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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-24 14:06:18

Finley singing...*shutters*

The tag match with CM Punk/Rey vs. Kand and Big Show was decent. I find it weird that they keep putting Raw guys on SD and vise versa right now. They just had the draft, keep it seperate WWE, otherwise whats the point? I understand that Superstars is supposed to be mixed, which makes sense since they film these matches before the Raw and Sd tapings but come on guys, Sd and Raw need some separation here. Why is Batista and Shane fighing Team Priceless on SD? It has no place there!

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-24 15:30:10

At 4/24/09 02:06 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: Draft

Michael Cole mentioned it about thirty times on Raw. The draft officially comes into play after Backlash.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-24 16:50:32

At 4/24/09 03:30 PM, DannyIsOnFire wrote: Michael Cole mentioned it about thirty times on Raw. The draft officially comes into play after Backlash.

Which is a total lie if you've seen this week's SD already. I won't go into detail, but a match was announced featuring a SD guy vs a RAW guy, and its going to happen AFTER Backlash.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-24 19:02:23

At 4/24/09 04:50 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Which is a total lie if you've seen this week's SD already. I won't go into detail, but a match was announced featuring a SD guy vs a RAW guy, and its going to happen AFTER Backlash.

According to JR's blog, that is a one off, and it actually should come into effect properly after Backlash.
But if they can't keep them separate for a week, I can't see it sticking in the long term.
They'll probably just keep them more or less separate for a few weeks, to make it seem like the draft had a point, then forget about the whole thing.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-24 19:47:28

For the draft to matter, for guys to really get elevated yeah, you can't keep mixing and matching on the shows. They need to stick to the idea that shows are separate after backlash and only intermix starting around the Royal Rumble, especially since the hook for Superstars is that it's all three brands intermingling in matches, making the idea of separation even more crucial. It's understandable that they still mix going into Backlash since they really only had two weeks to book and promote the show (which I think is a tremendous argument for just cutting this show especially in the face of an ever increasing Mania price, how many people really have the cash or desire to basically just see a slightly tweaked Mania card two weeks later?). It also points out that having the Draft when they did this year was incredibly stupid, it should have been THIS Monday at the earliest so they would be able to make their changes and have them immediately stick and not have to keep making excuses for why it isn't yet. Oh we have a european tour already booked, so everybody on that tour regardless of brand has to go. Oh we have a PPV we have to promote in two weeks so we can't have a hard split now because we need all the hours we can get to get the word across.

The barriers need to go back up or you may as well just kill the brand split idea, or just kill the idea of things like drafts and just move guys whenever with whatever reason you need.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-24 23:14:51

Hey guys can I join?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-25 02:12:40

At 4/24/09 11:14 PM, lilsheed2 wrote: Hey guys can I join?

Maybe if you tell us a little more about who and what you like in wrestling it can be done.

Got an interesting old video of the Undertaker in the other day (I was watching Tombstone and got nostalgic) and it's really interesting/sad to watch his most early work since you really cannot get a feel for this guy early on because his work is so scripted to work to the gimmick. Not that there's nothing good or of note on the tape, just that it can get repetitive, still it was neat to watch the Undertaker as he was when I was growing up and when he was unquestionably and untouchably my favorite wrestler. The way he's evolved just again goes to show why he's my favorite of all time. Sad day it'll be when he goes.

Also what a great fucking promo by Edge tonight, give this man that belt and give him a long reign already dammit!!! Or at least a long program with Punk!!! FUCKING DO IT!!!

I've been drinking again...sorry.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-25 02:27:38

2 things

i sorta feel sry for chavo cuz for some reason hes always put against some of best so he always loses fast because realy only good moment for him was in wrestlmania when his shoe came off and other guy got distracted by it and chavo won

i just wanna say for the cena jerico macth that i think jericho was gonna win

dont u see there bodys burning decolate and full of yearning dying from anticipation chocking from entoxication

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-25 02:38:34

At 4/24/09 07:47 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: For the draft to matter, for guys to really get elevated yeah, you can't keep mixing and matching on the shows.

dude ur totaly right on that whats the point of brands if they always come together

dont u see there bodys burning decolate and full of yearning dying from anticipation chocking from entoxication

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-25 02:59:30

At 4/25/09 02:27 AM, 7thkiller wrote: i sorta feel sry for chavo cuz for some reason hes always put against some of best so he always loses fast because realy only good moment for him was in wrestlmania when his shoe came off and other guy got distracted by it and chavo won

You're thinking of Eddie vs. Angle man. I'm positive you are.

i just wanna say for the cena jerico macth that i think jericho was gonna win

Psssh, superman Cena does not lose on TV!!! IT MUST NOT HAPPEN!!! That reminds me of a science teacher I had in 7th grade...crappy teacher, but his approach to a lecture on over population really stuck with me, because it's so satirical but true, and it probably explains a lot of how WWE thinks when you stop and think about it, let me share what I remember (again, been drinking fairly heavily, yay big mug of Long Island Iced Tea), anywho:

He said to imagine a planet which is run by rabbits, rabbits are the top species and have done basically everything humans have. At some point of course the inevitable point that rabits must die off (at least incrementally) and (I swear to God, my grandparents grave, my dog's grave, the bible, WHATEVER YOU NEED TO MAKE THIS TRUE AND BELIEVABLE FOR YOU, I'M SWEARING ON IT!!!) This guy would get more and more agitated, to the point of actually sliding across a table and screaming into a kid's face (we're 7th graders remember) "RABBITS CAN'T DIE!!!!! RABBITS ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT SPECIES!!!". Now, his point is obvious. Human beings think of themselves as the most important species, therefore our needs subsume all others. Now let's apply that to WWE,

Let's say you're on creative and you say "you know what Mr. Macmahon (Yes, in my fucked up head right now everyone talks like Gerry Briscoe. Don't know who Gerry Briscoe is? Do some google searching or go kill yourself for not being a real fan, sorry, you need to) I think John Cena should maybe do a job for that new heel we're trying to establish" and Vince then plays the role of that science teacher screaming "CENA CAN'T JOB!!! CENA IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT GUYS HERE!!!" and that's a damn good point to remember in the end too here folks. Like for instance the next time you're going to say "oh, look at H, he's burying somebody again" hey, guess who was the last word signing off on Hunter doing that? It was pappa Vince. In the end its always Vince man...it all goes back to how he wants shit to be...so next time you're gonna blame somebody for being a scumbag tool, or bitch about how somebody never loses, best make sure you lay the ultimate blame where it belongs.

In closing: Fuck You Vince and Steph...you keep me from being proud of a business I love.

Time to stop posting now I think, I'm rambling,

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-25 07:47:11

At 4/24/09 04:50 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Which is a total lie if you've seen this week's SD already. I won't go into detail, but a match was announced featuring a SD guy vs a RAW guy, and its going to happen AFTER Backlash.

Dolph Ziggler vs MVP?
i like ziggler, and this push he's receiving, but i dont see him beating MVP for the title.. mainly coz they switched MVP and Mysterio because they were both holding the midcard titles

but that isnt pissing me off as much as the main event for smackdown.. Batista and Shane McMahon vs Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase... those 4 were not even involved in the draft what so ever.. and now Batista and Ted Dibiase were in BOTH smackdown main events 2 weeks in a row... THATS whats pissing me off.. keep it on their own shows!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-25 12:24:59

ok so i watched TNA for the first time in ages..
and god how horrible it was... i wanted to see what bobby lashley would do/say.. i was waiting... waiting... waiting.... still waiting.. ok i waited for 2 friggin hours of Mick Foley time fillers, commercials, backstage segments.. oh and the occasional match here and there, to see Lashley come out.... and do the same fucking thing he did at lockdown!

seriously, the same thing, his music hit, he came out and pointed, and kurt angle smiled. god...
well it was good to see Trevor Murdoch.. oh i'm sorry.. 'Jethro Holiday' (god it sounds like a name for a gay hillbilly..) wrestle again.

but man now i remember why i stopped watching TNA!... end of rant lol

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-25 12:40:26

i like war cause john cena is my favorite

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-25 12:44:22

i like raw because of john cena

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-25 20:47:23

At 4/25/09 02:27 AM, 7thkiller wrote: 2 things

i sorta feel sry for chavo cuz for some reason hes always put against some of best so he always loses fast because realy only good moment for him was in wrestlmania when his shoe came off and other guy got distracted by it and chavo won

I do and then i don't. Lets just face it Chavo has just become a jobber to everyone he has faced. It started around wrestlemania 24 with his match against Kane. It is just apparent he is only in the company still becausre of his deceased brother. It could be other things, but i doubt he will ever be a real competitor ever again. he has no momentum ever and when he gets just a little it get's decimated by john cena or HHH.

i just wanna say for the cena jerico macth that i think jericho was gonna win

He will never beat cena on live tv cena is just untouchable being the wwe's poster boy.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-26 00:00:26

Eddie was Chavo's uncle, but they were very close in age so they grew up like brothers.

I haven't seen TNA in years. I keep forgetting its on. And from what some people are saying why bother? I guess it would be cool to see all the WWE castoffs again since that's who is getting pushed. With each former WWE guy they hire one of their home grown stars gets less air time.

I think its amusing when you post here drunk Avie. Your rants go all over the place which makes it fun to figure out what you are talking about.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-26 00:02:56

At 4/25/09 12:24 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: 'Jethro Holiday' (god it sounds like a name for a gay hillbilly..) wrestle again.

Well goddamn, now you've gone and ruined Vince Russo's epic swerve! Or maybe the swerve is that he gets on a mic and "shoots" about how he isn't really southern or something.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-26 02:07:30

At 4/26/09 12:00 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I think its amusing when you post here drunk Avie. Your rants go all over the place which makes it fun to figure out what you are talking about.

i was actually a bit drunk last night when i wrote my 2 messages
but i was more along the lines of "sobering up" than off my face drunk

but i stand by both the messages i wrote

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-26 11:07:58

There are only 2 of your picks I don't agree with, D-Lucks.

I think Jeff Hardy will beat Matt Hardy (In a lame attempt by WWE to swerve the fans), but will get beat down post-match.

I think Cena will beat Edge, Punk will challenge him to a title match at Judgment Day (Which just happens to be in Punk's hometown of Chicago), and he'll win the title there.

I know, Punk beating Cena is wishful thinking, but that's what I'm going with.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-26 13:52:37

The 2009 Backlash Pay-Per-View seems to have arrived at us very fast.It's not long after Wrestlemania 25 and the recent WWE Draft, leaving just a few weeks leading to this event. With all that going on, WWE really had to scramble once again to try to build some hype for the various matches, one of which was recently added (CM Punk vs. Kane). Three titles are on the line here, with only one being defended under traditional rules (ECW Title). Cena's World Heavyweight title goes on the line against Edge in a Last Man Standing match, while Triple H's WWE Title is on the line in a Six Man Tag match against Team Orton. The Hardy brothers pick up their feud with an "I Quit" Match, and to give some possible comic relief, Santina Marella is scheduled to pucker up for Great Khali's Kiss Cam. The big questions that come with this PPV are will WWE look to move one of the major titles back to Smackdown, and will CM Punk be cashing in his MITB contract? Let's see...

Here's thoughts and predictions for this year's Backlash PPV...

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat vs. Chris Jericho
It's tough to recall another WWE superstar who was inducted into the Hall of Fame then returned to the ring to resume his wrestling career afterwards, but Steamboat seems to be the man achieving that benchmark. Seeing as Chris Jericho was recently drafted to Smackdown, I don't see a loss here jeopardizing his stature or rise on the new show. Steamboat will amaze the fans once again as he continues what seems to be a glory tour on the heels of his entry to the Hall of Fame.

Prediction: The Dragon emerged victorious with an entertaining showing for the fans.


CM Punk vs. Kane
This match continues to baffle me; it seems strange that it was added into the mix late, because there really isn't a feud going on or any real reason for this one. CM Punk won the MITB by knocking Kane off the ladder, but it's not like Kane's been calling Punk out on the mic or in interviews. The more I look at it, the more it seems like something might go down with Punk's MITB opportunity at Backlash. This match may have been added as a diversion, to have Punk get beat, then allow him to cash in his MITB when fans least expect it later on. Punk will defeat Kane yet again here, because he needs to build up credibility on his rise to the top again.

Prediction: CM Punk wins another one against Kane.


Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy
I Quit Match
Jeff Hardy needs a win pretty badly lately, unless WWE is going the route of Matt Hardy seeming to dominate his younger brother over and over. There's been recent talks and rumors that Jeff wants away from WWE (he's not accepting contract offers), and if that's true, then this may be one way to send him off. Remember back several years ago to when Chavo Guerrero did this sort of thing to Rey Mysterio, giving Rey time off for surgery and rehab. Chavo continually hammered away on Rey's knee as Mysterio was hanging upside down from a metal scaffolding, and Rey finally screamed "I Quit" in pain. In this scenario, I'd like to think Jeff's sticking with the WWE Universe, but it's looking like Matt will continue with the momentum of beating up on his younger brother in and around the ring.

Prediction: Matt Hardy punishes Jeff even more, forcing him to yell "I Quit".


Christian vs. Jack Swagger
ECW Championship
Christian's got the fan support and he's been on the rise, but Swagger defeated him in a great title contest once before. Another thing to remember is the upcoming contract ending for ECW legend Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer has vowed to win the ECW title again before his contract is set to expire, or he retires. It would seem like Jack Swagger needs to be the guy holding the title for Dreamer to defeat, the classic underdog pulling off the upset win against the cocky champion. So while it'd be nice to see Christian as champion, there's really only a month left for Swagger to hold the title, before losing it or retiring Dreamer.

Prediction: Jack Swagger defeats Christian to stay ECW Champion.


Edge vs. John Cena
World Heavyweight Title
Last Man Standing match
Here's where things get really interesting. You've got to believe that WWE is looking to either unify the two major titles, or move one back to Smackdown. If the latter is true, then this match could be how it's done. Fans were shocked weeks ago during the draft because HHH was brought to Raw, but Cena wasn't moved to Smackdown. So at Backlash, Edge will once again find some sort of opportunity to win here. Cena and Edge have put on some memorable matches, and exchanged titles several times, so it's nothing shocking, unless that MITB comes into play. I also won't be surprised if this is where CM Punk decides to cash in since both men are going to be pretty beaten up. Punk could give us a case of Deja Vu and cash in on Edge once again, raining on the Rated-R Superstar's parade. It seems quite unlikely for Cena to retain here, unless Punk's going to somehow steal away the WWE title.

Prediction: Edge defeats Cena and becomes new World Heavyweight Champion.


Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes & Ted Dibiase vs. Triple H, Shane McMahon & Batista
WWE Title Six Man Tag Match
This match seems like less of a buildup of the Orton-Triple H feud that Triple H handled at Wrestlemania 25, and more of a buildup of a future Triple H vs. Batista feud. This match could easily go two ways; one would have Batista winning the match, setting up claims that he helped save Triple H's WWE Title. The other more likely route will be that Batista and HHH get involved into some sort of argument or rift that leads to Team Orton winning the title for Randy. Either way, it seems a Batista vs. HHH feud is inevitable now, and that will lead to Cena challenging for Orton's WWE title.

Winners: Team Orton wins it somehow due to Batista and Triple H getting involved in a dispute. Shane is middleman but it won't matter, as Orton wins the WWE Title.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-26 18:27:42

Ahoy - great predictions as usual, guys.

I think if WWE wanted to really leave the fans in shock and awe they could have Punk cash in tonight and... lose? He did "make history" being the first to win MITB twice in a row, why not have have him make history again by being the first to get shot down after cashing in MITB? Yeah, I hate seeing Cena in the victor's circle as much as the next guy, but what a better way to turn Punk heel, which seems to be what everyone wants.

That, however, would put three of the four main eventers (assuming Punk gets a nice, healthy push) on SD! heel (Edge, Jericho, and Punk, with the obvious exception of the Undertaker), and I honestly couldn't see that happening. WWE could always go with a Jericho-Taker feud (Jericho "hates legends" so much, why not put him against one of the biggest fan favourites of all time?), meanwhile Edge and Punk tear each other apart in a heel-on-heel style feud, wherein the victor of some stip PPV match gets to take on Cena at Night of Champions or something to that effect.

Could work, but eh... just a thought. What would you guys like to see happen with Punk this time around?

domestic violence can be funny too!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-26 18:58:35

At 4/26/09 09:27 AM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote: 1. CM Punk vs. Kane
Punk to win.

Couldn't agree more. Kane is great in the role of putting other people over. Kane's sort of like a low profile Jeff Hardy, in that you really can't take any momentum away from him. Whatever you do, he's still a more or less believable monster. He's always just there.

2. Chris Jericho vs. Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat
Jericho to win.

If Steamboat couldn't beat Jericho after two other guys had 'weakened' him, then he really shouldn't win now. They say you should go out on your back in the wrestling biz. People will still love Ricky anyway.
Then again, they could play up that Jericho's jaw is really hurting and that ends up costing him the match. You know, after Rourke's killer right hook.

3. Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy (I Quit Match)
Matt to win.

I can't decide on this. I like pep's scenario, of Jeff getting beat up post-match. Realistically, though, you have to have the face win at the end of the feud right? Maybe this feud will defy normal convention though, since Jeff's future is uncertain.

4. ECW Champion Jack Swagger vs. Christian
Christian to win the title.

I can't decide on this one either. I don't think Christian really needs this, and you'd expect him to move on to bigger and better things eventually. But they didn't draft him, so I'm undecided.

5. WWE Champion Triple H, Shane McMahon and Batista vs Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase(If any of Legacy gets the pinfall, Randy Orton becomes WWE Champion)
Orton for new champ.

Unfortunately, I agree with this. Orton has to win eventually, and this would be the weakest possible way for it to happen, so it probably will right?
Shane'O'Mac turning would make this even more lame, but if he does the van terminator, I'll be happy.

6. World Heavyweight Champion John Cena vs. Edge (Last Man Standing Match)
Edge for new champion.

Logically, I'd like Edge to win, Punk to come out and cash his MITB in for a title match in Chicago, lose that match, and maybe turn heel or something in frustration.
So, Cena to retain.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-27 00:09:22

Well, WWE switched all three titles tonight, and I am happy that Orton beat H basically clean. I'm not the guy's biggest fan but if they're going to really try and "make him" once and for all, then he's gotta be able to show he can hang with H and beat him, mission accomplished. Also if you're going to have three top titles for three shows and hard split then logically you needed Edge to get a victory here to get that rolling. I liked the Punk swerve last year but didn't want to see it happen again this year, would have just felt dumb.

Speaking of Punk, why is he jobbing to Kane? I can understand if they want to re-establish Kane (particularly if he's going to either be teaming with or feuding with Taker again in the near future) but couldn't you have picked somebody else? Somebody who hasn't strongly been hinting he'll be in a world title match in a month? Geez. Although speaking of that, you know, maybe now would be a good time to do the "MITB does not always equal new champion" thing. You've got the slimiest sneakiest of heels in Edge as champion, so he can find some way to just screw Punk out of win at JD when Punk has him dead to rights, and we can maybe push this thing off till June or July where Punk keeps earning rematches, and Teddy Long keeps adding stips to try and counter whatever sneaky tactics Edge uses to hang onto the belt each time till finally Punk beats him. I tend to think this may be the best strategy if we're finally at that point where WWE feels like seeing what they really have in Punk, and I think Edge has deserved a reign of a few months finally (for christ's sake he's a 9 TIME CHAMPION now and I don't think he's had a reign go longer then 3 full months!!). I know WWE has never really been a company based on the heel champion running long, but in this case I really think they should go with the chase story because they can make some money with it while it happens, but they can also make money in the long term with what it will do to make Punk look worthy and heroic when he finally gets it.

Either way, SD! should be must watch programming for me right now because we've got a main event picture that really makes me happy as a fan.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-27 02:29:45

Didn't actually see the PPV, but since I'm a fan of heel champions (especially when they're as awesome as Edge), I'm happy with the results. Christian winning is also swell. A bit surprised that Jeff beat Matt, though. I'm guessing that either WWE is sucking up, Jeff's reconsidering, or nothing's changed and they'll have a loser-gets-fired match or something later down on the line.

Now, as long as the draft results actually mean something, things look interesting for the foreseeable future.

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-27 08:45:29

I think the result of the Hardy match makes sense. If Jeff doesn't resigh he still has a few months to g obefore his contract is up. The fued wouldn't be as good is it was one sided the whole way through because then Jeff would look like a weak opponent making Matts victories mean less.

Very cool with all the title changes. After the promo Edge did on SD he really deserved the belt. Course he needed the belt anyway but his promo just made it that much better.

Now the draft should be in place so some new fueds can start. Let's hope they dive right into some new stuff on Raw tonight.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-27 11:06:30

Sounds like it was a really good show, and right about now, I'm regretting leaving home for uni yesterday, since I'd have got Backlash for free on Sky Sports.

I do hope Edge has a longer reign with the belt this time, dude really deserves it. And I'd be alright with Punk cashing in the MITB and losing, especially if it's not a clean loss.
It could set up a long feud between the two, really elevate Punk to the Main Event level (getting the belt didn't elevate him last time, so it doesn't really matter if he wins it straight away this time), and who knows, he could maybe even come out with the belt at the end of it.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-27 21:25:56

Looks like H and Cena may be on a little hiatus as they appear to be moving Batista now into the position of carrying the brand with H vs. Orton in pencil for SS. Which to me is not really the best idea I think, since Batista/Orton is a totally fresh match and I think would drive more Summerslam buys, but H probably does need a break

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-27 21:45:05

I like the idea of a hiatus for those two, as Raw has plenty of top faces already. This could give the ones who are on the cusp of the main event the opportunity to show what they've got to offer.
And if it doesn't work, they can always bring Cena or Trips back.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-28 09:15:54

Raw was decent last night. I liked how they used MVP as he was seen as a threat to Orton. Course Shane had to still be in the spotlight. Aw well... At least he can somewhat wrestle.

It seems Matts injury is legit. From what I've heard he will try to stay on tv in some capacity but in a limited one.

Noble looked weird with a shaved head.

I'm looking forward to seeing what Swagger and Christian do tonight.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-28 09:23:53

At 4/28/09 09:15 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Raw was decent last night. I liked how they used MVP as he was seen as a threat to Orton. Course Shane had to still be in the spotlight. Aw well... At least he can somewhat wrestle.

They should have had Cody or the other one wrestle MVP leading to one of them eventually winning the US title.
Those two look pathetic every week getting owned by trips, now Orton has the title its time to start building the priceless pair up as well.
Make legacy legitimate.

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