Shame about Murdoch, I'd have much prefered he got the push Cade is now getting :(
Also, just thought I'd comment on the ECW new guy (Atlas something) and his performance. What The Hell?!? After seeing both Koffi Kingston and Evan Bourne debut on ECW very well, Atlas was something of a suprise to me. He didn't seem to know his moves at all, timing was off, other than his hair, I stuggled to find one decent thing about his match.
Smakdown tonight should be interesting. I've love them to hold a tourament for the number one contender for the US belt. Even though it's on ECW, Vicki could claim it's really SD!'s belt and persuade Teddy to put it up for grabs against a Smackdown guy at the GAB. Bunch of possible contenders, Hardy, MVP, Kennedy, Umaga, Carlito, Kolzlov (first loss?), Big Show. A Hardy Vs Hardy match would be VERY interesting, and a good excuse for Jeff to bring the title back to where it belongs.