At 3/5/09 10:37 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I think they could release Hawkins and Ryder since they haven't been used in the longest time. I can't even remember when they were on tv last. Jessie and Festus aren't being used as much either so they might end up being let go as well.
I actually thought wwe was going somewhere with Hawkins and Ryder, i thought they were going to break up since Ryder has been becoming retarded with some Woo Woo quote he does now, and Hawkins always seems to be unimpressed... you know how they did it with Cade and Murdoch
Also wasn't Festus in a storyline with Maria? what ever happened to that? i don't care if its a shitty love storyline, just keep him on tv, he's a pretty amazing wrestler