Some Backlash thoughts:
Matt Hardy vs. MVP (US Championship)-
I think there's more juice in the chase yet. I think Hardy should get screwed here, and MVP retains with Hardy chasing him into Judgement Day, and then you flip the belt, rematch again at GAB, and then blow the program off for good at SS. That's my thought anyway.
Batista vs. Shawn Michaels-
I think Bastista probably wins here since logically he's probably Taker's next real program after Edge. I think Michaels is heading towards being in that role where he's there to have great matches with guys and make them look stronger on their way up, or help top guys remain as such. That might sound like WWE disrespecting Michaels, but I think that's the ultimate compliment to him, and it helps Shawn prove to everyone he's put his whiny jerk-o days behind him.
Kane vs. Chavo (ECW Championship)-
I've heard some good arguments for giving it back to Chavo. I've heard and could make some good arguments for keeping it on Kane. This really comes down to what WWE's intentions are here. Do they want to try and elevate Chavo up to the upper ranks? If they do, then I think you put the belt on Chavo here. The 8 second loss at Mania made him look foolish, and they should try to give him as convincing a win as possible here to help him. If the idea is for Kane to get something of a thank you run with that belt, or to have the brand somehow built around him, keep it on Kane. I think they might honestly be better trying to elevate Chavo, and build him as the veteran man that can be the focal point of the show, and have good matches and bring the young talents they're trying to push along. I think I'd try to take the gamble on Chavo personally.
Cody Rhodes Hardcore Holly vs. Carlito and Santino Morella(World Tag Team Championships)-
Holly and Rhodes have done nothing really since winning those belts. Carlito and Santino have personality, and if they want to rebuild the division, they need colorful champs, colorful is what Carlito and Santino are all about. Put the belts on 'em.
Big Show vs. Khali-
Khali sucks, Khali is taking time off. Let Show beat the goof and move on to something better, maybe even a program with Taker. This match should be bowling shoe ugly, and hopefully mercifully short for the people who will have to watch it.
Edge vs. Undertaker(World Heavyweight Championship)-
Don't see Taker losing it this fast, but WWE should keep Edge strong here and the feud going. I think Edge either wins by DQ, or maybe takes a powder when it looks like Taker was going to beat him. The point here will be making sure Edge isn't decisively beaten, and they somehow set up a situation where Undertaker will want at him again, and the people will want to pay and see it.
Cena vs. Orton vs. HHH vs. JBL-
I think Orton will, and should win here since the other options aren't too palatable. Plus, Orton should be given at least a semi clean win over the H because WWE I think really needs to decisively get behind the guy and see if they can prove people like me wrong and have Orton become a bankable main event heel. Christ they need to get SOMEBODY young over on that brand.