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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-13 14:06:50

WWE rocks!:) Maybe they'll switch in the draft. Won't know until tonight. It's cool how Rey beat JBL in only 21 seconds at the 25th Anniversary of Wrestlemania and made him quite pretty much out of frustration and disbelief. Whats funnier about it is that Rey forced JBL to retire nearly under 2 years ago.



Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-13 16:36:46

Oh yeah, just to add, WWE have confirmed that theres going to be 12 draft picks tonight.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-13 20:34:22

MVP was a great pick for Raw. I was wondering when he was going to leave Smackdown.

Although I do not want to admit it, I'm sure that Edge is headed for Raw. I love him on Smackdown, but he's done enough on that show to stay there any longer. I hope that Smackdown gets some good superstars to make up for it though, and hopefully keeps the guys like Jeff Hardy and HHH.

Come on Smackdown!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-13 21:18:53

Wow Raw got four very big superstars: HHH, matt hardy, MVP and the big show. What the hell are they thinking, there goes the smackdown brand now all they have is the undertaker...

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-13 22:09:19

i cant believe that edge won that match i was thinking that they should end the match right now because there was no wasy edge would get big show over the rope well i guess was proved wrong

dont u see there bodys burning decolate and full of yearning dying from anticipation chocking from entoxication

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-13 23:19:20

With both Cena and HHH on RAW, I guess that means that either Cena is dropping the belt at Backlash, or Punk is going to cash in the MITB and bring a title to SD.

By the way, did anyone notice Todd Grisham totally burying Tommy Dreamer during his match with Jericho?

The other announcers called Dreamer and ECW legend, and Todd said the following.. If Tommy Dreamer is a legend, so is the Brooklyn Brawler. Look, if Vince (or anyone else backstage), doesn't like Tommy, then just fire him. No need to treat him like shit.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-14 02:00:26

At 4/13/09 11:19 PM, pepeatumi wrote: With both Cena and HHH on RAW, I guess that means that either Cena is dropping the belt at Backlash, or Punk is going to cash in the MITB and bring a title to SD.

H could drop the belt without even jobbing though, which is probably the way they'll go thinking their protecting H while helping Orton.

By the way, did anyone notice Todd Grisham totally burying Tommy Dreamer during his match with Jericho?

Yeah, I was filling out the check to my credit card company and heard that and looked up and actually said "wtf?" Grisham was also being a real dick to Striker too, where the hell is the heat? I thought they weren't instructing broadcasters to act like heels anymore. If he wasn't acting, what absolutely classless comments out of him.

The other announcers called Dreamer and ECW legend, and Todd said the following.. If Tommy Dreamer is a legend, so is the Brooklyn Brawler. Look, if Vince (or anyone else backstage), doesn't like Tommy, then just fire him. No need to treat him like shit.

Agreed, but to be fair I think Grisham was harsh on ECW in general, I can appreciate he was trying to push the "I'm a SD! guy now, go my show" but he really seemed to slant the hate onto ECW mostly.

I'm really pleased with the draft so far, SD! picked up a lot of great wrestling talent in addition to what it already had, and there's really no longer a reason for me to watch RAW as all my personal favorites are on SD! now. Yay!!! RAW has been so shite lately....I guess the case could be made that I should pay attention till the Edge/Cena issue concludes...but yeah, for the most part, I'm Smackdown! through and through now.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-14 03:53:20


1. WWE United States Champion MVP drafted from SmackDown to Raw
every year i predicted mvp moving to raw, now this year when i finally think he'll stay on Smackdown, he gets drafted! but i'm not upset about it.

2. Big Show drafted from Smackdown to Raw
meh, i like the big show, but this guy goes from brand to brand all the time, so this just seems non suprising, also why was he acting all happy and jolly like the babyface big show? maybe he will turn face? i hope so, i really prefer him as a babyface.

3. WWE Women's Champion Melina to drafted from Raw to Smackdown
meh.. next

4. Matt Hardy drafted from SmackDown to Raw
I'm lovin this, i knew the fued between him and Jeff wouldn't last long.. i'm really hoping for a Cena/Hardy fued.. i think Matt is ready for it

5. WWE Champion Triple H from SmackDown to Raw
1 word... DUUUH!

6. C.M. Punk drafted from Raw to Smackdown
if you've read through this board, then you'd know that i cannot stand CM Punk, but this seems interesting.. i don't think he was ready for raw (i predicted him to get drafted to SD! last year) and also he looked pretty pissed when Jeff Hardy attacked Matt Hardy to give the victory to RAW.. could we see a heel turn for Punk?

7. The Miz drafted from ECW to Raw
well.. i really thought it should of been John Morrison getting drafted instead of Miz.. but i was actually suprised when Miz turned on Morrison.. also did anybody else hear Miz shout "FUCK YOU!!!" to Morrison after he attacked him?

8. Kane drafted from Raw to Smackdown
Just like Big Show, he has jumped from brand to brand the past couple of years so yeh.. kinda suprised me.. im pretty stoked that he's gonna be on the same show as Taker again.. also just like Big Show didn't anybody think Kane was coming off as a babyface when he was drafted?.. they've really screwed up Kane's role..

9. Chris Jericho drafted from to Smackdown
yes.. yes!.. YES!!! this was definately my favourite draft pick.. Jericho hasn't been on the smackdown roster since 2002, it's about time he went back! also i'm hoping for a fued between Jericho and Taker.. they've never been in a fued ever, even Jericho has confirmed that.. i'm so psyched about this one!

10. Vladimir Kozlov drafted from SmackDown to ECW
I knew it.. it was really the only choice for ECW

11. WWE Divas' Champion Maryse drafted from SmackDown to Raw
well Melina was drafted to SD! so i guess they had to make it even..

12. Rey Mysterio drafted from Raw to SmackDown
i remember hearing that this was going to happen.. but i didn't want it to.. i was really pulling for Christian to get drafted to SD!.. well i'm hoping that he's the big last pick in the supp draft.. here's hoping..

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-14 10:16:39

Gah, the draft was terrible, as were the matches leading up to the drafts. Fuck, some of the drafts were just filler anyway. Kane always gets drafted, he's getting really boring now.
At least Punk probably will win the title when he cashes in the MITB, but he'll obviously get screwed over by Edge imminently.
I dislike Rey, so swapping MVP for him annoys me.
And at least we have the 2 top heels in the company, to get buried by T-Lo, now.

I did like when DiBiase Jr. blatantly told Orton that he's too shit to beat HHH one on one ("we'll get them DQ'ed tonight, and that's how you'll win the title", you talentless, boring fuck).

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-14 10:49:54

To be honest, I have little to no reason to watch RAW now. You got the top two heels on SD in Jericho and Edge, you now have Punk (Who will hopefully get a legit title run in the blue brand), and you still have Taker.

Meanwhile, RAW has a main event scene that will consist of Cena, Orton, HHH and Batista... Because as we all know, those four guys have NEVER been given a chance to be a part of the main event scene >_>

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-14 10:50:54

At 4/14/09 10:16 AM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote: Gah, the draft was terrible

I disagree. Smackdown has an excellent roster at the minute and although Raw's overloaded with top guys, it dosen't look to bad either.. ECW hasn't really changed. As long as they don't overdo things tomorrow, it should be a fairly solid year of wrestling, at least on the B and C show. New and interesting fueds and new top guys. The upper-midcarders on Raw will be held down because of the sheer star power there, but Smackdown will hopefully promote some new main title contenders.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-14 12:43:03

Raw was fun last night. The crowd was fired up when they taped the new Superstars show, lost a little steam as the night went on, but came back to life for the main event.

I was impressed with the Cena/Swagger match. That went way better then I thought it would. yeah Swagger lost, but he really held his own for a while. I feel that match was done well. Another match that was fun to watch was Miz vs. Kofi. I'm suprised they sent Miz to Raw and not Morrison, though there is a suplemental draft tomorrow to deal with. It will be interesting to see what they do with Miz on Raw. I have a feeling he's going to be a jobber to the stars, though I could be wrong. They might end up putting him in a fued with MVP for the U.S. Title down the road.

Funny moments: During the commercial break after Santino's promo he was doing the funniest warm-up routine. The crowd was really into it, as they laughed at his every move.

After Raw went off the air Shane, HHH, and Batista were up on the enterance ramp. Batista was laughing at Shane's fancy footwork and then both he and Shane tried to get HHH to do it. He eventualy gave in and did it a little bit. Very funny stuff.

Also... They are having the Royal Rumble here in January. Tickets go on sale on Saturday. I'm really considering getting a few.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-14 19:48:02

At 4/14/09 03:53 AM, Random-Her03 wrote:
7. The Miz drafted from ECW to Raw
well.. i really thought it should of been John Morrison getting drafted instead of Miz.. but i was actually suprised when Miz turned on Morrison.. also did anybody else hear Miz shout "FUCK YOU!!!" to Morrison after he attacked him?

Dude it was bound to happen

1 they couldnt be that good of freinds forever they just realy didnt say anything about it

2 morrison made miz lose

3 like the announcer said now miz made a small message that he doesnt need morrisan to raw which he will need cuz without morrison hes got no1 to back him up on stuff now

dont u see there bodys burning decolate and full of yearning dying from anticipation chocking from entoxication

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-14 19:56:58

Also... They are having the Royal Rumble here in January. Tickets go on sale on Saturday. I'm really considering getting a few.

wait what do u meen as in here?

dont u see there bodys burning decolate and full of yearning dying from anticipation chocking from entoxication

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-14 21:15:42

At 4/14/09 07:56 PM, 7thkiller wrote:
Also... They are having the Royal Rumble here in January. Tickets go on sale on Saturday. I'm really considering getting a few.
wait what do u meen as in here?

Atlanta. I was there at Raw last night.

Morrison vs. Bourne is a damn good match so far. I'm looking forward to see if Dreamer lasts another night on the title chase for Backlash.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-15 00:04:25

I thought the draft was quite good, and I agree that having SD! kind of fall by the wayside can be good because right now you have the two best heels in the company, but no clear top babyfaces (aside from Taker) so that creates fresh and interesting possibilities for new guys to step the hell up. I really hope that's what we get to see and the supplemental draft could be interesting.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-15 12:32:37

Here are the first four picks in the supplemental draft:

Pick #1:Mr.Kennedy to RAW
Pick #2:Shad Gaspard to SD
Pick #3:Alicia Fox to SD
Pick #4:Primo Colon to RAW

Lol, tag-team wrestling.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-15 13:19:49

At 4/15/09 12:32 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Here are the first four picks in the supplemental draft:

Pick #1:Mr.Kennedy to RAW
Pick #2:Shad Gaspard to SD
Pick #3:Alicia Fox to SD
Pick #4:Primo Colon to RAW

Lol, tag-team wrestling.

Nothing but moving around boring divas and splitting up tag teams.
Only draft I like is Zeik to ecw. Hopefully get to see him wrestle now.
ECW seems over crowded at the moment though, for a show that has 3 matches MAX in a week.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-15 15:52:16

At 4/15/09 12:32 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Here are the first four picks in the supplemental draft:

Pick #1:Mr.Kennedy to RAW

He needs to be moved back to raw if they want to push him to the level that they wanted to. I remeber at one point vince had seen him as the next Rock or steve austin. I think he can get to that point if he does not injure himself again. Would you like to see him come back as a babyface or heal, i think babyface because the last time he showed his face he got a good pop from the audience and they seemed to enjoy him.

Lol, tag-team wrestling.

It's getting almost forgotten, when was the last time you remeber them bring up the tag champs since wrestlemania. I hope they don't just forget about it like they did to the curserweight champion went.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-15 15:52:08

Here are the full picks from the supplemental draft.

Pick #1:Mr.Kennedy to RAW
Pick #2:Shad Gaspard to SD
Pick #3:Alicia Fox to SD
Pick #4:Primo Colon to RAW
Pick #5:Mike Knox to SD
Pick #6:Ezekiel Jackson to ECW
Pick #7:Nikki Bella to RAW
Pick #8:Candice Michelle to SD
Pick #9:Zack Ryder to ECW
Pick #10:Chavo Guerrero to RAW
Pick #11:Ricky Ortiz to SD
Pick #12:Layla to SD
Pick #13:Hornswoggle to RAW
Pick #14: DH Smith to ECW
Pick #15:John Morrison to SD
Pick#16:Carlito to RAW
Pick #17:Natalya to ECW
Pick #18:Festus to RAW
Pick #19:JTG to SD
Pick #20: Dolph Ziggler to SD
Pick #21:The Brian Kendrick to RAW
Pick #22:Charlie Haas to SD
Pick #23:Hurricane Helms to ECW
Pick #24:Brie Bella to RAW

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-15 22:40:05

I don't think Kendrick will do well on Raw. I think he'll end up being a jobber. He was getting that on SD so don't expect much from this. Morrison to Sd is a good move. That way there is now some room on ECW for the new talent they just got, plus it gives him a chance to compete for the IC title, which is a division he excelled in.

Helms to ECW makes sense as he can be used on a more regular basis (hopefully) and can be reestablished in the lower brand.

Kennedy to Raw again. Let's see if he'll stay injury free this time around. I say, if he gets hurt again WWE should cut him. Someone that fragile shouldn't be with the WWE no matter how talented or charasmatic they are.

I'm glad Carlito and Primo are still a team. It would be pretty stupid if they split them considering they have the tag belts. I don't think they will ever disband the belts as the concept has been with the WWE since the beginning. There is always a place for tag team wrestling, just not a top one. I expect them to drop the titles to team priceless sometime down the road.

Moving Hornswaggle away from Finley is kinda weird. What are they going to do with him otherwise? Is Hornswaggle really A-show material? Really? Him running out from under the ring is an act that Raw was in desperate need of? It's not like they don't have a comedy act in Santino or anything like that.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-16 01:30:45

At 4/15/09 03:52 PM, pepeatumi wrote:

Just gonna run through some quick thoughts on this.

Pick #1:Mr.Kennedy to RAW

Well, I guess if they're going to do something with this guy, this is the show to do it on. I can't help but feel it's sink or swim time for Kennedy.

Pick #2:Shad Gaspard to SD

Doing shad and jtg in one shot here, this could be a very GOOD move for Cryme Tyme. They've been forgotten on RAW, especially since Legacy cemented itself these guys have been lost. They can really be something different too I think for a show that's very wrestling centric in that they are much more character driven. This is all dependent on the booking though.

Pick #3:Alicia Fox to SD

Maybe to be Edge's new valet or something? Because if not to be associated with a player on that brand, my question is "uh...why?" Not a great worker, hasn't been allowed to cut promos, pretty to look at, but lots of girls already there that have that quality.

Pick #4:Primo Colon to RAW

Covering the Colons in one shot, good move for them and very logical, undisputed tag champs should be on the big show and have that be the home base for them. They'll work on all shows sure, but being on RAW offers them more prestige. Good move for them.

Pick #5:Mike Knox to SD

Here's a guy that's gotta wonder where his push went all of a sudden there huh? I don't really see it with Knox, but maybe a change of scenery and the ability to work with the master of the big men The Undertaker could be just what he needs. Time will tell if this was good for Knox or not.

Pick #6:Ezekiel Jackson to ECW

This is random huh? Not seeing the point here, really not.

Pick #7:Nikki Bella to RAW

The Colons gotta have their girl I guess.

Pick #8:Candice Michelle to SD

The only way this demotion could have been made clearer was if they sent her to ECW. Candice is definitely on the downswing with the company I think, so smart not to waste any more of RAW's time with her. Divas aren't really a focus on SD anyway.

Pick #9:Zack Ryder to ECW

I guess we're gonna try to get that "woowoo" thing over before we fire him huh guys? Probably now going to last a whole 10 seconds longer then Hawkins will.

Pick #10:Chavo Guerrero to RAW

Once Aunt Vickie moved this was a foregone conclusion.

Pick #11:Ricky Ortiz to SD

Yeahbuhwha? This guy has really shown me nothing, I guess they just moved him for the sake of "opening a spot" on ECW. Although is it really opening a spot if the guy isn't ever on TV to begin with?

Pick #12:Layla to SD

This could work out, Layla has been a good worker and now she can easily be turned face I guess or used as another strong heel challenger to Melina.

Pick #13:Hornswoggle to RAW

WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT OF THIS? NO, SOMEBODY SERIOUSLY NEEDS TO EXPLAIN THIS TO ME!!! It would have made more sense to do this when he was supposed to be Vince's kid, now it makes absolutely zero sense, he's an accessory to Finlay so why do this? Other then just so they can say "anything can happen in the draft!!" No one benefits here, this was stupid as hell.

Pick #14: DH Smith to ECW

Couldn't have happened to a nicer dick...I mean guy. Funny how he tried to maneuver himself into Legacy, but now he's going to have to hope they'll do that new Hart Foundation with the cousin and best friend he basically dicked over. Smart move there Harry.

Pick #15:John Morrison to SD

I like this, this was a move I would actually have done if I was in charge. Yes there's the logical feud with Miz, but beyond that, what is there for Morrison to do on RAW? SD! could be a great place for him and I think they could even team him up with Edge as I think they're characters are similar and Edge is now in a position where he will be a man with a lot of enemies surrounding him (especially that new GM he kind of got fired, or are we not supposed to remember that now?) so this could lead to him and Morrison teaming up based on Edge needing back up, and Morrison looking for an easy way to excel. Yeah, probably not gonna happen but I think it'd be neat if they did.

Pick#16:Carlito to RAW

Covered this with Primo.

Pick #17:Natalya to ECW

This was pretty much happening already, long as she'll still be around SD! to be the lead heel...well ok, Lady McTaker is supposed to be the lead heel, but we know who the REAL lead heel is don't we?... I'm ok with this

Pick #18:Festus to RAW

WTF randomness. Probably just makes him more likely to get dropped.

Pick #19:JTG to SD

Covered it with Shad.

Pick #20: Dolph Ziggler to SD

Still high on the list for a firing I think. Give him a real character or just let him go.

Pick #21:The Brian Kendrick to RAW

I would have sent him to ECW myself, just to try and rebuild him a bit. Hopefully he didn't piss off places like ROH on the way out, cause I have a good feeling this is where Spanky is heading back to sooner rather then later.

Pick #22:Charlie Haas to SD


Pick #23:Hurricane Helms to ECW

Who? redux

Pick #24:Brie Bella to RAW

Hanging out with the Miz I guess, works for me.

That concludes this years draft, why is the supplemental draft almost always crap except for like one pick?

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-16 01:44:22


Media sensationalism and snubbing of wrestling aside, dick move, Hulk, dick move.

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-16 02:39:36

Mr. Kennedy drafted to RAW
We barely saw this guy on SD! due to his "annual injury" am i upset that he was drafted?.. yeh a bit.. he didn't really have the chance to make his mark on smackdown, which i was hoping to see.

Shad drated to SD!
To be honest, i've been wanting Cryme Tyme to split for a while now, as a tag team, they became very weak.. also considering that they had all the exposure but never had a tag title reign, i thought time would be up.. but i wanted it to be the other way around with JTG on SD! while Shad stays on RAW.. i could of seen a heel turn for Shad.

Alicia Fox drafted to SD!
The only thing good about this move is the history between her and Edge, but knowing WWE.. they'll probably pretend that they have never met eachother...

Primo drafted to RAW
i found this very interesting indeed, and i was liking it.. everyone else was having a friggin cry about it.. i do like the Colons a lot as a tag team, but i was interested in how they would play this out with the tag titles.. plus if they were seperated i saw Primo jumping to RAW while Carlito stayed on SD!

Mike Knox drafted to SD!
great.. so we can see Rey Mysterio vs Mike Knox again?.. i wonder if his beard will get drafted to SD! too... zing!

Ezekiel Jackson drafted to ECW
I like this, i like this a lot.. Big Zeke wasn't really used much on SD! as they focused more on The Brian Kendrick, but this singles career could push him to the top.. also i wouldn't mind seeing him become a babyface and fued with Mark Henry, just don't team them together.. the draft was made hopefully to work on his SINGLES career

Nikki Bella drafted to RAW
was she the evil twin?... you know what, who cares..

Candice Michelle drafted to SD!
This was no big suprise, but i think this draft is for the best for her, i think she wanted to be moved aswell.. ah well, i've always had a soft spot for Candice for some unexplained reason, so i hope the best for her

Zack Ryder drafted to ECW
I like this move too, for some reason i always prefered Ryder out of the two "Edgeheads".. don't really know why, just did.. I have a feeling though that they'll turn him into a babyface comedy act with that whole "wooo woo wooo!" thing.. as for Hawkins... they might give him a singles run on SD! but i wouldn't hold your breath for a push..

Chavo Guerrero drafted to RAW
Do you think he'd still have the Kerwin White gimmick if Eddie Guerrero was still alive? yeh that's all i could think of..

Ricky Ortiz drafted to SD!

Layla drafted to SD!
meh.. next

Hornswoggle drafted to RAW
jesus christ.. if only you saw how much that WWE chat room was hyping this pick.. god we get it, he's a small person! they must have some cheesy storyline in store for him if they're moving him to the A show while Finlay is left on the C show.. also could this be a heel turn for Finlay?

DH Smith drafted to ECW
it's a shame that this guy never stepped foot on SD! when he was drafted last year, i guess this confirms that he won't be jumping to RAW to become the newest member of the Legacy, which i'm glad about.. i know it would be a good push that he most likely deserves, but he wouldn't of fit in right in my opinion.. but also it didn't take long for people to figure out that he's now on the same show now as Tyson Kidd.. do i smell a new Hart Foundation?

John Morrison drafted to SD!
definately the best pick of the night.. and should of been the last pick of the draft, would of made everyone happy.. but i like this a lot.. i'd really like to see a Morrison/Mysterio fued come out of this.. couldn't be happier with this decision

Carlito drafted to RAW
oooooh see what they did there? anyway it was interesting to see what they were gonna do with the Colon Bros. on different brands, but i guess still being together is good too, i wish they were still on SD! thought.. they suited that brand more.

Natalya drafted to ECW
I definately smell a new Hart Foundation now! and it smells great!... like cookies!

Festus drafted to RAW
I do like Festus, he has the potential to make it up in the big leagues.. but he has such a crippling gimmick that will keep him down, i hope they can repackage him or make some storyline to give him "brain surgery" or something. Also Jesse.. if i were you, i'd start packing my bags..

JTG drafted to SD!
lol for a "random" draft lottery, they sure are breaking up and reuniting a few tag teams aren't they? but maybe they'll get a chance at the titles on SD! now, seeing as SD!'s tag team division is a bit weaker than RAW's, hey they have the talent.. so good luck to them

Dolph Ziggler drafted to SD!
Thank god!.. for some reason, there's something about this guy that i really like.. it was pretty much that dropkick from the apron he gave to Batista in his first match on RAW (as Ziggler.. not Nicky) the guy got a shit start on RAW so hopefully they can look past that and give him a new start on SD!.. just don't spend 2 months of him in backstage segments introducing himself to everyone again.. get him right into the ring.. i really like this guy, i think he's got potential!

The Brian Kendrick drafted to RAW
Now i like Kendrick... sorry... THE Kendrick, i really do, but i don't see this move doing much for him, after our good friend Cannabis got in the way, it seems his well deserved push went down in a black spiral.. so kids, if you dance with Mary Jane.. you'll get your toes stomped on.. now you know, and knowing is half the battle!

G.I Jooooooooooooooooooooe!!!

Charlie Haas drafted to Smackdown
i really like this pick, Haas is a very skilled wrestler, and even his mimicking gimmick has improved his mic skills and gotten him over with the fans, so i'm very happy for him.. also if a Haas vs Benjamin fued happened.. i would definately watch it

Hurricane Helms drafted to ECW
this is a strange pick.. but not a bad one, since his much anticipated return it seems he was thrown back onto the bench for the other guys, which really did piss me off.. he's talented and over with the fans.. so putting him on ECW could work for him.. he'd get much more exposure and hell if i were Vinnie Mac myself, i'd give him a go with the ECW title

Brie Bella drafted to RAW
wow.. talk about an epic last pick!... what time is it? i think it's riot o'clock!

ok so my thoughts, this draft wasn't so bad, i know some would beg to differ, but i've never really been that much of a "OMG I LOVE HHH, UNDERTAKER & BATISTA" guy, i think they're good and talented, but they've never been my favourites.. i've always been more into the Mid-Carder guys. Also what i love about the Supplemental draft, you have no idea at all whose going where.. it is completely random, unlilke the televised draft where nobody but the main event guys get drafted.

Smackdown got a shitload of people in this draft.. maybe coz RAW got a shitload in the televised Draft.. ECW didn't get too many, but they got the right amount in the end of the day.. to be honest, i loved every single pick ECW got in the Supplemental draft.. i think it's actually influencing me to start watching ECW more often..
also did anybody notice that a lot of the guys involved in last year's draft, were involved again this year? (HHH, Hardy, Kennedy, Carlito, Kane, Smith etc.)

ok guys that's a wrap for this years draft, it definately did shake up the brands in my opinion, let's just wait and see if they can shake this up even more next year!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-16 07:25:33

At 4/16/09 01:44 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Damn.

Media sensationalism and snubbing of wrestling aside, dick move, Hulk, dick move.

shit.. there goes Hogan's reputation..

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-16 18:50:29

At 4/16/09 06:10 PM, Bryan wrote: I got a Ray Mysterio mask for my b-day. :D

Happy birthday!

I think the draft went well this year. There are definatly a few choices I'm very happy with, like moving Morrison to SD and having Helms on ECW. Some picks were just plain stupid, like Hornswaggle and Festus. I'm looking forward to see how they handle the mid card for a while as there are a lot of possibilities for Raw and SD. Miz can easily compete for the U.S. Title and Morrison would be great in a fued with Rey. DH Smith might actually show up on tv.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-16 23:12:57

At 4/16/09 06:10 PM, Bryan wrote: I got a Ray Mysterio mask for my b-day. :D

happy bday mate
a couple of years ago i was at the markets and i saw an authentic rey mysterio mask, it had all this wwe stuff... i asked how much it was

160 bucks!!.... i was like whoa... and walked off lol

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-17 08:27:33

Anyone catch WWE Superstars last night? I thought the matches were all fairly good and like the idea of the show. Only on one condition though, if they actually enforce the brand split on the other three shows. Otherwise it just seems pointless.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-17 11:14:06

At 4/17/09 08:27 AM, DannyIsOnFire wrote: Anyone catch WWE Superstars last night? I thought the matches were all fairly good and like the idea of the show. Only on one condition though, if they actually enforce the brand split on the other three shows. Otherwise it just seems pointless.

im hoping they keep the whole tri-branded matches on superstars
they're getting too over the line with it on smackdown and raw

let's put it this way.. smackdown last night had WAY too many RAW wrestlers on there.. infact the damn main event was between 2 raw guys (batista and dibiase) also they had a whole big segment between orton and HHH.. MVP, Big Show, Matt Hardy, Maryse all appeared aswell... and right after the draft too

it's so friggin stupid.. whats the point of a draft if half the friggin RAW roster is gonna show up on smackdown a couple of days later?! im really hoping that they can quit on this whole thing and go back to things like 5 years ago, when a smackdown wrestler would appear on raw and people would be like "oh my god! what the hell?!"

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-04-17 11:47:56

At 4/17/09 11:14 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: im hoping they keep the whole tri-branded matches on superstars
they're getting too over the line with it on smackdown and raw

Theres speculation that Smackdown yesterday/tonight was the "goodbye" for several of the former Smackdown superstars. Now that the drafts over and done with, this Mondays Raw might be the beggining of the official brand split with people staying on there own shows. We can dream anyway...

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