Well, Backlash is coming up, I'm not sure if there will be more matches, but I will post my predictions for the following matches:
Batista vs. HBK - Batista. As much as I like HBK and am on his side, Chris Jericho as the Special Guest Referee will definatly get Michaels back for super kicking him on Raw.
Big Show vs. Great Khali - Khali should have this one, if Big Show can't take out Floyd Mayweather, what are his chances with Khali?
MVP vs. Matt hardy(US Title) - Maybe titles usually get defended, but I'd have to say that Matt can win this one. He's taken out Chuck Palumbo, MVP himself, and almost the WWE Champion, Randy Orton. He can't lose.
Randy Orton vs. Triple H vs. JBL vs. John Cena(WWE Title) - Definatly not HHH or Cena, so out of JBL and Orton it's gotta be Orton. I think JBL will probably win it in the future, but not right after Wrestlemania.
Kane vs. Chavo(ECW Title) - Kane is way too good for Chavo, we all know that. After seeing what Kane did to Chavo at Wrestlemania, Chavo shouldn't even be trying this one.
Edge vs. Undertaker(World Heavyweight Title) - Probably going to be a big match and the Smackdown fan that I am, I know what Taker can do. Undertaker has gotta win. Besides, he just won the title, he can't lose it now.