At 4/14/08 07:57 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:
Edge has the edge on the mic. But hey, it is pretty rare for a heel to go over top faces cleanly in nowdays. So far, Orton has gone over Jeff, HHH and Cena cleanly which is as strong as a heel can be booked.
He went over H after being beaten by H earlier in the night, and then beating him after he'd been brutalized by Umanga in a second match. He beat Cena at Mania off of H's pedigree, stealing the pin as it were.
I'm excited to see the King of The Ring again, I always loved that concept, and if done properly it could really be a great way to elevate somebody. I think it might not even be a bad idea to maybe go back to the idea WWE was doing in the 80's where the King of The Ring was like a title that one could win. I know, I know, there's already a dirth of belts out there that don't matter, but this could be a great thing that could cross brands and really help make guys. Or we could just go back to the annual concept of one a year and it puts somebody over. Either way, I'm glad as hell WWE is bringing this one back, as it's a great thing they unnecessarily mothballed.
I'm happy for Joe pep, I am, the man has worked hard and put up with a lot of shit. He earned this, but I mean, can anyone but the most hardcore Samoa Joe fans stomach that product long enough to watch him work? Not to mention, as you and everyone else has pointed out, it's so long overdue it's criminal. Joe is the guy you build the company of course TNA will pull a WCW and let him beat Steiner, then it'll be right back to a match with Angle where Angle beats him. Prove me wrong TNA, I'm begging you to.
ECW Founder Tod Gordon has announced his retirement from the business. It's really a shame how Tod doesn't get the credit he should for what he did in ECW, he was a great performer there, a good businessman, and he always gave the fans a good show when they came out. Paul may have been the creative genius, but Tod was definitely much more then just a "money mark". Good luck to Tod and I hope things work out for him.