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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-06 19:36:25

ok here's my thoughts on wrestlemania

Tag Team Unification match - We all didn't get to see this but it was actually a pleasant suprise to see the Colon Bros. getting the victory, man for a midcarder, Carlito has accomplished quite a bit, he won the US title on his first night on smackdown, won the IC title on his first night on raw, is the first unified tag team champion along with his brother Primo, that's quite a resume to look forward to. But anyway, now it's not that i hate miz and morrison... wait.. let me fix that... it's not that i hate morrison, it's just that i think the Colon Bros. needed this more.. morrison is great talent, and i'm hoping he gets drafted to a bigger brand (not that they both need to.. they're on every show, every week).. the miz on the other hand... the guy's wrestling is plain.. and on the mic.... well.. he just comes off as simply annoying..

The MITB Ladder match - now unfortunately i missed this match too, which is a big shame.. i was looking forward to it, i'll try to find it somewhere to watch. Now once again CM Punk wins it.... wat.. cmon man so many people deserved it more than CM Punk... MVP, Shelton, Christian, Kane, hell Mark Henry definately needed it more than CM Punk... I heard Shelton jumped from a high ladder in the ring onto everyone on the outside, fuck man.. i need to see that.

Women's Battle Royal - I started watching halfway through this match, apparently Kid Rock performed during the big entrance of the divas.. that upset me.. not cause of Kid Rock, even though i'm not a big fan, but mainly coz they all entered at once.. i know their entrances would of taken up a lot of time, but it would of cleared up which divas were in it.. for instance, i had no idea Joy Giovanni was in this match, until i saw the photo shoot on wwe.com.. also it was cool to see Molly Holly come back with her debut babyface look (the blonde hair, the blue top)... ok Santino wins it.. in drag of course.. ok i think santino is a hell of a funny guy, infact he's only one of the few who actually make me laugh out loud when he delivers a promo.. but man after dressing in drag and winning a divas battle royal.. there's no going back.. they should retire him in the ring and at least make him a manager or an announcer.. he would really do great with a job like that

anyway i give this match a 4/10, coz it was nice to see the some of the old divas again, also they didn't leave out candice, and should looked pretty nice.. she didn't look like someone stomped on her face like she has looked recently..

Chris Jericho vs The Legends (Snuka, Steamboat & Piper)
Alright first of all, wow.. how come guys like Hacksaw Jim Duggan are still working and Steamboat isn't.. he was amazing! I was pretty much right about the outcome of this match, but it was ok.. Snuka and Piper were eliminated quickly and Jericho had a great bout Steamboat (which i'm imagining was a dream for Jericho, since he idolised Steamboat when he was younger) and finally defeats him with the Codebreaker, after the match Jericho beat the bejesus outta flair and then issued a challenge to Mickey Rourke, who then comes in the ring and knocks out Jericho with one punch.. yeh that's it.. quite a shame due to all the build-up it made during the past few months and it all ends with just one left hook.. Jimmy Hart recently stated that moment saying "it was like watching a movie that breaks in the end", and i can see where he's getting at.

anyway i give this match a 6/10 for Steamboats impressive showing for a guy his age, it would of gotten more points if the Rourke and Jericho brawl would of gotten more deeper than just one punch to the face.

Hardy vs Hardy Extreme Rules
Ok why the hell was Matt Hardy wearing tights?! you know what forget that.. this match was pretty good.. but the truth is i expected a lot better.. the table spot was pretty original which was good, and that fall from the ladder really had to hurt.. and that twist of fate WHOA! that was pretty original too, but either than that everything seemed a bit too... plain.. just chair shots and stuff its a shame how wwe thinks chair shot are so hardcore.. i mean it would hurt.. but its overdone and very cliched. I was also expecting bloodshed for this one, but was sadly disappointed.

i'll give this match a 7/10 to the nice spots and once again suprised with Matt Hardy taking this one, he needed the victory more than Jeff in my opinion.

Rey Mysterio vs JBL IC Title match
ok this match was just a waste of time.. i actually don't really like either of them but you know that they're both talent and could of made something good out of this, especially if this was JBL's last match. I did like mysterio bringing back his wrestlemania tradition of dressing as a comic book character, this year it was The Joker (Heath Ledger style) also it was quite a shame that JBL had to retire in a storyline like manner, furiously quitting, I'm pretty sure he's pissed with that outcome...

i'll give this match 2/10 as it was really nothing more than an intermission act more than a wrestling match... goodbye JBL.. i'm looking forward to see you come out of retirement again next year..

Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker
OMG!!! for those of you who doubt Shawn Michaels or The Undertaker's abilities, 1. you're retarded and 2. WATCH THIS MATCH! jesus h. christ i was totally marking out during this match.. a match hasn't moved me in ages like this! not even the fact that Undertaker almost crushed a camera man to death and stalled for minutes ruined this match, it was just perfect, reminded me of one of those old school bouts between the rock and stone cold, just amazing.. a part worth mentioning was when the undertaker gave the last ride (i think) to shawn michaels.. everyone thought it was over 1.. 2.. michaels kicks out! the fans are going crazy, and just a second after he kicks out.. the camera zooms in on the undertakers face.. who has broken out of his deadman character and just has a look of shock and disbelief on his face. the beginning was good, the middle was better, but the ending was the best, and i was behind Michaels all the way and even seeing him lose against Taker i was not upset.. this match is definately match of the year already.. it can't be outdone unless The Rock and Stone Cold came outta retirement to join them in a fatal fourway match

10/10! i bet Edge, Cena and Big Show were shitting themselves having to follow that lol

WH title match - Edge vs Cena vs Big Show
Cena, once again makes a flashy looking entrance.. but it's been done (*cough* eminem), nothing really stands out in this match.. well ok 3 things.. i like big show breaking the barrier falling into the crowd by getting speared by edge (i think) and also i liked big show pushing cena off the top rope, with him landing right into a spear by edge and when cena lifted both Edge and Show for a double F-U, but i think everyone was still in awe about the michaels vs taker match and just clearly showed no interest in this match

7/10 for cena's entrance, and the fact that you could tell that these guys were trying to work as hard as they could to follow up taker vs michaels, also did anyone notice cena posed infront of a crowd that had a sign saying CENA > THE ROCK? hmm i smell a public fued!

WWE Title HHH vs Orton
Oh my god, this match was the biggest disappointment of the night... just so boring and terrible.. This storyline had one of the biggest build ups of them all.. also just to top it off if HHH is dq'd then he loses the title.. so hooray just gets more boring! this just seemed like a match they could do on raw instead.. also what bothered me.. no interference what so ever, no mcmahons, no legacy... no one! to be honest i lost great interest just after HHH gave orton the punt.. so i don't know how it ended i just know HHH got the clean win and it rapped up quickly..

4/10.... i don't know why really.. i'm just being generous...

again sorry for the long read... but i tried to shorten it as much as i could lol

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-07 08:50:42

So if Viki is going to be the GM of Raw who will head SD? Do you think that job will go to JBL? I can see him doing that instead of commentating.

Batista returns. I was actualy suprised to see him. At least we won't see Vince in action at Backlash now.

Raw was pretty good last night. That flip Morrison did was awesome and Steamboat doesn't seem to have lost a step. I enjoyed that big tag match.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-07 10:52:02

At 4/7/09 08:50 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: So if Viki is going to be the GM of Raw who will head SD? Do you think that job will go to JBL? I can see him doing that instead of commentating.

maybe, although in JBL's blog he stated that he's gonna try and steer away from wrestling altogether.. or maybe he's just trying to fool us

Batista returns. I was actualy suprised to see him. At least we won't see Vince in action at Backlash now.

Batista is ok, but it won't be long before he gets injured again.. him and Mr. Kennedy seem to be the most fragile wrestlers in the WWE right now..

Raw was pretty good last night. That flip Morrison did was awesome and Steamboat doesn't seem to have lost a step. I enjoyed that big tag match.

That was a nice move by morrison! it was like a shooting star leg drop.. i hope he drops that idiot miz soon, he'd really make it into the main event level if he was alone.
also it was great to see steamboat have his moment on raw, specially after the match. everyone was chanting "you-still-got-it" and "we-want-steam-boat", if i were steamboat during that moment, i probably would of forgotten about the match and started thanking the fans lol, also from what i was reading a lot of people want steamboat to be the new smackdown GM, i wouldn't mind seeing that.

also 400th post, yay! XD

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-07 21:05:30

So let's see, what have we found out in the first 5 minutes of ECW?

Teddy Long is headed back to SD! as GM.

It'll apparently be Todd Grisham stepping in for Tazz given that Josh Matthews filled his spot tonight.

Blonde airhead takes over as ECW GM...meh, whatever, developmental brand and all, so who cares right?

Hopefully it'll be a good show tonight.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-07 22:39:02

At 4/7/09 09:05 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: So let's see, what have we found out in the first 5 minutes of ECW?

Teddy Long is headed back to SD! as GM.

that's awesome, i always prefered him better on SD! than ECW

It'll apparently be Todd Grisham stepping in for Tazz given that Josh Matthews filled his spot tonight.

gay.. Matt Striker and J.R would of made a much better team.. and leave the other two on ECW... I don't mind Josh Matthews, but i cannot stand Todd Grisham, he's just so lame..

Blonde airhead takes over as ECW GM...meh, whatever, developmental brand and all, so who cares right?

which blonde airhead?

also guys, check out my video i just made on the draft.. they're pretty much the same predictions i made on this board a couple of posts back, but just in a flashy video style lol
watch the vid here

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-08 11:40:19

At 4/7/09 10:39 PM, Random-Her03 wrote:
At 4/7/09 09:05 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Blonde airhead takes over as ECW GM...meh, whatever, developmental brand and all, so who cares right?
which blonde airhead?


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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-08 20:59:51

I enjoyed ECW last night. Good matches and some new direction for the ECW title. I'm also gla that Teddy Long wil be back managing SD. I think it's a good balance to have a face be the GM of SD. Tommy Dreamer didn't get knocked out of the title hunt so he may finally be in the running for it. Of course the draft will change a few things around so we'll have to see how that plays out.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-09 21:50:04

hey does any1 know the results of the mcman vs randy match the show cut short

dont u see there bodys burning decolate and full of yearning dying from anticipation chocking from entoxication

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-09 21:57:27

At 4/6/09 07:36 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: so i don't know how it ended i just know HHH got the clean win and it rapped up quickly..

dude i was a messed up end for some reason HHH pulls out a sledge hammer beats up randy AND THE REF says NOTHING! randy would of won if it wasnt for HHH cheating

dont u see there bodys burning decolate and full of yearning dying from anticipation chocking from entoxication

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-09 22:03:33

it' sry for mispelling was in hurry

dont u see there bodys burning decolate and full of yearning dying from anticipation chocking from entoxication

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-09 23:47:04

Mark Henry is obviously moving. Really, he deserves it, he's worked really hard to improve over the last year and deserves to be back on one of the big shows. I'd think Miz and Morrison are moving too, to opposite brands as the only logical reason I see for them beating the Colons is because they want to split those two up finally.

I also think it might not be a bad idea to shift CM Punk over to SD! because again, I've not seen him really breaking out on RAW, and the feeling within WWE from what I heard is to shift a lot of established talent back over there, so it might behoove guys like Punk to be sort of sent to the B-Show because then maybe he can really establish himself. I keep pushing for stuff like this because it seems pretty obvious that when guys are on a show Vince has less influence on, and less stars, you see people break out, why? Because you don't have crutches to rely on. Oh, we don't have Triple H, we don't have Michaels, we don't have Jericho, we don't have a roster full of top guys so we can't afford to write anybody off as a mid-carder with no hope because we need to be able to field top guys. If we can't just pull them off the roster ready made, we have to build them up. What a novel fucking concept. Although with the uncertainty of SD! right now, it makes you wonder if going to SD! this year might not be even more of a fucking curse now

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-10 08:13:43

I could see Morrison going to Raw while Miz gets sent to SD. I think each would do well in the upper-mid card, like competing for the IC and U.S. titles. Henry would probably go to SD as well though they could use him on Raw to balance out SD having the Big Show. Course Show could be moved too so who knows?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-10 11:47:50

I don't care where Punk goes, just turn him heel! Although moving him in the draft wouldn't make much sense since he has the MITB. He could just jump to SD if he were to challenge whoever the hell is the SD champion at the moment... No, really. Is Cena or HHH the champ on SD?

Also, lol at young Punk.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-10 21:33:12

At 4/10/09 11:47 AM, pepeatumi wrote: I don't care where Punk goes, just turn him heel! Although moving him in the draft wouldn't make much sense since he has the MITB. He could just jump to SD if he were to challenge whoever the hell is the SD champion at the moment... No, really. Is Cena or HHH the champ on SD?

Who says Punk has to challenge for the main title? I'm seeing Punk's identical twin Punkette taking on Santina for the Women's title a few PPV's down the line.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-10 23:27:40

At 4/10/09 11:47 AM, pepeatumi wrote: I don't care where Punk goes, just turn him heel! Although moving him in the draft wouldn't make much sense since he has the MITB. He could just jump to SD if he were to challenge whoever the hell is the SD champion at the moment... No, really. Is Cena or HHH the champ on SD?

At the moment, Triple H and the WWE title are the property of SD!, this could change via the draft (and that tag match at Backlash almost seems designed for H to be able to drop the title without actually dropping it). Also I agree, Punk is best as a heel, and I really think that'd be the best situation for them and for us to see if Punk really can headline at a national level. Because as a face he does tend to be quite "vanilla" that's not totally WWE's fault. But if he were a heel, I think he could really stand out and be an asset. If Edge gets moved, Punk should be moved and tried to fill that Edge shaped whole on Fridays.

Also, lol at young Punk.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-10 23:28:49

At 4/10/09 09:33 PM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote: Who says Punk has to challenge for the main title? I'm seeing Punk's identical twin Punkette taking on Santina for the Women's title a few PPV's down the line.

O_O fuck you...just...just fuck you.

The scary thing is they might do it...

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-11 10:36:41

At 4/9/09 09:57 PM, 7thkiller wrote:
At 4/6/09 07:36 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: so i don't know how it ended i just know HHH got the clean win and it rapped up quickly..
dude i was a messed up end for some reason HHH pulls out a sledge hammer beats up randy AND THE REF says NOTHING! randy would of won if it wasnt for HHH cheating

wtf, wasnt HHH supposed to lose the title if he cheated?
anyways what a shitty match to end the night

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-11 10:38:25

At 4/10/09 09:33 PM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote:
Who says Punk has to challenge for the main title? I'm seeing Punk's identical twin Punkette taking on Santina for the Women's title a few PPV's down the line.

if punk dressed as a chick, he'd look like the biggest hobo junkie chick ever lol

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-11 11:09:36

I ended up missing SD last night. I saw they had a stretcher match with Matt Hardy winning again. Very interesting they have Matt win twice in a row. It will be interesting to see how they end this fued, hopefully both Hardy's will be able to capitalize from it by getting some main event pushes.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-11 13:30:51

At 4/11/09 11:09 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I ended up missing SD last night. I saw they had a stretcher match with Matt Hardy winning again. Very interesting they have Matt win twice in a row. It will be interesting to see how they end this fued, hopefully both Hardy's will be able to capitalize from it by getting some main event pushes.

Some weird matches, but overall a fairly decent show. I really enjoyed Kofi/Big Show despite the obvious size differences. Kofi definatley deserves a good push. He can really get the crowd going and entertain.

Cody and Ted also showed that they could work well as a tag team, something we haven't really seen from them recently. Good to see them build momentum picking up the win over Primo and Carlito.

Obviously Matt/Jeff stole the show, a really good spot match with a suprising outcome. Still, I'm looking forward to see where they go with this.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-11 19:09:00

At 4/10/09 11:28 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 4/10/09 09:33 PM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote: Who says Punk has to challenge for the main title? I'm seeing Punk's identical twin Punkette taking on Santina for the Women's title a few PPV's down the line.
O_O fuck you...just...just fuck you.

The scary thing is they might do it...

I hate that they made that match at mania such a joke, i did not know who was in the ring and who ended up in the match for all i knew trish stratus was in the match. I found out after the ppv disappointed. But you knew it was Santino in the drag queen costume just standing around. It had added no value to the ppv, i hope they don't get the smart idea to do this every year... If that match happenes i will want to cry to see them just waste cm punk's talent like that. You better not fuck up creative team and vince you better not approve the dumbass ideas that they come up with.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-11 19:29:07

At 4/11/09 07:09 PM, idiot-buster wrote: You better not fuck up creative team and vince you better not approve the dumbass ideas that they come up with.

Lol, Vince is the one who comes up with the crazy ideas, or at least the creative team function like they do because they are trying to please a big, 80 year old toddler.

About Punk though, I could honestly see him dropping the briefcase to someone else. He at least has the distinction of being the first, and currently only person, to win the MITB twice in a row.
If they do give him the title, he will have an unspectacular reign, and be booked horribly throughout. They've done it numerous times before, and one thing I know about the WWE is that they are never willing to change.
Why not misuse him in a totally new and intriguing way?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-11 22:15:12

i saw smackdown
you know what i hate? the draft is coming up, but last night half the freakin raw roster was on smackdown wrestling, Kofi Kingston, Ted DiBiase, Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton etc.. there were a few more but i can't remember

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-12 03:26:30

At 4/11/09 10:36 AM, Random-Her03 wrote:
At 4/9/09 09:57 PM, 7thkiller wrote:
At 4/6/09 07:36 PM, Random-Her03 wrote: so i don't know how it ended i just know HHH got the clean win and it rapped up quickly..
dude i was a messed up end for some reason HHH pulls out a sledge hammer beats up randy AND THE REF says NOTHING! randy would of won if it wasnt for HHH cheating
wtf, wasnt HHH supposed to lose the title if he cheated?
anyways what a shitty match to end the night

well if the ref doesnt do anything than u cant be disqualfied, i think something happend and he looked away then HHH pulled it out

dont u see there bodys burning decolate and full of yearning dying from anticipation chocking from entoxication

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-12 13:33:23

At 4/12/09 03:26 AM, 7thkiller wrote: well if the ref doesnt do anything than u cant be disqualfied, i think something happend and he looked away then HHH pulled it out...

...and walked up behind Orton, yelling SURPRISE!!! He never seen it coming.

Can't wait for the draft tomorrow. Maybe they'll pull a fast one on us and shock us with a completely unexpected move. (Like moving Jericho to ECW.)

I'm too damn lazy to make a decent sig right now.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-12 14:23:43

At 4/12/09 01:59 PM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote:
At 4/12/09 01:33 PM, Shoopufzilla wrote: Can't wait for the draft tomorrow. Maybe they'll pull a fast one on us and shock us with a completely unexpected move. (Like moving Jericho to ECW.)
There is no way in hell that Jericho is moving to ECW at this point. Jericho's the number two heel in the whole company right now and they aren't going to put him on what is ultimately the developmental brand. If Jericho's moving anywhere in the Draft it'll be to Smackdown, and personally I'd welcome this because with Vickie on Raw now there's a chance that Edge will be drafted back to Raw, leaving space for another top heel to fill in his absence. It would be nice to see Jericho have a change of scenery.

If anyone's going to be drafted to ECW, I could see it being Regal. Talented, not important, and low exposure so if he gets his dreaded 3rd strike it won't matter.
That is, unless his buddy HHH thinks ECW is below Regal.
I love the draft though, it always shakes things up (and hopefully JR won't get grouchy this year, when they draft him to ECW, or FCW, or whatever new way they come up with to fuck him over).

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-12 16:12:40

At 4/11/09 11:09 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I ended up missing SD last night. I saw they had a stretcher match with Matt Hardy winning again. Very interesting they have Matt win twice in a row. It will be interesting to see how they end this fued, hopefully both Hardy's will be able to capitalize from it by getting some main event pushes.

I'd imagine what they're going for here is the whole "Jeff finally getting his revenge" deal. Plus, which Hardy is closer to being fired at the failure of a pee test and then you can't do anything with him anymore? Hmmm? You're seeing it now with Regal too, if you have 2 strikes on you, you aren't going to get a big push and hey, guess what? YOU FUCKING WELL SHOULDN'T!! I tend to think if you fail 2 drug tests, you are most likely going to fail a 3rd at some point so only an idiot says "I'm gonna build around this guy, put titles on him, and build my business up around him and just hope he's telling me the truth when he says the drugs are all behind him". Shit no, they both have long histories of substance problems and if they can't smarten up and get clean, they are getting what they deserve. I have no sympathy for either guy, job 'em both out to anyone and everyone you want to get to that next level if it'll work.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-13 12:24:30

At 4/12/09 01:33 PM, Shoopufzilla wrote:
At 4/12/09 03:26 AM, 7thkiller wrote: well if the ref doesnt do anything than u cant be disqualfied, i think something happend and he looked away then HHH pulled it out...
...and walked up behind Orton, yelling SURPRISE!!! He never seen it coming.

Can't wait for the draft tomorrow. Maybe they'll pull a fast one on us and shock us with a completely unexpected move. (Like moving Jericho to ECW.)

That would make for a good laugh, but it will never happen. When you are such a big heel as Chris jerico is you would not want him to be on the C brand. From what i've been hearing they are looking to beef up the raw roster and putting smackdown in seconed. They realize even with all of the big superstars on smackdown and the rating staying the same or even going down vince wants raw to have almost all of the big names. Leaving smackdown with the undertaker and jeff ect.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-13 13:09:26

Been reading some "spoilers" on the net and have heard a few interesting things. Apparently the stretcher match on Friday was the blow-off to Matt/Jeff and there going to be put on seperate brands, probably Matt to Raw. Regal's heading for ECW and Mark Henry's going to Raw. Umaga could be going to ECW. Rey and MVP could be switching places. Triple H is also rumoured to be heading back to Raw. Cena to Smackdown has also been thrown about.

And yeah, the rumours are that Raw's going to be build up full of star-power meaning ECW will probably be raped draft-wise again. Bourne may be switching to one of the bigger shows.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-13 13:48:24

At 4/13/09 01:09 PM, DannyIsOnFire wrote: And yeah, the rumours are that Raw's going to be build up full of star-power meaning ECW will probably be raped draft-wise again. Bourne may be switching to one of the bigger shows.

Well yeah, that happens every year. It will be interesting to see where people end up. I like the idea of MVP and Rey switching places to give the U.S. title a change to be on Raw for a while. I'm really looking forward to being there to see it live. 3 hours is a lot of show, so I hope I don't get burned out in the first two hours.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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