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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-14 21:35:25

At 4/14/08 09:29 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I know, I know, there's already a dirth of belts out there that don't matter, but this could be a great thing that could cross brands and really help make guys.

It could be like what the IC and US titles are supposed to be. And this years KOTR could be a quicker way of elevating someone than Punk's MITB win.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-14 21:42:52

Oh, and as for Regal? I think it's just a case of they're in England, they know Regal can go, they know fans will be into it...and Regal is friends with a certain challenger for the WWE title at Backlash (Youg guess who I mean ;P).

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-14 22:58:41

At 4/14/08 10:35 PM, The-Redangleprince wrote: Joe winning the title, well, I'll tune into TNA a little more often to see what they do with him, but with King of the Mountain coming up, I can definitely see them using the opportunity to have him lose the belt without being pinned. In fact, I'm not all against that as long as Joe wins it back shortly thereafter and retains it at BFG.

You'd Orton him if you took the title off this soon. Plus, since very few champions retain at King of The Mountain, perhaps because they don't understand the convoluted rules, it'd be a much better idea to have Joe pull off the victory.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-15 00:19:51

I like the insurmountable odds theory personally, and Joe having a long dominate reign. He's a guy that could easily become for TNA what Undertaker is for WWE, a really tough babyface that is rarely beaten, but has good matches and is respected no matter where he is on the card, but TNA has to earn that. A big part of doing that will be by making Joe strong in this initial title run.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-15 00:23:43

After seeing the mistreatment of my favorite wrestler AJ Styles, it'd be nice to see someone from the old-school TNA get the gold.

Twitter|Big Mean Flash Gamer| Art by John Dyer Baizley, sig by Shaun.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-15 01:03:57

aview, you seem to igore the fact that Orton beat Jeff and Matt clean.
Orton is a heel which means that he is willing to do anything as long as he retains. He also does not have the size and power of Umaga which means that he cannot be booked as a monster. Compared to Edge who even did not beat Rey clean after Rey got hurt, Orton's booking is pretty strong for a heel.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-15 01:22:09

Orton HAS to be injured after that suplex from Regal that dropped him directly on the back of his head. I dont care that he lost (I had already assumed he would), that was a GREAT match. As much as I kayfabe hate Orton, I hope he's not really hurt. That suplex looked like it was AGONY. He either sold the shit outta that or something was DEFINITELY wrong with him, because he was cradling the shit out of his neck and they took it home pretty abruptly after that. It seemed like it happened right after Orton hit Regal with some pretty stiff punches to the face.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-15 02:29:46

Nm, he just did a run in at the end. Wow, I marked HARD for that shit. That was the nastiest suplex Ive seen in YEARS. I thought for sure his neck was TOAST.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-15 08:29:06

WWE has listed the photos of the following 8 men on their website as being the participants for next week's King of the Ring tournament on Raw.

Chris Jericho, Umaga, Shawn Michaels, CM Punk, Batista, Big Show, Triple H and MVP.

Now that you know, who do you think will come out on top?

Raw was great last night. Santino is so damn funny!

Jericho and Umaga had a good match that kept both looking strong. Orton and Regal's match was amung my favorite last night, with that sick looking suplex, and the crowd being absolutly insane for regal just made it fun as hell to watch. Strange that the crowd had little to no reaction for Burchill.

Main event was what I expected, but in the end it was ok.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-15 13:29:55

At 4/15/08 01:03 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: aview, you seem to igore the fact that Orton beat Jeff and Matt clean.

Matt's wicked over, but still a mid-carder. Jeff is not gonna be a main eventer when he gets back either. Like I say, Orton just does nothing for me, his work is good when he tries, but he's very bland on the mic and that hurts him pretty badly. Yeah Edge cheats too, but his work overall is entertaining, he's a good character. Also, Orton probably shouldn't have had that much trouble with a GM what occasionally wrestles, but I like Regal more then Orton so I really don't care.

Also I hear the website is now saying the KOTR participants aren't finalized...way to go creative!!! Unless CM Punk is slotted in there with a guy who needs rub even worse then he does, this should be a platform to really start the building up of him. The briefcase is not enough.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-15 15:54:38

I know its been mentioned a couple of times but... The Regalplex is one nasty-looking move. By the way, Joey Styles will no longer be the announcer for ECW (Seriously) instead, Mike "Harvey.. I mean Hardy" Adamle will replace Styles.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-15 17:53:36

At 4/15/08 05:46 PM, The-Redangleprince wrote: Which begs the question, who should be in the tourney, and how many participants should there be?

Well, sounds like there's going to be 8, which is how many I think should be in it. If it's all going to take place in one night, then two people are going to have three matches. Any more than 8 people, and that number goes up.
This also leads me to believe it's not going to be the cleanest tournament ever. I could see Batista screwing HBK out of the tourny, or Y2J doing it instead. Revenge after being eliminated in an earlier match, etc.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-15 18:36:49

At 4/15/08 03:54 PM, pepeatumi wrote: I know its been mentioned a couple of times but... The Regalplex is one nasty-looking move. By the way, Joey Styles will no longer be the announcer for ECW (Seriously) instead, Mike "Harvey.. I mean Hardy" Adamle will replace Styles.

wtf, why are they replacing styles? He's an awesome commentator! Unless they are going to put him along side Cole instead of Coach, WWE has lost their mind. Who the hell is Adamle?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-15 20:00:53

Santino screaming "WOMEN!" when he covers for the pin makes me laugh my ass off every time. Hes a good wrestler and I think hes got awesome charisma, especially now that WWF is aiming at kids now you can tell hes really trying to entertain. He's a cartoonish heel but hes anything but corny. I really hope they push him to at least get the IC strap, because I love his character. Whenever that guy comes out Im guaranteed to laugh at least 3 times at his antics.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-15 20:28:31

At 4/15/08 03:54 PM, pepeatumi wrote: I know its been mentioned a couple of times but... The Regalplex is one nasty-looking move. By the way, Joey Styles will no longer be the announcer for ECW (Seriously) instead, Mike "Harvey.. I mean Hardy" Adamle will replace Styles.

I didn't think they could possibly make that show any worse...I was wrong...so what's next? Maybe Jay Solie or Stevie Wonderful on color? (old, old, school ECW fans or ECW tape collectors will get that joke).

As far as the King of The Ring, well, I would probably have that be the dominate focus of RAW personally. If your going to have another hour, make it special. I'm thinking that you could probably have a 6-8 man tournament on the show, if properly done. Then I would probably use the field announced initially on WWE.com and then have CM Punk win because this is an excellent oppurtunity for WWE to really give him a big push towards top tier status. As I've said, he has the briefcase, if he isn't going to be made into a player at the least (and a world champion at most) then what the fuck was the point of giving it to him?

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-16 08:40:26

Other than the departure of Styles, the show wasn't too bad last night. The 8 man tag that started it was fun to watch. Colin got decimated again, and the Brothers of Destruction did what they do best.

I still think its a bad idea to take off the true voice of ECW. I'm willing to give this new guy a chance, but I'm not thrilled with it.

I also think its time for Kofi to be put in a fued with someone. He's ready, and so are the fans.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-16 17:44:55

At 4/15/08 01:29 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Matt's wicked over, but still a mid-carder. Jeff is not gonna be a main eventer when he gets back either.

Sure Matt is not a ME guy as we speak now, but if you are feuding with MVP and you are likely to win the U.S title that has not been changing hands for nearly a year, then you are a pretty big deal. Orton beat Jeff before he fucked up. Remember that Jeff was booked as strong as anyone not named HHH before he fucked up? Just because you dislike Orton for whatever reason, you cannot ignore the fact that he has booked pretty strong as a heel.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-16 17:51:27

At 4/15/08 08:29 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: WWE has listed the photos of the following 8 men on their website as being the participants for next week's King of the Ring tournament on Raw.

Chris Jericho, Umaga, Shawn Michaels, CM Punk, Batista, Big Show, Triple H and MVP.

It would be nice if Punk wins the tournament as Mr. MITB. But with the way how he has been booked, it is not going to happen.
I am 99.9999% sure that HHH will come on top in the tournament. For one, he is "the king of kings" --- a very suitable name and indication that he will win. Plus, HHH's ego and backstage power will not allow anyone to come on top.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-16 18:17:50

Well, Backlash is coming up, I'm not sure if there will be more matches, but I will post my predictions for the following matches:

Batista vs. HBK - Batista. As much as I like HBK and am on his side, Chris Jericho as the Special Guest Referee will definatly get Michaels back for super kicking him on Raw.

Big Show vs. Great Khali - Khali should have this one, if Big Show can't take out Floyd Mayweather, what are his chances with Khali?

MVP vs. Matt hardy(US Title) - Maybe titles usually get defended, but I'd have to say that Matt can win this one. He's taken out Chuck Palumbo, MVP himself, and almost the WWE Champion, Randy Orton. He can't lose.

Randy Orton vs. Triple H vs. JBL vs. John Cena(WWE Title) - Definatly not HHH or Cena, so out of JBL and Orton it's gotta be Orton. I think JBL will probably win it in the future, but not right after Wrestlemania.

Kane vs. Chavo(ECW Title) - Kane is way too good for Chavo, we all know that. After seeing what Kane did to Chavo at Wrestlemania, Chavo shouldn't even be trying this one.

Edge vs. Undertaker(World Heavyweight Title) - Probably going to be a big match and the Smackdown fan that I am, I know what Taker can do. Undertaker has gotta win. Besides, he just won the title, he can't lose it now.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-16 20:36:02

At 4/16/08 06:17 PM, mothballs wrote: Well, Backlash is coming up, I'm not sure if there will be more matches, but I will post my predictions for the following matches:

Batista vs. HBK - Batista. As much as I like HBK and am on his side, Chris Jericho as the Special Guest Referee will definatly get Michaels back for super kicking him on Raw.

I agree on this one. Jericho is a loose cannon when he has a grudge against someone, so I think the only way Batista is coming out of this one the loser is if Jericho is either in cahoots or misses HBK and something like a chair or the codebreaker accidentally hits the animal.

Big Show vs. Great Khali - Khali should have this one, if Big Show can't take out Floyd Mayweather, what are his chances with Khali?

I disagree, I think that Mayweather was a fluke, they only let him win because he is Mayweather and they felt they had to make him the underdog to get him to participate. I sincerely hope Big Show dominates this match.

MVP vs. Matt hardy(US Title) - Maybe titles usually get defended, but I'd have to say that Matt can win this one. He's taken out Chuck Palumbo, MVP himself, and almost the WWE Champion, Randy Orton. He can't lose.

Matt Hardy all the way. Since Jeff fucked up his push ROYALLY with the drugs, I have a feeling Matt is getting a "hand me down push" from his brother.

Randy Orton vs. Triple H vs. JBL vs. John Cena(WWE Title) - Definatly not HHH or Cena, so out of JBL and Orton it's gotta be Orton. I think JBL will probably win it in the future, but not right after Wrestlemania.

Im rooting for Orton as well. As much as I dont like his character, hes the lesser of 4 evils as far as the strap goes.

Kane vs. Chavo(ECW Title) - Kane is way too good for Chavo, we all know that. After seeing what Kane did to Chavo at Wrestlemania, Chavo shouldn't even be trying this one.

I honestly could care less about the WWECW title. But since Kane is one of the top tier guys in my opinion, I really hope that he will get the win and eventually a more important title. Id love to see a Taker/Kane feud, with the Undisputed title going back and forth.

Edge vs. Undertaker(World Heavyweight Title) - Probably going to be a big match and the Smackdown fan that I am, I know what Taker can do. Undertaker has gotta win. Besides, he just won the title, he can't lose it now.

Taker all the way, Im with you 100% on that one. Edge is an awesome wrestler, but honestly how many more does Taker have left in him? This will more than likely be the dead mans last reign, I say let him savor the flavor of the belt for a while. Unless of course, they do the Taker/Kane feud on my "booking wish list". Thatd be a hell of a way for Taker to spend his last title reign, with a bitter feud against baby brother.

AWESOME predictions, by the way. Im hoping that yer predictions are correct, if so Itd make for a good Mania follow up.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-17 01:05:34

At 4/16/08 05:51 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: I am 99.9999% sure that HHH will come on top in the tournament. For one, he is "the king of kings" --- a very suitable name and indication that he will win. Plus, HHH's ego and backstage power will not allow anyone to come on top.

Maybe, but you know? H has been a lot better lately I think about stepping aside from winning in the big match situation lately. I hope H is willing to do that here as well, and it makes sense to do so, you can easily have him get eliminated because Orton or JBL or both go to whip his ass to soften him up for Backlash. H I think is beginning to slowly realize that with everything he's done, he is seen by most fans as being as important, or more important, then a world title belt. That hasn't stopped him from continuing to be booked ridiculously strong, sometimes very illogically (and as long as you are part of the promoter's family, and you sit in creative meetings, you will have the taint on you that your manipulating things to your advantage). I hope WWE does the right and smart thing here and uses the tournament as a way to pull the trigger on making a new star.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-17 02:40:56

I know what yer sayin, avie. I honestly cant remember the last time Hunter had either belt. Im pretty sure it was early 2005 (if you dont count the "blink and you missed it" reign he had for less than one PPV last year)

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-17 07:27:28

I'd like to see either Punk or MVP win on Monday. Both guys are on their way up, and a big win like this could really help them. Obviously Punk needs it a bit more to make him ME title contender worthy, but MVP could benifit too as he has been on such a major roll as of late.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-17 08:04:05

I wouldn't make much sense for Triple H to win the KOTR. I mean, what does winning the King of the Ring earn you? Does it give you a title shot? It would be ridiculous to imply that H needs to win this tournament to get a shot when he's already in the title picture. Does it push you up the card? Cause I don't see how much further up the card you can be pushed from main eventing Wrestlemania.
Also, with Cena filming right now, Triple H is the top Face on Raw anyway.
I think, if Triple is in the KOTR, it will just be to put someone else over/further feuds going into his title match.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-17 09:04:20

HHH has been KOTR before, so this is nothing new for him. I guess he could say he would be the only person to win it twice. As far as I know there is no title shot involved, so I think it's more for bragging rights. I just hope we don't get another 'I'm a king" type gimmick going. Booker was just barely able to pull that off, but i don't think anyone else could.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-17 19:19:40

At 4/17/08 02:40 AM, PantyWipe wrote: I know what yer sayin, avie. I honestly cant remember the last time Hunter had either belt. Im pretty sure it was early 2005 (if you dont count the "blink and you missed it" reign he had for less than one PPV last year)

Which really wasn't even a reign, it was an angle to put the belt onto Orton and make him a stronger heel.

Plus, in official circles, H has not been getting blasted like he used to about holding people back. I think it's time some internet people move on and stop blameing H for everything that goes wrong on RAW, or assuming if he's in the title hunt he's going to evilly win it and screw everybody.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-17 19:21:57

Used to love WWE. When i was younger it was so cool.

Still do like it, just never get around to watching it anymore.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-18 08:15:21

HHH isn't nearly as bad as Hogan was. With both his time in WWE and WCW Hogan had a gib grip on whoever was in charge and got what he wanted. Even if what he wanted was bad for the company. Take the WM (I think it was 3) when he showed up after the Yokozuna/Bret Hart match and challenged Yoko who had just won the belt. Hogan won and people got pissed.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-18 08:19:20

At 4/18/08 08:15 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: HHH isn't nearly as bad as Hogan was. With both his time in WWE and WCW Hogan had a gib grip on whoever was in charge and got what he wanted. Even if what he wanted was bad for the company.

The fingerpoke of doom practically killed WCW.

Take the WM (I think it was 3) when he showed up after the Yokozuna/Bret Hart match and challenged Yoko who had just won the belt. Hogan won and people got pissed.

We have Cena to do that now, Hogan can retire in peace.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-04-18 18:01:01

At 4/17/08 07:27 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I'd like to see either Punk or MVP win on Monday. Both guys are on their way up, and a big win like this could really help them. Obviously Punk needs it a bit more to make him ME title contender worthy, but MVP could benifit too as he has been on such a major roll as of late.

We can only hope for the best...
My money is still on HHH though. If he does not win, I see Y2J winning, CM Punk is only the third choice.

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