At 2/14/08 10:44 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: When Bobby Lashley debuted in 2005, Vince pushed the guy to sky, he was built as an unstoppable juggernut from the beginning, guess how he returned the favor? By leaving the company and leaving Vince crying like a baby! The last thing you want do is to push a guy to the sky from the beginning.
I do think Lashley was brought along too fast, but his main event push didn't really cement until 06, otherwise he hovered in the mid-card ranks. Agreed about overpushing a guy from the beginning, but I think this is really a case of how the guy perceived himself and the business. I believe guys like Lesnar and Lashley got into pro wrestling once they figured out collegiate wrestling only goes so far. Now don't take that the wrong way, I respect anybody who can compete at that level, or in any legitimate sport. But let's face it, there's no NFL, no MLB, no nothing for a wrestler for the most part except WWE or MMA. When Brock was signed (and I'm sure Lashley was much the same) MMA was not even a blip on the radar really, so WWE was the only real option for them. When guys come in because they see it as the only option vs. being something they're passionate about, you can see them being unhappy, if you couple that with pushing them to the moon and not having the proper understanding of how things work, you get people who baulk at the simplest things and flame out. Lashley was not pushed as the star Lesnar was though, and I doubt in 2 years or better people will even remember him.
The reason why Cena is hated by so many is because he has been booked as the next Hulk Hogan ever since his feud with JBL in 2004. If I memorized rightt, Cena was one of the most likable guys before his push. When success comes too easy and too fast, you should not expect wrestlers to have great loyalty to the company. You are aware of the "Lesnar incident", right? Not too mention the Rock...
I remember Lesnar well, and I pointed that out above. Your theory is flawed however as there have been many many guys who came into a company, got an amazing push, and were loyal forever, not just at WWE, but at other levels as well (take Roddy Piper refusing to wrestle on WWE shows in Portland when that territory was running out of respect for what they did to help his career). Rock is also not comparable as he did a hell of a lot for the company, and still came back even as his career took off when he could have walked away. At this point he's doing what's best for him and his family by staying away, when this company is headlined by the boss making a midget kiss his ass (and since they treat the midget like a little kid, it's like simulated pedophilia) and we have a brother-sister incest angle, does it really benefit a guy who's just begun to plug into the synergy of Disney to be there? No, it really dosen't. Rock owes the business NOTHING at this point, and people who want to begrudge Rock his success because he doesn't wrestle anymore were never truly fans of the guy to begin with.