At 1/4/09 09:44 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: Rumors are saying that Christian will make a shocking return at the RR and screw Jeff Hardy out of the title picture. Then he will reveal himself as the mysterious person who attacked Jeff just before the Survival Series and feud him all the way to WM.
I like that, but I think what I would do if I'm booker is I have Hardy/Christian at NWO, with it being like "you have to win Jeff or you don't get a title match for Mania" so he does. Then Christian gets added because Edge wants insurance, but they start planting that seed of tension because Christian would like to be champion, and Edge is mad that by losing Christian has put him into a matchup with Hardy. Then I think you have Hardy win it again so he can have that big moment at Mania. That also lets WWE get another drug test out of Jeff with enough time to make sure they wouldn't book him in a main event he wouldn't be available for.
Guess that feuding with a ME level star like Jeff Hardy is a good start for Christian. Hopefully, those two will bring on some good matches.
I don't doubt they would.