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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-18 00:32:03

At 2/14/08 10:44 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: When Bobby Lashley debuted in 2005, Vince pushed the guy to sky, he was built as an unstoppable juggernut from the beginning, guess how he returned the favor? By leaving the company and leaving Vince crying like a baby! The last thing you want do is to push a guy to the sky from the beginning.

I do think Lashley was brought along too fast, but his main event push didn't really cement until 06, otherwise he hovered in the mid-card ranks. Agreed about overpushing a guy from the beginning, but I think this is really a case of how the guy perceived himself and the business. I believe guys like Lesnar and Lashley got into pro wrestling once they figured out collegiate wrestling only goes so far. Now don't take that the wrong way, I respect anybody who can compete at that level, or in any legitimate sport. But let's face it, there's no NFL, no MLB, no nothing for a wrestler for the most part except WWE or MMA. When Brock was signed (and I'm sure Lashley was much the same) MMA was not even a blip on the radar really, so WWE was the only real option for them. When guys come in because they see it as the only option vs. being something they're passionate about, you can see them being unhappy, if you couple that with pushing them to the moon and not having the proper understanding of how things work, you get people who baulk at the simplest things and flame out. Lashley was not pushed as the star Lesnar was though, and I doubt in 2 years or better people will even remember him.

The reason why Cena is hated by so many is because he has been booked as the next Hulk Hogan ever since his feud with JBL in 2004. If I memorized rightt, Cena was one of the most likable guys before his push. When success comes too easy and too fast, you should not expect wrestlers to have great loyalty to the company. You are aware of the "Lesnar incident", right? Not too mention the Rock...

I remember Lesnar well, and I pointed that out above. Your theory is flawed however as there have been many many guys who came into a company, got an amazing push, and were loyal forever, not just at WWE, but at other levels as well (take Roddy Piper refusing to wrestle on WWE shows in Portland when that territory was running out of respect for what they did to help his career). Rock is also not comparable as he did a hell of a lot for the company, and still came back even as his career took off when he could have walked away. At this point he's doing what's best for him and his family by staying away, when this company is headlined by the boss making a midget kiss his ass (and since they treat the midget like a little kid, it's like simulated pedophilia) and we have a brother-sister incest angle, does it really benefit a guy who's just begun to plug into the synergy of Disney to be there? No, it really dosen't. Rock owes the business NOTHING at this point, and people who want to begrudge Rock his success because he doesn't wrestle anymore were never truly fans of the guy to begin with.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-18 00:53:10

At 2/18/08 12:18 AM, The-Redangleprince wrote: DoD, try not to quadruple or even triple post like that.

You created the baseball club... You mean to tell me that you never noticed about Duke's tendency to do that?

Big Show is back, and he does look great. He looks very fit and ready to go. Welcome Back Show. Now what brand is he on?

I'm guessing RAW. Mostly because if they're going to do a WM angle with Show and Mayweather, it would make sense to have it play out on the "A show".

Triple H and Undertaker won the chamber matches. As it stands, its Orton vs Triple H and Edge vs Undertaker.

Pretty much everyone saw this coming... And I still don't like it!

Wow, this is awful. Didn't we just see Trips vs Orton a lil while back? And even if they DO add Cena into the mix to make a three way...its just bullshit garbage that is no way near worth $55. The undercard better get stacked fast, cause this is a real disappointment.

My guess is that Cena will worm his way into the ME and we'll get a triple threat... I think its safe to say that this triple threat wouldn't be as good as the one in WM XX.

And did anyone notice how the crowd turned on Punk when he went for the Three Amigos? I definitely wasn't expecting that. Though I am glad he lost the match. I guess we'll see him in the MITB come Wrestlemania.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-18 02:12:41

At 2/17/08 10:21 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Yup! Orton loses the match but it was DQ so he remains the champ. I still say Cena somehow gets in the WM main event and we end up with a triple threat.

Of course Cena will get in the WM main event. After all, Vince loves Cena's tight ass too much to leave his boy(friend) out of the ME of WM, no doubt about that. I am just happy that Orton retained and now is heading to WM with the gold. P.S: I also have a perfect prediction this time around. :)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-18 07:31:20

Yay for Big Show being back! Shame the poor guy got his nose broken before he could even have a match. Maybe WWE should tell it's quest stars not to actually try to hurt the performers.

So for WM it will more than likely be Orton vs. HHH vs. Cena. Not exactly the best thig I'd want to see, but at least we get Edge vs. Undertakre to balance it out.

From what I read they did a great job in establishing both Umaga and Jeff Hardy last night. Umaga was dominating and devistating, and it took several finiashers to put him away. For Jeff it took two pedigree's to get the job done. Very good booking in terms of character development.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-18 12:47:51

I'm quite pleased with how the the PPV went down. The heels were booked like total jobbers in the chambers by the sounds of it, but I think all the matches went more or less like I'd have said they would.
I definately see Orton, Trips and Cena headlining mania, and Jeff hopefully winning the MITB.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-18 13:02:10

No Way Out was pretty good on the whole, obviously there was room for mass improvements.

CM Punk - Chavo was a decent match. Better than the current ECW deserves. Shocked to see the fans booing Punk when he went for the 3 amigos. Looks like Punks now going into the MITB match (which i hope has eight people in it again :)) and did someone say Chavo against Kane? Damn that could be good. Give Kane a bit of gold again. Boy does he deserve it.

The Smackdown elimination chamber was the inferior of the two, but again not to bad at all. Finlay was the suprise in this for me. Didn't expect him to make as much of an impact as he did. Good to hear the "you cant wrestle" chants directed at Khali again :) Great reversal by Taker to end the match, and MVP's elimination was good as well. Hell of a chokeslam. Looks like The Deadman will be getting the gold back at Mania. No matter how stupid the creative team is, they'd never go as far as to break his undefeated streak. Should be a good match against Edge.

Flair - Kennedy. This and the next match were the only two i was 100% sure of. To end Flair's carrer a month before the biggest pay per view of the year would be such a waste. So yeah, the match was ok. I'm looking forward to see whos going to actually finish old man Ric off. All in all i thought Kennedy did ok too, there doing a good job getting him over as a heel. The figure four on the ringpost was gold. Takes me back a few years...

Edge - Rey, was probably the worst match on the card. It seemed like a complete repeat of there bout at the Royal Rumble. The finish was close to identical. Shame about Rey's torn bicept. Hope he makes it to Mania. The best thing about this match though was the return of a certain 7fter. The Big Fucking Show :) Is it just me though, or did he go from being face to heel in a matter of minutes. Started off with an emotional sounding speech "I missed this place" and then all of a sudden he goes after Rey. I figured Batista might make his way out here and the begginings of a fued between those two would unravel, since it had became clear The Animal wouldn't be in the main event at Mania. Will be interesting to see how they use this guy though. He looks in great shape, and i'm looking forward to seeing him wrestling again.

Cena - Orton, i didn't have high hopes for this one. I was expecting a certain Captain to get his belt back not even a month after his early return. Fortunatley someone had a different idea. Obviously Cena's going to go on to Mania despite this, and probably win his belt back. An ok match though, wrestling-wise. I liked how the crowd was about 50/50 for Cena/Orton. "Lets go Cena!" "Lets go Orton!" and repeat.

The RAW elimination chamber, the main event and definatley the best match of the night. Nothing else really came close. I really thought Hardy was going to steal if after kicking out the first pedegree. Then HHH grabs the chair, the heel turn begins and Hardy gets the win. Shame. Now were stuck with a fairly shitty RAW Wrestlemania main. Still, Hardy will hopefully go on the win the MITB match and damn well better win the gold. Umaga was great in this match as well. The double samoan drop was very impressive. Shaun turned out another solid performance, wonder who he'll be taking on at Mania. Jericho, like Shaun, i enjoyed watching. Get him out of this fued with JBL (the worst of the six) and maybe get him going against Hardy or Michaels. Both could be great.

Well thats my take on it anyway.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-18 15:21:22

Here's an update on Yuji Nagata.

Source: Gerweck.net

Good news today coming from Japan. Yuji Nagata's MRI results revealed no brain abnormalities but he will be undergoing several more tests over the next day, reports the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. Nagata had a dizzy spell and lost usage of his left side while training yesterday afternoon. He was preparing for a scheduled match with Hirooki Goto at Sumo Hall in Tokyo. It was feared the Japanese icon had suffered a possible stroke.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-18 15:28:18

I'm thinking since Orton got himself disqualified he's going to have to face Triple H and John Cena at Wrestlemania in a triple threat match.

And if Maria doesn't dump Santino Marella tonight ima cut myself.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-18 16:45:11

At 2/18/08 03:28 PM, mothballs wrote: I'm thinking since Orton got himself disqualified he's going to have to face Triple H and John Cena at Wrestlemania in a triple threat match.

And if Maria doesn't dump Santino Marella tonight ima cut myself.

I hope she don't pose. She's the only one that isn't a slut, to me.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-18 20:26:26

At 2/18/08 03:28 PM, mothballs wrote: And if Maria doesn't dump Santino Marella tonight ima cut myself.

I don't think she dumps him until probably Mania. But don't be all emo, don't cut yourself over wrestling.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-18 20:35:17

Yes, the crowd was split when Orton wrestled Cena last night, That would be ok if both were faces. But the truth is that Orton is a heel which pretty much tells you all you need to know about how much Cena sucks.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-18 21:07:52

At 2/18/08 08:35 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: Yes, the crowd was split when Orton wrestled Cena last night, That would be ok if both were faces. But the truth is that Orton is a heel which pretty much tells you all you need to know about how much Cena sucks.

I don't think it's that, I think it's more another case of fans telling WWE they're tired of the same old thing. We saw Orton/Cena what? Three straight PPV's before Cena went down? I think people are just desperate for WWE to do something new already. I sure am.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-18 23:41:54

At 2/18/08 09:07 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I don't think it's that, I think it's more another case of fans telling WWE they're tired of the same old thing. We saw Orton/Cena what? Three straight PPV's before Cena went down? I think people are just desperate for WWE to do something new already. I sure am.

For more proof, look at tonight's ME! The crowd was absolutely dead throughout the match and they only popped slightly when HHH Pedigreed both men. As each day passes more and more people want to see something different. No matter who wins at WM, the fans lose. Either another HHH title run, another Cena title run, or Orton continues his journey as the WEAKEST champion in a long time.

Basically... We're going to end up with the same old shit!

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-19 00:24:17

At 2/18/08 11:41 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Basically... We're going to end up with the same old shit!

As a matter of fact, Kennedy was SUPPOSED to win the WWE title at WM 24. Remember that he said that he would cash in at WM 24 after he won the MITB last year? I heard that he was supposed to be Vince's bastard son which was a storyline for his championship push. If memory serves right, he failed a drug test shortly after he won the MITB and lost his push as the punishment. Had Kennedy not failed the drug test, he would NOT lose his right to cash in to Edge (the match would never happen) and he would headline WM and win the WWE championship. As entertaining and skillful as he is, it is a shame that he FUCKED HIMSELF up. Sure you can say that Orton vs Cena vs HHH is the same old shit, but the company really does not have a choice after Kennedy busted himself.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-19 02:06:37

Pedigree on Cena, then one on Orton. MMMM, that made me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-19 06:40:47

At 2/19/08 02:06 AM, PantyWipe wrote: Pedigree on Cena, then one on Orton. MMMM, that made me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

That would nice to see. What if F.U. on Orton, then STFU on The Game?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-19 07:55:51

Wow, Big Show returns. And he wants to face Floyd Mayweather in a match. This will be a great fight.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-19 08:50:43

At 2/19/08 07:55 AM, youngblood26 wrote: Wow, Big Show returns. And he wants to face Floyd Mayweather in a match. This will be a great fight.

If you are suffering a massive head wound then yeah it will be. Then again if you were in that state a bowl of pudding would be just as exciting. Getting a boxer to fight Show is not exactly the best way to bring the guy back, but at least he's back. Lets just hope this doesn't become a repeat of the last time we had a boxing match at Mania. Bart Gunn gettig knocked out in a few seconds attempting to fight Butterbean.

Raw was "eh" for me last night. The cage segment was a good setup, really showing what an ass BL can be.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-19 12:54:33

At 2/19/08 07:37 AM, The-Redangleprince wrote: I'd really love to see Triple H turn heel and feud with Jeff over the Summer. They could tell the story of Trips taking Jeff under his wing after Survivor Series and Jeff growing exponentially since then. They could complete the story with Jeff finally getting the definitive win over Trips, possibly at Summer Slam.

It could be easy to pull off. Give Trips the title at Mania, then Jeff the MITB.
It could be easy to transition that into a good feud. And it would make HHH's run more interesting.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-19 15:50:54

At 2/19/08 12:24 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: As a matter of fact, Kennedy was SUPPOSED to win the WWE title at WM 24. Remember that he said that he would cash in at WM 24 after he won the MITB last year?

That is true.

I heard that he was supposed to be Vince's bastard son which was a storyline for his championship push. If memory serves right, he failed a drug test shortly after he won the MITB and lost his push as the punishment.

That is also true, insofar as that was going to make Kennedy a major player, I don't know if it would have meant a title match at Mania, but one can infer it probably would have elevated him to that level.

Had Kennedy not failed the drug test, he would NOT lose his right to cash in to Edge (the match would never happen) and he would headline WM and win the WWE championship.

No, he would not have because he lost the briefcase to Edge when it was feared he'd torn a muscle in his arm, or his pec, or something clean off the bone. It turned out much less serious when he was examined and had surgery, but the briefcase had already gone to Edge, been used, and the angle was over.

As entertaining and skillful as he is, it is a shame that he FUCKED HIMSELF up. Sure you can say that Orton vs Cena vs HHH is the same old shit, but the company really does not have a choice after Kennedy busted himself.

Sure they do, they could have tried putting Jeff Hardy in there based off the momentum he built the past few months and seen if he could draw. They didn't have to do what they did, this is just WWE playing it safe vs. trying something different and experimental.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-19 16:32:59

At 2/19/08 06:40 AM, youngblood26 wrote:
At 2/19/08 02:06 AM, PantyWipe wrote: Pedigree on Cena, then one on Orton. MMMM, that made me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.
That would nice to see. What if F.U. on Orton, then STFU on The Game?

Thatd be pretty good too. The last two things Cena did that actually impressed me were the FU on Mark Henry and when he FU'ed Triple H and Edge (I think it was Edge) at the same time, one stacked on top of the other.

The latter of the two being a while ago, Cena doesnt do much that impresses me. I think the coolest Cena match Ive ever seen is when he got stomped out by RVD at ECW, the crowd throwing back the shirt so many time was one of the most amazing things Ive ever seen. Talk about HEAT.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-19 19:02:29

Did Jeff get new music? I liked his old entrance better, it was just fit him. Probably because he had always used it while in the WWE. I guess I'll need to warm up to the new one.

JBL sure looked tough last night. He squashed Hornswaggle. Wasn't even given a fighting chance. So I guess Finlay will feud with JBL now? Or is that after he is done with Jericho?

Good show with Triple H dropping the pedigree on Orton and Cena.

Who do you guys want to see in MITB? Shelton Benjamin for sure. If Rey isn't too hurt, he would be a good addition. Guess we'll just have to wait to see.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-19 19:34:56

Well, RAW was "ok".

Big Show and Mayweather?? Made me a little mad cuz Show flinched to Mayweather, they're just pushing to much.

The Cage match was a little "messed up"?? Idk, to see someone like Hornswoggle get treated like that, was a little disturbing.

Cena at Wrestlmania again?? No........just, no...........

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-19 20:40:13

At 2/19/08 07:02 PM, boloneyman wrote: Who do you guys want to see in MITB? Shelton Benjamin for sure. If Rey isn't too hurt, he would be a good addition. Guess we'll just have to wait to see.

If anything, I'd imagine he'd be with Big Show in some capacity.
I'd like to see Shelton in the MITB. Maybe Kane too, I doubt he has anything else on. Then CM Punk too.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-20 03:50:21

At 2/19/08 10:02 PM, The-Redangleprince wrote:
At 2/19/08 07:02 PM, boloneyman wrote: Who do you guys want to see in MITB? Shelton Benjamin for sure. If Rey isn't too hurt, he would be a good addition. Guess we'll just have to wait to see.
Benjamin, Palumbo, Noble, Kane, Punk, Jeff, Kennedy, Umaga would be my ideal 8 for this year

I'm sorry, but Palumbo and Noble aren't ready for prime time yet. I think maybe Rey and perhaps...Big Daddy V would make a good addiction here's why:
Rey: High-flyer. Nuff said
BDV: He's bound to bring some other elements to a match. As most of here may know, he have never seen BDV in a ladder match, I think it'd be interesting to watch.

Sig by CapnCrunchDaPimp or JaY11. Thanks, Capn'/Jay.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-20 08:18:22

With Kennedy in the MITB match that leave it open as to who will face Flair at Mania. Watchig ECW last night gave me an idea on who it should be, someone who could use the push and break out of the area he is in. Shelton Benjamin. They could have a great match (they have in the past) and it could really be the thing to push him to a new level.

But if not he could show back up in the MITB. That would make three in a row though wouldn't it?

How many participants are going to be in that match this year anyway?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-20 10:25:02

At 2/20/08 08:18 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: With Kennedy in the MITB match that leave it open as to who will face Flair at Mania. Watchig ECW last night gave me an idea on who it should be, someone who could use the push and break out of the area he is in. Shelton Benjamin. They could have a great match (they have in the past) and it could really be the thing to push him to a new level.

I had the same idea... but with a different person >_>

CM Punk is the most over guy in ECW. He's in need of some high-profile wins, so why not have him retire Flair? I was actually expecting him to turn on Flair last night. Punk can talk about how he respects Flair for his accomplishments, but he doesn't respect Flair's lifestyle (The drinking and partying).

It wouldn't be that diffcult to pull it off, but since it would help make a new star I don't think WWE is going to do it.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-20 10:33:20

At 2/20/08 10:25 AM, pepeatumi wrote: CM Punk is the most over guy in ECW. He's in need of some high-profile wins, so why not have him retire Flair? I was actually expecting him to turn on Flair last night. Punk can talk about how he respects Flair for his accomplishments, but he doesn't respect Flair's lifestyle (The drinking and partying).

That would actually be a stellar storyline that made sense, thats why itll never happen.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-20 11:50:12

A good person to take out Flair would be a face, undoubtely. Maybe Triple H. Since they have a lot of past, it would be a good way to end Flair's career. But if they want a heel, I'd say maybe Orton. It'd boost his status as "The Legend Killer", however he's busy with thr title pic now...which reminds me, what are your thoughts on the recently-made Orton vs.HHH vs. Cena match at WM for the WWE title? I think Orton's gonna lose the title. To who I dunno. Who do you think'l win?

Sig by CapnCrunchDaPimp or JaY11. Thanks, Capn'/Jay.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2008-02-20 14:30:58

At 2/20/08 11:50 AM, D-Generate wrote: which reminds me, what are your thoughts on the recently-made Orton vs.HHH vs. Cena match at WM

I think it means that Trips won't be retiring Flair at Mania. Oh, and same old shit as well o' course.

Maybe Michaels to retire Flair? He inducted him into the hall of fame on RAW did he not? Something along the lines of "Before/After your in the hall of Flair, how about you give me both the honour and privledge of going one on one with you at the biggest sporting event of the year!".

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