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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-07 23:37:44

Anyone who did not catch Unforgiven and, for some reason wants to catch the respective shows to know the results, disregard this post.

In all, a grand 'ole PPV, with the exception of the RAW scramble. Why screw Punk outta the championship like that? Doesn't seem right, but oh well... I'm no writer, so I can't complain I guess. I guess Punk was a "transition champion" after all... buy hey - it was nice seeing Mysterio officially back...

On the flipside, maybe this will give ground for great escalation of the HBK / Y2J feud in the future (and maybe a good Attitude-esque storyline or two) - I just hope they don't drive it into the ground. Or perhaps, even, we'll even see Punk capture his title back sometime down the line. I've always been a fan of Jericho - even now, big heel turn and all - so I guess it sorta softened the blow.

Also, for the record, anything beats a Kane-as-champion storyline. Maybe if we were still in the Attitude era it would have been alright, but now-a-days... no. Just... no.

As for the SD! Scramble goes, I was pretty pleased. Saw the title change hands quite a few times (unofficially, of course), and I hope this doesn't make me a dick or anything, but after it was all said and done, I couldn't help but smirk and chuckle a little at how much WWE is teasing Hardy with the title. Good stuff there.

McCool retaining... wow. Big surprise there.

I'm no fan of the "Priceless team," but after reading D-Luck's predictions up there, I've gotta say I'm actually glad they retained tonight. Guess I don't put that much thought into the fractions of the shows I'm not attached to. I mean I like Cryme Tyme and all, and was pulling for them, but I guess DiBiase and his goon needed the win more than CT. That is all.

ECW scramble... meh. Not a huge ECW fan - I'll watch it if there's nothing else interesting on, but I'm not left heartbroken if I don't catch it - but Hardy picking up the title was kind of cool... I guess. Maybe a little rushed, but alright.

(Also, on a side note, is it just me, or is it some sort of irony that the ECW belt - the belt representing the champion of the lowest-rated, lowest-income WWE brand, happens to be the sexiest of the three aforementioned brands? Ah well, whatever.)

As far as HBK / Y2J... brutal. Just plain brutal. I liked the fact that you could see the fresh welts on Jericho's back as he came down the ramp for the scramble. Intense shit thar.

In all, a good PPV - a lot better than (I'm sure) a lot of people expected. I was very pleased how the Scrambles worked out and actually didn't get driven into the ground, in that "oh my god another one?! Won't this show just end?!" sort of way... so good work to WWE there.

domestic violence can be funny too!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-07 23:42:25

Whoa I did not expect Jericho to win the championship! I mean, he got his ass handed to him by HBK earlier in the night and now he replaces Punk in the scramble match? It doesn't really make sense... unless they're going to continue with the HBK/Jericho feud... then it would make a lot of sense since HBK would have a chance to once again become the WWE Champion! But anyway, I'm glad Triple H retained. I literally laughed out loud when Kendrick was getting pinned by everyone. It's like he was the easiest person to go after lol. I just found it fuckin' hilarious! Anyway, this was an awesome PPV! Glad to see Matt Hardy won the ECW Championship as well!

I'm in the new Adam Sandler movie Sandy Wexler. I play a Prison Guard and a trainer for Terry Crews. To see what movies I'm in check out http://facebook.com/VinstigatorMusic

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-08 00:23:51

From what I'm hearing it was a situation where WWE gave Punk the belt to see could he draw and be counted on? He proved that he could do both. Now WWE has taken the belt away because they want to do two things:

1. Is Punk going to continue to be a trooper and do what's asked of him? Or will he be a Brock Lesnar like baby crying that he isn't the champ and the focus anymore? With everything I've ever known about Punk and from following his career path, he'll just look at it as what it is, and understand that if he keeps giving them his best effort, his true elevation is at hand.

2. They're gonna elevate him and build him. I had heard that was on the horizon as of last week. Think about this before you try to say WWE is burying him, did he lose the match? No. Was he pinned or forced to submit? No, he wasn't even IN the match because they had Orton hurt him beforehand. Right now CM Punk can walk back onto TV anytime he wants and say "Hey Chris Jericho, your a paper champion. You never beat me, you're a paper champion and I want my damn rematch!" and who can dispute that? Absolutely no one because it's totally true. The legit champ was not in that match, the legitimate champion was not beat in that match. So Punk is protected in the eyes of everyone, and it adds to the scumbaggery of Jericho's character because you know he'll be walking around acting like he is the undisputed and rightful World Champion.

I know it's not fun to be a fan and see your guy lose the belt, but in this case that belt WILL come back to him. Just look at how things were booked out and it'll tell you that. They've obviously tagged Punk as someone they want to try and better develop now, so they kept him strong tonight, and gave him a built in reason and ability to go back and challenge the new champ anytime he wants. The only downside here is the bait and switch aspect to the world title match. That they advertised Punk, and did not deliver him.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-08 08:26:19

Jericho winning the belt is a big suprise. While I'm not all that happy with Punk losing the belt, it does shake things up. Will Jericho continue to battle with HBK now with the title in the mix, or will he go on to fued with Punk, Batista and everyone else? I'm a fan of Jericho's so its good to see him with the top gold again. I don't think he's held a world championshop since he was the undisputed champion all those years ago.

It is so awesome that Matt Hardy won the ECW title! Too bad Jeff couldn't do the same.

Sounds like it was a decent PPV.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-08 09:59:09

At 9/8/08 08:26 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Jericho winning the belt is a big suprise. While I'm not all that happy with Punk losing the belt, it does shake things up. Will Jericho continue to battle with HBK now with the title in the mix, or will he go on to fued with Punk, Batista and everyone else? I'm a fan of Jericho's so its good to see him with the top gold again. I don't think he's held a world championshop since he was the undisputed champion all those years ago.

The most obvious thing would be for Jericho to feud with Batista, since Batista was the "champ" until Jericho managed to steal a pin the last moments of the match. I'd like to see Jericho vs Michaels continue, because it would mean that the best feud on RAW would be over the WHC.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-08 16:26:54

At 9/7/08 11:42 PM, Vinstigator wrote: Whoa I did not expect Jericho to win the championship! I mean, he got his ass handed to him by HBK earlier in the night and now he replaces Punk in the scramble match? It doesn't really make sense... unless they're going to continue with the HBK/Jericho feud... then it would make a lot of sense since HBK would have a chance to once again become the WWE Champion!

This will prove what i was saying several months ago. Somehow hbk will become wwe champian again and hold it till some time after wrestlemania 25 where he beats the undertaker. Now trust me i got inside sourses that im sure are correct, but i can not reveal them due to the fourm might go down and the person may lose his job.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-08 17:25:51

It was really a SHAME that CM Punk was never given a chance to prove himself in the scramble match. Terrible booking!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-08 17:35:52

Eugh, bait and switches are always a bad idea on PPV. If they were planning to protect Punk like this, then the least they could've done would be pull the trigger on Raw last week, so Punk fans don't waste their money.
At least Jericho won, he's the most deserving person they could've stole it off Punk for.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-08 23:37:33

At 9/8/08 04:26 PM, idiot-buster wrote: This will prove what i was saying several months ago. Somehow hbk will become wwe champian again and hold it till some time after wrestlemania 25 where he beats the undertaker. Now trust me i got inside sourses that im sure are correct, but i can not reveal them due to the fourm might go down and the person may lose his job.


*dials a phone*

Hi, is this 1-800-internetbullshit? Yeah, I've got somebody trying to steal your schtick.

Back to the RAW side of things. Well, Punk is booked into a cage with Jericho next week, and I like that Adamle came out and made it a point to see "Punk isn't champ, but nobody beat him". So again, WWE can either have Punk get screwed next week, or he can be beaten decisively and moved away from any sort of real main event credibility. I say have Orton screw him just as he's about to win. Punk doesn't have to immediately get that belt back, but you need to make people believe he could and should, that way when they're ready to commit everything to his chase for the gold again people will be invested and want to see it.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-09 10:03:35

Damn, Jericho really took a beating from HBK. Those welts looked nasty. His promo to start the show was really great too.

Charlie Hass was very funny last night. This may be the gimmick for him, though it can only go for so long. Still it was amusing.

Best match of the night has to go to the team of Bourne and Mysterio vs. Miz and Morrison. Very competitive match with plenty of exciting spots.

When I saw Manu I was like...."Rosey? That you?" I don't think it's him though, and at least he isn't doing a "savage" gimmick.

It was a decent show last night.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-09 13:23:13

At 9/9/08 10:03 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Charlie Hass was very funny last night. This may be the gimmick for him, though it can only go for so long. Still it was amusing.

That's the problem with it. Usually WWE only let's these things go so long, and of course, there probably is a certain shelf life here even if they'd be willing to let it go forever.

When I saw Manu I was like...."Rosey? That you?" I don't think it's him though, and at least he isn't doing a "savage" gimmick.

From what I understand, he's a completely new guy.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-09 16:43:08

At 9/8/08 11:37 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Lol

*dials a phone*

Hi, is this 1-800-internetbullshit? Yeah, I've got somebody trying to steal your schtick.

That fourm was right about almost all of the matches and results for both wrestlemania 23 and 24. So i believe i can trust them.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-09 16:52:13

At 9/9/08 04:43 PM, idiot-buster wrote: That fourm was right about almost all of the matches and results for both wrestlemania 23 and 24. So i believe i can trust them.

You could if WWE wasn't A. So easily predictable, and B. NOTHING is planned that far in advance. Nothing

Plus, we only have your word for it.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-10 10:15:41

ECW was decent last night. Best match of the night was with Bourne and Morrison. They had a very competitive match and it was fun to watch. The main event wasn't bad either as everyone worked well together. It's cool to see Matt with that title.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-10 15:32:54

At 9/9/08 04:52 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 9/9/08 04:43 PM, idiot-buster wrote: That fourm was right about almost all of the matches and results for both wrestlemania 23 and 24. So i believe i can trust them.
You could if WWE wasn't A. So easily predictable, and B. NOTHING is planned that far in advance. Nothing

Plus, we only have your word for it.

Well i may have been mistaken on that one, now plans are shifting toards a Y2J vs HBK i got the full story if you care to look

After a brutal match against Chris Jericho at the Unforgiven pay per view, Shawn Michaels will now head home.

Going Home

Before some of you freak out, allow me to inform you that Shawn Michaels isn't retiring.

That's not what I meant when I say that he's going home.

There were some speculations that Shawn Michaels was going to retire from the wrestling business when it was first revealed that he had suffered an injury.

However, after further examinations showed that he wasn't nearly as injured as previously thought, most people were aware that he would be back in a few weeks.

The "going home" part is now a storyline where Shawn Michaels will head back home to his family after destroying Chris Jericho.

Maintaining Momentum

WWE knew full well that they were on the brink of losing their hottest storyline on Raw.

They had to scramble to come up with a way to keep the momentum going despite Shawn Michaels' injury.

What they did was come up with a way to keep both Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels strong whiel the two take a break from one another.

Shawn Michaels was made to look strong by the way he destroyed Chris Jericho during their match at Unforgiven.

Chris Jericho was made to look strong by stealing the World Heavyweight Championship at the end of the night.

WWE managed to come up with something creative that kept both guys' momentum running high.

Wrestlemania Headliner

Based on the strength of the storyline, WWE has themselves a headline match for Wrestlemania now.

For the next few months, they can have Chris Jericho fighting off challenges from Batista, CM Punk, and Rey Mysterio.

WWE can then bring back Shawn Michaels and have him win one more Royal Rumble match.

That would set up the main event for Wrestlemania.

With long term planning, the main event title match between these two could become one of the most hyped matches of all time.

In fact, it has the potential to be the best Wrestlemania match of all time.

Closing Thoughts

The storyline between Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels keeps getting better and better.

If this feud isn't voted the top feud of 2008, then I don't really know what else there is to say.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-10 15:42:50

Can I join?
I see WWE every time I can.

My sig sucks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-10 23:57:56

WWE does not book that far in advance. They may have an idea in their head of where they want to be by Mania, but with the amount of re-writes and crap they do on all their shows, and the disjointed way the product comes off, it's very very obvious this group does not plan in the way they used to to really build guys up for Mania. Plus, people get hurt and that causes plans to change.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-11 07:50:46

I am loving the whole "the" brian kendrick gimmick
it's really working to his favour, and now he's actually been WWE champion (even if it was only for a couple of mins)
but that leaves paul london alone in the gutters... poor guy, the only latest news i heard about him is that he's cut his hair short
hopefully they'll start using the guy soon, he's got alot of talent

oh and so psyched about jericho winning the world heavyweight championship (it's about goddamn time it happened!) cm punk wasn't ready for the title if you ask me.

My deviantART page | My Youtube page (It got terminated)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-11 08:21:41

Those couple of minutes don't actually count so Kendrick doesn't offically have that to his name. That won't stop him from boasting about it though. His current gimmick does seem to be working for him, and he hasn't been treated like a joke so it could be a good thing. As for London...He apparently has a lot of backstage heat on him. Don't know why. That and creative probably can't come up with anything for him.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-11 08:22:16

I can't see michaels getting in to it by winning the rumble.
He already has reason enough to be able to challenge Jericho.

I could see big show winning rumble in order to get a title shot.

// Sig Makers // WWE Fans // Tumblr //

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-11 23:01:15

What's the next PPV? I think it's Survivor Series. But anyway, I thought that was total bullshit how the referee stopped Michael's match at Unforgiven. I'm glad HBK was able to beat Jericho, but he didn't beat him enough apparently, since he won the WHT.

I can't wait to see what they do next week with Punk's title match. I know they're going to make Jericho defend, but I hope something interesting happens.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-11 23:43:05

At 9/11/08 11:01 PM, mothballs wrote: What's the next PPV?

No Mercy.

Then Cyber Sunday.

Then Survivor Series.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-12 03:08:20

At 9/11/08 11:43 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Then Cyber Sunday.

I bet it's just me that REALLY dosen't like this PPV. Probably my least favorite of the year...

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-12 04:31:27

At 9/11/08 08:21 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: As for London...He apparently has a lot of backstage heat on him. Don't know why. That and creative probably can't come up with anything for him.

i remember vince being pissed with him bcoz when that whole "vince dies in the exploding limo" storyline, while walking through the hallway with all the wrestlers looking on, london had a huge grin on his face instead of taking the thing seriously.
but that was over a year ago, but maybe vince is just holding a grudge...

My deviantART page | My Youtube page (It got terminated)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-12 14:52:28

At 9/12/08 04:31 AM, Random-Her03 wrote: but that was over a year ago, but maybe vince is just holding a grudge...

I understand a lot of it is residual heat from Ashley Massaro who he's dating.

The buyrates seem to indicate a lot of people don't care for Cyber Sunday either Danny. That show exists because Vince really, really like that concept.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-12 15:41:26

At 9/12/08 02:52 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: The buyrates seem to indicate a lot of people don't care for Cyber Sunday either Danny. That show exists because Vince really, really like that concept.

Which would make you think Vince would care more about booking it sensibly. Last year they gave the fans a choice between a hardcore match, a hardcore match, and a hardcore match.
Then they gave us the choice between three heels to put into a match. How does it make sense to put three people who are meant to be unpopular with the fans into a popularity contest?
they need to give it interesting stips, interesting special referees (JBL as an option? Srsly?), and popular faces to choose between.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-12 22:57:02

Kozlov has been squashing jobbers for way too long. I am eager to see how he fares against Jeff Hardy who is capable of carrying anyone not named Khali to decent matches. Knowing how Kozlov has been booked, next week's showdown will probably end in some lame DQ finish. But hey, Kozlov has never worked a match longer than 90 seconds, I wonder if he can keep some decency in a 10 minutes match against Hardy.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-13 11:12:21

SD was ok last night. Hardy and HHH telling each other off at the beginning was great. I liked what they did with that and aving Jeff be the guy going after HHH looks promising. Do you guys think this will finally be the time for Jeff to win the title?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-13 12:24:16

At 9/13/08 11:12 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: SD was ok last night. Hardy and HHH telling each other off at the beginning was great. I liked what they did with that and aving Jeff be the guy going after HHH looks promising. Do you guys think this will finally be the time for Jeff to win the title?

I hope so but I always though it would be at one of the big four PPV's that he finally got the title. Then again, I said the same about Matt so... No Mercy or maybe even Cyber Sunday might be his time to shine.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-09-13 14:24:31

At 9/13/08 11:12 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: SD was ok last night. Hardy and HHH telling each other off at the beginning was great. I liked what they did with that and aving Jeff be the guy going after HHH looks promising. Do you guys think this will finally be the time for Jeff to win the title?

His time will be sometime next year if he is not foolish enough to take strike three. I highly doubt that the company will give him the belt the in same year he took his second strike.

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