up. The mid-carders were important in their time to help keep people from changing the channel, but let's not make more of those guys then what they really were.

Mid-carders are wrestlers too, you know.. wrestlers, just like HHH, The Rock, Stone Cold, who were all midcarders once in their career, and everyone probably had the same attitude as they do today saying "screw those guys, let's watch the main even!".
If you know me, then you'd know that alot of the wrestlers i like are the midcarders, and i know some of them definately weren't gonna get a big push (Shannon Moore, Mark Jindrak, Funaki) and i was fine with that.. but there are guys who i do think should rightfully get a push like Kendrick, Ziggler, DH Smith, The Colons & Haas who all have good talent but instead are being shoved aside because they want John Cena or Randy Orton to deliver a 10 minute promo.. and i don't get mad when it happens, i just feel that WWE could really do better than that..
there's nothing wrong with a little bit of protest, this isn't nazi camp, it's just wrestling.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-28 19:29:19

I'm glad Batista beat Big Show, I would rather like to see Batista be champion again(whoever won the match was obviously going to beat Orton at Judgement Day).

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-28 20:17:21

At 4/28/09 07:14 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: I don't think they're that biased, guys like Mysterio, Bourne & even goddamn Hornswoggle (who btw is probably getting pushed because of that very reason) i think there has to be more of a reason than "he's too small.."

Rey sells tons of merch and appeals to the hispanic audience, big reason why he's back on SD! that last bit. So that overcomes his size. Bourne is on a developmental brand that Vince isn't terribly "hands on" with like he is RAW, and has gotten himself over and is getting a decent push sure. Hornswoggle is a midget character and they can put him into the kind of "comedy" angles that Vince personally pops for. So ok, it is something more then "he's too small" it's that he hasn't been able to create that niche for his small self that overcomes that stigma for him.

Goldust isn't that bad, sure he might be very gimmicked but there are worse, also the guy is pretty damn good in promos, he's had some good ones. I know it would seem impossible to do, but if they gave him a character makeover, it would definately get him more tv time

He's had character makeovers and they're always for the worse. He is a decent promo I agree, but again, what is that character going to do to move ratings or merchandise or ppv buys? I understand guys gotta eat and all that good stuff but hey, some guys are just worth more then others and if they really intend on having borders shut down tight (or mostly tight) then they really only have two prime time hours (and one hour that a VERY small audience will see) a weeks to feature guys that are going to be on PPV's and making money NOW, and guys that could make money in the future. If you don't fit into one of these categories, then they really shouldn't be spending that much, if any, time on you. Goldust is a comedy character to use sporadically until they maybe decide to do some kind of "brother vs. brother" thing to elevate Cody.

I definately know Funaki would never be anything higher than cruiserweight champion,

Ayup, so again, how did he really draw or "build" anything?

also i knew after Holly's failed push attempt with Brock Lesnar, it would be over for him,

I think it was over for him in 99 when he got hurt in the midst of that big push with H. I think his push with Lesnar as I remember was about just giving Lesnar something to do until the next big feud started. Again, a guy that was decent, but never really broke out or if he'd been let go earlier on would have been missed terribly.

i did however like Val's push, specially when he was Bischoff's lackey, and it did give him the tag titles im pretty sure..

He was also a multi-time IC champ back when that still mattered. Val was a guy that I think they should have hung onto to use as an agent, or a working agent like Finlay where he could be on ECW or one of the other brands working in front of the camera in a solid mid-card role helping on camera and behind the scenes to work with that younger talent and teach them how to become the stars WWE really needs. I think releasing him was stupid, but again I think you're miscategorized this guy in importance.

and yes they really could of done something with DLo.. well, much more than they did this time around anyway.. he was definately worthy of a long length IC title reign or something.

Could have done more? Sure, but he is in no way somebody who "built" the attitude era as was you're contention. Had you just said "I think they really missed some opportunity to get some more out of these guys" I'd agree with you. I just don't think you should place guys higher up in importance then what they actually were is all.

Mid-carders are wrestlers too, you know.. wrestlers, just like HHH, The Rock, Stone Cold, who were all midcarders once in their career, and everyone probably had the same attitude as they do today saying "screw those guys, let's watch the main even!".

Some people did, some people in WCW where two of those guys worked had that attitude (Undertaker was even told when he left WCW he'd amount to nothing in the business and nobody would ever buy a ticket for him) but those guys all had that intangible "it" factor that made people want them elevated and made them the type of performer people wanted to pay to see (draws). None of the guys on your list were going to get to that level I don't think because they were there at a point when there was a lot of room for moving up and opportunity was abundant and they just never broke out. I'm not saying mid-carders aren't important, you have to have good cards top to bottom to really keep people's interest and all that, but a headliner is in the end what's putting asses in the seats, and they're the guys that are building up a brand. So again my issue is not that I think those guys sucked or weren't worth a damn, just that the label you're assigning to them is inaccurate and a little insulting I think to the people who actually earned it.

If you know me, then you'd know that alot of the wrestlers i like are the midcarders, and i know some of them definately weren't gonna get a big push (Shannon Moore, Mark Jindrak, Funaki) and i was fine with that.. but there are guys who i do think should rightfully get a push like Kendrick, Ziggler, DH Smith, The Colons & Haas who all have good talent but instead are being shoved aside because they want John Cena or Randy Orton to deliver a 10 minute promo.. and i don't get mad when it happens, i just feel that WWE could really do better than that..

I agree they can do better, of your list, I'd say Smith hasn't really shown me anything yet to say that he belongs, of course he kind of needs the chance doesn't he? Haas I think probably needs more of a chance to really judge. The Colons could be such a bigger better act, but the problem is Vince doesn't really see money in tag teams (which I think is terribly myopic on his part). Ziggler is somebody again that I think we really need to get more time to see what he's really got to be able to say "ok, this is what he can be". But there are other guys like MVP or CM Punk that I feel are right on that cusp and can move up much faster because they're basically "ready" they just need to be focused on and that "moment" where they grab that brass ring created for them.

there's nothing wrong with a little bit of protest, this isn't nazi camp, it's just wrestling.

I know, but here's the thing, if you're going to say things that I think are unwarranted or just flat out wrong, be prepared for me and possibly others to call you out on it and ask you to defend the point. That's all.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-28 20:18:44

At 4/28/09 07:29 PM, Affix wrote: I'm glad Batista beat Big Show, I would rather like to see Batista be champion again(whoever won the match was obviously going to beat Orton at Judgement Day).

Uh...if you're planning to order the show based on that logic...I'd put that 40 bucks back in your wallet and see if anything else pops up on that card you want to see.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-28 22:16:10

How bout Tommy Dreamer proving that he can still go? Even with the DQ finish, his match with Christian tonight was great.

It was also good to see him main eventing in MSG.. Regardless of whether "ECW" is the C brand or not.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-29 08:45:09

At 4/28/09 10:16 PM, pepeatumi wrote: How bout Tommy Dreamer proving that he can still go? Even with the DQ finish, his match with Christian tonight was great.

It was also good to see him main eventing in MSG.. Regardless of whether "ECW" is the C brand or not.

I was thinking the same thing. I really enjoyed his match with Christian. i hoep he gets another shot in the near future.

So...Helms is a backstage interview guy now.. Sometimes I hate the WWE.

Finleys match was good too. It was a solid bout with a lot of back and forth action and a decent finish. I think Kidd might have a future with the company.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-29 20:35:06

At 4/29/09 04:35 PM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote: Worst. Gimmick Change. Ever.

Wow....i'm glad i almost never watch ECW. What is this a army gimmick? a cheap one at that....a US flag on it to...wow i thought he was proud to be a russian not just go around and wear a cheap army costume. Good going creative team.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-29 21:55:47

At 4/29/09 04:35 PM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote: Worst. Gimmick Change. Ever.

i.. i just can't take anybody seriously when they wear one of those hats..

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-30 00:07:13

At 4/29/09 08:45 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:
It was also good to see him main eventing in MSG.. Regardless of whether "ECW" is the C brand or not.

I'm really glad Tommy got to have the spotlight and get treated with respect in what will most likely be his last match in MSG. It really is a shame that WWE doesn't see more in Tommy as a worker and a teacher for their newer talents. Just another instance of WWE not knowing what end is up anymore it seems.

I was thinking the same thing. I really enjoyed his match with Christian. i hoep he gets another shot in the near future.

If he doesn't sign a new deal soon, that's probably the last one he gets.

So...Helms is a backstage interview guy now.. Sometimes I hate the WWE.

JR said it's mostly because Helms is not yet 100%. The man had a SEVERE neck injury, there was a gigantic question mark as to whether or not he'd ever wrestle again, and who knows what could happen to him should he re-injure it? If they pull the guy out of the ring because he or they don't believe he's 100% but they give him something else to do on TV, and they pay him, I'm not only good with that...I'm GREAT with that. I like to think that part of being a fan of somebody is wanting the best quality of life possible for them, even if that means they can't do what you'd like them to do to entertain you.

Finleys match was good too. It was a solid bout with a lot of back and forth action and a decent finish. I think Kidd might have a future with the company.

Even if he doesn't, at least they're giving him the real chance to prove that he COULD have one. That's something WWE needs to do, and why I'm happy you've got the Tuesday night show to do that with. No, it isn't ECW, but it is a good way for WWE to have young talents get their feet wet and try to make a name for themselves before hitting the big shows.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-30 06:05:30

At 4/29/09 08:45 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: So...Helms is a backstage interview guy now.. Sometimes I hate the WWE.

i think it might have something to do with his neck injury

but i totally marked out when he said "WASSUP WID DAT?!"

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-30 07:09:30

Now that I know the whole story with Helms I'm fine with it. I didn't know he still wasn't at 100%.

I have been hearing that Jeff may be playing hardball in terms of his contract to get a better deal rathe than not sigining at all. I think he is looking to get a deal like Taker's where he has to travel less but still gets a big paycheck. We'll see how that turns out.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-30 20:16:53

Is it me or does it look like Legacy might break up?In recent weeks, WWE has been going about making backstage segments with Ted DiBiase criticizing Randy Orton behind his back with Cody Rhodes seemingly siding with Orton. I have heard that the idea behind this is to eventually turn DiBiase and make him a top babyface. What does eveyone think of this? I could see Cody Rhodes as the next top babyface make him stand out and since he is smaller he could be made to look vicious and they could build him up with some major wins over time and maby he could be the next HBK or HHH.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-05-01 01:31:48

I've heard for quite awhile they believe Dibiase is money and a future top guy. The question would of course be "is he ready to start on that road now?" and I'd say probably. The Legacy idea has really been a pretty big failure and done nothing for Dibiase or Rhodes as Randy has been made to look pretty damn ineffective so they've then gotten tainted by the association, and they've wound up as Triple H's punching bags. Maybe it is time to split that grouping up and see what you can get from the pieces.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-05-01 07:05:38

At 5/1/09 01:31 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: The Legacy idea has really been a pretty big failure and done nothing for Dibiase or Rhodes as Randy has been made to look pretty damn ineffective so they've then gotten tainted by the association, and they've wound up as Triple H's punching bags.

i have to agree with you on that one
but i think the main reason he's turing face is because he has a movie coming out later this year. the marine 2 if i remember clearly..

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-05-01 08:18:25

From wrestlezone.com
"WWE Hall Of Famer The Iron Sheik was on both "The Howard Stern Show" and the "Opie & Anthony" show today. Apparently, Iron Sheik was pounding booze all morning and wound up urinating on himself live on the "Opie & Anthony" show."
link to pics.

That guy is a mess.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-05-01 10:32:10

At 5/1/09 08:18 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: From wrestlezone.com
"WWE Hall Of Famer The Iron Sheik was on both "The Howard Stern Show" and the "Opie & Anthony" show today. Apparently, Iron Sheik was pounding booze all morning and wound up urinating on himself live on the "Opie & Anthony" show."
link to pics.

That guy is a mess.

you just figured that out now? lol
still i love that guy, awesome wrestler back in the day
and still very entertaining, if you can, try to listen to a howard stern clip with him and bubba the love sponge in a heated arguement over hulk hogan, sheiks medals and many more

if you look it up on youtube i think you'll be able to find it

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-05-01 10:41:21


Umaga's back, and he's lost a few kilos too..

or pounds to you americans...

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-05-01 17:51:32


Smackdown was excellent this week, all the matches were pretty damn good. I'm looking forward to seeing Morrison/Jericho somewhere down the road. Those two could have some excellent matches. Hardy/Edge for the title should also be really good, and despite being a massive Hardy mark I'm hoping Edge gets to keep the title for a while yet. Maybe have Matt cost him it and finish it with a TLC at Extreme Rules. Like someone suggested, some sort of contract which would also work out nicely if Jeff decides not to resign.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-05-02 09:38:25

SD was really good last night. I didn't know you could stop someone cashing in the MITB, but at least it went like that instead of him giving to the ref and then Umaga kicks him. The confrontation between Morrison and Jericho could be interesting. Are they going to turn Morrison a face now?

So it will be Jeff Hardy bs Edge for the title. If Jeff is leaving he may as well put Edge over too.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-05-02 14:06:45

Edge should've left loooong ago. That guy is terrible! no sport at all

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-05-02 15:21:05

At 5/2/09 02:06 PM, CloneA12 wrote: Edge should've left loooong ago. That guy is terrible! no sport at all

What are you takling about? He is the top heel on smackdown and is one of the top preformers in the company today. He is in the mainevent scene and has very good matchs most of the time :::i'm talking about wrestlemania 25::: Just because he is a heel does not mean he is a shitty wrestler which is not the case here. Just take a look at jericho in the past year he is doing thing that are worse than edge. so respond to me with some of your reasonings.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-05-02 15:26:07

The 2009 WWE Annual Shareholders Meeting was held this morning (May 1st). Here are some of the newsworthy items from the meeting that i though were interesting some were cut out.

* Vince McMahon said that he is not interested in running an MMA promotion.

* Vince McMahon said that WWE is looking into creating a Wednesday night TV program. He feels that it would not be overexposure due to the huge number of TV stations available & that being on TV every weeknight would make it easier for the fans to follow along with the storylines or catch up if they miss any of the TV shows.

* A shareholder requested the creation of a WWE affinity program. Vince McMahon agreed to look into possibly doing that.

* Donna Goldsmith said that WWE has major marketing plans for Summerslam 2009, including a huge party leading into the event. Vince McMahon predicted that Summerslam 2009 will sell out.

* Vince McMahon said that Playboy wanted to work with WWE again this year, but Vince turned down the offer because of WWE's new "PG environment".

* Vince McMahon said that WWE was planning a tour of China, but ran into some problems. He feels that China will be a big part of WWE's future.

* Vince McMahon said that WWE is considering canceling it's tour of Mexico in late May due to the swine flu outbreak. He also announced a Mexican tour for October of 2009.

* Vince McMahon partially blamed the decline of pay-per-view buys on more fans choosing to watch pay-per-views with each other rather than individually ordering the pay-per-views.

* A shareholder asked if "Mr. McMahon" could be the person who ends the Undertaker's WrestleMania undefeated streak. Vince McMahon said that him ending the streak would probably anger a lot of people, so it's unlikely to happen.

* Vince McMahon said that both him & his wife will be participating in all of the upcoming earnings conference calls.

* Vince McMahon said that him appearing in a movie would be a bad idea due to his lack of patience & time.

* Vince McMahon said that holding WrestleMania overseas would be difficult because it would have to air live in North America. He mentioned that Summerslam 1992 from London, England aired in North America on a tape delay & it ended up being a bad business decision.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-05-02 16:07:17

Vince also said that they've signed a sponsoship with Pepsi, sparking rumours that CM Punk's about to bring back the Pepsi Plunge.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-05-02 18:35:09

At 5/2/09 04:07 PM, DannyIsOnFire wrote: Vince also said that they've signed a sponsoship with Pepsi, sparking rumours that CM Punk's about to bring back the Pepsi Plunge.

I don't see them doing that, as they could see that as taking away from HHH a bit. It would be pretty awesome if they did though.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-05-03 00:44:20

At 5/2/09 03:26 PM, idiot-buster wrote: The 2009 WWE Annual Shareholders Meeting was held this morning (May 1st). Here are some of the newsworthy items from the meeting that i though were interesting some were cut out.

Oh god this should be good. I've been waiting for this one actually.

* Vince McMahon said that he is not interested in running an MMA promotion.

Can't blame him, Vince learned with the XFL he doesn't understand actual sport, and for him the biggest problem he'd face immediately is spending lots of time and money building a guy, and then if he loses in his first real fight there's nothing you can do. I think he'd fall into the trap of EliteXC when Kimbo Slice was exposed, or he'd be screwed because he'd be too tempted to at least work the outcomes if not the actual fights. Maybe this is something Shane can play with down the line, but with finances down, it makes no sense to get into a sport or a business they don't really understand. Smartest thing I've heard him say in awhile.

* Vince McMahon said that WWE is looking into creating a Wednesday night TV program. He feels that it would not be overexposure due to the huge number of TV stations available & that being on TV every weeknight would make it easier for the fans to follow along with the storylines or catch up if they miss any of the TV shows.

You better have the creative teams split even fucking further then, unless this is a recap show. You guys cannot keep adding on programming when you don't have a product people want to watch. It's money, it's time, it's resources that you're putting out that could probably be better used elsewhere. Unless this is on a network giving them great exposure, why? Don't see the need.

* A shareholder requested the creation of a WWE affinity program. Vince McMahon agreed to look into possibly doing that.

What exactly would such a program do? I'm vague on what exactly was asked of Vince here, is this supposed to be like a discount thing? Because as long as shit is down, guarantee you'll never see that. They have to milk those diehards so they can NOT have to change anything they're doing too much.

* Donna Goldsmith said that WWE has major marketing plans for Summerslam 2009, including a huge party leading into the event. Vince McMahon predicted that Summerslam 2009 will sell out.

Birds go tweet, I believe it will sell out too. It's a big 4 show, usually one of their strongest cards of the year, so I do think they'll get the sell out, and if they don't? They'll paper the arena and claim it was a sell out. :)

* Vince McMahon said that Playboy wanted to work with WWE again this year, but Vince turned down the offer because of WWE's new "PG environment".

That is indeed a shoot. Can't say you're marketing to kids and have your women appear naked. Even though Playboy is pretty classy pornography, it's still pornography.

* Vince McMahon said that WWE was planning a tour of China, but ran into some problems. He feels that China will be a big part of WWE's future.

It does seem a pretty untapped market for them, but I wonder if the problems were of a governmental nature. That is a great market for them though I think if they can successfully break into it.

* Vince McMahon said that WWE is considering canceling it's tour of Mexico in late May due to the swine flu outbreak. He also announced a Mexican tour for October of 2009.

Can't blame him for erring on the side of caution. The last thing they need is for guys to become sick and they can't work TV.

* Vince McMahon partially blamed the decline of pay-per-view buys on more fans choosing to watch pay-per-views with each other rather than individually ordering the pay-per-views.

OH SHUT UP!!! I've been doing that since 1999 or 2000, AND THE PRODUCT WAS STILL GOOD AND YOU MADE ASS LOADS OF MONEY!!! Buy rates are down because you're audience SHRUNK, pure and simple. You're audience shrunk because they don't like what you give them, until you address that, you will never increase buy rates. People had friends they could watch the shows with during the Attitude Era too, that's not a new phenomenon. Once again they'd rather make an excuse then deal with the root cause. Typical. Stupidest statement so far.

* A shareholder asked if "Mr. McMahon" could be the person who ends the Undertaker's WrestleMania undefeated streak. Vince McMahon said that him ending the streak would probably anger a lot of people, so it's unlikely to happen.

No way should it EVER happen!!! He does that and his audience will shrink to probably around nill. The over pushing of himself and his family long past the shelf life of their characters has been a major factor in audience attrition I feel, and this would just destroy any credibility they have left. Taker should never lose at Mania, but if he does, I'd rather it be the Brooklyn Brawler then Vince McMahon.

* Vince McMahon said that both him & his wife will be participating in all of the upcoming earnings conference calls.

So it'll be double the bullshit and disinformation? Christ this'll be fun...

* Vince McMahon said that him appearing in a movie would be a bad idea due to his lack of patience & time.

Not to mention he'd have to be the director, because if he wasn't, the thing would never get done because he'd be screaming at the guy every take. If Vince isn't in complete control of that sort of thing, he has no interest in it. If he isn't "The Boss" there's just no point.

* Vince McMahon said that holding WrestleMania overseas would be difficult because it would have to air live in North America. He mentioned that Summerslam 1992 from London, England aired in North America on a tape delay & it ended up being a bad business decision.

I'd like a little more info there, because I thought they did really well with that show, certainly it's fondly remembered. But for Mania? Yeah, I can't see it happening because like he says, it needs to air live in the US or else the internet will be covering and spoiling the show which will most likely cost them buys. They cannot tape delay to the states in this day and age. That's where the bulk of the money is anyway, North American buys, overseas buys are slightly less cash.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-05-03 19:30:36

The heart and soul of ECW, Tommy Dreamer, may have competed in his final match last night. If it is then he should have some position in WWE

In Dreamer's recent blog, he hinted that last night could have been his final - in front of a jam packed Madison Square Garden crowd. Dreamer promised he would retire if he was unable to capture the ECW title before his WWE contract expired.

Last night, he was awarded an opportunity to fulfill his final quest in professional wrestling - wrestle Christian Cage for the ECW Championship. Dreamer's quest was quickly shattered when Jack Swagger attacked him and Christian, which resulted in the match to be halted and Dreamer winning via DQ.

Dreamer has been overlooked by man, although he was never considered a Ric Flair or Ricky Steamboat, Dreamer has always been a solid and consistent wrestler. The love he has for ECW, despite it turning in to a watered down version, is beyond what anyone would imagine. He lives and breathes the original ECW and the new ECW.

If this is indeed his final match, he will be the final ECW Original to put his heart and soul in to the WWE version of ECW. As a fan of ECW, it does take a little while to fathom that Tommy Dreamer's exit from ECW came without the title.

Where does Tommy go from here? I hope he is offered a job with WWE, whether it be as an agent or in some other fashion. He has put everything in to the WWE and never made any real complaints. It has been said that he would be given a position in WWE if he signs another contract with them.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-05-03 20:05:56

I think it would be a good exit for Dreamer since he did get to wrestle at MSG in a really great match. It just sucks that WWE couldn't bring themselves to give him the title for a little while. On one hand I'd hate to see him leave since Dreamre is awesome. On the other hand he's been losing so much and is getting up there in age so it might just be his time to leave.

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