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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-01-25 09:58:07

I don't think Edge would be in the Rumble match but that is a good story idea. As far as that match goes I think Jeff will have something else happen to him prior to the match to weaken him up for Edge. I could see Edge winning it due to that but if Hardy won despite being beat up that could help his title run too as being a resiliant champion. Christian may not make an apperance if that is the way they do it, but he could be revieled on the next SD or show up in the Rumble.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-01-25 22:37:27

Wow, not only did Jeff lose, but Matt betrayed him. No one predicted that one. So will Christian still come back and be involved with this story, but on Jeff's side? That could be interesting. I don't really like Matt as a heel though.

I'm thinking Jeff will win the title back at WM. Which annoys me because that mean Edge gets another short reign with the belt. I'd be happy if they gave him just one decent title run.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-01-25 23:12:34

Eugh, unfortunately, I predicted the HBK, Hardy, and Orton thing just slightly before each of them happened, and none of them makes me particularly happy.
I predicted legacy eliminating all the big guys,a dn then HHH burying Dibiase and Rhodes before putting Orton over, and it makes me sick that that's the exact opposite order than I'd have wanted things to go. I despise Orton, HHH, it appears does still like to put himself over the little guy, and the big guys put on a good show (I would've prefered Y2J and RVD to be more in the final, but you had to guess RVD was a one time thing).
I guess the thing I'm most bitter about is that Christian didn't return, because I was pulling for him before the disgustingly obvious and overused screwover by Matt, and the Rumble Match (even though I was always predicting an RKO win).
Blergh, this post seems too long, but I'm disappointed, and I doubt it's because the PPV wasn't that good, I just wish Christian had returned. I guess I was expecting him, and everything else seemed formulaic, and not so massive, but Christian never came and that just seemed like a let down.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-01-26 10:36:04

At 1/26/09 12:56 AM, periodPops wrote: *spoilers*

You guys have to see this, the comments being left on Matts myspace after his heel turn are priceless.


Oh, those marks. They're as ignorant as I was before I turned 13.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-01-26 16:41:17

We never did get confirmation that Christian signed, plus there was so much speculation of him being at the Rumble that WWE must have felt the need to go against what we all thought would happen. I didn't see the Matt Hardy heel turn coming at all. Now that it has I can see plenty of material they could use as motivation for that fued mainly him being jealous. Between the two Hardy's Matt is probably the better one to play the role of a heel so it will be interesting to see where they take it. Honestly I don't think this was the best idea WWE has had since both Hardy's sell merch and are very popular and now may not have been the best moment for a change. I'm not saying they should never give such things a try but timing it better would have been good, like after WM.

I could see Jeff calling on the aid of Christian and have him come in as a face to have a strange brother vs. brother vs. brother vs. brother thing going. Edge got Matt to help him so Jeff gets Christian. They probably won't go that route and will feature Jeff going it alone against Matt.

As far as the Rumble, it seems most of us were right in predicting Orton as the winner. This will keep him fom being "fired" I guess, unless they reviel something tonight with him and Steph.

That myspace thing is kinda sad. Makes me want to post there to say "Hey, you guys know that this is a show and that both Hardy's are playing along right?"

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-01-26 17:46:00

At 1/26/09 04:41 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: I'm not saying they should never give such things a try but timing it better would have been good, like after WM.

It could make for a good WM match though. Jeff vs Matt, would love to see how that goes if it's done clean.

As far as the Rumble, it seems most of us were right in predicting Orton as the winner. This will keep him fom being "fired" I guess, unless they reviel something tonight with him and Steph.

I suppose I'd have to be leaning to Steph ether joining or going to make his life hell. Personally I'm hoping for the hell making, simply because I'm getting tired of evil bosses in charge of shows. Though I'm sure it's going to go the other way =/

That myspace thing is kinda sad. Makes me want to post there to say "Hey, you guys know that this is a show and that both Hardy's are playing along right?"

It is rather sad to see people taking things that seriously I agree -.-

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-01-26 23:11:29

At 1/26/09 04:41 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: That myspace thing is kinda sad. Makes me want to post there to say "Hey, you guys know that this is a show and that both Hardy's are playing along right?"

That's even got coverage on PWInsider now. It's just sad how people so old could still be unaware of the storyline aspect of wrestling.
As a kid it's acceptable to be a mark, but you're just showing yourself up to act that way past a certain age.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-01-26 23:47:19

Let me get this straight..

Big Show, Kane, Taker, HHH. None of those guys could handle Legacy at the Rumble, yet an out of breath, out of shape Shane McMahon can?

Really? I'm all for suspending disbelief when it comes to wrestling, but come on!!!

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-01-27 07:51:20

At 1/26/09 11:47 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Big Show, Kane, Taker, HHH. None of those guys could handle Legacy at the Rumble, yet an out of breath, out of shape Shane McMahon can?

Really? I'm all for suspending disbelief when it comes to wrestling, but come on!!!

Glad they didn't go down the road of Stephanie joining. But yeah I didn't know if I should have been laughing or crying when that started up.
Maybe if Shane could actually put up a good looking fight it would have been different... but geez -.-

The thing that does for certain crack me up when I think of it though, the big smile on Stephanie's face when Shane showed up. It was as if she really thought he'd put on a good show.

I actually feel bad for legacy, it takes serious talent to make it look like they were getting beat down by that display of 'power'.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-01-27 10:59:37

At 1/27/09 07:51 AM, Ghaleonx5z wrote: Glad they didn't go down the road of Stephanie joining. But yeah I didn't know if I should have been laughing or crying when that started up.

I'm glad she didn't either. The whole McMahon evil family thing is well past it's time. Wishful thinking on my part, but I hope all three of them continue to be the face enforcers for a good while.

Maybe if Shane could actually put up a good looking fight it would have been different... but geez -.-

Did you see Orton no sell those jabs that Shane made to him on the ramp? I couldn't help but laugh.

The thing that does for certain crack me up when I think of it though, the big smile on Stephanie's face when Shane showed up. It was as if she really thought he'd put on a good show.

Or maybe she knew that her brother would give her some quality entertainment at his expense and she was looking forward to it. :D

I actually feel bad for legacy, it takes serious talent to make it look like they were getting beat down by that display of 'power'.

You gotta do what you gotta do to make it in the WWE. Whether it's making out with a mop, kissing Vince's ass, or getting "beat up" by Shane.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-01-27 23:52:04

At 1/26/09 11:31 AM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote: Like most of you, I'm pretty annoyed that we didn't get the Christian return and instead got an irritating heel turn from Matt. Makes me wonder how they're going to fit Christian into this.

If Matt and Edge align, you can align Jeff and Christian so the heels wind up having to face their own blood for the crimes of the past. I still would have liked Christian involved here and too think Edge's reign here will probably be short. The guy has tied The Rock for second most major title wins in WWE history, and he won't get the respect for that he deserves because quite a few of these reigns are only about a month or better.

And of course, HHH HAD to get the most Rumble eliminations, as well as burying Rhodes and DiBiase in the process...

They both got 3/4's of the match time. They were in the final 4, how the fuck do you call that getting buried? I hope they bury some people I really really like that way soon.

And does anyone find it strange that guys like Carlito and JTG were in the Rumble, but not Primo or Shad? They could have used spots like JTG, Duggan and Ziggler for guys a bit more worth a damn, but oh well. The Rumble could have booked mid-card guys way better in my opinion (see; Vontavious Porter, Montel).

Tag teams don't matter man, that's the long and short of it. I thought having Duggan and RVD in was great for the paying customers at home and in the building, that stuff is always part of the Rumble. Plus the comedy guys getting eliminated as well. It's not all about the serious in that match, never has been.

At least Kendrick got an elimination.

And then got friggin bitch tossed, lol.

I thought it was a great show overall, and if anybody was asking themselves "the fuck has avie been?" well, that's why. I had to wait till today to check the show out.

If you didn't wonder/care where I was...well...fuck you too then people :)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-01-28 14:04:29

At 1/27/09 11:52 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: If you didn't wonder/care where I was...well...fuck you too then people :)

I just assumed you had better things to do.

They announced on ECW last night that Matt asked for his release from that brand and will now be part of SD full time. I thinki Avie has it right on the money with Jeff calling Christian for help and have a blood vs. blood kind of thing going.

Or maybe Matt is being blackmailed by Edge and Christian and he had no choice but to attack Jeff. Like he was doing it for his own good to prevent anything else from happening to him That would be an interesting turn for that storyline. Either way WWE wins with this since that has been all we can talk about as of late.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-01-28 15:01:01

At 1/28/09 02:04 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: They announced on ECW last night that Matt asked for his release from that brand and will now be part of SD full time. I thinki Avie has it right on the money with Jeff calling Christian for help and have a blood vs. blood kind of thing going.

I seen this coming and it is for the better. Note to Creative: Don't screw this up! I'd hate to see this turn into a short feud and culminate before WM.

Or maybe Matt is being blackmailed by Edge and Christian and he had no choice but to attack Jeff.

Like he was doing it for his own good to prevent anything else from happening to him That would be an interesting turn for that storyline. Either way WWE wins with this since that has been all we can talk about as of late.

If that's the case, I think we win as well. Exploring those uncharted waters could be a good move as there could be so many possibilities, storyline wise. On a related note, who else thinks Christian is much better as a face than a heel?

I'm too damn lazy to make a decent sig right now.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-01-29 00:46:42

royal rumble was ok
but it was pretty obvious that orton was gonna win
if you've been watching raw recently, you'd know that 80% of the show is about orton and his legacy, which isn't a bad thing don't get me wrong.. but they just made it too obvious
also besides i've been choosing orton to win the rumble every year since 06 (cept for 08 when he actually had the title) and i knew it'd happen sooner or later.

also easily the biggest suprises were Matt Hardy turning heel, bashing his brother Jeff in the face with a chair, losing his WWE title, as we all most likely thought it would be Christian making his long awaited WWE return to help out Edge. Also another good suprise was RVD making an appearance in the rumble, even though it was only a 1 night only thing, its a good chance that if he ever does come back to wrestling full time, it'd most likely be in the WWE.

Also now that we know Matt Hardy's the one whose been responsible for all the Jeff Hardy incidents, where does this leave Christian? is he gonna return soon, is he gonna be with Edge, or perhaps side with Jeff against Matt and Edge? is he gonna return at all? or has he just disappeared from wrestling? i hope we find out soon

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-01-29 01:12:47

Looking at things now though, it seems to me that (and this is without having read any spoilers or anything) that WWE is trying to do the Matt thing as like he finally snapped after the loss of the ECW title, and then the basically clean loss in the rematch with Swagger. This does not to me appear like a guy who did all that other crap to Jeff (though they could go that way and if they do, they REALLY need to explain what the hell the point was of Matt looking all scarred and like he'd JUST entered some weird depression on Sunday). So it's possible you could still have Christian being behind the incidents with Jeff, but Matt was something they didn't factor into the equation and it just worked out good for them. Because once again, I don't think you assume a Matt and Edge alliance here as it looked like it was more about Matt just robbing Jeff at a crucial moment and the fact that it gave Edge the win didn't seem central to it. Like it could have been ANY opponent, the important thing was that it was No DQ, and Jeff's title was on the line so that's why Matt went after him.

SD! will tell us where they're going here as I have heard that Matt WILL explain the why of his attack. If they do align Matt and Edge though, I think it could be super cool and interesting to bring Christian back as reinforcement for Jeff and we can get some great singles and tag matches built off the "the two greatest brother tag teams in WWE history, the teams that changed tag team wrestling forever...now bitter enemies....looking to tear each other apart. Who will survive?"

Also heard that the ONS PPV is getting it's name changed to Extreme Rules. Thank the fucking lord. I heard it's because they don't like the potentially "mature message" that One Night Stand as a title sends. Which I get. But to me it's just illogical to call an annual event "One Night Stand" it's only a one night stand if it doesn't happen again people!!!! So yeah, don't really care what prompted the name change, just glad it happened.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-01-29 07:21:42

I heard it was becoming "One Night Only" for the same reason as you stated.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-01-29 18:45:32

It will be interesting to see what they do with the Hardy situation. While I really hope Christian is brought into this fued I would like to see Hardy vs. Hardy at some point. I just hope they give Matt enough motivation to warrent his heel turn.

It's good they are changing the name. It doesn't fit anymore since I still recall the first one and that PPV rocked.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-01-30 04:48:53

At 1/29/09 06:45 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: It's good they are changing the name. It doesn't fit anymore since I still recall the first one and that PPV rocked.

Heyman: For those of you wondering, I'm not crying. I was just in the back smoking a joint with Van Dam


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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-01-30 05:15:30

i watched smackdown today
Matt Hardy delivered his best promo yet, coming out with a suit on and no entrance music with the chair he hit Jeff with and sat on it in the middle of the ring,
interestingly enough even though he attacked his brother at the rumble, he claimed that he had nothing to do with all the bad things that were happening to Jeff. He said the reason he attacked Jeff was because he's sick of looking out for him, and he's sick of the fans because he's giving 100% in his matches for them, and at the end of the day they all cheer for Jeff instead. He then said the Hardy Boyz team is officially dead and he no longer classifies Jeff as his brother.

it was an awesome promo, you could tell Hardy was really getting into it, it even sounded like he was going to break down during the promo,
but for some reason they played this sad dark music in the background during the whole promo, i didn't quite get that.

also Edge brought back the 5 second pose, so maybe Christian is coming soon after all?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-01-30 05:36:05

At 1/30/09 05:15 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: also Edge brought back the 5 second pose, so maybe Christian is coming soon after all?

Yes! Yes!! *Keeps crossing fingers*
I wanna see more epic promos with Edge and Christian, or if they are enemies. Either way it's quality entertainment.

I'm too damn lazy to make a decent sig right now.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-01-30 08:32:51

Hey Random, if you are going to post spoilers please give us a heads up by having a warning. A lot of us haven't seen SD yet and its not fair to give away what happens. Posting spoilers is ok as long as you let people who want to be suprised know so they can skip the post and read it later.

I am looking forward to hearing Matt explain himself. It will set the tone for the fueds to come and with him in a main event position right alongside his brother. Good stuff. I'm cool with this kind of thing since all involved are some of the best workers WWE has. And if they get Christian in there sometime soon it will be made all the better.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-01-30 16:37:29

At 1/30/09 08:32 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Hey Random, if you are going to post spoilers please give us a heads up by having a warning. A lot of us haven't seen SD yet and its not fair to give away what happens. Posting spoilers is ok as long as you let people who want to be suprised know so they can skip the post and read it later.

Agreed, with Outlaw, it's just a matter of courtesy to others who like to be surprised by the things that happen on the show. I'm sure you were just excited to share with everybody else, which is cool, but yeah, just keep in mind that whole time zones thing :)

I am looking forward to hearing Matt explain himself. It will set the tone for the fueds to come and with him in a main event position right alongside his brother. Good stuff. I'm cool with this kind of thing since all involved are some of the best workers WWE has. And if they get Christian in there sometime soon it will be made all the better.

It seems like they still have that ability to add Christian in there if they want, since from reading what was posted, they did the correct thing with how Matt's turn should be played. It's concise, and it's not trying to make him responsible for things that the set up of the turn did NOT really make one think he'd have done. I think SD! has the most interesting main event picture right now heading into Mania, and maybe my fear of another short Edge title run might have been unfounded. I'm interested to see how that plays out, and that is a GREAT thing.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-01-31 03:23:18

Overall, I think we got a good SD!. They've got three weeks to build to NWO and they effectively started us down that road by getting most of their chamber matches set. The only real issue I had with that was that the finishes were so freakin obvious before the matches even began.

Taker vs. Henry

Show vs. Festus

H vs. Stiff 1 (Khali) vs. Stiff 2 (Kozlov)

Yep, couldn't see that from a mile off.

Matt's promo was good, as was Edge's. It seems like we're moving towards an Edge/Big Show conflict here...perhaps this is what Edge winds up doing for a title defense while the two Hardy's just rip into each other without a belt? I guess it could work since Show can have really good matches with guys when properly motivated and such. Like I say, I like that SD! has got so many possibilities and issues built into the WWE title picture right now. There's so many options they can choose from.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-01-31 09:52:40

We also saw the return of Umanga which is good too. He could be in the mid card for a little while to re-establish himself as a dominant force. Perhaps he could go after the U.S. Title and have a run with that to show how tough he is.

Yeah the chamber qualifiers were predictable but it was good that they did them early to get the hype machine thing going. I think it's funny that WWE is saying it's a first to have two elimination chambers, when they have done it before already.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-01-31 10:01:08

At 1/31/09 09:52 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: We also saw the return of Umanga which is good too. He could be in the mid card for a little while to re-establish himself as a dominant force. Perhaps he could go after the U.S. Title and have a run with that to show how tough he is.

Umanga will just squash nobodies for a couple weeks.
People will get bored with him, they will try to move him on to something important and no one will care.
Same as they always do.

US title is MVPs next you would have to think.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-01-31 10:19:46

At 1/31/09 10:01 AM, Shaun wrote: Umanga will just squash nobodies for a couple weeks.
People will get bored with him, they will try to move him on to something important and no one will care.
Same as they always do.

He desperately needs a new gimmick. Back when he was Jamal he made much more of a crowd impact. Whenever him and Rosey came out as 3-minute warning, you knew some serious shit was about to go down. Now that I think about it, though, character styles like The Great Khali and Umaga seem to be designed to be boring just to make other big names appear to be more entertaining.

I'm too damn lazy to make a decent sig right now.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-01-31 12:23:46

first of all sorry guys for posting spoilers

also i saw "umanga"s match, was it just me or did he recieve no heat what so ever?, even when facing the fan favourite, Jimmy Wang Yang

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-01-31 14:48:34

3-minute warning was a shit gimmick.

Yang is a jobber.

It's the guys first bout back, and actually, I think the crowd was pretty hot for all his trademark stuff. Umaga is over and at this point they're looking to re-establish him I think while finding a program for him to get into.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-02-01 10:02:57

The Gooker Award has been chosen and none other than failed announcer/commentator/GM Mike Adamle has won. You can read all about it here.

They have inductions every year and right now they have a bunch of them posted so if you have time give them a look.

I keep hearig conflicting stories about Mickey Rourke and WM. Some sites say he will be there and others say he won't. Not really sure whats going on at this point.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2009-02-01 10:32:53

At 2/1/09 10:02 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: The Gooker Award has been chosen and none other than failed announcer/commentator/GM Mike Adamle has won. You can read all about it here.

Was all his screwing up legit? Seriously, I thought him being that terrible was all part of a storyline to "entertain" the fans. When he up and walked out of an ECW show once, it was on the front page of WWE.com, so maybe that's one of the reasons that I thought it was scripted.

I keep hearig conflicting stories about Mickey Rourke and WM. Some sites say he will be there and others say he won't. Not really sure whats going on at this point.

I read an article on WWE.com with the headline saying that Mickey Rourke is 'Mania bound. Near the end of it, however, it was posted that they were "looking forward" so see him at WM and nothing was confirmed. If he does show up at Wrestlemania, it might be nice because it's an interesting crossover that people are not used to seeing.

Speaking of him, I have yet to see his new movie, "The Wrestler". I don't plan on seeing it in theatres so I'm just going to wait until it comes out for rental. If I like what I see, I'll probably buy it.

I'm too damn lazy to make a decent sig right now.