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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-18 20:29:12

At 5/18/08 08:23 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I wonder if the idea isn't just to have Jeff get beat here, MVP just really really fuck him up, and that helps the issue with Matt, or could even lead into another Hardy Boyz reunion with MVP finding a partner.

I guess that could work. I wouldn't agree with starting a feud with an unpublicised match on a PPV, but this is WWE booking we're talking about.
This could also be punishment for Jeff. Bury him here on a grand stage.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-18 20:32:29


Cena won. Didn't see THAT one coming from a mile away eh?

domestic violence can be funny too!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-19 00:51:34

Patty's Judgement Day Results Complaints/Comments:

Seeing as how I refuse to drop money on a non-wrestlemania PPV until wrestling gets out of the slump its in, I have taken the results from the always awesome Rajah. Here are my comments and/or complaints of the results from the Judgment Day PPV.

JBL vs. John Cena:

Cena wins again. BIG SURPRISE. At least it wasnt for a belt, and Cena didnt get his 12846255459865487564th title reign tonight. As mediocre as Bradshaws Heavyweight title reign was IMHO, the guy's an AWESOME wroker and hopefully he at least got to look strong before he jobbed to Superman like the rest of the locker room is forced to.

John Morrison & The Miz vs. CM Punk & Kane:
UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE. If they fuck over CM Punk any harder, they might as well have the guy change his name to "CM Brooklyn Brawler". I am so sick of CM NEVER being put over, even though he so richly deserves to be a main eventer. Theyll put over the male version of Courtney Love as he humps the floor on his way to the ring and burns his house down with his homemade meth lab, but they cant do anything for Punk. Watching CM get fucked week in and week out is one of the main resons Im starting to resent the WWF lately. If they dont start giving him the respect he deserves, theyre gonna watch their ratings go down the shitter like they have been the past year.

Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels:
It doesnt bother me that much that HBK got the win, theyre both top guys and it doesnt hurt either of them to do the job, but goddamn, Jericho came back with the intentions of being a main eventer. Now theyre punishing him with mid-card bullshit just because his return didnt draw in more viewers, Nevermind the fact that the other 90% of the raw program is still utter SHIT.

Beth Phoenix vs. Melina vs. Mickie James:
Mickie James RETAINS??? Jesus Christ, out of all the results Ive read so far, this is the ONLY one I agree with so far. Good for her. That girl is a fucking worker and deserves to retain.

Edge vs. The Undertaker:
THROW ME A FUCKING BONE HERE. I dont give a shit who the goddamn belt goes to, but with all the guys who DESERVE the belt, for them to keep it fucking vacant, ESPECIALLY at a PPV that poor shlubs like us fork over $40 bones to see, is a load of HOGWASH. Its RETARDED BULLSHIT like this that makes me me not order the Pay Per Views any more. Imagine payin $45 clams or whatever it is now to see this and the title REMAINS vacant. On Raw, its a stupid move. But on a program people drop a gang of money on? That decision is just a "FUCK YOU" to the fans. Jesus, at least give it to the heel. Dont expect people to pay that kind of money and then noone goes home with the title. ESPECIALLY a title as important as one of the two major straps.

MVP vs. Jeff Hardy:
Once again, the fact that CM Punk gets FUCKED UP THE ASS WEEKLY and then druggie fuck ups can waltz in and squash everyone in the back like hes the meth head Goldberg pisses me off. MVP is a good wrestler, like Umaga, and shouldnt have to put over a FUCK UP of this magnitude. This is unbelievable. This would be unacceptable on its own, but the fact that theyre doing this for Hardy and doing what their doing to Punk is one of the reasons Im seriously considering going exclusively to TNA.

Randy Orton vs. Triple H:
Hey, Randy got the strap for how many MONTHS? Im glad theyre lettin someone else get the strap this time. Although Trips ought to stand aside and let someone else try the goddamn belt on. Itd be a lot cooler to pay almost $50 to see someone whos never had it get it than see the lesser of 2 evils get it.

Patty's Final Thought on the Judgment Day PPV:
I was right when I said I wasnt gonna throw away the money to see a bullshit PPV that was only gonna be abysmal and make me hate the WWF's shit booking decisions even more. I spent about $50 on my son's 5th birthday party 3 days ago and was so glad I didnt do something on the cheap with him just to see Judgment day. That pizza with my son kicked WAAAY more ass than the booking decisions they made tonight.

Forgive me if Im being bitchy and harsh, but Im simply tired of predictable crap, shit guys getting put over and guys who TRULY deserve a push jobbing, and PPV's that are worse than the Monday night show we get for free. If you made it through my complaining up to this point, I thank you kindly for listening to me gripe.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-19 01:36:20

I cant' believe the World Heavyweight Championship is still vacant after the match of Undertaker vs. Edge at Judgement Day, which I watched live on our cable today. Undertaker should won the match via countout then stupid Vicki Guerrero announced that the only way to win the title was via pinfall or submission so the title iss still vacant. Then, Undertaker tombstoned Edge and Vicki was insane and said to Undertaker that he is a son of a b****. Stupid Vicki Guerrero. Using her abusive powers.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-19 10:02:50

Seems most of you are not happy with that screwy finish for the Edge/Taker match. I have to agree with you guys on this one. Forget paying to see it at home, it would suck to pay for a ticket to go and not get a new champion.

I'm a bit glad that Punk and Kane didn't get teh tag gold. I would have prefered it to have been a DQ or something, not have Punk be pinned again. But the right team won in terms of what they are doing with the tag titles.

For most of the PPV, the results are what I expected. I was rooting for Jericho but that didn't pan out.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-19 14:02:48

DAMN! You guys have probably heard of "filler shows" where it seems they serve no real purpose.. This is what JD felt like.

Don't get me wrong, there were no bad matches on the show, but there was nothing must-see either. Nothing has changed since we last saw RAW/SD and ECW. The champions are still the same, the WHC is STILL vacant, JBL and Cena, Edge/Taker and HHH vs Orton might still be going, and you could say the same about the Batista/HBK/Jericho angle.

Now on to the actual matches.

John Cena vs JBL was a weird choice for the opener. It was good for a while, then we got a LOT of restholds by JBL. I hated the finish with JBL dominating 90% of the match then getting beat with the FU out of nowhere, but I guess this will lead to a rematch at ONS (Hopefully, another I quit match between the two).

Miz and Morrison vs Kane and Punk was very good... but it only lasted about 7minutes. I loved that we had tag title match on a PPV, but these matches need to go longer if they want to establish the Tag Titles as something important. All 4 men brought their A game and Punk managed to turned the few boos he got at the start into cheers, mostly due to his in-ring work which was on point all throughout the match. I liked that Miz and Morrison retained the titles, but.. WHY IS CM PUNK JOBBING AGAIN!! I mean, really! We're supposed to believe that this guy is a threat to HHH, Edge, Taker or even Kane?

Shawn vs Chris Jericho was a GREAT match. Not as good as their WM 19 encounter, but easily the MOTN. I didn't like the anti-climatic finish, especially after the last 5 minutes which were just amazing, though to be fair, it keeps Jericho "somewhat strong". Fun fact.. Other than a couple of DQ wins against Orton and JBL, Jericho has yet to win a match on PPV since coming back... Take that for its worth.

The 3-way Women's match was good, but again, too short (About 5 minutes). Beth hitting the Double Canadian Backbreaker was one of the highlights of the show (For me, anyways) and though not as impressive as Beth hitting a Death Valley Driver on two dudes (She did it in her Indy days) it was still a sight to see. Mickie retaining was expected, as was Melina getting the pin. With that said, I'm actually looking forward to see what happens with Mickie in terms of her future opponents.

The Batista promo was short and to the point, I'm guessing we'll see a match between the two at ONS... Though I wonder where that leaves Jericho.

Edge vs Taker was well on its way to being as good as their Wrestlemania match (And better than their Backash match) but the finish just ruined it. Not only that, the finish seemed to have deflated the fans which weren't nearly as vocal for the matches that followed. I will say that Vickie got a TON of heat for the post-match announcement. I expect to see either a TLC or a HIAC match at One Night Stand.

MVP vs Jeff Hardy was just there. It was nowhere near as good as MVP's matches against Matt. It looks like Jeff is now using the Whisper in Wind as a finisher (He beat both Umaga and MVP with the move this week). But I have to ask this... WHY IS MVP GETTING JOBBED, AGAIN? Or an even better question... WHY IS HE JOBBING TO THE DRUGGIE? Did MVP pee in Vince's coffee or something? They guy is so talented and he's being wasted away (Much like Punk) for seemingly no reason.

HHH vs Orton was good, not great. It looks like both men were going for an old-school Cage match (IE:No Blood, no over the top spots) but it just felt flat. Some of it was lack of crowd reaction, some of it felt like Orton and HHH were just going through the motions. Cage matches are usually meant to be the big blow-off for a feud, but this just didn't feel like it. Because of that, I see another rematch at ONS.

All in all, if you bought the PPV, you got your money's worth. If you didn't watch the PPV, you didn't miss out on anything. Thumbs right in the middle for Judgment Day.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-19 14:31:06

Again, they need to just do away with ONS, they really do. There are too many PPV's at this time of year. What happened at JD was simply because WWE has another PPV to promote in two weeks, so they kept everything pretty much status quota so they want have to try and come up with new stuff to promote. They need to either shit can ONS, or they need to shit can Judgement Day. Or shitcan ONS, and move it's gimmick of all gimmick matches up to JD. There's just far too many PPV's this time of year, it should be one show a month, well spaced out from each other. This sort of thing is just dumb dumb dumb.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-19 15:55:19

Have yet to see JD, but just read the results. Feckin bollocks.

CM Punk, I really feel sorry for the guy. He gets his ass kicked on ECW, barely manages to beat Chuck fucking Palumbo on SD! and then gets pinned at the PPV. Mr Money In The Bank? Mr I Should Be On Heat The Way Things Are Going more like. The fans love him, he's got talent. But no, he dosen't get a damn thing.

Cena wins, again. He'll have his title back at SummerSlam, if not before. Mark my words.

Michaels, Jericho, like I said, I haven't seen it but I think it's been mentioned they had a good match? Did Batista play a part? Regardless, I'd add him to this fued. Have them in a gimick match at ONS. It could be very good if booked in the right way.

Womens match, who cares.

Undertaker/Edge, title still vacant. Fuck off WWE. People don't pay to see pay-per views to see this kind of bullshit. Give it to Undertaker, the fans would be happy, he should never have been stripped remember? Give it to Edge via a screwy finish. But for the love of fuck, give it to someone. The top or maybe second top belt in the entire WWE needs to be on someone for shits sake.

Hardy, MVP, I'm not gonna lie, no matter what the circumstances Hardy is always someone I'll be happy to see win. He's made plenty of mistakes in the past, but so's everyone. Eddie fucked up but was WWE champ within two years. If Hardy can keep himself clean, I don't see why he can't follow the same path. Anyway, use this unknown, unannounced match to your advantage. Matt&Jeff fued with MVP and someone. You can have a number of different matches, singles, tag, managers, and plenty of gimick matches. One at ONS between the Hardy's and MVP/Someone has the premise to be absoloutley brilliant. Espesially a heelmidcarder like MVP. Umaga maybe? MVP and Umaga come out tomorrow night while Jeff's in the ring, beat him, revenge as he beat them both. Next week, or on SD!, Matt Hardy's introduced into the mix. Next show, tag team match, keep it going, gimick match at ONS, it could go on for a while and still stay fresh, i'm sure.

Trips, Orton, as much as I like Orton (despite many people not feeling the same way), I think Trips needs a fresh challenge. How about this for a "thought of three seconds ago" idea. Monday night, RAW, Trips is in the ring, Punk comes out, says he's sick and tired off getting beat, sick off losing, he's better than that, and he's going to prove it. He's cashing in MITB. Tonight! Main event, Punk and Trips put on a hell of a match. A real fucking beauty. Punks beaten, but just. Skin of the teeth style. Both men are applauded at the end, and Trips offers Punk his hand. You've got a fucking world of choices here. Punk shakes it, H pedigree's him and claims he's knowhere near the standard of The Game. They fued, it could accumulate at SS with Punk winning. Working with Trips for many a month will make him a worthy and deserving champion in peoples eyes. Alternitavley, Punk could hit Trips when he's offered his hand. Punk heel might not work though. Still, if it did, Punk could get in tight with Mr Regal, demand a few rematches. Win the belt via a screwy finish. H want's revenge. More fueding. Option three, Punk shakes H's hand they raise each others arms. Out comes Orton. Claims Punk's had his fun, his fantasy, but the age of Orton is going to continue. Punk works with Trips like Trips did with Jeff a few months ago. Against Orton and someone else. This would elevate Punk, working closely with the champ and former champ. Then when the times right, Punk gets his match. Again, around SS.

My thoughts and what not, despite not seeing the PPV yet :)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-19 17:16:03

I think they probably should turn Punk heel at this point and give him a ton of freakin mic time so he can establish himself. It's absolutely amazing how over Punk has gotten himself without very much promo time to help develop his character more. I do think WWE has been a little better about protecting him the last couple matches, but definitely the guy needs to start getting some big freakin wins soon or I have to wonder if people aren't going to just give up in frustration and when they finally decide to push him, it won't matter.

I don't like the idea of Punk on RAW personally because it seems RAW will always be the land of H, and you'll never quite get beyond that. I'd really like them to do a variation of an angle I suggested earlier with him and Edge.

With the title vacant, WWE most likely will book Taker and Edge back into a match at ONS, some no dq no countout type deal. I think you start to build a simmering idea (why not tonight?) of CM Punk becoming increasingly frustrated that he keeps losing, or just eeking out wins. I also think he needs to stop doing so many pinfall jobs, get him doing more countout and DQ losses, the idea is we want him to start to turn, but still have the ability for people to get behind what he's saying. This leads into him not getting a match at ONS. Then during the Edge/Taker match, out comes Punk, to help Edge! Beat down of Taker, maybe a GTS or a chair shot or something, and Edge wins. Just brutalize Taker and maybe put him out for a little while, and then Vickie denies Taker any rematches, and officially welcomes Punk to "La Familia".

Punk gets on the mic and cuts a promo bitching about how the company screwed him, how even though the people were behind him, it didn't get him to the top, and hey, not the first time he's experienced that in his career. He says that he's sick of losing, he's sick of being put into crappy situations where people at the top conspire against him. Now he's made himself a deal, he's hooked up with the most powerful people in the WWE, and he doesn't need the useless fans, he doesn't need anybody except his new family, and he's going straight to the top. End the PPV on that note, and then on ECW, you have Armando book Punk against Colin Delaney, and Punk just wrecks the kid, just beats the ever lovin shit out of him until...uh oh...here comes Kane! Kane drives Punk off, grabs a mic and says that he is dissapointed in Punk. He thought Punk was a better man then this, he says he wanted to tag with Punk because he thought they believed in the same things, and that they could have been great champions. But more importantly...Punk went after his family, Punk beat on his brother, and he put him out. Kane says he may not always have seen eye to eye with Taker, but blood is blood, and you don't hurt a man's family and not expect retribution. Out comes Armando, and he says that actually...he has to agree with Kane. You don't hurt another man's family and not answer for it...but you also don't mess in the business of the ECW GM and not have to answer for that!!! So next week, CM Punk vs. Kane, ECW Title (Punk is of course nodding and liking this) under Extreme Rules (two valid ways to go here: Punk is all "whoa, whoa, no no!!!" or he's happy, I think I'd do chicken shit, it just makes more sense to me).

On SD! Punk is begging Vickie to talk to Armando to get the match changed in some way that it favors Punk, Edge walks in and looks at Punk kind of disgusted. He says that Punk isn't seeing the oppurtunity he's presented with here, Punk kind of looks at Edge, and Edge smiles. He says close the door and they'll talk about it.

Next week's ECW, Kane and Punk. Punk comes out and he looks pretty scared of this match. He gets on the mic and says that nothing would make him happier then being ECW champion, but he'd rather win it in a scientific wrestling match, because he knows he's a better wrestler on his worst day, then Kane has ever been in his entire career. Kane grabs the mic away and says maybe Punk is, but tonight, Punk is in his world, ring the bell. Hard fought back and forth match, lots of running by Punk, but eventually getting his cheap shots in. To put it in perspective, I wanna see this match go down like most all of his heel hardcore matches in ROH. It'd get tremendous heat. Just as Kane is about to get the win though...out comes Edge and the Edgeheads to nail Kane and save Punk. They revive Punk, and he manages to get Kane up and give him a GTS, 1, 2, 3, a new ECW champion is crowned!!! Punk gets on the mic and says that this is exactly why he, and Edge, are smarter then the fans are. That they had this planned out since Friday night, and now they've succeeded. Punk's the ECW champion, and if you don't like it, you can kiss his ass.

You go on with this for at least till SS or Unforgiven, Punk and Edge helping each other retain their titles when in doubt, but also scoring some clean victories over lesser challengers. One night on SD! Punk and Edge are thrown a celebration by Vickie and Armando to celebrate how dominant they've been as champions when the lights go out...then that damn gong hits...when the lights come back on, Taker is in the ring with his hand around both their throats, and he chokeslams them. The Dead Man is back for his revenge!! Edge and Punk bail, and the show goes off the air with Punk and Edge holding their belts, but definitely looking like their gonna crap their pants.

Then for SS, you book Taker and Kane vs. Edge and Punk, and I think you can have the babyfaces go over here, and then blow the issue off for a little while. One of the things WWE is doing really badly is their burning the Edge/Taker issue out as a one on one, I think this tag match could absolutely draw. Do a few more months of La Familia really happy and on top of things, Edge is champ, and Punk is entered into the Royal Rumble, with the plan being that if Punk wins, he'll jump to RAW and challenge the WWE champion so that La Familia runs the WWE. Then tragedy strikes! Edge wrestles Taker once again at the Rumble, and Taker manages to get the win. Edge blames Punk for the loss because Punk didn't come out and save his bacon. Punk says he thought Edge had it covered, and he had to worry about his own spot in the Royal Rumble and the plan to go to RAW. Edge says Punk wasn't being a team player or a good "brother" and that might just cost him later on. Punk stares down Edge as he leaves. Rumble time, and Punk enters in at number 30. Punk manages to eliminate two or more guys, to drop it down to one on one, he goes to bounce off the ropes to nail a big Shining Wizard but Edge comes out and grabs his foot. Punk starts jawing with Edge and his now recovered opponent nails him from behind and eliminates Punk, and let's make sure this opponent is from RAW. Punk is livid and Edge takes a powder, Punk runs off after him. On SD! Vickie is trying to make peace between Punk and Edge, and after some harsh words, both men shake hands and agree to put their differences aside. At NWO, Edge has a rematch with the Deadman for the belt, and Punk interferes helping Edge win, but then Punk walks out holding the MITB briefcase held high, and the announcers are left wondering what this means. On SD!, Punk says he helped Edge retain for one reason, he hasn't forgotten what happened at the Rumble, and he hasn't forgotten the title shot he never used, considering that Edge stopped Punk from getting to Mania via the Rumble, Punk's decided he'll get to Mania via MITB....and he'll do it by taking Edge's world title!!! Punk is now an instant babyface sensation, and when he goes to Mania and defeats Edge, he's an undisputed top guy.

This angle assumes that somewhere along the way Punk drops the ECW title, probably due to Edge's jealousy, or Sci Fi does not renew the show, and the title becomes defunct. I'm begging you WWE, PLEASE STEAL THIS ANGLE!!!

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-19 21:28:39

So, Kennedy vs. Regal, the loser gets fired. This could be very interesting...if they don't find some screwy way to throw the thing out out and both get to stay where they are, but hopefully this is them backing off the Regal authority abuse storyline that I don't think has in any way worked the way they hoped it would.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-19 22:41:12

HOLY SHIT!!!! YES!!!! REGAL IS FIRED!!!! I can't believe how awesome this is, Mr. Kennedy just took Raw out of hell!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-19 23:47:26

Looks like Teddy Long will also take over as GM. I wonder how long before Regal heads back to SD! or ECW, I've heard he's definitely been wanting to go back to full time wrestling, and I'm totally fine with that, he can always go back to this figurehead stuff, but as long as someone like him is healthy and capable, he should be on the active roster helping make the young hands a bit better.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-20 09:24:48

Teddy Long the possible GM of Raw is pretty cool. Been a long long time since there was a face GM for Raw, so it will be a nice change.

Raw was ok last night. Best match to me was Jericho vs. batista. The rest didn't hold my attention very well. Santino still proves to be funny as hell, but I don't like the match he is getting. Wrestling some guy I've never heard of. If it was Kimmel himself then maybe, just maybe, but some random dude named Sal isn't very good.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-20 13:23:46

At 5/20/08 10:19 AM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote:
At 5/19/08 11:47 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I wonder how long before Regal heads back to SD! or ECW
60 days at least by the looks of things.

What an absolute idiot. There seems to be a pattern of people on the biggest pushes of their life fucking it all up by getting suspended.
I don't see him getting the Jeff Hardy treatment when he comes back either. Jeff is so insanely over, it would make bad business sense to have him lose, but Regal is disposable in terms of his place in the company.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-20 15:15:33

Heh... So it seems that the KoTR was basically pointless.

You know, Regal HAS battled substance abuse problems in the past. More than anything, that's probably why he never got that big of a push in WWE.

Its just a damn shame that there was no one in the KoTR tournament that DOESN'T DO DRUGS. Had there been someone like that, it would have been a blessing for WWE.

Note:There might be some sarcasm in my previous statement >_>

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-20 15:38:49

At 5/20/08 03:15 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Note:There might be some sarcasm in my previous statement >_>

I'm just not seeing it >:(

Note:There might be some sarcasm in my previous statement >_>

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-20 15:57:37

At 5/20/08 03:15 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Heh... So it seems that the KoTR was basically pointless.


You know, Regal HAS battled substance abuse problems in the past. More than anything, that's probably why he never got that big of a push in WWE.

True, but Regal has also said a number of times he was completely clean. That's what pisses me off the most here, as a Regal fan, how he's lied to people about it, and even wrote a book about it, which should be filed under fiction. The man is a disappointment.

Its just a damn shame that there was no one in the KoTR tournament that DOESN'T DO DRUGS. Had there been someone like that, it would have been a blessing for WWE.

I know, I hate how there's nobody on that roster who's STRAIGHTEDGE, and could pass a drug test with flying colors because he doesn't even DRINK FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!! Yep, until we find somebody like that with a proven track record of great work, we're screwed.

Note:There might be some sarcasm in my previous statement >_>

Mine too <_<

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-20 18:31:59

Damn. Well Regal getting suspended clears up why they went with what we saw om Raw. It's a shame too as I was rooting for a Regal push. Thats not likely to happen in the same capacity now.

With top stars getting suspended all the time, maybe now..MAYBE..They will realize that "Hey, the guy with the briefcase is a safe bet!"

I'm looking forward to ECW to see what they do with Punk, Kane, Chavo and the tag champs.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-20 18:43:30

At 5/20/08 06:31 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: With top stars getting suspended all the time, maybe now..MAYBE..They will realize that "Hey, the guy with the briefcase is a safe bet!"

You'd think the goddamn light bulb would go off, but it most probably won't, they'll just do what they've been doing, and hope that nobody else is dumb enough to fail a test, or fuck up they're plans. For all we know, Regal will come back and just get pushed again. But I'm doubting it, 40, long history of issues, I think maybe now it's the position of the guy that makes the next crop look good and maybe get better. But do I think this will make WWE realize a guy like Punk is a good bet and they should do better with 'em? Nope, not really. Because if Jeff Hardy's fuck ups didn't make them think a guy around that age, who gets good reactions, and is completely clean was somebody that really needed to be invested in well...I'm not so sure anything will.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-20 19:57:47

At 5/20/08 10:19 AM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote:
At 5/19/08 11:47 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I wonder how long before Regal heads back to SD! or ECW
60 days at least by the looks of things.

Regal, you stupid fucking idiot asshole. You finally get the push youve been begging god for for the last 25 years of yer career, and what do you do? You fuck it up and piss away yer push on stupid ass drugs. I hope the high was good, because now yer doomed to spend the rest of yer career never getting to the top, YOULL ALWAYS BE A FUCKING MID-CARDER NOW because you fucking threw yer shot at the top away.

FUCKING MORON. I am so pissed off at Regal right now, not just for relapsing after all the tragedy this shit has brought his life, but for pulling a bonehead move and fucking up his shot at the top of the card.

Fucking dope... At least RVD waited til HE HAD THE BELT before he fucked himself in the ass.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-20 21:54:58

Well, fuck; they're trying to make Vickie the female Edge in spirit, too, aren't they?

At 5/19/08 03:55 PM, DannyIsOnFire wrote: Hardy, MVP, I'm not gonna lie, no matter what the circumstances Hardy is always someone I'll be happy to see win. He's made plenty of mistakes in the past, but so's everyone. Eddie fucked up but was WWE champ within two years. If Hardy can keep himself clean, I don't see why he can't follow the same path.

THANK YOU; I couldn't have said it better - I was going to say something similar, but you did it better than I would've.

Remember Eddie? You know, the guy we all have respect for, but died after DRUG ABUSE OVER A LONG PERIOD OF TIME FINALLY CAUGHT UP WITH HIM? Yes, he fucked up AGAIN, but seriously, drugs aren't the easiest thing to quit once you've already been in the hole. He must be trying, or else HE WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN ALLOWED BACK SO SOON. Well, at least that's what I'd like to think.

At 5/19/08 11:47 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Looks like Teddy Long will also take over as GM

Aw, crap.......oh well, at least he can make Orton & JBL have hell to pay. ^_^ Too bad he'll be on the cable brand, though....

At 5/20/08 01:23 PM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote:
At 5/20/08 10:19 AM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote:
At 5/19/08 11:47 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I wonder how long before Regal heads back to SD! or ECW
60 days at least by the looks of things.
What an absolute idiot. There seems to be a pattern of people on the biggest pushes of their life fucking it all up by getting suspended.
I don't see him getting the Jeff Hardy treatment when he comes back either. Jeff is so insanely over, it would make bad business sense to have him lose, but Regal is disposable in terms of his place in the company.

How ironic; the person who lost his big chance in a major storyline beats Regal, and then Regal does the same goddamn thing HE did before......Regal, Regal, Regal.....sorry about your luck, PantyWipe. >_<a t 5/20/08 03:57 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:

You know, Regal HAS battled substance abuse problems in the past. More than anything, that's probably why he never got that big of a push in WWE.
True, but Regal has also said a number of times he was completely clean. That's what pisses me off the most here, as a Regal fan, how he's lied to people about it, and even wrote a book about it, which should be filed under fiction. The man is a disappointment.

For the record, in conjunction with my previous Jeff Hardy statement, he could've been clean at the time - but it's REALLY easy to slip up once you've done it for some time.

I know, I hate how there's nobody on that roster who's STRAIGHTEDGE, and could pass a drug test with flying colors because he doesn't even DRINK FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!! Yep, until we find somebody like that with a proven track record of great work, we're screwed.

Sarcasm noted for truth. Maybe that's why Punk doesn't get pushed - maybe Vince secretly likes druggies..... >_>

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One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-21 10:33:04

ECW was ok last night. Kofi suffered his first loss at the hands of Benjamin, Colin got pinned by Estrada after Knox beat him up, and we found out there will be a singapore cane match at ONS with five people. Big Show m,ade his presence felt by beating up everybody involved withe the main event tag match.

While I like Big Show, doesn't this feel like a step backwards? Don't get me wrong, when he held the title he honestly tried his best to put it and the brand over. Heymen was still involved at that point and things were ok...Until they had a PPV which killed everything. My point is, shouldn't WWE be putting Show to use on SD rather than ECW?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-21 16:50:12

At 5/21/08 10:33 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: While I like Big Show, doesn't this feel like a step backwards? Don't get me wrong, when he held the title he honestly tried his best to put it and the brand over. Heymen was still involved at that point and things were ok...Until they had a PPV which killed everything. My point is, shouldn't WWE be putting Show to use on SD rather than ECW?

I disagree, what the hell has show really been doing on SD! since coming back? He was a great ECW champion and when motivated, he can be a real asset. The question is, would he be motivated if this is more then just a one off appearance on that brand for him?

What my fear is is that we've now got a situation where CM Punk will be a bit player again, and if not do the job, then he'll at least not be on the winning end. Kane and Show had what I felt was a fantastic Extreme Rules match on ECW on SciFi way back when, but I'm not sure how good that match will be under normal rules, and it seems to me that's probably what they'll go for with this one. What should happen though is I think Punk should go over here, be given the ECW title back, and be built up to the point when he can challenge for one of the major belts. A win either over Big Show, or in a match involving Show could be great for him. Hell, I'd at least like to see him have a really strong showing here and if he isn't the winner he doesn't job, or get made to look stupid or inferior to anybody else here. Build him up already WWE!!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-21 18:11:48

I loved ECW last night! We saw some classic Kane last night! He lost by DQ, but in a way he won.


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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-22 10:16:11

I'd like to see Punk get a victory over Big Show. That would really help him out in being an established and title worthy contender. A good showing at the PPV is what he needs too since he has been on teh losing end a bit too long these past few weeks.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-22 10:53:20

At 5/22/08 10:16 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I'd like to see Punk get a victory over Big Show. That would really help him out in being an established and title worthy contender. A good showing at the PPV is what he needs too since he has been on teh losing end a bit too long these past few weeks.

WHAT? Hell no! That would make Punk look credible. WWE can't possibly do something like that.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-22 20:53:27

I should hopefully catch TNA tonight; let's see what crazy shit happens. :P

Oh, and I didn't get to see all of last week's (I think it was last week's), but I did catch Kurt Angle's EXTREMELY half-assed apology to Karen; however, it appeared to get cut off towards the end of it. Did anyone else notice that?

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-22 21:31:21

Yup, watching TNA right now.

Did anyone just see Roxxi Voodoo Drop the ref? That's the most awesome shit I've seen out of a female wrestler. ^_^ Fucking douchebag ref; I would've LUVED to see Angelina get Britney'd.

Payback's a bitch; thy name is Roxxi. :P

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-22 21:48:51

Alright, I know I don't usually triple-post, but after what I just saw, I have to.....

Anybody who didn't just get an erection from Christy Hemme's gyrating a few seconds ago can't POSSIBLY be straight. o_O Pleez tell me someone here agrees......

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-05-22 21:52:41

They should let Kane keep his ECW championship, he deserves it, its been a long time since he had some gold and they don't need to take it away from his so quickly.


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