Lol, Avie. You know that there's no way in hell that the RAW writers could come up with something that good.
So I decided to watch last night's TNA PPV (It was free :D), and its good to know that NOTHING has changed as we still get main events with run-in/screwy finishes, and predictable turns. Here's some quick thoughts.
Show opened with a Sting promo. He said he will face the winner of the Main Event at Bound For Glory.. That's three straight years of Sting main eventing BFG.
Prince Justice Brotherhood beat The Rock and Rave Infection. Decent opener with lots of comedy as expected. Curryman got to kiss Hemme... BASTARD!!
Awesome Kong defeats ODB after a Running Spinebuster through a table. There were two table spots, including ODB Power-Bombing Kong on a table (Though it didn't break). Good match, my only gripe is that it was a Falls Count Anywhere match, and we just got a short segment outside of the ring.
Abyss and Matt Morgan defeat Team 3D. Didn't catch the finish, but this was match was all about making Morgan look good. He kicked out of the 3D and a chair shot, but that didn't stop the fans from booing him. Pretty much no one cares for Morgan
Sheik Abdul Bashirdefeats Petey Williams and Consequences Creed to win the X-Division title. Damn fine match, Petey hit the CD on Creed, Daivari interfered in the pin, then took advantage of the situation for the win.
Taylor Wildedefeats Angelina Love to retain the Knockouts title. Another good match, this one was back and forth. Before the match. Wilde introduced Rhyno who would be in her corner. He speared Kip James during an attempted run-in. Wilde gor the win with a Northern Lights Suplex.
Sonjay Duttdefeats Jay Lethal. AWESOME match.. UNTIL THE F'N PREDICTABLE FINISH!!! So Cal Val turns on Lethal, Sonjay gets the ring and the win.
Beer Moneydefeat LAX to retain the tag titles. OK match, not much more to say.
Trigg vs Angle went to a no-contest... ZZZZZZZzzzzZZ
Samoa Joedefeats Christian Cage and Kurt Angle to retain the TNA title. Good match, not great. Joe wins after a Guitar shot from Jarrett on Angle leads to a Musclebuster.
Once again, TNA manages to screw up what was supposed to be a pretty good show. The Trigg-Angle "MMA Match" was beyond terrible. Chants during the match included: This is Bullshit! We Want Wrestling and Fire Russo among others. Probably the worst wrestling related thing this year... Easily.