At 5/28/08 10:27 PM, mothballs wrote:
JBL vs. John Cena(First Blood):
It's possible JBL nails the cheap win here, and if they want to continue this at all, they need JBL to pick up the cheap win here. If they don't want to continue, then Cena wins and blows the issue off. I think it could go either way, too close to call...I think Cena needs to stay away from the title for awhile, so I'd probably give JBL the win here.
Batista vs. Shawn Michaels(Stretcher Match):
Michaels has the heart...Batista the strength. This should be a very strong match as Michaels is always great, Batista has been upping his game lately as well. House show lineups have him and Edge paired off, Michaels is still a floater...I'm gonna say Batista wins here after Jericho turns heel and incapacitates Michaels to end the match.
Umaga vs. Jeff Hardy(Falls Count Anywhere):
Umaga needs to leave RAW, Hardy is mr. popularity. I think Hardy goes over no question here.
Melina vs. Beth Phoenix(I Quit Match):
If you mean wrestling history, your on crack and sadly misinformed about the history of the business. Also, it's not even the first time in WWE history as I know Trish stratus worked at least one falls count anywhere match in her WWE tenure. I think Phoenix will most likely kill Melina here though as logically, who else is going to be going after Mickie and the Women's belt?
John Morrison vs. Big Show vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. CM Punk(Singapore Cane match):
Show wins, Punk probably jobs, because WWE is retarded. Whole thing will probably be a 5 minute Big Show squashes everybody situation.
HHH vs. Orton(Last Man Standing, WWE Championship):
I think Orton needs this win, especially if they want to keep this program a rollin. I'm not an Orton fan, but if WWE is serious about elevating him, then I think he needs a solid win or two over the game to make his reign matter. Also, somebody please set fire to the bling bling belt already, I know it probably pops the kids, but that shit looks stupid as hell.
Undertaker vs. Edge(TLC match, World Heavyweight Championship):
I don't see Taker leaving, Edge needs the belt more then he does at this point character wise and all, but I just don't know how you get out of this one unless heading into the draft Vince were to reinstate Taker should he lose this bout. Guess this is where Taker gets his revenge and pulls off the victory.
Well, those are my predictions. I hope the PPV doesn't suck, it looks really good just by looking at the matches.
On paper this looks like a decent card, and at a cheaper price tag, I'd check it out, but there's nothing new here and for 40 bucks, and the fact that it's the last show of the post-Mania crunch? No way, I think the buyrate blows, people wait for the DVD, and next year it's shit canned.