At 3/23/08 06:39 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:
You do know that there is no women's title on SD!, right? McCool is one of very a few who can wrestle a little bit. I say sent those divas who cannot wrestle to SD!/ECW and send McCool to RAW. Now Beth is the champ, and we have had plenty of Mickie vs Beth already. Moving McCool to RAW will solve that problem nicely. As for Maria, if she is going to be the next challenger, (she probably will) it is going to be a major laugh stone. SERIOUSLY...
Divas aren't there to wrestle, divas are there to look hot...and date the wrestlers apparently. Plus, Taker will block her moving, because he's dating her, subtlety is lost on j00 apparently my man. I just can't see Taker willingly letting his girlie head to the opposite locker room.
I think the Konnan suit actually seems to have LESS merit to me because of the allegations of drug use by top TNA performers. If it's true he's alleging it, if Meltzer or the PWInsider guys aren't reporting it, I get suspicious. Anyway, back to point, I have to ask this question if Konnan is alleging this:
What does this have to do with Konnan's case, or TNA's liability or obligation to him? Unless Konnan is saying that TNA is PAYING for the drug habits of their wrestlers, and that's why they were not honoring any obligation they had to him, I fail to see how this matters towards his case. This whole thing sounds like typical Konnan, the guy thinks he's bigger then he really was, and I heard stuff where he honestly thinks he made LAX work. If I'm TNA though, I have to fight him if he's accusing my roster of taking drugs, I can't settle because it will send the message of "they paid him to shut up about the drug abuse and go away".
Speaking of drug abuse, Afa Jr. got suspended for a wellness violation. In speaking with a source who knew Jr. from his WXW days, there was absolutely no surprise that he got busted, as it was stated to me, qoute: "Everyone in that federation is on drugs". Ouch.