Back again. :P I didn't finish last Thursday's TNA, but I caught SD at home. It ended up ending with a vomitfest, though.... >_< MAKE IT STOP!!!!! Yes, Rey, it IS sick, but we're doomed to deal with that shit for a while, I guess.
At 2/8/08 11:29 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:
At 2/8/08 10:19 PM, Outlaw88 wrote:
Think the Edgeheads will be the one's to get the tag titles back to SD? They beat the other top team in Wang/Moore twice now.
Apparently, Vince is trying to make everyone who allied with Edge champion in a pathetic attempt to rebuild the Revolution.
Btw, you double-posted that, so a puppy died.
At 2/11/08 07:27 AM, Outlaw88 wrote (in regards to Red):
You should apply for a job as a WWE writer. You come up with better stuff then they do.
I completely agree with that. It's a shame that Vince probably wouldn't go for any of it, though, since he's become an idiot.
At 2/11/08 12:19 PM, sixonenine wrote:
Ok so I saw TNA and I saw a wrestler by the name of "Sharkboy"?? WTF kind of personality is that?! Why does his so called personality mimic that of stone cold's?? It pisses me off because he's making a mockery of Steve Austin. Even his fuckin' music is the same!!!!
Sharkboy used to be just a guy in a shark getup than never spoke a single word; he kept getting his ass kicked constantly until he was badly incapacitated. Then, after a retardedly done comedy bit with him & his family watching over him, he, out of nowhere, wakes up & starts acting like Austin. From there, he's basically copied his entire gimmick, except it's "Sharkboy 24:7" "bit your ass", "That's the fishing line, because Sharkboy said so!", and bottles of clam juice in place of beer. Although he now also uses the Stunner (minus the "Stone Cold" part), he still does his Sharkfin Slam thing & his trademark sharkfin salute.
I've long been wondering about the legalities of that; I even wonder if Austin realizes that this is going on.....
At 2/11/08 01:22 PM, The-Redangleprince wrote:
lol, you damned casuals. Tiger Mask is a legend in Japan (there have been four over the years I believe) and curry man is actually someone you've seen before. The curry-man gimmick is just a succesful alternate personality played out in Japan. Its pretty entertaining if you ask me.
Thank you; no one disrespects Curry Man, damnit! Btw, if he's someone recognizable, then who is he, exactly? Wait, that might ruin it for me.....
And for the record, Japanese wrestling name schemes seem to be like those of anime characters - they tend to sound a little weird if you're not from there. :P And considering Tiger Mask & Curry Man are supposed to be BASED off of anime characters to begin with, it's no exception there.
Which reminds me, TNA has announced the return of the World X Cup. How awesome is this? I remember this event actually being one of the first things that brought me into watching TNA back when it was on FoxSportsNet. Those match ups were all really cool to see. I'm looking forward to its return.
Sounds interesting; what is it, exactly?
So, they were on FSN before Spike came to be?
At 2/11/08 07:03 PM, pepeatumi wrote:
As Red said Tiger Mask has been around for a while, hell, he's the inspiration behind King (You know, from the Tekken series).
I'm not surprised. :P
As for Curryman, there's always been this STUPID RUMOR that its actually Daniels under a mask. They're two different people. Daniels is bald, Curryman has hair. Daniels can't dance, Curry man is a great dancer. They're just NOT the same.
The wig could just have hair attached. But it'd be disappointing if it were just Daniels under there. Don't ask me why.
Besides, Curryman is hot, spicy, AND he tastes great. No one else can say that.
KINICHIWAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I love that. ^_^
At 2/11/08 09:03 PM, Outlaw88 wrote:
Whats wrong with Sharkboy? He's an awesome wrestler and obviously has a great sense of humor. It's nothing new for a company to mock or parody the other. Just look at Gillberg.
Good point; I remember him from the RAW 20th Anniversary, and it was blatantly obvious. Poor guy did get eliminated first, however.....
At 2/12/08 10:22 PM, Outlaw88 wrote:
Seeing Stevie tonight and the huge reaction he got was one of the best feel good monents I've seen in a long time. The crowd popped huge for him and he had their full support. I can only imagine how good that must have been for Stevie himself. I'm very glad to have seen that.
At 2/13/08 07:57 PM, boloneyman wrote:
Oh, Stephanie McMahon is pregnant again. I guess Hunter has been chilling with her the last couple of weeks.
At 2/16/08 10:26 AM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote:
At 2/16/08 10:23 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:
WWE is doing a good job in making Palumbo hated. It's probably a good thing that most don't remember him as the Chuck in the Billy and Chuck team. You know, the gay wedding storyline. Yeah, same guy.
I think it shows how unremarkable his previous runs were, that this is his third/fourth persona in the WWE, and every time he's been Chuck Palumbo.
Hopefully this gimmick will leave some sort of an impression. 4th time's the charm?
At 2/17/08 07:11 AM, MCU wrote:
It is Daniels under a mask. He is likely wearing a wig to be recognisable to his indy fans.
In the indies and Japanese indies, he wrestled as Curry Man.
Damn, you spoiled it for me......sneaking his way back in like that........clever SOB......
He should stick with that gimmick; he does better at it.
At 2/17/08 08:49 AM, PantyWipe wrote:
Sorry for the double post, but I didnt know wether or not you guys heard about this yet:
source: Wrestling Observer
-- Regarding Rey Mysterio's apparent biceps injury, it is being said that the muscle rolled up the arm, which would be a full tear. Mysterio is looking to avoid surgery at all costs because he doesn't want to miss WrestleMania. No word yet on what will happen with his title match with Edge at No Way Out tomorrow night.
Crap. He hasn't even been back for that long...........crap, that sucks. But who's available to take his spot?